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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Can anyone give me some snacking tips to get me through urges to eat the most awful shit.
This might not be the most healthy answer, but eat a bunch of shit that makes you feel bloated. For regular meals, include things with massive amounts of fiber like beans (which also have lots of sodium and protein, depending on the brand). For snacks, huge amounts of lettuce, sodium-rich foods like pickles, lots of Tabasco, etc. As an added bonus, you'll want to drink a lot of water to get the taste out of your mouth. As far as other snacky foods go, just don't keep them around. Personally, I find that the fact that I know that any time I go over my daily caloric limit I will have to make it up later, combined with how high-calorie most junk food is, keeps me from ever eating it unless I'm drunk. Another thing worth looking into might be an appetite suppressant, if you can afford it: they're generally available if you have a BMI over 27 and make it much easier to go between meals without eating anything.

Re: sweets, I honestly don't think there is any way to eat them routinely and not gain weight unless you're a professional athlete. Skinny people may eat out a lot, but they don't usually order dessert. Just cut them out of your life except on special occasions.


This might not be the most healthy answer, but eat a bunch of shit that makes you feel bloated. For regular meals, include things with massive amounts of fiber like beans (which also have lots of sodium and protein, depending on the brand). For snacks, huge amounts of lettuce, sodium-rich foods like pickles, lots of Tabasco, etc. As an added bonus, you'll want to drink a lot of water to get the taste out of your mouth. As far as other snacky foods go, just don't keep them around. Personally, I find that the fact that I know that any time I go over my daily caloric limit I will have to make it up later, combined with how high-calorie most junk food is, keeps me from ever eating it unless I'm drunk. Another thing worth looking into might be an appetite suppressant, if you can afford it: they're generally available if you have a BMI over 27 and make it much easier to go between meals without eating anything.

Re: sweets, I honestly don't think there is any way to eat them routinely and not gain weight unless you're a professional athlete. Skinny people may eat out a lot, but they don't usually order dessert. Just cut them out of your life except on special occasions.

I work in a sweet shop :(


I work in a sweet shop :(
Well... shit. I'm sure there are people who have strategies for that kind of situation, but I got nothing for you. I can't really tell you not to eat the merchandise. Sorry dude :( I do know skinny people who work in sweet shops, so I imagine there is a way. You should find some and ask them their secret, since I guarantee you that being skinny in a sweet shop is the result of conscious effort. If I had to bullshit some suggestions I would probably say set an arbitrary limit on how many items from the shop you can eat in one day. Like, one. Or none. And also schedule a shitton of high-intensity cardio since 400 calories for a slice of cake isn't even at the high end of the scale and I assume you want to eat other things. Honestly maybe one every two days would be better. Or three. Seriously, I do not envy you the task of trying to construct a way to eat sweets routinely, not gain weight, and not feel hungry all the time (since that isn't sustainable).

tc farks

For those on a ketogenic diet: Do you find it difficult to lift weights for the duration of your workout?

Yeah, I did. Keto was great and it did its job very well, but as soon as I moved on from it I had a lot more energy to lift more and run farther, instantly.


I like fruit, specifically I like Grapes/Oranges/Pears. I am going to assume these are the worst fruits to eat. Given my luck.

I also like Carrots. Can I eat them raw for a snack?
I like fruit, specifically I like Grapes/Oranges/Pears. I am going to assume these are the worst fruits to eat. Given my luck.

I also like Carrots. Can I eat them raw for a snack?

Carrots, oranges, and pears are all fine.



Full werewolf off the buckle
I work in a sweet shop :(

Damn, that is some kinda M. Night Shamylan twist right there! I heard the classic scary-movie music and everything.

All I can really say is try to stick to a healthy diet as hard as you can and eventually the idea of what foods you are willing to eat may change.

I work in food service and used to stuff myself with all kinds of cakes and pies. Now, even when I am an asshole and cheat it's with stuff like plain popcorn, or an extra hardboiled egg, or a half-cup of hummus.

Sure, it may be calories I shouldn't be having but at the very least it's real whole foods for the most part and not sweets. Sometimes I'll have a few oatmeal raisin cookies or sugar free pudding but basically if you stick with it you may find your tastes changing.


I like fruit, specifically I like Grapes/Oranges/Pears. I am going to assume these are the worst fruits to eat. Given my luck.

I also like Carrots. Can I eat them raw for a snack?

Grapes have a ton of sugar. Just don't go overboard :)


Yeah, I did. Keto was great and it did its job very well, but as soon as I moved on from it I had a lot more energy to lift more and run farther, instantly.

Ah. I need to lose some body fat, but in terms of muscle loss and fatigue - I don't know whether lifting on a ketogenic diet would absolutely destroy me.


Carrots, oranges, and pears are all fine.

Grapes are fine for most diets. Just keep track of how many you're eating and you'll be fine. People have a tendency to underestimate how much fruit they're eating, especially with small units like grapes.

Ah.  I need to lose some body fat, but in terms of muscle loss and fatigue - I don't know whether lifting on a ketogenic diet would absolutely destroy me.
As far as losing body fat goes, whether I would choose lifting without ketosis over not lifting with ketosis depends on where you are in terms of BF% right now. If it's really high, I would go with ketosis and not lifting, since you're going to lose a lot of body fat just based on diet at that point (and not much lean muscle mass, comparatively) and you don't want to fuck that up with hunger pangs from the exercise. If it's more in the normal range and you're trying to get lean I would probably do the opposite, since if you don't lift then you're likely to lose muscle at a faster rate than fat. In the end, you're going to drop BF% no matter what as long as you're losing weight, but you'd probably prefer to hit your target without looking like a skeleton :)


Ah. I need to lose some body fat, but in terms of muscle loss and fatigue - I don't know whether lifting on a ketogenic diet would absolutely destroy me.

I get all my carbs from vegetables and feel fine in the gym. It's definitely doable. If my squats or deadlifts start to suffer ill add in oatmeal and sweet potatoes.


As far as losing body fat goes, whether I would choose lifting without ketosis over not lifting with ketosis depends on where you are in terms of BF% right now. If it's really high, I would go with ketosis and not lifting, since you're going to lose a lot of body fat just based on diet at that point (and not much lean muscle mass, comparatively) and you don't want to fuck that up with hunger pangs from the exercise. If it's more in the normal range and you're trying to get lean I would probably do the opposite, since if you don't lift then you're likely to lose muscle at a faster rate than fat. In the end, you're going to drop BF% no matter what as long as you're losing weight, but you'd probably prefer to hit your target without looking like a skeleton :)

Let's say you have a slightly above normal amount of body fat. For fat loss, is lifting while on Keto much of a difference than lifting on a standard caloric deficit with a sufficient amount of protein?


Getting better on Sundays for me. I did yardwork pretty much all day, then I grilled a nice steak filet and some green beans with it. But I broke down and had a bowl of cereal at the end of the night. D'oh!

But I started the week right today by doing my morning work-out of pull-ups / push-ups / squats / 1.5mi run. So I'm feeling pretty good.

I hope to get down another 1.5 lbs this week.

Can anyone give me some snacking tips to get me through urges to eat the most awful shit.

Don't rule out a Cheat Day (or meal) once a week, or every other week, to satisfy those cravings. Just make sure to limit it to 1 day/meal a week, and you'll be fine.

Also, I'm of the mindset that anything you can grow is fine to eat regularly. While yes, some fruits are 'better' than others, none are truly 'bad' for you. A banana is great before or after a work-out. A small hanful of grapes are good as a snack. Moderation is key. I typically have an apple with lunch, and baby carrots sometimes. Other weeks I'll have grapes or oranges depending on what we buy for my daughter's lunch that week.


Let's say you have a slightly above normal amount of body fat. Is lifting while on Keto much of a difference than lifting on a standard caloric deficit with a sufficient amount of protein?
What's "slightly above normal"? People have a tendency to underestimate their body fat. Anyway, you're right that lifting is going to be harder with any form of dietary restriction, and you're not going to be building new muscle as long as you're losing weight anyway (though you may see strength increases), but I personally find that if I'm going to be calorie-restricted anyway it's easier to work out with a sufficient supply of carbs. Remember that lifting on a caloric restriction is first and foremost about maximizing muscle preservation, rather than maximizing muscle building (which won't happen) or maximizing fat loss (since you're going to lose fat anyway, if perhaps at a slower pace). That's why it's important in the context of this discussion that you already be at a place where you'd be okay with seeing slower drops in weight and fat mass in order to preserve muscle, whereas at a high BF% rapid fat loss is far more important.


What's "slightly above normal"? People have a tendency to underestimate their body fat. Anyway, you're right that lifting is going to be harder with any form of dietary restriction, and you're not going to be building new muscle as long as you're losing weight anyway (though you may see strength increases), but I personally find that if I'm going to be calorie-restricted anyway it's easier to work out with a sufficient supply of carbs.

20% at the most. I had lost quite a bit of weight years ago, but lost a lot of muscle due to being ignorant of diet and exercise. Recently I had just recovered from a physical condition, but had gained quite a bit of weight and don't want to make the same mistake while cutting down again. I get the feeling that as long you're lifting weights on a moderate calorie restriction, things should be fine, though.


20% at the most. I had lost quite a bit of weight years ago, but lost a lot of muscle due to being ignorant of diet and exercise. Recently I had just recovered from a physical condition, but had gained quite a bit of weight and don't want to make the same mistake while cutting down again. I get the feeling that as long you're lifting weights on a moderate calorie restriction, things should be fine, though.
Yep, 20% is pretty much where I'd say you should definitely be lifting and not super concerned about being ketotic. At that point you want slow, consistent weight loss while minimizing muscle loss and your biggest concern should be sustainability of the diet and routine over a longer period of time.


Yep, 20% is pretty much where I'd say you should definitely be lifting and not super concerned about being ketotic. At that point you want slow, consistent weight loss while minimizing muscle loss and your biggest concern should be sustainability of the diet and routine over a longer period of time.

Got it. Thanks for the advice.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I keep hitting a wall at 200 lbs. I think I have about 10 lbs left to lose (have a small tire around my midsection still) and I'm not sure what to do. I work out (Insanity) 5 times a week at least.



I keep hitting a wall at 200 lbs. I think I have about 10 lbs left to lose (have a small tire around my midsection still) and I'm not sure what to do. I work out (Insanity) 5 times a week at least.

Get a kitchen scale, use the model I linked above, count calories until you get there. I guarantee you it will work :)


So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Get a kitchen scale, use the model I linked above, count calories until you get there. I guarantee you it will work :)

I do a good amount of counting via MyFitnessPal, and generally watch what I eat. I go off diet usually about twice a week (weekends mostly) to stay sane. Guess I'll have to watch it a bit more.

So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?

I'm on the low end of that, I went from around 240 to 200 over the last year or so but I don't have any excess skin or marks.


So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?
None after 65, but I wasn't that big for very long. I think this is mainly an issue for people who lose 100+ pounds, but that's just a hypothesis--I don't have any hard evidence to back that up.
Deadly Cyclone said:
I do a good amount of counting via MyFitnessPal, and generally watch what I eat. I go off diet usually about twice a week (weekends mostly) to stay sane. Guess I'll have to watch it a bit more.
Yeah, killing the cheat days will probably do it, but if you want to be absolutely sure being really, really strict (like, weighing everything) definitely will.
So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?

I have lost 100 and I definitely have a bunch of stretch marks in the usual places. Though they are far less noticeable than they were before.

Some loose skin. Mostly around my midsection but it isn't terrible.


I slowly lost 70+ pounds over 2.5 years or so and I have loose skin under my belly button. It can sort of hang if I bend over. It's definitely a little embarrassing but it's better than being huge.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?
I've lost about 135 and I've honestly got a ton of loose skin. My thighs and arms especially, my midsection hasn't been too bad as yet but I don't think I'll opt for surgery to tighten up. I'm just waiting for my divorce to get rolling to see if a gym membership fits into my financial landscape.

Stretch marks all over the place. Gut, arms, even slightly on my upper forearms near the elbow, the shoulders. It sucks but I started getting them when I was a kid even so I'm quite used to them now. I hear they do start to fade, though not disappear, with weight loss.

Frankly I'm just damned happy they didn't spread to more noticeable areas like further down my forearms.


So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?

I lost 33 lbs in 2011 and had no excess skin. I thought it was problem mainly for people who lose massive amount of weight...70 lbs & more.


heh.. kinda funny. was just googling that exact topic.
Also lost a lot of weight , in a short time and had the marks since the age of 12 or so. Down to 75 kg from 121 (266-165 in lbs lands i guess). And upper body is finally getting a kind of definition, but my loose bellyfat remains.

I will train for another year. Should there be no progress, i will ask a doctor´s opinion.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I will train for another year. Should there be no progress, i will ask a doctor´s opinion.

Hey, congratulations on the loss. I, too, hope to mitigate the situation via training but fear that I may need to consider a surgical option if that doesn't work.

I've never had surgery before and am hoping it's unnecessary. Anyone here had their skin tightened? What was your experience?
Ketostix tip: cut them in half lengthwise to double your supply. I never had a steady enough hand to cut them in thirds. Maybe with an Exacto knife?


Yeah, killing the cheat days will probably do it, but if you want to be absolutely sure being really, really strict (like, weighing everything) definitely will.

I'm not a fan of counting calories in a day to day lifestyle, but yeah killing those last few pounds that's what I do.
So, kind of a sensitive question, but for those who lost at least 30 pounds, do you have any/much excess skin? Before you lost the weight, did you have any stretch marks?

I lost about 40 lbs in the space of two years and I have stretch marks. Not obvious ones but they are there. I gained the weight rather quickly and it was HARD to lose because I've never been big. Since gaining some back, I'm afraid of them reappearing.

One of my good friends lost 100+ in a year with diet and exercise and has lots of loose skin around the midsection. It takes a while to "shrink" back.
I'm looking for a bit of advice here. I've gotten myself down from 230lbs to 205lbs. I still have quite a bit of fat on my torso (nice little belly and some moobs). I'm purely guesstimating that I wont get rid of that until I hit about 180-190.

I'm a little weary about hitting that weight and looking too thin though. I'm on a calorie restriction and mostly do weight lifting with 1 day of cardio. Would it be a wise decision to try to eat more calories and lift more weight in an effort to build more muscle to lose fat?


Quite possibly. I reached a plateau at 220 I couldn't beat until I changed from 1,500 calories a day to 1,731.
Plateaus aren't a real thing. Well, they can be, but you have to diet for like three years. If you hit a plateau, you just need to count calories more carefully (kitchen scales!) or keep it up for a few more weeks and wait (scales can show very different results depending on things like water retention). I have never plateaued and my body isn't magical. I'm not saying your metabolism doesn't slow down when you eat less, because it does--just not to the extent that it totally wipes out your deficit.
I'm looking for a bit of advice here. I've gotten myself down from 230lbs to 205lbs. I still have quite a bit of fat on my torso (nice little belly and some moobs). I'm purely guesstimating that I wont get rid of that until I hit about 180-190.

I'm a little weary about hitting that weight and looking too thin though. I'm on a calorie restriction and mostly do weight lifting with 1 day of cardio. Would it be a wise decision to try to eat more calories and lift more weight in an effort to build more muscle to lose fat?
No, it wouldn't be worth it. Unless you're at 17-18% body fat, which I don't think you are, you should definitely be cutting in preference to building muscle (you can always cut further but that depends on personal preference). Also, note that when you lose the fat depends on your body type. I still have very slight moobs at under 17% body fat.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Plateaus aren't a real thing. Well, they can be, but you have to diet for like three years. If you hit a plateau, you just need to count calories more carefully (kitchen scales!) or wait (scales can show very different results depending on things like water retention). I have never plateaued and my body isn't magical. I'm not saying your metabolism doesn't slow down when you eat less, because it does--just not to the extent that it totally wipes out your deficit.

More than likely you are correct, I haven't done the research but it wouldn't surprise me.

Basically, as you say, you just need to be very patient and careful. Anecdotally, I was getting worn out from eating so little and it was leading me towards an unhealthy relationship with food again.

Increasing my intake in sensible, healthy ways absolutely helped me get back on track.


More than likely you are correct, I haven't done the research but it wouldn't surprise me.

Basically, as you say, you just need to be very patient and careful. Anecdotally, I was getting worn out from eating so little and it was leading me towards an unhealthy relationship with food again.

Increasing my intake in sensible, healthy ways absolutely helped me get back on track.
Yeah, that totally makes sense. A lot of studies show that on average few people can really follow a strict diet for longer than about six months. It can be extremely tiring and draining. So for a lot of people being a little less strict can actually be a good thing.
But what if I'm full with what I eat? It's not like I'm starving myself.
Doesn't matter... a deficit is a deficit. If you're concerned about whether you're actually eating at a deficit, check the model I linked on the previous page. Web sites do not always give accurate estimates. If you've lost a lot of weight or been dieting for a while, most websites' estimates for your daily expenditure may be a little high, but that model's won't, which is one reason I like it.
No, it wouldn't be worth it. Unless you're at 17-18% body fat, which I don't think you are, you should definitely be cutting in preference to building muscle (you can always cut further but that depends on personal preference). Also, note that when you lose the fat depends on your body type. I still have very slight moobs at under 17% body fat.

Gotcha. I figured it may not be a good idea but was just starting to get a little flustered as to which direction I want to go. I may just up my cardio a bit to help drop the fat quicker.


Full werewolf off the buckle
How to lose stomach fat, please help.
To my understanding it's impossible to lose from specific spots. You sort of just need to keep doing the right thing until your body decides you've lost enough to start losing from the space you want to lose from.


Somebody mentioned moobs? Man, fuck moobs :-/


To my understanding it's impossible to lose from specific spots. You sort of just need to keep doing the right thing until your body decides you've lost enough to start losing from the space you want to lose from.


Somebody mentioned moobs? Man, fuck moobs :-/
Yeah, with moobs specifically I kept thinking "just another few pounds and they'll go away." Didn't start going away until I hit 18%, even though I know lots of people with 20+ BF% who don't have any. On the other hand, I started losing my love handles way earlier and a lot of people still have those until they get to very low BF%. It all depends on individual body type. Also one reason I love models like the one I keep pimping and am not a huge fan of scale watching or mirror watching... things vary so much from day to day and throughout the course of your weight loss, but a model like that keeps a clear goal in sight and lets you know that as long as you keep following your regimen, you'll get to where you need to be. Like I said, I quite recently got below 17% and I'm finally starting to look good with my shirt off (plus I look fucking fantastic in clothes). That's motivation enough for me to go the rest of the way (10-12% is my goal... I want dat six pack).
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