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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Just ate the Primal Cobb Salad from Mark's Daily Apple. So gooooooood. Stuff like that is making this a great week of Primal eating.

My girlfriend got me to try going back on Body For Life with her, but I ended up gaining about 8 lbs! Getting quickly back to my previous weight, and then I will start working towards my real goal.

To Keavy Rain- maybe you should look to Paleo/Primal eating. I find it more palatable and interesting than straight Keto. Seems like it would work better long term.
Hmm...can't say I'd really be cool with this. It's not at all a natural diet and won't help you establish any good habits during an intense period of weight loss. I lost roughly 20 pounds a month eating smaller portions of the right foods...which is way more fun than just drinking some juice for 2 months.

Would strongly recommend you start working towards adapting to a new way of eating all together instead of doing this shotgun diet to kickstart things.

If it works for you, great...but that doesn't sound like a healthy or great way to start your new way of life.

The video I watched on it states it's a way to get you to love the taste of fruits and vegetables (Not so much an issue for me, I just loved the taste and convenience of fast and junk food more) plus I'll be under doctor's supervision and have a post-fast diet plan.

The fast is more of a "Get things going, get me motivated" thing and I may stop it early or work in real food for part of the day if I feel I need it.

Trainers can be great to help with motivation...just be careful that they aren't selling you a bunch of nonsense to make a quick buck off a guy in search of help!

Best of luck, dude...and look forward to hearing your progress.

The trainer and one free session came with the gym membership and I hired him for a few additional sessions, to cover the first 60 days. It'll give me a chance to learn what to do and see if he's gonna try to upsell me on garbage I don't need.

Also, since the weight I want to lose is equal to one person, I have named that person Brad. He considers Top 40 to be the best music ever, calls everyone "Brah," and he has an aura of Axe Body Spray at all times.

Basically, Brad is everything I hate about humanity and I want him gone.



To Keavy Rain- maybe you should look to Paleo/Primal eating. I find it more palatable and interesting than straight Keto. Seems like it would work better long term.

I'm going mostly vegetarian with juicing. My meals for the past few days have been as follows:

Bowl of bran cereal with lactose-free yogurt or whole wheat waffles and bacon for breakfast.

Sandwiches made with whole wheat bread (Orowheat Double fiber) or soup and small salad, no dressing, with carrots, apples and one can of Pepsi Throwback included on both options for lunch.

Dinner is "Mean Green" juice with a side of carrots or broccoli and apples.

My family history of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure keeps me away from Keto.

Also, I've been noticing I'm running "Hot" these past few days, like I'm warm to the touch. I assume it's my metabolism kicking in.


I'm going mostly vegetarian with juicing. My meals for the past few days have been as follows:

Bowl of bran cereal with lactose-free yogurt or whole wheat waffles and bacon for breakfast.

Sandwiches made with whole wheat bread (Orowheat Double fiber) or soup and small salad, no dressing, with carrots, apples and one can of Pepsi Throwback included on both options for lunch.

Dinner is "Mean Green" juice with a side of carrots or broccoli and apples.

My family history of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure keeps me away from Keto.

Also, I've been noticing I'm running "Hot" these past few days, like I'm warm to the touch. I assume it's my metabolism kicking in.

I'm not a super low carber or keto guy myself, but you shouldn't worry about heart disease on keto. The lipid hypothesis is basically on shaky ground.

The diseases you mention have been linked more toward consumption of refined sugars.


I'm going mostly vegetarian with juicing. My meals for the past few days have been as follows:

Bowl of bran cereal with lactose-free yogurt or whole wheat waffles and bacon for breakfast.

Sandwiches made with whole wheat bread (Orowheat Double fiber) or soup and small salad, no dressing, with carrots, apples and one can of Pepsi Throwback included on both options for lunch.

Dinner is "Mean Green" juice with a side of carrots or broccoli and apples.

My family history of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure keeps me away from Keto.

Also, I've been noticing I'm running "Hot" these past few days, like I'm warm to the touch. I assume it's my metabolism kicking in.


You should read this. I firmly believe that primal/paleo is the best diet to combat diabetes because fat does not raise blood sugar levels - carbs and sugar do. Carbs are the thing you need to avoid if you are worried about diabetes, hypertension and heart failure

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I'm going mostly vegetarian with juicing. My meals for the past few days have been as follows:

Bowl of bran cereal with lactose-free yogurt or whole wheat waffles and bacon for breakfast.

Sandwiches made with whole wheat bread (Orowheat Double fiber) or soup and small salad, no dressing, with carrots, apples and one can of Pepsi Throwback included on both options for lunch.

Dinner is "Mean Green" juice with a side of carrots or broccoli and apples.

My family history of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure keeps me away from Keto.

Also, I've been noticing I'm running "Hot" these past few days, like I'm warm to the touch. I assume it's my metabolism kicking in.

Your current plan is exactly what'll produce hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure. You don't need to be keto (<50g), but you shouldn't be having wheat this, juice that, all the time (juice fasting is a joke and doesn't do anything, you're just drinking sugar all the time).

Eating the way you're planning to in order to avoid those ailments you mentioned is like saying you want to avoid car accidents by jumping in front of cars.

Chris R

I'll be able to see just how good or bad Keto is for my "vital" signs after I get back from my doctor next week. First visit was last November. I've lost 40+ pounds since then (still a fat ass though :p at least I'm just an "overweight" fat ass now instead of an "obese" fat ass according to BMI) so the bloodwork that will be done should be interesting. I was "basically pre-diabetic" last time I visited the doctor and my blood pressure was way too high.

Recently I've been working out more too, mostly just bicycling, but I'm thinking about getting a gym membership though to be able to throw some weight exercising in as well.


I'm going mostly vegetarian with juicing. My meals for the past few days have been as follows:

Bowl of bran cereal with lactose-free yogurt or whole wheat waffles and bacon for breakfast.

Sandwiches made with whole wheat bread (Orowheat Double fiber) or soup and small salad, no dressing, with carrots, apples and one can of Pepsi Throwback included on both options for lunch.

Dinner is "Mean Green" juice with a side of carrots or broccoli and apples.

My family history of Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure keeps me away from Keto.

Also, I've been noticing I'm running "Hot" these past few days, like I'm warm to the touch. I assume it's my metabolism kicking in.

Do you realize that diabetes and the other disease you listed stem, mainly, from metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is caused by overreating. Lots of people have difficulty keeping their appetite in check consuming lots of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates (whole wheat is bullshit) that easily dysregulate blood sugar. So I doubt you will last very long on your high carb / high sugar diet.

Your family may have a history of diabetes, and they may have consumed lots of meat, but I bet they consumed lots of sugar and starchy foods along with their meat. A diet composed of primarily protein and fat will allow you to keep your appetite in check, allowing you to lose weight and stave off metabolic syndrome. Even if you don't lose weight, which I don't know if you need to or not, a diet composed primarily of fat and protein will give your pancreas a break and ultimately give you better glycemic control (better blood sugar regulation), which will help ward off metabolic syndrome.

Exercise is also important for warding off diabetes. Working out with heavy weights and depleting your glycogen stores is a great way to ensure glycemic control stays in check. In fact, if you workout intensely with weights a couple of times per week, you can handle quite a bit more carbs, although it's still a good idea to not overload yourself with them.
Your current plan is exactly what'll produce hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure. You don't need to be keto (<50g), but you shouldn't be having wheat this, juice that, all the time (juice fasting is a joke and doesn't do anything, you're just drinking sugar all the time).

Eating the way you're planning to in order to avoid those ailments you mentioned is like saying you want to avoid car accidents by jumping in front of cars.

Right now I'm cleaning out the fridge and cupboards before the fast. This is what I have on hand, so I'm finishing it off.

I get that you guys were successful with Keto and want to promote that, but I want to try the "reboot" system for myself, as I don't think I can handle eating as much meat as is required for Keto or the other "High protein" diets.


Right now I'm cleaning out the fridge and cupboards before the fast. This is what I have on hand, so I'm finishing it off.

I get that you guys were successful with Keto and want to promote that, but I want to try the "reboot" system for myself, as I don't think I can handle eating as much meat as is required for Keto or the other "High protein" diets.

Like others have said, you dont need to go on Keto or eat a crap ton of meat to lose weight. Simply going primal/paleo and eating mostly veggies with eggs, fish, chicken, as well as some dairy and fruit will work out as well.

Primal/paleo isnt a meat diet. Its a real foods diet that stays the fuck away from grain, sugar, vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils, and crap like that. you dont need to eat a shit ton of red meat to lose weight. Eating fats and protein simply helps satiate you more easily so youll end up eating less.

If you want to tailor the diet to include less meat, you can. You just simply eat more veggies. I imagine it will be more difficult though since you'll take in more carbs than a meat eater and youll feel less satiated and probably eat more, but that is a far better option than going on a juice diet

The diet you are going to try is simply not sustainable and will be bad for your overall health (the juice meal part).


Right now I'm cleaning out the fridge and cupboards before the fast. This is what I have on hand, so I'm finishing it off.

I get that you guys were successful with Keto and want to promote that, but I want to try the "reboot" system for myself, as I don't think I can handle eating as much meat as is required for Keto or the other "High protein" diets.

What do you mean you can't handle eating as much meat as a keto diet? If you already eat meat, then you probably eat as much as you would on keto. A keto diet would probably be the amount of meat equivalent to SAD, but replacing the high carb, starchy processed crap with non-starchy vegetables and adding some fatty foods (cheese, eggs, butter). Once you're on keto, small amounts of food will satisfy you, so it isn't like you're going to be gorging on meat. Lots of people can maintain a ketogenic diet at 1,000-1,500 kcal a day without any hunger.
Right now I'm cleaning out the fridge and cupboards before the fast. This is what I have on hand, so I'm finishing it off.

I get that you guys were successful with Keto and want to promote that, but I want to try the "reboot" system for myself, as I don't think I can handle eating as much meat as is required for Keto or the other "High protein" diets.

What's the nutritional equivalent to BroScience? That's where juicing and "rebooting" your system belong. Your body is not full of toxins and doesn't require a reboot. What it needs is to stop eating crap asap. And just throw all that crap out! Don't eat it just to get rid of it. Pepsi Throwback? Get rid of it! Your new life begins tomorrow!
most whole grain bread contains high fructose corn syrup in it

You can find breads without HFCS. Plus, you can make your own.

Also, I'm weening myself off of soda. I quit junk food cold turkey, I quit fast food cold turkey, but I can't quit soda cold turkey. I'll be moving from one per day to one every other day, then none.

I was motivated to lose weight, in part, by the truck driver in "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." He weighs what I weigh and he hit my goal in ten months. I want to be him, so I'm doing what he did. Therefore, he went on a juicing fast, I'm doing a juicing fast.

As for the meat comment, I had this thought in my mind that I'd be eating nothing but massive steaks and full chicken breasts with slabs of bacon on Keto, I grew up in a meat and potatoes house where most meals were those two with gravy on top and vegetables if there was room. I don't ever want to eat like that again.


As for the meat comment, I had this thought in my mind that I'd be eating nothing but massive steaks and full chicken breasts with slabs of bacon on Keto, I grew up in a meat and potatoes house where most meals were those two with gravy on top and vegetables if there was room. I don't ever want to eat like that again.

Are you worried about feeling bloated, disgusted, and what not? Before I went primal, I had that conception about meat. That eating a ton of it, especially fatty meat like bacon and red meat will make you feel like a bloated sack of crap.

That couldnt be further from the the truth though. I eat a ton of meat and my stomach/digestion has never felt/been better. You simply feel contentedly full, not disgustingly bloated. It honestly surprised me since I didnt expect that to be one of the benefits.

What does make me feel like a bloated sack of crap is when I have grain. I had some whole wheat spaghetti a while back. Felt like crap afterwards. Last week I had two slices of pizza (it was free and im cheap), and my stomach felt like crap afterwards. those two instances put me off of grain for good. I have no desire to eat it since my stomach simply does not agree with it anymore (or maybe it never did and i simply didnt realize it).

Well, ill be honest, i can handle a whole wheat bun fine and eat grain if it only makes up a small portion of the meal, but if its basically the whole meal - like spaghetti or pizza, forget it


So I've done about a week of keto so far (although I did cheat on that a little bit today) and I've seen great results. My problem has never been not exercising, it's always been my diet. I gotta say, since starting keto, I've lost 5 pounds in this week alone. I'm feeling pretty great right now. I'm usually eating turkey bacon & eggs for breakfast with low-carb yogurt on the side. Lunch & dinner is usually some chicken dish or pure beef dish and of course I'm sorta a salad-addict so I eat plenty of veggies.

The points about experiencing a huge loss in appetite have also proven to be true. I can pretty much just go with the essential basic meals and not feel the need to snack on crackers or fruit like I used. I tried making Cauliflower Pizza tonight - crust ended up to soggy for my liking, although I still ate it. I looked up some ways to make the crust crispier and will try again tomorrow. My main fear of going low-carb was that I would get bored with nothing to eat, but I've been searching and found both "Your Lighter Side" and Healthy Indulgences to be really helpful with recipe ideas.


The points about experiencing a huge loss in appetite have also proven to be true. I can pretty much just go with the essential basic meals and not feel the need to snack on crackers or fruit like I used. I tried making Cauliflower Pizza tonight - crust ended up to soggy for my liking, although I still ate it. I looked up some ways to make the crust crispier and will try again tomorrow. My main fear of going low-carb was that I would get bored with nothing to eat, but I've been searching and found both "Your Lighter Side" and Healthy Indulgences to be really helpful with recipe ideas.

I honestly think food tastes better now that I stopped eating sugar (and maybe grain too). I guess that makes some sense since my palate isnt saturated with sugar anymore. Fat tastes better to me, and everything tastes sweeter now. Carrots taste sweeter and better, and fruit tastes extremely sweet, which is definitely nice since I really have no desire to eat any candy or milk chocolate anymore with fruit tasting so damn good now


Junior Member
You can find breads without HFCS. Plus, you can make your own.

Also, I'm weening myself off of soda. I quit junk food cold turkey, I quit fast food cold turkey, but I can't quit soda cold turkey. I'll be moving from one per day to one every other day, then none.

I was motivated to lose weight, in part, by the truck driver in "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." He weighs what I weigh and he hit my goal in ten months. I want to be him, so I'm doing what he did. Therefore, he went on a juicing fast, I'm doing a juicing fast.

As for the meat comment, I had this thought in my mind that I'd be eating nothing but massive steaks and full chicken breasts with slabs of bacon on Keto, I grew up in a meat and potatoes house where most meals were those two with gravy on top and vegetables if there was room. I don't ever want to eat like that again.

Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vr-c8GeT34

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Carrots taste sweeter and better, and fruit tastes extremely sweet, which is definitely nice since I really have no desire to eat any candy or milk chocolate anymore with fruit tasting so damn good now

Much to my dismay, low carb never had this effect on my palate and cravings. No matter how long of a stretch I went for, I was fiending for sugar like nothing else. It's been my downfall every single time, and is a big reason why I've more or less given up on trying to lose my spare tire over the last four years. Just doesn't seem like I have the willpower to beat this.


Much to my dismay, low carb never had this effect on my palate and cravings. No matter how long of a stretch I went for, I was fiending for sugar like nothing else. It's been my downfall every single time, and is a big reason why I've more or less given up on trying to lose my spare tire over the last four years. Just doesn't seem like I have the willpower to beat this.

For you in particular, you wouldn't need to cut out breads and sweets in order to have a low body fat. I'm testimate enough to that. As a baker and a student, your likely crazy schedule and job is probably having more effect on your body than a daily cupcake.


I honestly think food tastes better now that I stopped eating sugar (and maybe grain too). I guess that makes some sense since my palate isnt saturated with sugar anymore. Fat tastes better to me, and everything tastes sweeter now. Carrots taste sweeter and better, and fruit tastes extremely sweet, which is definitely nice since I really have no desire to eat any candy or milk chocolate anymore with fruit tasting so damn good now

Fruits seems kind of off limits though.
I mean i was curious to know if i could eat some and a lot of them are overkill in either calories or sugars (i miss oranges).
Or maybe i'm reading the nutritional data wrong.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
For you in particular, you wouldn't need to cut out breads and sweets in order to have a low body fat. I'm testimate enough to that. As a baker and a student, your likely crazy schedule and job is probably having more effect on your body than a daily cupcake.

You have low body fat?

I ask because I'm at a crossroads. I want to drop to 9% bf before I start bulking (I'm 186lbs, I'd need to drop 15-20 more lbs to reach that), but at the same time, I'm just getting so sick of being on a calorie deficit and not seeing results that I just want to say fuck it and start bulking primal (w/100-150g of carbs PWO) for the most part and not caring about the extra fat I have left.

So confused. :/


Fruits seems kind of off limits though.
I mean i was curious to know if i could eat some and a lot of them are overkill in either calories or sugars (i miss oranges).
Or maybe i'm reading the nutritional data wrong.

It depends on what you are shooting for. If you are doing keto, then yea, fruit is a no no. If you are just doing primal/paleo then fruits are fine in moderation


You have low body fat?

I ask because I'm at a crossroads. I want to drop to 9% bf before I start bulking (I'm 186lbs, I'd need to drop 15-20 more lbs to reach that), but at the same time, I'm just getting so sick of being on a calorie deficit and not seeing results that I just want to say fuck it and start bulking primal (w/100-150g of carbs PWO) for the most part and not caring about the extra fat I have left.

So confused. :/

Is the weight just a psycological kind of barrier for you? Because you know, you don't need to be at a certain body fat % to build muscle, and your going earn some fat when you start eating a ton either way you start. And it would take most people a few months to lose that kind of weight healthily.

But at the end of the day, you need to do whatever's going to make you happiest and healthiest. If lifting weights and following a bulking diet is it, then do it. And when you have huge muscles, the cutting part of your path will only end up being more satisfying I would think.

That or you could try that intermittent fasting stuff (e.g. LeanGains), and go after both if you're greedy :p.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Is the weight just a psycological kind of barrier for you? Because you know, you don't need to be at a certain body fat % to build muscle, and your going earn some fat when you start eating a ton either way you start. And it would take most people a few months to lose that kind of weight healthily.

But at the end of the day, you need to do whatever's going to make you happiest and healthiest. If lifting weights and following a bulking diet is it, then do it. And when you have huge muscles, the cutting part of your path will only end up being more satisfying I would think.

That or you could try that intermittent fasting stuff (e.g. LeanGains), and go after both if you're greedy :p.

I already do Leangains. I started the Leangains cutting properly the beginning of April and my weight and looks haven't really changed. My reasons for changing things up is that a) I don't enjoy eating tons of carbs anymore (I'd still have 100-150g for insulin-anabolic reasons), b) I'm tired of limiting myself with no results, and c) I'm starting to care more about being buff (even if I have 15-20% bf on me) and getting those numbers up on the weights than getting a six pack (which I still desperately want).

But I also feel I should still cut because I'm at the home stretch (only need to lose 15-20lbs) and I have quite a chunk of fat still left around my thighs, crotch, lower abdomen and chest that I want to get rid of and bulking won't eliminate them (it'll most likely add to them).

I'm also getting tired of counting macros and calories. I'll still make sure to pick the right food choices, but overall, I just want to fucking eat.
Like Piecake says above, Primal is the answer in my book. No calories, no macros. Just eat the right foods and listen to your body about hunger and thirst. It may go slower for you, but you will probably feel better and more satisfied.

Keavy_Rain, I wouldn't trust that documentary. Just like I wouldn't trust Biggest Loser for real world results. All the juicing is doing is putting you in a calorie deficit. If you eat the right foods, you'll feel fuller and happier. I can't imagine you would be satisfied just drinking juice. I would go nuts!


I already do Leangains. I started the Leangains cutting properly the beginning of April and my weight and looks haven't really changed. My reasons for changing things up is that a) I don't enjoy eating tons of carbs anymore (I'd still have 100-150g for insulin-anabolic reasons), b) I'm tired of limiting myself with no results, and c) I'm starting to care more about being buff (even if I have 15-20% bf on me) and getting those numbers up on the weights than getting a six pack (which I still desperately want).

But I also feel I should still cut because I'm at the home stretch (only need to lose 15-20lbs) and I have quite a chunk of fat still left around my thighs, crotch, lower abdomen and chest that I want to get rid of and bulking won't eliminate them (it'll most likely add to them).

I'm also getting tired of counting macros and calories. I'll still make sure to pick the right food choices, but overall, I just want to fucking eat.

If it's been six weeks and one diet isn't working out on any level, it's time to cut your loses and move on. 'Cause it honestly doesn't sound like you're getting anything out of Lean Gains on any level.

Just from the limited research I've done on my phone, it seems like both the diets mentioned on this page, the Paleo Diet and the Primal Blueprint, can fit into all your macronutrient and, even more specifically, your carb requirements. Just starting something new will make you feel a whole lot better.

What I guess has worked for me when I'm not super active is that I make sure that I drink the amount of water I need--typically a gallon a day, but I sing a lot even in my downtime. Most people shouldn't neccesarily drink that much. But if you go to the gym regularly, you're going to need more than the gov'ment recommended 8 cups. I sleep 8 hours, and remain mindful about what I'm eating. That means if I have pancakes and cereal and potatoes in the morning (not uncommon), I'll skip the pasta that night. If I want a sugary soft drink with my meal, I'm probably taking 200 calories, like a big, buttered dinner roll, off my plate. If I eat a whole pizza for dinner, it's Metamucil and some dairy for breakfast. You get the idea. And things like vegetables or high fiber fruits, I never stop eating. But that's not really a helpful diet or a plan, it's more of a, "I'll eat whatever I want until I get sick of it, then I'll move on to something else." I wish I could use more of my personal story to help you out, because you seem like you're (justifiably) frustrated.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
For you in particular, you wouldn't need to cut out breads and sweets in order to have a low body fat. I'm testimate enough to that. As a baker and a student, your likely crazy schedule and job is probably having more effect on your body than a daily cupcake.

That's kind of what frightens me: my career is going to end up stopping me from ever being content with my appearance. I'm up around 5 and on the go nonstop until 10 nearly every night, at which point it's obviously too late to work out, let alone do my class assignments and get a fair amount of rest. I literally have one day a week (if I'm lucky) to get some legitimate exercise, and that's not cutting it.

Low carb never satisfied me and was far too difficult to adhere to given my lifestyle; low cal/fat was somewhat easier to stick to, but cravings always get the best of me after a couple of weeks and I fall off the wagon big time. Stress and recurring bouts of depression consistently destroy what I've worked for. The only times I've managed to stay on a diet and exercise routine long enough to make progress has been when I was unemployed, heh. My metabolism has always been slow, and it's certainly not getting any better at my age...
That's kind of what frightens me: my career is going to end up stopping me from ever being content with my appearance. I'm up around 5 and on the go nonstop until 10 nearly every night, at which point it's obviously too late to work out, let alone do my class assignments and get a fair amount of rest. I literally have one day a week (if I'm lucky) to get some legitimate exercise, and that's not cutting it.

Low carb never satisfied me and was far too difficult to adhere to given my lifestyle; low cal/fat was somewhat easier to stick to, but cravings always get the best of me after a couple of weeks and I fall off the wagon big time. Stress and recurring bouts of depression consistently destroy what I've worked for. The only times I've managed to stay on a diet and exercise routine long enough to make progress has been when I was unemployed, heh. My metabolism has always been slow, and it's certainly not getting any better at my age...

Are you the President of the United States? Jesus, man. Maybe the first change should be career-wise. Think about your health.
Hey guys, I have a question

In the past week I've started trying to eat better. I don't eat as well as many of you do, but compared to the shit I used to eat I feel like I've been doing better. I've cut out all the sodas and juices for the most part (I had 3 non-water drinks and am trying to get that down to zero) and have been trying to eat in more, favoring cereal, oatmeal and eggs, yogurt, etc over what I'd normally do (burgers, mexican food, pizza, etc).

I've been checking the scale (and I know 1. weight fluctuates from day to day and 2. weight loss takes a while to see) but in the past week I've somehow gained 10 pounds according to my scale. I was just wondering whether this could be due to the fact that I've been drinking a lot more water or whether there's some critically weak link in what I've been eating. Again, I know I still have more work to do in refining my diet, but I've been eating way less junk food, snacks and soft drinks since before I started weighing myself.

I'll start making a note of what I eat this week so that if the problem persists I can give you guys a detailed breakdown of what I had each day.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Hey guys, I have a question

In the past week I've started trying to eat better. I don't eat as well as many of you do, but compared to the shit I used to eat I feel like I've been doing better. I've cut out all the sodas and juices for the most part (I had 3 non-water drinks and am trying to get that down to zero) and have been trying to eat in more, favoring cereal, oatmeal and eggs, yogurt, etc over what I'd normally do (burgers, mexican food, pizza, etc).

I've been checking the scale (and I know 1. weight fluctuates from day to day and 2. weight loss takes a while to see) but in the past week I've somehow gained 10 pounds according to my scale. I was just wondering whether this could be due to the fact that I've been drinking a lot more water or whether there's some critically weak link in what I've been eating. Again, I know I still have more work to do in refining my diet, but I've been eating way less junk food, snacks and soft drinks since before I started weighing myself.

I'll start making a note of what I eat this week so that if the problem persists I can give you guys a detailed breakdown of what I had each day.

As good as it is that you're cutting out all the junk, if you replace them with thosef foods you focus on now, but eat a lot of it, it won't matter in the end because you'll just ending up having the same (or more calories) as before.

Post what a typical day (after the changes) look like in terms of what/when/how often you eat.


Hey guys, I have a question

In the past week I've started trying to eat better. I don't eat as well as many of you do, but compared to the shit I used to eat I feel like I've been doing better. I've cut out all the sodas and juices for the most part (I had 3 non-water drinks and am trying to get that down to zero) and have been trying to eat in more, favoring cereal, oatmeal and eggs, yogurt, etc over what I'd normally do (burgers, mexican food, pizza, etc).

I've been checking the scale (and I know 1. weight fluctuates from day to day and 2. weight loss takes a while to see) but in the past week I've somehow gained 10 pounds according to my scale. I was just wondering whether this could be due to the fact that I've been drinking a lot more water or whether there's some critically weak link in what I've been eating. Again, I know I still have more work to do in refining my diet, but I've been eating way less junk food, snacks and soft drinks since before I started weighing myself.

I'll start making a note of what I eat this week so that if the problem persists I can give you guys a detailed breakdown of what I had each day.

Well, cereal is definitely a problem. The vast majority of that crap is just candy. Depending on the brand, the yogurt could also be a problem due to a lot of it being isanely high in sugar and containing a lot of bad ingredients. Eat plain, full-fat greek yogurt if you want yogurt (i think it tastes better too)

So yea, you basically replaced sugar from soda with sugar from cereal and yogurt. Now, that definitely is better since at least cereal and yogurt are a bit better for you and will fill you up slightly, but it is still bad

As for your overall diet, I dont see any meat up there. The problem might be that you are simply over-eating because you arent getting enough satiating foods filled with fat and protein.

Eat more chicken, beef, fish, bacon, liver, etc. Or, if you cant afford all that meat, just eat a shit ton more eggs and canned tuna

Also, you need to start eating veggies if you dont

But yea, you got the most important step down - stop drinking your calories, especailly if those calories are all just sugar
As good as it is that you're cutting out all the junk, if you replace them with thosef foods you focus on now, but eat a lot of it, it won't matter in the end because you'll just ending up having the same (or more calories) as before.

Post what a typical day (after the changes) look like in terms of what/when/how often you eat.

That's the thing, though - I don't eat a ton. Whereas I used to eat til I'm full, I just eat now til I'm not hungry. For example, today I had cereal and low-fat yogurt for breakfast, just had some low-fat yogurt as a snack and will maybe grab some sushi later on for dinner. Again - not the best diet right now, but better than what I'd used to eat (which could easily have been chipotle + soft drink for late breakfast/early lunch, chips or other snacks throughout the day and a burger + soft drink for dinner). And today I've gone up a couple of pounds.

Well, cereal is definitely a problem. The vast majority of that crap is just candy. Depending on the brand, the yogurt could also be a problem due to a lot of it being isanely high in sugar and containing a lot of bad ingredients. Eat plain, full-fat greek yogurt if you want yogurt (i think it tastes better too)

So yea, you basically replaced sugar from soda with sugar from cereal and yogurt. Now, that definitely is better since at least cereal and yogurt are a bit better for you and will fill you up slightly, but it is still bad

As for your overall diet, I dont see any meat up there. The problem might be that you are simply over-eating because you arent getting enough satiating foods filled with fat and protein.

Eat more chicken, beef, fish, bacon, liver, etc. Or, if you cant afford all that meat, just eat a shit ton more eggs and canned tuna

Also, you need to start eating veggies if you dont

Thanks for the advice. The cereal is Pomegranate & Blueberry Flake cereal from Trader Joe's and the yogurt is Archer farms. Yeah, I guess I haven't had any meat today, now that i think about it. I'll rework it. I bought some grilled chicken slices earlier today to use in a salad eventually. I'm sure it's been posted somewhere in this thread, but could you recommend some foods that are pretty healthy to eat? I would think I'd know what those are, but hearing about cereal largely being unhealthy has shown me that I probably don't.


That's the thing, though - I don't eat a ton. Whereas I used to eat til I'm full, I just eat now til I'm not hungry. For example, today I had cereal and low-fat yogurt for breakfast, just had some low-fat yogurt as a snack and will maybe grab some sushi later on for dinner. Again - not the best diet right now, but better than what I'd used to eat (which could easily have been chipotle + soft drink for late breakfast/early lunch, chips or other snacks throughout the day and a burger + soft drink for dinner). And today I've gone up a couple of pounds.

Thanks for the advice. The cereal is Pomegranate & Blueberry Flake cereal from Trader Joe's and the yogurt is Archer farms. Yeah, I guess I haven't had any meat today, now that i think about it. I'll rework it.

I would never get anything low fat or no fat since most of the time the company makes up for the fat flavor loss by adding a ton of sugar or other chemicals. Fat is fine. Sugar isnt.


I recommend poking around that blog a bit. Lot of good information, and while some of it is a bit out there, the vast majority of it makes a lot of sense and works
I would never get anything low fat or no fat since most of the time the company makes up for the fat flavor loss by adding a ton of sugar or other chemicals. Fat is fine. Sugar isnt.


I recommend poking around that blog a bit. Lot of good information, and while some of it is a bit out there, the vast majority of it makes a lot of sense and works

Just checked the yogurt - 9 grams of sugar. I guess I just need some overall re-education as to what to pay attention to. I've always known too much sugar is bad, but I always thought that calories and fat were really the main two things to pay attention to. I'll check out your link and read up on it.



As for what foods are healthy, is pretty simple

Meat, fish and veggies are perfectly healthy. If all you eat is meat and veggies youll be golden (green leafy veggies seem to be the best)

Fruit is fine, some are better than others (berries), but if you really want to lose weight quickly, you should not eat them. (I eat a ton of fruit)

Dairy is fine, but like fruit, cut it if you want to lose the weight fast. (I eat a ton of dairy)

Nuts are fine, but have an issue with high omega 6 ratios

Grain is bad, avoid grain or at least attempt to reduce the amount that you eat

Sugar is evil, it kills puppies and kittens

Start popping omega 3 pills. Everyone should do this since everyone's omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is all out of whack

As for the yogurt, 9 grams is actually not too bad. Dairy will always have some sugar in it due to lactose. You just want to avoid the crap that adds a shit ton of fructose/HFCS to that product to jack up the sugar content to like 40 grams a serving

Chris R

Blood work won't be available for another couple of days, but my doctor said seeing me made his day. Down 40 lbs according to their scales, blood pressure was 128/80 and it was nice to see my doctor not try to berate me for my choice of using Keto to lose weight. I'm still a lard ass, but I'm shooting to be in the 100s again for the first time in a loooooooong time before the summer is over.
As for what foods are healthy, is pretty simple

Meat, fish and veggies are perfectly healthy. If all you eat is meat and veggies youll be golden (green leafy veggies seem to be the best)

Fruit is fine, some are better than others (berries), but if you really want to lose weight quickly, you should not eat them. (I eat a ton of fruit)

Dairy is fine, but like fruit, cut it if you want to lose the weight fast. (I eat a ton of dairy)

Nuts are fine, but have an issue with high omega 6 ratios

Grain is bad, avoid grain or at least attempt to reduce the amount that you eat

Sugar is evil, it kills puppies and kittens

Start popping omega 3 pills. Everyone should do this since everyone's omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is all out of whack

As for the yogurt, 9 grams is actually not too bad. Dairy will always have some sugar in it due to lactose. You just want to avoid the crap that adds a shit ton of fructose/HFCS to that product to jack up the sugar content to like 40 grams a serving

Man, thanks for all the advice - I really appreciate it. One last question: can you suggest any books that you've found helpful and knowledgable? One of the reasons why, in the past, I've struggled to get into weight loss was because of how dizzying all the different opinions are about certain diets and regimens. If you could recommend something - even one that's not wholly perfect, but a good start - that'd be great.

Blood work won't be available for another couple of days, but my doctor said seeing me made his day. Down 40 lbs according to their scales, blood pressure was 128/80 and it was nice to see my doctor not try to berate me for my choice of using Keto to lose weight. I'm still a lard ass, but I'm shooting to be in the 100s again for the first time in a loooooooong time before the summer is over.

Awesome, man. :) I haven't been in the 100s for a while, myself. I'd love to get back to them someday.


Blood work won't be available for another couple of days, but my doctor said seeing me made his day. Down 40 lbs according to their scales, blood pressure was 128/80 and it was nice to see my doctor not try to berate me for my choice of using Keto to lose weight. I'm still a lard ass, but I'm shooting to be in the 100s again for the first time in a loooooooong time before the summer is over.

Congrats dude! Did your change convince your doc that keto/primal is the way to go, or does he simply think your an isolated case?


I recently had a lot of testing done and my vitals and such were perfect, when I told my doctors about my diet they were not very supportive, oh well, the test results spoke for themselves.

Chris R

Congrats dude! Did your change convince your doc that keto/primal is the way to go, or does he simply think your an isolated case?

He didn't sound one way or the other, but when he asked what I was doing, I just said Bacon and exercise. He said he had seen some good results from the Atkins diet (I told him I was not doing Atkins, just Keto, but whatever) but wanted to make sure that the results of my blood work were not any worse from the last time I visited.

The first time I visited he said I should try to avoid things like processed sugar/hfcs if I could and add exercise to my life so I'm betting he knows that Keto/Primal is a diet that can work for people, but I doubt he would go and suggest it to everyone.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Just checked the yogurt - 9 grams of sugar. I guess I just need some overall re-education as to what to pay attention to.

Milk and yogurt has natural sugars in it; you'll find in the area of 7-12g per serving (usually 1 cup) and that's absolutely fine. Double check the ingredients to make sure the yogurt isn't supplemented with other things, but chances are if you have plain yogurt (not vanilla or fruit flavored) then it's a-okay.
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