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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I've got to investigate that p90x, seems interesting and legit (according to a lot of users in here). Thanks for the info and the thread!

Trying to loose my fat and bulk a little, but the bulk part is kind of hard.

P90X is not a gimmick workout, so of course it's legit. :) It's good old fashioned hard work for 90 days.

P90x doesn't require a lot of time, but it does require a good amount of space. If you don't have a good living room or good-sized area you're in trouble.

Amazing results if you eat clean, though.
Requires less space than Kinect does!

Chris R

I'd love to do the P90x or Insanity stuff, but I don't think my old house could take it. First off my ceiling is ~7ft high, and secondly my floor is pretty damn flimsy in spots.

I do need to start doing stuff with weights though, losing all this fat is just making my total lack of upper body muscle start to stand out. My tree trunk legs are still fine though thanks to all my biking :p
A week isn't long. I would wait at least 3 weeks before I would change anything. There might be nothing wrong with your routine, you might have simply hit a typical and natural plateau and just have to wait it out.

Yeah I have been spoiled so far with my consistent and rapid weight loss lol. Making me paranoid.

I do need to start doing stuff with weights though, losing all this fat is just making my total lack of upper body muscle start to stand out. My tree trunk legs are still fine though thanks to all my biking :p

Totally in the same situation. My arms are disgusting.....strength training isn't something I find very...attractive though so we will see.


P90x doesn't require a lot of time, but it does require a good amount of space. If you don't have a good living room or good-sized area you're in trouble.

Amazing results if you eat clean, though.

I love P90X but it absolutely does take a lot of time. Committing an hour to an hour and a half (not including time to get ready or cleaned up after) for five to seven days a week is not a small amount of time I feel. That said, totally worth it for people that like the structure of type of fitness it can provide.


Totally in the same situation. My arms are disgusting.....strength training isn't something I find very...attractive though so we will see.
I was this way at first, but doing the resistance training in P90X has gotten me very addicted to it to the point that after P90X I plan on getting into it more seriously (deadlifts, squats, bench pressing). That might also be related to the fact that I enjoy improving upon numbers, which makes me a sucker for MMOs. :)


Totally in the same situation. My arms are disgusting.....strength training isn't something I find very...attractive though so we will see.

How about group exercise weight classes? The return won't be anywhere near dedicated weight training, but it does build up your strength.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Two weeks ago I bought one of those pull-up bars that attach to most door frames as well as a barbell with some weights.

I've just been doing pull-ups and deadlifts (only around 70 pounds including the bar) whenever I feel up to it, but I can already notice quite a bit of muscle gain and a general "tightening up" in my stomach area.

When I started, I could barely do five pull-ups at once, but now I'm up to doing ten without much trouble. Same with deadlifts. I thought 70 pounds would be nothing, but it was pretty tough to do ten reps at first. After two weeks, it's pretty easy now and I'm thinking of upping the weight.

This, combined with daily air squats, some planks, and the occasional small burst of cardio (a quick jog or a few minutes of HIIT sprinting) has gone a long way in improving my overall physique. I'm not even spending that much time on all of this. Probably a combined total of an hour or so each week.
How about group exercise weight classes? The return won't be anywhere near dedicated weight training, but it does build up your strength.

Maybe. I intend to reevaluate my activities once I am closer to my goal weight and could consider this. We will see. Right now I just have a hard time motivating myself for some vanity muscle gain when I am still a fatass.


Maybe. I intend to reevaluate my activities once I am closer to my goal weight and could consider this. We will see. Right now I just have a hard time motivating myself for some vanity muscle gain when I am still a fatass.

Try to think of it as increased muscle mass will be a boon to your fat loss, since your body will burn more fat if you're muscular. Vanity aside, it'll help your weight loss and also counteract the possibility of loose skin (no idea how much you're losing, have lost, or are trying to lose, but it should be worthwhile all the same).
Try to think of it as increased muscle mass will be a boon to your fat loss, since your body will burn more fat if you're muscular. Vanity aside, it'll help your weight loss and also counteract the possibility of loose skin (no idea how much you're losing, have lost, or are trying to lose, but it should be worthwhile all the same).

Yeah I am going back to college in the fall so will have a gym availible. May start trying it out then. Loose skin will almost surely be an issue.

Starting weight May 1: 330
Current Weight: About 280
Goal: 200 (6'5")


I've been doing P90X for a good 10 months straight now and don't intend to stop doing this type of exercise routine. It's a lifestyle thing at this point. Can it be time consuming? Absolutely. But what I did was take an inventory of every hour of the day and what I was spending that time on. I found that I was spending more time surfing the net and lounging on the couch than I should be. It's not for everyone, but anything that you do that gets you fit, not just lose weight, will take time during the day.


Waffle, if you can, I'd strongly recommend doing things like push-ups and other strength building exercises you can do around your home. I'm very big on the "no time like the present" when it comes to stuff like this, so if you're feeling up for it you should try complementing your dieting with whatever exercises you can handle, and I suspect you'll be amazed at how quickly you can melt off some pounds.

Diet is always king, but exercise is an excellent complement.


The body is amazing...

Went on vacation Thursday to Sunday. Beer, liquor, pizza, burgers, bagels, sandwiches, etc.

By Saturday night I felt like absolute shit. I couldn't stop gassing and I was pooping three times a day. I had enough of it Sunday, and didn't eat until dinner when I had a bunch of salmon rolls and snow crab legs at the local sushi place.

Back to eating clean today. Eggs and bacon for breakfast. Tuna and quest bar for lunch. Salad with eggs. Chicken. Cheese and blue cheese for dinner.

When I left for vacation I was 179. When I got back I was 187. I know it's not all actually weight gain, but I was so bloated I'm not surprised. Now that vacation is over, Im starting my hardcore cut. No cheat meals until the fall.
Do you guys have some recommendations for something besides water to drink for a snack while on low carb? I have had zero issues with my eating but I moved from sugar sodas to diet sodas and now I am addicted to diet soda.

I don't drink that much but would like something better for me while I sit down for a tv show or gaming session.

I drink tons of water now but I do enjoy a flavored drink every now and then and I don't want it to be a soda.


Do you guys have some recommendations for something besides water to drink for a snack while on low carb? I have had zero issues with my eating but I moved from sugar sodas to diet sodas and now I am addicted to diet soda.

I don't drink that much but would like something better for me while I sit down for a tv show or gaming session.

I drink tons of water now but I do enjoy a flavored drink every now and then and I don't want it to be a soda.

Coffee or tea. Real tea not sweet tea.
Do you guys have some recommendations for something besides water to drink for a snack while on low carb? I have had zero issues with my eating but I moved from sugar sodas to diet sodas and now I am addicted to diet soda.

I don't drink that much but would like something better for me while I sit down for a tv show or gaming session.

I drink tons of water now but I do enjoy a flavored drink every now and then and I don't want it to be a soda.

make your own juice or smoothies from real fruits?


Well...I think I'm pretty much set on having Chicken Shawarma + Tabbouleh for lunch everyday at work now. Easy because I don't have to make my lunch, and reasonably healthy, filling, and low in calories.

Shawarmas are made with authentic Lebanese pitas here in Ottawa, which are much thinner than most western style pitas. Yeah, it's carbs, but in a reasonable amount (probably ~20-30g). I'll try to find nutritional info on them specifically. Otherwise, it's just maybe 100g of roasted chicken breast, garlic sauce (garlic + olive oil, whipped), and veggies. Tabbouleh has a bit of carbs again with the sprinkling of bulgur, but is otherwise a pretty healthy side.

I figure that clocks me in at about 600-700 calories or so for lunch, and keeps me full for the anternoon, which seems reasonable.


I'd guess the pitas are considerably more than 20-30g, because usually "low carb" flatbread clocks in around 20g, and most Lebanese places I've ever been to have pitas that are much bigger (read: way more delicious and filling) than the low carb flatbread I've been using. Might want to steer clear of the pitas, or eat like half.


Do you guys have some recommendations for something besides water to drink for a snack while on low carb? I have had zero issues with my eating but I moved from sugar sodas to diet sodas and now I am addicted to diet soda.

I don't drink that much but would like something better for me while I sit down for a tv show or gaming session.

I drink tons of water now but I do enjoy a flavored drink every now and then and I don't want it to be a soda.

Yes indeed, coffee or tea.
Or sparkling water. I know it's not the same, and not sweet, but plenty of flavored kinds out there.


I'd guess the pitas are considerably more than 20-30g, because usually "low carb" flatbread clocks in around 20g, and most Lebanese places I've ever been to have pitas that are much bigger (read: way more delicious and filling) than the low carb flatbread I've been using. Might want to steer clear of the pitas, or eat like half.

Traditional Lebanese pitas are very thin. It couldn't weight much more than 50g. 6 inches in diameter, and the thickness of each pocket half is maybe 2mm. Maybe in between 30-40g of carbs at most. Not ideal, but not that bad considering the portion size.

I unfortunately can't find proper info or pics online. I'll try to look at a bag next time I go to the grocery store.


I have been eating like crap lately and really need to start eating healthier again. I haven't looked at too much in this thread yet but was wanting to get some suggestions.

I was eating sandwiches for lunches for a while but even though I was eating them with whole wheat bread I am sure I can do better. I was thinking about switching to a salad with lots of greens, spinach, baked chicken breast, cheese, avocado, carrots, etc.

For breakfast I have just been making cereal but that probably has too much sugar. I was going to switch that to Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with some fruit.

Anything better that I could be eating?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
My main problem with low fat diets is that they just don't make sense. There's no evidence backing their efficacy on the merit of their being low fat.

On the other hand, we know about the relationship between carbs and insulin and what insulin does to your body in regards to adipose tissue. That's the evidence for low carb diets, and we know why they work.

There is no evidence that dietary fat and cholesterol make you fat or otherwise unhealthy. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Therefore, any diet that is purposefully low in fat is operating on a premise that has no evidence in its favor.

I think I misunderstood it and it is a low calorie diet.

Anyways, first day is over. Hungry as fuck. Playing some insanely twisted shadow planet to take my mind off ;D

Also did 40 mins of static bike, according to the ergometer, burned 430 calories.

Ah, a friend lended me 5 pound dumbells... the bike works for the lower body but it'd be interested in some upper body exercises. Anyone got a good site for dumbell exercises, specially for novices with minimal strength?

Thanks =)
a friend of me just told about some magic drops he is going to take for the next 40 days and for the first three days of the treatment, he has to have a surplus of calories, as much as he can, eat like a pig but then from the 3rd day onward, just 500 calories and the drops under the tongue..

anyone knows what treatment is this?? sounds very suspicious.

HCG drops. Basically it's pregnancy hormones.


a friend of me just told about some magic drops he is going to take for the next 40 days and for the first three days of the treatment, he has to have a surplus of calories, as much as he can, eat like a pig but then from the 3rd day onward, just 500 calories and the drops under the tongue..

anyone knows what treatment is this?? sounds very suspicious.

there is nothing magic about losing weight on a 500 calorie diet
I have been eating like crap lately and really need to start eating healthier again. I haven't looked at too much in this thread yet but was wanting to get some suggestions.

I was eating sandwiches for lunches for a while but even though I was eating them with whole wheat bread I am sure I can do better. I was thinking about switching to a salad with lots of greens, spinach, baked chicken breast, cheese, avocado, carrots, etc.

For breakfast I have just been making cereal but that probably has too much sugar. I was going to switch that to Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with some fruit.

Anything better that I could be eating?
Oatmeal, spaghetti squash, whole fruit, salmon, broccoli.


Do you guys have some recommendations for something besides water to drink for a snack while on low carb? I have had zero issues with my eating but I moved from sugar sodas to diet sodas and now I am addicted to diet soda.

I don't drink that much but would like something better for me while I sit down for a tv show or gaming session.

I drink tons of water now but I do enjoy a flavored drink every now and then and I don't want it to be a soda.

Home made ice tea. That's what got me off sodas. You can sweeten it up with stevia or other herbal zero-carbs sweetener.
There are many methods of doing the tea. Personally I like the cold brew the most. You bassicaly put the tea (bags or leafs) into a cold water and leave it in a fridge for 8-12 hours. Personaly I use a spoon or green tea, a spoon of Pu-Erh and a bag of earl gray or white tea. I use a bit less of all of those that I would if the water was hot. Also..avoid all the fruit brand of teas, as they actually are filled with carbs (Yep, even the one in bags) and artificial nonsense.

I love cold brewing, it makes the tea taste so smooth. With added stevia and few drops of lemon juice it's delicious and made me forever forget about sodas.


Still holding onto all that "extra weight" from vacation :/

I also haven't had a good BM since I came back Sunday.

Today im eating....

Breakfast - 3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon

Lunch - can of tuna, 2tbsp of spinach dip, 2 scoops of whey

Dinner- 2 salmon burger patties, 1 oz cheese, 2 cup green beans.

Snack - 1 scoop whey.

I'm also going to lift today.

1400 calories, 62fat, 25carbs, 188protein


Down 32 pounds now. Wife says I'm verging on getting too skinny. Debatable since I'm 208 lbs. But I have a bigger frame. Don't know how much more I'll lose, but I love what I'm eating, and the cardio and lifting are going great.

Heavy interval cardio day yesterday and finished core work at home. It hit over 100 here and that wasn't easy. Just sweating for hours.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome inspirational posts guys.

AdrianWerner- I have to try that some time, I drink a ton of hot tea at work.


Do you guys have some recommendations for something besides water to drink for a snack while on low carb? I have had zero issues with my eating but I moved from sugar sodas to diet sodas and now I am addicted to diet soda.

I don't drink that much but would like something better for me while I sit down for a tv show or gaming session.

I drink tons of water now but I do enjoy a flavored drink every now and then and I don't want it to be a soda.

I'm a diet soda addict, but I've been drinking a ton of poland spring sparkling lemon water lately. Doesn't have anything other than water and "natural flavors" unlike some similar drinks (Dasani) full of sugar substitutes


Down 32 pounds now. Wife says I'm verging on getting too skinny. Debatable since I'm 208 lbs. But I have a bigger frame. Don't know how much more I'll lose, but I love what I'm eating, and the cardio and lifting are going great.

Heavy interval cardio day yesterday and finished core work at home. It hit over 100 here and that wasn't easy. Just sweating for hours.

Anyway, thanks for the awesome inspirational posts guys.

AdrianWerner- I have to try that some time, I drink a ton of hot tea at work.

How tall are you?

Good job on the weight loss all the same, and good luck convincing your wife it's worth it to lose more! Are you putting on muscle to match the weight/fat loss? Might be a good compromise.


Unconfirmed Member
Decided to reflect on my own work photo two and a half years ago and damn.


So much difference.


How tall are you?

Good job on the weight loss all the same, and good luck convincing your wife it's worth it to lose more! Are you putting on muscle to match the weight/fat loss? Might be a good compromise.

6'0", with fairly broad shoulders. It's been about 12 weeks, so It's been gradual. I am definitely putting on more muscle. I try to lift 3 days a week, with 3-4 days of HIIT cardio. I primarily wanted to lose the beer gut and I've done it.

ZombieFred- Wow. Great job!
Home made ice tea. That's what got me off sodas. You can sweeten it up with stevia or other herbal zero-carbs sweetener.
There are many methods of doing the tea. Personally I like the cold brew the most. You bassicaly put the tea (bags or leafs) into a cold water and leave it in a fridge for 8-12 hours. Personaly I use a spoon or green tea, a spoon of Pu-Erh and a bag of earl gray or white tea. I use a bit less of all of those that I would if the water was hot. Also..avoid all the fruit brand of teas, as they actually are filled with carbs (Yep, even the one in bags) and artificial nonsense.

I love cold brewing, it makes the tea taste so smooth. With added stevia and few drops of lemon juice it's delicious and made me forever forget about sodas.

I'm a diet soda addict, but I've been drinking a ton of poland spring sparkling lemon water lately. Doesn't have anything other than water and "natural flavors" unlike some similar drinks (Dasani) full of sugar substitutes

I actually grabbed some sparkling lemon water last night at the grocery store and love it! thanks for the tip. I will also be cold brewing some Tea!

thanks to the both of you!


Yeah I am going back to college in the fall so will have a gym availible. May start trying it out then. Loose skin will almost surely be an issue.

Starting weight May 1: 330
Current Weight: About 280
Goal: 200 (6'5")

At 6'5"" 200 pounds might be way too much.

I'm about 6'2 and had ballooned up years ago when I blew out my back to about 270, I went on the GI diet (which I cannot recommend enough) and when I dropped down to 200 pounds people started asking me if I was sick

Your body type has a lot to do with it, I'm very broad shouldered but my buddy who is 6'5" and does not seem to have any excessive body fat weighs about 230


I'd guess the pitas are considerably more than 20-30g, because usually "low carb" flatbread clocks in around 20g, and most Lebanese places I've ever been to have pitas that are much bigger (read: way more delicious and filling) than the low carb flatbread I've been using. Might want to steer clear of the pitas, or eat like half.

So I did go to the grocery store to check out the pita breads today. This is what the nutrition is like:


Not great, but at least the carbs aren't too heavy. Along with 100g of chicken, veggies, and olive oil, it makes for a half decent lunch if it can keep me full. I think I'll probably stick with it, as it's a tasty and easy lunch option for me. That makes for probably a <500 calorie lunch.


Yeah that's a lot better than I was expecting, so that's good to see. And if you're working out hard, hey, your body will welcome those carbs I'd reckon.

Edit: And now I am hungry, ugh.


At 6'5"" 200 pounds might be way too much.

I'm about 6'2 and had ballooned up years ago when I blew out my back to about 270, I went on the GI diet (which I cannot recommend enough) and when I dropped down to 200 pounds people started asking me if I was sick

Your body type has a lot to do with it, I'm very broad shouldered but my buddy who is 6'5" and does not seem to have any excessive body fat weighs about 230

I'm 6'2" and my weight is spread pretty evenly though out my body, and I definitely needed to be under 200 pounds. Even in my 190s I have plenty of fat through out my body to lose, although I've been lifting for about 4-5 months now.


So I did go to the grocery store to check out the pita breads today. This is what the nutrition is like:


Not great, but at least the carbs aren't too heavy. Along with 100g of chicken, veggies, and olive oil, it makes for a half decent lunch if it can keep me full. I think I'll probably stick with it, as it's a tasty and easy lunch option for me. That makes for probably a <500 calorie lunch.

What about using a wrap instead? You can find some with as low as 7g of carbs.
At 6'5"" 200 pounds might be way too much.

I'm about 6'2 and had ballooned up years ago when I blew out my back to about 270, I went on the GI diet (which I cannot recommend enough) and when I dropped down to 200 pounds people started asking me if I was sick

Your body type has a lot to do with it, I'm very broad shouldered but my buddy who is 6'5" and does not seem to have any excessive body fat weighs about 230

Yeah I am very aware. I have never been skinny so its hard to set a goal. My day to day goal is to lose 100 lbs. Once that is done I will see how it goes from there.

What about using a wrap instead? You can find some with as low as 7g of carbs.

Thank god for Flat Out breads.
Somehow I ballooned up to 236 from 222. Ah well... my workouts are even longer and tougher now, and I got good groceries from the store, so today marks the first conscious effort to return to the healthy lifestyle.

It's amazing how outside influence can screw up your plans. (Pressure from friends/family, stress, money, etc.)
Somehow I ballooned up to 236 from 222. Ah well... my workouts are even longer and tougher now, and I got good groceries from the store, so today marks the first conscious effort to return to the healthy lifestyle.

It's amazing how outside influence can screw up your plans. (Pressure from friends/family, stress, money, etc.)

Yeah that sucks.

My family is neither supportive or tempts me for the most part. Mostly a net neutral force. I have never really had a break where I gained back more than 1-3 lbs though. 14 sounds like a lot.
ok so i posted in this thread awhile ago, when i first began i weighed 285.. after several months i dropped to 250ish but i became discouraged when i couldn't go below 245 so i stopped and took breaks

this is my 3rd attempt to go below 240.. i started July 1st

Runkeeper stats
Weight at the start - 258
Weight right now - 244 in the morning - 246 after eating
56 miles of walking
7,318 calories supposedly burned

i really want to get rid of the stomach fat as its the most noticeable area but to me walking isn't doing anything.. and i sometimes give into the craving.. sodas are completely cut out.. i usually walk 30-40 mins a day for 2-3 miles (i don't think i come close to the 10,000 daily steps)

i usually eat this below
3 scrambled eggs in the morning with an apple or Almond Milk with Kashi go lean original
2 tbsp of peanut butter later in the day
grilled chicken salad
ended by grilled chicken with mixed veggies (corn,peas,carrots)

im starting to get tired.. any tips/advice?
ok so i posted in this thread awhile ago, when i first began i weighed 285.. after several months i dropped to 250ish but i became discouraged when i couldn't go below 245 so i stopped and took breaks

this is my 3rd attempt to go below 240.. i started July 1st

Runkeeper stats
Weight at the start - 258
Weight right now - 244 in the morning - 246 after eating
56 miles of walking
7,318 calories supposedly burned

i really want to get rid of the stomach fat as its the most noticeable area but to me walking isn't doing anything.. and i sometimes give into the craving.. sodas are completely cut out.. i usually walk 30-40 mins a day for 2-3 miles (i don't think i come close to the 10,000 daily steps)

i usually eat this below
3 scrambled eggs in the morning with an apple or Almond Milk with Kashi go lean original
2 tbsp of peanut butter later in the day
grilled chicken salad
ended by grilled chicken with mixed veggies (corn,peas,carrots)

im starting to get tired.. any tips/advice?

You doing low carb? If so you may want to consider some changes to the diet. The Kashi +almond milk certainly isn't helping. How many total calories do you generally end up eating in a day?

If possible cut out the apple and switch to berries.

Also if you are going to have veggies Corn should not be included as it is not really a veggie and has a ton of carbs it is TERRIBLE and a diet killer. 111 net grams of carbs per cup.
Peas are also fairly bad. Carrots are ok is small quantities.

As for Soda. If you are breaking sometimes far better to have a Diet soda around. There is no real evidence that they are bad for you and it can only help.

The diet you listed would probably be fine for weight maintenance but is poor for loss.
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