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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Question about paleo/primal diets:

If you cut out whole grains (whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc.), rice, and legumes, are you depriving yourself of any vitamins/minerals that aren't as readily available in other foods?


Question about paleo/primal diets:

If you cut out whole grains (whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc.), rice, and legumes, are you depriving yourself of any vitamins/minerals that aren't as readily available in other foods?

Grains are not very nutrient dense, you wouldn't be missing anything.
So am I doing IF right?

I didn't eat everything all day and came home at 8. I just ate 2 chicken breasts, a lot of salad drenched in olive oil and about to eat 4-5 strawberries.

Been doing this for the past 3 days.
So am I doing IF right?

I didn't eat everything all day and came home at 8. I just ate 2 chicken breasts, a lot of salad drenched in olive oil and about to eat 4-5 strawberries.

Been doing this for the past 3 days.
Ehh... I'd say eat a small meal at 4pm, then dinner at 8pm.

Anyway... I lost 7 lbs last month! :D


because your body is tapping into it's fat stores for energy. it's amazing how different you feel when you're not relying solely on glucose for energy. it's the thing I always try and explain to people who are considering a diet change, the body runs so much better when it's burning fat for fuel.


Does anyone have any guide's for ketogenic diet for me to read? Like example on how to get there and what to eat? I know some of the basics but I'd like some more info.

I know Lyle McDonald has a book on the matter but I'd like some free sources for starts.
When it comes to getting rid of all the bad food in the house, I found this actually made my cravings for junk even higher. It must be related to the theory of wanting things even more if you can't have them. When all the junk was trashed, I would find myself at the store saying fuck it, and buying more. And of course eating it.

So here's what I did.

I went to Costco and bought one of those 30 packs of candy bars... Skittles, M&M's, Snickers, 3 Musketeers, and Starburst. I leave it open on my kitchen counter like a little store. I haven't touched it since I set it up a month and a half ago and I haven't wanted to. And the bonus is that I have something to offer friends when they come over :). Now when I'm at the store I don't have any urges to buy candy because I have all the candy I would ever want waiting at home. And when I am at home, just looking at it is enough to satisfy me, because I think of all those empty calories and just make myself a healthy snack instead.

(WARNING candy porn) http://i.minus.com/ibm5CZbUM3Vj7o.jpg

Anyway, this trick works for me although it is backwards to advice commonly offered.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Alright GAF, time for some post-weight loss advice.

I lost my weight years ago. I'm clearing out years worth of fatty clothes from my closet:
1. Can I donate these?
If so:
2. Where?
3. Will they want to inspect every item, or can I dump it and run?

32" regular fit for life now.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Alright GAF, time for some post-weight loss advice.

I lost my weight years ago. I'm clearing out years worth of fatty clothes from my closet:
1. Can I donate these?
If so:
2. Where?
3. Will they want to inspect every item, or can I dump it and run?

32" regular fit for life now.

Yes, goodwill, dump and run.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Alright GAF, time for some post-weight loss advice.

I lost my weight years ago. I'm clearing out years worth of fatty clothes from my closet:
1. Can I donate these?
If so:
2. Where?
3. Will they want to inspect every item, or can I dump it and run?

32" regular fit for life now.

that's my goal. congrats.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.

First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?

Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.

That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.

This shit is too frustrating.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yes, goodwill, dump and run.

Sweet. I addressed GAF, and I got the CEO of GAF.

I was overweight borderline type 1 obese, and it's amazing how huge this stuff is. But I'm pretty sure my walk in closet was morbidly obese. It wasn't walk in, pretty much a pile of clothes for a short period.

that's my goal. congrats.

And save for a rare medical disorder, you can do it too. Figure out what works for you. For me it was sort of a combo of low food reward, low carbish/paleo food choices (ie, eat quality food), exercise, and rational feedback via scale. I lost the weight prior to a waist circumference measuring tape, but I highly recommend getting one. Collect data in Excel, plot data. Not to use as something to nag yourself into eating less, but to see if what you're doing naturally curbs hunger and ends with results.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.

First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?

Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.

That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.

This shit is too frustrating.

Use Excel and plot each day.

Once I get into a low food reward diet and exercise daily, my weight is very consistent. It hugs the linear interpolation trend very tightly around 0.65 lbs per day.

If you don't do any cardio and you eat salty stuff, you'll gain a few lbs. As soon as you do cardio again, you'll sweat much more and lose it.


I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.

First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?

Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.

That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.

This shit is too frustrating.

I had posted regarding this in another thread. Excuse me for quoting that post here but I'm posting from my phone and it would take far too long to retype...

I've been managing my diet for the last 6 months by weighing myself daily. The thing to remember is that there will be minor fluctuations on a fairly regular basis. You want to look at the trend of weight loss/gain over time instead of only considering any one day's weight.

For example, go out and have sushi for dinner? Eat it with soy sauce (regular or low sodium)? Well it is very likely that you'll see a small amount of weight "gain" when weighing in the morning due to water retention caused by the soy sauce and rice. It isn't nice to think about but you have to consider the food in your digestive system; the amount of which can change quite a bit from day to day based on what you eat. Some foods retain more water, some may run right through you, etc. (At least this has been my experience)

I know right where you are coming from when you talk about being nervous on switching from a weight loss plan to a maintenance one. I still have a ways to go before I have to cross that bridge but I know it will be difficult for me to switch gears. I plan on continuing my daily weighing as a way to monitor my maintenance. I'll most likely set high and low watermarks around my goal weight for when I need to take action and switch back in to weight loss or gain mode.

If you haven't done so, read the Hacker's Diet as it gives a fairly good description of this thermostat-like way of monitoring your weight and achieving some semblance of equilibrium.


Again, you want to look at loss/gain trend over time even though you are taking daily measurements. I actually track my progress using a free Android app call Libra. It calculates the trend over a period of time.



Full werewolf off the buckle

Well guys, I was quite pleasently surprised today while in a fitting room to see that I can now comfortably get into a large shirt.

Does it look ok? Not too tight?


I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.

First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?

Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.

That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.

This shit is too frustrating.

Haha I get the same thing. My weight fluctuates all over the place. Download the app
Body Shot (definitely on iOS, dunno about android) and take a picture of yourself like every 4 weeks.

Well guys, I was quite pleasently surprised today while in a fitting room to see that I can now comfortably get into a large shirt.

Does it look ok? Not too tight?

Little snug around the midsection to be honest, but that could giv you some incentive to keep losing! Looking good, keep up the hard work man.


As of last Tuesday I had lost fifteen pounds since the beginning of the year. Tuesday evenings have been my weigh-in time, so I'm interested to see how far I'm coming along. My wife and I have both been doing Weight Watchers and it has been working really well for us so far.

I have pants I received for Christmas that now require a belt, so that's progress!


I dont think I've posted an update on this thread recently so:

ah just realizing I dont have my pictures available, I'll edit later..

2005 and prior: In very good shape, hitting the gym and playing pickup basketball
2007: Out of shape, 200+ pounds mostly around my gut.
2008: Son was born, kickstarted my "gotta get back in shape" juices
2009: Started crossfit
2010: Hit my goals for bodyfat at around 170 lbs: http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l32/Dashel2/July23progresspics006.jpg
2011: Did Starting Strength: Gained ~30 lbs in around 3 or 4 months unknown how much is muscle or fat - http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l32/Dashel2/Movember3.jpg
2012: Continued lifting, Starting Strength into Texas Method and now 5/3/1
2013: Time to f**%&% cut already. I've been carrying an extra 20 or so pounds around too long. Started eating Paleo and made this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=506828

When I started my cut I was at 202 pounds or there abouts. As of today I'm at 191. Feelsgoodman.gif. I have managed to keep my strength and my numbers are still going up on lifts. Belly is still smooth and chubby, but I feel like I'm killing fat slowly and surely while keeping my lean body mass intact. I hope the next 10 pounds will show a real improvement. Will update again!

Thanks everyone for posting their updates and tips, it helps.



BMI now in the normal range, just barely. 184lbs, a hair over 6'. This is from a max weight of ~300lbs. I was about 225 in high school, but spent a crap ton of free time, and school time, in the weight room from age 13-18. I had a *lot* more upper body weight back then in muscle.

My new workout regime is all running, stretching, and crunches. No weightlifting.

I'd imagine my body fat % is probably below 10% though. About the only fat left on me is in my gut area. Arms, chest, and legs are all muscle and skin.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

BMI now in the normal range, just barely. 184lbs, a hair over 6'. This is from a max weight of ~300lbs. I was about 225 in high school, but spent a crap ton of free time, and school time, in the weight room from age 13-18. I had a *lot* more upper body weight back then in muscle.

My new workout regime is all running, stretching, and crunches. No weightlifting.

I'd imagine my body fat % is probably below 10% though. About the only fat left on me is in my gut area. Arms, chest, and legs are all muscle and skin.

If your body fat % is less than 10%, you'll know. That's solid 6 pack area.

Not to take away from what you've done. Grats.


Fair enough, I'm more or less using some anecdotal positing of where my body fat was when I was in shape in high school. I definitely know my gut is smaller than it was then, but I suppose I have less weight to offset that as well.


holy fucking shit guys, I was going through some old draws and found an old pic of me when I was at my heaviest, I'd never seen this pic before and it was shocking to me, I really had no idea I was so big.

fuck fuck fuck, this is tough for me to post, I only did the shirtless mirror thing for comparison



Wow dude, good work. I don't think anybody ever sees themselves as big as they are. The only pictures I have really have of me from before I started losing weight are pieces of ID. Even then, seeing how swollen my head looked is night and day. I kind of wished I had taken a picture before I started losing weight so I could compare, but I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of a 280lbs me without a shirt on.
Wow dude, good work. I don't think anybody ever sees themselves as big as they are. The only pictures I have really have of me from before I started losing weight are pieces of ID. Even then, seeing how swollen my head looked is night and day. I kind of wished I had taken a picture before I started losing weight so I could compare, but I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of a 280lbs me without a shirt on.

Isn't that the truth. It really took me loosing a ton of weight for me to realize just how overweight and unhealthy I really was at my worst.


Isn't that the truth. It really took me loosing a ton of weight for me to realize just how overweight and unhealthy I really was at my worst.

I always feel that way, especially when I see myself in pictures and I think, "I'm not that big!" It's even worse though when I stand in front of a mirror with someone else. I'm a big guy (350 lbs) but I'm also 6'5, so the difference always blows me away and makes me realize just how big I am.


How accurate are these TDEE or BMI calculators?

I'm 6'2 198 pounds.

I work out 3-4 times a week (3 weight lifting + cool down cardio + 1 45-60min low impact cardio session) as well as walk about about 1.5 miles a day at my office. The rest of the time I'm sitting at a computer all day for my job and do don't much at home except a few chores.

I've been sticking to about 2000-2100...but the calculator is saying my energy expenditure given all that input is about 3100 cals. That seems a bit high to me, even with my working out.

Some weeks when I don't lose weight I think it's because I'm actually undereating...


I wish I could show pictures of how my confidence has changed before and after losing weight. When i was over 300lbs I had no courage approaching women. Now my confidence level is through the friggin roof that all I do is approach women and get myself out there. I feel like a totally different person, not just in looks, but in attitude and overall happiness.
As of this morning I've lost 50 pounds. On a related note, thanks to whoever recommended those quest bars, they are one of the few protein bars I've had that actually taste good.


As of this morning I've lost 50 pounds. On a related note, thanks to whoever recommended those quest bars, they are one of the few protein bars I've had that actually taste good.

I have to try those, I am getting tired of the pure protein bars which taste almost as good as a regular chocolate but screws up the stomach at times.


I have to try those, I am getting tired of the pure protein bars which taste almost as good as a regular chocolate but screws up the stomach at times.

It's probably the alcohol sugars doing that. Some people don't react kindly to it. I gave up on Pure after 1 box because I didn't like the synthetic taste.

That being said, you can order Quest bars on Amazon.com (only chocolate for now), or from their website for the same price. However, make sure you order from their "original line", because they have a 100% Nutrition line that also has those alcohol sugars.


I have to try those, I am getting tired of the pure protein bars which taste almost as good as a regular chocolate but screws up the stomach at times.

That's Maltitol, it's the sugar alcohol they use and it's the worst one by far, it's essentially sugar that gives you cramps, avoid it for sure. Quest Bars use Erythirol, which is a sugar alcohol too, but it's not digested. It immediately gets absorbed into the blood stream, than you piss it right out, causing no cramps or bloating. The "downside" is cost, erythirol cost more, which is why most bars our there use maltitiol and cost less than Quest.

It may even be beneficial to health
can't see the details of the talk/research though, so who knows
As of this morning I've lost 50 pounds. On a related note, thanks to whoever recommended those quest bars, they are one of the few protein bars I've had that actually taste good.

I need to try those. I am starting to wind down my ultra low carb diet and starting to look towards getting into shape.

Also grats on 50 lbs!
So. I have been posting here and never been brave enough to post pics.

I am nearing my goal so here they go. I never really took "before" pics, but this one was from a family gathering around the time I started dieting.

May 1, 2012: 330 lbs at 6'5"

Today: 225 lbs

I would still like to get a bit more in shape and lose another 10 lbs of fat, but in general I am very happy with my progress over the last 9 months or so.


So. I have been posting here and never been brave enough to post pics.

I am nearing my goal so here they go. I never really took "before" pics, but this one was from a family gathering around the time I started dieting.

May 1, 2012: 330 lbs at 6'5"

Today: 225 lbs

I would still like to get a bit more in shape and lose another 10 lbs of fat, but in general I am very happy with my progress over the last 9 months or so.

You look just like a former friend who lost a huge amount of weight. Good job man!


Will drop pants for Sony.
holy fucking shit guys, I was going through some old draws and found an old pic of me when I was at my heaviest, I'd never seen this pic before and it was shocking to me, I really had no idea I was so big.

fuck fuck fuck, this is tough for me to post, I only did the shirtless mirror thing for comparison

Wow. Congrats. I wish I could achieve that
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