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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


StoOgE said:
I don't want to be Debbie downer, but it is extremely hard to qualify for that race. I know people who were college track athletes that can't hit those times. You have to be in insanely good shape to run a 4:00 time in a Marathon.

Plus, even if you do qualify, you get thrown in a lotto to actually get in the race.

NYC is a better bet, they allow like 3x the particpants... but that's still a very tough time to hit.

I agree. It took me 11 marathons before I was able to qualify. Technically, I came REAL close on my 4th marathon, but qualifying for Boston on your first attempt for males is pretty tough. If you guys have any questions about endurance events, feel free to either ask here or a PM. I've done 20 marathons (2x Boston), qualified 3 times and have done 1 Ironman last year; training for another this year.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
thanks for the marathon advice. I'm doing the lakefront marathon in the milwaukee area because, well.. it's close :p active.com had a recent "top five boston qualifiers" list and almost all of them were massively downhill and had over a 25% qualification. I have gone along the course for the lakefront marathon and it's not too bad. an overall decline grade and inclines aren't brutal. didn't know that boston was still a lottery after qualifying.. grr... still going for it, considering just 6 months ago I was borderline obese.

talisaynon - sorry.. to give a better idea, for me to consume that many carbs I am probably doing around 1600 calories a day with 150-180g carbs, 160g protein, and the remaining amount fat (30g or less). I'll have to look at his links, but that doesn't seem carb restricted to me at all.. everyone on atkins I've ever talked with was well under 100g per day in carbs, some hitting 30-50g tops.

as for low carb being the "ideal diet", you completely move around my point that you should work to be active, not work to be skinny. I was watching that jillian michaels show last night and I LOVED LOVED LOVED what she said to that 12 year old girl when she said she was promising to lose 20 pounds with her mom as inspiration. "I don't want kids to worry about how much they weight and losing weight. Worry about being active and being healthy and the rest will come together." Absolutely.


Game Analyst said:
I went from 235 pounds to 167 pounds in about 8 months. I cardio 6 days a week for about 85 mins at a time (I burn about 1100 calories per work out). I want to start lifting weights again but I do not know where to start (haven't lifted weights for a couple of years now). Any help would be appreciated.
download it for free. great read and pretty short as well.


borghe said:
thanks for the marathon advice. I'm doing the lakefront marathon in the milwaukee area because, well.. it's close :p active.com had a recent "top five boston qualifiers" list and almost all of them were massively downhill and had over a 25% qualification. I have gone along the course for the lakefront marathon and it's not too bad. an overall decline grade and inclines aren't brutal. didn't know that boston was still a lottery after qualifying.. grr... still going for it, considering just 6 months ago I was borderline obese.

Naw, Boston isn't a lottery after qualifying. It just sells out fast, the race sold out by the end of mid October. That's like the first time it's sold out since I can recall. All the power to ya for trying! 26.2 miles is serious business, especially anything after the 20 mile mark. You'll see. :D


First tragedy, then farce.
jenov4 said:
Naw, Boston isn't a lottery after qualifying. It just sells out fast, the race sold out by the end of mid October. That's like the first time it's sold out since I can recall. All the power to ya for trying! 26.2 miles is serious business, especially anything after the 20 mile mark. You'll see. :D

I've been training on my own for about 3 months and had been doing 15-20 mile clips on the weekends and tried a 24 mile run last weekend.. it was BRUTAL. I usually just drink water on my runs.. that was clearly not a winning strategy after I hit the wall. About mile 22-24 was really hard to keep my legs moving at all. I'm sure I looked like a fool to other people on the trail.

From what I can tell I'm going to have to start eating energy bars as I run.

And my 24 mile run took a clip over 4 hours so I have a long ways to go before I can think about qualifying for a real marathon.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
at this point in my shape, stamina and cardio I am not too worried about finishing. I get to the end of 13 miles right now and feel pretty damn good. So my goal six months ago was just to finish... but since then it looks like finishing (barring injury) is a likelihood, so now it's getting PR down to (hopefully, fingers crossed) a qualifying time.

StoOgE said:
I've been training on my own for about 3 months and had been doing 15-20 mile clips on the weekends and tried a 24 mile run last weekend.. it was BRUTAL. I usually just drink water on my runs.. that was clearly not a winning strategy after I hit the wall. About mile 22-24 was really hard to keep my legs moving at all. I'm sure I looked like a fool to other people on the trail.

From what I can tell I'm going to have to start eating energy bars as I run.

And my 24 mile run took a clip over 4 hours so I have a long ways to go before I can think about qualifying for a real marathon.
when I started going over 10 miles I started sucking down gel packets on runs... going by the standing rule of 60 calories of gel (aka sugar) per hour right now and it keeps me feeling decent during and after. shit no would I ever consider going more than an hour without carbs. My first super long run I went for 80 minutes without carbs (~8:10 pace) and wanted to shoot myself after about the 70 minute mark.
StoOgE said:
I've been training on my own for about 3 months and had been doing 15-20 mile clips on the weekends and tried a 24 mile run last weekend.. it was BRUTAL. I usually just drink water on my runs.. that was clearly not a winning strategy after I hit the wall. About mile 22-24 was really hard to keep my legs moving at all. I'm sure I looked like a fool to other people on the trail.

From what I can tell I'm going to have to start eating energy bars as I run.

And my 24 mile run took a clip over 4 hours so I have a long ways to go before I can think about qualifying for a real marathon.

The majority of marathons don't require any qualification, only the super big ones in the few largest cities. Even bigs like chicago don't require a time qualifier.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Insaniac said:
is beef jerky an okay snack to eat? I used to snack on miniwheats but those obviously can add up pretty quickly.

Yeah, just has a lot of sodium usually. As long as you don't need to watch your sodium for any reason it's good.


Quick check in!

starting weight: 364 pounds
check in 2 weight: 327.6 pounds
check in 3 weight: 315 pounds
check in 4 weight: 295 pounds

New Weight: 281 pounds

I feel pretty amazing right now after losing 81 pounds
Messi said:
Quick check in!

starting weight: 364 pounds
check in 2 weight: 327.6 pounds
check in 3 weight: 315 pounds
check in 4 weight: 295 pounds

New Weight: 281 pounds :D

I feel pretty amazing right now after losing 81 pounds
congrats dude, needs a feelsgood.gif

What is the time period on those check ins?


I started on March 8th, not quite sure what date the check ins are on. Usually the morning of the day I post it.

Oh and you wanted before and after pics :D I'd be happy to help.

This past summer on hols, at my heaviest.


Taken last week


Taken just today: Left is old depressed me, right is new fantastic happy me.



Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I guess this will be my first check in.

Starting Weight: 245lbs.
Goal: 185-195lbs

I used to weight about 280lbs with a size 42 waist. I dropped a lot of weight during my first year of college and went down to 210. Lately after this really shitty relationship and finally dropping that and getting my life in check I gained about 35 pounds. Finally going to do something about it and start running everyday, not eating after 7pm and getting back into P90X (how I originally lost all that weight).

I'll post a current picture in a little bit.
wenis said:
I guess this will be my first check in.

Starting Weight: 245lbs.
Goal: 185-195lbs

I used to weight about 280lbs with a size 42 waist. I dropped a lot of weight during my first year of college and went down to 210. Lately after this really shitty relationship and finally dropping that and getting my life in check I gained about 35 pounds. Finally going to do something about it and start running everyday, not eating after 7pm and getting back into P90X (how I originally lost all that weight).

I'll post a current picture in a little bit.


yuh check in for me for the first one.Been running alot and eating healthy so right now

Weight 173
Goal 150
Height 5,6

Its been tough kicking sugar but i finally got that under control.Im a picky eater so I basically eat the same stuff each day but I mean if it works while I lose weight I'm cool with it as I am someone who looks at it as just food if it fills me good.


talisayNon said:

sure bro. I was on weight watchers (low-fat) for awhile (1-2 years) and I'd have insane cravings, be generally hungry all the time, and lightheaded trying to adhere to their point system.

With low carb I do not have the same problems. Some days I eat 1000 calories because I maintain fullness all day and have no cravings to eat more. Generally I hover around 1500 calories, and I have no desire to eat more. None.

Right now I'm ketogenic (around 30 gs of carbs a day), but I'm trying to get at least 70 from more greens.

Low carb is how we were meant to live and sustain. I can't explain it, but there's something innately natural to my energy levels are all the time. Must be the lack of glucose spikes from all the white rice/cereal/bread I consumed before.

I read an interesting book about sleep cycles and sugar called Lights Out. The theory is Sugar/carbs were not available all year round in any significant way before agriculture and grains. Fruit was only available in summer. We would eat up in summer to store fat for the winter, and go into a semi-hibernation state for winter.

borghe said:
weight watchers is not a great example. it's starvation. not extreme starvation, but most people go to it with little to no exercise and try to essentially survive on 800-1000 calories a day, EVERY day, and then like you are saying can't stand on the days that they are just starving and feeling the need to eat more. This as opposed to eating 1200-1400 calories a day and just getting 30 minutes of exercise instead.

low carb was most definitely not the way our bodies were meant to survive. I do agree that our bodies weren't designed to handle the insane amounts of processed and refined grains and sugars that we have now. but the fact is that our bodies process carbs with considerably more efficiency than fat as energy is a good indication as to how our bodies work. just the combination of refined/processed grains growing in our everyday eating combined with fewer and fewer reasons to remain active and it's gotten us to where we are today. low carb came about for one reason and one reason only. because if you do not maintain an active lifestyle, there is no way to diet on a low fat diet and lose weight without serious calorie restrictions.

Low carb was definitely THE way we survived.

Weight loss on a low fat/calorie restricted diet is generally not permanent thanks to the effect they have on your metabolism. As soon as you go off the 'diet' and/or strict exercise regime you gain it right back. It has been proven that starvation/semi starvation (low fat or low cal) dieters end up gaining more back than they originally had the minute they increase their calorie count. Even if it's below their RDA.

An interesting link for you.

anyway, let's stop. I'm glad you feel great and it's working for you. just please also recognize that I consume around 150-180g of carbs a day and have managed to lose 50lbs on it.

150g is approaching 'low carb' so I'm not sure why you would argue against it?

As an aside, I have tried eating low fat, semi restricted chronic exercise and it really didn't work for me. I've lost 2 belt notches (I'm not weighing myself because it leads to OCD continually checking the scales) in 3 weeks eating 50-100g carbs, and unlimited fats/proteins which I eat till satiety. (which I never felt eating low fat). Two meals a day and I don't really get hungry in between either.

4. you are absolutely correct on this one. Unfortunately for all of your going on about saturated animal fats, which I don't necessarily disagree with, with animal fat comes animal cholesterol, which IS (or at least can be) very bad for humans. Arterial plaque, high blood pressure, and heart disease. It comes down to eating the right kind of animal fats that are lower in cholesterol vs. the high saturated fats high in bad cholesterols. And yes, we moved to polyunsaturated fast from vegetables to reduce cholesterol and only in the past 15 years have we been finding that this was a horrible change and now trying to instead move to low polyunsaturated fast and moving to monounsaturated fast... the problem there is these good fats cost an arm and a leg (olive oil, coconut oil, peanut oil, etc).

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but dietary fat and cholesterol do not impact levels of serum cholesterol.




PacoDG said:
Dude, nice f'n job! Keep it up!

Cheers man. I am trying so hard at this. It is nice to finally see some results. I have fought with losing weight for years but this is the first time it has stuck and I am seeing real progress.

But thanks for the nice comment, it made me :D
ch0mp said:
Weight loss on a low fat/calorie restricted diet is generally not permanent thanks to the effect they have on your metabolism. As soon as you go off the 'diet' and/or strict exercise regime you gain it right back. It has been proven that starvation/semi starvation (low fat or low cal) dieters end up gaining more back than they originally had the minute they increase their calorie count. Even if it's below their RDA.

An interesting link for you.
maybe i should add i've lost 70 lbs before on running+low fat only to gain it right back.
Doing it right this time.
If you're doing a low calorie diet, make sure that you cycle every few weeks. Going low calorie for an extended time will cause a rebound effect, since you've basically starved yourself. I suggest staying low cal for 4-8 weeks, then cycle off to a normal diet(keep it at the caloric maintenance level) for a week or two before continuing on with the diet.

My friend has lost 60 lbs since January, basically following this routine. He'd restrict his diet during the week and let loose during the weekend (make sure to carb up), all while lifting for an hour and running for 30 minutes.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
borghe said:
umm.. you are missing a big important problem here with your ideas... insulin isn't generated non-stop just because you have simple carbs to break down. insulin is only used to move excess/unneeded carbs to fat reserves. too many sugars/grains lead people to fatigue because they cause massive insulin surges which is basically the sugar crash.. you're absolutely right. BUT, by being active, you mitigate the need for insulin release. I am certainly not an expert on it, but a good friend's daughter is diabetic and I've had long discussions with him on insulin and sugars. basically they have to keep track of every calorie of sugar she takes in, but doesn't concern himself at all with insulin injections if she is remaining active (she's 12 years old). it's when she is on down time that they have to make sure what she's eating, and getting injections if sugar gets too high.

That's true for some people, not true for others. Depending on the person's insulin sensitivity, they can quickly use carbs as fuel on the fly, store the rest as fat, and blood glucose goes down quickly along with insulin allowing glucagon to supply body fat to organs/tissue between meals.

Other people are more resistant to insulin, especially over time. It's an area being researched, but some stuff I've read suggests that the insulin receptor in some people gets worn off. When this happens, cells don't respond to insulin (except fat, they have infinite sensitivity because of the way insulin puts fat into fat cells is different). Because the cells don't respond to insulin, blood sugar levels stay high, more insulin may be produced to try to force blood glucose levels down. This is pretty much insulin resistance or "metabolic syndrome". Causes all sorts of problems.

And other people just eat carbohydrates constantly, making them a little overweight even if they are still insulin sensitive.

your metabolism is based on your diet, your body's expectancy of that diet (stability), AND your body makeup!!!! More muscle, higher metabolism, lowered fat, higher metabolism. More fat and/or less muscle, lowered metabolism. The thought that metabolism is controlled solely or majority through diet is a horrible conception. Your metabolism is your body's ability to metabolize food of which your actual body composition plays just as important a part in that as the food you're eating. You even said it yourself "If you're the type of person to [blank]". Well, only some of that [blank] is heredity and genetics. A lot of that [blank] is overall physical health and fitness. I'll use myself as an example. I said previously that I've had my share of bacon egg and cheese biscuits from McDonald's over the last six months.. not a ton, but that's not the point here. The point is even just a regular breakfast value meal from mcdonalds before was enough to "sedate" me before.. give me a BEC and hashbrowns and I would be full, and REALLY interested in just sitting there doing my work. Nowadays if I decide to cheat and grab a BEC meal, I am still able to (and most definitely have) go out and run 5-7 milse immediately afterward.

You're still looking at the human metabolism as an entire system with input and output. There are fat people that have a high metabolism and others with a slow metabolism, Taubes talks about it in his book.
My point is that chronic elevated insulin causes the metabolism internally to store calories as fat.

Instead of:
deltaEnergy = CaloriesIn - CaloriesOut

I'm expanding the equation to say:

0 = deltaEnergy = CaloriesFromFood - CaloriesBurntByLeanTissueInNormalMetabolism + CaloriesStoredInFatByInsulin - caloriesReservedByReducedMetabolism

More muscle or not, when the body is starving, it does things like reduce thyroid hormone output to conserve calories. So if you're eating a diet high in carbohydrate (sugar & grains in particular) and especially if you have become insulin resistant, your body increases caloriesReservedByReducedMetabolism.

Notice that deltaEnergy always equates to 0. The body always balances the equation.

So in a hypothetical metabolic scenario, say an adult with 2000 calories needed eats 2000 calories, but 60% are grains.

CaloriesFromFood = 2000
CaloriesBurntByLeanTissueInNormalMetabolism = 2000

Now because insulin is so high all of the time, more fat is stored than released. Fat tissue absorbs 200 calories per day.

CaloriesStoredInFatByInsulin = 200

0 = deltaEnergy = 2000 - 2000 + 200- caloriesReservedByReducedMetabolism

caloriesReservedByReducedMetabolism = 200

The reduction in metabolism would only happen if you chose not to act on the resulting hunger.

Think about what happens when this equation is reversed. Say someone has 30% body fat, and goes on a low carb diet. Because they have so much fat, and their body no longer has the insulin to keep it in check, free fatty acids gush into the blood stream. Lean tissue gets all of the energy it could ever want.

The effect is that a low carb diet decreases hunger because internally lean tissue gets plenty of calories. Energy levels go up, body temperature increases. Eventually as body fat % decreases, the lower levels of insulin start keeping fat in check more and more. This is why really obese people can lose weight so fat on a low carb diet and then as they approach 20% body fat the rate of progress slows down.

IMHO, and I sincerely mean IMHO, both of those plans are awful. the one is essentially maintaining a sedentary lifestyle trying to shock your body.metabolism into reaction... it may work at a chemical level for losing weight, but aside from weight loss there seriously can't be a benefit to your overall health with it. There's not going to be a whole lot of cardiovascular improvement, not a ton of strength improvement... it seems like the goal is to just shock your metabolism to adapt to a low carb diet to eat off fat a few times a week.

likewise, your goal on an elliptical should never be to "get to 600 calories as fast as you can". Stay at 60-70% of your max heartrate for 30-40 minutes a day three or four times a week and your cardiovascular health will shoot through the roof.. and trust me, 60-70% of your max heart rate for most people will be a mild jog even at their healthiest, and for someone incredibly unhealthy to start with, you're looking at not even a brisk walk to start with. When I started my program at 50lbs overweight, I couldn't even maintain more than 4mph for over an hour. I'd get 30 minutes under my belt and wouldn't have even burned 250 calories. No way in shit I was planning on doing that for another hour just to get over 600 calories burned. staying with it for 40 minutes 4 times a week I slowly went from 4mph, to 5mph, to 6mph, to 7mph, etc. I am currently at 7.7mph for 40 minutes on my short days and 70-90 minutes on my long days. It seems intense, but I do this 4 times a week max, sometimes only 3 times a week. There's weightlifting in there also, but because of my running very little of my lifting right now works on my legs.

All 3 of those were the same plan. Sisson recommends avoiding chronic cardio because it tears up the body. Stuff like joints, and chronically pushing your self to the limit can cause inflammation.

He recommends instead doing mostly low intensity cardio, but to do things like 20-30 minutes of sprints per week, and to do weight lifting. To give you an idea, here he is doing the sprints:


The guy is nearly 60, gotta be doing something right.

The idea of sprinting, weight lifting, etc is to trigger an increase of testosterone, growth hormone, and to keep muscle mass. The amount of calories burnt in cardio relative to resting metabolism isn't that great, unless you do copious amounts.

people are sedentary today because of our lifestyles and society. Everyone owns a car, everyone would rather drive around the parking lot for an extra 5 minutes finding a closer spot rather than parking in the back and walking for an 2 minutes. The supermarket is 10 blocks away and you have to run and grab a couple of things, drive there, don't walk. Our parents do this, it's how we are brought up as kids, and it's how we behave as adults. It's not about carbs, fats, or proteins. It's about the way we are raised and society in general. Blaming it on carbs misses the fact that most people behave the exact way I pointed out just now. cutting out that spaghetti from dinner might burn off a pound of fat or so in the long run, but that someone would drive around for 5 minutes to save themselves 2 minutes of walking is the REAL problem here that needs addressing. That is definitely more of a contributing factor to their mental and physical health than 50g of carbs.

Your argument here is again tied to the idea that the human body is a furnace, that all calories in are the same and have the same effect on hormones. This was refuted in the 1960s when insulin was understood. We can inject rats with insulin and they die of starvation. They are obese, but because insulin locks away fat into adipose tissue, they cannot use it. They die because their hearts are cannibalized.

Overeating causes people to get fatter as much as overeating causes a child to grow taller. That's faulty causality.

So we should probably stop disagreeing with the various implications of our two top level hypotheses, and stick to the top level.

edit - in regards to the studies you posted, again you bypass the point that for the carbs to be converted to LDL, they have to be processed by insulin and converted to fat to begin with. I am NOT saying that carbs turned to fat are better than fat stored as fat. Of course that would be ridiculous (and incorrect) to argue. My argument is that in a healthy individual who consumes a reasonable number of balanced calories, those carbs will rarely be converted to fat to begin with.

Carbs aren't converted into LDL. They are converted into triglycerides. Excess triglycerides makes LDL small and dense.

Carbs are always processed by insulin, otherwise you have type 1 diabetes and you're pee is full of sugar.

When body fat goes into blood circulation, it becomes free fatty acid. Not tri-glycercide.


"Triglyceride (triacylglycerol, TAG or triacylglyceride) is an ester composed of a glycerol bound to three fatty acids."

That glycerol bond is only possible from glucose metabolism. It creates glycerol-3-phosphate, which allows insulin to convert free fatty acids into triglycerides and put it into fat cells.

as for your insistence that one your body adapts to the low carb lifestyle that the energy generated from fat will be sufficient... yes, your body will adapt to survive.. but having talked to a TON of people who have no intention on promoting one lifestyle over the other, low fat wins out over low carb every time in terms of stored energy and how energized you feel over the course of the day. even people who insist on continuing low carb have admitted that they have more energy doing low fat, but do low carb simply, asI've been getting at, because they don't have the time in their schedule to maintain a regular exercise pattern. I mean if you are looking to keep fat off I suppose.... but it's just as easy for someone to be incredibly unhealthy at 160 pounds and 12% body fat as it is for someone to be unhealthy at 38% body fat and 290 pounds. That's why I always say.. healthy is NOT just being at a healthy weight. Healthy is being able to go out and sprint for 10 minutes as fast as you possibly can and not hitting your max heartrate, and then being at your resting heartrate within 2-3 minutes tops. If you can't do that, I don't care how little you weigh or how much fat you've lost, you're still looking at a pretty compromised and unhealthy lifestyle that will likely be filled with minor-to-major health problems down the road.

I'm not sure if this is a debate, you're just talking about what you think is true without anything to back it up.

Fat metabolism via glucagon, free fatty acids, and protein is extremely natural. Grains didn't exist before 10,000 years ago. Humans ate very high amounts of fat and protein as the basis of their diet up until then. I don't understand how you can think that fat metabolism is fringe without any evidence.

If you want evidence that a high fat diet, high protein diet is healthy, I've already posted at least two studies showing that such a diet improves all health markers when compared to high carb diets.

I could dig up studies on the Inuit, Eskimos, Pacific Islander tribes near New Zealand, and African tribes that all ate very high amounts of fat and protein, were then introduced to grains, got sick, and then when they returned to their old diet they lose weight and got healthy again. There are dozens of these accounts in Taubes book. The British Empire had a lot of missionary doctors that documented this between 1850-1920. But I don't think you'd believe it, so I'm not going to bother.

anyway, it's a subjective argument in a weight loss thread. IMHO it sucks that in many cases people only care about the weight and not really about the actual health, but it's their body and their right to care about what they want.. so I'll drop it. I just wanted to provide the counterpoints to your low carb information. Yes it has validity in weight loss and fat reduction, but studies have most definitely shown that it is potentially inferior and an unnecessary dietary method in an active lifestyle. Yes going low carb will prevent insulin from turning sugars to fat, but so will a very modest amount of exercise. I guess I'll leave it at that. peace. :)

Just to clear up any confusion, I'm not saying that all people need to eat low carb. I'm saying that people struggling with their body fat % should consider it, because insulin is the hormone that stores fat. Without it, the body cannot store very much (see type 1 diabetics untreated, skinny as a rail).

It's fine that we have a disagreement, but understand that I'm not promoting fat loss at the cost of health - at least that's not what I believe. You can disagree with the premise of insulin/leptin, but I would be interested in studies demonstrating that they don't matter, or studies demonstrating that high fat and protein diets are harmful.

Likewise I don't believe that you are promoting high grain diets at the cost of health for athletic performance because I don't believe that you believe that such a diet is harmful.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
talisayNon said:
maybe i should add i've lost 70 lbs before on running+low fat only to gain it right back.
Doing it right this time.

This is a huge point. They did a bunch of forced starvation diets in the military in the 1950s, and it drove subjects to the point of insanity. As soon as they were put back on their old diet, they gained it all back very quickly.

The point is that body fat is largely regulated by insulin, and hunger by leptin and insulin. Controlling these hormones directly is the easiest and most efficient way to reduce body fat.

Fasting by exercising can do it, but you also lower lean tissue. A lot of the fat loss is legitimate because you've increased testosterone and growth hormone, and they compete with insulin. Insulin tries to store and lock fat, anabolic hormones try to burn it.

Inevitably people will stop exercising excessively to correct a high insulin diet, and when that happens the original body fat % set point returns, as regulated by the hormones leptin/insulin.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
elrechazao said:


I guess this will be my first check in.

Starting Weight: 245lbs.
Height: 6ft 1in.
Goal: 185-195lbs

I used to weight about 280lbs with a size 42 waist. I dropped a lot of weight during my first year of college and went down to 210. Lately after this really shitty relationship and finally dropping that and getting my life in check I gained about 35 pounds. Finally going to do something about it and start running everyday, not eating after 7pm and getting back into P90X (how I originally lost all that weight).

I'll post a current picture in a little bit.


First time seeing this thread. You guys are all fucking amazing.

I plunged into a healthy life style with weight lifting, cardio, and a healthy diet about a month ago and I have made decent progress. I look forward to posting my before/after pics here in the winter.

Once again, huge inspiration guys!


Messi - congrats on your transformation. It's a massive difference, although I think you looked cool rockin' the Hurley look in the before pics.

How did you do it? Any tips from your experience?


Non-existent Member
Guys, how do I maximize fat loss during high impact workouts? I do Muay Thai 4/5 times a week, and between going for a run before class, two hours of cardio and drilling, an hour of sparring and some weight lifting afterwords, I eat A LOT to keep myself energized. The problem is, I'm fairly certain I'm over eating. I've noticed that I gained a small layer of fat over my abs. Back when I didn't do MT, keeping my body fat percentage was a cinch. I didn't need copious amounts of energy from food, and thus, it was much easier to control what I ate. Nowadays, if I eat a small meal before class, I find myself exhausted halfway through. So I eat until my hunger is completely satisfied. There is no point in the day when I find myself "starving" because I'm constantly eating and snacking. Calorie counting has never worked for me, and it's way too tedious of a process. Should I just try and eat less? Or are there specific foods I can eat to keep my energy levels high while reducing fat storage?
ProudClod said:
Guys, how do I maximize fat loss during high impact workouts? I do Muay Thai 4/5 times a week, and between going for a run before class, two hours of cardio and drilling, an hour of sparring and some weight lifting afterwords, I eat A LOT to keep myself energized. The problem is, I'm fairly certain I'm over eating. I've noticed that I gained a small layer of fat over my abs. Back when I didn't do MT, keeping my body fat percentage was a cinch. I didn't need copious amounts of energy from food, and thus, it was much easier to control what I ate. Nowadays, if I eat a small meal before class, I find myself exhausted halfway through. So I eat until my hunger is completely satisfied. There is no point in the day when I find myself "starving" because I'm constantly eating and snacking. Calorie counting has never worked for me, and it's way too tedious of a process. Should I just try and eat less? Or are there specific foods I can eat to keep my energy levels high while reducing fat storage?

Cut the carbs, increase the protein. Also, you'll need to count your calories. Do it for a few weeks to get a good idea of meal size and meal frequency.


relies on auto-aim
Messi said:
Cheers man. I am trying so hard at this. It is nice to finally see some results. I have fought with losing weight for years but this is the first time it has stuck and I am seeing real progress.

But thanks for the nice comment, it made me :D
Niiiiiice! Congratulations on making it this far, keep on going!

Once summer hits I will join in this thread and get to work.


This is my progress after a couple months:


in the second pic I'm flexing so its a little exaggerated. however i'm pleased and I really want to trim the fat now



So I just wanted to say that this topic did contribute to me deciding to start another attempt to loose my weight. All the before/after pictures are quite inspring.

3 years ago I managed to loose 35kg/75pounds (125->90/275-200) over the course of ca. 8 months but since then I've gained alot of weight.

It's going quite good so far.
June 1st(start date): 137.5/303
Today: 132.8/293

My temporary goal is 115/250 till July 30 (when my holyday starts), which is quite ambitious.

I've started with a day of fasting and then a day of raw vegetables.
Apart from the first two days I havent really cut back on the amount I eat, but I've adjusted my regular diet to contain alot more fresh vegetables and alot less carbonhydrate. Of course I switched snacks/sweets (I love my chocolate) for fruits and banned soft drinks.
I have not started any extra physical activity but I plan to start going to swim regularly when I drop under 125 and later start some weight training.

No pics yet, but if all goes well I'll post them.


Insaniac said:
This is my progress after a couple months:


in the second pic I'm flexing so its a little exaggerated. however i'm pleased and I really want to trim the fat now

A couple months? God damn. Nice going dude.


pubba said:
Messi - congrats on your transformation. It's a massive difference, although I think you looked cool rockin' the Hurley look in the before pics.

How did you do it? Any tips from your experience?

There was nothing special to what I did. I just cut out all the late night eating (eating 3 sandwiches and chips at 2-3am will kill you) Used to drink 5 Liters of coke daily about a year 2 years ago, I have not touched a drop of coke since I stopped.

One day I woke up and decided I was sick of being heavy and being called hurley (sure it was cool for a while but soon after it began to hurt) So I cut down to 3 meals a day, no fast food, fizzy drinks, crisps. I have not had any of that in 3 months. I don't miss it. I eat my 3 meals. 9am breakfast, 1pm lunch 6pm dinner. Dont feel like I am on a diet. I am just eating better. I work 3-11 most days and I was eating greasy hot deli food. Now I cook a big batch of food each month and put them in small cartons and freeze them. So now I can have a proper dinner in work.

I go to the gym as often as I can which ends up being about 7 days a week now, I love running. Never thought I would write that :lol but I take it a bit easier every 3 days, still doing a light jog in the gym and light weights. The proper days I run faster and longer every few days ect.


Insaniac said:
This is my progress after a couple months:


in the second pic I'm flexing so its a little exaggerated. however i'm pleased and I really want to trim the fat now


damn, great job


Messi said:
There was nothing special to what I did. I just cut out all the late night eating (eating 3 sandwiches and chips at 2-3am will kill you) Used to drink 5 Liters of coke daily about a year 2 years ago, I have not touched a drop of coke since I stopped.

One day I woke up and decided I was sick of being heavy and being called hurley (sure it was cool for a while but soon after it began to hurt) So I cut down to 3 meals a day, no fast food, fizzy drinks, crisps. I have not had any of that in 3 months. I don't miss it. I eat my 3 meals. 9am breakfast, 1pm lunch 6pm dinner. Dont feel like I am on a diet. I am just eating better. I work 3-11 most days and I was eating greasy hot deli food. Now I cook a big batch of food each month and put them in small cartons and freeze them. So now I can have a proper dinner in work.

I go to the gym as often as I can which ends up being about 7 days a week now, I love running. Never thought I would write that :lol but I take it a bit easier every 3 days, still doing a light jog in the gym and light weights. The proper days I run faster and longer every few days ect.

Keep at it dude. You feel good now? Think about how awesome you'll feel in another year or two at this rate. You'll also have some of the best before/after photos to show off too.

On a personal note, two days of low (under 50g) carbs down. I ate so much goddamn protein yesterday, possibly the most I've ever done in a day. Raw green beans were kind of a godsend... super filling, kind of fun to eat, and the whole damn bag was 100 calories and 20 carbs while simultaneously being super filling.


I feel really great. The best I have in years. I wake up smiling and wanting to do stuff whereas I used to wake up with headaches and depression.


I've seen saying I'd post pictures for a while now, so instead of writing a paper this morning I went through and found the worst pictures of myself when I was at my heaviest (230-240lbs at 5'8") between January 2009 and June 2009:

And here are a couple shots taken within the last month:

Now hovering right below 190 lbs. Goal is around 160 but that might take years or be unattainable with the muscle gain, I'm not really sure. Point is, long way to go still in my eyes.

This is the first time I have seen those before shots since I took them last year and it was a bit eye opening for me just how overweight I was. Always blows my mind when people would say "you weren't fat!". Even though I picked the worst shots I could find, I don't know how anyone could say that and mean it.


I wouldn't consider your before pictures "fat". You're just heavier. Definately more athletic now, but I don't think anybody walking down the street would be like "wow that dude's fat" in your before pictures.
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