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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Yeah I can order again. Its quite a wait though....at least 15-20 minutes or so and you can only order one at a time.

So thats probably what I will do. Its just super incontinent :(

Don't think that's what you meant to say.

And if you can get out, I would. Seems like a huge hassle for little positive result. You're better off cooking at home and bringing it.
Don't think that's what you meant to say.

And if you can get out, I would. Seems like a huge hassle for little positive result. You're better off cooking at home and bringing it.

Rofl yeah. Spellcheck crutching and sometimes I don't pay attention lol.

We will see what happens.


This thread inspired me to go for a walk.

You know, I have to be honest, I've got some major stretch marks going on. I think I'm going to have to live with them for the rest of my life if I lose the weight. :(
This thread inspired me to go for a walk.

You know, I have to be honest, I've got some major stretch marks going on. I think I'm going to have to live with them for the rest of my life if I lose the weight. :(

Yeah I am in the same situation. Have them all over my stomach and around my underarms onto my chest and arms. Depressing.....but they really are not as noticeable once you lose weight.

Don't let them discourage you.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Alright, alright, alright. Back from my few week hiatus and a week long trip to Seattle for PAX. Needless to say I did not eat overly well there. On the upside we walked a TON every day, so that helped. In the end I'm still back up to 205 though.

Starting a P90X hybrid routine next Monday, but need to get my eating back. My worry is that I;m eating too few calories, but am not sure what to add to my work-day meals to get a bit more. I use almonds and cheese sticks as snacks, and have low carb wraps for lunches. Breakfast is yogurt. Hmm.

Also the weekends are killing me. I want something better (meaning worse for me) on weekends and not the same chicken breast or meat I've been eating all week. Lately I've been doing turkey dogs or low fat hot dogs (the 98% lean Hebrew dogs are amazing) in a low carb wrap or bun with random toppings. 3 per meal comes out to like 5-600 calories and is not bad for me at all, and hits my craving for "bad" food.

I just need to find some variation in that. One thing I already miss about Seattle is seafood. If we had that abundance here in Iowa my meal decisions would be very easy.


Full werewolf off the buckle
This thread inspired me to go for a walk.

You know, I have to be honest, I've got some major stretch marks going on. I think I'm going to have to live with them for the rest of my life if I lose the weight. :(
I hear ya' bro. I have them literaly all over. Even creeping onto my inner forearms. Thank god that, at least there, they are very faint.

But, shit guys. We can all come up with a million excuses why there's no point to ask this or why we shouldn't bother.

I know it's tough to stay motivated but think of it like you could either be that dude who lost a ton of weight and now has to deal with stretch marks or be the dude who is still a fatass and has that AND stretch marks

Aren't there creams and ointments that are supposed to work ok?

OG Kush

I hear ya' bro. I have them literaly all over. Even creeping onto my inner forearms. Thank god that, at least there, they are very faint.

But, shit guys. We can all come up with a million excuses why there's no point to ask this or why we shouldn't bother.

I know it's tough to stay motivated but think of it like you could either be that dude who lost a ton of weight and now has to deal with stretch marks or be the dude who is still a fatass and has that AND stretch marks

Aren't there creams and ointments that are supposed to work ok?

As far as I know, creams and ointments can help prevent them from coming, but oonce you've alrady got the them then there's much you can do apart from let time do its thing, or go for laser skin type stuff.


Alright, alright, alright. Back from my few week hiatus and a week long trip to Seattle for PAX. Needless to say I did not eat overly well there. On the upside we walked a TON every day, so that helped. In the end I'm still back up to 205 though.

Starting a P90X hybrid routine next Monday, but need to get my eating back. My worry is that I;m eating too few calories, but am not sure what to add to my work-day meals to get a bit more. I use almonds and cheese sticks as snacks, and have low carb wraps for lunches. Breakfast is yogurt. Hmm.

Also the weekends are killing me. I want something better (meaning worse for me) on weekends and not the same chicken breast or meat I've been eating all week. Lately I've been doing turkey dogs or low fat hot dogs (the 98% lean Hebrew dogs are amazing) in a low carb wrap or bun with random toppings. 3 per meal comes out to like 5-600 calories and is not bad for me at all, and hits my craving for "bad" food.

I just need to find some variation in that. One thing I already miss about Seattle is seafood. If we had that abundance here in Iowa my meal decisions would be very easy.

Eggs? Sausage? Steak? Turkey burgers? More vegetables? Tuna?


Back to watching what I eat... today I had:

2 Eggs
1/2 Cup of Almonds

2 String Cheese
Tuna with Lettuce and a little ranch dressing
Handful of Almonds

Thinking dinner will be chicken and some salad and broccoli. Maybe a protein shake too.

How did I do today?


Back to watching what I eat... today I had:

2 Eggs
1/2 Cup of Almonds

2 String Cheese
Tuna with Lettuce and a little ranch dressing
Handful of Almonds

Thinking dinner will be chicken and some salad and broccoli. Maybe a protein shake too.

How did I do today?

Seems like only 1300 or so calories. Don't you lift heavy?


I've been too lazy to lift for like 3 weeks... I only do pushups, pullups, chins, and BJJ now... and that does sound low. Were you including 1/2 pound of chicken breast and some 1/2 cup of broccoli?

I really want to lift, I just have 0 motivation lately. I've been happier just shedding the weight and seeing some actual definition for the first time in my life.


I've been too lazy to lift for like 3 weeks... I only do pushups, pullups, chins, and BJJ now... and that does sound low. Were you including 1/2 pound of chicken breast and some 1/2 cup of broccoli?

I really want to lift, I just have 0 motivation lately. I've been happier just shedding the weight and seeing some actual definition for the first time in my life.

I was just making some estimates

Oatmeal- 200
2 Eggs - 140
1/2 Cup of Almonds - 140

2 String Cheese - 160
Tuna with Lettuce and a little ranch dressing 180-200
Handful of Almonds 100

Thinking dinner will be chicken and some salad and broccoli. Maybe a protein shake too. 200 (but now that I know it's half pound, more) and whey is like 120

Sounds like its working for you though.
I've got three work conferences in three weeks - the first of which I'm currently attending.

The hotel I'm currently in has a decent gym, but I'm not as optimistic about the rest. Plus, the schedule is screwy as shit.

This thread inspired me to go for a walk.

You know, I have to be honest, I've got some major stretch marks going on. I think I'm going to have to live with them for the rest of my life if I lose the weight. :(
I have a ton, too. Used to look like a tiger; but I've noticed that now mine are all whitish-pink.


I have a ton, too. Used to look like a tiger; but I've noticed that now mine are all whitish-pink.
That's what happens. I got hundreds, far more than I can count. They do turn whitish-grey/pink and become harder to see (mostly for us lighter folks) but yeah, they'll still be around.

Don't sweat it. They're pretty common, and while we may have more than most, it's not that big a deal. It doesn't stop you from losing weight or having a nice body or having somebody admire that body immensely. They also don't show up exclusively on fat people, either.
Alright, alright, alright. Back from my few week hiatus and a week long trip to Seattle for PAX. Needless to say I did not eat overly well there. On the upside we walked a TON every day, so that helped. In the end I'm still back up to 205 though.

Starting a P90X hybrid routine next Monday, but need to get my eating back. My worry is that I;m eating too few calories, but am not sure what to add to my work-day meals to get a bit more. I use almonds and cheese sticks as snacks, and have low carb wraps for lunches. Breakfast is yogurt. Hmm.

Also the weekends are killing me. I want something better (meaning worse for me) on weekends and not the same chicken breast or meat I've been eating all week. Lately I've been doing turkey dogs or low fat hot dogs (the 98% lean Hebrew dogs are amazing) in a low carb wrap or bun with random toppings. 3 per meal comes out to like 5-600 calories and is not bad for me at all, and hits my craving for "bad" food.

I just need to find some variation in that. One thing I already miss about Seattle is seafood. If we had that abundance here in Iowa my meal decisions would be very easy.

And football season is back too... I think I put on five pounds last weekend at Ames tailgate.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Ugh, I'm so fucking disgusted. I was going to my ex's to watch my kids overnight while she had to work because her girlfriend had to work late as well.

No biggie, it's only overnight so no need for me to pack anything healthy to eat, right? So flash forward when it's supposed to be time for my ex to come home and she supposedly "lost her keys" at her girlfriend's house and plus she has to work again that night so can I just stay with the girls an extra day?

Now, understand Gaf. I love my kids and never turn down a chance to spend time with them. Anywho, the whole time I was there I had to eat THEIR food, which is all junk and crap. FFS, I don't even want to think about it :(

So I step on the scale today and I've gone from 268.7 to 271.4, and that's AFTER I just power-walked 5 miles home from work. Well, as has been noted in this thread you need to expect crap like this when you get on the scale fairly frequently. Just sort of disappointing.

It's hard to know how much food to pack, if to pack any at all, when she isn't accurate in telling me how long I'll need to be there.

Ugh...Gonna try to work it off here in a few hours after a nap.
So what's everybody's thoughts on 4-Hour Body: The Slow-Carb Diet?

It's pretty similar to what I've been doing now only a lot more strict when it comes to carb intake. I might give it a shot whilst including leangains in the mix.

Reading now. From what I have gotten through thus far sounds like sensationalist bullshit.

"It is possible to lose 20 pounds of body fat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or a drug/supplement regimen. "

So I can drop 20 lbs in 30 days by doing drugs? Sign me up!

"The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat-loss, eat the same few meals over and over again"

Rofl. Yeah no.

I mean it has elements that are true....but they are things that almost all low carb/low glycemic diets already agree on. Everything else is pretty ridiculous.


Reading now. From what I have gotten through thus far sounds like sensationalist bullshit.

"It is possible to lose 20 pounds of body fat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or a drug/supplement regimen. "

So I can drop 20 lbs in 30 days by doing drugs? Sign me up!

"The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat-loss, eat the same few meals over and over again"

Rofl. Yeah no.

I mean it has elements that are true....but they are things that almost all low carb/low glycemic diets already agree on. Everything else is pretty ridiculous.

Crackheads are pretty skinny.
feels good to come back into work and lots of people telling me I lost weight :) gonna keep it up..

Yeah its an amazing feeling. Though sometimes it can b frustrating when people don't notice.

On a side note. Been studying for the CAAP test for the last week and took it today (5 hours of my life I will never get back). The stress diet does wonders...... haven't felt hungry for days lol.
Okay, time for me to share some pictures in this thread.

This is me in march at my biggest at around 116 Kg.


This is me now down to 86 Kg. I want to lose another 6 Kg and then i'm fine.

I'd agree with that, actually. Takes out the food-reward factor. You eat a lot less when you're eating boring food.

Yeah except I would rather be fat lol.

No reason you can't diet and enjoy your food.

Also semi off topic:

So I am going in for a job interview next week and shopping online for a new shirt/tie/pants for it. The problem is that I have lot a TON of weight (70 lbs) since I last bought any dress shirts so the sizes I had before are probably wrong.

If I need to order a smaller dress shirt would I just decrease my neck size measurement? I have no clue.
Since the beginning of June I've been doing Intermittent Fasting. I've gone from 205lbs to 180lbs with no exercise. Obviously I'm in no better cardiovascular or muscular shape, but carrying 25 less lbs sure feels a lot better. As a homebrewer, cutting out beer was the biggest sacrifice for me. Original goal was 175, but may move that down if I make that in the next 2-3 weeks
These past two days I haven't been able to maintain my fast, which has been annoying. Then again, I'd rather break my fast and at least hit maintenance caloric intake than fuck my body over by only getting one meal.

Been getting a lot of compliments on my weight and physique lately.
I just recently completed the first month of my 3 month cut. I've made very good progress in just a little over a month. My weight isn't as low as it has been in the past, but I feel like this its the best looking version of me in my life so far. My veins are getting more visible and I'm seeing definition in areas that I've never seen before. Granted I wasn't that big when I began(5'7 169). But I'm really starting to believe I will have a very satisfying result at the end of my 90 days and I'm pretty excited about it. I just want to fast forward time now to see how it turns out, but we all have to be patient so I have to keep it up and take it one day at a time.

I'm having this itch to buy new clothes and stuff to but I want to hold off until I'm closer to my goal or finish it. But anyways, that's my update. When I'm done I'll be sure to post up pics. Good luck to everybody else.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Okay, time for me to share some pictures in this thread.

This is me in march at my biggest at around 116 Kg.


This is me now down to 86 Kg. I want to lose another 6 Kg and then i'm fine.


Awesome! Great work!

I've had some excellent success today. I've managed to hit one of my major milestones by buying a pair of size 32 jeans! Not only that I picked up a couple of size S collared shirts to go with it. From a 38 to a 32 and from an XL to a S. I'm pretty darned pleased. I haven't been this thin in a decade or more. I'd love to get to a size 30. That's my ultimate goal.
Okay, time for me to share some pictures in this thread.

This is me in march at my biggest at around 116 Kg.


This is me now down to 86 Kg. I want to lose another 6 Kg and then i'm fine.


Awesome, congrats! You lost so many kilos in such a short amount of time, its inspiring. What did you do?
Thanks, guys!

I did it with a combination of low carb/cutting back on soda/sweets and lots of cardio. I live near a running track and i'm there almost everyday running an hour. I might start weight lifting soon, but i'm not sure yet.

All of you who are still in the process of losing weight, should keep up the work. It's so worth it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
And football season is back too... I think I put on five pounds last weekend at Ames tailgate.

That will happen. I love me some tailgate food and beer.

Eggs? Sausage? Steak? Turkey burgers? More vegetables? Tuna?

I do eggs/sausage/bacon from time to time, I could do that more I guess. Steak may work, but it falls into that meat+veggies thing I do every night for dinner.

I think maybe I just need to find some recipes and cook some stuff up.


I wish I knew what the fuck went wrong with my diet the past week. Still 1000-1500 cals a day. Still a mix of cardio (aerobics, bike) and weights. No cheating, no alcohol (wahhh!), no nothing. And I feel like I gained a couple lbs. in the past week.

Maybe it's too few calories, I'm 280 and a day or two the past week I probably only had 800 or 900 cals. Or maybe it's my espresso addiction. Zero calories, but it gives me serious indigestion, I think it makes me bloated. For instance, I've only had two 100 calorie diet bars since 8am today (currently noon EDT), but I've had an espresso, and I feel bloated and burpy and heavy and not at all hungry.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I wish I knew what the fuck went wrong with my diet the past week. Still 1000-1500 cals a day. Still a mix of cardio (aerobics, bike) and weights. No cheating, no alcohol (wahhh!), no nothing. And I feel like I gained a couple lbs. in the past week.

Maybe it's too few calories, I'm 280 and a day or two the past week I probably only had 800 or 900 cals. Or maybe it's my espresso addiction. Zero calories, but it gives me serious indigestion, I think it makes me bloated. For instance, I've only had two 100 calorie diet bars since 8am today (currently noon EDT), but I've had an espresso, and I feel bloated and burpy and heavy and not at all hungry.

Could just be water. Weigh yourself at the same time the next few days and see how it changes.

I somehow managed to only gain a few pounds from my PAX trip, was up to 205.5 and I'm down to 203.5 after only one work out last week. Water makes you jump all over the place.


This is why I recommend downloading the app "body shot". It's definitely on iOS, not sure about android. It can help when the scale doesn't move.


I wish I knew what the fuck went wrong with my diet the past week. Still 1000-1500 cals a day. Still a mix of cardio (aerobics, bike) and weights. No cheating, no alcohol (wahhh!), no nothing. And I feel like I gained a couple lbs. in the past week.

Maybe it's too few calories, I'm 280 and a day or two the past week I probably only had 800 or 900 cals. Or maybe it's my espresso addiction. Zero calories, but it gives me serious indigestion, I think it makes me bloated. For instance, I've only had two 100 calorie diet bars since 8am today (currently noon EDT), but I've had an espresso, and I feel bloated and burpy and heavy and not at all hungry.
If you are doing cardio plus operating at a big deficit it is indeed possible that you're getting too few calories. Also curious what's in the diet bars you're eating.
Thanks, guys!

I did it with a combination of low carb/cutting back on soda/sweets and lots of cardio. I live near a running track and i'm there almost everyday running an hour. I might start weight lifting soon, but i'm not sure yet.

All of you who are still in the process of losing weight, should keep up the work. It's so worth it.

Congrats on your successful weight loss. As for weight lifting, I'd definitely recommend it. What's better than looking good in clothes? Looking good with your shirt off at the beach or wherever it's appropriate. That's the goal I've set for myself. I just finished up my 4th week of a 12 week cut. My abs are showing somewhat and I'm seeing definition in areas of my body that I've never seen before. It feels good man. I think you would feel the same way if you go for it.


I wish I knew what the fuck went wrong with my diet the past week. Still 1000-1500 cals a day. Still a mix of cardio (aerobics, bike) and weights. No cheating, no alcohol (wahhh!), no nothing. And I feel like I gained a couple lbs. in the past week.

Maybe it's too few calories, I'm 280 and a day or two the past week I probably only had 800 or 900 cals. Or maybe it's my espresso addiction. Zero calories, but it gives me serious indigestion, I think it makes me bloated. For instance, I've only had two 100 calorie diet bars since 8am today (currently noon EDT), but I've had an espresso, and I feel bloated and burpy and heavy and not at all hungry.

What exactly are you eating? Diet bars and espressos doesn't seem like you're on a great diet, there's more to losing weight then counting calories. And 8-900 calories is crazy, you should be eating at least double that for someone your size and with that much activity.


found these today, TJ's gets more awesome every time I go there, $2.50 a bag.


I ot 3 bags, all 3 had 7 eggs instead of 6 too :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
What exactly are you eating? Diet bars and espressos doesn't seem like you're on a great diet, there's more to losing weight then counting calories. And 8-900 calories is crazy, you should be eating at least double that for someone your size and with that much activity.


found these today, TJ's gets more awesome every time I go there, $2.50 a bag.


I ot 3 bags, all 3 had 7 eggs instead of 6 too :)
Oh damn I'd eat me some of that :/ I went to the store today but bought peanuts for protein instead 'cause I had to walk home.

I'm really kicking myself now.
Getting so close to 220! Weighed in at 225 today (224.8 :p ), so I'm very happy with the results intermittent fasting has gotten me.

Great work, EO. Getting really close, there.

I, myself, have been hung up on 270 for a week or two. I've been looking over my data and it seems I'm getting way too much sugar from somewhere so I'm trying to find out what from.

Maybe I'll try IF to help kickstart my body. I'll go have a read about it.


Oh damn I'd eat me some of that :/ I went to the store today but bought peanuts for protein instead 'cause I had to walk home.

I'm really kicking myself now.

Great work, EO. Getting really close, there.

I, myself, have been hung up on 270 for a week or two. I've been looking over my data and it seems I'm getting way too much sugar from somewhere so I'm trying to find out what from.

Maybe I'll try IF to help kickstart my body. I'll go have a read about it.

Fruit maybe?


What exactly are you eating? Diet bars and espressos doesn't seem like you're on a great diet, there's more to losing weight then counting calories. And 8-900 calories is crazy, you should be eating at least double that for someone your size and with that much activity.


found these today, TJ's gets more awesome every time I go there, $2.50 a bag.


I ot 3 bags, all 3 had 7 eggs instead of 6 too :)

If you have Costco, they have 2 dozen for like 3.80 or so.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Fruit maybe?
Yeah, some from fruit. I had also taken to drinking 8oz of soy milk (16g sugar) each day to get some calcium because, as a vegetarian, my diet was lacking.

I'm done with that though. Today at the store I bought some calcium pills to go with the fish-oil and multivitamin I take daily. I'm going to be watching that ol' demon sugar like a hawk from now on. Why, looking back I was up to 76g one day lady week! F that noise.

I'm totally going to try IF once or twice a week. From the admittedly cursory glance I took it seems to have good, clean science behind it.


Why not eat foods high in calcium instead of drinking soy or supplementing? Different types of nuts, spinach and other dark green veggies, sesame seeds, full fat cheese or greek yogurt, oranges, ect.

edit: also picked these up from trader joe's


nom nom nom


Full werewolf off the buckle
Why not eat foods high in calcium instead of drinking soy or supplementing? Different types of nuts, spinach and other dark green veggies, sesame seeds, full fat cheese or greek yogurt, oranges, ect.

edit: also picked these up from trader joe's

I don't like cheese at all, and I'd need to check and see if my small-town supermarket has Greek yogurt and, if it does, wether or not it contains gelatin.

I'm all for green veggies, and in fact I do eat a good deal of spinach, but even with them I fall short quite often.


Be a real man! But the 100 pack of eggs from Costco for 9.00 and boil them yourself :cool:
You were my inspiration for getting a Costco membership when you posted some prices a couple of pages ago. I eat way too much meat to be shopping at a normal grocery store these days. That place is fucking bananas on weekends, though. Also wish they had leaner ground beef than what I could find!
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