Bitmap Frogs
Mr. Community
Nah you'll be good. Just make up for it with some intense exercise and strict dieting.
So here's a list of last night's cheat meal.
(1) 6inch sub with 1/2lb peppered turkey + american cheese
(1) 6inch sub with 1/2lb roast beef + american cheese
(2) Donuts from Dunkin Donuts. (Chocolate frosted + Double chocolate glazed)
(1) bag of skittles
(1) medium tub of Hagen Das ice cream (Caramel Cone)
(2) huge cups of diet sunkist
(1/2) large bag of Lay classic potato chips.
edit: Actually, looking at those subs they look closer to 8-10 inches and not 6 lol
Not pictured is most of the other stuff.
It was damn good. Only up about 2-3 lbs today which is very very low compared to previous cheat meals. It was pretty expensive for all this stuff but I really want to do it next week too.
My cheat meal was half a bag of lays, 50 grams of foie and a large bowl of fruit.
I feel shortchanged hahahaha
edit: I swear that "medium" tub of haagen dasz is the largest tub they sell here. America, how does it work?