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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


343i Lead Esports Producer
Ugh seriously? I know what a fucking "cheat day" is. However, just because its is a cheat day doesn't make it an actual cheat which was my point when talking to someone else. The only reason I am replying is because my point was to the ORIGINAL guy I was talking to was that he should not consider (actual) cheating as an option. Then you diluted it talking about how cheat days keep you sane which is irrelevant because if its part of your plan it really isn't an ACTUAL cheat.

(I really am not angry just frustrated because that guy is obviously struggling and could now be confused as fuck because one person said not to cheat while another person brought up planned cheat days which are totally not the same thing)

Yea yea we get it. Let's not focus on the terminology. It's called a cheat day because you get a day off of your diet. That's it. The meaning or reasoning behind replenishing glycogens or using cheat days as something to keep you sane and look forward to is something totally different and is the actual thing that should be discussed.

Who cares what it's called.

Anyway, I'm doing my cheat meal on Saturday. Might have pizza. Mmmmmm
Yea yea we get it. Let's not focus on the terminology. It's called a cheat day because you get a day off of your diet. That's it. The meaning or reasoning behind replenishing glycogens or using cheat days as something to keep you sane and look forward to is something totally different and is the actual thing that should be discussed.

Who cares what it's called.

Anyway, I'm doing my cheat meal on Saturday. Might have pizza. Mmmmmm

Head......meet desk. No you don't get it.

Oh well. I am done anyways. If you guys insist on missing the point entirely more power to you I suppose. I really don't give a shit what its called or terminology. My point was that he was confusing the person I was telling NOT TO CHEAT by then saying NO NO NO CHEAT DAYS KEEP ME SANE when cheat days aren't even cheating in any way because they are a part of your diet......ergo you are not cheating on your diet. What you call your cheat day doesn't matter to me.....equating it with actually cheating does because they are NOT even slightly related.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Head......meet desk. No you don't get it.

Oh well. I am done anyways. If you guys insist on missing the point entirely more power to you I suppose. I really don't give a shit what its called or terminology. My point was that he was confusing the person I was telling NOT TO CHEAT by then saying NO NO NO CHEAT DAYS KEEP ME SANE when cheat days aren't even cheating in any way because they are a part of your diet......ergo you are not cheating on your diet. What you call your cheat day doesn't matter to me.....equating it with actually cheating does because they are NOT even slightly related.

So you're talking about designated cheat days and cheating when you're not supposed to.

K cool, thanks.


Its not a cheat.......if its what you need to do to stay sane on a diet it doesn't really qualify as a cheat. You and your spouse planning sexual liaisons with other people to spice things up is not cheating.

(either way you know exactly what I am trying to say but you insist on making life difficult)

Haha, really? I insist on making life difficult? My post was poking fun at your statement about not planning out cheating, and the vast majority of my posts in here are encouraging others with their weight loss and sharing my experiences in the hopes others are inspired. Seems like you should calm down a bit since you're getting frustrated with a lot of us here, and all any of us want to do is get healthier and share our results. This thread is a super supportive place, and I'd like to keep it that way, so this is me burying whatever e-hatchet is between us.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Haha, really? I insist on making life difficult? My post was poking fun at your statement about not planning out cheating, and the vast majority of my posts in here are encouraging others with their weight loss and sharing my experiences in the hopes others are inspired. Seems like you should calm down a bit since you're getting frustrated with a lot of us here, and all any of us want to do is get healthier and share our results. This thread is a super supportive place, and I'd like to keep it that way, so this is me burying whatever e-hatchet is between us.

Well said.
Ugh seriously? I know what a fucking "cheat day" is. However, just because its is a cheat day doesn't make it an actual cheat which was my point when talking to someone else. The only reason I am replying is because my point was to the ORIGINAL guy I was talking to was that he should not consider (actual) cheating as an option. Then you diluted it talking about how cheat days keep you sane which is irrelevant because if its part of your plan it really isn't an ACTUAL cheat.

(I really am not angry just frustrated because that guy is obviously struggling and could now be confused as fuck because one person said not to cheat while another person brought up planned cheat days which are totally not the same thing)

Don't argue this man. Even I don't believe in cheat days, but if it works for them, let it be. Let's be encouraging of one another!


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Well I posted some result pics in the P90X thread, but I was advised to toss em in here as well.

These are my results from round 1 of P90X. I wasn't expecting to drop into the 140s, but I was trying really hard to push to single digit BF%... which didn't happen. I'm going to do one more round and see if I can do it, and then try to bulk. But being 5'8" and small framed, I think 140s is alright.



Well 2 weeks since I've readjusted my eating habits (low carbs other than post-workout meal) and strength training. Gone up 1lbs. Probably doesn't mean much, I know...but I would have expected to at least see a slight drop by now. I guess I need to lower my overall caloric intake. Trying to drop about 20-25lbs of fat. I figure the first 15lbs should at least be more than doable...that would bring me to 16% bodyfat which seems reasonable.


Well I posted some result pics in the P90X thread, but I was advised to toss em in here as well.

These are my results from round 1 of P90X. I wasn't expecting to drop into the 140s, but I was trying really hard to push to single digit BF%... which didn't happen. I'm going to do one more round and see if I can do it, and then try to bulk. But being 5'8" and small framed, I think 140s is alright.


I actually said god damn. Impressive


Well 2 weeks since I've readjusted my eating habits (low carbs other than post-workout meal) and strength training. Gone up 1lbs. Probably doesn't mean much, I know...but I would have expected to at least see a slight drop by now. I guess I need to lower my overall caloric intake. Trying to drop about 20-25lbs of fat. I figure the first 15lbs should at least be more than doable...that would bring me to 16% bodyfat which seems reasonable.

If you're doing a lot of strength training and eating right, I'd chalk up the weight gain to building muscle and losing fat. Don't let the scale get you down, and keep the course.


Hey guys, thought I would drop in with my story. I lost 60 pounds just counting calories and lifting some weights here and there. Followed the thread while lurking and learned a bit. I did about ~1500 calories a day with a quarter of that being protein powder. After I got done last year it was holiday season so I gained some back, but I'm still ahead enough that I feel it was worth it. I only did it for my health. I couldn't care less about my looks.

The nice thing about the calorie method for me was I could eat what I wanted excluding sugary sweets. I can't live without my carbs and pizza.

Well I posted some result pics in the P90X thread, but I was advised to toss em in here as well.

These are my results from round 1 of P90X. I wasn't expecting to drop into the 140s, but I was trying really hard to push to single digit BF%... which didn't happen. I'm going to do one more round and see if I can do it, and then try to bulk. But being 5'8" and small framed, I think 140s is alright.


This is unreal. Looks Photoshopped
Just kidding, amazing work man!
So I'm at the point of sub 20% BF, and am starting to get too skinny, except in a couple problem areas. I'm eating a high protein, low carb diet slightly below maintenance. Lifting 3 times a week, cardio about 3 times a week as well. If I eat around maintenance while lifting, am I going to be able to put on muscle, or will I just stay the same size/shape?


Well 2 weeks since I've readjusted my eating habits (low carbs other than post-workout meal) and strength training. Gone up 1lbs. Probably doesn't mean much, I know...but I would have expected to at least see a slight drop by now. I guess I need to lower my overall caloric intake. Trying to drop about 20-25lbs of fat. I figure the first 15lbs should at least be more than doable...that would bring me to 16% bodyfat which seems reasonable.



So I'm at the point of sub 20% BF, and am starting to get too skinny, except in a couple problem areas. I'm eating a high protein, low carb diet slightly below maintenance. Lifting 3 times a week, cardio about 3 times a week as well. If I eat around maintenance while lifting, am I going to be able to put on muscle, or will I just stay the same size/shape?

I think you need to do a few things, from what I've been reading Someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I would like this answered myself.

You may want to lower cardio...lots of cardio can deplete your glycogen and start burning off muscle.

You may also want to up carb intake and lower fat intake post workout...I think there are two reasons for this:
1) Raising your insulin will ensure the fast acting protein (whey, fish, chicken) gets to your muscles. Just make sure you don't take in too much fat here because it will get stored as well.
2) Your glycogen stores gets depleted during the workout and you want to resupply as to not burn muscle.
Probably answered somewhere, but anyone know of a place where I can get people to encourage/nag me? I know I should have the discipline to get off my fucking ass and work out myself, but alas, I've never had discipline in anything I do. I do want to lose weight, but I guess I'm just too damn lazy most of the time.

Oh, also I've been trying to set my timer on my comp every 30 mins to get up and walk around, maybe jog in place for a minute or two so I'm not completely sedentary. Any other ideas on things I can do to motivate myself to get off my fat ass?


I think you need to do a few things, from what I've been reading Someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I would like this answered myself.

You may want to lower cardio...lots of cardio can deplete your glycogen and start burning off muscle.

You may also want to up carb intake and lower fat intake post workout...I think there are two reasons for this:
1) Raising your insulin will ensure the fast acting protein (whey, fish, chicken) gets to your muscles. Just make sure you don't take in too much fat here because it will get stored as well.
2) Your glycogen stores gets depleted during the workout and you want to resupply as to not burn muscle.


on rest days keep carbs low, but you can up the fat a bit to compensate

on training days up the carbs a bit (preferably consuming most post workout) and keep fat low (try to keep it minimal in the post workout meal)

protein should be kept at an even rate on all days

also limit cardio to 3-4 times a week max at around 30 mins per session, nothing too intense. the time investment needed to gauge any worthwhile results from cardio is massive. focus on lifting 3 times a week and your diet. a few sessions of light cardio will help with that
Well I posted some result pics in the P90X thread, but I was advised to toss em in here as well.

These are my results from round 1 of P90X. I wasn't expecting to drop into the 140s, but I was trying really hard to push to single digit BF%... which didn't happen. I'm going to do one more round and see if I can do it, and then try to bulk. But being 5'8" and small framed, I think 140s is alright.


Fucking impressive work.

Just began changing my lifestyle. Looking to lose some weight and fat. run HIIT every second day and eat 3 meals a day. This is only temporary, Im warming up to start SS next month:

My 3 meals look like this:

morning: oatz with raisin, water, maybe a half sliced cucumber and a fruit, multi vitamin.

dinner: two sliced chicken breasts, one sliced pepperfruit, 1 tomato, a sliced cucumber, sliced leek and 1½ spoon of cottage cheese.

Afternoon: oatmeal and maybe a sliced chicken breast aswell.

Drink about a liter of water per day.

Ditching cigarettes aswell, have narrowed it down to max 3 smokes per day. Dropped coffee aswell.

This time I intend to go all the way and reach my goal of lifting for a year at least.
Well I posted some result pics in the P90X thread, but I was advised to toss em in here as well.

These are my results from round 1 of P90X. I wasn't expecting to drop into the 140s, but I was trying really hard to push to single digit BF%... which didn't happen. I'm going to do one more round and see if I can do it, and then try to bulk. But being 5'8" and small framed, I think 140s is alright.


Impressive results! I've been through P90X three times and didn't get results like that. What was your diet like?


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Cheers guys, thanks! Also, if I was any good with photoshop I wouldn't have used bloody ms paint! lol

Fucking impressive work.

Just began changing my lifestyle. Looking to lose some weight and fat. run HIIT every second day and eat 3 meals a day. This is only temporary, Im warming up to start SS next month:

My 3 meals look like this:

morning: oatz with raisin, water, maybe a half sliced cucumber and a fruit, multi vitamin.

dinner: two sliced chicken breasts, one sliced pepperfruit, 1 tomato, a sliced cucumber, sliced leek and 1½ spoon of cottage cheese.

Afternoon: oatmeal and maybe a sliced chicken breast aswell.

Drink about a liter of water per day.

Ditching cigarettes aswell, have narrowed it down to max 3 smokes per day. Dropped coffee aswell.

This time I intend to go all the way and reach my goal of lifting for a year at least.

Sounds good, best of luck!

ArachosiA 78 said:
Impressive results! I've been through P90X three times and didn't get results like that. What was your diet like?

At the beginning I had maintenance of 2200 calories. I took in 1500 (net) per day. Cut out all fried food, salt, and sugar, except for what was in the fruit I used for whey protein smoothies.

Sunday is my cheat day where I can eat anything I want, but still keep it at 1500 net.

Only whole wheat breads, and even that was limited. Most carbs I ate were from veggies.

Lots of chicken, fish, and occasional beef.
Hey guys still going strong on low carb and have already lost 6 pounds. The only problem I am having are my shit friends who keep telling me my heart is going to explode any day. One of them sent me this, How do I counter this stuff?

Just as your car runs best on a certain type of fuel, so does the human body. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not the fuel mix the human body was designed to run on. These diets can cause quite a few health risks over the long run. Here are the top ten:

1. Heart Disease Risk Increases

Risk of heart disease is greatly increased on a low-carbohydrate, low-fiber diet that is high in animal protein, cholesterol and saturated fat. All three raise serum cholesterol, particularly LDL or "bad" cholesterol. Elimination of high-carbohydrate, high-fiber plant foods, that help lower cholesterol, compounds this problem. A high meat intake may excessively increase homocysteine levels and iron stores in the body. There is growing evidence that high levels of both may increase the risk of heart disease.

2. Cancer Risk Increases

The risk for many cancers is likely to increase when most fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans are eliminated from the diet. The National Cancer Institute currently recommends, based on the bulk of scientific research, that you should eat a plant-based diet that is high in fiber and low in fat for optimum health.

3. Poor Long Term Weight Control

There is no metabolic magic in low-carbohydrate diets. Those who continue to lose weight after the first week do so because they decrease calorie intake. Greatly limiting the number of foods that people are allowed to eat reduces their food and calorie intake. But a reduction in variety most often leads to boredom and cravings over the long run. One recent study showed that a high protein meal leads to a greater tendency towards binging of foods high in sugar and fat later in the day.

4. Reduced Athletic Performance

Athletic performance is reduced on a low-carbohydrate diet. Since the 1930's it has been known that a high-carbohydrate diet can enhance endurance during strenuous athletic events. Mountain climbers and skiers should be warned that a ketogenic diet greatly increases the risk of mountain sickness.

5. Rising Blood Pressure with Age

Blood pressure will likely increase with age on a typical low-carbohydrate diet. This is partly because a high-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet includes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nonfat dairy products. These foods, all high in magnesium, potassium and calcium, were the mainstay of the DASH diet, which was shown to lower blood pressure. Additionally, low-carbohydrate diets do not restrict salt intake, the main reason blood pressure rises with age.

6. Gout

An excess of uric acid in the body causes gout. This excess can be caused by an increased intake of foods high in purines, which are broken down into uric acid in the body. Meat, poultry, nuts, seeds, eggs and seafood are all fairly high in purines.

7. Kidney Stones

Both uric acid and calcium oxalate stones are more likely to form on a high protein, ketogenic diet than on a higher carbohydrate diet with more fruits and vegetables.

8. Osteoporosis

Over time, excess protein intake, especially from animal sources, increases the loss of calcium in the urine which may contribute to osteoporosis.

9. Fainting

Orthostatic hypotension, or a rapid drop in blood pressure when you go from lying down to standing, is caused by a loss of fluid and electrolytes and reduced sympathetic nervous system activity. Both of these occur when your body is deprived of carbohydrate. This may result in dizziness or even fainting when you stand up quickly.

10. Keto breath

Keto-breath can be described as a cross between nail polish and over-ripe pineapple. This is common for dieters who consume so few carbohydrate that they put their bodies in a state of ketosis.

The bottom line:

Your best bet for permanent weight loss and good health is three fold:

1) Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, nonfat dairy products, whole grains and beans that you eat.
2) Eliminate calorie-dense foods that are high in fat and refined carbohydrates such as cookies, sugary desserts, bagels, crackers, chips, fries, pizza, candies, etc.
3) Exercise on a regular basis. Research on people who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a high-fiber, lowfat diet coupled with regular exercise.

By Dr. James J. Kenney, PhD, RD,
FACN, Nutrition Research Specialist,
Pritikin Longevity Center.

The bolded part made me LOL



10. Keto breath

Keto-breath can be described as a cross between nail polish and over-ripe pineapple. This is common for dieters who consume so few carbohydrate that they put their bodies in a state of ketosis.

Deal breaker.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Hey guys still going strong on low carb and have already lost 6 pounds. The only problem I am having are my shit friends who keep telling me my heart is going to explode any day. One of them sent me this, How do I counter this stuff?

The bolded part made me LOL


Tell your friend to watch Fat Head, read Why We Get Fat and check out MarksDailyApple.com. That should nicely cover why people are in love with high carb, low fat diets...how government bullshit led to the national prescription of it...how most studies done on low carb are not actually low carb...how dietary saturated fat and cholesterol are not at all related to blood pressure or high cholesterol (and leads to increases in HDL and decreases LDLs despite what that dude quotes)...how the CURE for Type II diabetes is a low carb diet...how someone who is eating low carb is still able to be athletic with ease by getting energy from fat (won't be gaining a ton of muscle, however)... etc etc etc

Basically he's wrong, and he'll always be wrong unless he does more research than just googling "why low carb is bad".

If he genuinely cares, he's got a lot of reading to do.
Tomorrow is my re-fuel cheat day after two weeks of keto.

My previous method was low-carb Sunday through Friday with a cheat day on Saturday. So now, I'm doing super low-carb with a re-fuel cheat day every other Saturday.

Hopefully this will help me break through the plateau I've been stuck on.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Been doing leangains for three days and already I've dropped 1.5kg. Impressive, but too early to tell whether it's a blip, a holdover from my regular dieting or a trend. All up I'm 13.5kg down from when I started over 4 months ago.


Guys help.

I'm a 5'11" skinny guy, but with a bit of fat on my lower back and thighs. I'm rather sedentary and eat tons of carbs. I'm thinking of dropping carbs and doing cardio in the mornings - is this a good idea?
I've lost 11 pounds in the last three weeks (from 245 down to 234) just through eating home-cooked stuff without a lot of fat, and cutting out soda except for a can a day on weekends. One cheat day per week, as well.

I'm concerned I'll hit a wall and the weight will stop coming off at some point unless I up my physical activity, but I have a one-year-old and drive an hour each way to work so I'm pretty tired at the end of the day WITHOUT doing anything extra physically. Has anyone else been able to drop significant pounds through dietary changes alone?
Was awhile ago but I figured I might as well share some pics of me:

Before (about 290)
After (about 185)

The main reason for me to lose all the weight was because I was getting married to the lovely lady on my right in the first pic. Also I know the after shot of me is all unhealthy stuff but hey I was on vacation :).
Awesome results! Also, roughly how long did it take to get down to 185 if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks, its hard to even look at pics of the old me. It took about 7-8 months. I worked out every single day (started with just walking a mile and now I can run 4 or 5 miles at a time) and went for about 1500 calories a day diet. I also drink a shit ton of water, helps reduce any food cravings I might have between meals.


I've lost 11 pounds in the last three weeks (from 245 down to 234) just through eating home-cooked stuff without a lot of fat, and cutting out soda except for a can a day on weekends. One cheat day per week, as well.

I'm concerned I'll hit a wall and the weight will stop coming off at some point unless I up my physical activity, but I have a one-year-old and drive an hour each way to work so I'm pretty tired at the end of the day WITHOUT doing anything extra physically. Has anyone else been able to drop significant pounds through dietary changes alone?
You can absolutely drop weight through diet changes alone. This is kind of an oversimplification, but think of dieting as the way to lose weight, and exercise the way to make your body look good.
You can absolutely drop weight through diet changes alone. This is kind of an oversimplification, but think of dieting as the way to lose weight, and exercise the way to make your body look good.

Yeah you can but working out as well just makes it happen that much faster. Plus working out will give you MORE energy with your every day life.


Yeah you can but working out as well just makes it happen that much faster. Plus working out will give you MORE energy with your every day life.
I agree. :) I do not have a kid but a few of my coworkers do and I can definitely empathize with not having time/energy to work out, but I'd still encourage trying to make time for it since it'll give you more energy to play with your child and such in the long run.


Guys help.

I'm a 5'11" skinny guy, but with a bit of fat on my lower back and thighs. I'm rather sedentary and eat tons of carbs. I'm thinking of dropping carbs and doing cardio in the mornings - is this a good idea?

Do resistance training instead of cardio if possible (well, with some cardio on the side). That will result is better fat loss and better definition than cardio.


relies on auto-aim
You don't have to cut carbs if you are already skinny, but if you aren't eating that well (usually a lot of bad carbs) then improving your diet a bit and doing what Exodus said is good.
Probably answered somewhere, but anyone know of a place where I can get people to encourage/nag me? I know I should have the discipline to get off my fucking ass and work out myself, but alas, I've never had discipline in anything I do. I do want to lose weight, but I guess I'm just too damn lazy most of the time.

Oh, also I've been trying to set my timer on my comp every 30 mins to get up and walk around, maybe jog in place for a minute or two so I'm not completely sedentary. Any other ideas on things I can do to motivate myself to get off my fat ass?

Gregg Plitt motivates me everyday.


Just made my Salad for work, it is so happy lol



I agree. :) I do not have a kid but a few of my coworkers do and I can definitely empathize with not having time/energy to work out, but I'd still encourage trying to make time for it since it'll give you more energy to play with your child and such in the long run.

That brings up a question ive been thinking about. How the hell do you eat primal (or non-shit food) when you have little kids? That sounds down-right impossible to me

For real gentlemen, go to your grocery store and buy one of these gourds. It makes for a fantastic potatoes replacement in breakfast dishes....
that dude scares me

what is with the salad? Tzatziki?

Lol it's organic greens, celery, tomatoes, radishes, avocados,cucumbers, hardboiled eggs and tuna mixed with mayonnaise on top. So good!

OT. I got a legit fat testing done finally now that I am 200lbs. Roughly 185lbs of LBM. Roughly 15lbs of body fat. I was told 7.5% body fat. Also was told that is with a 1-2% margin of error. So at the very worst, for the first time in my entire life I am single digit body fat. Feels so good.


not tag worthy
Lol it's organic greens, celery, tomatoes, radishes, avocados,cucumbers, hardboiled eggs and tuna mixed with mayonnaise on top. So good!

OT. I got a legit fat testing done finally now that I am 200lbs. Roughly 185lbs of LBM. Roughly 15lbs of body fat. I was told 7.5% body fat. Also was told that is with a 1-2% margin of error. So at the very worst, for the first time in my entire life I am single digit body fat. Feels so good.

cool congrats man, I hopefully one day will get down to lower body fat :) what does LBM stand for?
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