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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Will drop pants for Sony.
I was there for years... for me, it just takes getting so fed up of where you are and what you're doing to yourself. How we can help you accomplish that? I guarantee almost everyone in here wants to help you get where you want to be physically.

As LaneDS says above, we all were in that boat at one point. There's a ton of good info in here, and we're a pretty friendly bunch if you need to talk about whatever.

Thanks. Its just when i get stressed out and depressed things just fall apart and i fall off the wagon and into burger king.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Are you saying you can't have them from a "I get full so easily!" standpoint or a "my diet says I can't have these!" standpoint? If it's the latter, well yes, dieting can definitely suck in that regard (I haven't eaten anything very diet un-friendly in two weeks and boy do I miss some things!).

That dish, by the way, sounds damned good (post workout and I haven't eaten, not helping), but it also sounds not too far off from something I'd consider perfectly healthy for a good diet (maybe sans-toast and chips, or just less of it). Ugh, trying to be helpful has made me so damn hungry.

GrizzNKev- how tall are you? Can you post some of what your diet is like currently please, so we can offer suggestions on how you can try to improve it?

Mainly the former, I my stomach can't handle what it used to. =/ A bit of the latter too though, as I know in the back of my mind it has an insane amount of calories. Like I said, I'll eat beans and tater tots or eggs and grits, and be perfectly full.


Thanks. Its just when i get stressed out and depressed things just fall apart and i fall off the wagon and into burger king.

I am sure you know it, but maybe hearing it again will help- you know the stress eating just adds to the depression right? As someone who suffered with depression for a very long time, I know whenever I did (or even still do!) eat shitty, I'd feel shitty. If you're able to bit by bit improve your diet... your body and mind will thank you for it.

dralla, that looks delicious (minus the carrots, pass!).


I am sure you know it, but maybe hearing it again will help- you know the stress eating just adds to the depression right? As someone who suffered with depression for a very long time, I know whenever I did (or even still do!) eat shitty, I'd feel shitty. If you're able to bit by bit improve your diet... your body and mind will thank you for it.

dralla, that looks delicious (minus the carrots, pass!).

meet me outside mother fucker


I have carotenosis because I eat too much carrots, no joke. I stopped eating them for a month, replaced them with pork rinds, but it didn't go away, so I just said fuck it, and started again. and still eat the pork rinds too, I need that salty goodness


How tall are you? What's your diet like now? I think the best general advice for healthy eating and weight loss is stick to whole foods as much as you can and avoid highly processed garbage. So good sources of protein are lean cuts of meat, shrimp, eggs, jerky. Good sources of fat are fatty cuts of meat, salmon, nuts, butter, avocado, coconut, full fat dairy (if you can tolerate it), extra dark chocolate. Good sources of carbs are fruits and veggies, if you want a healthy dose of starch there are tubers like sweet potatoes or a banana..

Liquids are easy, water! Tea, or coffee with no added sugars or anything.

You'll also want to avoid vegetable/seed oils, like soybean, corn, sunflower, canola oil ect. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is good though. This is more for health, these oils are horrible for you. Cook with butter, ghee, coconut oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, lard, tallow..Olive oil is OK but only at low temperature, it has a low smoke point, don't use it for high or even medium heat, use it more for salad dressings and stuff.

I'm 6'1".

My diet is really horrible. Frozen foods, canned soups, along with sliced meats and cheeses and whole breads. Sometimes I make myself salads, and I love carrots too.

I drink only water and milk, sometimes orange juice.

What about exercise? Is cardio enough or should I add more or shift my focus to something different?

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I'm 6'1".

My diet is really horrible. Frozen foods, canned soups, along with sliced meats and cheeses and whole breads. Sometimes I make myself salads, and I love carrots too.

I drink only water and milk, sometimes orange juice.

What about exercise? Is cardio enough or should I add more or shift my focus to something different?



Before I Googled it, I thought that was something you do to your colon..

haha! Hopefully it gets blasted as well.

Gotta say... so far as advertised. Did a basic with spinach, banana, almonds, and some ice with almond milk. Super quick and smooth.


6'1 and you want to be 140-150? That's crazy. I'm assuming your perception of weight is off because you'd look like a skeleton. Really, instead of focusing on a specific weight, you're better off just looking in the mirror or taking measurements, than get to a point where you feel good about yourself.
This is what I've been drinking every morning for the last two weeks and I'm back down a few lbs already:

1 egg (raw, organic)
3 T Whey protein (concentrate, not isolate!)
1 T tumeric
1 T cocoa powder (make sure it only contains one ingredient)
1 T cinnamon
1 T chlorella (broken cell wall)
1/2 banana
1/2 C blueberries
1 T chia seeds
1 T raw sunflower seeds
1 T raw pumpkin seeds
1 C unsweeted coconut milk
drops of pure liquid stevia to taste (I go about 7-9 depending on my mood)

Throw all into a blender (may want to use a grinder on the seeds first then add to blender) and mix until smooth.

It keeps me full for nearly half the day, so I hardly have any cravings for anything. When I do feel peckish, I find myself just going for the water. Now I'm down to 213lb from 215lb. Not much, but I can tell it's making me feel better.
I don't know what the right weight is I just want my stomach to stop being fat!! ;_;

You sound like you have a case of skinny fat, but it's hard to say since we don't know what you look like. But still, 140-150 is pretty damn low considering your height. Honestly, if I were you 170 would be the ideal weight for me. It's just how you got there that is the problem. A good diet and exercise routine for a few months could do wonders for you. I'd definitely recommend weight lifting(even as your primary exercise), but you don't seem to want any part of that. When you're skinny fat, focusing on getting skinnier really isn't going to help so I don't know what else to say. You have to change your mindset about this if you want your body to change.


You sound like you have a case of skinny fat, but it's hard to say since we don't know what you look like. But still, 140-150 is pretty damn low considering your height. Honestly, if I were you 170 would be the ideal weight for me. It's just how you got there that is the problem. A good diet and exercise routine for a few months could do wonders for you. I'd definitely recommend weight lifting(even as your primary exercise), but you don't seem to want any part of that. When you're skinny fat, focusing on getting skinnier really isn't going to help so I don't know what else to say. You have to change your mindset about this if you want your body to change.

Can you explain to me what skinny fat means? I know pretty much nothing about health or exercise or weight or fitness or anything.
Can you explain to me what skinny fat means? I know pretty much nothing about health or exercise or weight or fitness or anything.

Don't have a exact definition, but the one I've always had is when a person is skinny all over there body except there midsection. Skinny arms, skinny legs, but they have a soft and chubby torso. These people normally look fine in clothing, but once the shirt is off you'll notice they're not proportional all over.


Don't have a exact definition, but the one I've always had is when a person is skinny all over there body except there midsection. Skinny arms, skinny legs, but they have a soft and chubby torso. These people normally look fine in clothing, but once the shirt is off you'll notice they're not proportional all over.

Yep that's me. If there's a specific way to handle it than I'm definitely up for doing that. I'm tired of myself and my appearance. I was just not aware or informed. Is it possible to accomplish what I need to without a gym membership or buying weights? I don't really have the money for it, and I ride a bike everywhere.
I suggest you go into the "Fitness thread". Read the op and after that, ask some advice if you have more questions. I've gone through my own diet with success, but I'm no expert. All I can tell you is the bare minimum. But if money is a issue for you maybe those guys can give you a better perspective on what you need to do to accomplish your goal with your more limited time and budget. There is also information everywhere on the web. For example, during my diet I watched a lot of videos from this guy and read a lot of stuff from his website. He's just a regular guy who's trying to help people out without trying to sell something.


But like I said, there is info everywhere. If you have any friends or family who are into fitness, might as well consult them as well. Maybe they went through there own transformation and can help you out in that area.


I suggest you go into the "Fitness thread". Read the op and after that, ask some advice if you have more questions. I've gone through my own diet with success, but I'm no expert. All I can tell you is the bare minimum. But if money is a issue for you maybe those guys can give you a better perspective on what you need to do to accomplish your goal with your more limited time and budget. There is also information everywhere on the web. For example, during my diet I watched a lot of videos from this guy and read a lot of stuff from his website. He's just a regular guy who's trying to help people out without trying to sell something.


But like I said, there is info everywhere. If you have any friends or family who are into fitness, might as well consult them as well. Maybe they went through there own transformation and can help you out in that area.

Thanks! Hopefully I can come back in here sometime and show off.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Guys, I bought some plain Greek yogurt (10% fat I think). I'm kinda scared to try it. Am I supposed to do something to it? Put honey or something?

I don't wanna go nuts with sugar, that's why I went with plain. Maybe I could add some Splenda or something?


plain greek yogurt is nasty on its own, I mix in truvia and cinnamon. then add nuts, berries. don't use splenda, it actually has sugar in it.


Full werewolf off the buckle
plain greek yogurt is nasty on its own, I mix in truvia and cinnamon. then add nuts, berries. don't use splenda, it actually has sugar in it.

Wtf? I thought it was a 0 calorie sweetener? I know it's just sugar that is processed differently but it IS 0 cal right? That's what makes my black coffee bearable!

Anywho, I tried it raw and was just a bit turned off. Then I added 2 packs of sweetener and its actually quite nice.

I wonder how it might be peanuts in it? I like your idea about like cinnamon and nutmeg and stuff like that. Sort of make it like a seasonal parfait or something. I bet it's pretty dope frozen, too.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Holy shit! I was checking Myfitnesspal after my yogurt snack and was putting in my breakfast order of 1/2 cup Greek yogurt with 1oz Peanuts.

Then I was checking my pie graph which shows the percentages of my food that are fats, carbs, and protein.

Now I know how all you glorious bastards are filling your dietary needs and having such low carb intake. This stuff is packed with calories and nutrients and no carbs.


look at the back of a packet of splenda. they use such a small amount of sucralose that they need to add more sweeteners in it, dextrose and another I believe. Stevia and Erythritol are good alternatives. Truvia is a combination of both, I think Swerve is straight erythritol, and stevia..is stevia. Using splenda won't affect weight loss though, it's more about breaking free from any sugar if you have a problem with it. And yes, you can freeze it and make "ice cream". I added truvia and unsweetened cocoa, put it in the freezer over night and had chocolate ice cream for breakfast the next morning.

Another thing you can do is mix in a nut butter. Or use it as a "base" for a shake/smoothie.


Full werewolf off the buckle
look at the back of a packet of splenda. they use such a small amount of sucralose that they need to add more sweeteners in it, dextrose and another I believe. Stevia and Erythritol are good alternatives. Truvia is a combination of both, I think Swerve is straight erythritol, and stevia..is stevia. Using splenda won't affect weight loss though, it's more about breaking free from any sugar if you have a problem with it. And yes, you can freeze it and make "ice cream". I added truvia and unsweetened cocoa, put it in the freezer over night and had chocolate ice cream for breakfast the next morning.

Another thing you can do is mix in a nut butter. Or use it as a "base" for a shake/smoothie.

You know, with how much you seem to like decadent yet healthy food, you should really do a blog or something.

That chocolate Ice Cream idea is awesome.


There are tons of food blogs, the only way I'd do one is if I could come up with something different than the thousands of already existing ones. And I don't have a ton of time to make one, 2 jobs, and I actually help people with diet and nutrition in real life in my spare time, kind of a third "job".


I have too many I could list, I always start with MDA but most people know about it already. There's just so much good info on there about pretty much everything.

NerdFitness is good, especially for the GAF crowd :)

Here are some good "specialty" sites, basically they focus on 1 thing.

tons of good info on a list of foods

lists out foods high in all types of vitamins and minerals

All about hormones! leptin, grelin, insulin, ect.

kinda like a cliff notes on all types of sweeteners

zenhabits! pretty self explanitory

than I've got a ton of recipe websites, but they're pretty easy to find through google. there's also books and videos, lots more blogs too..but yea, you get the general idea!
I'm having one of those weeks where my body is telling me to chill the fuck out. I've been running 25-30 miles a week, supplemented by four P90X workouts, while on a super low-carb diet with one cheat day a week.

It's been extremely effective - I managed to break through a rather persistent plateau and my pants are becoming super loose again - but I just needed to relax a bit this week or I was going to completely burn myself out.

This ever happen to anyone else? Does your body ever tell you to just take it easy for a few days?


I'm having one of those weeks where my body is telling me to chill the fuck out. I've been running 25-30 miles a week, supplemented by four P90X workouts, while on a super low-carb diet with one cheat day a week.

It's been extremely effective - I managed to break through a rather persistent plateau and my pants are becoming super loose again - but I just needed to relax a bit this week or I was going to completely burn myself out.

This ever happen to anyone else? Does your body ever tell you to just take it easy for a few days?

For sure. Rest is important. Take a couple days off, maybe do some stretching (or yoga, since you mentioned P90X), and then have at it again.
Lost 80 lbs as of today YAY. Was really surprised considering I had a cheat weekend that included a lot of fruit, bread, and mashed potatoes (twas my birthday). was shocked to see a 3 lbs loss since I weighed myself thursday. Not complaining though.

Start May 1 2012: 330 lbs
Today Oct 10 2012: 249 lbs


Full werewolf off the buckle
Lost 80 lbs as of today YAY. Was really surprised considering I had a cheat weekend that included a lot of fruit, bread, and mashed potatoes (twas my birthday). was shocked to see a 3 lbs loss since I weighed myself thursday. Not complaining though.

Start May 1 2012: 330 lbs
Today Oct 10 2012: 249 lbs

Awesomeness. Hey man, you can't just completely remove the mashed potato food group!


Lost 80 lbs as of today YAY. Was really surprised considering I had a cheat weekend that included a lot of fruit, bread, and mashed potatoes (twas my birthday). was shocked to see a 3 lbs loss since I weighed myself thursday. Not complaining though.

Start May 1 2012: 330 lbs
Today Oct 10 2012: 249 lbs

I've found that cheat days actually kickstart my weightloss. I don't go crazy, but they seem to help me.
For sure. Rest is important. Take a couple days off, maybe do some stretching (or yoga, since you mentioned P90X), and then have at it again.

Thanks. Always good to hear some reassurance.

I'm also temporarily increasing my carb intake (just for this week). Also, I'll still probably end up running about 20 miles this week because I'm addicted to running.
Goddamn, Fage cups of Greek yogurt for $1. The plain 2% version has 20g protein with single-digit carbs and only 150 calories, incredible.

Lost 80 lbs as of today YAY. Was really surprised considering I had a cheat weekend that included a lot of fruit, bread, and mashed potatoes (twas my birthday). was shocked to see a 3 lbs loss since I weighed myself thursday. Not complaining though.

Start May 1 2012: 330 lbs
Today Oct 10 2012: 249 lbs
Awesome. I suppose you did daily cardio and cut calories to 1500 a day?
Goddamn, Fage cups of Greek yogurt for $1. The plain 2% version has 20g protein with single-digit carbs and only 150 calories, incredible.

Awesome. I suppose you did daily cardio and cut calories to 1500 a day?

Honestly no lol. Just went low carb. Aet reasonable amounts. Was aware of calories (didn't really count be awareness was important). I did walk a lot during the summer. Some minor resistance training.

95% diet imo.

I know I don't have the willpower other have so I hardcore drink diet sodas and low carb bars for treats etc.


Goddamn, Fage cups of Greek yogurt for $1. The plain 2% version has 20g protein with single-digit carbs and only 150 calories, incredible.

Love the way this stuff came in and kicked Yoplait ass! Now there is a huge Greek yogurt trend and of course that means a lot of crap trying to cash in. Yoplait included.. Anyways props to Fage.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Love the way this stuff came in and kicked Yoplait ass! Now there is a huge Greek yogurt trend and of course that means a lot of crap trying to cash in. Yoplait included.. Anyways props to Fage.

Damn. I had Greek yogurt for the first time last night and had it for breakfast and dinner today, too. Stuff is so good.

Edit: whoooooa, nelly. Just looked up how much fat I had today. I gotta control this shit. Greek yogurt'll be the death of me.


Before strength training


And after

Honestly no lol. Just went low carb. Aet reasonable amounts. Was aware of calories (didn't really count be awareness was important). I did walk a lot during the summer. Some minor resistance training.

95% diet imo.

I know I don't have the willpower other have so I hardcore drink diet sodas and low carb bars for treats etc.
So you didn't even count grams and stuff for what you ate? Guess potatoes and bread (starches in general) were totally eliminated?


Before strength training


And after


Strength training: it'll get you lost in bamboo

Great job dude! And congrats on the upcoming wedding!

So good! Spoken for truth. Have this all the time for breakfast.

How does this work, ratio wise? How much yogurt and how much protein powder typically? Greek yogurt by itself is like eating sour cream, and I have given up on it every time I tried it.


How does this work, ratio wise? How much yogurt and how much protein powder typically? Greek yogurt by itself is like eating sour cream, and I have given up on it every time I tried it.

I eat the Fage Plain 2%. One small container (7oz) of that and two scoops (one serving) of vanilla protein powder. Simple as that. Sometimes I'll add cinnamon too.

Sean- Looking great! Nice results.

I haven't posted on here in a while. I actually took last week off completely, from the diet, and I only went to the gym once. It was my birthday, so had a party with lots of food and beer. Didn't go too overboard during the week though, but enjoyed some foods and carbs I haven't for a long time. Surprisingly I didn't gain that much weight at all, and pretty much lost the 3-4 pounds by the end of the week. Now this week I'm back to maintaining/losing a little more.

I'm close to 40 pounds lost now, and I'm not sure I'll go much lower than 200 pounds.
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