While I microwave all of my Quest Bars for about 12 seconds, I feel PB+J is one of the flavors that benefits from it the most.Got my Quest PB+J bars today! Will post impressions!
While I microwave all of my Quest Bars for about 12 seconds, I feel PB+J is one of the flavors that benefits from it the most.Got my Quest PB+J bars today! Will post impressions!
Awesome to hear. Sadly I've still got thunder thighs but I'm hoping they'll get smaller in a month from now :S
I made a peepee on the paper and the paper turned pink!
I'm in ketosis!
It begins now.
plain greek yogurt (add fruit and nuts if you need more flavor). The more fat the better
I made a peepee on the paper and the paper turned pink!
I'm in ketosis!
It begins now.
Hit my 130lb lost milestone yesterday. Only 26 more to go, I started this at 312 and want to lose half my body weight. It's crazy when I look back on how I looked and the clothes I used to wear that I ever let myself get that heavy. Now that I know what to do to lose weight and maintain weight I'm confident I'll never get back that. My eating and exercising habits are second nature now so it never feels like I'm forcing myself to do something I don't want to do it just comes natural.
Anyone here happy to give me a simple ketosis diet plan as I want to go into this state now so I can remove the last amount of fat I have left near the middle abs and hip area. I don't know much on this side so advice would be apreciated![]()
I will be doing a lot of running on a treadmill and burn 500 calories on that alone at high intensity. I do this four times a week. I'm 6'3, 78 KG at %10 body fat.
My ketodiet is as following :
"meal" 1 : three eggs, raw ( just can't be arsed to prepare them )
2 : 150 g bacon + 50 g cheese
3 : 50g of nut and seed mix, flax seeds, almond, hazel, mainly eat this so my stomach doesn't turn into a cementfactory
4 : 150g salmon + greens/veggies, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes etc
5 : 1 portion of whey protein
All in all less than 20g carbs a day. Keeps me full and satiated throughout the day. Constipation is my only issue with this diet but whenever I can sense things going wrong I up the dosage of ground up flax seeds, mix it with water and profit.
Thanks. The main reason why I want to do this is so I can get to around 8% of body fat so it should remove the last areas of fat that it shown in my body so it's all in perfect shape. If I am 10 percent now and do four days of excercise (including sit ups, push ups and a lot of cardio) do you reckon I'll be able to achieve that in 30 days if I follow that diet for it?
but fuck raw eggs! that shit is loaded with bacteria
After them hating on my diet for the last year, I've convinced both my parents to go on a low carb diet
They couldn't argue against weight loss and perfect blood work.
All in all less than 20g carbs a day. Keeps me full and satiated throughout the day. Constipation is my only issue with this diet but whenever I can sense things going wrong I up the dosage of ground up flax seeds, mix it with water and profit.
yea, cooking eggs is so easy I don't see why you wouldn't. You can make "scrambled" eggs in the microwave in just a couple of minutes if you're really short on time.
Alright, I've posted this in the fitness thread but haven't got any replies yet but I'll do it here as well.
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 263
Goal: 220 (for now)
Current Training Schedule: Just started, 3-5 times a week.
Current Training Equipment Available: Just joined the gym, pretty much everything.
Alright, I used to work out few years ago, but most of my workouts have been on and off. So though I know about the exercises, I've always slacked off.
Anyway, I'm living more closer to the gym and just started working out, already had few sessions.
Sun: Biceps & Back
Wed: Chest & Triceps, cardio
Thu: Shoulders & Legs, cardio
Fri: Biceps & Back
Sat: Chest & Triceps, abs
Sun: Shoulders & Legs
So as I have mentioned I am trying to lose weight, I want to go from XXL or XL, for which as far as my body weight goes, I guess I need to shrink.
I usually do 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps, the more weight I increase, the less reps I will do. Keep in mind, I am starting over on the weights, as in low weights, for some reason I can't lift heavy. I try though.
Any suggestions as to what I should and shouldn't be doing? Suggestions for how I should be doing the weights? The cardio?
Weight loss is ~90% what you eat. Exercise will make you healthier (stronger, able to run farther etc), and resistance training with weights will help you keep muscle mass while losing fat. So if you want to lose weight, get your diet in check.Alright, I've posted this in the fitness thread but haven't got any replies yet but I'll do it here as well.
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 263
Goal: 220 (for now)
Current Training Schedule: Just started, 3-5 times a week.
Current Training Equipment Available: Just joined the gym, pretty much everything.
Alright, I used to work out few years ago, but most of my workouts have been on and off. So though I know about the exercises, I've always slacked off.
Anyway, I'm living more closer to the gym and just started working out, already had few sessions.
Sun: Biceps & Back
Wed: Chest & Triceps, cardio
Thu: Shoulders & Legs, cardio
Fri: Biceps & Back
Sat: Chest & Triceps, abs
Sun: Shoulders & Legs
So as I have mentioned I am trying to lose weight, I want to go from XXL or XL, for which as far as my body weight goes, I guess I need to shrink.
I usually do 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps, the more weight I increase, the less reps I will do. Keep in mind, I am starting over on the weights, as in low weights, for some reason I can't lift heavy. I try though.
Any suggestions as to what I should and shouldn't be doing? Suggestions for how I should be doing the weights? The cardio?
Alright, I've posted this in the fitness thread but haven't got any replies yet but I'll do it here as well.
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 263
Goal: 220 (for now)
Current Training Schedule: Just started, 3-5 times a week.
Current Training Equipment Available: Just joined the gym, pretty much everything.
Alright, I used to work out few years ago, but most of my workouts have been on and off. So though I know about the exercises, I've always slacked off.
Anyway, I'm living more closer to the gym and just started working out, already had few sessions.
Sun: Biceps & Back
Wed: Chest & Triceps, cardio
Thu: Shoulders & Legs, cardio
Fri: Biceps & Back
Sat: Chest & Triceps, abs
Sun: Shoulders & Legs
So as I have mentioned I am trying to lose weight, I want to go from XXL or XL, for which as far as my body weight goes, I guess I need to shrink.
I usually do 3-4 sets of 6-10 reps, the more weight I increase, the less reps I will do. Keep in mind, I am starting over on the weights, as in low weights, for some reason I can't lift heavy. I try though.
Any suggestions as to what I should and shouldn't be doing? Suggestions for how I should be doing the weights? The cardio?
How long have you planned to stay in keto? I've been there for two weeks and I would like to stay for another 6 weeks atleast but don't know if it's that safe.
but fuck raw eggs! that shit is loaded with bacteria
From what I've been reading apparently the problem is a lack of potassium, I grabbed some of the walmart salt substitute and plan to eat more avocados. To answer your earlier question I plan to stay in keto until I'm satisfied with how I look, I think it's safe to stay it in as long as you like (for non-diabetics) as long as you're eating a good diet.
I was in Ketosis for 3.5 months and didn't notice any negative side effects, but then again I'm no doctor. Just made sure I was eating a good variety of meats and veggies, and taking a few supplements suggested by my doctor (don't eat seafood so I take an omega-3 pill for instance). Been back in for 3 weeks or so since I dropped out due to a carb overload on my birthday and again, no major issues. I was sick like a dog for the two or three days after my Birthday, but that was just the "Keto Flu" and nothing more.
Not sure I'd put lifting on back to back days...I always like a day at least in between each. So I do MWF, cardio on T and R and take the weekends off.
Since you're starting over on weights, use this as an opportunity to reall...REALLY, get your form down with lighter weight. This will give you the benefit of: 1. not injuring yourself, 2. maximizing your lifts.
What about your diet? Do you have a caloric goal and macronutrient plan in place?
Weight loss is ~90% what you eat. Exercise will make you healthier (stronger, able to run farther etc), and resistance training with weights will help you keep muscle mass while losing fat. So if you want to lose weight, get your diet in check.
As to exercise, people in the fitness thread are way more knowledgeable than me. However I love Starting Strength, it's resistance training 3 times a week, 3 major exercises each time, and a couple optional assistance exercises.
What I do:
Day A:
Military Press
Pendlay Rows
Day B:
Bench Press
Alternate Day A, Day B, Day A etc
All exercises 3x5 (except deadlifts 1x5)
Additional exercises if I'm not super tired: Chins or dips, weighted incline situps and back hyperextensions.
Start with just the bar on all exercises and add 5lbs (or 2.5kg) to each lift every time you go to the gym. Your lifts will shoot up really fast.
There is no need for you to be working out the same body parts twice a week. What is your routine? I suggest StartingStrength, StrongLifts, or GreySkull LP. If you want to do a traditional bb split, 3 or 4 days a week is better.
I tried on some of my old clothes the other day. It was one of those "I used to wear these?!" moments. These all fitted in December 2011.
As most of you guys have asked about my diet, I am not completely calorie cutting but I am making healthier choices.
- I stopped drinking anything other than water, occasional fruit juices with no sugar.
- Starting day with cereal(almonds added usually), fruits.
- When I have school, I usually end up taking a banana, grapes, cherries to school for lunch. Basically whatever is available at home.
- Dinner, I eat early and a little heavier, then give couple of hours to digest and then hitting the gym around 8.
I have been doing this only for the past week, trying to make healthy choices definitely. However I gave in and had fries and gravy on Sunday, considering that my cheap meal/day for the week. So all in, I have been eating lots of fruits, drinking lots of water and trying to get protein and some omega 3 in my body.
As for the workouts though, I really dropped the weight, not that I can do that heavy anyway but I have been trying to correct my form and build it up.
For those of you that think that I have been over working, it was just the first week that I maxed it up to get in the regime but I will be doing weights 3-4 times a week and cardio 3-4 times a week. Abs on the days that I am not doing weights(so may be twice a week?).
As for the workout, should I be doing a split work out or do total body workout so that I can work my muscle groups atleast twice a week? I can't figure that out.
EDIT: I do have to mention to you guys that at the same time last year, I was around 297lbs. I started exercise from October last year up until January but I have slacked off again from Feb-May due to travelling around the World. I was around 255lbs in April but shitty diet made me to get back to 264.
I just want to get back on track and keep shedding those pounds off.
Caesar dressing? =)
But not if you're on a diet. lol
Pretty sure you could make a delicious low-carb caesar dressing. When I used to make it at the restaurant, it was basically oil, egg yolks, anchovies, and parmesan cheese (I think, it's been a while). GO FOR IT.
So i'm trying to get my mom on low carb buts shes worried about what shell eat for breakfast as she has high cholesterol. She think having eggs everyday would be bad for her cholesterol? Is there any truth to this? After reading so many reports of people here and other places how their health actually became better after low-carb I wouldn't think the eggs woul harm here, but I'm not sure.
So is there any studies or something that I can show my mother that eating in eggs will be fine?
Myth 2: Eggs are evil
It's true that eggs have a lot of dietary cholesterol—upwards of 200 mg, which is more than two-thirds of the American Heart Association's recommended limit of 300 mg a day. But dietary cholesterol isn't nearly as dangerous as was once thought. Only some of the cholesterol in food ends up as cholesterol in your bloodstream, and if your dietary cholesterol intake rises, your body compensates by producing less cholesterol of its own.
While you don't want to overdo it, eating an egg or two a few times a week isn't dangerous. In fact, eggs are an excellent source of protein and contain unsaturated fat, a so-called good fat.
Congratulations!!specially considering you did it in 6 Months and your body doesn't look flabby or with loose skin.
Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood serum levels. Not to mention cholesterol level doesn't mean much, so having a "high" amount isn't necessarily a problem. It's also just a poor indicator of heart health, the majority of people that have heart attacks or get heart disease have "normal" cholesterol. What's important is particle size. If you're cholesterol is dense and it causes plaque build up, it's a problem. This is why vegetable oils are so bad for you, they're pure polyunsaturated fat that oxidizes in the blood and causes plaque build up in your artieries. As opposed to something like saturated fat, which raises both LDL and HDL cholesterol, which is why so many people fear it, but the cholesterol it raises is light and fluffy and causes no problem. Than there's the triglycerides, which is a better indicator of heart health. You'll want to keep them low, by not eating or cutting back on sugar and carbs.So i'm trying to get my mom on low carb buts shes worried about what shell eat for breakfast as she has high cholesterol. She think having eggs everyday would be bad for her cholesterol? Is there any truth to this? After reading so many reports of people here and other places how their health actually became better after low-carb I wouldn't think the eggs woul harm here, but I'm not sure.
So is there any studies or something that I can show my mother that eating in eggs will be fine?
What's important is particle size. If you're cholesterol is dense and it causes plaque build up, it's a problem. This is why vegetable oils are so bad for you, they're pure polyunsaturated fat that oxidizes in the blood and causes plaque build up in your artieries. As opposed to something like saturated fat, which raises both LDL and HDL cholesterol, which is why so many people fear it, but the cholesterol it raises is light and fluffy and causes no problem. Than there's the triglycerides, which is a better indicator of heart health. You'll want to keep them low, by not eating or cutting back on sugar and carbs.
So i'm trying to get my mom on low carb buts shes worried about what shell eat for breakfast as she has high cholesterol. She think having eggs everyday would be bad for her cholesterol? Is there any truth to this? After reading so many reports of people here and other places how their health actually became better after low-carb I wouldn't think the eggs woul harm here, but I'm not sure.
So is there any studies or something that I can show my mother that eating in eggs will be fine?
I tried on some of my old clothes the other day. It was one of those "I used to wear these?!" moments. These all fitted in December 2011.
Really wish i can have this guy's determination. I look at myself in my bathroom mirror at my rolls of fat and wonder can i really do it. I am too unsure of myself.