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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


You were my inspiration for getting a Costco membership when you posted some prices a couple of pages ago. I eat way too much meat to be shopping at a normal grocery store these days. That place is fucking bananas on weekends, though. Also wish they had leaner ground beef than what I could find!

Glad you like it! And yes avoid a all costs on weekends. I'm actually going there in about 5 minutes.

Dont forget they aren't open on ANY holiday.


What exactly are you eating? Diet bars and espressos doesn't seem like you're on a great diet, there's more to losing weight then counting calories. And 8-900 calories is crazy, you should be eating at least double that for someone your size and with that much activity.

They're 100 calorie Medifast bars, lots of protein, not too many (13g) carbs.

For dinner I usually eat fish - salmon, catfish, swordfish - either on lettuce or with spinach or asparagus on the side. Also eat 99% lean ground turkey a lot. No olive oil or other caloric oils or sauces, either. Usually made with zero cal spray butter or a mustard/Greek yogurt mix I make myself.

So what's wrong with espresso? Zero calories, didn't think it would be bad. There doesn't seem to be a definitive opinion on caffeine and weight loss one way or the other.

Very frustrated right now. Never cheating, never wavering, always staying strict, and for the last month I've lost maybe 10lbs. I could've been a lot happier and lost the same amount.


Full werewolf off the buckle
They're 100 calorie Medifast bars, lots of protein, not too many (13g) carbs.

For dinner I usually eat fish - salmon, catfish, swordfish - either on lettuce or with spinach or asparagus on the side. Also eat 99% lean ground turkey a lot. No olive oil or other caloric oils or sauces, either. Usually made with zero cal spray butter or a mustard/Greek yogurt mix I make myself.

So what's wrong with espresso? Zero calories, didn't think it would be bad. There doesn't seem to be a definitive opinion on caffeine and weight loss one way or the other.

Very frustrated right now. Never cheating, never wavering, always staying strict, and for the last month I've lost maybe 10lbs. I could've been a lot happier and lost the same amount.

It very well be that you are not eating enough and your body is afraid you are starving to death, thus forcing it to hang onto each calorie you eat in a desperate attempt to survive.

Seriously, take a month or two and try 1400-1500 calories a day. That's my humble suggestion, anyways.

As far as coffee, heck I drink a lot of it myself. Sure, I use artificial sweetener and drink it black, but make sure you are drinking plenty of regular ol' water besides.
Just posted this and finished the weight loss challenge thread.

Target: 190-195lbs
Start date: June 9th End Date Sept 9th

Height: 5' 11
Start Weight: 224 lbs
Current Weight: 192! lbs
Net weight loss: 32! lbs

Weight 224 lbs
Size 38 Waist
Shirt Size Large

Weight 192 lbs
Size 33 Waist
Shirt Size Med/Small

Time to move onto the before after weight loss thread. I'm starting my next goal of getting to 170-175 by Jan 1st

Stats! Thanks to Weightbot app



Taken at E3 Days before I started


Thought I would share here since this one is lively. I;m gearing up for my next challenge and its going to be much harder. Im going to have to push myself to get down to 170-175. Here we go.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Just posted this and finished the weight loss challenge thread.

Thought I would share here since this one is lively. I;m gearing up for my next challenge and its going to be much harder. Im going to have to push myself to get down to 170-175. Here we go.

Hey man, great work! Welcome to the thread, it's always awesome to have new stories to inspire us.

Yep, welcome aboard. I'd say there's pie but, well, you know how it is...


I didn't want to make another post after making this one, but I have a question regarding intermittent fasting.

Around here it's a well regarded fact that eating too few calories will force your body into starvation mode. So, what's different about IF that doesn't make that happen?

Like, if someone was eating 500 calories a day I would reasonably expect them, from what I've heard, to actually lose very little weight due to going into starvation mode. So how is it different if somene takes in 0 calories a day?

Well, either way, I'm starting at midnight and like it or not I'm going until when I wake up on Wednesday. Now, I'm going to read some articles at Mark's Daily Apple about fasting and then I'm gonna read some tips and advice on how to get through it so I don't puss out.

So, does anyone here have words of wisdom or tips n' tricks or whatever you want to call it? Now that I think about if you just wanna call 'em Protips I'll just imagine the little Gamepro guy and we'll all have a good laugh.


For the passed month I swear I have been hovering around 200-205lb and I can't seem to see that 199 on the scale. It would be the first time in who knows how long and it would make me happy.

I'll be the first to admit that I can really tighten up my eating. I've been eating a lot of pointless carbs recently. It's just hard to think of things to eat, and find time to make these healthy things to eat :(


For the passed month I swear I have been hovering around 200-205lb and I can't seem to see that 199 on the scale. It would be the first time in who knows how long and it would make me happy.

I'll be the first to admit that I can really tighten up my eating. I've been eating a lot of pointless carbs recently. It's just hard to think of things to eat, and find time to make these healthy things to eat :(
Cooking healthy food takes almost no time as long as you have the right tools. My normal foods are: chicken, ground beef, peppers, potatoes, rice, hearts of romaine, oranges, and strawberries (obviously some of these aren't low carb friendly, but I'm not doing keto). Of those, potatoes take the longest to cook and that's just "preheat oven and toss them in for 90 minutes". If you don't own one, I'd highly recommend picking up an electric grill. I do most of my cooking using that and minus the preheating time, stuff takes around 6 minutes to cook. You can easily take an hour one night to get some cooking done for the next few days.

I didn't want to make another post after making this one, but I have a question regarding intermittent fasting.

Around here it's a well regarded fact that eating too few calories will force your body into starvation mode. So, what's different about IF that doesn't make that happen?

Like, if someone was eating 500 calories a day I would reasonably expect them, from what I've heard, to actually lose very little weight due to going into starvation mode. So how is it different if somene takes in 0 calories a day?
You have to think of it less on a day-to-day basis and more about your weekly average. People doing heavily calorie-restricted diets tend to be repeating it every day, whereas with the method you're doing (which seems to be Eat Stop Eat: fasting for two days correct?) you eat a normal amount of calories five days of the week and nothing the other two days to sink your average.
For the passed month I swear I have been hovering around 200-205lb and I can't seem to see that 199 on the scale.

I was losing weight fast. Then I stopped for about 30 days. It went up and down between 200-207 then bam. I started going back down again. For the last week of july and most of aug I was just flatlining. Wasn't sure I would make my goal. It's super obvious where I hit that plateau in my chart.


You'll get there. Don't give up.


hey guys, first time posting here.

so after I hit a high of 266 pounds, realizing that I'm not very tall and only 18 years old I decided that I needed to do something about my weight. Not only that but my weight was greatly interfering with my self confidence and social life. I don't have many friends and I'm not that outgoing at all because of my weight.

So I've been eating a lot less lately (possibly less than 1500 calories each day) and burning about 300 calories in my daily cardio workout.

Am I doing enough? Is there anything I am forgetting? Do you have any advice for me?



Full werewolf off the buckle
I was losing weight fast. Then I stopped for about 30 days. It went up and down between 200-207 then bam. I started going back down again. For the last week of july and most of aug I was just flatlining. Wasn't sure I would make my goal. It's super obvious where I hit that plateau in my chart.


You'll get there. Don't give up.

Plateauing is one of the roughest things you can go through. I guess it happens to us all eventually. I'm just coming to grips with the fact that I may be in the middle of it.

Like you so wisely say, it's important to not give up. I've read in this thread that a lot of people need to expand their horizons to come up with a solution.

For one fellow whose name I sadly forget, it was boosting fat intake. People have had great luck with fasting, which is what I am starting here in a few minutes. I'm hoping I'll have similarly great results.

It's easy to fall into a routine when you plateau, but from what I've gathered in this thread that is precisely the time you need to kick it up a notch and experiment.

You have to think of it less on a day-to-day basis and more about your weekly average. People doing heavily calorie-restricted diets tend to be repeating it every day, whereas with the method you're doing (which seems to be Eat Stop Eat: fasting for two days correct?) you eat a normal amount of calories five days of the week and nothing the other two days to sink your average.

The weekly average is a great point. Let me ask you, I've grown quite accustomed to restricting my calories daily, do I NEED to go back up to 2,500 calories daily for fasting to work? I don't know how comfortable I'd be with that :/

I mean, I'm active. I jog every chance I get and most of the week I power walk 5 miles to work and back, and I have a physical job, but I'm not one of these dudes hoisting 400lbs for 4 hours a day at the gym. I'd really like to stick to 1,500 cal a day and fast a day or two a week unless people who know better think that would kick me into starvation mode. I take daily supplements if that helps.
What site is that to graph?

I used an app called weightbot. It's pretty awesome, the same guys also make tweetbot.

The graph doesn't save like that, I stitched it together from a couple screenshots to see my whole progression, you can fit about a whole month in one screen then scroll to view on the phone. It would be an awesome feature to let you save it as an entire image.
I have been lurking this thread for well over a year now, soaking in all the tips and tricks etc but It's about time I finally posted in it. First off huge thanks to everyone who posts here giving others inspiration, the aforementioned tips and just generally helping people push forward. I know it has helped me and I am sure there are countless others who have been in the same position.

I come today seeking more tailored advice because I have run up against a wall for the past 2 months or so. A quick rundown of the past year.

- Started at 209lbs
- Took up cycling a six mile route three times a week and gradually just knocking my time down (Started at 33.06 and finished at 22.14)
- Began to supplement that with gym visits on the off days. It doesn't really offer much so I would just do a tour of the weight machines.
- Winter came and I kept the gym visits but then added in stationary bike starting at 6miles but building it up to 12 by the start of spring.
- I was probably down to about 190lbs or so at this point. My eating habits hadn't changed radically but I just cut out a lot of the excess food and tightened up my carb intake.
- In April I finally decided to take the jump and go through a course of Insanity. Damn, I really didn't expect to kick my ass so much!
- 60 Days later and I was 10lbs lighter. I had a stricter diet for breakfast and lunch but would have whatever I fancied in the evening.
- That took me to July where I picked up a road bike and started cycling larger routes (16miles or so), cycling to work and getting back on to the gym 3 times a week. This is near enough my weekly routine as it stands until recently anyway.

I currently sit around 180lbs, I dip into the high 170's now and again but haven't managed to carry that momentum and get down further. This past 2 weeks I have started a Insanity again and also supplemented that with visits to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I cycle to work still and also began to cycle with a group on Sundays for around 50miles. My arms and legs are getting to where I want them to be, I am upping weights at the gym consistently and my endurance is stepping up big time with all the cardio I do. The problem?

I still have a squishy torso and I am fed up of it! It's not an overhang but there is plenty to grab if you try and any excessive movement is an issue. I want to focus on cutting the down over the next 2 months, I am not looking for crazy abs by any stretch but some firmness would be great! I think that the place I have to focus on is the kitchen. Breakfast is a cup of greek yoghurt and honey, I have two slices of toast with peanut butter on during the days I do Gym+Insanity. Lunch is the same everyday, salad with either chicken, tuna, salmon, turkey or eggs. Dinner is still up in the air. I have taken the approach that I don't want a quick fix, I want to change my lifestyle so haven't cut out crazy meals sometimes (i.e last night I had a chicken pizza and a chocolate waffle for desert) because I want to enjoy myself too.

So please help me out here guys. I imagine I need to get down to the 165lbs range before I see the results I want and if the biggest gains are to made in the kitchen how do I go about changing my diet whilst eating enough to sustain my level of activity? Are there particular exercises I should be looking to do?

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
I have been lurking this thread for well over a year now, soaking in all the tips and tricks etc but It's about time I finally posted in it. First off huge thanks to everyone who posts here giving others inspiration, the aforementioned tips and just generally helping people push forward. I know it has helped me and I am sure there are countless others who have been in the same position.

I come today seeking more tailored advice because I have run up against a wall for the past 2 months or so. A quick rundown of the past year.

- Started at 209lbs
- Took up cycling a six mile route three times a week and gradually just knocking my time down (Started at 33.06 and finished at 22.14)
- Began to supplement that with gym visits on the off days. It doesn't really offer much so I would just do a tour of the weight machines.
- Winter came and I kept the gym visits but then added in stationary bike starting at 6miles but building it up to 12 by the start of spring.
- I was probably down to about 190lbs or so at this point. My eating habits hadn't changed radically but I just cut out a lot of the excess food and tightened up my carb intake.
- In April I finally decided to take the jump and go through a course of Insanity. Damn, I really didn't expect to kick my ass so much!
- 60 Days later and I was 10lbs lighter. I had a stricter diet for breakfast and lunch but would have whatever I fancied in the evening.
- That took me to July where I picked up a road bike and started cycling larger routes (16miles or so), cycling to work and getting back on to the gym 3 times a week. This is near enough my weekly routine as it stands until recently anyway.

I currently sit around 180lbs, I dip into the high 170's now and again but haven't managed to carry that momentum and get down further. This past 2 weeks I have started a Insanity again and also supplemented that with visits to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I cycle to work still and also began to cycle with a group on Sundays for around 50miles. My arms and legs are getting to where I want them to be, I am upping weights at the gym consistently and my endurance is stepping up big time with all the cardio I do. The problem?

I still have a squishy torso and I am fed up of it! It's not an overhang but there is plenty to grab if you try and any excessive movement is an issue. I want to focus on cutting the down over the next 2 months, I am not looking for crazy abs by any stretch but some firmness would be great! I think that the place I have to focus on is the kitchen. Breakfast is a cup of greek yoghurt and honey, I have two slices of toast with peanut butter on during the days I do Gym+Insanity. Lunch is the same everyday, salad with either chicken, tuna, salmon, turkey or eggs. Dinner is still up in the air. I have taken the approach that I don't want a quick fix, I want to change my lifestyle so haven't cut out crazy meals sometimes (i.e last night I had a chicken pizza and a chocolate waffle for desert) because I want to enjoy myself too.

So please help me out here guys. I imagine I need to get down to the 165lbs range before I see the results I want and if the biggest gains are to made in the kitchen how do I go about changing my diet whilst eating enough to sustain my level of activity? Are there particular exercises I should be looking to do?

I would suggest Leangains/Intermittent fasting. I've been doing it for the last couple of months and it has helped. It takes a little getting used to at first but your body quickly adapts.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, on the intermittent fasting subject I'm almost halfway through the first day and am having a pretty easy go of it. Almost made some breakfast this morning but caught myself in time.

I've read that attitude is everything in IF, to not treat it like a burden or struggle but rather as just another challenge to meet. I'm keeping positive and thinking about how great I'll feel when I beat this tomorrow morning and how shitty I'll feel if I fail.

Interestingly enough I've read a lot of concerned articles regarding young girls falling under the sway of "pro-anna" sites. Basically they find a place online and provide emotional an logistical support for one another and provide "thinspiration" to the others.

When I've read these articles previously it struck me as rather chilling, these young girls almost worshipping anorexia and treating it as an actual entity rather than a disease or concept. Would make a tremendous short story or film.

To further my point though, it's got me wondering what exactly the real differences are between the awful things these girls are doing that causes such shock and awe among disapproving adults and what the consenting adults on GAF who have, presumably, done their research are.

Is it severity? Are those girls going for extended lengths of time to an unhealthy level? Is it just that people are particularly sensitive to young girls and their penchant for body image problems? Is it that they are legal minors and doing it from a place of insecurity rather than a legitimate and scientifically accepted weight-loss path?

I found it funny that when I read about teenage girls doing it I found it cultish and disturbing, but find a similar concept completely innocuous here on GAF. Would it be wrong of GAF to suggest someone try IF if we then found out they were 16?

I'm not knocking IF. If done safely and correctly the science bares it out as a safe and healthful activity. Heck, I'm attempting it myself. I'm just interested to see if this thought perhaps occurred to anyone else and perhaps turned them off of trying it or inspired some thought in them.
I've been to the gym 6 times in the last 3 weeks (30 mins of weights) and gone for a 25 min jog 9 times yet put on about 4kg?!

How long should I stick with the weights before I start to lose weight instead of put it on?


I've been to the gym 6 times in the last 3 weeks (30 mins of weights) and gone for a 25 min jog 9 times yet put on about 4kg?!

How long should I stick with the weights before I start to lose weight instead of put it on?
If you are putting on weight there's a good chance it has to do with what you're putting in your mouth.
If you are putting on weight there's a good chance it has to do with what you're putting in your mouth.

I assume some is muscle? Before I started the weights and was just running twice a week, I lost about 4 kg in 4mths, on the same diet.

I'm thinking I am a bit of a mesomorph or endomorph


I assume some is muscle? Before I started the weights and was just running twice a week, I lost about 4 kg in 4mths, on the same diet.

I'm thinking I am a bit of a mesomorph or endomorph

Or, as you're losing weight your maintenance is changing. You need to adjust accordingly.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, in a little bit it will have been my first day of intermittent fasting. It wasn't an unpleasant experience. I drank the recommended amount and was never hungry. Got lots of exercise in and didn't feel any worse for wear.

I'm definitely going to keep this going for awhile and see if it leads to positive results. I haven't done it enough to reccomend it yet, but I can say so far it isn't as hard as I thought it might be.

I've also made a resolution to not step on the scale again until Halloween. I'm gonna really bring my game to a whole new level and with the right diet and some fasting thrown in the scale will have no choice but obey my mighty command!

Cleeean livin', babies!
You know what I love about low carb. I can go a week and feel like I did a horrible job and sit there dreading the scale. Then....every time.... I step on the scale and have lost 2-5 lbs that week even with my mistakes. Feels so good. At this point I am enough into the system that I think I would have to put effort into it if I want to NOT lose weight.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Current weight: 64.5 Kg. (142 pounds)
Goal: 57 Kg. or so (125 pounds)
When: end of december should be realistic. About 4 months for +/- 7 Kg or 17 pounds.

How: cut beer, pasta, pizza and bread out of diet. I'm switching to a vegetables, meat and fruit only breakfast and lunch (worked wonders before). For dinner sometimes some potatoes or rice but usually also only vegetables with meat, fish, chicken or eggs.

Last time I did this diet I lost 8 kilos in 3 months but since I was working 60 hours a week I didn't do much exercising. Now I'm only working around 40 so I've been running again (about 5K-7.5K per run, 3 times a week). I want to add something to this like a regular hour of swimming or something and picking up doing push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups regularly again. Curious to see what'll happen when I combine a stricter diet with more exercise as compared to last time. Back when I was at 57 Kg. I definitely had more definition and a smaller face, but the beer gut wasn't exactly gone yet. I just don't think it would be healthy to go under 56-57 Kg for me (1m 68 cm; normal build). A friend of mine is exactly my length but has a very visible slender look compared to me and is 55 kg.


You know what I love about low carb. I can go a week and feel like I did a horrible job and sit there dreading the scale. Then....every time.... I step on the scale and have lost 2-5 lbs that week even with my mistakes. Feels so good. At this point I am enough into the system that I think I would have to put effort into it if I want to NOT lose weight.
It's the 80/20 rule, stick to the diet 80% of the time and you should be doing enough to lose weight. Some people are naturally more sensitive and need to be more strict.

I have two fitness freak friends who are going to help me lose weight. So you'll see me back.

Currently 5"11 214lbs
That sounds close to how I started, 5'10", about 210lbs. I started June 1st of last year and got down to about 155 in December, mostly through diet and some cardio on the side. I went through many different kinda of diets and finally settled on a Paleo style diet, (Primal Blueprint) Good luck!


So I got a job at Whole Foods today, employee discount is 20%, now I'll be able to add a few more things to my diet. I picked up Macadamia Nut oil while I was there, can't wait to try it!

OG Kush

I've got some tilapia fried in olive oil, should be alright, right? Because its fried in olive oil? No bread crumbs or anything, just tilapia with some seasoning fried in olive oil.


OO is not great for cooking, it has a very low smoke point, so unless you're cooking on very low heat I would use other oils for cooking.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well this whole not weighing myself till Halloween thing hasn't gone as well as I'd thought. It's been very difficult, some Tell-tale heart shit going on over here.

I did take a peek, just one, earlier and the news was positive. I just need to be strong and try not to "peek" again soon.
Henry you're a really good looking guy, you kinda look like Tim Tebow. I'm not gay, just a random compliment. I try to keep tabs on the thread and get some motivation from the progress pics.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Day 2 of IF and it's easier than I thought, heres hoping I get some solid results over the coming weeks. Thank you for the suggestion.

Hey there! I'm doing my second day tomorrow and am actually kinda looking forward to it. It means a day off from having to watch ingredients :p

I agree that, so far, it's easier than I thought it would be. Let me ask, though, do you restrict calories on non-fast days?

I'm doing 1,500 cal a day and fasting 2x a week and am wondering if that's a super bad idea that will put me in starvation mode. I take supplements every day so my nutritional needs are met either way, for the most part, but I'm a fairly active dude and don't wanna go into starvation mode and ruin everything.
Hey there! I'm doing my second day tomorrow and am actually kinda looking forward to it. It means a day off from having to watch ingredients :p

I agree that, so far, it's easier than I thought it would be. Let me ask, though, do you restrict calories on non-fast days?

I'm doing 1,500 cal a day and fasting 2x a week and am wondering if that's a super bad idea that will put me in starvation mode. I take supplements every day so my nutritional needs are met either way, for the most part, but I'm a fairly active dude and don't wanna go into starvation mode and ruin everything.

I haven't been counting calories at all. My meals so far have been: Breakfast/Lunch - Cup of Greek yoghurt, two slices of toast. Dinner - Chicken salad. As today was an exercise day I added an extra slice of toast and a banana to breakfast and then doubled down on the protein in the evening.

This is by no means a solid plan, I haven't done enough reading to make any drastic changes to my previous diet so I may be doing something incredibly wrong.


Hey there! I'm doing my second day tomorrow and am actually kinda looking forward to it. It means a day off from having to watch ingredients :p

I agree that, so far, it's easier than I thought it would be. Let me ask, though, do you restrict calories on non-fast days?

I'm doing 1,500 cal a day and fasting 2x a week and am wondering if that's a super bad idea that will put me in starvation mode. I take supplements every day so my nutritional needs are met either way, for the most part, but I'm a fairly active dude and don't wanna go into starvation mode and ruin everything.
1500 calories a day seems pretty low. If you look at week, you're basically averaging ~1100 calories a day, and then your physical activity on top of that. I guess continue with it to see what your body does.

OG Kush

Hey there! I'm doing my second day tomorrow and am actually kinda looking forward to it. It means a day off from having to watch ingredients :p

I agree that, so far, it's easier than I thought it would be. Let me ask, though, do you restrict calories on non-fast days?

I'm doing 1,500 cal a day and fasting 2x a week and am wondering if that's a super bad idea that will put me in starvation mode. I take supplements every day so my nutritional needs are met either way, for the most part, but I'm a fairly active dude and don't wanna go into starvation mode and ruin everything.

how long are your fasts and do you take supplements while fasting?


quick update : bought my first 32/32 jeans ever ^^. In January that was a 42/34 pantsize.

Still hovering around 165 and 175 lbs. But put on more mass at upper body and got my legs leaner. thank god for that. always had very fat thighs


Ok so I started on the 29th of June.

Start Weight: Approx 127kgs

Current Weight: 114kgs.

Difference: Approx 12-13kgs.

Will post pictures soon.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Great work guys! Can't wait to see some pics! Also, there isn't anything greater than fitting into old clothes.

When I get down to 250 I'll have dropped 100lbs, at that point hopefully I'll feel confident enough to post some pics. I just didn't want to do it until I had progress worth showing.
Great work guys! Can't wait to see some pics! Also, there isn't anything greater than fitting into old clothes.

When I get down to 250 I'll have dropped 100lbs, at that point hopefully I'll feel confident enough to post some pics. I just didn't want to do it until I had progress worth showing.

The one bad part about fitting into old clothes for me was realizing that I had a horrible fashion sense back then. Good luck on the weight loss!


I practically do not ingest sugar. I've been hitting the gym. :/

Are you taking anything that may cause a large insulin response? Why do you want to supress hunger any way? If you think there's a problem see your doctor because there are drugs you can take which artificially supress hunger but I'm sure they'd recommend other options first.


New pics time as I have lost 120 pounds, first are pics of me at 364 pounds 2 years ago for comparison (with gaffer manutd4ever)




This is me 3 weeks ago



Happy to be still making progress, its understandably so but ill keep at it. It makes me feel so good.
Epic win, my friend. So inspiring.

I've lost about 7 lbs since I began intermittent fasting this month. I don't see too much change on the physique front, but it looks like I'll be hitting my goal of getting down to 220 lbs by the end of September. I have never been under that weight in my adult life. :)
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