What the... 20 seconds sprints and 10 seconds rest? That's like HIIT lite version? or what? I'm interested!
I asked months ago about HIIT in this thread because I read it was a better solution for weight loss (or lowering body-fat) than running long distance (I was running 10km in 50 minutes). So I'm like "cool, and it'll be less minutes exercising!" and I end with a routine of 60 seconds sprint / 50 seconds rest (8 times). You can imagine I'm nearly dead when I reach my 8th sprint, so... are this 20 seconds tabata sprints a good substitute for my HIIT routine? If I can get the same results from a 4 minute exercise... brbrbrbr
More questions about HIIT: why is it better for weight loss/low body fat than running long distance? Any studies that can demonstrate this?
I'm in good shape but I want to get rid of my belly fat. I know I have to lower my body fat and diet is the best way to get it, right? But my diet is a mess (not fast food mess, but I eat rice and pasta 3 times/week and a lot of bread) so first I want to get my exercise routine right and then I'll change my diet (I'm not eating bread for two weeks... I miss you!).
Now I'm running 3 times a week (2 times the HIIT routine mentioned before and 1 time 10km) and doing muscle exercises (push-ups, biceps, dead-lifts, planks...) twice a week just to maintain muscle while I do the running/cardio exercise. Is that right? wrong? what could I do better regarding this?
Thanks in advance!
And when I say my diet is a mess it's for things like this... (sorry for the cellphone pic)
This is my second leg since Christmas. Thank god it's the last before next Christmas but man it's soooooooo good... and also sooooo bad
