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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Hmm, I just checked how much I eat per day and it's around 1400 kcal. Do I need more perhaps?

I walk 8,5 km every other day and run 8-10km the other days.


ok so i posted in this thread awhile ago, when i first began i weighed 285.. after several months i dropped to 250ish but i became discouraged when i couldn't go below 245 so i stopped and took breaks

this is my 3rd attempt to go below 240.. i started July 1st

Runkeeper stats
Weight at the start - 258
Weight right now - 244 in the morning - 246 after eating
56 miles of walking
7,318 calories supposedly burned

i really want to get rid of the stomach fat as its the most noticeable area but to me walking isn't doing anything.. and i sometimes give into the craving.. sodas are completely cut out.. i usually walk 30-40 mins a day for 2-3 miles (i don't think i come close to the 10,000 daily steps)

i usually eat this below
3 scrambled eggs in the morning with an apple or Almond Milk with Kashi go lean original
2 tbsp of peanut butter later in the day
grilled chicken salad
ended by grilled chicken with mixed veggies (corn,peas,carrots)

im starting to get tired.. any tips/advice?

When you say you're getting tired, are you getting more tired of your diet, or more tired of your walking? Because I'd suggest trying to mix up your exercise with something that you might find more challenging and perhaps fun (you'll also see more results if you push yourself harder). It'd suck at first, like always, but the results assuredly do not suck.

By the same token, mix up your diet more. If you eat reasonable portions of healthier foods and keep upping your activity level, you'll continue to lose weight (I'm of course assuming you aren't 9 feet tall or something).

Either way, keep at it, and good luck!


I feel like I'm overweight.

My girlfriend contests this every time I say it, but I just do. I'm trying to exercise, but I just don't know if it's worth it

gah. All I've done so far is cut out all drinks apart from water (and a pint of coke every friday night), and try running. Dieting is hard...but I don't think i eat that much.

goddamn, I'm confused.
I feel like I'm overweight.

My girlfriend contests this every time I say it, but I just do. I'm trying to exercise, but I just don't know if it's worth it

gah. All I've done so far is cut out all drinks apart from water (and a pint of coke every friday night), and try running. Dieting is hard...but I don't think i eat that much.

goddamn, I'm confused.

give us some more details, how much do you weigh, how tall are you, what kind of frame do you have?


give us some more details, how much do you weigh, how tall are you, what kind of frame do you have?

no scales - so no idea. 5"11. Uh, tall? Basically, it's just my stomach that's gained weight. Just like my dad. Don't want it to expand any further! The thing is, due to my job, my arms are pretty big (as in muscle). I essentially work out each day due to all the lifting I do! So its a bit bizarre.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
no scales - so no idea. 5"11. Uh, tall? Basically, it's just my stomach that's gained weight. Just like my dad. Don't want it to expand any further!

Still not the faintest clue on whether or not you're "fat" or not. Weigh yourself, measure your waist... or better yet post a pic if you're comfortable with that.


Still not the faintest clue on whether or not you're "fat" or not. Weigh yourself, measure your waist... or better yet post a pic if you're comfortable with that.

A photo probably wouldn't help:


Basically, it's my stomach. It's bigger. My face is slightly bigger than it used to be too. I can personally tell I've put on weight, but no one else can. That photo doesn't show that - but I can notice.

I just don't know if cutting out fizzy drinks and exercising more would help me get back to how I was (and how I was happier, I guess!)


I remember a long time ago, a WoW player on a forum somewhere made a post saying that for the first time ever, he felt a jiggle in his stomach when walking down the stairs, and that's how he knew it was time to quit the game. Maybe you're at that stage of weight gain. :b You could just start by cutting out soda and see how that goes for you after a few weeks, it can make a tremendous difference.
A photo probably wouldn't help:


Basically, it's my stomach. It's bigger. My face is slightly bigger than it used to be too. I can personally tell I've put on weight, but no one else can. That photo doesn't show that - but I can notice.

I just don't know if cutting out fizzy drinks and exercising more would help me get back to how I was (and how I was happier, I guess!)
Hate to say it but your girlfriend is probably right. I mean you could lose 10 lbs probably but you are never going to be the same as when you were younger, just the way it is. Plus if you expect that losing that 10 lbs and being the way you were will make you happier you are probably in for disappointment.


I feel like I'm overweight.

My girlfriend contests this every time I say it, but I just do. I'm trying to exercise, but I just don't know if it's worth it

gah. All I've done so far is cut out all drinks apart from water (and a pint of coke every friday night), and try running. Dieting is hard...but I don't think i eat that much.

goddamn, I'm confused.

What you want (or need?) is to lose body fat % and not pounds on the scale. You look plenty young enough to me, so I see no reason why you can't get the body you want still.
Hardest part of summer. Fresh fruit. My back yard has 2 apple trees, a cherry tree, 2 peach trees, an apricot, and a plum. The apricot and Cherries are in season with the rest on the way. I had one apricot today and it almost killed me to walk away without gorging myself.


A photo probably wouldn't help:


Basically, it's my stomach. It's bigger. My face is slightly bigger than it used to be too. I can personally tell I've put on weight, but no one else can. That photo doesn't show that - but I can notice.

I just don't know if cutting out fizzy drinks and exercising more would help me get back to how I was (and how I was happier, I guess!)

Yeah you can see it in your cheeks and neck. I know because the exact same thing happened to me over the last few years. It took about 15-20lbs of extra fat to become pretty noticeable for me.

You're probably not really overweight, but I understand you're not where you want to be. Improving diet and adding resistance training can only do you good.


Hardest part of summer. Fresh fruit. My back yard has 2 apple trees, a cherry tree, 2 peach trees, an apricot, and a plum. The apricot and Cherries are in season with the rest on the way. I had one apricot today and it almost killed me to walk away without gorging myself.

I sell fruit trees at work, lately I've been gorging on the blueberry bushes, there's soooo many of them, I can't help myself. Right now I've got 2 cantaloupes, 2lbs of of granny apple smiths, blueberries, plums and grapes in my frigde, <3 fruit.
I sell fruit trees at work, lately I've been gorging on the blueberry bushes, there's soooo many of them, I can't help myself. Right now I've got 2 cantaloupes, 2lbs of of granny apple smiths, blueberries, plums and grapes in my frigde, <3 fruit.

Yeah it kills me to have it around since I include minimal amounts of fruit in my diet. Would rather have the extra carbs around so I can eat veggies I actually like.


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Well to be honest he probably didn't gain too much muscle. He just lost a ton of fat and just looks like he gained a lot of muscle because of that.

"Easiest way to look like you gained 10lbs of muscle is to lose 10lbs of fat."

Great results nonetheless.

Surprisingly I did gain quite a bit of muscle. I followed a heavy protein diet (50p/30c/20f) for the first 60 days and just upped carbs a tiny bit the last 30 (45p/35c/20f). That way my body burned the fat only and retained/built the muscle. On weight training days, sometimes I would hit 55/25/20 to make sure my muscles had enough nutrients to keep building.

If you look at this picture here.

I'm actually quite a bit bigger than my day 1, even though I'm 25 lbs lighter. There's only a 5lb difference between day 60 and 90, but it was because I was still building and burning.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hardest part of summer. Fresh fruit. My back yard has 2 apple trees, a cherry tree, 2 peach trees, an apricot, and a plum. The apricot and Cherries are in season with the rest on the way. I had one apricot today and it almost killed me to walk away without gorging myself.

Same. I want some watermelon!!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I was still building and burning.

I thought this was one of those grand myths of weight training / dieting. That is : simultaneously gaining lean mass whilst burning fat.

Or am I wrong?

edit : also, how tall are you?


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
I thought this was one of those grand myths of weight training / dieting. That is : simultaneously gaining lean mass whilst burning fat.

Or am I wrong?

edit : also, how tall are you?

It is possible, even if I can only say so though my own experience. I just noticed on myself, that my upper body was/is continually getting bigger while my waistline continues to shrink.

I'm 5'8" btw, so not a terribly tall person.

This is a pretty recent pic of me. I'm still building and losing at the same time.


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I thought this was one of those grand myths of weight training / dieting. That is : simultaneously gaining lean mass whilst burning fat.

Or am I wrong?

edit : also, how tall are you?

Body recomposition plans actually work very well for gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time (+500 calories above maintenance on workout days to build mass, X% deficit on rest days to lose fat), among other things such as IF.

You should be relatively thin before doing it, though.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Body recomposition plans actually work very well for gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time (+500 calories above maintenance on workout days to build mass, X% deficit on rest days to lose fat), among other things such as IF.

You should be relatively thin before doing it, though.

Interesting. What does IF stand for?

It is possible, even if I can only say so though my own experience. I just noticed on myself, that my upper body was/is continually getting bigger while my waistline continues to shrink.

I'm 5'8" btw, so not a terribly tall person.

This is a pretty recent pic of me. I'm still building and losing at the same time.

I see. This is quite exhilarating I dare say, I'm 1 inch shorter than you and my goal weight is 145 lbs which should put me at ~7-8 % BF. ( the difference being you starting at 170 and me at 255 hahaha )


It is possible, even if I can only say so though my own experience. I just noticed on myself, that my upper body was/is continually getting bigger while my waistline continues to shrink.

I'm 5'8" btw, so not a terribly tall person.

This is a pretty recent pic of me. I'm still building and losing at the same time.

I'd be really curious to see the difference in your legs, too. I'm also 5'8, currently weigh 166 (started P90X at 188, now have three weeks left), and my target weight is around yours, so would be interesting to see that progression for comparison purposes, if you have the pictures. :)

Interesting. What does IF stand for?
Intermittent Fasting. Check out these sites:

There are other IF methodologies as well, but LG is the one I'm most familiar with.
I would say on IF. That it should not be the first thing you try. If you try and fail other methods by all means do IF. It has been proven healthy and effective.

However, its not something that (imo) is sustainable long term/post diet and can start bad habits like bingeing then fasting or simply overfasting. Just my 2 cents.


Hardest part of summer. Fresh fruit. My back yard has 2 apple trees, a cherry tree, 2 peach trees, an apricot, and a plum. The apricot and Cherries are in season with the rest on the way. I had one apricot today and it almost killed me to walk away without gorging myself.

Nothing wrong with food that you can, literally, pick off a tree and eat right there. Doesn't get any more natural, and unprocessed than that. Just don't gorge yourself (goes for ANY food), and you'll be fine.


found some old photos of myself before i lost my weight



I went from 312 now to 177, I wanna do either p90x or insanity now to get rid of some of the skin i have.


Body recomposition plans actually work very well for gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time (+500 calories above maintenance on workout days to build mass, X% deficit on rest days to lose fat), among other things such as IF.

You should be relatively thin before doing it, though.

From what I understand, this is broscience. For one, your body needs fuel to build muscle mass, which it needs for a period of a couple days after a workout. Generally, muscle mass gets built when you're on a caloric surplus as it provides the needed resources to build tissue. This is not true when:

1. You're fairly untrained
2. You're noticeably overweight
3. You're young and have a natural steroid cycle going on
4. Are on steroids.

If you're starting out and want to build some muscle and lose some fat, you can. You're starting. If you're past the newbie hump, you'll probably need to cycle periods of muscle gain and fat loss to some degree.

There are ways to gain muscle without large fat gain, but they involve tiny caloric surpluses which are annoying to manage. Something in the .25lb/week range.

Of course, there are variations depending on the individual's own body, but in general if you're a 'normal' weight and have lifted weights for a few months you'll have a hard time.
At 6'5"" 200 pounds might be way too much.

I'm about 6'2 and had ballooned up years ago when I blew out my back to about 270, I went on the GI diet (which I cannot recommend enough) and when I dropped down to 200 pounds people started asking me if I was sick

Your body type has a lot to do with it, I'm very broad shouldered but my buddy who is 6'5" and does not seem to have any excessive body fat weighs about 230

All depends on your LBM...I'm 6'4 175 right now, and can still lose about 10lbs. I'm at about 19% BF according to my scale
What is the GAF-consensus on soy products? Particularly meat replacement products. Other than myself, my entire family is vegetarian, so there's always tons of it in the fridge. I'm wondering if I should avoid it? Me no want boobies.
What is the GAF-consensus on soy products? Particularly meat replacement products. Other than myself, my entire family is vegetarian, so there's always tons of it in the fridge. I'm wondering if I should avoid it? Me no want boobies.

I actually have a friend who was also overweight and we both decided to diet. I went low carb and he went vegetarian. He has gained 5 lbs.... while I have lost 50. Yet he still insists his diet is better because he is eating "healthy foods" making him "healthy on the inside" while I am getting skinny but also getting fat and unhealthy on the inside -.-

Is it possible to be a vegetarian/vegan and not be a pretentious douche? I have yet to meet someone who managed to avoid that pitfall.


that's crazy. Nice work.

I feel like I'm the only one too out of shape to make it through the P90x warmups.

P90X mantra is to do your best and forget the rest, so even if you made it five minutes in and had to stop (which I guarantee wouldn't be the case... you'd just have to take more frequent breaks) you'd eventually work your way up to a point where you impressed yourself I'm sure.
What is the GAF-consensus on soy products? Particularly meat replacement products. Other than myself, my entire family is vegetarian, so there's always tons of it in the fridge. I'm wondering if I should avoid it? Me no want boobies.

As a vegetarian, I'd only advice you to go with a vegetarian diet if you're in it for the moral reasons.
It can be quite tricky to get a really high protein intake and low carb intake as a vegetarian, I'm doing okay without protein shakes as of now but protein shakes are almost always a must.

Quorn and the like is good if you're worried about soy-boobies (which you shouldn't be, you're more likely to be allergic to soy - which rare in itself).

Is it possible to be a vegetarian/vegan and not be a pretentious douche? I have yet to meet someone who managed to avoid that pitfall.

That's uncalled for :p
I am?.What is considered pretentious though?

Obviously I was being somewhat sarcastic but most Vegetarians I do know are incredibly elitist. I'll be sitting at lunch eating what I brought from home and they will ask what I am eating. I will tell them and they will say "oh" and give me this pitying look showing how pathetic and uninformed I am as they sit down and eat their salad.

I imagine its the types of people who are attracted to the diet in general. In the vast majority of cases it is not for any legitimate health reasons grounded in science (mainly because the evidence doesn't exist to support it) but rather some hipster movement, or save the animals BS. One of my coworkers always tells me to look at how easy it is for her to keep her weight off as a vegetarian, and I want to punch her in the face because she has only been one for about a year and she lost a total of like 5 lbs. -.-

Maybe I just know a bad group of vegetarians (has been kind of a movement in my office in recent years) so sorry if I offended.


I think we need to differentiate between gaining muscle and losing fat so the muscle you already have is more noticeable. There's a huge difference.


I think we need to differentiate between gaining muscle and losing fat so the muscle you already have is more noticeable. There's a huge difference.

While Tenacious I'm sure gained strength, his big accomplishment in those pictures is definitely one of fat loss primarily.


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
I think we need to differentiate between gaining muscle and losing fat so the muscle you already have is more noticeable. There's a huge difference.

I'm not here to start arguments. I'm just saying what my first hand experience is of the changes to MY body. My arms, my chest, my back have all gotten bigger. My waistline has shrunk considerably.

Absolutely when someone loses a lot of fat their muscles will show more, but that doesn't dispute the fact that I've had size gains and not merely shrinking to show what muscle was previously there.


I'm not here to start arguments. I'm just saying what my first hand experience is of the changes to MY body. My arms, my chest, my back have all gotten bigger. My waistline has shrunk considerably.

Absolutely when someone loses a lot of fat their muscles will show more, but that doesn't dispute the fact that I've had size gains and not merely shrinking to show what muscle was previously there.

I don't meant for my comment to come off like I'm being a dick, and your progress is tremendous, but how are you measuring these strength gains?

Any numbers to back things up?

For example, if you told me you went from squatting just a bar in the first picture to squatting 225 in the last one, it would be extremely impressive.


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
I don't meant for my comment to come off like I'm being a dick, and your progress is tremendous, but how are you measuring these strength gains?

Any numbers to back things up?

For example, if you told me you went from squatting just a bar in the first picture to squatting 225 in the last one, it would be extremely impressive.

Well there are no bar squats with P90X.

But I can give you my day 1 vs now for other exercises.

Pull ups (front grip shoulder length) Day 1: 4 Today: 16
Reverse grip chin ups Day 1: 7 Today: 22
Wide front pull ups Day 1: 4 Today: 11
Push ups (diamond) during workout Day 1: 0 Today: 9
Push up (military) during workout Day 1: 0 Today: 20
Push ups (standard) during workout Day 1: 10 Today: 45
Push ups (Wide) during workout Day 1: 10 Today: 55
Bicep Curls Day 1 (15lbs): 8reps/3 sets Today (25lbs max I have) 15reps/3 sets

The list goes on for all the exercises I do in p90x.
3 weeks have somehow negated 3 months of weight loss because I haven't stuck to the clean diet. It isn't even like I was eating that bad; just not as clean as I used to. Lot of water weight and bloating....

Very disappointing, but then again there were some personal events over the summer (including a death in the family) which I used as an excuse to not worry about eating clean. (My shitty body type plays a role though; my inactive friends eat the same amount of me and I'm the only one who gains weight.)

Ah well, just gotta hit the wagon again. At least I have the knowledge that I can do it again with careful attention to it.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Water weight is never anything to worry about. You can even negate water weight issues by drinking a TON of water during your 'not-so-clean' eating breaks.

And don't call it a diet. The word diet implies it's a temporary change to your eating pattern. This needs to be a new lifestyle change for it to be successful.


Well there are no bar squats with P90X.

But I can give you my day 1 vs now for other exercises.

Pull ups (front grip shoulder length) Day 1: 4 Today: 16
Reverse grip chin ups Day 1: 7 Today: 22
Wide front pull ups Day 1: 4 Today: 11
Push ups (diamond) during workout Day 1: 0 Today: 9
Push up (military) during workout Day 1: 0 Today: 20
Push ups (standard) during workout Day 1: 10 Today: 45
Push ups (Wide) during workout Day 1: 10 Today: 55
Bicep Curls Day 1 (15lbs): 8reps/3 sets Today (25lbs max I have) 15reps/3 sets

The list goes on for all the exercises I do in p90x.

I guess we have different definitions of strength gains. You made progress, but it seems like you went from nothing to something.

You can stop there if you're happy, but now that you have an awesome beginner frame to work with I recommend going to the fitness thread.

Once again, incredible progress were just on different pages with what were saying. For example, I want to cut fat. I also want to boost my deadlift to 315. Both ain't happening at the same time if I'm serious about one or the other.
I guess we have different definitions of strength gains. You made progress, but it seems like you went from nothing to something.

You can stop there if you're happy, but now that you have an awesome beginner frame to work with I recommend going to the fitness thread.

Once again, incredible progress were just on different pages with what were saying. For example, I want to cut fat. I also want to boost my deadlift to 315. Both ain't happening at the same time if I'm serious about one or the other.

Oh my God, it's the same old bullshit in this thread and the fitness thread. Unless you're not eating carbs and doing barbell squats, you're not making gains.

The funny thing is that his transformation is literally more impressive than any of the dominant voices in these threads, but he'll be dismissed because he doesn't follow the exact program that they support.
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