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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

spicy cho

So if I do just mainly cardio, I'll lose muscle and fat?
It depends, I'm no expert but some forms of cardio are better for putting on muscle in my experience. In the past I helped build my shoulders swimming laps, and using the rowing machine at a high resistance will definitely help your arms, legs and back muscles. An elliptical machine or bike, probably won't do much.


It depends, I'm no expert but some forms of cardio are better for putting on muscle in my experience. In the past I helped build my shoulders swimming laps, and using the rowing machine at a high resistance will definitely help your arms, legs and back muscles. An elliptical machine or bike, probably won't do much.
My work out routine is basically Pilates for 20 minutes, and then running on my tread mill for another 20 for about 4-5 times a week. So it's a lot of cardio, but I'm thinking about trying that Insanity workout, which is also a lot of cardio.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Anyone else have a problem with not being able to go down shirt sizes? I was an XXL at my largest of 300 pounds and at 200 I'm still an XL. Anything else is way too short lengthwise and in the arms if it's a long sleeve shirt. I'm 6'3 if that matters.
Why does that matter? You lost 100 lbs!! That's amazing. Congrats btw
Also, new Tegan & Sara album is gonna be awesome!

Anyone on a Keto diet ever have yellow/tan poopy? I'm not alarmed but it's kinda strange...and funny.


Anyone else have a problem with not being able to go down shirt sizes? I was an XXL at my largest of 300 pounds and at 200 I'm still an XL. Anything else is way too short lengthwise and in the arms if it's a long sleeve shirt. I'm 6'3 if that matters.

Im in the same boat, though I can get by with a large and I am 6'3 (sleeves are a bit short though)

I really should probably be wearing a medium since I am a pretty lanky dude (and have a natural skinny build - though that build has a few pounds on it), and will definitely be needing a medium in a while since ive started eating better (eliminated sugar, HFCS, and Hydrongenated oils and reduced my carb intake - though still eat whole wheat pasta for dinner about 2-3 times a week)

But yea, the medium would just look stupid and I really should get some Medium-tall cloths, but well, I am a cheap bastard and the cheapo clothes that i buy dont come in tall sizes


Im guessing a few people know of this blog (or a lot), but I just stumbled across it and really really like it. He has some great articles and really goes into the reason why this and that is good/bad for you. Has some interesting ideas on exercise as well. Plus, I just like the idea of eating and exercising like a caveman, lol


Having switched to a more fat, protein, fiber diet with less carbs, I thought I would be more regular, but I am definitely not. What the heck is up with that? Is it just my body dealing with this new diet and my shit will be coming out like clock work in due time?


Gold Member
11 weeks, 8.5kg / 19lbs down.

Not the fastest pace on earth, but then again I have been building a lot of muscle, losing inches from my waist and not being on a diet I couldn't sustain or that would make me feel I starve, it just wouldn't last. I eat now very healthy and around 2000cal, that includes fruit and wholewheat, and I like my beer. 5 exercises a week - circuit train with weights, bodypump, spinning, boxing/sparring

At this pace I should be sub-100kg / 200 lbs by early June which is pretty ok for 190cm / 6 feet 3 inch. By the end of the summer I should be at a super lean 87kg / 174 lbs.
It depends, I'm no expert but some forms of cardio are better for putting on muscle in my experience. In the past I helped build my shoulders swimming laps, and using the rowing machine at a high resistance will definitely help your arms, legs and back muscles. An elliptical machine or bike, probably won't do much.

Yeah, swimmers can be pretty mad shredded. I do a ton of running and it's actually an issue for me trying to keep the weight on, especially on my upper body. My legs (quads and calves) stay pretty beefy but I've lost a solid bit of bench press ability since I moved to running more.
11 weeks, 8.5kg / 19lbs down.

Not the fastest pace on earth, but then again I have been building a lot of muscle, losing inches from my waist and not being on a diet I couldn't sustain or that would make me feel I starve, it just wouldn't last. I eat now very healthy and around 2000cal, that includes fruit and wholewheat, and I like my beer. 5 exercises a week - circuit train with weights, bodypump, spinning, boxing/sparring

At this pace I should be sub-100kg / 200 lbs by early June which is pretty ok for 190cm / 6 feet 3 inch. By the end of the summer I should be at a super lean 87kg / 174 lbs.
Actually you're going at a steady and healthy pace, especially considering you're lifting as well. Just make sure yore eating enough.

Recipe for success here, keep at it man!


Gold Member
Actually you're going at a steady and healthy pace, especially considering you're lifting as well. Just make sure yore eating enough.

Recipe for success here, keep at it man!


This is the first approach I believe I can sustain as a lifestyle. I did Atkins in 2006, lost huge amount in a short time, almost turned me off meat, and got back the weight and then some because it was too constraining. Same for very low calorie diet in 2009, very effective but I was miserable on it and fell off the bandwagon after a few months.

Now I enjoy life, can have a pint or two, a nice wholewheat toast with poached eggs, bacon and chutney, good life, I don't think of it even as a 'diet' anymore. There is no 'after' in my mind, this is a lifestyle I can enjoy.


I have found my chocolate fix twice or three a week. its actually pretty good. and it fits into my macros





Losing 1lb a week, 5.5lbs in last 5 weeks.

Down to 189 at 6'2" awwww yeah. Its mostly fat though since I don't have much muscle. I hate the way ~20% body fat looks :(


So if I do just mainly cardio, I'll lose muscle and fat?
Most all weight loss involves losing some muscle and fat, but doing JUST cardio means you're often putting your body in a catabolic state, whereby your body breaks down(burns) quite a bit of muscle to use as energy. You burn some fat as well, sure, but its not the most efficient way of doing it and you're doing it at the cost of muscle loss, which isn't generally desirable.

This is why so many people here constantly recommend lifting weights to anyone losing weight. Along with a high-protein diet(which you should be also be eating with an all-cardio routine), it minimizes muscle loss, making a much larger percentage of that weight loss fat thats been burned, which is generally what people are going for when they say they want to lose weight.

Personally, I like to do cardio 2-3 times a week on top of my 3-4 days of lifting. As well as fat loss, I'm also interested in building up my endurance a bit.


Hey guys, I have a question. I've been doing low-carb for about two months. I went on a decently long bike ride today (about 1.5-2 hours), and I was noticeable a lot more exhausted than I was the last time I did it when I wasn't doing low carb. Am I supposed to eat carbs ahead of time to avoid exhaustion? Or maybe it's just because I'm fairly out of shape (haven't done a lot of serious exercise in a while), maybe if I exercise more regularly I'll have an easier time? Thanks.
(side note, went from 226lb to 200 in first two months, aiming for ~190).


A lot of people like to add carbs on days they exercise, it's just something you need to experiment with. Just make sure they're coming from good sources.

On a related note, here's a good two part article on being very active while being in ketosis

You should try Quest Bars instead. Much better in terms of nutrition


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Ran into these protein gels at my brother in law's place over the weekend. Weird. Don't taste that bad actually (had the key lime one)...could see it being a useful tool for some people looking to sneak more protein into their diets.

I'll be sticking to my whole foods, but it's a neat product.

Edit: Those QuestBars look awesome.


Hey guys, I have a question. I've been doing low-carb for about two months. I went on a decently long bike ride today (about 1.5-2 hours), and I was noticeable a lot more exhausted than I was the last time I did it when I wasn't doing low carb. Am I supposed to eat carbs ahead of time to avoid exhaustion? Or maybe it's just because I'm fairly out of shape (haven't done a lot of serious exercise in a while), maybe if I exercise more regularly I'll have an easier time? Thanks.
(side note, went from 226lb to 200 in first two months, aiming for ~190).

Carbs are fantastic sources of energy. The problem is that the body uses carbs as a primary energy source if you're doing a workout, especially an endurance workout like a long bike ride. So instead of tapping into your fat/muscle reserves, your body is just using the carbs you took in.

Many low carb dieters find they are more exhausted and weak-feeling doing workouts. If its real bad, you might want to consider getting off that sort of diet. Other people can be just fine with it. Personally, it doesn't affect me at all.

Not having exercised in a while could definitely be the issue here, though. If lack of energy is a continual problem, then maybe re-evaluate your diet. Also make sure you're getting enough calories in general. People who get a little too extreme with their calorie deficits can also suffer from lack of energy.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So Silk soy milk is bad for my boys?

Yeah, soy increases estrogen production in men. In addition, soy protein is the least bio-available protein out of all sources (with egg protein being the most bio-available which is one of the reasons why eggs will always be God-tier) as well as being a legume which brings trouble of its own.

edit: I love Quest Bars so much, I stick to the Natural line now, though, in order to avoid Sucralose. I also figured out that the fiber they use is soluble fiber that's "food for your good bacteria" in your gut so in order to get the benefit of the fiber and make sure that the net carb count is exactly what's being pumped into your blood, you want to be having probiotics every now and then.


Yeah, soy increases estrogen production in men. In addition, soy protein is the least bio-available protein out of all sources (with egg protein being the most bio-available which is one of the reasons why eggs will always be God-tier) as well as being a legume which brings trouble of its own.

edit: I love Quest Bars so much, I stick to the Natural line now, though, in order to avoid Sucralose. I also figured out that the fiber they use is soluble fiber that's "food for your good bacteria" in your gut so in order to get the benefit of the fiber and make sure that the net carb count is exactly what's being pumped into your blood, you want to be having probiotics every now and then.

Well damn, can't drink cows milk, cant drink soy milk.
What then is a good alternative to water in mixing my protein shakes?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Well damn, can't drink cows milk, cant drink soy milk.
What then is a good alternative to water in mixing my protein shakes?

I wouldn't worry about cow's milk increasing estrogen as much as plastic, BPA, soy, and other contaminents that have a more profound effect.

Milk has a profound effect on muscle mass development and you can't build muscle with estrogen so don't worry about it.

But if you REALLY want to be strict, you could go with Almond Milk.


Yeah, soy increases estrogen production in men. In addition, soy protein is the least bio-available protein out of all sources (with egg protein being the most bio-available which is one of the reasons why eggs will always be God-tier) as well as being a legume which brings trouble of its own.

edit: I love Quest Bars so much, I stick to the Natural line now, though, in order to avoid Sucralose. I also figured out that the fiber they use is soluble fiber that's "food for your good bacteria" in your gut so in order to get the benefit of the fiber and make sure that the net carb count is exactly what's being pumped into your blood, you want to be having probiotics every now and then.

I generally have a Clif Builders Bar daily, which I know contains soy protein... I'm guessing you'd recommend looking for a different protein bar to replace those?


I wouldn't worry about cow's milk increasing estrogen as much as plastic, BPA, soy, and other contaminents that have a more profound effect.

Milk has a profound effect on muscle mass development and you can't build muscle with estrogen so don't worry about it.

But if you REALLY want to be strict, you could go with Almond Milk.

No its just that cows milk and I don't get along, I wouldn't say I am lactose intolerant just that milk runs right through me.
As for Almond Milk is doesn't have enough protein to be worth my time.


No its just that cows milk and I don't get along, I wouldn't say I am lactose intolerant just that milk runs right through me.
As for Almond Milk is doesn't have enough protein to be worth my time.

Can you handle yogurt? You should be able to. I'd just make yogurt or buy it pre-made and strain it. (I don't like people buying Greek yogurt when they can strain plain yogurt with a coffee filter and it's the same damn thing.)


Wouldn't cheese have a similar effect?

The American Dietetic Association says that it'd depend on the cheese. American cheese or Velveeta should give you the runs, but Parmigiano-Reggiano or aged-cheddar might not. The older and harder the cheese, the less lactose it has. You could try lactose-free milk, I guess.


The American Dietetic Association says that it'd depend on the cheese. American cheese or Velveeta should give you the runs, but Parmigiano-Reggiano or aged-cheddar might not. The older and harder the cheese, the less lactose it has. You could try lactose-free milk, I guess.

Never tried this before, I wonder what the added chemicals are like if any. Will look into it, thanks.


Never tried this before, I wonder what the added chemicals are like if any. Will look into it, thanks.

Only chemical is lactase, the enzyme that splits lactose into glucose and galactose. Not dangerous at all.

Personally I don't like it because I find it tastes really sweet, but to each their own.


Damn, I've completely stalled on losing weight. I'm 6'2 and was 218 lbs after the end of a long bulk. Over two months I'm down to 200 but I want to be around 190-192. I eat two meals a day of about 1100 calories each, then also have two protein shakes a day Macros are basically just 200g of protein a day, decent amount of fats from peanut butter and shit, and not many carbs at all. I do weights like 4x a week but only cardio like once or twice a week. Should I just throw some more cardio in?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I generally have a Clif Builders Bar daily, which I know contains soy protein... I'm guessing you'd recommend looking for a different protein bar to replace those?

Yeah, but you should also avoid it for the brown rice syrup, sunflower oil, and all the other junk it has in it.

I really can't find a protein bar better than Quest. Their ingredient list is simple, small, and their bars actually taste like the flavor they advertise to the tee.

I tried thinkThin for a while until I saw the soy protein as well as JayBars, but those use agave nectar/syrup which is worse than HFCS.

No its just that cows milk and I don't get along, I wouldn't say I am lactose intolerant just that milk runs right through me.
As for Almond Milk is doesn't have enough protein to be worth my time.

Ah, I'm lactose intolerant, too. You could try Clover Organic Lactose-Free Milk. They're organic, come in 1% and 2% fat, and it's pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized) which is good. I've only managed to see it at Whole Foods.


I suppose it's time I finally post to this thread. I've been extremely overweight nearly my entire life. I am 5'11" and weighed 250 pounds in high school. When I went to college, I quit smoking and ballooned up to 300 pounds, and that's the weight I've been at most of my 20s and 30s.

Twice in my 20s, I made a go of losing the weight and failed. I barely did any exercise and I was too lazy to measure what I was eating, so I ended up overdoing it and not getting enough calories, crashing my metabolism in the process. Both times I got down to 220 pounds and put the all the weight back on. After I failed the second time, I resigned myself to living as a morbidly obese person and did not make another attempt for several years.

In 2010, I was in my early 30s and made a third attempt. I still unfortunately was resistant to measuring my food intake carefully, but at least I made a serious attempt to exercise, and instead of a modest 15-minute walk three times a week I did an hour on a treadmill a day and weights three times a week and managed to get down to 195 this time before petering out. In 2011, I got lazy, stopped exercising, got too much Mexican and Chinese food for lunch at work and ate too much of healthy but calorically dense foods like nuts, and I packed some of the weight back on. Despite myself, by December of 2011, I had still kept the majority of the weight off, but did get back up to 225 pounds.

Last fall, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease at the age of 64. My mother is diabetic, which runs on my mother's side of the family, and, like me, has been morbidly obese practically her entire life, and I suspect diabetes may have played a part in my mother's dementia. I determined rather than let my third attempt at getting healthy ending in failure like my prior two attempts, I would get back to work before I regained the remaining 70 pounds and turn it around. I stopped eating out, other than the odd Subway, and this time I've been portioning and measuring everything I eat and sticking to a 1,700 calorie diet. I've also been doing an hour of walking and jogging a day, although I regret to say I have not gotten back into the habit of doing strength training again like I should.

This photo was taken in December of 2011, shortly after I began losing the weight again. I believe I am 220-225 pounds when this picture was taken.


And this is a current picture of myself, 180 pounds, after I lost the 30 pounds I put on in 2011, plus an additional 15 pounds.


I don't have many photos of myself at 300, but I do have a family photo of myself from
Christmas 2009 that perhaps I'll scan and add to this post later. I still plan to lose an additional 10-20 pounds, as I still have some problem areas to work on, then perhaps transition from losing weight to building up a bit of muscle mass.


Damn, I've completely stalled on losing weight. I'm 6'2 and was 218 lbs after the end of a long bulk. Over two months I'm down to 200 but I want to be around 190-192. I eat two meals a day of about 1100 calories each, then also have two protein shakes a day Macros are basically just 200g of protein a day, decent amount of fats from peanut butter and shit, and not many carbs at all. I do weights like 4x a week but only cardio like once or twice a week. Should I just throw some more cardio in?

You could, but it'd be much easier to just cut about 200 calories from each of those meals which would roughly be the equivalent of jogging about an hour and a half each day. ;)


I suppose it's time I finally post to this thread. I've been extremely overweight nearly my entire life. I am 5'11" and weighed 250 pounds in high school. When I went to college, I quit smoking and ballooned up to 300 pounds, and that's the weight I've been at most of my 20s and 30s.

Twice in my 20s, I made a go of losing the weight and failed. I barely did any exercise and I was too lazy to measure what I was eating, so I ended up overdoing it and not getting enough calories, crashing my metabolism in the process. Both times I got down to 220 pounds and put the all the weight back on. After I failed the second time, I resigned myself to living as a morbidly obese person and did not make another attempt for several years.

In 2010, I was in my early 30s and made a third attempt. I still unfortunately was resistant to measuring my food intake carefully, but at least I made a serious attempt to exercise, and instead of a modest 15-minute walk three times a week I did an hour on a treadmill a day and weights three times a week and managed to get down to 195 this time before petering out. In 2011, I got lazy, stopped exercising, got too much Mexican and Chinese food for lunch at work and ate too much of healthy but calorically dense foods like nuts, and I packed some of the weight back on. Despite myself, by December of 2011, I had still kept the majority of the weight off, but did get back up to 225 pounds.

Last fall, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease at the age of 64. My mother is diabetic, which runs on my mother's side of the family, and, like me, has been morbidly obese practically her entire life, and I suspect diabetes may have played a part in my mother's dementia. I determined rather than let my third attempt at getting healthy ending in failure like my prior two attempts, I would get back to work before I regained the remaining 70 pounds and turn it around. I stopped eating out, other than the odd Subway, and this time I've been portioning and measuring everything I eat and sticking to a 1,700 calorie diet. I've also been doing an hour of walking and jogging a day, although I regret to say I have not gotten back into the habit of doing strength training again like I should.

This photo was taken in December of 2011, shortly after I began losing the weight again. I believe I am 220-225 pounds when this picture was taken.


And this is a current picture of myself, 180 pounds, after I lost the 30 pounds I put on in 2011, plus an additional 15 pounds.


I don't have many photos of myself at 300, but I do have a family photo of myself from
Christmas 2009 that perhaps I'll scan and add to this post later. I still plan to lose an additional 10-20 pounds, as I still have some problem areas to work on, then perhaps transition from losing weight to building up a bit of muscle mass.

Wow your doing good keep it up ! :)


congrats Azrael..

Ahh Eastern was kinda hard and easy to go low carbs.. a lot of eggs hehe, but a few potatoes, rice and a bit of cake. Otherwise it would have been impolite.

Scale of my father shows 92 kg / 203 lbs, the one my roommates has shows about 86 kg /190 lbs .. ah whatever. Going every second day to my university´s gym for cardio/weightlifting. Kinda strange still, but feels good.

And i really love chocolate with a lot of cacao (60-72%). Very nice treat


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Holy crap those QuestBars are tough. I got the brownie batter ones and chewing those things up are like a resistance workout for my jaw!

Taste good, and the profile is amazing.


The bars are easily effected by temperature, they can be soft or hard depending on where you keep them. I keep my bars on top of my mini-fridge so they stay nice and warm, very chewy like a normal candy bar. You can put them in the microwave for 8-10 seconds and make them like a soft cookie. The brownie flavor in particular is the toughest one to chew, the All Natural line in general are softer. I prefer the flavors of the All Natural line so I stick to them. They're also sweeter than the original line, the Lemon Cream bars, which I have a box right next to me, taste like eating a giant yellow starburst. The Lemon is the sweetest one, too sweet for some. It was the only flavor I could get on short notice, I like them but I'd rather not eat them every day like I have to. I'm going to order a couple of boxes later today for some variety, probably Coconut and Strawberry.
The bars are easily effected by temperature, they can be soft or hard depending on where you keep them. I keep my bars on top of my mini-fridge so they stay nice and warm, very chewy like a normal candy bar. You can put them in the microwave for 8-10 seconds and make them like a soft cookie. The brownie flavor in particular is the toughest one to chew, the All Natural line in general are softer. I prefer the flavors of the All Natural line so I stick to them. They're also sweeter than the original line, the Lemon Cream bars, which I have a box right next to me, taste like eating a giant yellow starburst. The Lemon is the sweetest one, too sweet for some. It was the only flavor I could get on short notice, I like them but I'd rather not eat them every day like I have to. I'm going to order a couple of boxes later today for some variety, probably Coconut and Strawberry.

If you order them from Netrition.com, you can get individual bars and try a whole bunch of different flavors, and the price is no different than buying a 12-pack of one flavor.


Flat $4.95 shipping.

Where do you get yours from, just out of curiosity. Prices better or worse?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
If you order them from Netrition.com, you can get individual bars and try a whole bunch of different flavors, and the price is no different than buying a 12-pack of one flavor.


Flat $4.95 shipping.

Where do you get yours from, just out of curiosity. Prices better or worse?

Amazon, although I managed to find a local store that sells them so I go there, too.

Quest Bars are now available at Vitamin Shoppe so just go to your local VS.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Amazon, although I managed to find a local store that sells them so I go there, too.

Quest Bars are now available at Vitamin Shoppe so just go to your local VS.
That's where I got mine: Vitamin Shoppe.

It was $26 for a box of 12, which seemed reasonable to me.


If you order them from Netrition.com, you can get individual bars and try a whole bunch of different flavors, and the price is no different than buying a 12-pack of one flavor.


Flat $4.95 shipping.

Where do you get yours from, just out of curiosity. Prices better or worse?
I've already tried all the flavors, I like them all, it's just preference at this point. I get them from the Quest website, if you use 'SAMPLE' as a promo code you get free shipping. Plus they're the only place you can get the sample boxes, which I like to get. I'd use Amazon but they're more expensive from them. My VS doesn't carry them unfortunately.
I've already tried all the flavors, I like them all, it's just preference at this point. I get them from the Quest website, if you use 'SAMPLE' as a promo code you get free shipping. Plus they're the only place you can get the sample boxes, which I like to get. I'd use Amazon but they're more expensive from them. My VS doesn't carry them unfortunately.

Thanks for the tip!

I ordered one of each from Netrition (have never tried them before), and they should be here Tuesday. If I like them as much as everyone else, I'll order direct!


I just had one for "dinner", also ordered some more. They're a real life saver for me until I can go back to my regular diet, which won't be for a while unfortunately :[

I've always been curious to see how people who eat the 'standard 'american diet, lots of sugar and sweets, think they taste. Generally, people who eat them monitor their sugar/carb intake and are naturally more sensitive to sweetness, but would they taste like cardboard to someone who drinks soda and eats cookies on a regular basis?
Great job! Surprised you'd have man boobs though, 240lbs @ 6'3" shouldn't make manboobs unless you are hugely genetically disadvantaged somehow, I think.

Anyway, what have you been doing to shed the 40 lbs, that's really good?

Well, I did a 30 day juice fast. No caffeine or alcohol. Followed by a strict raw food diet mixed with light cardio( intermittent sprints ) and a pretty rigorous weight lifting routine. I've managed to add 40 pounds to my bench press which is awesome and surprising how quick some of my gains were. Me saying I have Moons might be a bit excessive but I definitely have a fatter/flabbier chest. I don't anticipate being satisfied with my chest for another 3-4 mos. I'm keeping realistic expectations. Now just gotta stick to my diet and eventually I'll lose this pudge from the lower stomach and chest. I did a lot of research when it came to fasting and was surprised how easy it was(albeit boring) to do.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Danger Will Robinson!!!

This morning for breakfast I ate 2 QuestBars and about a serving of cottage cheese. These QuestBars are going to be easy to abuse since they're so easily consumable and healthy.

...I mean, I shouldn't view these as eating anything bad...lots of fiber, a little sweetener, some nuts and whey protein. Nothing in there is really killer at all. But eating two of them FEELS wrong. IT FEELS WRONG MAN!
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