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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


It's more complicated chemically and nutritionally, but from a common sense standpoint it's really pretty simple.

Bacon really isn't necessarily bad for you on spec. Bacon with a side of potato chips and cinnamon toast with a 32oz coke eaten while playing World of Warcraft is awful.

Only a 32oz?! :x Honestly, so glad I just never really got into drinking soda. I'd imagine giving that up would've been torture.

Yeah, someone could start a separate weight loss thread for the non low-carbers. Their proselytizing reminds me of evangelicals at times...

I don't think it's that bad but I just lurk the thread primarily. I'd imagine anything well thought out (e.g., low fat with some real meal plans and increased activity) wouldn't be snubbed. Low carb is the current big diet and it works damn well; the regulars in here are success stories from that so it's "preaching" what they know.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think it's that bad but I just lurk the thread primarily. I'd imagine anything well thought out (e.g., low fat with some real meal plans and increased activity) wouldn't be snubbed. Low carb is the current big diet and it works damn well; the regulars in here are success stories from that so it's "preaching" what they know.

Pretty much this. Many of those preaching the benefits of low-carb, paleo, primal, etc. lifestyles are people who tried many other kinds of diets and found no success. Everyone knows how frustrating that can be. When those people find a diet that is so easy to do, so easy to follow, and delicious, too, it seems like it's too good to be true. But it's not!

It only makes sense that they'd want to share their discovery with other people who are having trouble with their weight.

It makes you fat? Until now I have NEVER heard someone say grease and high levels of fat are fine on a diet. In fact those are 2 things most people would associate with obese people.

It really doesn't unless you're consuming insane quantities. Typically, your satiety mechanism will kick in and you'll feel full long before this is possible, though. Of course, if you're eating your fat and grease along with bread, vegetable oils and sugary sauces like you would be with a typical cheeseburger, yeah that will make you fat.


Pretty much this. Many of those preaching the benefits of low-carb, paleo, primal, etc. lifestyles are people who tried many other kinds of diets and found no success. Everyone knows how frustrating that can be. When those people find a diet that is so easy to do, so easy to follow, and delicious, too, it seems like it's too good to be true. But it's not!

It only makes sense that they'd want to share their discovery with other people who are having trouble with their weight.

Low carb works well, but it shouldn't disuade people from looking at alternatives. A moderate carb, moderate fat diet works fine as long as you crank the protein way up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Low carb works well, but it shouldn't disuade people from looking at alternatives. A moderate carb, moderate fat diet works fine as long as you crank the protein way up.

And exercise... and avoid garbage processed carbs.

That's the thing about lower carb diets--you really don't need to exercise for the weight to come off. You should exercise some for general health improvement and to get muscle definition, but it's absolutely not necessary for weight loss.

Personally, I don't see the point in looking for alternatives. I've seen so many people fail miserably on low-fat/calorie-restricted/heavy-cardio diets, and look miserable the entire time, that I just can't get behind them. On the other hand, myself and many of my friends have found incredible and effortless success with low-carb and paleo variants.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Everything works and nothing works. My friend lost 100 pounds in five months at one point on keto, and in another instance he didn't lose any weight on it. Why? Because he was strict in the first instance and exercised a ton, and in the second instance he stuck with keto but still ate a shitload.

I've done low-moderate carb, keto, straight calorie restriction, no diet restriction but heavy exercise...it's all worked when I've taken it seriously and stuck with it. You just don't want to do stuff like juice diets or starvation diets if at all possible, but some people swear by those too since that was what they were able to stick to and the benefits outweighed the consequences for them (like how doctors will sign off on ultra low calorie diets for the morbidly obese because there's a net benefit even though bad things happen along the way).

Low carb is definitely not "the answer." It is an answer that makes sense and works for many people and it's what I'd recommend generally, but not everyone is willing to modify their diet in that way. And if they're not, there's no point in trying to force the issue, just like you shouldn't try to force someone to use barbells for weightlifting no matter what. Barbells may give you the best results when you use them and use them correctly, but if someone straight up doesn't want to use them or they're constantly getting injured because of form problems, then you should stop trying to force it on them and direct them to bodyweight exercises or machines as alternatives, if they'll actually put in the work that way.

Encourage and explain, that's all you can do. Shouldn't try to proselytize your preferred method too hard.


Everything works and nothing works. My friend lost 100 pounds in five months at one point on keto, and in another instance he didn't lose any weight on it. Why? Because he was strict in the first instance and exercised a ton, and in the second instance he stuck with keto but still ate a shitload.

I've done low-moderate carb, keto, straight calorie restriction, no diet restriction but heavy exercise...it's all worked when I've taken it seriously and stuck with it. You just don't want to do stuff like juice diets or starvation diets if at all possible, but some people swear by those too since that was what they were able to stick to and the benefits outweighed the consequences for them (like how doctors will sign off on ultra low calorie diets for the morbidly obese because there's a net benefit even though bad things happen along the way).

Low carb is definitely not "the answer." It is an answer that makes sense and works for many people and it's what I'd recommend generally, but not everyone is willing to modify their diet in that way. And if they're not, there's no point in trying to force the issue, just like you shouldn't try to force someone to use barbells for weightlifting no matter what. Barbells may give you the best results when you use them and use them correctly, but if someone straight up doesn't want to use them or they're constantly getting injured because of form problems, then you should stop trying to force it on them and direct them to bodyweight exercises or machines as alternatives, if they'll actually put in the work that way.

Encourage and explain, that's all you can do. Shouldn't try to proselytize your preferred method too hard.

Well said.

When I said I was going low carb, I had quite a few people trying to talk me out of it because they heard it was "dangerous" and had lost weight themselves through 1) yoga, 2) C23k, 3) heavy weights, 4) Weight Watchers, 5) eating small meals 6-7 times a day, 6) smoking weed, 7) etc.

Whatever works, works. I ate tons of grain carbs, not realizing at the time that carbohydrates were basically sugar, and cut down on fats and lost over 100 pounds in 9 months when I was 19. Yet now, I WANT to go low carb. I know there are many ways to do it, but that's what I choose to utilize.

This lack of appetite from going low-carb is unreal.

Man, I can't go low carb for a couple weeks and this makes it hard to wait.


And exercise... and avoid garbage processed carbs.

That's the thing about lower carb diets--you really don't need to exercise for the weight to come off. You should exercise some for general health improvement and to get muscle definition, but it's absolutely not necessary for weight loss.

I hate wording it that way, though, as it sounds like "You can lose weight while being lazy!" I mean, that's not the message at all but I can imagine someone taking it that way. Low carb lets you not need spiked activity to utilize what your intake which is one of the great selling points of it.

Personally, I suggest low carb since it's an easy adaptation to a lot of normal diets. Most of the food is stuff I enjoy normally so it's easy to stick to it that way. It's not the same case for everyone, certainly, but that's the biggest stickler to me for any diet: Something that'll be easy to adapt to and stick with. That's the most important part.


Fats have a rather bad reputation. Low carb diets thrive on a supply of healthy fats (which, yes, are the ones you're calling in question, contrary to what you'd expect I wager) due to, well, the lowered amount of carbs in their diet. What "most people" should associate with obese people is fat intake with a high amount of carbs and low activity, not necessarily just "they eat fat ergo they are fat." It's a bit more complicated than that.

I'm on a low carb diet. So I should eat more healthy fats such as sausage, avacado, nuts, ect? Because I've generally avoided that stuff so far but I sure wouldn't mind adding a few extra things to my list of things I can eat.

You have much to learn, grasshopper.

Apparently I do but seeing as I've lost 42lbs, I guess I'm going something right.


Today I had to actually push myself to eat so I wasn't at a stupidly low level of calories. Just lack of appetite (and yet I feel full of energy and manliness).

By the way... I've been adding a ton of garlic, onions, and jalapenos to my lettuce wraps. So good. I just ate the last of my whole wheat flats, so I think I'm gonna start eating me some black beans for my main carb intake.

Shouldn't you avoid bread on low-carb? Or are low amounts okay?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I hate wording it that way, though, as it sounds like "You can lose weight while being lazy!" I mean, that's not the message at all but I can imagine someone taking it that way. Low carb lets you not need spiked activity to utilize what your intake which is one of the great selling points of it.

Personally, I suggest low carb since it's an easy adaptation to a lot of normal diets. Most of the food is stuff I enjoy normally so it's easy to stick to it that way. It's not the same case for everyone, certainly, but that's the biggest stickler to me for any diet: Something that'll be easy to adapt to and stick with. That's the most important part.

However, this is extremely important for people who are morbidly obese. People who weigh 300+ lbs and have to waddle about. Exercise for folks like this is an extremely difficult proposition. They are at a high risk of injury if they do any kind of strenuous activity.

Doing a low-carb/paleo type diet, they can easily drop 100 lbs or so in the first 8 - 12 months, and then begin integrating exercise into their life. The thinner you get, the more motivated you will be to actually go out and exercise. You won't have to be self-conscious of people staring at your grotesque figure as you bounce down the street in an attempt to jog, for example. You also will have more usable energy since you won't be tired out simply by carrying all of that weight.

That's my opinion at least. It's better to get down to a certain weight before really focusing on exercise.


I'm on a low carb diet. So I should eat more healthy fats such as sausage, avacado, nuts, ect? Because I've generally avoided that stuff so far but I sure wouldn't mind adding a few extra things to my list of things I can eat.

I wouldn't avoid them is basically what I'd suggest. Don't feel bad about having sausage and eggs for breakfast or something. But if what you're doing already works for you, I'd say to just keep with it.

However, this is extremely important for people who are morbidly obese. People who weigh 300+ lbs and have to waddle about. Exercise for folks like this is an extremely difficult proposition. They are at a high risk of injury if they do any kind of strenuous activity.

Definitely agree on this. Just some anecdotal experience of people taking that line to mean "weight loss without the effort" rather than part of a bigger picture thing.


I'm on a low carb diet. So I should eat more healthy fats such as sausage, avacado, nuts, ect? Because I've generally avoided that stuff so far but I sure wouldn't mind adding a few extra things to my list of things I can eat.

Apparently I do but seeing as I've lost 42lbs, I guess I'm going something right.

Well, the thing with fats is that they are good for you and they fill you up real easily. Thats the benefit of them since if you eat more fat you'll likely eat less. If you already feel perfectly full on the diet you are using now, then I guess you dont need to force yourself to eat more fat. But most people recommending fat recommend fat because it simply makes the diet easier.

Im curious, what kind of foods do you eat on a low carb low fat diet? I really cant imagine that that leaves a whole lot of variety

OG Kush

Shouldn't you avoid bread on low-carb? Or are low amounts okay?

low carb doesn't mean no carbs.. it depends on each persons body. Some people can still get into keto with 50grams of carbs a day. You also don't need to get into keto to get the benefits of low-carb, keto just speeds up the process.


Im curious, what kind of foods do you eat on a low carb low fat diet? I really cant imagine that that leaves a whole lot of variety

-For snacks I have diet chocolate moose, fruits, carrots, some deli meat, frozen fish(not battered or fried, just fish in a sauce that you microwave), some other small things but that's about it.
-I don't eat lunch and I don't eat breakfast unless I have a busy day or plan on exercising more but it's normally 2 weetbix if I do.
-For dinner I'm more lenient but nothing bad. Things like roast chicken, grilled fish with salad, tacos without bad crap in them, tonight I had a chicken Indian curry with broccoli and a cup of brown rice. I have fast food once a week though.

So yeah, not super interesting but it's ok. I don't focus on low fat, it's mainly the carbs but I have avoided everything high in fat. If I can have eggs, sausage and nuts then I'll add a bit of that into the mix.


you should definitely add more fatty meats, they have a lot of nutrients for your body..eggs too, eggs may be the healthiest thing you can eat. cheap too, no excuse not to have them. I made a giant omlette/scrambled eggs...thing today for lunch, cooked in butter of course, it was delicious!

Nuts are a great snack, or a way to add good fats to a low-fat meal. same thing with cheese. melted butter and a little parm on top of steamed brussel sprouts has become my go-to veggie dish as of late.

almond butter makes a great 'dip' for fruits, especially apples!

suddenly, I am very hungry!

OG Kush

What abotu coconut oil? I don;t think I'm getting enough fats, thinking whether to start having a 2 tablesppons of virgin coconut oil everyday. Read somewhere that it can give a good energy boost before a workout sort of like how loading on carbs before a workout would..


The fat in virgin coconut oil is different, it's a medium chain triglyceride, it's a lot easier for the body to metabolize and makes for a good quick source of energy. It's also just really good for you. It's tough to find for a good price though, damn trader joes around me hasn't had it in stock for weeks now :[

I hear good things about this one


The fat in virgin coconut oil is different, it's a medium chain triglyceride, it's a lot easier for the body to metabolize and makes for a good quick source of energy. It's also just really good for you. It's tough to find for a good price though, damn trader joes around me hasn't had it in stock for weeks now :[

I hear good things about this one

Also..coconut oil is one of the very best skin creams you can get. Not only it's great for it's health, but it's pretty much the best thing for healing burns or cuts. It really is wonder substance.
Well, I definitely had my cheat day for this week. Best friend is going back home for the summer (in college), so we had a hero's farewell involving food and drinking.

Tomorrow I'm hitting the gym, though. I do a four day split, and I think I'm going to add a day of P90x X-Stretch and X-Yoga to keep on my toes, with the last day being a genuine rest/cheat day.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Been trying to incorporate bits of the LeanGains philosophy to my eating/exercise pattern to see if it'll make any noticeable difference. I'll try this hybrid approach for a month or two before I make any kind of final judgement on if I need to adjust.

Not doing heavy lifting like LeanGains recommends (bodyweight routine still), but the diet protocol is something I'm following, including the supplementation of BCAAs.

Right now I'm doing something close to:

5:30AM - 10g BCAAs (trying Monster Amino, taste is good at least)
6:00AM - Bodyweight Exercises (Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups...2 sets of max reps each)
9:00AM - 10g BCAAs
11:30AM - Super Salad with a skew towards lowfat/higher carbs/high protein. Getting high carb with vegetables is hard...may need to include fruit to get my numbers up

2:00PM - 2 Quest Bars

6:00PM - Normal Dinner (high protein, vegetable sides)

9:00PM - Cottage Cheese snack

11:30AM - Super Salad with a skew towards higher fat, lower carb, high protein. More cheese, more bacon.

2:00PM - 2 Quest Bars

6:00PM - Normal Dinner (high protein, vegetable sides)

*probably some kind of light cardio here*

9:00PM - Cottage Cheese/Vegetable snack


Now I know I'm breaking from pure LeanGains in a few ways, but I'm hoping I can get most of the benefit without altering my lifestyle too dramatically.

First, I know LeanGains wants you doing heavy weight lifting to build up muscle instead of bodyweight routines. I don't have easy access to a good gym, I strongly prefer to work out at home, and a power cage in the house has been voided by the Mrs.

Second, I know LeanGains doesn't exactly recommend cardio at all. I'm trying to keep any cardio in the non-crazy category. No running more than a 5K. Cycling. Playing Tennis....stuff that isn't going to put me into high gear and leave me there.

Third, I'm having a hard time eating a ton of food on my workout days. LeanGains looks for roughly a 20% increase over maintenance calories on workout days and a 20% decrease under maintenance calories on off-days. I find it easy to go under calories, but actually harder to go over without feeling like I'm overeating. I'll need to train myself to do this.


So not a perfect recreation of the prescribed method, but I think I'm still following the protocol closely enough that I should be seeing some improvements to my conditioning over my previous method of having less fasts but for longer periods (maybe 1-2 fasts of 24 hours a week) and just working out whenever it was convenient (typically in a fed-state post-work vs. fasted in the morning now).

We'll see...but trying to make some adjustments to keep driving down bodyfat percent.


I'm starting a keto diet today. I've had some success with low-carb dieting in the past, but I just couldn't keep it up and have fallen off track in the past few months, getting back up to 190lbs. from my previous record of 178lbs. I'm 5'8 and my goal is to get down to the 160's or lower, eventually switching to clean bulk by next year.

I'm REALLY going to need some serious suggestions for meals and snacks, as that's exactly what messed me up the first time. I'm already eating the standard eggs, bacon, chicken, beef and carbmaster yogurt. I saw several people post a recipe for a cauliflower pizza crust, so I'll definitely be looking into that. I'll say right now that nuts won't work me, as I hate most of them and seem to have some form of allergic reaction to some of them. I get plenty of veggies in, never use salad dressing for those and I never eat fruit. Good tasting things would be preferable, but not required as I'm pretty fed up with being stuck at this "halfway" point between fat and the body I really want. I'm really just ready to kick my weight loss into high gear.


Thought I'd post a picture seeing as I past 21kg(about 46lbs) lost the other day.

*sigh* last week wasn't the best. Monday was fondue for anniversary.. Thursday was chinese buffet for dinner and I tried hard to be good but it still wasn't good enough. So I'm stalled at 243. On the bright side it's 2 weeks of no weight gain, but no weight loss either. :( I am also repeating a week of Insanity because of the week I missed 3 days.


Been trying to incorporate bits of the LeanGains philosophy to my eating/exercise pattern to see if it'll make any noticeable difference. I'll try this hybrid approach for a month or two before I make any kind of final judgement on if I need to adjust.

Not doing heavy lifting like LeanGains recommends (bodyweight routine still), but the diet protocol is something I'm following, including the supplementation of BCAAs.

Right now I'm doing something close to:

5:30AM - 10g BCAAs (trying Monster Amino, taste is good at least)
6:00AM - Bodyweight Exercises (Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups...2 sets of max reps each)
9:00AM - 10g BCAAs
11:30AM - Super Salad with a skew towards lowfat/higher carbs/high protein. Getting high carb with vegetables is hard...may need to include fruit to get my numbers up

2:00PM - 2 Quest Bars

6:00PM - Normal Dinner (high protein, vegetable sides)

9:00PM - Cottage Cheese snack

11:30AM - Super Salad with a skew towards higher fat, lower carb, high protein. More cheese, more bacon.

2:00PM - 2 Quest Bars

6:00PM - Normal Dinner (high protein, vegetable sides)

*probably some kind of light cardio here*

9:00PM - Cottage Cheese/Vegetable snack


Now I know I'm breaking from pure LeanGains in a few ways, but I'm hoping I can get most of the benefit without altering my lifestyle too dramatically.

First, I know LeanGains wants you doing heavy weight lifting to build up muscle instead of bodyweight routines. I don't have easy access to a good gym, I strongly prefer to work out at home, and a power cage in the house has been voided by the Mrs.

Second, I know LeanGains doesn't exactly recommend cardio at all. I'm trying to keep any cardio in the non-crazy category. No running more than a 5K. Cycling. Playing Tennis....stuff that isn't going to put me into high gear and leave me there.

Third, I'm having a hard time eating a ton of food on my workout days. LeanGains looks for roughly a 20% increase over maintenance calories on workout days and a 20% decrease under maintenance calories on off-days. I find it easy to go under calories, but actually harder to go over without feeling like I'm overeating. I'll need to train myself to do this.


So not a perfect recreation of the prescribed method, but I think I'm still following the protocol closely enough that I should be seeing some improvements to my conditioning over my previous method of having less fasts but for longer periods (maybe 1-2 fasts of 24 hours a week) and just working out whenever it was convenient (typically in a fed-state post-work vs. fasted in the morning now).

We'll see...but trying to make some adjustments to keep driving down bodyfat percent.

5:30? I hope youre getting enough sleep. that shits important - meaning youd be better off getting a full nights sleep and doing the lifting later


I'm starting a keto diet today. I've had some success with low-carb dieting in the past, but I just couldn't keep it up and have fallen off track in the past few months, getting back up to 190lbs. from my previous record of 178lbs. I'm 5'8 and my goal is to get down to the 160's or lower, eventually switching to clean bulk by next year.

I'm REALLY going to need some serious suggestions for meals and snacks, as that's exactly what messed me up the first time. I'm already eating the standard eggs, bacon, chicken, beef and carbmaster yogurt. I saw several people post a recipe for a cauliflower pizza crust, so I'll definitely be looking into that. I'll say right now that nuts won't work me, as I hate most of them and seem to have some form of allergic reaction to some of them. I get plenty of veggies in, never use salad dressing for those and I never eat fruit. Good tasting things would be preferable, but not required as I'm pretty fed up with being stuck at this "halfway" point between fat and the body I really want. I'm really just ready to kick my weight loss into high gear.

olives, cheese (maybe not even this), and veggies are about the only snacks i can think of if you are doing keto and cant handle nuts. Personally, if you had a hard time doing the diet before, i would not do keto and simply stop eating grains and sugar. You'll lose weight that way, just slower, but it sounds like you would probably be able to sustain it more easily.

I would also try intermittent fasting and lifting if you are not happy with your progress.


So Weight Loss Gaf. Im looking to get started on the path. I have been reading alot in here and across various net resources. Im liking what I see with Keto. Is there any particular resource someone could reccomend?

I am 6'5" and around 320 right now. Looking to get down to like 200


So Weight Loss Gaf. Im looking to get started on the path. I have been reading alot in here and across various net resources. Im liking what I see with Keto. Is there any particular resource someone could reccomend?

I am 6'5" and around 320 right now. Looking to get down to like 200

well, its not a keto resource, but my favorite primal/paleo blog is marks daily apple

Read up on the information there, check out the recipes, and just tailor it to your keto desires

Chris R

well, its not a keto resource, but my favorite primal/paleo blog is marks daily apple

Read up on the information there, check out the recipes, and just tailor it to your keto desires

Reddit also has a pretty helpful Keto community.

The hardest part of switching to Keto is getting over the Keto Flu. Lucky for me I only "had it" for a single day. I've seen other people complain about it for over a week :(

Heading into my doctor next week so I'll have some before/after numbers from a real source to look at and use to gauge how successful I've been on Keto.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Hey guys, I don't have any pictures, but I did recently lose a lot of weight!

I was at about 210-215 (my highest ever was 238), and this morning I weighed 158! I lost about 50 pounds since January.

Of course my big secret was getting cancer, lol. But still, I look waaaay skinnier than I did before. I weigh less than my friends I used to tease for being so skinny. Can't recommend the diet that got me here, but hopefully I can stay thin once I regain my health. :)


Hey guys, I don't have any pictures, but I did recently lose a lot of weight!

I was at about 210-215 (my highest ever was 238), and this morning I weighed 158! I lost about 50 pounds since January.

Of course my big secret was getting cancer, lol. But still, I look waaaay skinnier than I did before. I weigh less than my friends I used to tease for being so skinny. Can't recommend the diet that got me here, but hopefully I can stay thin once I regain my health. :)

This sounds weird, but when I was diagnosed with cancer I was.. excited at the prospect of the rapid weight loss. Unfortunately, I didn't lose or gain a single pound throughout my entire treatment.

Good luck, and gratz.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
God damn!! Cinnamon Roll Quest Bars are sick!

The Chocolate Brownie ones are the most widely available from what I've seen so I've had the most of those, but I just bought a box of the cinnamon roll ones at the recommendation of the store clerk working and they are awwwesome.

Really want to try out these other flavors to see how they are. I wish they sold variety packs or something.
Can't upload photos due to Photobucket's still unresolved error, but I can tell my story:

I started the weight loss journey about six weeks ago and thought I was doing it right. I ate less, exercised, but somehow GAINED five pounds!

So, I looked at WHAT I was eating and my portions. I quit fast food cold turkey, went through my cupboards and fridge to throw out or gave away anything that qualifies as junk food, I am currently working through the food that's left, and will begin a juice fast on June 1st, with the "Mean green" juice as my only sustenance for 60 days.

I also hired a personal trainer at my gym, we'll meet once a week to plan out a weight loss and muscle building plan along with a post-fast diet.

I'm currently 6'5" and 430 lbs with my goal being 220-230 lbs.


*sigh* last week wasn't the best. Monday was fondue for anniversary.. Thursday was chinese buffet for dinner and I tried hard to be good but it still wasn't good enough. So I'm stalled at 243. On the bright side it's 2 weeks of no weight gain, but no weight loss either. :( I am also repeating a week of Insanity because of the week I missed 3 days.

Most of what I've seen is that the first few weeks you won't see a ton of difference. Most people see the differences start to happen in a major way about 30 days in if they're working out hard and eating right.

Darklord, major props, man. That's awesome.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
So, I looked at WHAT I was eating and my portions. I quit fast food cold turkey, went through my cupboards and fridge to throw out or gave away anything that qualifies as junk food, I am currently working through the food that's left

Great first step!

and will begin a juice fast on June 1st, with the "Mean green" juice as my only sustenance for 60 days.

Hmm...can't say I'd really be cool with this. It's not at all a natural diet and won't help you establish any good habits during an intense period of weight loss. I lost roughly 20 pounds a month eating smaller portions of the right foods...which is way more fun than just drinking some juice for 2 months.

Would strongly recommend you start working towards adapting to a new way of eating all together instead of doing this shotgun diet to kickstart things.

If it works for you, great...but that doesn't sound like a healthy or great way to start your new way of life.

I also hired a personal trainer at my gym, we'll meet once a week to plan out a weight loss and muscle building plan along with a post-fast diet.

I'm currently 6'5" and 430 lbs with my goal being 220-230 lbs.
Trainers can be great to help with motivation...just be careful that they aren't selling you a bunch of nonsense to make a quick buck off a guy in search of help!

Best of luck, dude...and look forward to hearing your progress.


God damn!! Cinnamon Roll Quest Bars are sick!

The Chocolate Brownie ones are the most widely available from what I've seen so I've had the most of those, but I just bought a box of the cinnamon roll ones at the recommendation of the store clerk working and they are awwwesome.

Really want to try out these other flavors to see how they are. I wish they sold variety packs or something.
Well, it's not quite a variety pack but you can order individual bars from the Quest website. My personal favorites are the Peanut Butter Supreme, Cinnamon Roll, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Brownie, and Vanilla Almond, all microwaved for around 12 seconds.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Well, it's not quite a variety pack but you can order individual bars from the Quest website. My personal favorites are the Peanut Butter Supreme, Cinnamon Roll, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Brownie, and Vanilla Almond, all microwaved for around 12 seconds.

I probably should just order the individuals off the website, eh? Peanut Butter and Jelly sounds awesome, too. These things are dangerous as hell. :lol


You can order sample boxes from Quest, you get 2 of each flavor. you can also buy single bars from netrition.com for only 2.09 a bar.

I've tried all the flavors, I would say PB&J is my favorite from the Original line and...either Coconut or Strawberry from the all natural line. I like all the flavors though. Lemon is the sweetest by far. Apple Pie tastes more like a sour apple to me, the chocolate brownie is like a big tootsie roll, the strawberry cheesecake should be renamed to strawberry shortcake, there's no cheese flavor at all [which is a good thing imo], the lemon taste like a yellow starburst..I would say the mixed berry is my least favorite but I do like it. They're also making 2 new lines, 1 with soy protein for people who are lactose intolerant and one meal replacement line which will have a lot more fat and calories. Everyone seems to ask for a banana nut flavor too, so I wouldn't be surprised to see that added, they usually listen to requests.

Im glad they messed up my order last time, ended up getting about 30 free bars :]



Doing great on my diet & exercise all week, but I got suckered into birthday cake today. :( At least it was delicious chocolate cake.

Yeah, someone could start a separate weight loss thread for the non low-carbers. Their proselytizing reminds me of evangelicals at times...

Personally, I don't see the point in looking for alternatives. .


Everything works and nothing works.

Yup. As I've said here before, if you have a weight loss plan that works (at least for yourself), you're almost guaranteed to find the opposite opinion in this thread. A perfect case study as to why there are many, many voices on weight loss out there.


Man, my body does not like making the leap to get past certain numbers. I've been stuck in the low 230s the past week when I felt sure I'd be out of them already. The same thing happened in my 240s and 250s. I'll get through the middle numbers fairly quickly and then just stall. It doesn't lower my spirit or anything, it's just annoying. Of course it probably didn't help that I ate something I shouldn't have a couple of nights ago, but even after that I was pretty confident, only for the scale to laugh at me.


Man, my body does not like making the leap to get past certain numbers. I've been stuck in the low 230s the past week when I felt sure I'd be out of them already. The same thing happened in my 240s and 250s. I'll get through the middle numbers fairly quickly and then just stall. It doesn't lower my spirit or anything, it's just annoying. Of course it probably didn't help that I ate something I shouldn't have a couple of nights ago, but even after that I was pretty confident, only for the scale to laugh at me.

I feel the same way, for me it's getting bellow the 350lbs mark. That's my first goal, started January 6 2012 at 400lbs. Over the course of my keto lifestyle I have learned 1 thing.... It's not a race and as long as I continue this life, I will lose weight.... I'm doing about 10-11 lbs per month, which at first I wanted the weight to come off faster...but I'm so happy losing it this way, it's just so easy for me now.



Doing great on my diet & exercise all week, but I got suckered into birthday cake today. :( At least it was delicious chocolate cake.


Yup. As I've said here before, if you have a weight loss plan that works (at least for yourself), you're almost guaranteed to find the opposite opinion in this thread. A perfect case study as to why there are many, many voices on weight loss out there.

Seriously. I once lost fifteen pounds eating McDonald's every day without much exercise. Keto diets work, but they aren't a miracle diet. Weight loss similar to traditional calorie restriction combined with somewhat higher adherence makes it a great option but by no means the only one.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Curious: I recently found out that Whole Foods introduced a new milk product which is non-homogenized milk that comes from cows that are 100% grass-fed (it's called Organic Valley Grassmilk). It's about as close to raw milk as you'll get here.

Would this be okay for someone lactose intolerant like me to drink or should I still stick with the lactose-free specific milk (which aren't grass-fed and are homogenized)?


Curious: I recently found out that Whole Foods introduced a new milk product which is non-homogenized milk that comes from cows that are 100% grass-fed (it's called Organic Valley Grassmilk). It's about as close to raw milk as you'll get here.

Would this be okay for someone lactose intolerant like me to drink or should I still stick with the lactose-free specific milk (which aren't grass-fed and are homogenized)?

Is it still pasterized? If so, then nope. Amazon looks to sell lactase enzymes in a dropper, so you could add that to your milk to make it lactose-free if that's an option you've never looked at.
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