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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I bought few pairs of size 38 pants today after wearing size 40 for the past two years and they fit perfectly. I'm so freaking happy, you have no idea.


I eat eggs for dinner occasionally with some turkey bacon/sausage and veggies. If I were to switch to egg whites (as most of Gaf suggests) how would I amp up the calories to make it dinner without bringing down the nutrition? More veggies? More meat?

Egg whites are just so much more than a carton of eggs.

Did I miss something? what's wrong about egg yolks?


After losing 25 kg last year I unfortunately gained 5-6 kg over the winter. That has to go now so I've started my low carb diet again. This time I'll hopefully go all the way down to my ideal weight of ~70 kg. Somehow it's much easier to diet during the summer. I tried low carb during winter but simply couldn't do it :|


After losing 25 kg last year I unfortunately gained 5-6 kg over the winter. That has to go now so I've started my low carb diet again. This time I'll hopefully go all the way down to my ideal weight of ~70 kg. Somehow it's much easier to diet during the summer. I tried low carb during winter but simply couldn't do it :|

interesting. my problem is the opposite of yours. i like to cook strong food for cold days, and are now uninspired to cook because of the heat....


343i Lead Esports Producer
Just had my cheat meal for the week. Threw down hardcore. Chicken parm wedge (about 10 inches long) 2 slices of Chicken Pizza and then a slice of regular pizza. Dessert, King Size Kit Kat and a Hershey's Cookies and Creme bar. Put on a quick 4 pounds of food.

Well ahead of my goal for next Sunday so I have absolutely no guilt in eating all of this food. I'm 100% confident I will hit my 45lbs lost goal by next Sunday. I'm at 41lbs lost right now. I'll probably shit out all of this food tomorrow.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Down 10 kilos since the 1st of March. I was honestly expecting more weight to have come off but I guess I've gained muscle in the intervening time. Still, pretty happy thus far. Another 10-12 kilos still need to go though.


Started dieting/upping my exercise 7 weeks ago.

My goal: 1 kg/week

My method: ShapeUp Club on the iPhone, setting 1 kg/week (~1700 kcal/day)+exercise at least 5 days a week.

No atkins, no LCHF, no strange diets of any kind. Just the simple equation of kcal out > kcal in. That's all I need.

I eat what I want, when I want... but I keep my daily total under 1700 kcal. If I want to eat some junk food, I do it on days when I exercise and keep my meals low on kcal to save up for the junk. I've stopped eating bread because it's a calorie bomb, and I like keeping my breakfast really low on kcal (~300) to save up for ~500 kcal meals and two or three ~100 kcal snacks (fruit) during the day.

So far, I've gone from ~103-104 to 97-98 kg. So about 6 kg in 7 weeks. Almost hitting my goal, but I have been cheating quite a bit on weekends when I visit the step parents. They put that bowl of cheeze doodles in front of me and I just eat it all up. Then I try to compensate by running fri, sat and sun, which seems to work. Still, I'm doing good, and I'm feeling good. My goal is about 90 kg (I'm 192 cm and I have some muscle mass) or a bit less. So far, haven't had any problems at all. All I do is follow the equation, and it works.


I posted a while back my progress but I wanted to wait for a while before I did again.

As of 2 weeks ago I'm 187lbs down from 312lbs. I know I have lost more since then I just haven't weighed myself. Basically my diet now consists of 4 meals of about 200 calories during the day, then a big dinner. I also walk anywhere from 3 miles to 6 miles a day when I work, and 8-10 miles when I have a day off.

At my heaviest, I was in a 44" waist, and 3xl shirts. Now I'm wearing 34's that are hanging low, and I'm wearing large shirts.








Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
I posted a while back my progress but I wanted to wait for a while before I did again.

As of 2 weeks ago I'm 187lbs down from 312lbs. I know I have lost more since then I just haven't weighed myself. Basically my diet now consists of 4 meals of about 200 calories during the day, then a big dinner. I also walk anywhere from 3 miles to 6 miles a day when I work, and 8-10 miles when I have a day off.

At my heaviest, I was in a 44" waist, and 3xl shirts. Now I'm wearing 34's that are hanging low, and I'm wearing large shirts.








Congrats! That's excellent!


Started dieting/upping my exercise 7 weeks ago.

My goal: 1 kg/week

My method: ShapeUp Club on the iPhone, setting 1 kg/week (~1700 kcal/day)+exercise at least 5 days a week.

No atkins, no LCHF, no strange diets of any kind. Just the simple equation of kcal out > kcal in. That's all I need.

I eat what I want, when I want... but I keep my daily total under 1700 kcal. If I want to eat some junk food, I do it on days when I exercise and keep my meals low on kcal to save up for the junk. I've stopped eating bread because it's a calorie bomb, and I like keeping my breakfast really low on kcal (~300) to save up for ~500 kcal meals and two or three ~100 kcal snacks (fruit) during the day.

So far, I've gone from ~103-104 to 97-98 kg. So about 6 kg in 7 weeks. Almost hitting my goal, but I have been cheating quite a bit on weekends when I visit the step parents. They put that bowl of cheeze doodles in front of me and I just eat it all up. Then I try to compensate by running fri, sat and sun, which seems to work. Still, I'm doing good, and I'm feeling good. My goal is about 90 kg (I'm 192 cm and I have some muscle mass) or a bit less. So far, haven't had any problems at all. All I do is follow the equation, and it works.

If that works for you, then more power to you and you should continue doing it. To me though, that seems like a lot of work. One reason why I like primal so much is that it involves very little effort since all you have to do is avoid grains, sugar and other crap.


If that works for you, then more power to you and you should continue doing it. To me though, that seems like a lot of work. One reason why I like primal so much is that it involves very little effort since all you have to do is avoid grains, sugar and other crap.

If you can maintain avoiding carbs, you can lose weight fast as hell. My soon to be ex wife did low carb and lost 75lbs in about 5 months with no exercise at all.


If that works for you, then more power to you and you should continue doing it. To me though, that seems like a lot of work. One reason why I like primal so much is that it involves very little effort since all you have to do is avoid grains, sugar and other crap.

To me, it's definitely the easiest way. I don't think i could rethink my diet that radically, i wouldn't know where to start and i don't feel like reading up on special diets. Eating less of what i was already eating+exercise makes it easy to do without thinking about it too much.
I posted a while back my progress but I wanted to wait for a while before I did again.

As of 2 weeks ago I'm 187lbs down from 312lbs. I know I have lost more since then I just haven't weighed myself. Basically my diet now consists of 4 meals of about 200 calories during the day, then a big dinner. I also walk anywhere from 3 miles to 6 miles a day when I work, and 8-10 miles when I have a day off.

At my heaviest, I was in a 44" waist, and 3xl shirts. Now I'm wearing 34's that are hanging low, and I'm wearing large shirts.

Damn, that's excellent man. :) Your progress is what I'm aiming for, myself - same approximate starting weight and goal weight. How long was the process for you?


Damn, that's excellent man. :) Your progress is what I'm aiming for, myself - same approximate starting weight and goal weight. How long was the process for you?

In a year and 2 weeks I lost 125lbs. My goal though is to lose half of my body weight. So as of 2 weeks ago I was 187, and I want to get to 156.

I started off doing hardcore atkins and in the first month I lost 25lbs and that's what kept me motivated. I can't lie though I had my days of cheating that held me back here and there but I was always losing about 10lbs a month up until feb of this year. Since then I've been sort of calibrating what I can eat and maintain my weight, much to my surprise though is that I'm still losing weight. I originally wanted to only lose 100lbs, which is what I did in February. However since then I've been losing still so I figured why not go for 156lbs.


Started dieting/upping my exercise 7 weeks ago.

My goal: 1 kg/week

My method: ShapeUp Club on the iPhone, setting 1 kg/week (~1700 kcal/day)+exercise at least 5 days a week.

No atkins, no LCHF, no strange diets of any kind. Just the simple equation of kcal out > kcal in. That's all I need.

I eat what I want, when I want... but I keep my daily total under 1700 kcal. If I want to eat some junk food, I do it on days when I exercise and keep my meals low on kcal to save up for the junk. I've stopped eating bread because it's a calorie bomb, and I like keeping my breakfast really low on kcal (~300) to save up for ~500 kcal meals and two or three ~100 kcal snacks (fruit) during the day.

So far, I've gone from ~103-104 to 97-98 kg. So about 6 kg in 7 weeks. Almost hitting my goal, but I have been cheating quite a bit on weekends when I visit the step parents. They put that bowl of cheeze doodles in front of me and I just eat it all up. Then I try to compensate by running fri, sat and sun, which seems to work. Still, I'm doing good, and I'm feeling good. My goal is about 90 kg (I'm 192 cm and I have some muscle mass) or a bit less. So far, haven't had any problems at all. All I do is follow the equation, and it works.

That's almost exacly how I started out my diet back in October 2011, although I've always made sure to eat around 2x my bodyweight in protein.
My current weight is 70kg and my starting weight was 120kg; still got a couple of kilos to go but I'm pleased with the fact that I've managed to retain my muscles and even been able to build some as I've been lifting weights the entire period.

Also, I recently did a health check-up where I found out that my blood sugar level was 4 mmol ( after breakfast ) and my heartrate was around 40bpm; basically I was told that I'm as healthy as can be although they did comment on my blood pressure being kind of low.

Quite a turnaround from having problems with high blood pressure, blood sugar levels that were through the roof, 80+bpm resting heartrate, cholesterol and other nasty things.


Will drop pants for Sony.
In a year and 2 weeks I lost 125lbs. My goal though is to lose half of my body weight. So as of 2 weeks ago I was 187, and I want to get to 156.

I started off doing hardcore atkins and in the first month I lost 25lbs and that's what kept me motivated. I can't lie though I had my days of cheating that held me back here and there but I was always losing about 10lbs a month up until feb of this year. Since then I've been sort of calibrating what I can eat and maintain my weight, much to my surprise though is that I'm still losing weight. I originally wanted to only lose 100lbs, which is what I did in February. However since then I've been losing still so I figured why not go for 156lbs.

Wow I wish I could lose that much weight. Congrats.
What's the consensus on saturated fats here? I've been reading up some more on the different fats and have been coming across information suggested saturated fats can also increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. I've also read that some newer studies suggest that the link is tenuous, though. As someone trying to increase HDL cholesterol I don't want to be avoiding transfats only to end up ingesting a ton of saturated fats. And a lot of the low-carb meals I've come across call for a high amount of saturated fats (the one I made tonight called for a lot of cheese, especially).

I know no one here is a scientist, but how do you guys generally feel about this?


What's the consensus on saturated fats here? I've been reading up some more on the different fats and have been coming across information suggested saturated fats can also increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. I've also read that some newer studies suggest that the link is tenuous, though. As someone trying to increase HDL cholesterol I don't want to be avoiding transfats only to end up ingesting a ton of saturated fats. And a lot of the low-carb meals I've come across call for a high amount of saturated fats (the one I made tonight called for a lot of cheese, especially).

I know no one here is a scientist, but how do you guys generally feel about this?

Saturated fats are perfectly fine


I was just reading through this, but I was wondering whether there were any links to medical journals or institutions that state this as well. I'm especially concerned about heart disease because a close family relative died from a heart attack at 29. He was big, but not obese big. I also know that he hated bread and always leaned towards eating meats. I don't know enough about his health to speculate what the primary cause was of his arteriosclerosis, but heart disease is a big worry for me going forward (which is why I've started following this thread).


I was just reading through this, but I was wondering whether there were any links to medical journals or institutions that state this as well. I'm especially concerned about heart disease because a close family relative died from a heart attack at 29. He was big, but not obese big. I also know that he hated bread and always leaned towards eating meats. I don't know enough about his health to speculate what the primary cause was of his arteriosclerosis, but heart disease is a big worry for me going forward (which is why I've started following this thread).


They still tell you to limit saturated fats, but I fail to see the reason why if the only reason if cholesterol, since that is a terrible predictor of heart disease and is actually beneficial for you. You only have to worry about it if your numbers are absolutely obscene

I remember watching a video of a family doctor who went on the keto diet and then got a lot of her patients on it to combat heart disease and diabetes and it absolutely worked. I realize its just anecdotal, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence for people improving their heart disease numbers who go on this diet

I remember it was on some Swedish guy's low carb website, but cant seem to find it :(


What's the consensus on saturated fats here? I've been reading up some more on the different fats and have been coming across information suggested saturated fats can also increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. I've also read that some newer studies suggest that the link is tenuous, though. As someone trying to increase HDL cholesterol I don't want to be avoiding transfats only to end up ingesting a ton of saturated fats. And a lot of the low-carb meals I've come across call for a high amount of saturated fats (the one I made tonight called for a lot of cheese, especially).

I know no one here is a scientist, but how do you guys generally feel about this?
Saturated Fat increases both HDL and LDL, but the important thing is that the cholesterol that is being raised is light and fluffy, it doesn't get stuck in the arteries and cause plaque build up like most people will tell you. Saturated fat is a great source of energy and it's highly beneficial to the body. Cholesterol numbers are actually a poor indicator of heart health, the majority of peopple with heart disease and have heart attacks have "normal" levels of cholesterol. What is important is particle size, and you can ask your doctors for a particle size test when you get blood work done. Think of it like a traffic jam. It doesn't matter how many cars are on the road, you're stuck stuck in traffic because all of the cars are contested in one area. Cholesterol is the same way, the number ultimately doesn't matter but how dense and compact it all is, makes sense? Triglycerides are also a better better indicator of hearth health, specifically a good HDL/Trig ratio.

And not even all trans fats are bad, natural trans fats in high fat dairy products are good for you as well. As long as you're eating "real" food, you should be OK.


I was just reading through this, but I was wondering whether there were any links to medical journals or institutions that state this as well. I'm especially concerned about heart disease because a close family relative died from a heart attack at 29. He was big, but not obese big. I also know that he hated bread and always leaned towards eating meats. I don't know enough about his health to speculate what the primary cause was of his arteriosclerosis, but heart disease is a big worry for me going forward (which is why I've started following this thread).

First of all, there was an Israeli study a few years ago that showed that any weight loss reduced intima media thickness, which is a very good marker of coronary athersclerosis. It literally didn't matter what the participants ate.

Now, not all saturated fats are even the same. Chocolate consists primarily of stearic acid. Dark chocolate is cardioprotective, despite being very high in saturated fat:



Palmitic acid is supposedly the worst, but your body will just make more if you don't consume any fat. In fact, anyone with metabolic syndrome / insulin resistance will be worse off consuming lots of carbohydrate than consuming saturated fat because their serum levels of saturated fat will be much higher on the high carb diet thanks to de novo lipogenesis.


Finally, there was an excellent meta-analysis published in the AJCN by Ronald Krauss, one of the pre-eminent lipid researchers, that showed no signifigant link between saturated fat consumption and CHD or CVD:


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State

I've been tracking food and I am typically always going over on fat during the day and it is due to my snacks being almonds + cheese stick, twice a day.

Should I change one of my snacks? Or is the fat coming from almonds and cheese sticks not too bad?



I've been tracking food and I am typically always going over on fat during the day and it is due to my snacks being almonds + cheese stick, twice a day.

Should I change one of my snacks? Or is the fat coming from almonds and cheese sticks not too bad?

Why not eat a fruit instead of cheese sticks?


Why not eat a fruit instead of cheese sticks?

Fruit is almost pure sugar, it can stall weight loss if you eat too much of it, believe me, it happened to me. I eat tons of fruit now that I'm in "maintenance mode", it's just so gooood. There's nothing wrong with fats from nuts and dairy, but a couple of servings of fruit is fine too. I like to eat granny smith apples with almond better, the sourness of the apple and the smooth, saltiness of the AB..mmmmm



the picture on the left was me in 2011 (age 23), i was at my heaviest around 200 pounds or so then i made a decision that i want to lose weight.

started running

then i did p90x but only lasted like a month into the program. then just recently again, i decided to do p90x but this time im not giving up and determined to finish the program. i still have 2 more weeks, but this is me right now on the right!!

i've cut a lot of things from my diet.. like white rice, alcohol, junk food, etc but im happy with my progress so far!!
currently at 157 pounds, 12% bf

before/after of my body will b posted after i completed p90x in 2 weeks.

Don't take this the wrong way, but it looks like your complexion has cleared up as well, and that's a great thing.


Fruit is almost pure sugar, it can stall weight loss if you eat too much of it, believe me, it happened to me. I eat tons of fruit now that I'm in "maintenance mode", it's just so gooood. There's nothing wrong with fats from nuts and dairy, but a couple of servings of fruit is fine too. I like to eat granny smith apples with almond better, the sourness of the apple and the smooth, saltiness of the AB..mmmmm

It can? I eat 4-5 fruits a day (bananas and oranges mostly), haven't had any problems so far but you're saying I could? I count calories to lose weight.
It can? I eat 4-5 fruits a day (bananas and oranges mostly), haven't had any problems so far but you're saying I could? I count calories to lose weight.

Fruits are fine for most people. People aren't getting fat from bingeing on apples, bananas and blueberries.


It can? I eat 4-5 fruits a day (bananas and oranges mostly), haven't had any problems so far but you're saying I could? I count calories to lose weight.

It can, I'm not saying it will for everyone, or that it's bad for you or will make you gain weight. Some people are naturally more sensitive to sugar and it also depends on how active you are, certain fruits [bananas!] are great after a workout for a quick way to refuel your muscles. I'd say stick to fruits lower and sugar and see how you react, than add more or fruits higher in sugar if you want to, see how it goes.

ps. aww yea, just got my quest delivery



343i Lead Esports Producer

I've been tracking food and I am typically always going over on fat during the day and it is due to my snacks being almonds + cheese stick, twice a day.

Should I change one of my snacks? Or is the fat coming from almonds and cheese sticks not too bad?

That's where I get my fat from and it's been working out great for me

Hit 43lbs lost today. Monday was the 9 week mark.

2 more lbs to go on Sunday. That's my goal.


his wallet will start to feel unhappy then

no fucking joke. so much money I've had to spend on clothes, I do love to shop though, but shit...it can hurt your bank account

It's almost a year I don't eat bread, and I'd lie if I said I don't want to eat it. :lol.
why not eat some? a sandwich every once in a while is not going to kill you. the only reason I don't eat it occasionally is because I love my big salads for lunch every day, covered in feta cheese and walnuts mmmmm, I just don't really need to have bread. and now that its summer I've been eating a lot of fruit, I already get my carb fix


I broke down today and had a ham sandwich, It was after a 2 hour workout though so I didn't feel bad, that roll is super unhealthy but super delicious. Now that I'm fee for the summer I've decided to up my workout time to 3-4 hours.

his wallet will start to feel unhappy then
I've been on a hoarding phase with money since I don't play video games much anymore I haven't had to buy many so I'm just saving. Its gonna be amazing if I could be a size 34, I'd buy me a pair of $500 jeans like those dudes in the dream wrong thread lol.


I broke down today and had a ham sandwich, It was after a 2 hour workout though so I didn't feel bad, that roll is super unhealthy but super delicious. Now that I'm fee for the summer I've decided to up my workout time to 3-4 hours.

I've been on a hoarding phase with money since I don't play video games much anymore I haven't had to buy many so I'm just saving. Its gonna be amazing if I could be a size 34, I'd buy me a pair of $500 jeans like those dudes in the dream wrong thread lol.
3-4 hours sounds like a recipe for burnout, even if you have the time for it. You don't need to work out that much to be effective.


yeah, I might just go play basketball for a few hours instead.

yea, doing something fun, but active - like basketball, walking, hiking, cycling, etc would be better than upping your workout time

You only really need to lift like 1 hour a day, 3 days a week for it to be effective (if youre doing it right)

Chris R

Speaking of weights, I guess I should start looking into joining a local gym (or buying a bunch of stuff for my house) Don't really do much stuff with weights now, but if I'm going to continue losing weight I should probably start toning my muscles.


Speaking of weights, I guess I should start looking into joining a local gym (or buying a bunch of stuff for my house) Don't really do much stuff with weights now, but if I'm going to continue losing weight I should probably start toning my muscles.

Eh, toning your muscles doesnt really work. All weight lifting does is make them bigger. You get definition by losing weight and more definition by making those muscles bigger
I understand that this has basically become the "Low-Carb/Keto" thread, but have any of you considered that a large part of low carb weight loss is the lack of water weight?

Now I know the merits of going low carb having done it before myself (and technically doing it right now, not going over 140g). But before anyone dispels it for being from Bodybuilding.com, this article does make a good argument that low carb is good for weight loss but not necessarily for fat loss. Meaning without hitting the weights, you're going to also lose a lot of muscle along with your fat, as opposed to just a cut.

I'm not trying to incite anything, because I think if people find something that works for them then that's what they should do. But it has sort of become sort of a low carb cult on Gaf, and I was just wanting to provoke some discussion. :)


I understand that this has basically become the "Low-Carb/Keto" thread, but have any of you considered that a large part of low carb weight loss is the lack of water weight?

Now I know the merits of going low carb having done it before myself (and technically doing it right now, not going over 140g). But before anyone dispels it for being from Bodybuilding.com, this article does make a good argument that low carb is good for weight loss but not necessarily for fat loss. Meaning without hitting the weights, you're going to also lose a lot of muscle along with your fat, as opposed to just a cut.

I'm not trying to incite anything, because I think if people find something that works for them then that's what they should do. But it has sort of become sort of a low carb cult on Gaf, and I was just wanting to provoke some discussion. :)

I found it hard to take him seriously when he wrote this in the article:
Another problem with severely limiting carbs is that the brain uses carbs for energy and without enough carbs, you won't be 100% mentally.
The brain can function perfectly fine using ketones (which is what the body using for energy when in a state of ketosis) for energy instead of glucose from carbs. Saying that the brain can't function normally without carbs is false.

most people will feel like crap after a week or two with no or low carbs.
I felt like crap after 2 days of low-carb. 4 days after starting low-carb I felt perfectly fine again, and have felt fine ever since. Keto-flu only lasts a couple days.

I've lost 48kg, the last 15kg on low-carb. I've also been doing Starting Strength (a modified version) after starting low-carb and my lifts have been steadily increasing, so I find it hard to believe that all the weight I've lost on low-carb is water and muscle.

Low-carb isn't the only way to weight loss. Pretty much any method someone uses will help them lose weight. Low-carb, primal, calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, shake diets (i still wouldn't recommend those). The key is finding a diet that you can sustain and won't fall off the wagon after a month. For me, I find low-carb to be easier than calorie restriction.

I think the reason Weight Loss-GAF seems like "low-carb GAF" is that many of us have had huge successes with low-carb, some after trying other methods and falling off the wagon, so when we give advice about weight loss we recommend the method that worked best for us.
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