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I will say that losing weight incredibly fast does seem to be the key ingredient to get loose skin. I weigh 173 pounds right now and my stomach is clearly dislodged from my actual body at this point... I lost 50 pounds in 3 months to kick things off...then was slow and steady from there.
Now I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go under the knife to tighten this bitch up again...which feels so off to me considering I've gotten to the way I am by nothing but hard work...and at the end of the day I still need surgery to make me look the way I want because I did it too quickly.
Now I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go under the knife to tighten this bitch up again...which feels so off to me considering I've gotten to the way I am by nothing but hard work...and at the end of the day I still need surgery to make me look the way I want because I did it too quickly.