I suppose it's time I finally post to this thread. I've been extremely overweight nearly my entire life. I am 5'11" and weighed 250 pounds in high school. When I went to college, I quit smoking and ballooned up to 300 pounds, and that's the weight I've been at most of my 20s and 30s.
Twice in my 20s, I made a go of losing the weight and failed. I barely did any exercise and I was too lazy to measure what I was eating, so I ended up overdoing it and not getting enough calories, crashing my metabolism in the process. Both times I got down to 220 pounds and put the all the weight back on. After I failed the second time, I resigned myself to living as a morbidly obese person and did not make another attempt for several years.
In 2010, I was in my early 30s and made a third attempt. I still unfortunately was resistant to measuring my food intake carefully, but at least I made a serious attempt to exercise, and instead of a modest 15-minute walk three times a week I did an hour on a treadmill a day and weights three times a week and managed to get down to 195 this time before petering out. In 2011, I got lazy, stopped exercising, got too much Mexican and Chinese food for lunch at work and ate too much of healthy but calorically dense foods like nuts, and I packed some of the weight back on. Despite myself, by December of 2011, I had still kept the majority of the weight off, but did get back up to 225 pounds.
Last fall, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease at the age of 64. My mother is diabetic, which runs on my mother's side of the family, and, like me, has been morbidly obese practically her entire life, and I suspect diabetes may have played a part in my mother's dementia. I determined rather than let my third attempt at getting healthy ending in failure like my prior two attempts, I would get back to work before I regained the remaining 70 pounds and turn it around. I stopped eating out, other than the odd Subway, and this time I've been portioning and measuring everything I eat and sticking to a 1,700 calorie diet. I've also been doing an hour of walking and jogging a day, although I regret to say I have not gotten back into the habit of doing strength training again like I should.
This photo was taken in December of 2011, shortly after I began losing the weight again. I believe I am 220-225 pounds when this picture was taken.
And this is a current picture of myself, 180 pounds, after I lost the 30 pounds I put on in 2011, plus an additional 15 pounds.
I don't have many photos of myself at 300, but I do have a family photo of myself from
Christmas 2009 that perhaps I'll scan and add to this post later. I still plan to lose an additional 10-20 pounds, as I still have some problem areas to work on, then perhaps transition from losing weight to building up a bit of muscle mass.