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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Danger Will Robinson!!!

This morning for breakfast I ate 2 QuestBars and about a serving of cottage cheese. These QuestBars are going to be easy to abuse since they're so easily consumable and healthy.

...I mean, I shouldn't view these as eating anything bad...lots of fiber, a little sweetener, some nuts and whey protein. Nothing in there is really killer at all. But eating two of them FEELS wrong. IT FEELS WRONG MAN!

Sometimes when I don't feel like having my usual lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I just go to a local health food store and buy 5 bars and eat them all as my lunch since they fit my total calories. :D

They really nail the taste which is why I can't wait for new flavors.


Fucking flu. I feel like death and haven't exercised on 3 days and have been eating more cause I'm just sitting here all day.

I really wanna go jogging or something. I feel like this at the moment:

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Danger Will Robinson!!!

This morning for breakfast I ate 2 QuestBars and about a serving of cottage cheese. These QuestBars are going to be easy to abuse since they're so easily consumable and healthy.

...I mean, I shouldn't view these as eating anything bad...lots of fiber, a little sweetener, some nuts and whey protein. Nothing in there is really killer at all. But eating two of them FEELS wrong. IT FEELS WRONG MAN!

What's the carb level in those? Maybe I need to find some...


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Weird day today...

2 QuestBars and Cottage Cheese for breakfast.
Salad w/Grilled Chicken
Way too many Macadamia Nuts
5 QuestBars (fuuuuck!) and Cottage Cheese for dinner
Like 2 pounds of celery
Tons of water


Not good


Weird day today...

2 QuestBars and Cottage Cheese for breakfast.
Salad w/Grilled Chicken
Way too many Macadamia Nuts
5 QuestBars (fuuuuck!) and Cottage Cheese for dinner
Like 2 pounds of celery
Tons of water


Not good

Hope you enjoy the bathroom for the next 12 hours.


I love QB but I don't think I'll be eating 7 in a day, real food is still the best choice. People posting on their FB wall claim to eat 8-10 a day when they travel.

On a totally unrelated note, get health insurance guys. I just got my bill for my blood tests, almost $1,200. Plus all the doctor visits, the sonogram, and I have an MRI and another blood test next week, holy shit :[[[ Than the surgery itself, I am fucked.


I may have to take a before pic soon. Started at 205, down to 198 right now. Still have a long way to go until I reach my goal, but I'm making progress!


relies on auto-aim
Danger Will Robinson!!!

This morning for breakfast I ate 2 QuestBars and about a serving of cottage cheese. These QuestBars are going to be easy to abuse since they're so easily consumable and healthy.

...I mean, I shouldn't view these as eating anything bad...lots of fiber, a little sweetener, some nuts and whey protein. Nothing in there is really killer at all. But eating two of them FEELS wrong. IT FEELS WRONG MAN!
What's the carb level in those? Maybe I need to find some...
Don't want to rain on your parade, but the last time we talked about Quest bars, the 'fiber' can often be treated as sugar by people. YMMV. I personally wouldn't call any synthesized plant sugar fiber.
I-O or IMO (Isomalto-Oligosaccharides) seems like a made fiber sweetner from starches. EU finds it doesn't seem to act like fiber, some American college study does. Hmmmm. Might as well give it a shot and see if it kicks me out of keto or makes me feel awful. -saccharides seems like a giveaway though...

Cautions: In case of gastrointestinal
discomfort or abdominal bloating, IMO use
should be discontinued
Warnings: Very high dosages (> 40 g/day)
may develop gastro-intestinal discomfort

Also it seems like it does have a substantial affect on blood glucose/sugar? At least on some Diabetics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BjvnjO04t4
Whether this is due to easily digestible proteins, or the starchy-malty sweetener I'll leave for you to decide.
I love QB but I don't think I'll be eating 7 in a day, real food is still the best choice. People posting on their FB wall claim to eat 8-10 a day when they travel.

On a totally unrelated note, get health insurance guys. I just got my bill for my blood tests, almost $1,200. Plus all the doctor visits, the sonogram, and I have an MRI and another blood test next week, holy shit :[[[ Than the surgery itself, I am fucked.
Fly out of the country dude. It's fucking cheaper. I was in Taiwan and decided to get a blood test. Cost me like $30.


Got a question: is it possible to get something like fatigue to cardio?

By this I mean, if I run a 1 1/2 miles every time i go to the gym, like 6 days a week, do I actually lose endurance for each consecutive run?

All I can say is that I've noticed that sometimes I feel like I don't have as much energy as I usually do and pulling off 1 mile feels more difficult, than days where i didn't run the previous day, I go 1 1/2 miles easy peasy.

Also, can diet sodas in any way cause your body to gain weight, or affect weight loss progress? I'm curious because I always have cravings for soda once in a while but i try to avoid sugary drinks. All i've ready online is that drinking diet soda mentally causes people to eat more because of the zero calories they're getting from the soda.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Don't want to rain on your parade, but the last time we talked about Quest bars, the 'fiber' can often be treated as sugar by people. YMMV. I personally wouldn't call any synthesized plant sugar fiber.

Fly out of the country dude. It's fucking cheaper. I was in Taiwan and decided to get a blood test. Cost me like $30.

It's a prebiotic fiber (food for your gut flora). yeah, it's a form of carbohydrates (as are all fibers), but the most consistent results from people who've tested their blood sugar before and after ingestion of Quest Bars (even diabetics) have shown no impact on blood sugar (many have actually shown lower blood sugar after ingestion).

Provided you don't have something like leaky gut and take probiotics every now and then, you'll be fine.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Day 1 post 7 QuestBars + Celery + Macadamia Nuts + Salad: No massive amounts of pooping.

That is all.
Got a question: is it possible to get something like fatigue to cardio?

By this I mean, if I run a 1 1/2 miles every time i go to the gym, like 6 days a week, do I actually lose endurance for each consecutive run?

All I can say is that I've noticed that sometimes I feel like I don't have as much energy as I usually do and pulling off 1 mile feels more difficult, than days where i didn't run the previous day, I go 1 1/2 miles easy peasy.

Also, can diet sodas in any way cause your body to gain weight, or affect weight loss progress? I'm curious because I always have cravings for soda once in a while but i try to avoid sugary drinks. All i've ready online is that drinking diet soda mentally causes people to eat more because of the zero calories they're getting from the soda.
I've been running in the mornings for the past few months, and I'd say there is a definite fatigue factor. I'm finding that it's best to mix it up - shorter sprints for a few days, a few days long distance, a few days of nothing. Also drinking a bunch of water about 30mins before seems to help.

As for soda, my rule of thumb is that 'diet' or 'light' anything is probably worse for you, and you're much better off just taking less of the 'normal' version.
Got a question: is it possible to get something like fatigue to cardio?

By this I mean, if I run a 1 1/2 miles every time i go to the gym, like 6 days a week, do I actually lose endurance for each consecutive run?

All I can say is that I've noticed that sometimes I feel like I don't have as much energy as I usually do and pulling off 1 mile feels more difficult, than days where i didn't run the previous day, I go 1 1/2 miles easy peasy.

Having at least one rest day in a running schedule is pretty much always a good thing. Have you just started this running recently? If so do remember that running endurance is both slow to gain and slow to fade. So to really build it up you need months of steady work, but on the plus side you can always take a few days / a week off from time to time and not really set yourself back much at all. So yeah, if you are feeling fatigued go ahead and make sure to work some breaks in there, eventually you'll be knocking off those 1 1/2 mile runs like nothing.


Also, can diet sodas in any way cause your body to gain weight, or affect weight loss progress? I'm curious because I always have cravings for soda once in a while but i try to avoid sugary drinks. All i've ready online is that drinking diet soda mentally causes people to eat more because of the zero calories they're getting from the soda.

As long as you're not using them to justify eating more calories than you should, then no. When losing all my weight I drank more diet soda than any human should, but I still monitored what I ate and continued to lose weight. I still drink a lot of diet soda, and am able to stay between 6-10% bodyfat.
I've been running in the mornings for the past few months, and I'd say there is a definite fatigue factor. I'm finding that it's best to mix it up - shorter sprints for a few days, a few days long distance, a few days of nothing. Also drinking a bunch of water about 30mins before seems to help.

As for soda, my rule of thumb is that 'diet' or 'light' anything is probably worse for you, and you're much better off just taking less of the 'normal' version.

Are you training for a marathon? There really is no reason to be running so much unless you training for a marathon. Intermittent sprints would be more beneficial for weight loss.
Are you training for a marathon? There really is no reason to be running so much unless you training for a marathon. Intermittent sprints would be more beneficial for weight loss.

I feel like primal crew gets too down on running these days. He said he was doing 1 1/2 miles to the gym to lift, that's a pretty far cry from any type of marathon training. I'd say that small amount of running is probably a good idea for just about anyone, not the best for weight loss, but with a gym in the mix already it could be pretty solid for the heart / lungs. Plus starting out your lifting with muscles loose and a bit of a runner's high doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.

I'm pretty biased though, as running really helped me to get in the pretty lean shape that I'm in now. I was never really overweight but I dropped a good 20 lbs when I picked up running and helped banish a bit of 30 year old pudge that was creeping up. Admittedly I run excessively, but that's just cause I love it not because I'm aiming for "100% optimal exercise." Living in the Pacific Northwest I find myself exercising much more often if my exercise consists of ripping off 10 miles though a National Park as a opposed to going *shudder* inside to a gym.
I feel like primal crew gets too down on running these days. He said he was doing 1 1/2 miles to the gym to lift, that's a pretty far cry from any type of marathon training. I'd say that small amount of running is probably a good idea for just about anyone, not the best for weight loss, but with a gym in the mix already it could be pretty solid for the heart / lungs. Plus starting out your lifting with muscles loose and a bit of a runner's high doesn't seem like a bad thing to me.

I'm pretty biased though, as running really helped me to get in the pretty lean shape that I'm in now. I was never really overweight but I dropped a good 20 lbs when I picked up running and helped banish a bit of 30 year old pudge that was creeping up. Admittedly I run excessively, but that's just cause I love it not because I'm aiming for "100% optimal exercise." Living in the Pacific Northwest I find myself exercising much more often if my exercise consists of ripping off 10 miles though a National Park as a opposed to going *shudder* inside to a gym.

To a certain extent I agree with you. Maybe the "primal crew" is a bit over critical. I just hate to see people do long term damage to there body by pushing it to 11 for a perceived short term weight loss goal. Diet is the absolute biggest critical factor when it comes to weight loss. I think that's the message that needs to get out there. But your right, I could see going for a jog through a forest would be not only a good overall workout but just plain fun as well.

Me personally, I used to hate the gym as I've never had a lot of muscle and would be embarrassed to go and lift such a puny amount and feel like I was getting looks from macho buff dudes. But as I got over that I find myself looking forward to the gym, as now I've
put on muscle and can see tone and definition
when I look in a mirror. I run(intermittent sprints) 1 1/2 miles 3X a week so maybe I don't have a lot of ground to stand on though by saying what I said.
It's a prebiotic fiber (food for your gut flora). yeah, it's a form of carbohydrates (as are all fibers), but the most consistent results from people who've tested their blood sugar before and after ingestion of Quest Bars (even diabetics) have shown no impact on blood sugar (many have actually shown lower blood sugar after ingestion).

Provided you don't have something like leaky gut and take probiotics every now and then, you'll be fine.

What? Any carbohydrate is going to spike you blood sugar level. Being a diabetic I assure you those would not lower your blood sugar.


So crazy how easy it is to screw up progress. I went to Vancouver for a week and ate like shit. Went from 194 to 204. 3 days of low carb later, I'm only back to 201. Ouch...
To a certain extent I agree with you. Maybe the "primal crew" is a bit over critical. I just hate to see people do long term damage to there body by pushing it to 11 for a perceived short term weight loss goal. Diet is the absolute biggest critical factor when it comes to weight loss. I think that's the message that needs to get out there. But your right, I could see going for a jog through a forest would be not only a good overall workout but just plain fun as well.

Me personally, I used to hate the gym as I've never had a lot of muscle and would be embarrassed to go and lift such a puny amount and feel like I was getting looks from macho buff dudes. But as I got over that I find myself looking forward to the gym, as now I've
put on muscle and can see tone and definition
when I look in a mirror. I run(intermittent sprints) 1 1/2 miles 3X a week so maybe I don't have a lot of ground to stand on though by saying what I said.

Yeah, I don't think that we are actually that much in disagreement. Over training is really the key part to avoid. I run a ton, but I do it all at pretty reasonable paces (ask my running partners, I jabber away the whole time) and without time specific goals. Stuff like training hardcore for 10k races for specific marathon times can be hell on the body. Also I very much agree about diet being the key of any real weight loss. Though I must admit that as a runner I do like that my calorie burn from exercise lets me be a bit looser with food. I try to stay moderate low carb but I like that I can hit a little whole grain bread with PB and honey in the morning so that I can knock off my 6 mile trail run commute :).

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
What? Any carbohydrate is going to spike you blood sugar level. Being a diabetic I assure you those would not lower your blood sugar.

I'm just going off of people's results eating the bars. People are always posting their before/after BS levels on the Quest FB page as well as Amazon reviews.


I think you mean fasting glucose levels, not postprandial. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbs can improve fasting levels for sure.

wow, my order got here really quickly.


hopefully this lasts me until my surgery, really dont want to spend any more money with all these medical bills :[


What exactly is a low carb amount? Like I've been cutting down but haven't monitored it perfectly. I probably end up having...I dunno, anywhere from 80-120g of carbs in a day all up.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
What exactly is a low carb amount? Like I've been cutting down but haven't monitored it perfectly. I probably end up having...I dunno, anywhere from 80-120g of carbs in a day all up.

100g or below if you're not exercising/heavy lifting.

I posted this in the Fitness thread, but I think it'd be better suited here so I'll just quote my post:

I can't believe I didn't think of this before: Click

Do 30-50 air squats and 30-50 wall presses 90 seconds before a meal or cheat meal/snack, insulin sensitivity increases because glycogen is slightly depleted, whatever you eat right after the mini-workout is pushed into your muscles instead of fat.

So ingenious.


So I can tell I've lost weight, my huge gut is disappearing but I'm still pretty wide. My jeans are dropping like crazy and I have to wear a belt these days or they sag off which is a huge change from when I could barely squeeze in. My double chin is basically gone and the moobs are going down in size too.

I'm gonna start hitting the gym more frequently since summer is coming up.



December 2011 - April 2012.

Thought I'd post this as a progress of how I've been doing. Couldn't find perfectly matching pictures but good enough.

I posted this in the Fitness thread, but I think it'd be better suited here so I'll just quote my post:

Wow! That really works? It sounds too good to be true.


Also, can diet sodas in any way cause your body to gain weight, or affect weight loss progress? I'm curious because I always have cravings for soda once in a while but i try to avoid sugary drinks. All i've ready online is that drinking diet soda mentally causes people to eat more because of the zero calories they're getting from the soda.

80 pounds lost while drinking diet sodas like crazy.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
That really works? It sounds too good to be true.[/QUOTE]
It definitely isn't BS, but it's not like doing that can evaporate the damage of an entire meal or something...but helps!

Great work btw, dude
Fucking great job Darklord. Same to Pein.

What did you guys do? This summer I'm going on a cut: jogging everyday (I need to improve my 1.5 mile time) and eating super clean. Low carb and low calorie, with one cheat day.

Last year I used P90x and it worked phenomenally, but I don't have the space in my current tiny apartment...so jogging will more than work for me.


Fucking great job Darklord. Same to Pein.

What did you guys do? This summer I'm going on a cut: jogging everyday (I need to improve my 1.5 mile time) and eating super clean. Low carb and low calorie, with one cheat day.

Last year I used P90x and it worked phenomenally, but I don't have the space in my current tiny apartment...so jogging will more than work for me.

just a better diet and light exercise. I'm gonna up the exercise though, dieting is fine but I really wanna get muscular.

Another thing that happened is that my skin is totally clearing up, I used to get breakouts all the time.
So I can tell I've lost weight, my huge gut is disappearing but I'm still pretty wide. My jeans are dropping like crazy and I have to wear a belt these days or they sag off which is a huge change from when I could barely squeeze in. My double chin is basically gone and the moobs are going down in size too.

I'm gonna start hitting the gym more frequently since summer is coming up.

sweet, keep it up.


nice work darklord.. brothers in progress so to say.. what sizes then and now?

my worst was a XXXXL (yeah 4) shirt... this January it was 3xl fitting tight -.- Now xl tshirts look silly on me.. but i will wait before the next shopping marathon
nice work darklord.. brothers in progress so to say.. what sizes then and now?

my worst was a XXXXL (yeah 4) shirt... this January it was 3xl fitting tight -.- Now xl tshirts look silly on me.. but i will wait before the next shopping marathon
Was a XXL at my biggest, now I wear L. Had a 42" waist over a year ago, down to 38" now.
Just got done with the fitness test portion of insanity. I'm at 250 or so lbs going at my last visit to the doctor's office about 3 weeks ago. I know it's a bit much to start at, but I want to at least give it a try. Also trying a lower carb atkins diet. With diabetes running in my family I don't want to be another member of the family with it. I took pictures of myself without a shirt on today and really I can't believe how big I've gotten. I used to be around 200lbs and 5'5 back in around 2006 or so and I just packed on the pounds.


nice work darklord.. brothers in progress so to say.. what sizes then and now?

my worst was a XXXXL (yeah 4) shirt... this January it was 3xl fitting tight -.- Now xl tshirts look silly on me.. but i will wait before the next shopping marathon

I had XXL shirts, now a mix between L and XL. Pants are down 3 sizes I think, and jeans 2 sizes.
Holy mother of god I weigh almost 280 with clothes and shoes on. Half a year ago I was dieting and got down from 255 to 240. Used to be 180 a few years before that. Losing 40 pounds those months ago would have be life style altering with the confidence boost it would have given. Now I'm at double plus another 30ish for goal. 5'10''.


holy shit, one of my quest bars was really small in my last order, and a few others were kind of deformed, so I e-mailed their customer service with a picture and they sent me a replacement, but not for the single bar that was smaller, for my entire order! [the picture a few posts up] some amazon type customer service.

pic of small bar

to stay on topic! XL shirts to a S, 40" jeans to 30-31". I'm 5'9"ish


Will drop pants for Sony.
holy shit, one of my quest bars was really small in my last order, and a few others were kind of deformed, so I e-mailed their customer service with a picture and they sent me a replacement, but not for the single bar that was smaller, for my entire order! [the picture a few posts up] some amazon type customer service.

pic of small bar

to stay on topic! XL shirts to a S, 40" jeans to 30-31". I'm 5'9"ish

Wow i wish i had such dedication. i wish i could focus hard enough to lose that much weight.


Just thought i would give an update on my diet given the fact that today marks week #13.

I started out weighing: 210.5 lbs
Today i weigh: 177.8 lbs
Total lost: 32.7 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs
Height: 5'10
Choice of Diet: Low Carb all day everyday

Extremely happy with the results! But most importantly, i would like to thank RubxQub for providing me with the basic foundation of my diet when i PM'ed him and asked about it =D

I find it hard to believe now that i used to weigh that much. This low carb diet really is the easiest diet to adhere to given my personal experience. Probably because you are not trying to lose weight by being calorie deficient. I need to buy new clothes, as my old stuff is far too big for me but will probably wait until i reach my goal weight. Too much of a tight ass lol. But if any of you are skeptical about the diet, i say just give it a go and watch the weight come flying off!


Hey y'all. Newish to this thread. You're all doing an amazing job. :) I'm feeling decent about my weight right now, so I thought I'd join in.

I started around 185 or so and I'm about 150 right now. I'm still not where I want to be (I could stand to drop another 20 or so), but I feel good and if I didn't drop another pound, I'd still be okay with myself. The last 20 is more vanity. :) I don't think my build could let me get into the 110s. I think I might look a bit gaunt if I did.


Before picture is small and not full body but I generally avoided the camera (please ignore the sticker on my head). :p But you can still see I was pretty heavy. Now picture was taken about a week ago.

Cheers everyone. Keep up the good work. :)


Wow i wish i had such dedication. i wish i could focus hard enough to lose that much weight.
My only regret was not doing it sooner. I think a lot of people feel like they don't have the dedication or the willpower to make a serious lifestyle change, I know I did, for various reasons. To get over that mental hurdle I needed some sort of extra motivation, something that finally pushed me over the edge. It took about 7 years (yes, 7 years) for that moment to happen, but it finally did. People ask me all the time why I did it, I always say for health reasons but it was much deeper than that, being healthier was merely a bonus. I'm happy to say health has become the primary reason for my lifestyle even if it wasn't my original intention.

I had typed up my weight loss journey a couple of months back, unfortunately my hard drive died and lost it and never got a chance to post it. I will have to re-write it one day.

That's interesting. I'm gonna try it before my next cheat meal.
It's not really a trick or a work around or anything like that, it's just how the body works. When you exercise you deplete your muscles of glycogen. Your muscles than become "hungry" for more to refuel, so any glucose in your blood is quickly absorbed by your muscles instead of the body storing it as fat. It's why you get hungry after heavy lifting or resistance training. It's also why professional athletes get away with drinking sugary drinks like Gatorade. Most people think exercise is for "burning calories", but this is actually more important as it promotes fat burn-age and increases insulin sensitivity. Not to mention increases muscles mass, depending on the exercise.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
You look 20+ years younger in the after photo, Leeness, no joke. Yeah, I'd estimate about 20 more pounds to ideal weight for you, but looking good already and not in an unhealthy range anymore.


You look 20+ years younger in the after photo, Leeness, no joke. Yeah, I'd estimate about 20 more pounds to ideal weight for you, but looking good already and not in an unhealthy range anymore.

Uh oh. People said I looked 16 when I was 20... what does that make me now?! Haha. I think it might also be the face I'm making in before pic. But I definitely feel better than I have before. Thank you. :) Congrats on your own weight loss (I know you mentioned it in another thread).

Thank you, GabDX, but yeah...vanity and slimming the stomach area, haha. It's not super noticeable in that picture, but I have a loooot of work to do on my tummy, haha. It takes FOREVER for women to get rid of it.
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