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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Ok, I need to get serious.

Age: 24
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 270

Goal: I mostly want to get to 200 pounds quick (in 5-6 months preferably), then go to a gym and get a trainer when I have monies.

Current Training Schedule: Nothing.

Current Training Equipment Available: P90x, Home Bench Press, I have a door pull up bar but it doesn't work well on my doors, I'd probably buy resistance bands since I'd need to use a chair for help if I found a door that worked well anyway.

Comments: I don't really have the money to buy food for a special diet. I eat what my family cooks. Tonight I ate stew for supper. Meat, potatoes, carrots, broth and drank water. The day before that was... rice-a-roni and a fried chicken breast with sweet tea.

I've been sitting around a lot getting fat and eating too much the past year because of depression. So I know only drinking water, portion control, and being a lot more active would probably knock off 10 by itself pretty quickly. I cut soda out of my diet long ago, but I've replaced it with homemade sweet tea. I love water tho.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Sounds like you know what to do. Now, you gotta do it. Be consistent, stick with it and you will see the results


Kind of the wrong thread, I used to be 300lbs a few years ago(215 now) though. Don't have many before pics.
Oh god this guy at the gym fucking yells at the top of his lungs everytime he works. Not powerlifting yells, 911 yells. Everyone in the gym was scratching their heads, looking over to see if he was OK. It was pretty distracting and I had headphones on at max volume. To top it all off he's relativlety new to lifting. I wonder if there's a way for me to approach him without sounding like too much of an ass hole.

Kind of the wrong thread.

That kind of shit is so annoying. I used to run at the gym all of the time, and there was this one girl who did this incredibly awful panting/scream/weezing thing whenever she got a couple of miles in. It sounded like she was giving birth.
Sounds like you know what to do. Now, you gotta do it. Be consistent, stick with it and you will see the results
If you're talking to me, if I did p90x I wouldn't be able to do the nutrition plan it says to do because I don't have the money to buy my own special diet food. I can only do portion control on what my family cooks. Sometimes it includes a burger from a fast food place.

Portion control and being more active and jogging or something seems like it would lose weight too slowly, but I'm sure it'd help confidence a lot.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Ok, I need to get serious.

Age: 24
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 270

Goal: I mostly want to get to 200 pounds quick (in 5-6 months preferably), then go to a gym and get a trainer when I have monies.

Current Training Schedule: Nothing.

Current Training Equipment Available: P90x, Home Bench Press, I have a door pull up bar but it doesn't work well on my doors, I'd probably buy resistance bands since I'd need to use a chair for help if I found a door that worked well anyway.

Comments: I don't really have the money to buy food for a special diet. I eat what my family cooks. Tonight I ate stew for supper. Meat, potatoes, carrots, broth and drank water. The day before that was... rice-a-roni and a fried chicken breast with sweet tea.

I've been sitting around a lot getting fat and eating too much the past year because of depression. So I know only drinking water, portion control, and being a lot more active would probably knock off 10 by itself pretty quickly. I cut soda out of my diet long ago, but I've replaced it with homemade sweet tea. I love water tho.

If those meals happen regularly, cut out the potatoes from the first one and the rice-a-roni from the second one.

Also, what are you using to sweeten your sweet tea?
I normally cheat once a week...I wouldn't worry about it.

As long as the bulk of your meals throughout the week are well thought-out food choices and you are exercising I think you will be okay.

I think a cheat can help prevent a binge in a moment of weakness.

I agree on the "cheat days" every once in a while since moderation is very important. But in my experience (having lost 90 lbs since my heaviest and keeping it off), when trying to lose a lot of weight, cheat days have never been a good idea. In fact I would recommend against them for the sole fact that healthy eating needs to be a lifestyle; no crap food and no dessert. Not until you are at a comfortable weight. Yes its ridiculous and yes its difficult, but you need to be able to completely forget about those temptations and realize they don't add anything of value to your life; short-term pleasure vs. long-term happiness...thats all.


I agree on the "cheat days" every once in a while since moderation is very important. But in my experience (having lost 90 lbs since my heaviest and keeping it off), when trying to lose a lot of weight, cheat days have never been a good idea. In fact I would recommend against them for the sole fact that healthy eating needs to be a lifestyle; no crap food and no dessert. Not until you are at a comfortable weight. Yes its ridiculous and yes its difficult, but you need to be able to completely forget about those temptations and realize they don't add anything of value to your life; short-term pleasure vs. long-term happiness...thats all.

THe problem with this aproach is that most people have to cheat sometime. Going out with friends, going to weddings, your mother's birthday party etc. If you have cheat days you can treat those ocassions as such, which allows you to not feel like utter failute and loose motivation.
THe problem with this aproach is that most people have to cheat sometime. Going out with friends, going to weddings, your mother's birthday party etc. If you have cheat days you can treat those ocassions as such, which allows you to not feel like utter failute and loose motivation.

I think the problem with that is the assumption that you do have to cheat. You really don't. People just think they do. IMO cheating is just another way of saying that you aren't going to quit eating the foods that made you fat. If you can't quit them while ON a diet what makes you think you can quit them after you have lost the weight?

However, I do agree that if one does cheat they should not feel bad. No one cheat day is going to have a major effect.


I think the problem with that is the assumption that you do have to cheat. You really don't. People just think they do. IMO cheating is just another way of saying that you aren't going to quit eating the foods that made you fat. If you can't quit them while ON a diet what makes you think you can quit them after you have lost the weight?
I think you need to be a bit of an asshole to not eat a small piece of cake on your mother's birthday or not raise a toast when on wedding. :)

Also... most people do not want to quit those foods, because it's not the foods that made them fat, but eating too much of them. Idea of never eating certain things till the end of your life is terrible and will make most people miserable.
Cheat days are simply a great excercise in moderation that will come in handy once you reach your weight goal, as not everyone wants to be on a diet till they die.
I think you need to be a bit of an asshole to not eat a small piece of cake on your mother's birthday or not raise a toast when on wedding. :)

Also... most people do not want to quit those foods, because it's not the foods that made them fat, but eating too much of them. Idea of never eating certain things till the end of your life is terrible and will make most people miserable.
Cheat days are simply a great excercise in moderation that will come in handy once you reach your weight goal, as not everyone wants to be on a diet till they die.

I agree with what you said here. However, your first post made it sound like people have no choice but to cheat. Which is not true. It may not always be comfortable or convenient but there is always a choice.

(Also most people I know would be fine with you not eating cake or toasting if you are improving your life. It would be THEM who are the assholes if they would be offended.)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I agree on the "cheat days" every once in a while since moderation is very important. But in my experience (having lost 90 lbs since my heaviest and keeping it off), when trying to lose a lot of weight, cheat days have never been a good idea. In fact I would recommend against them for the sole fact that healthy eating needs to be a lifestyle; no crap food and no dessert. Not until you are at a comfortable weight. Yes its ridiculous and yes its difficult, but you need to be able to completely forget about those temptations and realize they don't add anything of value to your life; short-term pleasure vs. long-term happiness...thats all.

Depends on what qualifies as a cheat day.

Frenzied eating binge stuffing your face with sugar, fats, starches and who knows what not? Ehh... don't call it cheat day, call it a binge?

Eating what someone who doesn't need to lose weight would eat and maybe a little extra to make the day extra special?

I'd argue the later is even more useful in teaching proper eating habits since little by little you get used to what is "normal". Because lets face it, for some of us here, our definition of a "normal" meal is waaaaaayy off.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
When I cheat due to the social setting, it's hard to truly enjoy the meal because I know I'm taking steps backwards in my progress.

...that being said, I seem to snap back with a vengeance after a cheat day/weekend. Guessing it's more of a leptin refeed going on more than anything. I can gain and lose 3-8 pounds in the matter of a week and usually on the down slope I go farther than before.

To me: cheating isn't something I plan anymore, because at least for me, I'm in a lot of social settings where eating the food is more polite or being respectful to your host more than anything. I could be THAT guy (and I was that guy when I first started), but I'm comfortable with my current weight even if it froze, and I've done this long enough to know I'll snap back.

Probably not something I'd recommend to a starting dieter at all, though.
THe problem with this aproach is that most people have to cheat sometime. Going out with friends, going to weddings, your mother's birthday party etc. If you have cheat days you can treat those ocassions as such, which allows you to not feel like utter failute and loose motivation.

That's true but I guess it all has to do with what you qualify as a "cheat day". Is it one where you have a small piece of cake and glass of wine, or where each and every meal is more gluttonous than it should be?
Just because you are given a slice of cake, I've always felt that you dont have to eat ALL of it; just have a bite or two. People understand you're on a diet and should be understanding, and if they dont, well...

In short; when dieting its important for the future to be able to completely cut out bad foods to the point where you dont "need" them; to the point where you can look at a piece of cake in the fridge and be able to have a single bite and be satisfied.


I agree on the "cheat days" every once in a while since moderation is very important. But in my experience (having lost 90 lbs since my heaviest and keeping it off), when trying to lose a lot of weight, cheat days have never been a good idea. In fact I would recommend against them for the sole fact that healthy eating needs to be a lifestyle; no crap food and no dessert. Not until you are at a comfortable weight. Yes its ridiculous and yes its difficult, but you need to be able to completely forget about those temptations and realize they don't add anything of value to your life; short-term pleasure vs. long-term happiness...thats all.

I disagree. Lack of moderation is what has gotten us to be overweight...I don't see a problem with having a slice of pizza or a cheeseburger occasionally.

Everyone is built differently as well...I noticed that the Monday after a cheat meal/day I was still dropping 2 pounds a week steadily.

That is my new lifestyle...eat well and exercise well during the week, and enjoy life on the weekends.

I can see how cheating might be a problem for some though, for sure.

edit: reread your post...noticed you said it's okay once in awhile....and for losing a lot of weight it's not such a good idea. I'm in a different boat I guess...started at 213...down to 190 now. I have about another 5-10 pounds to go so I can afford the occasional cheat.


I stopped doing low carb...I just don't think it's for me in the long run. After a long weight loss journey (100+ lbs, for people who don't know me), by restricting myself, I was binging about every 2 weeks. I'm talking an unhealthy amount of food, up towards 10k calories in a day. Instead, I've been eating what I want in moderation. I eat pizza, but only two slices. I eat sushi, but only two rolls. I'll have a bowl of pho, or whatever I'm feeling like, but I try to keep my calories around 2k and I try to keep my protein high. I've been hovering around 185 and I'm feeling pretty good. I do hope to get to my goal of 170 some day.

OG Kush

People who have done Tim Ferri's slow-carb diet know that cheat days arent really that bad and don't stall progress that much at all. He actually argues that spiking calories every once in a while is actually healthy. Look up the benefits of cheat days.
THey shouldn't even really be called cheat days in some cases, as it may simply be a carb refeed which is part of the diet and not "cheating".
If you can go without them more power to you, but people who can't don't feel bad or guilty when you do eat unhealthy, I see it as more of reward. Every 10 days is pretty good for me. We're all humans and whats life without enjoying some of the great food? We're all going to die some day.
If you're talking to me, if I did p90x I wouldn't be able to do the nutrition plan it says to do because I don't have the money to buy my own special diet food. I can only do portion control on what my family cooks. Sometimes it includes a burger from a fast food place.

Portion control and being more active and jogging or something seems like it would lose weight too slowly, but I'm sure it'd help confidence a lot.

Have you tried talking to your family about the food they are preparing for you? Like, could they make the potatoes separate in the stew, etc.?

It's going to take support from them for you to get anywhere near your goals. If you're serious about it, they need to stop providing sweet tea and crap like that.


I disagree. Lack of moderation is what has gotten us to be overweight...I don't see a problem with having a slice of pizza or a cheeseburger occasionally.

Everyone is built differently as well...I noticed that the Monday after a cheat meal/day I was still dropping 2 pounds a week steadily.

That is my new lifestyle...eat well and exercise well during the week, and enjoy life on the weekends.

I can see how cheating might be a problem for some though, for sure.

edit: reread your post...noticed you said it's okay once in awhile....and for losing a lot of weight it's not such a good idea. I'm in a different boat I guess...started at 213...down to 190 now. I have about another 5-10 pounds to go so I can afford the occasional cheat.
I agree. My biggest problem with dieting was, I'd diet, then I'd cheat, then I'd say FUCK IT and just eat whatever until I got super sad and dieted again... I didn't realize that cheating once or twice a week for a meal wasn't the end of the world. Before I'd immediately give up and go balls to the wall until I gather the strength to start over but now I just have my pasta or pizza and move on.


People who have done Tim Ferri's slow-carb diet know that cheat days arent really that bad and don't stall progress that much at all. He actually argues that spiking calories every once in a while is actually healthy. Look up the benefits of cheat days.
THey shouldn't even really be called cheat days in some cases, as it may simply be a carb refeed which is part of the diet and not "cheating".
If you can go without them more power to you, but people who can't don't feel bad or guilty when you do eat unhealthy, I see it as more of reward. Every 10 days is pretty good for me. We're all humans and whats life without enjoying some of the great food? We're all going to die some day.

Technically a refeed isn't a cheat. It's just eating more of the healthy stuff including healthy carbs on that day. A cheat is a straight up cheat.


I agree. My biggest problem with dieting was, I'd diet, then I'd cheat, then I'd say FUCK IT and just eat whatever until I got super sad and dieted again... I didn't realize that cheating once or twice a week for a meal wasn't the end of the world. Before I'd immediately give up and go balls to the wall until I gather the strength to start over but now I just have my pasta or pizza and move on.

I've been there. You get the "well I already ate badly today I might as well keep going" syndrome. Somehow on this cut I have been able to compartmentalize it.


Cheating and re-feeding are very different. A re-feed is a day of high carb, high protein, low fat for the purpose of re-filling glycogen and keeping leptin in check. Eating whatever you want, cheating, doesn't have the same effect.


not tag worthy
I have had a refocus session at the gym

my routine for the the next month will be:

20 Mins cross trainer Interval training, (between low resistance and high resistance)

10 Mins/2000M on rowing Machine

8 KM Bike (usually 18 Mins)

I will adjust the levels as when i feel fitter.

I then have to do 15- 20 (sets of three) crunches while sitting on a Ball (not sure of the name)

then 30 (set of three) Oblique twists with a medicine ball. (heard it written as russian twists)

then weights consisting of (chest/Shoulder/back/lats) for day one, (legs, and then arms and tris for the second day)

then a cool down on the arm rower for five mins

as I get used to the weights , I will try and add swimming back into the mix (30 mins - 45 Mins)

for weights I am doing 12 (sets of three) of the weights on the setting that i can lift on before I tire out, as I get fitter I hope to make it 15 (Set of three) for each.

I am fired up and hope I can see some changes soon around my stomach..

but I plan to stick with the cardio and not just jump into weights if that makes sense

had my blood pressure checked it is still a bit high but has decreased since the last measurement

now I am doing weights , should I go protien bar/shakes route or jsut eat normal, is Tuna in a can a good source of protien? I prefer tuna in sun flower oil, with spinach leaves, some cucumber, tomatoes and some chives with black pepper, a Banana and Apple as well as a glass of milk

my main source of fluid is water and milk

sorry for the long ass post, jsut kinda fired up to do this...
-> Looking for advice:

  • Age: 26
  • Height: 6.1 ft / 1,85m
  • Weight: 275 lbs / 125 kg
  • Goal: reach 200 lbs fast
  • Current Training Schedule: -
  • Current Training Equipment Available: Good stationary bike, no money
  • Comments: I want to lose weight, preferably fast, but I am not exactly sure how to start. I thought about making a very strict diet for a couple of weeks, while spending 1 hour a day on the bike. It's just that I really am afraid of loose skin, but I don't want to wait half a year before my weight loss is visible. I read something about reducing calories intake to 80-90% in the first post, but isn't this a bit much? Any suggestions / experiences would be welcome.

EDIT: Oops, probably wrong thread.
Gemüsepizza;40513759 said:
-> Looking for advice:

  • Age: 26
  • Height: 6.1 ft / 1,85m
  • Weight: 275 lbs / 125 kg
  • Goal: reach 200 lbs fast
  • Current Training Schedule: -
  • Current Training Equipment Available: Good stationary bike, no money
  • Comments: I want to lose weight, preferably fast, but I am not exactly sure how to start. I thought about making a very strict diet for a couple of weeks, while spending 1 hour a day on the bike. It's just that I really am afraid of loose skin, but I don't want to wait half a year before my weight loss is visible. I read something about reducing calories intake to 80-90% in the first post, but isn't this a bit much? Any suggestions / experiences would be welcome.

I don't think losing that amount of weight will cause much of a loose skin issue. Easiest way to lose all that weight is go on a calorie restriction diet. Go for a sub 1500 calorie a day diet and ride the bike and the pounds will come off quick. 200 is still a little heavy for your frame (I'm 6.1 as well) but once you get there you can really work on your overall healthy lifestyle changes to continue to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.


Gemüsepizza;40513759 said:
I want to lose weight, preferably fast, but I am not exactly sure how to start. I thought about making a very strict diet for a couple of weeks, while spending 1 hour a day on the bike. It's just that I really am afraid of loose skin, but I don't want to wait half a year before my weight loss is visible.

Stop right there. That right there is the path to failure. Weight loss takes time. Yes, half a year or even longer. You can't just go on a strict diet for a couple of months because as soon as you finish all the weight piles back on. Proper weight loss is about keeping it off too. Don't make a very sirect diet, make a balanced, healthy diet that you keep having forever.


I have had a refocus session at the gym

my routine for the the next month will be:

20 Mins cross trainer Interval training, (between low resistance and high resistance)

10 Mins/2000M on rowing Machine

8 KM Bike (usually 18 Mins)

I will adjust the levels as when i feel fitter.

I then have to do 15- 20 (sets of three) crunches while sitting on a Ball (not sure of the name)

then 30 (set of three) Oblique twists with a medicine ball. (heard it written as russian twists)

then weights consisting of (chest/Shoulder/back/lats) for day one, (legs, and then arms and tris for the second day)

then a cool down on the arm rower for five mins

as I get used to the weights , I will try and add swimming back into the mix (30 mins - 45 Mins)

for weights I am doing 12 (sets of three) of the weights on the setting that i can lift on before I tire out, as I get fitter I hope to make it 15 (Set of three) for each.

I am fired up and hope I can see some changes soon around my stomach..

but I plan to stick with the cardio and not just jump into weights if that makes sense

had my blood pressure checked it is still a bit high but has decreased since the last measurement

now I am doing weights , should I go protien bar/shakes route or jsut eat normal, is Tuna in a can a good source of protien? I prefer tuna in sun flower oil, with spinach leaves, some cucumber, tomatoes and some chives with black pepper, a Banana and Apple as well as a glass of milk

my main source of fluid is water and milk

sorry for the long ass post, jsut kinda fired up to do this...

If I could mention a few things:

For fat loss, weight lifting is more important than cardio. This is because weight loss is determined by caloric intake and muscle retention or gain is determined by resistance training. If you want to exercise, cardio is great but after diet look into resistance training.

As for protein, tuna works. Shakes are good, but not needed. That tuna snack has a lot of stuff to it; make sure it's not a tuna meal. Also look into other meats.


not tag worthy
If I could mention a few things:

For fat loss, weight lifting is more important than cardio. This is because weight loss is determined by caloric intake and muscle retention or gain is determined by resistance training. If you want to exercise, cardio is great but after diet look into resistance training.

As for protein, tuna works. Shakes are good, but not needed. That tuna snack has a lot of stuff to it; make sure it's not a tuna meal. Also look into other meats.

Cool i will ask about resistance training next refocus..

I have a can of tuna in sunflower oil with a salad.. And some fruit after workout.. Will vary it with chicken or other meats..as will get fed up of just tuna lol

The exercise routine i have is making me really tired.. I hope to get used to it and be able to go swimming for and extra cardio kick.. I wanna do the cardio for heart health..
But as i progress will increase my weight i lift..thanks again for the help.. I cant wait ti see improvements and feel comfortable in ny own skin lol
Lost 60 lbs as of today. Really excited.

Start: May 1
Weight 330 lbs

Today: Aug 1
Weight 270 lbs

Actually surprised my results have been so fast and so constant. I use Wii fit to track my progress and its pretty much a straight downward line. I am sure my weight loss will slow down eventually but it really is heartening to wake up every day to results.

Low Carb 4 Life


Really hope by Saturday I weigh in at 151 and I can reward myself with something completely horrible for me. I will be 17 pounds down from May. I don't even look that much thinner at first glance but I see so much more definition in my arms and my stomach is so much flatter.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Finished Insanity last week and am out in Texas for work all this week. I am eating very poorly. Next week will be me getting back on track. Agh.
Do real walking/running shoes make much of a difference? I have been walking 3-6 miles 4-5 days a week but I can definitely feel my thighs and knees starting to wear down. Will investing in some specialized shoes help?
Do real walking/running shoes make much of a difference? I have been walking 3-6 miles 4-5 days a week but I can definitely feel my thighs and knees starting to wear down. Will investing in some specialized shoes help?

I also had knee troubles when I started running, and then I got Vibrams, and it basically disappeared within a couple of weeks.

That said, Vibrams have a learning curve, so you have to be careful when you first start wearing them.
I also had knee troubles when I started running, and then I got Vibrams, and it basically disappeared within a couple of weeks.

That said, Vibrams have a learning curve, so you have to be careful when you first start wearing them.

Thanks I will look into them. Will have to see if there is a store nearby that has some experts who can give tips on what to look for in a shoe.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a huge fan of Vibrams and use them almost daily.

I've heard about the learning curve, but I took to them instantly without issue.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm just afraid I will trade knee and hip pain for foot pain with the reduced padding.......

I was around 180 pounds (down from 225) when I first picked them up for reference.

I really didn't experience any new pains at all (except for when you step on a sharp rock or something). They really just felt better to me than standard running shoes.
I was around 180 pounds (down from 225) when I first picked them up for reference.

I really didn't experience any new pains at all (except for when you step on a sharp rock or something). They really just felt better to me than standard running shoes.

Yeah but I am still fairly overweight (270) and not sure whether I need the padding of a cushioned shoe or not.
So guys, I have some advice for you! Once you lose your weight and decide to work on your tanlines (which if you were like me and basically always wore a shirt) WEAR SUNSCREEN. My arms that are used to the sun are completely 100% fine, going by them I could have been sitting at my computer all day. Melatonin....magical stuff really.

Holy crap. It looks like you swam in Kool-aid. BRUTAL!


Cool i will ask about resistance training next refocus..

I have a can of tuna in sunflower oil with a salad.. And some fruit after workout.. Will vary it with chicken or other meats..as will get fed up of just tuna lol

The exercise routine i have is making me really tired.. I hope to get used to it and be able to go swimming for and extra cardio kick.. I wanna do the cardio for heart health..
But as i progress will increase my weight i lift..thanks again for the help.. I cant wait ti see improvements and feel comfortable in ny own skin lol

What's a refocus? Please don't tell me you change routines every 2 weeks so your muscles don't get used to your routine?

And no shit that routine leaves you tired. First you do 20 min of interval training, then you row for 10 minutes and after that you bike for 18km? That's just way too much shit since after that you'll also hit the weights. And you also plan on including swimming?

About the weights: I didn't really understand if you do 12 reps for 3 sets or 3 reps for 12 sets? You didn't post any specifics of your routine but as a beginner you really shouldn't be doing any split routine but focus on full body stuff. And I'm not an expert in split routines but it does look kinda fucked up. AFAIK chest and arms shouldn't really be trained on different days since if you are training your arms you are also training your chest most of the time. For example most of the tricep exercises also hit your chest. So you are double training those muscles. How many days a week you'll do this routine?

Also you don't need protein shakes if you just get enough protein from real foods. Protein bars are just candy so don't go there if you can help it.

If you are concerned about your heart I can also thell you that heavy weightlifting is excellent for your heart. I've had my resting pulse drop quite a bit since I started lifting heavy.

If you want to focus on cardio that's fine but I'm not sure if including some split weight lifting routine is really helping since it sounds like you're just half assing that part. Either way I think you are doing way to much and just burn yourself out in a while.


So, clothing is becoming an issue, I'm running low on outfits that fit properly now. How did you guys get around this? I'm not quite where I want to be, and have another 10-15lbs to go, so buying a bunch of new clothing right now would be a waste of money. Luckily since it's summer I can get away with basketball shorts a lot, but with fall on the horizon I might be cutting it a bit close in terms of where my weight loss will be when it gets colder. Should I just buy stuff that will eventually fit?


Full werewolf off the buckle
So, I'm the thinnest I've been since my sophomore year of High school now. I'm wearing a size 46" pants and a 2x shirt.

My immediate goal is to get down to a size 42" pant which is what I wore in my Freshman year. I'm currently 295 down from a high of 350, and my long ball goal is to help undo the trauma I experienced as the heaviest kid in 8th grade gym class at 198 lbs.

I think now I'm finally doing things right. This is the first time in my life I've ever really lost more than a pound or two, and I know that if I could get below 300 than I can also get below 200.

I'm still a fat slob, but people are starting to notice. It was one thing when people who knew me closely noticed, but it seems like now not a day goes by when a random passerby at work doesn't say something.

For all those experiencing a tough time getting started, I can tell you that all the denying of your favorite foods and sweaty workouts are worth it when people finally start to notice.

And you don't even have to do it too long before people will, either.


Now, the biggest and first difference I saw was in my face. On the right was January 23rd of this year, on the left was three weeks ago.

Super close up, I know, but I'm the only one who ever takes pictures of me.

Point being, I had resigned myself to just always being the fattest dude in the room. And while it's still true most of the time, I know that if I keep going eventually I won't be. I was confident in the fact that my children would grow up to be embarrassed of me and that when I died they'd have to make a special coffin or some shit.

Lots of people just read this thread and wish. I just want them to know that I always just wished too and that, while I've got a year or two until I get where I want, wishing can become doing the second they just will it to start being so.

I hope the pic works. I'll post more when I've got something really worth posting.


not tag worthy
What's a refocus? Please don't tell me you change routines every 2 weeks so your muscles don't get used to your routine?

About the weights: I didn't really understand if you do 12 reps for 3 sets or 3 reps for 12 sets?
How many days a week you'll do this routine?

Also you don't need protein shakes if you just get enough protein from real foods. Protein bars are just candy so don't go there if you can help it.

If you are concerned about your heart I can also thell you that heavy weightlifting is excellent for your heart. I've had my resting pulse drop quite a bit since I started lifting heavy.

If you want to focus on cardio that's fine but I'm not sure if including some split weight lifting routine is really helping since it sounds like you're just half assing that part. Either way I think you are doing way to much and just burn yourself out in a while.

The Refocus is a Monthly thing you can do at the gym I go to, just to talk to a trainer, so they can look at what you are doing and give you advice, change your workout etc (if Needed) in the hopes of keeping you focused on training so you dont give up.

for the weights I do about 12-15 reps of each exercise for three sets on my workout programme, it's not to build but to tone up as I am doing light weights.

I go to the gym Mon - Fri and have sat sun off, usually but sometimes I may go swimming sunday ( i work 24/7 -365 shift pattern, so fit the gym around the shifts)

I hope to get fit enough to do swimming again after , about half an hours worth , just breast stroke.

I wont touch protien bars/shakes (prefer water, plus tried a bar once tastes rather nasty , with a strange texture to it)

I dont want to burn myself out, I hope to gradually get used to what I am doing and improve.

as for the weights, if they are low weight for toning is it ok to do them on alternate days? of should I have a rest day inbetween?

many thanks for the advice


Probably the best thing you could do is to get to the Fitness OT and ask all exercise related questions there. Read also the OP post(s).
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