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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


343i Lead Esports Producer
Oh, my lifting routine is currently:

Monday - Bench Press, Deadlift, Pull Ups

Wednesday - Chin Ups, Power Clean, Lying Tricep Extension

Friday - Overhead Press, Squats, Pull Ups

As heavy as I can possibly go for 4-8 reps per set for 3 sets each exercise (except Deadlift which is 2x3-5).

Soreness does effect the workouts at all? Like I can imagine being sore on Monday from benching and feeling it in your triceps on Wednesday. Know what I mean?
Well tomorrow I will begin my weight loss journey! I can't wait. I feel more motivated than ever this time! I am currently at 219.80lbs and I would like to try and get down to around 200 lbs within 30 days or so and that is just because of my bad soda and fast food habit.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Soreness does effect the workouts at all? Like I can imagine being sore on Monday from benching and feeling it in your triceps on Wednesday. Know what I mean?

I see your point, but that issue only really happens in the beginning. As your muscles adapt and strengthen, soreness won't be an issue. A break of 48 hours between workouts is always ideal.


It's been about 10 months and I am 155lbs from 200lbs. Now the real goal is reducing my body fat %. I could care less about pounds anymore because I think I'm in a good place. Currently my body fat is 14.6% and the next goal is to get it down to 10%.

How tall are you and what is your plan?


343i Lead Esports Producer
I see your point, but that issue only really happens in the beginning. As your muscles adapt and strengthen, soreness won't be an issue. A break of 48 hours between workouts is always ideal.

Word, whatever works for ya.

I got 15lbs to go before I get back into the weight room. I'm pretty excited. Gonna do a 3 day split to work around my work schedule.

Day 1: Chest, shoulders, triceps
Day 2: Off
Day 3: Back, biceps
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Off

I'm losing a lot of weight but I definitely wanna lift. I wanna make sure I'm strong. I'm not looking to get cut at this point.


Word, whatever works for ya.

I got 15lbs to go before I get back into the weight room. I'm pretty excited. Gonna do a 3 day split to work around my work schedule.

Day 1: Chest, shoulders, triceps
Day 2: Off
Day 3: Back, biceps
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Legs
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Off

I'm losing a lot of weight but I definitely wanna lift. I wanna make sure I'm strong. I'm not looking to get cut at this point.

Why are you waiting until you lose more weight until you get back in the weight room? Weight lifting will accelerate fat loss and preserve lean mass


343i Lead Esports Producer
Why are you waiting until you lose more weight until you get back in the weight room? Weight lifting will accelerate fat loss and preserve lean mass

Yea I know, I've been told that a bunch. I don't really know why to tell you the truth. Lol. I had a goal I wanted to reach first. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's really no point hahaha...and now I feel dumb


Yea I know, I've been told that a bunch. I don't really know why to tell you the truth. Lol. I had a goal I wanted to reach first. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's really no point hahaha...and now I feel dumb

No need to feel dumb, but I agree with the other guy- basically go out there and work hard and you'll feel glad you did, and see those results you want faster. There's no time like the present.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν


60 minutes cardio and some resistance for my arms.

Try changing up the cardio- add in some High Intensity Intervals. 20-35min of 30sec very hard, 30sec slow on a bike, treadmill, or eliptical. I'm getting WAY better results from that than my old 50-70 min of one pace on the concrete. And my joints feel better too.


343i Lead Esports Producer
No need to feel dumb, but I agree with the other guy- basically go out there and work hard and you'll feel glad you did, and see those results you want faster. There's no time like the present.

Convinced. Going to the gym tomorrow morning before work.


Neo Member


A great article was posted today @ The Guardian talking about the effects of the Lipid Hypothesis and how the changes in our diets since the 70s has caused the obesity epidemic and its cost to NHS/society. Good to see more articles like this being put out there as the evidence stacks up:

Why our food is making us fat
We are, on average, 3st heavier than we were in the 60s. And not because we're eating more or exercising less – we just unwittingly became sugar addicts

wtf is 3st?
Yea I know, I've been told that a bunch. I don't really know why to tell you the truth. Lol. I had a goal I wanted to reach first. Now that I'm thinking about it, there's really no point hahaha...and now I feel dumb
I originally set out to only lose weight by diet and hit the weights later, but now I go to the gym at least four times a week.

Start doing it. Cutting (aka dieting + building muscle mass) is great. You get way more definition to your body, and I've noticed this in the mirror.

Also, the increase in testosterone you get from routinely hitting the weights feels fantastic. You're so much more motivated to be productive.


60 minutes cardio and some resistance for my arms.
Do the cardio and resistance training on separate days. Cardio inhibits muscle building, so that resistance training you do after 60 min of cardio would be a lot mor effective if done on a separate day (or cardio in the morning, resistance in the evening), and as someone else mentioned HIIT (high intensity interval training) takes less time than regular cardio and is just as effective. Also working out for too long causes the body to start releasing stress hormones, also inhibiting muscle growth, try to keep workouts as short as possible, I'm in and out of the gym within ~1h30min, including changing before and after and showering.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Just got back from the gym, first time in over a year. Retained my strength much more than I thought I was going to. Repairing pools helped out I guess. Did Chest, shoulders and triceps. Did low rep, 6-8 for almost every exercise. It went like this.

Flat bench, barbell
Incline bench, dumbell
Pec deck flies

Hammer strength shoulder presses
Seated dumbell laterals
Seated bent over laterals, for rear delts

Tricep extensions, cables
Over head cable extensions
One hand underhand extensions to finish with

Good work out. Really surprised at my stamina now that I've lost all this weight. Didn't even need water.

Feels good man.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Just got back from the gym, first time in over a year. Retained my strength much more than I thought I was going to. Repairing pools helped out I guess. Did Chest, shoulders and triceps. Did low rep, 6-8 for almost every exercise. It went like this.

Flat bench, barbell
Incline bench, dumbell
Pec deck flies

Hammer strength shoulder presses
Seated dumbell laterals
Seated bent over laterals, for rear delts

Tricep extensions, cables
Over head cable extensions
One hand underhand extensions to finish with

Good work out. Really surprised at my stamina now that I've lost all this weight. Didn't even need water.

Feels good man.

If I can offer some advice I got when I started. "If you can do it standing up, do it." It may seem little, but try doing any of those things that you're doing sitting, standing up instead. That's how I train.

Also, you might be overdoing it a bit. I would trim the shoulder work out of chest/tri "day." This isn't the fitness thread so I'll stop there, but if you want pop on by and we can help you, if you want it.


343i Lead Esports Producer
If I can offer some advice I got when I started. "If you can do it standing up, do it." It may seem little, but try doing any of those things that you're doing sitting, standing up instead. That's how I train.

Also, you might be overdoing it a bit. I would trim the shoulder work out of chest/tri "day." This isn't the fitness thread so I'll stop there, but if you want pop on by and we can help you, if you want it.

I'm open to all advice, thanks.

Right now I'm doing the shoulder exercises sitting because it helps keep my form. Standing tends to make me use my body to sway and use momentum to get the weights up.

Also, I'm doing a 3 day split because of work and such and figured this would be the best way to group up the exercises. I think as long as I do 3 exercises per body part, I won't over do it. Especially considering I will hit them only once a week. I have my brothers giving me advice and they're pretty damned experienced lifters.
If I can offer some advice I got when I started. "If you can do it standing up, do it." It may seem little, but try doing any of those things that you're doing sitting, standing up instead. That's how I train.

Also, you might be overdoing it a bit. I would trim the shoulder work out of chest/tri "day." This isn't the fitness thread so I'll stop there, but if you want pop on by and we can help you, if you want it.

I'm pretty glad to hear this. I've been doing most of my exercises standing but wasn't sure if it was a good idea.


just got my hands on the leangains program that berkhan sends to his clients....


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
After having a steady weight of 177 while working on my recomposition, I broke my left wrist in a cycling accident...now I'm out of commission workout wise for at least 4 weeks.

SO! I'm doing a diet cut instead! Back down to ~1700 calories everyday with an emphasis on protein and about equal carbs/fat (~50g fat vs. ~100g carbs).

Have been losing weight really quickly, which probably means I'm losing water weight or something. I lost like 3 pounds in a week...which is crazy to see I'm still capable of. Wondering how low I can go...

Looks like my plan of doing just straight recomp is going to shift to a cutting phase and bulking phase instead...oh well!

I find all this fun. I feel more in control of my body in terms of weight and composition than I ever have before in my life...like I have all the tools I'd need to lose or gain fat and muscle and it's just a matter of doing what I need at the moment.

I want to see what 165 pound RubxQub looks like...does he have abs? The moment I can work out again, I'll switch up to a bulking routine and get myself back up to 175...hopefully mostly muscle.

OG Kush

ANyone got any tips of making canned tuna taste better? I use mustard instead of mayo, as mayos got a bit too many carbs. But the mustard doesnt'r really cut it. Still kind of bland.

Chris R

Mayo doesn't have carbs... If yours does that means that sugar was added. Read the labels and pick up a bottle that doesn't have sugar added.

As for making tuna taste better, some dill goes a long way.


Mayo doesn't have carbs... If yours does that means that sugar was added. Read the labels and pick up a bottle that doesn't have sugar added.

As for making tuna taste better, some dill goes a long way.

Yep, dill or pickle juice tastes great in Tuna.


it is all fat, yea, but's also made traditionally with soybean oil which isn't very good for you. I guess it depends on what you're looking for. and some of the more bigger brands do have added sugar. I'm not a huge mayo person though, I'll stick to straight OO lke mentioned above. Chicken salad does sound really good right about now though!
ANyone got any tips of making canned tuna taste better? I use mustard instead of mayo, as mayos got a bit too many carbs. But the mustard doesnt'r really cut it. Still kind of bland.
Pan-fry it. A trick my grandmother used to teach me. She'd stir fry canned tuna with rice and veggies; gets rid of its nasty fishy/pickled flavor.


Went from 230.8 to 221.4 pounds in 9 days thanks to a low-carb, low calorie diet combined with specific multi-vitamins and exercise. I feel good but I get cravings for some high-carb stuff like bread, rice, etc sometimes :(

Shooting for 185 pounds (Healthy weight for 5'11) by September. I can't wait to buy new clothes again! :D

Oh, and lots of water too. Pre-diet, I baaarely drank any water each day. Now I make sure to have at least 2L every day.


Went from 230.8 to 221.4 pounds in 9 days thanks to a low-carb, low calorie diet combined with specific multi-vitamins and exercise. I feel good but I get cravings for some high-carb stuff like bread, rice, etc sometimes :(

Shooting for 185 pounds (Healthy weight for 5'11) by September. I can't wait to buy new clothes again! :D

Oh, and lots of water too. Pre-diet, I baaarely drank any water each day. Now I make sure to have at least 2L every day.

Be careful, as losing 50 lbs in 3-4 months seems a bit extreme. If you want to play it safe, aim to lose 1-2 lbs per week over a longer period of time. Either way, good luck!


343i Lead Esports Producer
Tashi, Halo is not a weight loss tool. Reach is rage inducing at times though, so that must be your secret. :p

What have you been doing to lose so much so fast?

Hahahaha :p

Keto diet mixed with some exercise, (tennis and Basketball early on) then I work outside a lot (swimming pool repair) and I just started hitting the weights again today. Hoping to stop this keto diet at the end of the summer. We'll see though. Oh, and I do cheat meals just about every saturday night for dinner.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hahahaha :p

Keto diet mixed with some exercise, (tennis and Basketball early on) then I work outside a lot (swimming pool repair) and I just started hitting the weights again today. Hoping to stop this keto diet at the end of the summer. We'll see though. Oh, and I do cheat meals just about every saturday night for dinner.

Ah. I mainly just watch my carbs and keep them under 100 per day. I usually hit about 80 or so.

I need to get going again though, these off weekends are killing me. Whenever I'm away from home I just eat like crap, it's like a reflex. :p

I'm at 205 now and have lost 30 lbs in a year, but need another 20. Doing Insanity now too since I finished P90X2 a month back.
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