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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Seeing vibrams discussed here - I've been wondering for a while about those and would like give them a shot as replacement for my regular running shoes. Something I was wondering about though: I'm prone to shin splints if I'm not careful with building up my running regime. Would I possibly increase/decrease my chances of getting shin splints with Vibram, or does it not really affect this?


Seeing vibrams discussed here - I've been wondering for a while about those and would like give them a shot as replacement for my regular running shoes. Something I was wondering about though: I'm prone to shin splints if I'm not careful with building up my running regime. Would I possibly increase/decrease my chances of getting shin splints with Vibram, or does it not really affect this?
You will probably need to walk around in them for a while first. Barefoot style shoes can expose muscles you didn't even know you had.


So as many of you know I've been stalling on my weight loss. Started my cut at 185. Lowest I got was 182, even gained weight at some points.

This morning? 179. I don't get it. I can't explain it. But I'll take it.

On another note...

Besides my fiancé and I, I know 3 other couples getting married this summer/fall. Of the 6 people, 4 are morbidly obese, 2 just obese. None of them have made a push for fitness. It boggles my mind you wouldn't want to look good for your wedding.

Then the one girl posted the 8 week bride workout on Facebook. Not only is it waaaay too extreme (45 min of hiit, 45 min of jumprope and more in one workout) starting 2 months before your wedding when you have 100+ pounds to lose is a bad "quick fix" solution.


So as many of you know I've been stalling on my weight loss. Started my cut at 185. Lowest I got was 182, even gained weight at some points.

This morning? 179. I don't get it. I can't explain it. But I'll take it..

Same here. I've been stalling/plateau-ing since about Feb, and I haven't been that good on my diet this past week (late night munchies got the best of me a couple nights). But what happens when I step on the scale this morning? Down to my lowest weight in years at 34 lbs lost.

I'll take it


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
With just Sean I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but with Los also confirming that he weighed less this morning...I have no choice but to conclude that the Earth's gravitational pull has been compromised and within a matter of weeks Earth will be "Moon-like" and we'll all be floating from point A to point B...

...it's THE ONLY logical conclusion to make!!!

This morning I was my standard 171 post-workout day weight, so perhaps I'm REALLY 174 right now given my end-of-days gravity scenario above?!


Went from 190 to 180.

Though I did weigh myself in the morning. I feel a lot of it is water weight :/

Gonna see if I can hit 170 before september.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
So for some reason, it's hard for me to find studies/discussions on this so I'll ask it here in the hopes that one of you can help me out:

What's the word on Primal/Paleo (fat and protein) bulking versus traditional bulking which is mostly carbs and protein?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So for some reason, it's hard for me to find studies/discussions on this so I'll ask it here in the hopes that one of you can help me out:

What's the word on Primal/Paleo (fat and protein) bulking versus traditional bulking which is mostly carbs and protein?


I'm in the process of doing it now, but since integrating some resistance training (deadlifts, pull-ups, planks, push-ups, squats) into my life, I'm seeing results rather quickly.


With just Sean I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but with Los also confirming that he weighed less this morning...I have no choice but to conclude that the Earth's gravitational pull has been compromised and within a matter of weeks Earth will be "Moon-like" and we'll all be floating from point A to point B...

...it's THE ONLY logical conclusion to make!!!


I have been doing a lot of yardwork this week (in the hot FL sun) preparing for family (in-laws...ugh) visiting this weekend. My shirts have been DRENCHED in sweat when I get done.

OG Kush

So for some reason, it's hard for me to find studies/discussions on this so I'll ask it here in the hopes that one of you can help me out:

What's the word on Primal/Paleo (fat and protein) bulking versus traditional bulking which is mostly carbs and protein?

Can't you incorporate "paleo carbs"?
Can't you incorporate "paleo carbs"?

This is the thing I never understood about Paleo. Aren't carbs carbs? Would it be processed any differently because humans ate it in the past?

(Then again I think all diets have a bit of BS in them if you dig deep enough so meh)


This is the thing I never understood about Paleo. Aren't carbs carbs?
How much would you like to know?
Fruits are your friend.

Ray Peat has some interesting articles I'm in the middle of reading regarding diabetes.
Would it be processed any differently because humans ate it in the past?
No of course not, but grains and legumes are considered hard to digest if you follow the paleo diet.
Quick summary of the ideas behind the paleo diet.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This is the thing I never understood about Paleo. Aren't carbs carbs? Would it be processed any differently because humans ate it in the past?

(Then again I think all diets have a bit of BS in them if you dig deep enough so meh)

Regardless of the bolded, I don't think all macro nutrients are the same at all. I don't think the carbs from a candy bar are the same as the carbs from a carrot, for example.

I don't think the fats from salmon are the same as that of canola and soybean oil.

It's gross simplifications that get us into the calories in/calories out camp, and I'm pretty strongly opposed with that camp.
Thanks for the reply. I guess it makes sense. Will have to take some time and read through those links.

(Also out of Ketosis for the first time in months. The strips registering nothing....I think Diet soda is to blame since I really upped my consumption last week. Gotta try to limit myself to one bottle a week lol)


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Huzzah...morning weigh in of 169.5!

After dancing around from 170 to 171, I knew it was only a matter of time before I broke the barrier.

To celebrate, I'll be eating a shit-ton of carb-ridden food! NOT KIDDING!
It's my workout day on LeanGains...meaning CARB OVERLOAD TIME BABY RARRR

Losing weight this way is dramatically more fun! Going to get down to 160-165ish and then adjust my calorie intake to a bulking program instead of a lean-gaining program. Switching from something like a -20/0 to a 0/+20. We'll see.


I was down to 150.5 this morning, so I treated myself to a bagel. I also did this last week when I met my goal, so I think I'm going to do this as long as I meet my goal. My end goal is 140 by September 31st which should be a stretch but I'm going for it. After that I will reevaluate what I want. I will most likely bulk from there or lose more weight then bulk. I can't wait to be big and strong and not just big and mildly strong haha.


Congrats guys. Was at 180 this morning, but I suspect I'll bounce between 179-181 for the next couple weeks before hopefully hitting a low of 177 or so.

My new goal (always trying to be realistic) is 175 by the end of September. I definitely think its manageable.


Been lurking both this and the fitness thread for motivation and information and decided to finally post. Started at 135 but I've been stuck at 125 for a couple weeks now after steadily losing 2lbs a week. However, I'm not too discouraged since I feel like I'm still leaning out. Plus I'm starting to carry some squishy fat, which I always doubted. Hopefully the swoosh comes soon.

btw I'm 5'5 so don't get the wrong idea that I'm all skin and bones. :p


Been lurking both this and the fitness thread for motivation and information and decided to finally post. Started at 135 but I've been stuck at 125 for a couple weeks now after steadily losing 2lbs a week. However, I'm not too discouraged since I feel like I'm still leaning out. Plus I'm starting to carry some squishy fat, which I always doubted. Hopefully the swoosh comes soon.

btw I'm 5'5 so don't get the wrong idea that I'm all skin and bones. :p
I'm 5'6" and think I will be finished dieting where you started. You should post pictures.


Kinda regret that I didn't take any before pictures flexed but I'll probably post pictures once I'm done with this cut. My goal is to get to around 8% body fat and then go on a lean bulk. I do have to say that IF has made this diet so much more manageable.


I'm in a bad transitional state when it comes to my clothes. Everything I own is too big and looks awful but I plan on losing 10-20 lbs more.

I'm in the same boat. I'm almost looking forward to fall/winter so I can go back to hiding my ridiculous looking baggy clothes under slightly less ridiculous sweatshirts and fleeces. Going to be expensive to replace everything, but so worth it.


Huzzah...morning weigh in of 169.5!

After dancing around from 170 to 171, I knew it was only a matter of time before I broke the barrier..

I gained a half pound (according to the scale) since yesterday :shrug:

Started at 135 but I've been stuck at 125 for a couple weeks now after steadily losing 2lbs a week. However, I'm not too discouraged since I feel like I'm still leaning out. Plus I'm starting to carry some squishy fat, which I always doubted. Hopefully the swoosh comes soon.

btw I'm 5'5 so don't get the wrong idea that I'm all skin and bones. :p

You shoud start bulking now. 125 lbs @ 5'5" sounds incredibly skinny to me


You shoud start bulking now. 125 lbs @ 5'5" sounds incredibly skinny to me

Not skinny at all, even when I was at 120. I want to get rid of my love handles and stubborn belly fat before I bulk up. Which I know will be hard but I'm set on doing it. Even when I do my builk I'm only going to aim for .5lb to 1lb a week. Trying to stay lean all year long.
I don't have any real pics "before", but this is coming the closest I can get. I went from ~125 kg to ~85 kg (which is still a tad too heavy, but way better than the 125) and from size XXL to L.
From (oct, 2010)

to (jun, 2011)

to (oct, 2011)

to (now)
So I've been doing keto for ten days now and the scale isn't moving. I've even started P90X a few days ago. My carbs have been kept under 20 for the most part (a couple days between 20-30) and I've drank my water. Over the first two days, I dropped eight pounds. Obviously water weight and my weight came back up, evening out. Now I'm only down two pounds in ten days.

What's up? Any ideas?

Chris R

So I've been doing keto for ten days now and the scale isn't moving. I've even started P90X a few days ago. My carbs have been kept under 20 for the most part (a couple days between 20-30) and I've drank my water. Over the first two days, I dropped eight pounds. Obviously water weight and my weight came back up, evening out. Now I'm only down two pounds in ten days.

What's up? Any ideas?

Do you have Ketosticks to test if you are actually in Ketosis? I know my weight loss didn't really seem to "start" until the end of the second week, so I say keep at it for a little bit longer.

Also, are you feeling sick? If so you might still be experiencing the "Keto-flu" which can vary from person to person as to how long it lasts, if they get it at all.
My university and I have been fighting back and forth for a month trying to get me out of the meal plan they force on on-campus residents. Its a smaller university so it doesn't really have a lot of options and none are really low carb (plus they want 1200 a semester for only 7 meals a week for 3.5 months...robbery).

1. Called to see if I could opt out. Housing told me I would need doctors note.
2. Got doctors note had to pay for a checkup.
3. Email them note.
4. Forwarded to account specialist who it turns out can't actually remove meal plans.
5. Forwarded to appeals committee who decided that they are legally obligated to provide for me. Told them I would much rather do it myself, easier for everyone. Told too bad and forwarded me to the head of the food services.
6. Emailed food services guy back and forth explaining my situation. Told I would have to come in and look at their menu in person.
7. Made appointment for this week.

Something is telling me I am not getting out of this. I am not sure how I am even going to afford to eat after this meal plan at all because its only 1 meal a day. I fucking hate bureaucracy.
Do you have Ketosticks to test if you are actually in Ketosis? I know my weight loss didn't really seem to "start" until the end of the second week, so I say keep at it for a little bit longer.

Also, are you feeling sick? If so you might still be experiencing the "Keto-flu" which can vary from person to person as to how long it lasts, if they get it at all.

I had the keto-flu the first day/night but am okay now. I have ketosticks on the way through the mail. I feel like I'm in keto because I can smell it when I take a piss every morning (sorry, no better way of putting that).

Chris R

I had the keto-flu the first day/night but am okay now. I have ketosticks on the way through the mail. I feel like I'm in keto because I can smell it when I take a piss every morning (sorry, no better way of putting that).

I'd just keep at it for another week or so then. Are you at least feeling better? One thing I really like about being in Keto is how energetic I am all the time.

And there are other ways to measure success than just looking at a scale. Are your clothes fitting a bit looser than they were before you started?
I'd just keep at it for another week or so then. Are you at least feeling better? One thing I really like about being in Keto is how energetic I am all the time.

And there are other ways to measure success than just looking at a scale. Are your clothes fitting a bit looser than they were before you started?

I feel about the same. Clothes fit about the same. I'm definitely sticking with it, there's no question. I know it works as I've seen way too many success stories. Just trying to fix whatever the holdup is.

The only non-meat/vegetable foods I've eaten have been carb-friendly tortillas, whey protein, Quest bars, almond milk, heavy cream and ez-sweetz. And those all should be okay, so I'm kind of clueless here as to what it is. I'll keep pushing on.
I feel about the same. Clothes fit about the same. I'm definitely sticking with it, there's no question. I know it works as I've seen way too many success stories. Just trying to fix whatever the holdup is.

The only non-meat/vegetable foods I've eaten have been carb-friendly tortillas, whey protein,Quest bars, almond milk, heavy cream and ez-sweetz. And those all should be okay, so I'm kind of clueless here as to what it is. I'll keep pushing on.

If you are having problems you may want to eliminate the above.......at least for a while till you know how they effect you. Then you can add them back one by one to make sure its not one of them stall you. None of them are BAD but some are iffy.

Or it could just be your body retaining water during the transition.



Picked up a pizza for my pregnant wife. Watching her eat that now while I heat up the grill for a turkey burger, no bun, and steamed broccoli.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Picked up a pizza for my pregnant wife. Watching her eat that now while I heat up the grill for a turkey burger, no bun, and steamed broccoli.

This is why a lot of people fail.

You should make your meals appealing and something that you look forward to.

How about a real burger with cheese (still no bun) and a nice salad with nuts, cherry tomatoes, and a great olive oil vinaigrette?


This is why a lot of people fail.

You should make your meals appealing and something that you look forward to.

How about a real burger with cheese (still no bun) and a nice salad with nuts, cherry tomatoes, and a great olive oil vinaigrette?

I'm far from failing. Down 23 pounds with 5-10 more to go and counting and I have not wavered. Just lamenting the temptation. I'm hungry enough where I will enjoy the burger and broccoli. Can't really eat anything else because I'm up against my calorie limit for the day.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm far from failing. Down 23 pounds with 5-10 more to go and counting and I have not wavered. Just lamenting the temptation. I'm hungry enough where I will enjoy the burger and broccoli. Can't really eat anything else because I'm up against my calorie limit for the day.


It just doesn't sound sustainable to me. Are you going to eat like that for the rest of your life?



It just doesn't sound sustainable to me. Are you going to eat like that for the rest of your life?

No. I usually eat like you suggested but I experimented with a sweet potato chili that put me near my calorie and macro goals and didn't fill me up as much as I thought it would. This problem is local to today.

Burger was awesome btw. Put Zatarains creole mustard on it.


Hopefully my carb up/refeed goes well for me. I'm always hesitant to do them since I'm so used to eating at a deficit and low carb. Even though I know that I'll still be at a deficit for the entire week. Anyway off I go to pick up a deep dish pizza. Damn that pizza thread.
Hopefully my carb up/refeed goes well for me. I'm always hesitant to do them since I'm so used to eating at a deficit and low carb. Even though I know that I'll still be at a deficit for the entire week. Anyway off I go to pick up a deep dish pizza. Damn that pizza thread.

What's the purpose of a carb up?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I always thought that losing weight (50 pounds lighter than I was this time last year) and being in good shape would mean that I'd sweat less on hot/humid summer days, but I guess that's not the case. I sweat more than ever now; it's disgusting. I guess it's partially due to the fact that I practically speed-walk everywhere, but still.
I always thought that losing weight (50 pounds lighter than I was this time last year) and being in good shape would mean that I'd sweat less on hot/humid summer days, but I guess that's not the case. I sweat more than ever now; it's disgusting. I guess it's partially due to the fact that I practically speed-walk everywhere, but still.

Depends on where you live too. Every day in Maryland is just a humid mess now.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Hopefully my carb up/refeed goes well for me. I'm always hesitant to do them since I'm so used to eating at a deficit and low carb. Even though I know that I'll still be at a deficit for the entire week. Anyway off I go to pick up a deep dish pizza. Damn that pizza thread.

In my experience, cheat meals/carb ups, whatever you wanna call them are great. I just had mine. Spaghetti and chicken cutlet. Finished it off with some ice cream. Delicious.


What's the purpose of a carb up?

This is probably my last one for a while. Did my fist one last week and since then I started to feel squishy fat so I wanted to do another to try and lose it. It's all referring to http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat.html. At best I'll go through a whoosh and at worst, I lose 1 day where I ate at maintenance so I'm not too worried.

But they are not necessary and I wouldn't do them except for that I'm going on vacation next week. The way I'm carrying the fat now looks a lot worse than before.
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