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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Nah you'll be good. Just make up for it with some intense exercise and strict dieting.

So here's a list of last night's cheat meal.

(1) 6inch sub with 1/2lb peppered turkey + american cheese
(1) 6inch sub with 1/2lb roast beef + american cheese
(2) Donuts from Dunkin Donuts. (Chocolate frosted + Double chocolate glazed)
(1) bag of skittles
(1) medium tub of Hagen Das ice cream (Caramel Cone)
(2) huge cups of diet sunkist
(1/2) large bag of Lay classic potato chips.

edit: Actually, looking at those subs they look closer to 8-10 inches and not 6 lol


Not pictured is most of the other stuff.

It was damn good. Only up about 2-3 lbs today which is very very low compared to previous cheat meals. It was pretty expensive for all this stuff but I really want to do it next week too.


My cheat meal was half a bag of lays, 50 grams of foie and a large bowl of fruit.

I feel shortchanged hahahaha

edit: I swear that "medium" tub of haagen dasz is the largest tub they sell here. America, how does it work?


343i Lead Esports Producer

My cheat meal was half a bag of lays, 50 grams of foie and a large bowl of fruit.

I feel shortchanged hahahaha

edit: I swear that "medium" tub of haagen dasz is the largest tub they sell here. America, how does it work?

How does it work? It doesn't work. Shit is broken as fuck. Hahahaha


If keto isn't working switch it up for a couple of weeks, add some carbs post workout and have a fruit or 2 throughout the day and see how it goes for a couple of weeks.

A year ago I took a weekend and read every post in this thread, and I can tell you that this isn't true. :)

Personally at a certain point I found my progress stalling both in terms of weight loss and strength gains while doing low carb on P90X; I introduced carbs back into my diet and numbers in both areas started improving again. This week is my last week of P90X and then I'm going to start doing the "big three" (squats/deadlifts/bench pressing) and I plan on keeping a lot of carbs in on my workout days.

Thanks guys. Maybe I'll try that out. Any other carbs besides fruit and vegetables recommended?

You're doing SL5x5 + Cardio/HIIT + Ketogenic Dieting?

I'm continuing my weight loss, but I've completely switched over to lifting (Convinct Conditioning) + LeanGains dieting (carb cycling + active macro monitoring) and have been seeing slow and steady weight loss, plus increases in my lifts.

LeanGains style of eating is nice because you get to feel like you're cheating 3 times a week, you still get to lift heavy, and you still lose weight! You were doing LG at some point, weren't you?

A slightly modified SL (3x5 on my lifts) and I'm maintaining my weight, not pushing it up.

I really want to do LG, but my work schedule is so sporadic, I'm not sure I can manage. Some days I work 9am-10pm, and fit the gym in at 630am. I can't eat while at work, and only get time between clients, which isn't consistent.
Thanks guys. Maybe I'll try that out. Any other carbs besides fruit and vegetables recommended?

A slightly modified SL (3x5 on my lifts) and I'm maintaining my weight, not pushing it up.

I really want to do LG, but my work schedule is so sporadic, I'm not sure I can manage. Some days I work 9am-10pm, and fit the gym in at 630am. I can't eat while at work, and only get time between clients, which isn't consistent.


The perfect "grain".


Thanks guys. Maybe I'll try that out. Any other carbs besides fruit and vegetables recommended?
As with most things fitness, this is something you're going to hear a lot of differing opinions about. :) Up until this last week, on my carb days I would have a bagel and a cup of steel oats at dinner time. Next week my macros are changing and I'm going to be switching this up a bit per someone's recommendation and getting a portion of my carbs from eating fruit and whatever else I need for the day from rice to keep things simple for a bit, then if/when I start getting bored of rice I'll start experimenting with other stuff again. I think a lot of it also is going to depend on what else you're eating; I tried eating a sweet potato once with my nightly meal but I got full too fast and couldn't finish it.

If you poke around the LG community a bit you'll find a lot of people follow the philosophy of "If it fits your macros..." meaning you could eat cake if you wanted as long as you adjusted the rest of your macros for the day around that. As usual, your mileage may vary!


Good point, might as well post my typical day.

- always 2 eggs, 1 egg white, 2 pieces of bacon

- can of tuna or 6oz of chicken
- either broccoli or cottage cheese
- either 2oz cheese or 2 eggs

- 8oz chicken/ 2 turkey burgers/ 4 chicken sausages/ 2 salmon burgers
- broccoli or green beans
- occasionally an ounce of cheese on the meat

- whey protein and creatine
- cottage cheese and frozen blueberries


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Typical Workout Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Whole Wheat Burrito, Double Chicken, Rice, Black Beans
11AM: Protein Shake
11AM: Frozen Yogurt + Fruit
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins w/ketchup

Typical Rest Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Super Salad w/Infinite Chicken
2PM: Protein Shake
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins


Infinite = A lot

Slowly losing weight while gaining muscle. Macros at a -20/0 split on rest/workout days and carb cycling (obviously). Down to 170 from 177 after about a month.

Love it love it.

Only a program that I'd recommend if someone knows how to properly workout, though. As in compound moves, full body, proper reps/sets, etc. Trying to get my sister and her boyfriend doing this since she can't give up pasta apparently (BS, but at least she doesn't have to on this program if she WORKS).


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Yeah see, I wish I had consistent times to eat during the day.

I do love sweet potatoes. Maybe throwing one in 3x a week will help
Throw them in your post-workout meal if you can...your muscles will thank you, and it's possible you MAY not knock yourself out of ketosis by doing it that way. Have to check some sources to confirm, but I'm pretty sure I read that you can take carbs post workout without definitely killing your progress in ketosis.

Lyle McDonald: http://books.google.com/books?id=Jt...a=X&ei=oPEWUKPsHaHz0gHlooCoCQ&ved=0CFkQ6AEwAQ

Sounds like pre-workout is better than post.


Typical Workout Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Whole Wheat Burrito, Double Chicken, Rice, Black Beans
11AM: Protein Shake
11AM: Frozen Yogurt + Fruit
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins w/ketchup

Typical Rest Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Super Salad w/Infinite Chicken
2PM: Protein Shake
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins
I'm curious how much you spend on meat per day. The meal plan I was given includes a lot of chicken, which I can happily eat a ton of, but I'm probably going to be spending $10 a day or so on meat. Maybe I need to poke around for better deals!
Yeah, ever since I started eating healthier, I think I've spent about 5 times what I did before on food and since I'm eating a lot more produce, I have to make several trips to the grocery store each week.


Throw them in your post-workout meal if you can...your muscles will thank you, and it's possible you MAY not knock yourself out of ketosis by doing it that way. Have to check some sources to confirm, but I'm pretty sure I read that you can take carbs post workout without definitely killing your progress in ketosis.

Lyle McDonald: http://books.google.com/books?id=Jt...a=X&ei=oPEWUKPsHaHz0gHlooCoCQ&ved=0CFkQ6AEwAQ

Sounds like pre-workout is better than post.

Hm...I have to admit, your chicken burrito sounds really good too.

The amazing thing is, even on 1500 calories, I've felt fine at the gym. No lift has suffered and I've actually hit PRs on all my lifts since the end of May.


Yeah, ever since I started eating healthier, I think I've spent about 5 times what I did before on food and since I'm eating a lot more produce, I have to make several trips to the grocery store each week.

Sure, but if someone came up to you and said "Hey, would you spend $1000 right now to lose 30 pounds?" I think most people would jump at that opportunity.

BTW, shop around for your veggies if you can...any farmers markets in the area? You may get more produce at a discount.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I'm curious how much you spend on meat per day. The meal plan I was given includes a lot of chicken, which I can happily eat a ton of, but I'm probably going to be spending $10 a day or so on meat. Maybe I need to poke around for better deals!
Chicken Tenderloins are amazing nutrient wise and fairly cheap. You can get 2.5 pound bags from Target for anywhere between $5 - $7 which would net you like 200g of protein per bag.

I do spend a good amount on food, however. Ever since I started transitioning my diet from "shit" to "productive" I've upped my food budget. It's entirely worth it to me to spend more money on food if it means a healthier and fitter me, though.

Budget for about $15 a day, but that's mainly my lunch which comes to about $10 whether I get the burrito or the super salad.


I've also found the more I focus on fitness, the less I focus on videogames, so that saves a lot.

Or if you're like me and focus on iOS gaming instead, you save time AND money!


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I've also found the more I focus on fitness, the less I focus on videogames, so that saves a lot.

Or if you're like me and focus on iOS gaming instead, you save time AND money!
Hell yes.



I do spend a good amount on food, however. Ever since I started transitioning my diet from "shit" to "productive" I've upped my food budget. It's entirely worth it to me to spend more money on food if it means a healthier and fitter me, though.
Yeah, I'm okay with spending quite a bit to eat healthy, and am very fortunate/thankful that I have a job that allows me to do so. :) Most of my coworkers eat out every day and probably spend just as much so that makes me feel a bit better about it too, but it still feels weird to be spending so much at the grocery store!
I've also found the more I focus on fitness, the less I focus on videogames, so that saves a lot.

Or if you're like me and focus on iOS gaming instead, you save time AND money!
I love fitness but I also love MMOs. The nice thing about working out though is guilt-free gaming.
The extra expense is definitely worth it. It's just a shame that it's so easy to slip into a horribly unhealthy life style. Everything around us seems to be guiding us in that direction and it takes serious effort to avoid the traps.
I've also found the more I focus on fitness, the less I focus on videogames, so that saves a lot.

Or if you're like me and focus on iOS gaming instead, you save time AND money!

I focus on Steam sales and exercise.

So much better than a year ago when I only spent money on overpriced 360/PS3/Wii games and barely exercised.

I think I've bought a total of 50 games this year on Steam and have only spent around $250 total on video games. So nice.

Chris R

Thing is I don't really like to freeze "fresh" meats (frozen chicken and the like is fine) so last time I bought meat from Costco I had ~1lb of bacon go bad on me :(
There's nothing useful about Quinoa to me. A ton of carbs, like no protein, a little fat.

Why not just eat frozen yogurt?

Well, he was asking for other carbs, and Quinoa is pretty low in carbs compared to your regular grains (20g/100g) while at the same time having complete proteins.


I always say it, but CostCo is the way to go. Buy your meets and vegetables in bulk.
You know, I had a hard time justifying a CostCo membership before but with how much meat I eat now it might be worth it. Only thing stopping me now is that my local Safeway is way closer than CostCo. :b

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I remember how I had to force myself to eat broccoli even while being Primal - until my mother lightly fried the broccoli in coconut oil and put steak seasoning over it.



Typical Workout Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Whole Wheat Burrito, Double Chicken, Rice, Black Beans
11AM: Protein Shake
11AM: Frozen Yogurt + Fruit
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins w/ketchup

Typical Rest Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Super Salad w/Infinite Chicken
2PM: Protein Shake
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins


Infinite = A lot

Slowly losing weight while gaining muscle. Macros at a -20/0 split on rest/workout days and carb cycling (obviously). Down to 170 from 177 after about a month.

Love it love it.

Only a program that I'd recommend if someone knows how to properly workout, though. As in compound moves, full body, proper reps/sets, etc. Trying to get my sister and her boyfriend doing this since she can't give up pasta apparently (BS, but at least she doesn't have to on this program if she WORKS).

Honestly though, if she doesn't have the willpower to stop eating pasta it'll be tough for her to have the willpower to stick to a diet and routine, even if it does involve it.


Typical Workout Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Whole Wheat Burrito, Double Chicken, Rice, Black Beans
11AM: Protein Shake
11AM: Frozen Yogurt + Fruit
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins w/ketchup

Typical Rest Day

8AM: Coffee
11AM: Super Salad w/Infinite Chicken
2PM: Protein Shake
6PM: Infinite Chicken Tenderloins


Infinite = A lot

Slowly losing weight while gaining muscle. Macros at a -20/0 split on rest/workout days and carb cycling (obviously). Down to 170 from 177 after about a month.

Love it love it.

Only a program that I'd recommend if someone knows how to properly workout, though. As in compound moves, full body, proper reps/sets, etc. Trying to get my sister and her boyfriend doing this since she can't give up pasta apparently (BS, but at least she doesn't have to on this program if she WORKS).

I've always wanted to go on a similar diet, but I'm currently doing a 3 day split twice a week, so I don't exactly have many Rest days to have a High Protein/Moderate Carb/Low Fat day :p


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Honestly though, if she doesn't have the willpower to stop eating pasta it'll be tough for her to have the willpower to stick to a diet and routine, even if it does involve it.
Very likely true, but I'm hoping doing this will motivate some better habits...she hasn't been the best at dieting :/


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν


I remember how I had to force myself to eat broccoli even while being Primal - until my mother lightly fried the broccoli in coconut oil and put steak seasoning over it.


Give this man the gold medal. I just tried this and I don't think I've ever eaten broccoli this fast.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
it restricts absorption of protein right? I've heard some bad things about soy as well, please enlighten me though!
Soy information is all over the place which makes me hesitant to use it. My trusty source isn't too keen on it either, and there are more trusted and readily available sources of protein.

One of those things that I'd rather just avoid if I can.


it restricts absorption of protein right? I've heard some bad things about soy as well, please enlighten me though!

Mostly infamous due to high levels of phytoestrogens (unless highly fermented) that may or may not lead to raised estrogen levels. Papers are very conflicting, papers on effect on testosterone levels even more so. Both effects are the last thing anyone trying to lose weight would want, but it's hard to say whether it's true or not.

Amount is still probably key though, because generally people who eat soy as a substitute for something might tend to eat a lot of it. It's also a widely genetically modified crop, some people are not fine with that either.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Give this man the gold medal. I just tried this and I don't think I've ever eaten broccoli this fast.

YES! The specific steak seasoning she used is Blazin' Blends Monterey Steak Seasoning. I inhale that shit whenever she makes it.

Soy information is all over the place which makes me hesitant to use it. My trusty source isn't too keen on it either, and there are more trusted and readily available sources of protein.

One of those things that I'd rather just avoid if I can.

Soy is one of the most estrogenic foods out there and as a male, you don't want that. in addition, I've read that soy protein is the least bioavailable protein over all other forms of protein, but having it be estrogenic is reason enough for me to avoid it.

Aside from soy lecitin in dark chocolate as an ingredient, I avoid all other foods with even the slightest hint of soy on it like the plague.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
What do you want from your protein powder?

As a pure protein supplement, I can't recommend Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard. No nonsense, good taste (get Double Rich Chocolate) and good price.

This. Took me a while to find it after trying a bunch of other protein powders, but ON's 100% Natural Gold Standard is awesome. The ingredients are something like: Whey Protein, Cocoa, Stevia, Lactate, Aminogen. That's it.
What do you want from your protein powder?

As a pure protein supplement, I can't recommend Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard. No nonsense, good taste (get Double Rich Chocolate) and good price.


1. No soy

2. Tastes good just mixed with water

3. Tastes good in general

Which this one seems to fit. But price could be a big factor for re-buys.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

1. No soy

2. Tastes good just mixed with water

3. Tastes good in general

Which this one seems to fit. But price could be a big factor for re-buys.

BSN Synta 6 is probably the best for those 3.

It does taste pretty damn good, and it mixes very well (ON doesn't as much). Can't go wrong with Vanilla.

I use it for weights/p90x2. Fat loss, good for low carb but it is somewhat moderate in food reward.
So at the rate I am going, I will have lost around 20 lbs by the first of September, from 170 to 150. I've lost 6 lbs in two weeks.

After that, I plan on going to more intense muscle building. Feels so good.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
BSN Synta 6 is probably the best for those 3.

It does taste pretty damn good, and it mixes very well (ON doesn't as much). Can't go wrong with Vanilla.

I use it for weights/p90x2. Fat loss, good for low carb but it is somewhat moderate in food reward.

Not a fan of the bolded in Syntha's ingredients, but I guess I'm getting into obsessive territory:

A Sustained Release Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix Comprised of (Ultrafiltered Whey Protein Concentrate [Milk] Rich in Alpha-Lactalbumin, Microfiltered Whey Protein Isolate [Milk] Rich in Whey Isolate Peptide Fractions, Calcium Caseinate, Micellar Alpha and Beta Caseins and Caseinates [Milk], Milk Protein Isolate [Milk], and Egg Albumen [Egg], Glutamine Peptides), Richmix Sunflower Powder Consisting of (Sunflower Oil, Corn Syrup Solids, Sodium Caseinate [Milk], Mono- and Di-Glycerides, and Dipotassium Phosphate), Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder, Litesse II Polydextrose, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Nutrisperse MCT Powder Consisting of (Medium Chain Triglycerides, Non-Fat Dry Milk, Disodium Phosphate, and Silicon Dioxide), Ticalose Cellulose Gum, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Lecithin [Soy], Aminogen, and Papain.

Darkman M

On mixes perfectly fine syntha is ok, but On is a much better powder, I just tried Musclepharm banana cream after being strictly on ON for years, and it's by far the best tasting protein ive had and it mixes easily too.
A year ago I took a weekend and read every post in this thread, and I can tell you that this isn't true. :)

Personally at a certain point I found my progress stalling both in terms of weight loss and strength gains while doing low carb on P90X; I introduced carbs back into my diet and numbers in both areas started improving again. This week is my last week of P90X and then I'm going to start doing the "big three" (squats/deadlifts/bench pressing) and I plan on keeping a lot of carbs in on my workout days.
You're obviously lying because that guy with the huge post on the previous page said so. Look, it worked for him!
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