Really impressive dood. What in particular did you do?
At First is was 10 min cardio warm up + working out one body part per day for six days a week doing a pyramid sets of 4 and increasing weight on each set and the end 20mins cardio jogging style.
Set Example Below:
set 1: 12 - 14 reps
set 2: 12 - 10 reps
set 3: 10 - 8 reps
set 4: 8 - 6 reps
Then I started thinking I could do more this wasn't my limit this wasn't exhausting enough... so i did an extreme work out of Monday full body , Tuesday cardio 30 mins and Wednesday fulll body then Thursday cardio and Friday full body again and on Saturdays I would rest and Sunday i would go walking up a mountain, i did this for while but you cant keep it up ... you get injured LOL example of my plan(which i funnily enough labeled it extreme spartan plan LOLOL)
Press up 25 reps
pull up 25 reps
Press up 25 reps
pull up 25 reps
Bench press 25 reps
Dead lift 25 reps
Bicep curl 25 reps
Diamond push up 25reps
Bicep curl 25 reps
Diamond push up 25reps
Shoulder dumbell press 25 reps
24 inch box jumps 25 reps x2
Incline bench press 25 reps
Free form front squats 25 reps x2
floor wipers 25 reps x 2
chin ups 25 reps
then 25 reps of leg raised abs + weight
25 reps something i call monkey abs lol + weight
and any other choice of abs 25 reps
As you can see the above i was pretty angry when i have that much energy !!
so after the above since it was extreme I went and started doing full up body on Monday and full lower body on Tuesday then a break on Wednesday and Thursday upper again and Friday lower body again off sat and sun go up mountain, with little rests between sets and also using the pyramid method while increasing weights it was a form of HIIT training. + Jujitsu and TKD when possible

current am off those too for now... but i do hit the punching bag after gym time
I super set Bench and Dead lift (opposite muscles always) so i do 14 reps of bench and no rest straight to 14reps dead lift, then barbell and incline dumb bell bench etc etc
Also food wise I cut off all soda or orange juice and started eating boiled or grilled chicken + raw vegetables such as carrot and lettuce to acompany but only rarely - daily for lunch and for dinner scramble eggs or grilled fish, didn't have cheat meals then LOL (reduce the carbs

as much as possible at first u may feel shit then it starts to get better) A lot of people ask me how did I do it... there's no magic to it.. its all hard work and never giving uo , combine healthy low carb eating with compounds supersets in HIIT and you will get there , but also take in mind genetics or illness may play a role if overall body composition at the end. Even now that i can eat crap for a month ill go less lean but then i return to my routine and by the third week am back to were i was previously, most of the time its water weight at least for me when i do carb up. Infact am getting a ready a different plan for the next two months to cut again

since to be honest i dnt like bulking LOL, i do wonder what my ex would think after that change... LOL she did think i was lazy.. so i dont think she would expect the new me...
The end result... do I feel better than before.. yes .. am I happy ... no , changing the way one looks / healthiness will not or at least in my case made me happy(neither has the iphone5 .. LOL) , neither has it made me get laid more XD compliments? sure... followers? ... sure,More stares?..sure, Healthier?.. sure, better self esteem?.. slightly. Remember don't do it for someone else do it for your self! jeez for never posting i seem to be over doing it ... LOL