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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Glorious. Fucking glorious.

The latest clinical trials suggest that all of us would benefit from fewer (if any) sugars and fewer refined grains (bread, pasta) and starchy vegetables (potatoes). This was the conventional wisdom through the mid-1960s, and then we turned the grains and starches into heart-healthy diet foods and the USDA enshrined them in the base of its famous Food Guide Pyramid as the staples of our diet. That this shift coincides with the obesity epidemic is probably not a coincidence. As for those of us who are overweight, experimental trials, the gold standard of medical evidence, suggest that diets that are severely restricted in fattening carbohydrates and rich in animal products—meat, eggs, cheese—and green leafy vegetables are arguably the best approach, if not the healthiest diet to eat.


I lost 65 lbs (and have gained back about half of it) when I switched to a gluten free diet after figuring out I was a celiac. I just wasn't hungry all the time anymore. Dunno how much that'll help other people though- my body was just constantly trying to get rid of the food I was eating because it was essentially poison to me, and that probably isn't the case for most other people.


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Glorious. Fucking glorious.
I wonder how long it will take for this just to be "how it is". Although in a sick way I enjoy knowing that I now know, and about 95% of people have no idea :p


So my fiancé and I are moving from two cheat meals a week to one. However, we'll probably still go out to eat twice a week.

Need some ideas.

Costco rotisserie chicken is always a hit
Steak and veggies from outback
Antipasto from local Italian place
Burrito bowl from chipotle (maybe just a little brown rice :x)

Other ideas?


So, this is really kinda corny and sad (I think), but I had a dream last night where I was out with friends in a pool area. Eventually I went in to a nearby bathroom and looked at myself and saw a flat lovehandle-less stomach area. It wasn't toned or anything, just normal-looking. It was a nice dream to wake up to and hopefully something I'll be able to look forward to soon.

Keto is going well, and actually has leveled-out weight wise. After 6 days I've lost 8 pounds, bringing my overall weight loss to 33.4lbs. I'm still only about halfway to my goal, but I'm going to get there. It's no longer a matter of if, but when.

OG Kush

So my fiancé and I are moving from two cheat meals a week to one. However, we'll probably still go out to eat twice a week.

Need some ideas.

Costco rotisserie chicken is always a hit
Steak and veggies from outback
Antipasto from local Italian place
Burrito bowl from chipotle (maybe just a little brown rice :x)

Other ideas?

Mexican food is great as you can always replace the rice with some salad and veggies. I'm sure most restaraunts have dishes which can be low carb though?


Anyone hear have "The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook" by Lyle McDonald?

I know it. It works, but it's pretty extreme and I'd advise against it. The metabolic suppression can cause a bounceback when you stop, if you do it improperly it's fairly dangerous, and you will often feel like crap while doing it.

It does work though. You can hit 4+ lbs of fat a week.

Just make sure that when you get off it you taper properly and have a plan that extends out for six months to ensure you reset your set point.


What kind of nuts? I looked before at some and they were terribly unhealthy. Lots of fat, massive amount of carbs, ect

Nuts are among the best kind of foods you can eat. I go for almonds (taste great and have a good amount of monounsaturated fat) and walnuts (decent source for omega-3's).

If you're finding nuts that have "massive amount of carbs", then they must be loaded with added sugar. Nuts are typically low in carbohydrates, and have a decent amount of fiber. They are calorie dense, so if you're trying to lose weight just make sure to watch your portions.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I know it. It works, but it's pretty extreme and I'd advise against it. The metabolic suppression can cause a bounceback when you stop, if you do it improperly it's fairly dangerous, and you will often feel like crap while doing it.

It does work though. You can hit 4+ lbs of fat a week.

Just make sure that when you get off it you taper properly and have a plan that extends out for six months to ensure you reset your set point.

Thanks. It's just that I've been doing a Leangains cut for a few weeks now and I'm just getting tired of being on a calorie deficit since I've been on it for 3 years now. I started lifting seriously by January 2011 so I've been on a calorie deficit since I started lifting which isn't pleasing to me anymore because I want to build mass and I want those numbers to go up.

But at the same time, I want to follow the Leangains protocol which is to cut until you see your abs then slow bulk to maintain them while building mass.


So, I'm looking to lose weight in general and just look better. Throughout highschool up until senior year I pretty much maintained 180 lbs at 5 '10. Senior Year I didn't have as much physical activity as I used to. I gained a few pounds. Freshman year of college is now over and I'm at 190.

I want to get rid of it all. The ultimate goal is to just be more comfortable with my body. So whenever I have my mornings free now, I go for a run. I find on a treadmill I can do a mile fine, but on my street its more difficult. Might be the changes in slope, whatever. I'm trying to cut down on the carbs but right now I'm pretty much at the mercy of my families cooking.

Anything else I can do?


So, I'm looking to lose weight in general and just look better. Throughout highschool up until senior year I pretty much maintained 180 lbs at 5 '10. Senior Year I didn't have as much physical activity as I used to. I gained a few pounds. Freshman year of college is now over and I'm at 190.

I want to get rid of it all. The ultimate goal is to just be more comfortable with my body. So whenever I have my mornings free now, I go for a run. I find on a treadmill I can do a mile fine, but on my street its more difficult. Might be the changes in slope, whatever. I'm trying to cut down on the carbs but right now I'm pretty much at the mercy of my families cooking.

Anything else I can do?

high intensity interval training - feel the burn


That literally means nothing to me.

High Intensity Interval Training, aka HIIT or Intervals, is when you perform 20 seconds of VERY intense exercise, slow down for 10 seconds, and repeat for 4-8 minutes. It's not for everyone, but it can deliver elevated rates of results in a shortened workout period. Very helpful for people with very limited workout times.

I would suggest doing some lifts and/or bodyweight exercises in addition to treadmill running. Running is a great cardio exercise, but it won't do a whole lot to improve your muscle mass. Keep in mind that doing some weight exercises won't make you gigantic, and may actually slim you more than running alone would. The idea behind it is, that muscle is more dense and compact than fat.

Regarding your diet, you're never "at the mercy" of your families cooking. You can choose how much to eat, and how much of certain items you eat. Try to get double servings of meat or beans, and more non-starch veg into your diet.

spicy cho

What do you guys think of the stair master and rowing machines? Like how would you rate them? I tend to like them the most cause the sm gets my heart rate up really fast and the rowing at high resistance seems to work everything, my back, arms, shoulders, legs etc. just wondering what you guys like for cardio. Soon as my local pool opens I'm going every day after work.
Need some help with a diet.

What should I eat for breakfast, lunch, and snacks for weight loss? I want to keep it simple and eat the same thing every day. My dinner will be different every day, so I'm fine with those meals being the same.

I'm 5'10 and 275. My plan is to only drink water, get off my ass and move a lot more, no junk food, and eat a modest proportion of whatever my parents cook for dinner, eat whatever is suggested for the meals above, and see where that gets me in a month.

I could probably lose a decent amount of weight easily before I start exercising because all I've been doing is sitting around the house and eating junk food and large proportions of dinner while being unemployed the past 4 months, well most of the past year. Have a job now.


Need some help with a diet.

What should I eat for breakfast, lunch, and snacks for weight loss? I want to keep it simple and eat the same thing every day. My dinner will be different every day, so I'm fine with those meals being the same.

I'm 5'10 and 275. My plan is to only drink water, get off my ass and move a lot more, no junk food, and eat a modest proportion of whatever my parents cook for dinner, eat whatever is suggested for the meals above, and see where that gets me in a month.

I could probably lose a decent amount of weight easily before I start exercising because all I've been doing is sitting around the house and eating junk food and large proportions of dinner while being unemployed the past 4 months, well most of the past year. Have a job now.

My breakfast consists for 2 scrambled eggs and ~150g of cottage cheese with some fruit mixed in. Thats about 300-320cal or so.

My lunch is usually a chicken breast with veggies and some beans on the side. Also some fruit to go with that.

Snacks I have bananas (pre workout). I might also nibble on pistachios and almonds as well.

OG Kush

eggs and any meat (sausage, any type of bacon etc) are best options for breakfast. Make sure its good quality sausage though. Snacks: nuts, cheese string, cottage cheese, fruits in moderation, carrot sticks, hummous, olives


eggs and any meat (sausage, any type of bacon etc) are best options for breakfast. Make sure its good quality sausage though.

I still don't get this. People have been saying fat can be good on a diet, like nuts having monounsaturated fat, I can understand that, but sausage? That's loaded with fat, LOTS of it. Even the lighter ones are packed with shit. Bacon has quite a bit of fat too. How can it possibly be good for a diet? Bacon is like the anti-diet food. I mean a little bit is ok but you wouldn't eat one bite for breakfast.


I still don't get this. People have been saying fat can be good on a diet, like nuts having monounsaturated fat, I can understand that, but sausage? That's loaded with fat, LOTS of it. Even the lighter ones are packed with shit. Bacon has quite a bit of fat too. How can it possibly be good for a diet? Bacon is like the anti-diet food. I mean a little bit is ok but you wouldn't eat one bite for breakfast.

What's wrong with fat?


I still don't get this. People have been saying fat can be good on a diet, like nuts having monounsaturated fat, I can understand that, but sausage? That's loaded with fat, LOTS of it. Even the lighter ones are packed with shit. Bacon has quite a bit of fat too. How can it possibly be good for a diet? Bacon is like the anti-diet food. I mean a little bit is ok but you wouldn't eat one bite for breakfast.
It isn't so black and white.

Meat isn't as bad as many assume.

OG Kush

Sorry, i wrongly assumed he was doing low-carb, and gave him low-carb options, which are generally high in fat. a low carb diet is arguably the best diet for fat loss. not necessarily the best health wise (its not bad health wise as well, just not the best), but arguably the best for fastest fat loss.


Need some help with a diet.

What should I eat for breakfast, lunch, and snacks for weight loss? I want to keep it simple and eat the same thing every day. My dinner will be different every day, so I'm fine with those meals being the same.

I'm 5'10 and 275. My plan is to only drink water, get off my ass and move a lot more, no junk food, and eat a modest proportion of whatever my parents cook for dinner, eat whatever is suggested for the meals above, and see where that gets me in a month.

I could probably lose a decent amount of weight easily before I start exercising because all I've been doing is sitting around the house and eating junk food and large proportions of dinner while being unemployed the past 4 months, well most of the past year. Have a job now.

This is what I eat

Weekday Breakfast: I eat Greek yogurt and add real berries (frozen) and almonds to it.
Weekend Breakfast: Either eggs and bacon or an omellete (with chicken/bacon, spinach, red peppgers, and cheese

Weekday Lunch: Chicken, eggs, onions, red peppers, and spinach all thrown into a tupperware container. Quite tasty
Weekend lunch: My breakfast is my lunch

Snacks: I go with fruit (mostly apples or strawberries), carrots, cheese or olives

I do probably eat more fruit and dairy than I 'should', but it seems to work for me. If it doesnt work for you, that should be the first thing you start to reduce (also nuts)

Sorry, i wrongly assumed he was doing low-carb, and gave him low-carb options, which are generally high in fat. a low carb diet is arguably the best diet for fat loss. not necessarily the best health wise (its not bad health wise as well, just not the best), but arguably the best for fastest fat loss.

Oh, i think its the healthiest as well. There is nothing wrong with fat, especially saturated fat. The only problem with fat and meat today is the imbalance of omega 6 to omega 3 fat (this is unsaturated fat). The reason for the greater imbalance now is apparently grain fed animals. To combat that, you can simply eat grass fed meat for a much better omega 6 to omega 3 ratio (too expensive for me and a pain to find) or just go for leaner cuts of meat that will have less fat and thus less amount of omega 6s. Lessening the omega 6s gives you a greater chance of balancing it if you take your omega 3 suppliments and eat fish

cereals and grains also have this imbalance, and oils made from that have by far the worst imbalance


Well I've always been under the impression some fat is good but a lot is bad. And sausage and bacon are high, sometimes very high in fat.

Natural sources of fat are very good for you, especially saturated and monounsaturated. All types of meat, eggs, butter, high fat dairy [if you can tolerate it], oils [olive, coconut, palm, avocado] = delicious and healthy. Bad fats are found in junk food like cookies, donuts, ect.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well I've always been under the impression some fat is good but a lot is bad. And sausage and bacon are high, sometimes very high in fat.

And why have you always been under that impression?


Natural sources of fat are very good for you, especially saturated and monounsaturated. All types of meat, eggs, butter, high fat dairy [if you can tolerate it], oils [olive, coconut, palm, avocado] = delicious and healthy. Bad fats are found in junk food like cookies, donuts, ect.

This is blowing my mind. Butter? Fat, high sodium butter is good and healthy? High fat dairy?! So how much natural fat should I have in a day?

And why have you always been under that impression?

Because items like bacon which are dripping in grease when you cook it and sausages with 50g of fat sound like what you DON'T want it eat to get healthy.
Are grains like brown rice and starches like sweet potatoes good for me? I probably have one serving of each a day. I just like to have a starch with lunch and dinner and I stay around 100g a day.


This is blowing my mind. Butter? Fat, high sodium butter is good and healthy? High fat dairy?! So how much natural fat should I have in a day?

there is nothing wrong with sodium. And butter is good for you. It is INFINITELY better for you than margarine. That crap is absolutely terrible for you.

You should ALWAYS eat full fat foods and never eat low fat/not fat substitutes because those low fat/not fat crap just put in more sugar, carbs, and unnatural crap to make up for the taste difference of losing that fat. That is not good since that is the crap that isnt healthy and will make you fat and give you a heart attack.

As for how much, that really isnt the right question since its an energy source for your body.

Are grains like brown rice and starches like sweet potatoes good for me? I probably have one serving of each a day. I just like to have a starch with lunch and dinner and I stay around 100g a day.

Those are the two healthiest grains and starches you can eat. So if you need some carbs, that would be the things to eat. Obviously there are better things to eat, but i doubt youre hurting yourself by eating that. Plus, after exercise, apparently a sweet potato (brown rice would work too i guess) is supposed to be good for you


I don't eat butter or margarine but why is margarine so bad? Most people say it's better than butter. :s

because margarine is made up of vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils, which is pretty much the absolute worst two things you can put in your body. Vegetable oils are terrible for you and hydrogenating those oils make them even worse. Worse than trans fat

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This is blowing my mind. Butter? Fat, high sodium butter is good and healthy? High fat dairy?! So how much natural fat should I have in a day?

Because items like bacon which are dripping in grease when you cook it and sausages with 50g of fat sound like what you DON'T want it eat to get healthy.

What is wrong with grease or 50g of fat? I guess I'm just not understanding the issue.


I don't eat butter or margarine but why is margarine so bad? Most people say it's better than butter. :s

Because they don't know what they're talking about.

Margarine is usually processed soy oil, possibly canola. They then heat it up (oxidizing it) while bugging hydrogen gas through it. This makes for a more solid oil, which also happens to be very high in trans fats and a grayish color. They then bleach the stuff to make it off white, sometimes flavor it and sell it to you.

Chris R

This lack of appetite from going low-carb is unreal.

It is so nice. I've even done a couple days of IF to go along with the low-carb stuff (not really on purpose, just kinda skipped breakfast and lunch).

Just checked and saw that at some point I lost track of my "starting" pictures :( Not that I look great now by any means, but I have lost some weight.
Today I had to actually push myself to eat so I wasn't at a stupidly low level of calories. Just lack of appetite (and yet I feel full of energy and manliness).

By the way... I've been adding a ton of garlic, onions, and jalapenos to my lettuce wraps. So good. I just ate the last of my whole wheat flats, so I think I'm gonna start eating me some black beans for my main carb intake.


Today I had to actually push myself to eat so I wasn't at a stupidly low level of calories. Just lack of appetite (and yet I feel full of energy and manliness).

One of the main things with low carb is you eat when you're hungry, so if you aren't hungry you shouldn't force yourself to eat, that means your body is using your bodyfat for energy.


What is wrong with grease or 50g of fat? I guess I'm just not understanding the issue.

It makes you fat? Until now I have NEVER heard someone say grease and high levels of fat are fine on a diet. In fact those are 2 things most people would associate with obese people.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
It makes you fat? Until now I have NEVER heard someone say grease and high levels of fat are fine on a diet. In fact those are 2 things most people would associate with obese people.

It generally would be something to be avoided in significant quantities on most diets; fat is desirable on low carb-type eating plans and that's the thing not being specifically mentioned here. I think the presumption for this thread is that if you're posting in here then you're doing low carb, which isn't always the case and can lead to some confusion (but at least folks aren't acting as aggressively dismissive towards other diets like several months ago).
What are some of the most amazing weight loss individuals in this thread? I know Messi is probably the biggest loser (haha pun intended :p), but are there anyone close to his achievement?


It generally would be something to be avoided in significant quantities on most diets; fat is desirable on low carb-type eating plans and that's the thing not being specifically mentioned here. I think the presumption for this thread is that if you're posting in here then you're doing low carb, which isn't always the case and can lead to some confusion (but at least folks aren't acting as aggressively dismissive towards other diets like several months ago).

Why would anyone possibly be dismissive towards non-low carb diets? They work perfectly well.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Who knows. There were a few people that would barge in and essentially call others idiots if they posted about going on a low cal or low fat diet, as though low carb were the only "right" way to lose weight.


I still don't get this. People have been saying fat can be good on a diet, like nuts having monounsaturated fat, I can understand that, but sausage? That's loaded with fat, LOTS of it. Even the lighter ones are packed with shit. Bacon has quite a bit of fat too. How can it possibly be good for a diet? Bacon is like the anti-diet food. I mean a little bit is ok but you wouldn't eat one bite for breakfast.

Tell that to the 80 lbs I lost since September eating tons of bacon, sausage, cheese, ground beef and heavy cream. :)

That should only be done while taking in an extremely low amount of carbs though.


Who knows. There were a few people that would barge in and essentially call others idiots if they posted about going on a low cal or low fat diet, as though low carb were the only "right" way to lose weight.

That's pretty silly, but i guess that's subjective validation bias for you.


It makes you fat? Until now I have NEVER heard someone say grease and high levels of fat are fine on a diet. In fact those are 2 things most people would associate with obese people.

Fats have a rather bad reputation. Low carb diets thrive on a supply of healthy fats (which, yes, are the ones you're calling in question, contrary to what you'd expect I wager) due to, well, the lowered amount of carbs in their diet. What "most people" should associate with obese people is fat intake with a high amount of carbs and low activity, not necessarily just "they eat fat ergo they are fat." It's a bit more complicated than that.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Fats have a rather bad reputation. Low carb diets thrive on a supply of healthy fats (which, yes, are the ones you're calling in question, contrary to what you'd expect I wager) due to, well, the lowered amount of carbs in their diet. What "most people" should associate with obese people is fat intake with a high amount of carbs and low activity, not necessarily just "they eat fat ergo they are fat." It's a bit more complicated than that.
It's more complicated chemically and nutritionally, but from a common sense standpoint it's really pretty simple.

Bacon really isn't necessarily bad for you on spec. Bacon with a side of potato chips and cinnamon toast with a 32oz coke eaten while playing World of Warcraft is awful.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Tomorrow marks 6 weeks on my keto diet. I'm at 29 lbs lost and feelin good. Have my brothers wedding on June 10th and am hoping to lose another 10-15lbs. I would be thrilled with another 15lbs. Starting work this coming week which will have me outside all day in the hot sun. Hoping to burn even more weight. Gotta start buying new clothes now soon as everything is starting to get baggy.
Who knows. There were a few people that would barge in and essentially call others idiots if they posted about going on a low cal or low fat diet, as though low carb were the only "right" way to lose weight.

Yeah, someone could start a separate weight loss thread for the non low-carbers. Their proselytizing reminds me of evangelicals at times...
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