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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


the piano man
I am going to give my 2 cents....

at some point, the weight loss and fitness/Work-out lines do cross but people with considerable overweight (I guess the majority here) don't have yet the body constitution to go jogging 40 minutes or go jumping around or lift heavy weights, knees hurt, heartrate is bad, etc. They have to rely on strict diet and a lot of willpower to get the body that will, at some point, allow them to consider serious work-out, but that's far away so any talk about muscles or workout is static noise. I guess that's the reason why people showing muscles pics in this thread will get a couple of¨*rolleyes even if they are from such friendly and helpful guys like Darth.

but everyone, take it easy. We, most people here, had at some point considerable overweight and I don't think there's any teasing or bragging going on.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Wufei, as a bodybuilding fan myself, please update us on how you do in your competitions (good luck!) and don't be shy to post contest pics. Thanks.
What site/calculator/method did you use to calculate your maintenance calories? It's so frustrating seeing so many different ranges for my maintenance.
I hear you there! It depends on where you're at. If you're looking to lose a lot of fat, I say screw the calculators and just focus on slowly cleaning your diet. Chances are you probably eat enough already. If you're on the leaner side it helps to know your BF%, I used the Katch-McArdie formula for my last cut.

The best way is to just track your current diet, say on fitday.com, and adjust cals until you're making the weekly goals you want. It takes time, but it works.

Wow, really well written Darth, you are a real inspiration on so many levels. You should be like the official spokesman for fit gaf!
Naaah, I consider myself a total fitness newbie, especially amongst fit-gaf. They know a lot more than i do about a lot of subjects. I only have my own experience to work with.

I am going to give my 2 cents....

at some point, the weight loss and fitness/Work-out lines do cross but people with considerable overweight (I guess the majority here) don't have yet the body constitution to go jogging 40 minutes or go jumping around or lift heavy weights, knees gurt, heartrate is bad, etc. They have to rely on strict diet and a lot of willpower to get the body that will, at some point, allow them to consider serious work-out, but that's far away so any talk about muscles or workout is static noise. I guess that's the reason why people showing muscles pics in this thread will get a couple of¨*rolleyes even if they are from such friendly and helpful guys like Darth.

but everyone, take it easy. We, most people here, had at some point considerable overweight and I don't think there's any teasing or bragging going on.
You make a good point and I agree. Starting out there isn't much need to jump head first into a gym. In fact I lost my first 30 lbs by just cutting soda and fried foods, wasn't until I hit about 240ish that I decided to hit the gym.

Wufei, as a bodybuilding fan myself, please update us on how you do in your competitions (good luck!) and don't be shy to post contest pics. Thanks.
Will do mate. I'll definitely toss out an update when I'm about to hit the stage. :)

OG Kush

Hey guys, its the Islamic holy month of Ramadan right now, meaning I'm fasting 18 hours a day! No food or liquids allowed for 18 hours, what I want to know is does this still count as intermittent fasting without the water? I'm still trying to get all my calories and water in the 6 hour feeding period.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, its the Islamic holy month of Ramadan right now, meaning I'm fasting 18 hours a day! No food or liquids allowed for 18 hours, what I want to know is does this still count as intermittent fasting without the water? I'm still trying to get all my calories and water in the 6 hour feeding period.

You don't drink anything for 18 hours, either? Going that long without water sounds like an awful experience.

OG Kush

You don't drink anything for 18 hours, either? Going that long without water sounds like an awful experience.

Its pretty tough, but definitely a good month to think about life, get rid of bad habits, appreciate the small things etc. Its not always 18 hours, as you fast from sunrise to sunset and as its summer right now (it goes according to lunar calender, so the month of Ramdan moves forward about 10 days every year) it means looooong fasts.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Its pretty tough, but definitely a good month to think about life, get rid of bad habits, appreciate the small things etc. Its not always 18 hours, as you fast from sunrise to sunset and as its summer right now (it goes according to lunar calender, so the month of Ramdan moves forward about 10 days every year) it means looooong fasts.

Yeah, sounds interesting. I imagine you aren't very active during that time? 18 hours without food is no problem, but going without water sounds tough.

OG Kush

Yeah, sounds interesting. I imagine you aren't very active during that time? 18 hours without food is no problem, but going without water sounds tough.

My gym closes at 10 pm and fast opens at about 9 so no chance to really get a proper workout in. I'm thinking of just hitting the gym during the day and only doing essential exercises to keep the strength. It'll be impossible for me to make any strength gains this month, but I want to alteast preserver the muscle I do have now. I'll probably only do like sets of 3 diff exercises, e.g leg day I'll do 3 sets of squats and 3 sets of leg press. thats it. Chest day I'd probably just do 3 sets of Bench press flat and then maybe incline. Be in mind I have to take long rest perioids between each set as the point of these workouts is to preserve muscle and not get my heart rate up as then I'll start sweating and get dehydrated.

Don't know how I'm going to do that with squats though as squats always make me break a little sweat. Also after I break my fast I'll do some workouts at home, such as maybe the p90x chest video, some pullups, and Insanity cardio workouts.
Its pretty tough, but definitely a good month to think about life, get rid of bad habits, appreciate the small things etc. Its not always 18 hours, as you fast from sunrise to sunset and as its summer right now (it goes according to lunar calender, so the month of Ramdan moves forward about 10 days every year) it means looooong fasts.

Very true, this years fasting is only 11-12hrs here. I'm in a similar boat except im not specifically trying to lose weight just maintain the muscle mass ive built ove the last 5-6 months. Going to be tough i'll say that.


I am going to give my 2 cents....

at some point, the weight loss and fitness/Work-out lines do cross but people with considerable overweight (I guess the majority here) don't have yet the body constitution to go jogging 40 minutes or go jumping around or lift heavy weights, knees hurt, heartrate is bad, etc. They have to rely on strict diet and a lot of willpower to get the body that will, at some point, allow them to consider serious work-out, but that's far away so any talk about muscles or workout is static noise. I guess that's the reason why people showing muscles pics in this thread will get a couple of¨*rolleyes even if they are from such friendly and helpful guys like Darth.

but everyone, take it easy. We, most people here, had at some point considerable overweight and I don't think there's any teasing or bragging going on.

Did you find Darth's photo transformation post from the last page useful? Because while I totally get (and agree) with what you're saying, I know when I was bigger (used to be over 50lbs heavier than I am now) I used to really get motivated seeing transformations like his (and still do). Just curious if you feel similarly, if someone who now competes for bodybuilding that used to be a big heavy dude isn't discouraging in the way other exercise-centric posts can be.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Hey Darth, post your specific routine/protocol of how you got to where you are in detail, plz kthnx.

Pretty sure you're one of the most profound body recomposition transformations I've ever seen. Need them details.
Hey Darth, post your specific routine/protocol of how you got to where you are in detail, plz kthnx.

Pretty sure you're one of the most profound body recomposition transformations I've ever seen. Need them details.

Right. At this point, I think I need to just follow it to the letter. Get scientific up in this bitch.

Chris R

I think I'll pick up an actual scale today instead of just using WiiFit. Almost under 200 according to WiiFit (but again, who knows how accurate that is)

Also, purchased a large shirt today... first large shirt I've ever purchased I think. And the thing is, it actually fits, where at the start of the year I was causing XL shirts to bulge a bit. Still an ongoing battle to lose the belly and those final pounds though.
According to the iPod app I use, I'll hit my new weight goal (180) by my birthday. Sweet!

Congrats. :)

Someday I will join you. Not making it by this birthday though lol.

I think I'll pick up an actual scale today instead of just using WiiFit. Almost under 200 according to WiiFit (but again, who knows how accurate that is)

Also, purchased a large shirt today... first large shirt I've ever purchased I think. And the thing is, it actually fits, where at the start of the year I was causing XL shirts to bulge a bit. Still an ongoing battle to lose the belly and those final pounds though.

Wii fit is really fairly accurate imo. I often weigh myself twice standing with my feet different widths apart and one different spots on my carpet and it rarely shifts more than .2 lbs. I also have another scale I use to compare myself on and I was rarely far off.

I actually love Wii Fit. I don't use it for a lot of exercise but just the weight and BMI tracking and graphs are well worth the money IMO.
I really do need to have a cheat meal to reward myself sometime. Haven't had one in over 2 months. Proud of that while also wishing I could go out to eat just once -.-


I really do need to have a cheat meal to reward myself sometime. Haven't had one in over 2 months. Proud of that while also wishing I could go out to eat just once -.-

I mean, you can, but if you're staying strong, continue to stay strong. Once you feel comfortable working more exercise into your weight loss program, your metabolism will let you "cheat" more often where you can not feel as guilty for a bad meal (or even two) a week.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I mean, you can, but if you're staying strong, continue to stay strong. Once you feel comfortable working more exercise into your weight loss program, your metabolism will let you "cheat" more often where you can not feel as guilty for a bad meal (or even two) a week.
I agree on the first part. Unless you feel like you NEED to cheat a bit, just stick with your current habits. I never rewarded myself until I hit my goal (looking back, I have no idea how I did that)

You can also try this if cheating leaves you feeling guilty:


Basically, brief/low-intensity exercise for a few minutes before and after "cheat" meals; the junk supposedly gets absorbed by muscle instead of fat. It could certainly just be some fad diet-type bullshit, but it's not like a little more exercise ever hurt anyone!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
After a few months I stopped even desiring the cheat meal. I'd feel like shit after each one, and I just made a value call that a brief period of happiness from good taste is not worth the longer period of feeling miserable that comes after.
After a few months I stopped even desiring the cheat meal. I'd feel like shit after each one, and I just made a value call that a brief period of happiness from good taste is not worth the longer period of feeling miserable that comes after.

Yeah I have the same general feeling. Though my cheats are generally not real cheat days or even meals. Generally just the main dish of one meal. I have a major weakness for Fish stick sandwiches (my last cheat meal lol)


343i Lead Esports Producer
After almost 17 weeks on the diet I still look forward to my cheat meals. I'm still losing a good amount of weight each week and I attribute part of that to my cheat meals. Depending on how much weight I've lost in the week or how much exercise I get in, I either have it every week or I skip a week.

Today I had a huge plate of rice with little chunks of beef. A slice of Buffalo Chicken Pizza. A Hagen Daz Caramel Cone little tub and a milky way bar. To drink I had Coke Zero and water. I was pretty damn full after all that but I wasn't to the point where I thought I ate too much lol. However, I am looking forward to shitting it out and playing some tennis tomorrow. And also grinding the week out. The next few months will be pretty insane to be as I've gone from extremely obese, to obese to overweight and soon to be just a normal guy.


Neo Member
Great thread.

I also decided that it is now time for me to seriously start losing weight/get fit as honestly I definitely know that being obese only leads to serious health problems and early death. Not to mention after all things written/put on the news about fast food, I definitely want to not eat any of that junk. I have taken the first steps by cutting off all fast food/candy/monsters/soda's/rockstar's since those items are definitely not healthy. I also started off with just running and walking for cardio. I know that the first few weeks will be really hard though I also know it pays out in the end if you stick with it.

I would like to know what everyone's thoughts are on Yakult?
Gotta get stricter on my eating habits but I'm faring better than before. Getting back to lots of veggies and stuff. The biggest thing killing me now is night-time hungers... could be because I've been working out so much and my body is craving the extra fuel. Not sweating it though, I know I'm already on my way.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey guys. I hear a lot of things about how its important not just to eat the right stuff, but to eat them at the right times. For example, not eating carbs 3.5 hours before or after a workout or else the workout will be basically useless. Now, I'm not saying that's right but that's something I've heard.

That being said, I'm still well over 300 pounds and I'd like to know if , at my current level, is it cool if I just eat right and exercise or is it completely pointless unless I eat specific types of foods at specific intervals throughout the day?

I'm not gonna quit and ill do whatever it takes to succeed, I would just like to know the whole and simple truth. if such a thing is possible, it seems the more I learn the more complicated the facts get!

Thanks, Gaf.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Great thread.

I also decided that it is now time for me to seriously start losing weight/get fit as honestly I definitely know that being obese only leads to serious health problems and early death. Not to mention after all things written/put on the news about fast food, I definitely want to not eat any of that junk. I have taken the first steps by cutting off all fast food/candy/monsters/soda's/rockstar's since those items are definitely not healthy. I also started off with just running and walking for cardio. I know that the first few weeks will be really hard though I also know it pays out in the end if you stick with it.

I would like to know what everyone's thoughts are on Yakult?

11g of sugar in an 80ml bottle? Yeah... that's worse than a can of soda if consumed in the same amount.
Great thread.

I also decided that it is now time for me to seriously start losing weight/get fit as honestly I definitely know that being obese only leads to serious health problems and early death. Not to mention after all things written/put on the news about fast food, I definitely want to not eat any of that junk. I have taken the first steps by cutting off all fast food/candy/monsters/soda's/rockstar's since those items are definitely not healthy. I also started off with just running and walking for cardio. I know that the first few weeks will be really hard though I also know it pays out in the end if you stick with it.

I would like to know what everyone's thoughts are on Yakult?

Yakult is really bad. All the sugar of Milk but without any of the other mitigating nutritional value.

The best thing to do is start. The only diet I have ever done that stuck (the one I am on now) I paired with other changes to make it easier. Was moving back in with my parents for the summer before I go back to school and transitioning to living there and getting on a diet made it soooooo much easier. Not an option for everyone though.

I would recommend low carb. The entire Atkins program is online (as well as others) but I wouldn't take them too literally. Use them as a guideline and then just do what works for you.

What is your current weight/height? Also, for me at least I found it far easier to to slowly add exercise as I lost weight. I just walk (between 2-6 miles a night usually) but as I lose weight slowly transitioning into jogging.

Anyways good luck.
Hey guys. I hear a lot of things about how its important not just to eat the right stuff, but to eat them at the right times. For example, not eating carbs 3.5 hours before or after a workout or else the workout will be basically useless. Now, I'm not saying that's right but that's something I've heard.

That being said, I'm still well over 300 pounds and I'd like to know if , at my current level, is it cool if I just eat right and exercise or is it completely pointless unless I eat specific types of foods at specific intervals throughout the day?

I'm not gonna quit and ill do whatever it takes to succeed, I would just like to know the whole and simple truth. if such a thing is possible, it seems the more I learn the more complicated the facts get!

Thanks, Gaf.

Its pretty much a load of bullshit. It may matter for people who are athletes or training very VERY seriously for some event or body building. For everyone else its pretty much irrelevant. While its not "calories in - calories out simple" the truth is much closer to that.

For the most part you can eat one huge meal a day, or 7 tiny ones. In general if you are eating equal amounts of calories you will lose roughly the same weight.

Also do not go near the fitness thread lol. For your own sanity.


Also do not go near the fitness thread lol. For your own sanity.

Is there really a need for those kind of comments? There are a bunch of people who interact there on a daily basis, why would you scare people away from it? Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for others (work as in getting some good help, advice and motivation).
Is there really a need for those kind of comments? There are a bunch of people who interact there on a daily basis, why would you scare people away from it? Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for others (work as in getting some good help, advice and motivation).

Because for the most part the goals of someone losing weight are very different than those of people in the fitness thread and the last thing most people needs is to be confused by the mountain of useless workout information in the fitness thread when what they really need to do is get off their ass, walk every day, and eat less. There is so much bleedover of broscience from that thread to this one that its just distracting. Like talking about when to eat and what to eat before/during/after workout when for the most part they are trivial details for someone 100 lbs overweight. Not to mention Fitness OT's obsession with protein/other supplements that have no real impact on weight loss.

Getting started losing weight is hard. Its best to start as simple as possible. Its unlikely you will get a lot of simple in the fitness thread.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Because for the most part the goals of someone losing weight are very different than those of people in the fitness thread and the last thing most people needs is to be confused by the mountain of useless workout information in the fitness thread when what they really need to do is get off their ass, walk every day, and eat less. There is so much bleedover of broscience from that thread to this one that its just distracting. Like talking about when to eat and what to eat before/during/after workout when for the most part they are trivial details for someone 100 lbs overweight. Not to mention Fitness OT's obsession with protein/other supplements that have no real impact on weight loss.

Getting started losing weight is hard. Its best to start as simple as possible. Its unlikely you will get a lot of simple in the fitness thread.

Well there are a lot of well informed people in both threads and as long as he clearly states his goals and is clear on how often he can exercise, if he has access to a gym and all other circumstances, they'll give him the help he needs.


Because for the most part the goals of someone losing weight are very different than those of people in the fitness thread and the last thing most people needs is to be confused by the mountain of useless workout information in the fitness thread when what they really need to do is get off their ass, walk every day, and eat less. There is so much bleedover of broscience from that thread to this one that its just distracting. Like talking about when to eat and what to eat before/during/after workout when for the most part they are trivial details for someone 100 lbs overweight. Not to mention Fitness OT's obsession with protein/other supplements that have no real impact on weight loss.

Getting started losing weight is hard. Its best to start as simple as possible. Its unlikely you will get a lot of simple in the fitness thread.

Dude you got some pretty bad misconceptions about the fitness-thread. Why the personal crusade against it?

And there really ain't much broscience around there or any obsession with supplements..
Well there are a lot of well informed people in both threads and as long as he clearly states his goals and is clear on how often he can exercise, if he has access to a gym and all other circumstances, they'll give him the help he needs.

Oh it has its uses. No lie. I totally intend to use it once I have lost enough weight that i start caring about vanity points.

I just think it gives a lot of bad information for people serious about weight loss.

(I am biased possibly. My first few diets were instigated by friends who are gym rats. Twice I tried and failed within weeks with the diets, protein shakes, lifting routines, supplements, intensity discussion, interval training, etc etc etc. When I just ignored them and decided my entire diet was just eating less than 2k calories and less than 30g carbs + walking it all fell into place and my diet has had barely had a hiccup.)
Dude you got some pretty bad misconceptions about the fitness-thread. Why the personal crusade against it?

And there really ain't much broscience around there or any obsession with supplements..

When it comes to weight loss. (many of these are in fitness thread OP)

You need to Exercise for Weight loss: Not true. It can be slightly helpful but you can easily loose weight without lifting a finger for additional exercise.
Skinnyfat: Mostly a myth. Losing weight and eating right WILL make you healthier. You do not need to go to the gym to get healthy.
Protien Supplements: Not needed and not helpful.
Omega 3 Supplements: Broscience.
When/what time to eat: Broscience for weight loss.
Resistance training: Useful in some quantities. Significant positive effects on weight loss not proven.
Negative Health Effects of Diet Soda: Broscience
Gaining Muscle Burns More Calories: True, but the amount is minimal compared to the amount of effort necessary to build enough muscle to make a difference. No controlled studies have shown that building muscle through strength training have a significant impact on weight loss. Time is much better spent doing standard exercise and watching/controlling diet.
(now some of these are here as well....people here in general seem much more willing to see the truth when it is pointed out to them though)

You would get none of these answers most of the time in the Fitness thread.

(Edit: To make sure this is clear. The fitness thread is very good at what it does and has great info. However, giving good, simple and relevant info to those looking to start losing weight is not one of the things it does well)


You would get none of these answers most of the time in the Fitness thread.

(Edit: To make sure this is clear. The fitness thread is very good at what it does and has great info. However, giving good, simple and relevant info to those looking to start losing weight is not one of the things it does well)

You have a right to your opinion ofc, and there is no need for you to actually like the fitness thread, but what I diagree on many of those points you clame can't be answered in the thread.

First of all there is not a consensus where everyone (and by everyone I mean those few ppl that actually seem knowledge and share the info with us other noobs) agrees on everything.

Concerning broscience there are both recommendet readings for books, authors and online resources and ppl do get called on when claiming somthing to back it up with some info.

But I do agree with you that weightloss thread should primarly focus on just that and fitness on fitness (as weight loss isn't always the focus).

But why discurage people if they want to loose weight and build some muscle?

I can understand if you would warn ppl that the tone is maybe a bit rough and if you are a bit sensitive maybe it's not the thread for you.

But if you are serious about getting into shape by working out, I've yet to find a better place to start and with so many people that are willing to help you out.

I came looking for help on how to loose weight, found fitgaf and was lurking there for some time before understanding what I needed to do and how to do it. I also shifted my primary goals a bit where I realised I also want to focus on strength.

I have made minimal changes to my diet, i had/have a busted knee, elbow and shoulder and I have been making great strides.

The scale has hardly moved (I'm 115kg, 197cm) but I look and feel different.

To me it feels like none of this would have been possible or as "easy" without that thread and those people.

So I would encourage more ppl to visit fitgaf IF their goals were to losse weight by working out.

But as I said you have a right to your opinion, even if that scares people away from another source that could be the push they needed to change their situation.

I will not derail this thread any longer, I just feelt I needed to get this out there.

Best of luck to all of you!


You need to Exercise for Weight loss: Not true. It can be slightly helpful but you can easily loose weight without lifting a finger for additional exercise.

Speak for yourself. I can't. No matter how good diet I have, no matter what type of diet I have (low-card included) I bassicaly can't loose weight at any decent speed (1 lbs a month isn't what I consider good) on diet alone. Maybe I'm rare exception, but the only way to loose weight easily with diet for me would be do literarly starve myself, with like 300 kcals a day.

I do have weird body though, blood sugar levels consantly below recommended ammount (even when I was drinking 3liters of Coca Cola a day), incapable of getting hangover and no space between some ribs.
Really sorry if I have been coming off as super aggressive about this. It really is not intentional. Its mostly frustration. I have been reading this thread for a long time (what made me register) and its just frustrating to see the same arguments rehashed over and over. When something seems settled a month passes and we are back on same subject. I think a lot of the problem is that this started off as a Before and After Weight Loss Pics thread and evolved into a pseudo Weight Loss [OT]. However it does not have the information of an [OT] like the fitness thread. This makes it very difficult to define what the thread is about and what is or is not relevant. When I started seriously dieting I read pretty much everything there is to read about dieting (I am a bit obsessive lol) and it would be nice to have an OP to sum it all up for people when they hop in the thread rather than having to explain (again) that no fat is not bad, no dietary cholesterol is not bad, etc, etc, etc.

I suppose I was just projecting onto the Fitness OT. Though some of the false info in their OP doesn't help. Lots of people don't even realize this is the main weight loss thread and post about weight loss in the fitness thread instead.......... and if you have ever read the OP for the fitness thread you know its about as useful for weight loss as talking to you grandma.


So I would encourage more ppl to visit fitgaf IF their goals were to losse weight by working out.

I think this is what the core of my problem with Fitgaf is. This idea that you can lose weight through working out when all evidence shows it does not work. It should be very very low on the priority list of someone who is obese and needs to lose weight. Sure working out may help someone who has 10 lbs to lose. For someone who has 100lbs to lose not so much.

Speak for yourself. I can't. No matter how good diet I have, no matter what type of diet I have (low-card included) I bassicaly can't loose weight at any decent speed (1 lbs a month isn't what I consider good) on diet alone. Maybe I'm rare exception, but the only way to loose weight easily with diet for me would be do literarly starve myself, with like 300 kcals a day.

I do have weird body though, blood sugar levels consantly below recommended ammount (even when I was drinking 3liters of Coca Cola a day), incapable of getting hangover and no space between some ribs.

It is possible you are just odd lol. I really can't speak to your situation without a lot more details on what you do now and what you were doing before. I mean.....I think exercise does help. I walk 5 nights a week personally but I am not convinced it has had a great deal of effect on my weight loss though I have found it helpful with breaking plateaus. For most people the old 80/20 idea about weight loss is true. 80% Diet/20% Exercise.


It is possible you are just odd lol. I really can't speak to your situation without a lot more details on what you do now and what you were doing before. I mean.....I think exercise does help. I walk 5 nights a week personally but I am not convinced it has had a great deal of effect on my weight loss though I have found it helpful with breaking plateaus. For most people the old 80/20 idea about weight loss is true. 80% Diet/20% Exercise.

Movement burns calories. I think people who have trouble with excerises; effectiveness aren't simply moving enough. Our bodies are very energy efficent...so one hour of excercise a day is pretty little when you barely move for the remaining 23h, so in such case.. yes the excercises aren't all that important. But set up your life around moving more and the effects will be hige...walk instead of drive, always take stairs, if you need to drive park far away from destination, walk in place when watching tv and the difference will be huge.
Movement burns calories. I think people who have trouble with excerises; effectiveness aren't simply moving enough. Our bodies are very energy efficent...so one hour of excercise a day is pretty little when you barely move for the remaining 23h, so in such case.. yes the excercises aren't all that important. But set up your life around moving more and the effects will be hige...walk instead of drive, always take stairs, if you need to drive park far away from destination, walk in place when watching tv and the difference will be huge.

Yes but few people have the time/dedication to do so and "most" people could lose the same amount of weight watching their diet closely in a much shorter amount of time. Plus a lot of very very obese people (like myself) would have their bodies literally fall apart with that much exercise. Hell....I use to be in severe pain even walking an hour a day (much easier now that i am 50 lbs lighter).


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Any way to get "tighter" skin? I've lost a lot of weight and have been lucky enough to not have any loose skin... with that said I rather be safe than sorry so I'd love some tips and advice to avoid any loose skin that might occur during these last pounds.
Any way to get "tighter" skin? I've lost a lot of weight and have been lucky enough to not have any loose skin... with that said I rather be safe than sorry so I'd love some tips and advice to avoid any loose skin that might occur during these last pounds.

As far as I know there really isn't a whole lot you can do short of surgery. One option is always to bulk up after you have lost weight (will fill out the excess depending on how much you lost).

I have also heard you can buy supportive clothing/bandages that they use on plastic surgery patients. Though I havn't seen anything testifying to their effectiveness.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
As far as I know there really isn't a whole lot you can do short of surgery. One option is always to bulk up after you have lost weight (will fill out the excess depending on how much you lost).

I have also heard you can buy supportive clothing/bandages that they use on plastic surgery patients. Though I havn't seen anything testifying to their effectiveness.

I see, again as mentioned luckily I haven't experienced any loose skin whatsoever, though I guess I was also wondering if the skin "can adapt" even if it turns a liiiiittle loose around the stomach area.

Yeah I guess if I end up getting a bit of loose skin around the waist then I'll just bulk up since I have a lot of headroom weight wise, I'm down to 150 now.


When it comes to weight loss. (many of these are in fitness thread OP)

You need to Exercise for Weight loss: Not true. It can be slightly helpful but you can easily loose weight without lifting a finger for additional exercise.

Of course you can lose weight without exercise. I don't think anyone differs on that. It's just that proper exercising and dieting is still the best way to go about this. Diet should be fixed first since it's 80% of what you accomplish and only then you should think about working out.

Skinnyfat: Mostly a myth. Losing weight and eating right WILL make you healthier. You do not need to go to the gym to get healthy.

I don't understand this. Skinnyfat is a term to describe body composition. I don't think anyone disagrees that losing fat and eating right wouldn't make you healthy. It's just that weight training for example in conjunction with these will make you healthier.

Protien Supplements: Not needed and not helpful.

The consensus on Fitness-thread as far as I can see is that one should eat whole meals and never replace a meal with a shake for example. Take them if you need them for your training but they aren't essential in any way. I for one drink one every now and then when I know I can't get enough protein with my regular food that day.

Omega 3 Supplements: Broscience.

Omega 3 is one of our bodies essential fatty acids and has been proven to be healthy all around. What's broscience about that? Everyone should supplement with Omega-3 because our western diet has wayy too much Omega-6 in it and that's bad.

When/what time to eat: Broscience for weight loss.

That's the simple truth but there's more to it than that. Fasting for example has benefits like improved insulin sensitivity which is essential in losing weight.

Resistance training: Useful in some quantities. Significant positive effects on weight loss not proven.

So how should one exercise? Resistance training is probably one of the most effective in improving overall health and shouldn't be looked down upon. Plus it's nice to have some muscle underneath all that fat when you trim it down :)

Negative Health Effects of Diet Soda: Broscience

Source? Lyle McDonald said something about this in one of his books and I'd take his word over yours since you don't provide a source for your claims.

Gaining Muscle Burns More Calories: True, but the amount is minimal compared to the amount of effort necessary to build enough muscle to make a difference. No controlled studies have shown that building muscle through strength training have a significant impact on weight loss. Time is much better spent doing standard exercise and watching/controlling diet.
(now some of these are here as well....people here in general seem much more willing to see the truth when it is pointed out to them though)

I don't think I've ever seen anyone say (in the thread) that you should first build muscle so that you burn fat faster. What is standard exercise and why is weight training so bad?

And I remember reading about an experiment where they had three groups. First just dieted, second dieted and did cardio and the third group dieted and did weight training. The first and second group were practically tied whereas the people in the third group lost a ton for more weight.

Though some of the false info in their OP doesn't help.

Like what?


I lost 150 pounds over the course of a year. i need to find a picture and post the difference. i had some people who couldnt even tell who i was. actually my old picture is still on my ID and police think its fake at times. its kinda hilarious.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I lost 150 pounds over the course of a year. i need to find a picture and post the difference. i had some people who couldnt even tell who i was. actually my old picture is still on my ID and police think its fake at times. its kinda hilarious.

Uhhhh yea find that shit lol. Congrats on the weight loss. What weight did you start at?
I have been convinced of adding a fish oil supplement to my way of eating. I keep my carbs very low, eating fat, protein, and veggies, and I'm avoiding wheat. After 1 week of avoiding wheat, I feel so much better, even if it is a placebo effect at this point.

My question is how much should I be taking? My pills say one a day, but I would like to know from the experts here.

Here is the amount in one pill: 1200 mg / EPA 410 mg / DHA 274 mg. One a day enough, or would you bump it up? I'm on no medication, and the only other supplement I'm taking is the suggested amount of Opti-Men multivitamin. Thank you!


I have been convinced of adding a fish oil supplement to my way of eating. I keep my carbs very low, eating fat, protein, and veggies, and I'm avoiding wheat. After 1 week of avoiding wheat, I feel so much better, even if it is a placebo effect at this point.

My question is how much should I be taking? My pills say one a day, but I would like to know from the experts here.

Here is the amount in one pill: 1200 mg / EPA 410 mg / DHA 274 mg. One a day enough, or would you bump it up? I'm on no medication, and the only other supplement I'm taking is the suggested amount of Opti-Men multivitamin. Thank you!

I'm not an expert but I would probably take around 2-4 pills. I think the recommendation around here is 1-3g of EPA+DHA a day.

Check google, should give you the answer.

But like I said in my previous post, almost everyone should supplement with fish oil. Doesn't matter whether they are training/dieting or not. Omega-3 is anti-inflammatory and essential fatty acid and western diet doesn't provide most of us with nearly enough of it. Instead we get too much Omega-6 which is inflammatory and not so good for us. Even most of the fish we eat nowadays has mostly Omega-6 since they are fed with feed and not caught wild. The N-3/N-6 ratio should be around 1:1 when it's mostly 1:20 nowadays due to our diets.
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