Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Okay so I posted my pics like 6 months ago. Anyways I've finally hit roughly around my supposedly ideal bmi weight for my height now! w00t!
chicko1983 said:So I started going to the pool a couple of months ago and running on days I wasnt at the pool.
I swim 2km on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I run about 6-7km on Tuesday and Thursday and about 8-9km on Satdy.
My problem is, I am bloody hungry after exercise and cannot help but eat a lot. I generally eat healthily but still could be a lot better (occasional soft drink, chocolate bar, pack of chips etc).
I have lost about 3kgs in a month of the above regime (give or take a couple of sessions here and there).
I was speaking to a mate of mine and he said I would be better off just stopping the exercise and going on a strict diet if I wanted to lose weight quicker.
I am starting to get a bit disenchanted with the whole exercise regime cause I am not seeing great results quickly - this week I have only swam twice and run once.
To me, dieting is impossible as I love food (good food at restuarants and not junk food).
What do people in GAFland think is the best way - just diet or exercise? I wish I could diet and exercise but I cant!
vas_a_morir said:If I ate 1000 Calories a day, would that be safe?
Basically, say for the sake of vanity I wanted to lose weight quick... would I be in actual danger eating 800ish Calories a day?
BronzeWolf said:I have a question, and I think this is the best place to ask it
My GF is underweight. About 10 lb underweight and we want to make her gain some pounds?
What's the healthiest way to do it?
Paleo is welcomed
vas_a_morir said:So, as a 6'0 190-ish pound man, how many Calories should I take in if I want to continue to lose weight? (I am also getting good exercise every day)
teh_pwn said:If you have to have a number:
2000 calories
50% fat
35% protein
15% carbohydrate (primarily from vegetables, no grains or sugar)
pubba said:2 weeks of low carb lifestyle. Some quick notes..
My digestion is fucked. I really need to start taking some kind of fibre supplement. I'll go buy some psillium husks tomorrow when I do my weekly shopping.l
teh_pwn said:
vas_a_morir said:TL;DR - Is it safe to eat less than 1000 Calories a day for a prolonged period of time?
Slayer-33 said:I remember this speech, totally forgot about it.
evlcookie said:Holy
Amazing work NR1, Just amazing.
metamonk said:wow, man! congrats. that's a lot of weight you lost there. i plan to start walking about 1.5 miles every other day starting monday. i quit drinking soda 17 days ago and have lost 6lbs so far.
Mike G.E.D. said:NR1. thats an incredible achievement. How did you do it?
NR1 from Page 17 said:I started on April 1 at 230 lbs. My plan is to reach the target weight of 170 lbs. I am 6ft 0in and 24-years-old.
I have made the following changes to my diet:
-No Sodas
-No Sugar Sweets (cookies, ice cream, candy, chocolate, ect...)
-No Fast Food
-Massive reduction in bread/grain intake (very limited amounts)
-Limit myself to only water and (1) Slim Fast per day
As far as exercise, I now visit the local gym EVERY DAY and work out between 1.5 hrs and 2 hrs after work. This roughly translates over to 750 to 1000 calories burned off per gym visit. My workout is pretty much exclusively cardio exercise on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, or Stair Master. My aim here is to burn fat; not to build muscle.
Teh Hamburglar said:we? whos idea was it to loose weight? "Gee honey, you're looking kind of fat. Lets get you signed up at the gym. Honey? Where are you going with my car keys? I was just saying--"
BronzeWolf said:Did you read the post at all? She is UNDER weight, the first thing she told me when she knew I did exercise and nutrition stuff is that she wanted to gain weight.
BronzeWolf said:I have a question, and I think this is the best place to ask it
My GF is underweight. About 10 lb underweight and we want to make her gain some pounds?
What's the healthiest way to do it?
Paleo is welcomed
Your body will start shutting down at those levels and is extremely extremely extremely unhealthy.
In a practical sense the following will happen: rapid weight loss accompanied by listlessness and confusion. Much of the weight loss will be muscle mass as you won't be getting enough protein to support your muscles current size.
If you are lucky and your bodies defense mechanisms overpower your will power you will wind up binging and put every pound you lost right back on within 2 months. If you aren't lucky and you have more willpower than that you could wind up with organ failure, hospitilization and potentially death.
I don't say this lightly, I had a cousin who went bulimic and then anorexic in college and nearly died 2/3 times. Just because you aren't super skinny doesn't mean you don't have an eating disorder that is just as dangerous. You can be fat and at risk like an anorexic just as easily.
Healthy problems aside, you will put the weight back on as quickly as you lost it and your body will be more resistant to weight loss the next time you try and lose because it is going to remember what you did to it when you starved yourself.
vas_a_morir said:TL;DR - Is it safe to eat less than 1000 Calories a day
for a prolonged period of time?
vas_a_morir said:Well, I eat a lot of healthy things. But, the food here does not have the same nutritional value of food back home. So, you can eat a lot of fresh things and not eat that many calories.
Anyway, I'll take your advice. Edamame is a good source of protein, right? Healthy, too? I mean, I exercise daily and the things that I do eat are relatively healthy. And I think I STILL eat more protein than the average Japanese person. Just, the times when I would down a can of Pringles or a deceptively high 600 Calorie melon bread, now I just pass. Honestly, my diet now is far more balanced than it was before, even if I'm eating half of what I usually eat.
To be fair, I only did this to kick start my diet. I was planning on eating more Calories starting Wednesday. About 1500. Is that safe?
StoOgE said:This would put me at about 222 (6'1")
This is me yesterday.. down right around 180 lbs.
you look like a different person! could be the lighting in the first pic throwing me off. either way congrats on your loss! love these before and after shots everyone is posting.
metamonk said:you look like a different person! could be the lighting in the first pic throwing me off. either way congrats on your loss! love these before and after shots everyone is posting.
StoOgE said:Thanks.
Believe me, when I look at some of those photos it blows my mind I got that big.. the gut is clearly huge, but it's things like my forearms that really blows me away. My arms are really well defined right now, and seeing that photo they look like sausages.
I still need to lose some weight from my gut, but if I ever need inspiration that I've made progress I just go look at my fat StoOgE photos :lol
mysticwhip said:What did you do? low carb and exercise?
Wow congrats u look even better than before. I really need to get back to the gymAmir0x said:I'm not QUITE ready for a before or after pic of my full body (not at my goal weight yet), but here's a taste of how much weight I lost... you can tell how dramatic it is from my face alone. I wasn't going to post a pic til I was ready, but I lost a extra bit of weight this week and I've felt particularly proud of myself...
From 280lbs down to 195lbs (however I took the pic here when I was still 200lbs so I've lost more yet since then), I'll post a full body pic when I hit 165. Anyway I intentionally wore the same outfit for both pics for hilarious effect.
Thanks for the reply.I need an alternative to running as it's near impossible where I live currently( I should be able to do some running when I move back to the states in a couple months) So I guess i'll up my amount of exercise.StoOgE said:Most of that was lost in the last 3 months, I dropped about 10 pounds over the first 9 months, and the rest of it in the last 3.
I run about 30 miles a week which seems like a lot but it's about an hour a day 4-5 days a week. That's worth about 3500 calories, which means I don't have to kill myself on the diet part. I also lift weights for about 1.5 hours a week, I do this on my lunch break at my works gym.
I have never really cut carbs, I like them too much and the times where I have cut carbs has backfired and led to me binging. I started cooking at home instead of eating out, and limit myself to whole wheat pasta and flour when I cook. I also cut soda from my diet completely and limit my beer/liquor intake to the weekends and only with friends. I also cut junk food out completely. No chips, no cookies, no ice cream, etc. I don't buy it. I buy fruit and eat that for snacks. If I am going to get a desert I do it when I'm at a restaurant. After a few weeks I figured out there was no need to eat that kind of snack food all the time.
I can cook lasagna at home and get a good amount of it in about 600-700 calories. Then I can take leftovers to work for the next few days and save money there (and avoid eating fast food). Running is easily the *best* workout. It just absorbs calories and I enjoy it. If you eat reasonable (home cooked lasagna and brisket included) and run enough you will lose weight. You just burn an insane amount of calories running.
I think the most important part is I don't feel like I'm on a diet. When I've lost weight before I went on a diet. And I hit a number, and "quit" being on a diet and put the weight back on within 6 months. This doesn't feel like I am dieting and I don't have a real "goal" (other than wanting my gut to go away). This feels like something I can continue to do for the rest of my life. In the past, the diets always felt like something that was unsustainable and a temporary measure to lose weight. This is a real lifestyle change. I enjoy cooking my own food now, and I really like going for runs. This is something other people always told me and I always blew it off.. I've taken it to heart and I can tell you it's real and it's the only way to make something like this stick.
Double Bonus: If you have a popular running trail in your city you should use it. The women who run on them are usually extremely attractive and extremely scantily clad. You get behind the right one of them on your run and you don't need any more motivation to keep up :lol
BertramCooper said:I'm hoping to have some good before/after shots someday. I've lost 40 pounds so far, but I've got a long way to go.
The main problem with getting before/after shots is that I've actively avoided being photographed for a very long time, mainly due to being unhappy with my weight. I'll be able to get a good after shot, but I might have to do a bit of digging to find a before shot. :lol
vas_a_morir said:Big change, Amir0x. big change.
My friend when he came here to Japan was 300 pounds, and now he is 210, and is the single most athletic human being I've ever met. (he is a large guy, so 300 pounds wasn't quite corpulent on him. He just looked like a lineman. He did it all cycling across the unforgiving Tokyo streets.
Amir0x said:That's so good for him!
It's just nice to be able to do things again...without like, ya know, effort. I used to play baseball in high school, and I missed being light weight. I missed being athletic. I haven't gone swimming in like five years, I love swimming so much. I can't wait, wait to go back.
Caffeine withdrawal is an absolute bitch. I've given up pop several times throughout my life, and every time, I experience severe headaches for about a week. But once you wean yourself off of pop, you start to wonder why you ever liked it in the first place. I guess that's how addiction works.Cmagus said:So I started about 3 weeks ago after I decided to make some changes in life.One problem I had was I was badly addicted to pop to the point where I was drinking 2 bottles a day.Basically I woke up and just said what the hell am I doing to myself.So after 3 1/2 weeks now I have managed to kick all sugar and junk food which was surprisingly hard I honestly went through withdrawl from the pop.
SephCast said:
I used to weigh around 191. I now way 158.
Amir0x said:*twitch*
But, er, congrats
metamonk said:i'm terrible at picking a healthy breakfast. the last couple of weeks i've been having a granola bar and water.
does 2 scrambled eggs and a yogurt sound like an okay breakfast? i want something that leaves me full and would be okay to eat on a regular basis.