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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Full werewolf off the buckle
Yes, so I come home to these todays

Damn, that looks good :O I'd kill for a peanut butter cup :p Tell us your impressions.

On another note, just messing around before bed I put on a pair of size 38 jeans and they actually fit comfortably! I had to put a new hole in my belt because my shorts were falling off my butt jogging this morning and thought I'd try them on because they were way tight a fee months ago.

That's probably a pretty large size for even an adult male but I haven't been able to fit in this size since I was 12 or 13. I'm tempted to weigh myself but I'm scared it'll be the same still and it'll make me sad :(

I'm gonna try to stick to my goal of not weighing in till Halloween and hopefully be pleasantly surprised.


Just tried one, the PB/Protein filling is a little dry, but it taste really good. It has a very similar taste to a reeses cup. The chocolate coating is dark, or unsweetened cocoa. Now I don't eat sugar or anything overly sweet so I'm very sensitive to sweet things and I love dark chocolate because of that. I don't think it will be sweet enough to the average person, but yea..if they can just someone make it a little less dry, it would be pretty incredible. It also has 260mg of potassium which is nice

and speaking of dark chocolate, green and black's organic bar, 85% cacao, fucking incredible. my goodness, I wish I would've tried it sooner.


I'm really curious how those peanut butter cup Quest bars taste after ten seconds of microwaving; that's the only way to eat Quest bars for me.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey guys, hope everyone is making awesome progress.

I just ordered a "power twister" because though my weight loss is going well, I'd like to build some muscle as well. The power twister is basically a big spring-bar with handles at each end that you can use in different ways to work different groups.

Has anyone here had any experience either way with one? I know a dude who swears by them, and he's pretty big and they are pretty cheap so I thought it might be a good investment.

Assuming it will serve it's purpose if I do my part on the effort front, how should I handle this exactly on a nutritional level?

As many of you know I'm running on 1,500 calories a day and doing a lot of power-walking and I'm getting into some light jogging mixed into it.

I'm not concerned with becoming the hulk right now, but I'm losing a good deal of fat and would love to start filling it in with some muscle to have SOME kind of decent shape.

I'm currently a vegetarian but I'm willing to add an additional 200-300 calories of animal-based protein each day once I start using the device if you guys think that's a good idea. Is that too much? Not enough? I already get between 150-200 grams of Carbs a day so I don't think I need more of those.

While my current dream is to get to 150lbs my ultimate goal is to bulk up after that, but I'm thinking why be soft until I hit 150 if maybe I can start building some good definition now. I mean, building muscle helps fat-loss, right?

It's not that I'm married to some arbitrary "weight" number. If I could be 175 or 180 and have a good cut to me that would be even better.

I'm not sure if this belongs here or the fitness thread. I kinda think of this as the fitness thread jr. though. I'm more comfortable asking here since I've been in here a while now, plus fat-loss is still my driving passion in life.

Sorry for the long post, but thanks for your time everyone :)


I haven't weighed myself in a long time, as I'm trying to gauge my weight loss by how I feel and how I look.

Well, I now wear a size mens Medium (shirts). I've never worn a size mens Medium. I also need to go buy new pants.

I'll probably be weighing myself at the end of this month.

But really I've just been maintaining a good diet and exercising when I can. No real exercise schedule or regimen.

I'll throw some pictures up at the end of the month too, probably.

I am now 15 stone nine. 219 pounds. 99.5kg
Weird thing is my brother being able to lift me.

My belly doesn't seem to have gone as much. Is this the last to go?

From what I've noticed, you lose weight on your limbs first. At least I did. I noticed a lot more weight loss in my legs and arms before I started noticing any significant loss around my waist/belly.


Just recently hit 142lbs lost

At my heaviest

Today 170
Ballooned up to 229, and I think it's because my food measurements were off (as suggested by Fitness-Gaf).

Ordered the EatSmart PrecisionPro food scale, so I'm going to get super hardcore in this. I will be at 210 lbs by the end of this year, goddammit.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Just tried one, the PB/Protein filling is a little dry, but it taste really good. It has a very similar taste to a reeses cup. The chocolate coating is dark, or unsweetened cocoa. Now I don't eat sugar or anything overly sweet so I'm very sensitive to sweet things and I love dark chocolate because of that. I don't think it will be sweet enough to the average person, but yea..if they can just someone make it a little less dry, it would be pretty incredible. It also has 260mg of potassium which is nice

and speaking of dark chocolate, green and black's organic bar, 85% cacao, fucking incredible. my goodness, I wish I would've tried it sooner.

When's the official release for the Cravings line?


Been Primal since January, it's honestly a lot easier than I expected. I follow it 90/10, the 10% is peanut butter (legume), hummus (legume), sushi (rice), quest bars (processed), diet soda (artificial everything?). Yea, that's about it. I eat sushi about once a month, and even less for the other stuff lately. I haven't had hummus in a long time and I was at Trader Joes today, their spicy chipotle hummus is gdlk.

One thing to remember is to not beat yourself up over not being 100% strict, you don't need organic fruits and veggies, grass-fed steak, pasteurized eggs, ect. Just do the best you can within your budget. I would highly recommend grass-fed butter though, just because it taste so damn good. It's only 3 bucks for a block at Whole Foods or Trader Joes, KerryGold brand

edit. mother of god. I tried another PB cup, this time I had in the fridge overnight, so good. It didn't fall apart and it wasn't as dry, fuuck, I will be buying these as a treat when they release them


Seriously guys drink fucking kombucha is fucking awesome and delicious. Awesome probiotic/b vitamins, very little sugar and cheap drink, after you start making your own brew. I just started to make my own after buying two bottles(16 fl oz) for $3.50 a pop... freaking expensive. So you're better off buying the stuff(scoby) online(Amazon) or local health store.

My baby scoby is growing as we speak.

Ok, I'm done, I give up. I've been cutting for 9 weeks with the intention of doing 12, but I'm stopping right now. But hey, I think I've accomplished a lot during this time so let me know what you think.

Here are my stats

Height: 5'7
Starting weight: 169
Week 2 picture: 163(lost a lot of water weight in that first week)
Week 9 picture: 144
Old phone: Samsung Captivate
New phone: Samsung Galaxy S3(hellz yeah)


And just for kicks(and to boost my ego), the patented "I look more ripped when the lighting is adjusted" picture


This is my first time showing my face on GAF so be kind guys. And good luck to the rest of you guys on your journey. As for today, I'm going to watch some Football(of the American variety) and let go a bit by having some good ass junk food to eat. I'll be honest, this was never a complete lifestyle change for me. I would be miserable without my favorite junk food. But I'll be more careful from now on with how much of it I'm having and I'll definitely be exercising regularly from now on. Lately I've been feeling weak and fatigue, hopefully upping my calorie in take will improve my lifts again and make me feel more energetic. Hopefully this also translates to more muscle as I'm lacking that at the moment.

The funny thing is that the entire time I was eating 1800-1900 calories a week and I was losing 2-3 pounds a week consistently from the 2nd week onward to the final week. But I'm satisfied with my end result and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up from now on. Time to enjoy some of the pleasures in life again :)


Rice-Eater45341 said:
Ok, I'm done, I give up. I've been cutting for 9 weeks with the intention of doing 12, but I'm stopping right now. But hey, I think I've accomplished a lot during this time so let me know what you think.

Here are my stats

Height: 5'7
Starting weight: 169
Weight in first picture: 163(lost a lot of water weight)
Weight in final picture: 144
First phone: Samsung Captivate
Present phone: Samsung Galaxy S3(hellz yeah)

And just for kicks(and to boost my ego), the patented "I look more ripped when the lighting is adjusted" picture

This is my first time showing my face on GAF so be kind guys. And good luck to the rest of you guys on your journey. As for today, I'm going to watch some Football(of the American variety) and let go a bit by having some good ass junk food to eat. I'll be honest, this was never a lifestyle change for me. I would be miserable without my favorite junk food. But I be more careful from now on with how much of it I'm intaking and exercise regularly from now on. Lately I've been feeling weak and fatigue, hopefully upping my calorie in take will improve my lifts again and make me feel more energetic. Hopefully this also translates to more muscle as I'm lacking that at the moment.

The funny thing is that the entire time I was eating 1800-1900 calories a week and I was losing 2-3 pounds a week consistently from the 2nd week onward to the final week. But I'm satisfied with my end result and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up from now on. Time to enjoy some of the pleasures in life again :)

You look great, how long did it take, and what was the program?
Thanks guys, really appreciate the comments

You look great, how long did it take, and what was the program?

9 weeks, program was nothing special. I dieted and ate about 1900 calories a day divided into 6 smaller meals of around 300(give or take) calories each. Around 180 grams of protein, 80g of fat and 120g of carbs. I was using coconut oil(good fats) and eating whole eggs, so that's why my fats are kind of high compared to what you see in some other diets. But they don't hurt your progress, they're actually pretty good for you. As for exercise, I worked out at the gym 3 times a week, focusing on a different set of muscle groups each day. And cardio, well I hardly jogged. I just went and did my job. I'm a blue collar worker and my job requires me to move around a lot of sometimes lift heavy things.

To give you a idea of how physical it is at my work place, I lost 15 pounds in my first 2 months here. And I was still eating all the junk food I wanted and wasn't even watching how much of it I was getting. It was just a huge shock to my system to be working that hard for that long 5 times a week. But eventually my body got use to it and I gained back the weight I loss. So instead of doing cardio every day, I just decided to work a little harder and I figured that would take care of itself. But yeah, that's how I went about it.


Here's a handy little graphic that shows why you should be eating whole eggs and not egg whites


pretty impressive, all the vitamins/minerals in the yolk


I hate my loose skin. :mad:

I'm going to be starting Insanity or P90X or something during summer(starting here in December) and spending the entire 3 months+ working to try and tighten and shape it up.


Unconfirmed Member
Well time for a little update.

At the moment I'm trying to gain weight now, as crazy as that sounds haha, but I am now doing it to get some more muscle (bulking) and then will go back down again so my body looked more shaped. 6'2 by the way (age 22)

This was me over 100kg over two years ago



And I am now 77 kg


(before and after picture on my face for example)



All dat cardio and diet paid off but I never did any weights and going onto that has been crazy. I would say if I combined everything then I would say it was about a year and a little over I lost all that weight in one setting.


so I accidently discovered how to make an egg pancake this morning. Usually I like to some shredded coconut in my eggs, and fry them in coconut oil. it's a nice way to get added some added fat and increases ketones with my first meal of the day, and it taste damn good. but today I ended up putting in a bunch of the shredded coconut and it worked as a binding agent and I made a giant egg/coconut pancake



it was really good, eat it like pita bread at first. than I used as a wrap and throw in my overripe avocado :( I'm gonna try it again tomorrow, this time top it off with butter..


Full werewolf off the buckle
so I accidently discovered how to make an egg pancake this morning. Usually I like to some shredded coconut in my eggs, and fry them in coconut oil. it's a nice way to get added some added fat and increases ketones with my first meal of the day, and it taste damn good. but today I ended up putting in a bunch of the shredded coconut and it worked as a binding agent and I made a giant egg/coconut pancake



it was really good, eat it like pita bread at first. than I used as a wrap and throw in my overripe avocado :( I'm gonna try it again tomorrow, this time top it off with butter..

Looks pretty darned good! I've gotta try avocado some day.


I need to start trying to make some of these things you occasionally post dralla, since that looks delicious (and perfectly healthy). Also my cooking is presently super boring.


Looks pretty darned good! I've gotta try avocado some day.
You've never had avocado? Damn son, you need to get on that. They're one of the healthiest, filling things you can eat, and they're always on sale. They've been 4 got $5 for the past few weeks here, I've been eating 1 every day, I just picked up 4 more today. I didn't like them when I first tried it, the flavor is very subtle, but you can add salt/pepper/lime juice/whatever, to give it more flavor. You can mush it up and make your own guacamole, then add in some sort of protein for a salad. I know you're a vegetarian, so you could try adding some crumbled walnuts or something, that actually sounds really good..gonna have to try that. I love them in salads too. Or as a snack. Yea, they're just really good :)

So at Whole Foods we make fresh Guacamole every morning, that shit is incredible, you need to try it if you can. It's just avocados, peppers, salt, lime juice, tomatoes, onions.

The only bad thing about avocadoes is that they don't last that long, you need to make sure you buy ones that are just about to be ripe so they'll last a week or so.

I need to start trying to make some of these things you occasionally post dralla, since that looks delicious (and perfectly healthy). Also my cooking is presently super boring.

When I tell people how I eat, they always says "What DO you eat!?", so I've been starting to instagram some food to show people lol! People really liked my coconut encrusted chicken, as they should, it was friggin' delicious.
So I have decided to end my intermittent fasting experiment, after a month and a half. My thoughts:

I will say that while fasted, my hunger was never bad. When I eat breakfast, my stomach will rumble and churn several hours later; whereas I could go until 6pm completely fasted and not look twice at food. I have to say it was fascinating.

However, I don't like the eating plan. Calling for fatty cuts of meat and enormous meals, I gotta say I believe I looked way more bloated than with the smaller meal distribution.

I won't say it was a failure and waste of time, because I did learn some things while trying this out.

That said, I'm happily switching to what has worked for me in the past, that being a lean small meal plan combined with heavy cardio and weight training.


not tag worthy
I didn't realise how much I had changed losing the weight, I am nowhere near my ideal weight yet but just for comparison here is a before and during shot (the after shot will be added in the early new year hopefully)
Before 2011

during (still got a few more stones to lose)


Full werewolf off the buckle

I didn't realise how much I had changed losing the weight, I am nowhere near my ideal weight yet but just for comparison here is a before and during shot (the after shot will be added in the early new year hopefully)

Before 2011

during (still got a few more stone to lose)

Wow man, you've done a hell of a job. Anybody ever tell you back then that you looked a bit like Kevin Smith? Not so much anymore, though.


not tag worthy
Wow man, you've done a hell of a job. Anybody ever tell you back then that you looked a bit like Kevin Smith? Not so much anymore, though.

All the time lol,
thanks for the positive feedback, sometimes I dont feel as if I made a dent but then I looked at my old pics and thinks, holy shit I have, I still have a way to go, but am so excited to keep doing it :)

If you put quote tags around your pics, it will resize the pics for you (like what happened in the post above me).

ahh thanks for that, have sorted out the above post


Ok, I'm done, I give up. I've been cutting for 9 weeks with the intention of doing 12, but I'm stopping right now. But hey, I think I've accomplished a lot during this time so let me know what you think.

Here are my stats

Height: 5'7
Starting weight: 169
Week 2 picture: 163(lost a lot of water weight in that first week)
Week 9 picture: 144
Old phone: Samsung Captivate
New phone: Samsung Galaxy S3(hellz yeah)


And just for kicks(and to boost my ego), the patented "I look more ripped when the lighting is adjusted" picture


This is my first time showing my face on GAF so be kind guys. And good luck to the rest of you guys on your journey. As for today, I'm going to watch some Football(of the American variety) and let go a bit by having some good ass junk food to eat. I'll be honest, this was never a complete lifestyle change for me. I would be miserable without my favorite junk food. But I'll be more careful from now on with how much of it I'm having and I'll definitely be exercising regularly from now on. Lately I've been feeling weak and fatigue, hopefully upping my calorie in take will improve my lifts again and make me feel more energetic. Hopefully this also translates to more muscle as I'm lacking that at the moment.

The funny thing is that the entire time I was eating 1800-1900 calories a week and I was losing 2-3 pounds a week consistently from the 2nd week onward to the final week. But I'm satisfied with my end result and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up from now on. Time to enjoy some of the pleasures in life again :)

wait... you went from the first picture to the third picture in a bit over 2 months?! pretty crazy fat loss. nice job.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Every time i check out this thread i want to jump back into diet and exercise then i go to work get stressed and end up eating burger king and going home and sleeping all night.


Every time i check out this thread i want to jump back into diet and exercise then i go to work get stressed and end up eating burger king and going home and sleeping all night.

I was there for years... for me, it just takes getting so fed up of where you are and what you're doing to yourself. How we can help you accomplish that? I guarantee almost everyone in here wants to help you get where you want to be physically.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Every time i check out this thread i want to jump back into diet and exercise then i go to work get stressed and end up eating burger king and going home and sleeping all night.

As LaneDS says above, we all were in that boat at one point. There's a ton of good info in here, and we're a pretty friendly bunch if you need to talk about whatever.
I need to know what's cutting and how you do it.

It's not some kind of special work out or anything like that. There are different forms of cutting, but the one I'm referring to is simply trying to lose fat while maintaining your muscle.

wait... you went from the first picture to the third picture in a bit over 2 months?! pretty crazy fat loss. nice job.

Thanks I appreciate it. To be honest, my fat/weight loss was nothing drastic for a 2 month span. But it really surprised me how big of a difference 20 pounds can look(those two pic are 19 pounds apart). Even during my progress I was a bit blown away by how big of a difference 10 pounds looked when I figured I would still look almost the same.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I've been stuck hovering around 220, time to ramp up the exercise I guess.

Yup, I got stuck there, at 200(this was the hardest to overcome), and at now I've been at 180 for a while, hrrmmm. Anyways, just 20 more to go for my goal weight. (=

Also, the three worst things about losing weight:

1.All your old clothes slowly start to look more and more ridiculous on you.
2.Those awkward times where you're in between clothing sizes, my Large shirts are just starting to look ridiculous, but I need to lose a bit more moob and a bit more stomach before I can break into Mediums, which should be my final size, thanks to my shoulders.
3.Those feasts you had when you were fat, I can barely manage to eat half of what I used to on a large meal.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
You could make arguments that those are also three of the best things!

You will never convince me not being able to eat the smorgasbords I used to have on occasion for breakfast is a good thing, the consequences thereof? Different story.


About 6 weeks ago I went from no exercise to biking about 30 miles a week, partially uphill. I know my leg strength and endurance have grown immensely but it's time to start really losing weight. I eat shitty foods but I'm getting a lot of exercise.

What things should I add/change, what about a recommended diet for weight loss? I don't have any scales around so I'll either need to buy one or just do a visual check. I'm probably around 160-170 now, I want to get to 140-150ish and get rid of that stomach fat that plagues me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


You will never convince me not being able to eat the smorgasbords I used to have on occasion for breakfast is a good thing, the consequences thereof? Different story.

If you can still eat the same stuff, just less of it, and then feel full... I don't see what you're missing out on, except being heavier!

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
If you can still eat the same stuff, just less of it, and then feel full... I don't see what you're missing out on, except being heavier!
The smorgasbord I was talking about:

2 eggs
A bowl of beans
Tater tots
A bit of chips for the beans
Sometimes grits too

I usually just have two of those at once now, I don't see how I could fit them all in one meal without having some just be bite sized, which just isn't worth it IMO.


Are you saying you can't have them from a "I get full so easily!" standpoint or a "my diet says I can't have these!" standpoint? If it's the latter, well yes, dieting can definitely suck in that regard (I haven't eaten anything very diet un-friendly in two weeks and boy do I miss some things!).

That dish, by the way, sounds damned good (post workout and I haven't eaten, not helping), but it also sounds not too far off from something I'd consider perfectly healthy for a good diet (maybe sans-toast and chips, or just less of it). Ugh, trying to be helpful has made me so damn hungry.

GrizzNKev- how tall are you? Can you post some of what your diet is like currently please, so we can offer suggestions on how you can try to improve it?


About 6 weeks ago I went from no exercise to biking about 30 miles a week, partially uphill. I know my leg strength and endurance have grown immensely but it's time to start really losing weight. I eat shitty foods but I'm getting a lot of exercise.

What things should I add/change, what about a recommended diet for weight loss? I don't have any scales around so I'll either need to buy one or just do a visual check. I'm probably around 160-170 now, I want to get to 140-150ish and get rid of that stomach fat that plagues me.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
How tall are you? What's your diet like now? I think the best general advice for healthy eating and weight loss is stick to whole foods as much as you can and avoid highly processed garbage. So good sources of protein are lean cuts of meat, shrimp, eggs, jerky. Good sources of fat are fatty cuts of meat, salmon, nuts, butter, avocado, coconut, full fat dairy (if you can tolerate it), extra dark chocolate. Good sources of carbs are fruits and veggies, if you want a healthy dose of starch there are tubers like sweet potatoes or a banana..

Liquids are easy, water! Tea, or coffee with no added sugars or anything.

You'll also want to avoid vegetable/seed oils, like soybean, corn, sunflower, canola oil ect. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is good though. This is more for health, these oils are horrible for you. Cook with butter, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, lard, tallow..Olive oil is OK but only at low temperature, it has a low smoke point, don't use it for high or even medium heat, use it more for salad dressings and stuff.

The smorgasbord I was talking about:

2 eggs
A bowl of beans
Tater tots
A bit of chips for the beans
Sometimes grits too

I usually just have two of those at once now, I don't see how I could fit them all in one meal without having some just be bite sized, which just isn't worth it IMO.

I still eat pretty big breakfasts, but they keep me full for HOURS, I can skip lunch if I need to.

Another excuse to post food pics, I had this the other day, colorful and delicious :)


Eggs fried in grass-fed butter of course :p
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