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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I had posted earlier I was going to blog about my weight loss. I started my job as a mail carrier about 6 weeks ago and knew Id be dropping weight and was going to share. To be honest, Im too fucking tired when I get home to do anything but sit down and fall asleep.

We have a small post office with a large area to cover. Out routes that are walking typically cover 8-10 miles. One of our routes is around 15 miles when you include the stairs and walking to the actual boxes from the street.

The first two weeks, I thought I was going to have to quit. Everything hurt. To make matters worse, I didnt get to start when I was told I was going to start because someone in orientation had suffered a close family death and my orientation was pushed back two weeks. However, I had already quit my previous job so now I had two weeks at home to do nothing. I gained 5 pounds to top off at 305 when I started. It was hell. Its summer in St. Louis. Ive almost quit, cried, screamed, whatever people do when they are pushed past their frustration threshold, I was dealing with it. My feet had blisters the size of baseballs on the bottom of them.

Six weeks later, I have lost 30 pounds.

Now I can powerwalk through a route. The heat doesnt really hurt that much anymore and my entire lower body is becoming very toned. There are a few skinny guys at my station who look real good that say they came in very overweight.

I dont even think about it anymore. I just put one some Crystal Method, grab my mail and start walking. Before I know it, my mail is gone and Im clocking out. Its awesome money so thats very good motivation for me since Im pretty much a materialist person. lol.

Im still tired as fuck when I get home which is also good because Im pulling in some awesome OT and the money is just starting to pile up since I dont spend it.


Junior Member
I find the dramatic change posts in this thread to be very captivating and I commend all of you who've come so far. Around high school/beginning college I weighed 220 and held that weight for a few years. Then, one year, I just didn't like the shape of my body and dieted my way down to the 160-180 range.

I have to give so, so many props of you guys who've done the same thing but healthily, because I never could have done it. My diet was essentially fasting, and I would eat something like two buttered bagels a day, one mid-morning and one mid-evening. Now, I've maintained this weight for years and I still have to do the same thing. If there's a period where I get out of control and eat out too much/drink too much non-diet soda or beer, I'll do an insane/unhealthy fasting diet consuming from 500-1300 calories most days. It works, but I wish I could do it the right way. When I'm approaching 180 I'll do this and work my way back down to 165 in 2-3 weeks. Then, I'll let myself crawl back up to 180 over a couple months.

The only dramatic negative I've felt is that when in weight loss mode, I'm generally pretty low energy despite the fact that I still exercise (bike rides, running, general exercise), so my performance in all these things is greatly diminished. Also, I'm basically incapable of putting on any good muscle increases because of how I've been doing this.
If you have the willpower to eat two bagels a day why don't you use that energy to eat healthy portions of healthy food? You've got it in you. MTFU


So I'm going on a diet and would just like to know if I can keep in my ham and cheese loaf sandwiches on whole wheat bread or if I should drop it.


Ok.. so I am on board here as well, hoping for a bit of moral support I guess. I was working my way up for a while now to get more active etc, I am 5,9(? whatever 69 inches is) or 1m76.
I weigh 211 Lbs (which is already down from 223 late last year) , and today got my blood results in and my cholesterol,which is high end to begin with had spiked enough for the doc to want to talk me into using meds.
I really do not want to use meds for that at 35, so I will star with diet and exercise first and see in 6 months if it made a difference.
I picked up a pair of good running shoes today.. I am ready to try and turn my life around.
Which me luck GAF.. once I see change I will let you see the before and after pics..
lets hope I can do it.


Junior Member
RiskyChris said:
If you have the willpower to eat two bagels a day why don't you use that energy to eat healthy portions of healthy food? You've got it in you. MTFU

I've come a long way from that first diet where I lost the most of the weight. Nowadays when I'm losing weight it will be something like turkey, grilled chicken salad, lean cuisines (for the convenience unfortunately), but I'm still definitely guilty of not eating healthy portions. I dunno, I just think when you're busy and not that concerned, it's actually far too easy to eat less than 1200 calories of food.


vitaminwateryum said:
Finally found some old terrible pictures of myself!

About when I was 15.

16, had to crop out some family from this one.

Aaand 18, taken yesterday. Sitting at about 180lbs.

Unfortunately I couldn't really find any of myself at my worst when I was about 14. The highest I ever let myself get up to was about 280 and looking back I'm not really sure how I was lazy enough to let myself get that heavy. Great fuckin' job to some of the people posting in here, it takes a hell of a lot of hard work and dedication.
Like.. What is with your hairline? You have no forehead. It's like you are reverse balding! Just like Jamie Foxx.



Thanks to teh_pwn and others, I have started a low carb program as of today. Had a big bowl of green beans with some butter and garlic, along with 6 small pieces of bacon for brunch (I woke up late).

Full cream in my coffee with 1 sweetener tasted surprisingly good. I bought a cauliflower and roasted a chicken last night, so that will be my other 2 meals of the day.

Unsurprisingly I don't feel any different yet but I think the next few days is going to be tough. I'm a notorious sweet tooth and am already feeling like eating something sweet. I've prepared some diet jelly (0 carbs) and will eat some of that later today with some cream.

Weight: 266 pounds
Height: 184cm

I need to lose 46 pounds to meet a goal of mine, which is to get down to 220 pounds before I return to teaching English overseas. I've done the Atkins thing in 2006 and lost 40 pounds then, so I know it will work. It's just breaking my sugar addiction which is the hard part..


I'm a slim guy so I'm trying to bulk up, but I'm not looking forward to eventually toning up and shedding excess fat around my midsection. To you brave souls that have lost tons and tons of weight, you have my respect. Jesus that must have taken some crazy dedication.


NomarTyme said:
Have some really dark chocolate(about 70% or higher) to curb your sweet tooth.

I'm not sure if I can eat this in the 'induction' phase.. I'll look it up. Thanks for the idea!

I cooked some onion, cooked chicken, green beans with some bacon grease (left over from breakfast) for my lunch. Ate it with some lettuce.

Now I'm sitting here and my mouth is watering.. I really want something sweet. It sucks that my sister is a chubster like me and has delicious Lindt chocolates, rice crackers, candies etc all over the house.

Gnn..... Gotta get through these 3 or 4 induction days. I remember how hard it was last time - but it's worth it. I want a transformation like Messi :D


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
pubba said:
I'm not sure if I can eat this in the 'induction' phase.. I'll look it up. Thanks for the idea!

I cooked some onion, cooked chicken, green beans with some bacon grease (left over from breakfast) for my lunch. Ate it with some lettuce.

Now I'm sitting here and my mouth is watering.. I really want something sweet. It sucks that my sister is a chubster like me and has delicious Lindt chocolates, rice crackers, candies etc all over the house.

Gnn..... Gotta get through these 3 or 4 induction days. I remember how hard it was last time - but it's worth it. I want a transformation like Messi :D

I don't have those sorts of hunger spasms, then again I never had a huge sweet tooth. It was usually the flour+cheese+meat that got me (emphasis on the flour).

87% cocoa chocolate may be something to try. Lindt sells it in Texas, sometimes it's in the baking isle. Something like 3 grams of carbs (after deducting the fiber).

Personally I always have plenty of cheese, nuts, chicken breasts, sausage, and eggs handy. If that doesn't do it with your sweet tooth, look for the somethings awful link, has a bunch of low carb recipes with artificial sweetners. Better then real ones I guess.
pubba said:
I'm not sure if I can eat this in the 'induction' phase.. I'll look it up. Thanks for the idea!

I cooked some onion, cooked chicken, green beans with some bacon grease (left over from breakfast) for my lunch. Ate it with some lettuce.

Now I'm sitting here and my mouth is watering.. I really want something sweet. It sucks that my sister is a chubster like me and has delicious Lindt chocolates, rice crackers, candies etc all over the house.

Gnn..... Gotta get through these 3 or 4 induction days. I remember how hard it was last time - but it's worth it. I want a transformation like Messi :D

Eat some fried or scrambled eggs in coconut oil and cinnamon, maybe some real cocoa powder. Pretty good stuff and usually satisfies the sweet tooth.

Trader Joe's carries a great 85% dark chocolate made by Valrhona, if you've got one in your area. Very low sugar and high fat.

Raspberries or blackberries in real whipped cream is also a good one. Just don't add sugar to the cream (maybe a pinch for now).

In time, you'll grow really sensitive to anything sweet.


Think I've entered ketosis! Had practically zero carbs Thursday and Friday (mainly snacked on tuna and the odd protein shake) and today ate shitloads of everything, but again... fuck all carbs. Had a HPLC bar, about 100g of pepperoni chips (look them up, fucking awesome), a slice of cheese, chicken breast, zero-sugar flavoured mineral water, a berocca and a shitload of water. Bathroom visits have been minimal (but no less regular) and still weigh the same as I did just before I went to bed last night and with no exercise. It's fucking incredible! Really full now, too. Not the slightest bit hungry.

The more I read about ketosis, carbs, grains etc... the more I understand what they do (and what they've done) to my body. Strongly advise everyone here read into it.


Thanks for the advice guys. I used to gorge myself at meal times and then have a huge 'crash' straight afterwards which found me reaching for something sweet.

Tonight was a challenge, my sister took us out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant.

I ordered a chicken omelet (and asked for no sugar/sauces) and it was pretty nice. Unfortunately they drizzled BBQ sauce or something on the top, so I tried to scrape it off and soak it up with paper towels. Also ordered a big dish of stir fried green Chinese veges with garlic - no other sauces.

All up, I think I may have ingested around 20 g of carbs today. I have my ketostick ready for the morning just to see if there are any signs yet. Last time I did it, my ketostick showed ketosis the very next day.

One thing I have noticed (and it's only day1!) is that I'm really foggy headed and lose my train of thought. Bear in mind - I was eating a shitload of carbs up till now. 3 or 4 pieces of toast for breakfast, sugary coffee with milk, then munching on crap all through the day. My dinner always had potatoes or some other carb.


I find that every so often I get some really gnarly headspins, too. Don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. But yeah, no carbs really is the way to go.

BTW Reading about those ketosticks, I've read that if you've drunk a shitload of water, it will register as "trace" due to dilution. I think once you've knowingly entered ketosis a few times (however that happens) you can pretty much tell without them. Maybe it's jut a vibe? ;)

PS. Look into Alpha Lipoic Acid. I've read that (amongst other benefits) it helps redistribute the target of carbs from fat storage to muscle. Not completely, but it's supposed to be amazing... just check it out :)


MercuryLS said:
I'm a slim guy so I'm trying to bulk up, but I'm not looking forward to eventually toning up and shedding excess fat around my midsection. To you brave souls that have lost tons and tons of weight, you have my respect. Jesus that must have taken some crazy dedication.

I agree. Will power/dedication is the only thing keeping me going right now.


First tragedy, then farce.
Alright weight loss GAF, I come to you today with a cautionary tale.

Up until I started my diet about two months ago I knew I wasn't really getting enough fiber so I always drank metamucil twice daily to make sure everything was properly lubricated in my bowels..

when I started the diet which included a lot of fruits, whole grains and leafy greens I had to cut the metamucil out because I was the gassiest dude in the world and I quickly figured out I was getting like 3x my daily fiber need.

So, I cut the metamucil. This week, I never really made it the store to get any veggies or fruit because I've been so busy at work and running in the evening so I didn't really have any time or energy to go. I also didn't have any energy to actually cook food either so I wound up making a lot of turkey bacon and eggs and eating out at lunch stuff that wasn't all that great for me..

and I noticed that I had gained 4 pounds this week... which didn't seem right because despite my eating poorly nutritionally I was netting around 1700 calories a day which should be enough to shed two pounds. and I knew it wasn't water weight because I wasn't retaining water... then all of the sudden a giant gut bomb hit me and it felt like I was carrying a bowling ball around.. and I did all the math in my head and figured out what went wrong. My body went from getting about 12g of dietary a fiber to none for 4-5 days.

So I drank metamucil and ate some ruffage for the next day and a half and lets say I finally dropped the 4 pounds of excess.. umm.. "weight"...

So, long story short.. don't fuck with your fiber intake.


First tragedy, then farce.
pubba said:
One thing I have noticed (and it's only day1!) is that I'm really foggy headed and lose my train of thought. Bear in mind - I was eating a shitload of carbs up till now. 3 or 4 pieces of toast for breakfast, sugary coffee with milk, then munching on crap all through the day. My dinner always had potatoes or some other carb.

Be careful if you get light headed. could be a drop in blood pressure from not getting enough energy to operate properly. If you have a BP monitor you should check it out and make sure everything is good.

More likely it is your brain craving shit that it is used to getting that isn't good for it. Your body gets used to processing shit food and even though eating poorly isn't good for you, your body adapts as effeciently as it can and becomes used to working within certain nutritional paramaters.. even if they are bad for you. So when you change something it can be a complete system shock.

Then there is the fact that some stuff (carbs, caffeine, fat, salt) can actually be mildly addicting.

I went through some major headaches for a few days when I cut caffeine from my diet a few years back.. and through a milder but definitely there thing when I cut my salt and refined carb intake way way down as well.

Be careful if you start feeling really listliss though and don't cut your calorie intake all at once... ween yourself down to a good caloric level over a few days/weeks if it was really high before. Going from 4000 calories a day to 1700 cold turkey can be really rough on your body.


Question for all the low-carb specialists - what kind of oil should be used during cooking? Olive oil? Virgin, extra-virgin? Canola?


StoOgE said:
Alright weight loss GAF, I come to you today with a cautionary tale.

Up until I started my diet about two months ago I knew I wasn't really getting enough fiber so I always drank metamucil twice daily to make sure everything was properly lubricated in my bowels..

when I started the diet which included a lot of fruits, whole grains and leafy greens I had to cut the metamucil out because I was the gassiest dude in the world and I quickly figured out I was getting like 3x my daily fiber need.

So, I cut the metamucil. This week, I never really made it the store to get any veggies or fruit because I've been so busy at work and running in the evening so I didn't really have any time or energy to go. I also didn't have any energy to actually cook food either so I wound up making a lot of turkey bacon and eggs and eating out at lunch stuff that wasn't all that great for me..

and I noticed that I had gained 4 pounds this week... which didn't seem right because despite my eating poorly nutritionally I was netting around 1700 calories a day which should be enough to shed two pounds. and I knew it wasn't water weight because I wasn't retaining water... then all of the sudden a giant gut bomb hit me and it felt like I was carrying a bowling ball around.. and I did all the math in my head and figured out what went wrong. My body went from getting about 12g of dietary a fiber to none for 4-5 days.

So I drank metamucil and ate some ruffage for the next day and a half and lets say I finally dropped the 4 pounds of excess.. umm.. "weight"...

So, long story short.. don't fuck with your fiber intake.

I get plenty of fiber through nuts but my fiance eats basically none because he eats primarily meat, eggs, cheese, and limited vegetables and has no problems at all fwiw. Fiber works by rupturing the cells lining your intestines and lubricating with the fluid that comes out. Lack of carbohydrate bulk combined with a lot of fat and protein will naturally lubricate (but you'll go less because your body is more efficient)

hsukardi said:
Question for all the low-carb specialists - what kind of oil should be used during cooking? Olive oil? Virgin, extra-virgin? Canola?

Butter primarily, everything else is just as fine. It doesn't really matter.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
hsukardi said:
Question for all the low-carb specialists - what kind of oil should be used during cooking? Olive oil? Virgin, extra-virgin? Canola?

Something I'm not an expert on, but I know a little bit.

Two considerations:
1. How healthy the oil is to be used by the body.
2. What temperatures the oil remains stable at (and how stable it is when you buy it).

Healthy oils that I focus on:
Fish Oil (cold, I take supplements, you can buy liquid oil at health stores - should be refrigerated)
Butter (low heat, real butter is hard to find. Usually only 2-3 products of 50. Most are margarine)
Extra virgin Olive oil (cold/low heat - salads)
Coconut Oil (medium heat)
Animal fats from meat

I don't use high heat, but Palm seems to be a good one.




teh_pwn said:
Something I'm not an expert on, but I know a little bit.

Two considerations:
1. How healthy the oil is to be used by the body.
2. What temperatures the oil remains stable at (and how stable it is when you buy it).

Healthy oils that I focus on:
Fish Oil (cold, I take supplements, you can buy liquid oil at health stores - should be refrigerated)
Butter (low heat, real butter is hard to find. Usually only 2-3 products of 50. Most are margarine)
Extra virgin Olive oil (cold/low heat - salads)
Coconut Oil (medium heat)
Animal fats from meat

I don't use high heat, but Palm seems to be a good one.



Grape seed oil is healthy, and is supposed to be good/better for higher temperatures.


corporate swill
whitehawk said:
Like.. What is with your hairline? You have no forehead. It's like you are reverse balding! Just like Jamie Foxx.



my eyebrows are sort of raised in that picture. never had anyone compare me to Jamie Foxx though, :lol


End of day 2 and I'm pretty sure I'm in ketosis. My urine smells like funky chicken soup and the ketostick changed colour for the first time when I dropped some on it.

I cheated a little this evening and had a handful of frozen berries with some full cream and diet jelly. Man... it tasted goooood after eating meat and cauliflower for the last few days.

Surprisingly - I can feel my mood lifting a lot. Maybe that's just because I know this is working.


First tragedy, then farce.
Your semen is going to taste like shit eating red meat and cauliflower.

Don't let any girlfriends/boyfriends near it.


pubba said:
Surprisingly - I can feel my mood lifting a lot. Maybe that's just because I know this is working.

I normally eat low carb aside from oatmeal in the morning, but I ran out of oatmeal last week and decided to try going without for a little while. I am so much more talkative and upbeat it's scary. Ketogenic diets should be prescribed for depression (at least to try, it definitely doesn't hurt). :D


teh_pwn said:
Something I'm not an expert on, but I know a little bit.

Two considerations:
1. How healthy the oil is to be used by the body.
2. What temperatures the oil remains stable at (and how stable it is when you buy it).

Healthy oils that I focus on:
Fish Oil (cold, I take supplements, you can buy liquid oil at health stores - should be refrigerated)
Butter (low heat, real butter is hard to find. Usually only 2-3 products of 50. Most are margarine)
Extra virgin Olive oil (cold/low heat - salads)
Coconut Oil (medium heat)
Animal fats from meat

Thanks! I went ahead to get Extra virgin olive oil with low acidity (less than 0.4%) that can take fairly high heat from the list on that page.

It's not easy for me to buy Ketostix where I am so I'm not sure whether I'm in Ketosis but I guess confirming isn't that important. My fridge is now equipped with bacon, sausage, eggs, cheese and milk. I'll probably need to stock up on veggies in the next few days.

I think I'm basically almost out of the low-carb flu.. took almost a week for me, but when I was in it I seriously COULD NOT think clearly beyond that mental fog. Weight has moved only very slightly but I'm pretty patient.. let's see what happens.


Being fat is a fucking miserable existence. You sweat for no reason, low confidence, clothes don't fit, etc...

I decided, enough is enough in early May. I used to be 245 pounds and now I'm 220. This has been my game plan:

Breakfast: Really small bowl of Special K with skim milk
Lunch: Half a deli sandwhich, whole grain bread, lettuce, tomato, miracle whip
Dinner: whatever, my family always cooks something different, but whatever it is I eat a small portion usually with a small salad (tomatoes, onions, celeri, cucumbers, red/green peppers, etc...) and fat free dressing

Exercise: 2.75 miles on the treadmill every day, switching between 1 minute of 3.5mph and 1 minute of 6mph throughout each session (though sometimes I just have to give myself 1 minute and a half of 3.5mph, to give my legs a rest). Yesterday I did 2.75 miles in 36 minutes and 22 seconds, I don't know if that's good but I'm still proud. :D

I haven't eaten any fried foods for about a month.

At first it was really hard to eat so little (well, at least compared to before), because man, I love eating.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
StoOgE said:
Your semen is going to taste like shit eating red meat and cauliflower.

Don't let any girlfriends/boyfriends near it.

Wow thread derail.

When people say things like this I always wonder how often they actually come in contact with semen or if possibly they have happened upon "delicious" semen somewhere?? It sounds like something you could buy from a vending machine in some obscure JRPG maybe.

Well over 7 years now no matter what my bf ate* it's always tasted either meh or terribad, never bordering something I would put in my mouth if I wasn't extremely f-ing horny. I think the point is no one sane cares because they're focused on doing a good job.

*includes everything from almost an entire Edible Arrangements to seafood to every kind of foreign food you could imagine.


Good luck with the diets everyone.


i have a question for you guys. i'm trying to lose weight. around 217lbs atm. i'm a big soda drinker. i probably consume anywhere from 4 to 6 a day. well, for the last five days i haven't had a single one. i've been drinking water instead. but, i've been using those little packets of water flavor drink mixes. are those okay to use or are they basically turning my water into sugar water?
metamonk said:
i have a question for you guys. i'm trying to lose weight. around 217lbs atm. i'm a big soda drinker. i probably consume anywhere from 4 to 6 a day. well, for the last five days i haven't had a single one. i've been drinking water instead. but, i've been using those little packets of water flavor drink mixes. are those okay to use or are they basically turning my water into sugar water?
depends what they are. You need to look at the nutrition info. If they are artificially sweetened, then you're fine. See how many calories there are to know.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
metamonk said:
i have a question for you guys. i'm trying to lose weight. around 217lbs atm. i'm a big soda drinker. i probably consume anywhere from 4 to 6 a day. well, for the last five days i haven't had a single one. i've been drinking water instead. but, i've been using those little packets of water flavor drink mixes. are those okay to use or are they basically turning my water into sugar water?

They probably are artificial sweeteners with no calories, right? Just look on the pack. While there's some debate about whether that stuff's actually "good" for you, if it's the kind I'm thinking of it's got no carbs/calories and isn't going to affect your diet.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
metamonk said:
i have a question for you guys. i'm trying to lose weight. around 217lbs atm. i'm a big soda drinker. i probably consume anywhere from 4 to 6 a day. well, for the last five days i haven't had a single one. i've been drinking water instead. but, i've been using those little packets of water flavor drink mixes. are those okay to use or are they basically turning my water into sugar water?

If it's artificial sweeteners, I wouldn't say that they are healthy. But they are probably healthier than real sugar.

If the soda was caffeinated and you are tempted to go back, just drink some coffee with cream (real cream, not the sugar stuff).
LaneDS said:
I'll start by saying everything I'm likely to type has been said better elsewhere in the thread by more informed folks in better shape. But I'll share anyway in the hopes it helps others.

Step 1: Get fed up with yourself. That helps a lot! Being able to take all those negative emotions you've got about your weight, life, or whatever and focus them into "I'm going to fix this" is oddly useful. This is, of course, mostly a joke, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't factor in some days for me.

Step 2: Recognize that these things are not diets, these things are not temporary fixes. Your goal should be to get in the best shape of your life and stay there. Which is obviously a life-changing outlook. Remind yourself it'll be a long road and there will be peaks and valleys. You'll make mistakes. But keep your eye on the prize and fix those mistakes as you encounter them. You can disregard this step if you're, y'know, Superman or something. In which case, call me, we should hang out and fight crime and stuff.

Step 3: Why am I using steps? I'm not sure. Fix your diet. At the peak of my fatness I was eating fast food sometimes twice a day and that obviously is a terrible idea for a bunch of reasons (surprise: I save a lot of money making food and eating healthier! ...although all this protein I'm buying lately is a bit costly, but that can be ignored). Even if you hate exercise, like many, many folks in here have said... fixing your diet is the bulk of the battle. My one year of heavy (ha!) weight loss stemmed from making small changes to my diet and working out 4-6 times a week. Trying to go from all fast food to a diet where you only eat very healthy overnight sucks and I don't recommend it unless you are, again, Superman. Make manageable changes to your diet and after you get those down, improve your diet a bit more. I went from fast food to buying my own food (largely frozen meals that were slightly less terrible) to making my own food to the point where I cook for myself at least twice a day (over a year's worth of time).

Step 4: Exercise. Anything that you find tolerable and lets you exert yourself physically. Some kind of physical activity along with step 3 (which is more important) will go a long way. It'll suck horribly at first, but it eventually gets easier. And eventually when you start seeing the results, it becomes a little addictive and a lot rewarding. If you can exercise lots and diet well... you'll be where you want to be in no time. Do both if you can, toning up is nice.

Step 5: Talk about what you're doing with someone. Friends, family, GAF... doesn't matter. That's partly why I like this thread so much, it's good to encourage folks. My roommate and I have been pretty good about yelling at one another to go to the gym for a while now and it has certainly helped us both. Chart your progress. I use WiiFit as a scale (and nothing else) because it will log your progress. Graphs are great, especially if you can make the bad ones decrease and the awesome ones increase.

So there, not sure if I missed anything, and it's nothing revolutionary, but maybe it'll help someone. Hopefully it will.

Thanks!!! I really appreciate it.


Just found this thread while hovering the World Cup one... First of all, congrats to everyone in here that had the will power to start an healthier life style. You guys are an inspiration to me.

My story... I had an episode of back pain this January, severe enough that prevent me from picking up my own 5 months old son and put me to bed for 5 days straight. Had a cat scan of the column, thank god there were no visible disk disease or structural alterations so the problem was mainly due to muscle spam due to my over weight. So, long story short I decided to start on a diet with a nutritionist supervision, but the exercise program is the biggest difficulty for me due to a chronic lack of time...

So... My numbers.

January: 335 pounds
Today: 291 pounds

My height: 6 feet 3 inches

I will post my before and after pics when I reach my goal of 240 pounds...


elrechazao said:
depends what they are. You need to look at the nutrition info. If they are artificially sweetened, then you're fine. See how many calories there are to know.

thank you guys for the replies. so far, the water flavoring has been great. no real desire for caffeine yet. i'll try the coffee w/ cream if i get the urge to drink one.

and the little packets have no sugar, so i guess it's artificial. i think they may be 10 calories per pack too. still, i think i could drink ten bottles of this stuff and still be better off than drinking one can of soda. i hope so anyway.


xelios said:
Wow thread derail.

When people say things like this I always wonder how often they actually come in contact with semen or if possibly they have happened upon "delicious" semen somewhere?? It sounds like something you could buy from a vending machine in some obscure JRPG maybe.

Well over 7 years now no matter what my bf ate* it's always tasted either meh or terribad, never bordering something I would put in my mouth if I wasn't extremely f-ing horny. I think the point is no one sane cares because they're focused on doing a good job.

*includes everything from almost an entire Edible Arrangements to seafood to every kind of foreign food you could imagine.


Good luck with the diets everyone.

It may depend on the person but one of my ex's had really nasty and he ate horribly and my current BF recently tasted absolutely horrible since staying with his dad and eating lots of red meat. I don't think it ever tastes "good" but it can taste quite horrible depending on what you eat.. So it kinda does matter, especially when you swallow. Just sayin'.

In weight loss news, I feel like I've been looking a bit slimmer since I came back home after my visit up north at least where we ate lots of bad food. Feeling better, back to drinking a LOT more water. I don't think I've lost much in my waist yet though so we'll see. I'm not hardcore dieting or anything so I guess I shouldn't expect anything major, just slowly. Hope I can fit into my jeans again sometime soon though. :(


OptionN, ShiftN
Around ~100kg this time of the year, a year ago.



August 09, I got the flu and i went down to 95kg in less than 5 days...


Last week. I started working out seriously, doing cardio and shit every day and stopped eating shit. 88kg, & 1'89m and i think i'm doing losing weight.




"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
While playing Red Dead Redemption in Mexico, the music kept reminding me of Mexican restaurants. Pretty much the only time I've heard that style of music. And I was hungry, so I kept thinking of Mexican food.

So I decided to craft a better mexican meal. Fairly low carb, high calorie, high fat, and moderate protein. Some of the low carb skeptics may disapprove due to the high saturated fat content, but it's pretty awesome:

Fajita seasoned, grilled beef strips
Refried beans
Mexican Cheese
Real, whole sour cream
Real guacamole (avocado, not soybean bs variety)
Pico De Gallo

It was fantastic. I could probably improve it a bit by tweaking some ingredients.

I've also started exercising more, see if the idea of exercise + low insulin levels accelerates my results. I'm about 2 inches down on my waist, 2 more to go. Results slowed down in the past month (been on it for 2.5 months) because I wasn't adhering as well. I was eating some old protein bars constantly that I thought were 10 grams of sugar alcohol which I was thinking was permissible since I already bought them, but it turns out it they had 30 grams total. Damn my laziness for not checking.
SuperÑ said:
Around ~100kg this time of the year, a year ago.


August 09, I got the flu and i went down to 95kg in less than 5 days...


Last week. I started working out seriously, doing cardio and shit every day and stopped eating shit. 88kg, & 1'89m and i think i'm doing losing weight.

I must say you look better in the first three pictures. However, do you FEEL better? That's more important.
teh_pwn said:
While playing Red Dead Redemption in Mexico, the music kept reminding me of Mexican restaurants. Pretty much the only time I've heard that style of music. And I was hungry, so I kept thinking of Mexican food.

So I decided to craft a better mexican meal. Fairly low carb, high calorie, high fat, and moderate protein. Some of the low carb skeptics may disapprove due to the high saturated fat content, but it's pretty awesome:

Fajita seasoned, grilled beef strips
Refried beans
Mexican Cheese
Real, whole sour cream
Real guacamole (avocado, not soybean bs variety)
Pico De Gallo

It was fantastic. I could probably improve it a bit by tweaking some ingredients.

I've also started exercising more, see if the idea of exercise + low insulin levels accelerates my results. I'm about 2 inches down on my waist, 2 more to go. Results slowed down in the past month (been on it for 2.5 months) because I wasn't adhering as well. I was eating some old protein bars constantly that I thought were 10 grams of sugar alcohol which I was thinking was permissible since I already bought them, but it turns out it they had 30 grams total. Damn my laziness for not checking.

The good Mexican spots still use lard, too. You can spot them pretty easily, since the "healthy" ones love to advertise "No lard" in the windows.

Indian is another good high-fat, low-carb cuisine. Just skip the rice (or skimp on it) and make sure they cook with real ghee, not vegetable oil.

I'm just wondering if these places use real lard or hydrogenated lard. Gotta practice my Spanish, I suppose, to find out.


OptionN, ShiftN
Sgt.Pepper said:
I must say you look better in the first three pictures. However, do you FEEL better? That's more important.

Well, in my favor i must say i'm pretty drunk in the last two pictures, and the camera those were taken with make my look skinnier than i really am. I'll try to take better photos tomorrow.

And yes, now i'm i can run faster and last longer, so i'm feeling much better with myself. Not to mention the beautiful lady i'm dating since i lost weight ^^


pubba said:
No probs here on the semen issue. I'm too fat and gross to have a lover at the moment :D

Meh, fat people have lovers too. ;o based on your weight/height posted that's around the same as at least two of my ex's. :lol


SuperÑ said:
Well, in my favor i must say i'm pretty drunk in the last two pictures, and the camera those were taken with make my look skinnier than i really am. I'll try to take better photos tomorrow.

And yes, now i'm i can run faster and last longer, so i'm feeling much better with myself. Not to mention the beautiful lady i'm dating since i lost weight ^^
I think you look better skinny, simply because in the earlier pictures, your head is so small compared to the rest of your body.
Sgt.Pepper said:
I must say you look better in the first three pictures.

I agree. You look really muscular in the first 3 pics(nice chest and shoulder definitions). If you had done a 2 lbs a week cut while lifting, you would have been nice and ripped in less then a year. You look underweight in the last pic, though that might be the look you're looking for.


OptionN, ShiftN
Dresden said:
I think you look better skinny, simply because in the earlier pictures, your head is so small compared to the rest of your body.

Believe me when i say i don't have a small head :lol Must be a perspective thing..

@Masta_Killah: I know, it's time to get my arms back ;_; Anyway, as i said, i'm not that slim, it has to be a photo issue. I'll take proper photos when i can.
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