Carbs are carbs, but I'd say fruit is a lot better as they have a lot more vitamins and minerals than pasta/bread.
Fruit is much better. They have more nutrients and are filled with water and fiber which slows the sugar absorption. Fructose, aka fruit sugar, is also not metabolized the same way as sugar/starch found in grains.
Fruits high in sugar are melons, pineapple, dates, grapes, and bananas [more starch than sugar]. Their effect on weight is entirely dependent on how sensitive you are to sugar and when you eat them. Post work out, your muscles will be hungry for glycogen, making these types of fruits good to have than, bananas in particular are a popular choice.
Berries are the lowest in terms of sugar content, they're also one of the healthiest things to eat in general. They're packed with different vitamins and anti-oxidants, they're low calories so you can be pretty generous in terms of serving size. Unfortunately they're a little expensive. I believe Strawberries are the absolutely lowest in terms of sugar.
Apples, oranges, and anything with a pit falls somewhere in between when it comes to sugar. I would only suggest cutting back on the melons and such if you're trying to lose weight, the others should not be a problem. Fruit is real food, which is always a good thing.
So what do I take for an easy on the road, or at work, breakfast that's got enough calories/protein to keep me going but not a lot of carbs?
Quest Bars have been an absolute life saver for me. They're a little pricey but you get what you pay for, no other bar has the nutrional profile as them. My "go-to" convenicnce meal for when I'm either not at home or have no "food" in the house is a Quest Bar and a tube of 1.5oz
Blue Diamond Almonds. You can get almonds cheaper than that and portion them out yourself, I'm just lazy