Question about paleo/primal diets:
If you cut out whole grains (whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc.), rice, and legumes, are you depriving yourself of any vitamins/minerals that aren't as readily available in other foods?
Ehh... I'd say eat a small meal at 4pm, then dinner at 8pm.So am I doing IF right?
I didn't eat everything all day and came home at 8. I just ate 2 chicken breasts, a lot of salad drenched in olive oil and about to eat 4-5 strawberries.
Been doing this for the past 3 days.
Alright GAF, time for some post-weight loss advice.
I lost my weight years ago. I'm clearing out years worth of fatty clothes from my closet:
1. Can I donate these?
If so:
2. Where?
3. Will they want to inspect every item, or can I dump it and run?
32" regular fit for life now.
Alright GAF, time for some post-weight loss advice.
I lost my weight years ago. I'm clearing out years worth of fatty clothes from my closet:
1. Can I donate these?
If so:
2. Where?
3. Will they want to inspect every item, or can I dump it and run?
32" regular fit for life now.
Yes, goodwill, dump and run.
that's my goal. congrats.
I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.
First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?
Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.
That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.
This shit is too frustrating.
I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.
First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?
Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.
That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.
This shit is too frustrating.
I've been managing my diet for the last 6 months by weighing myself daily. The thing to remember is that there will be minor fluctuations on a fairly regular basis. You want to look at the trend of weight loss/gain over time instead of only considering any one day's weight.
For example, go out and have sushi for dinner? Eat it with soy sauce (regular or low sodium)? Well it is very likely that you'll see a small amount of weight "gain" when weighing in the morning due to water retention caused by the soy sauce and rice. It isn't nice to think about but you have to consider the food in your digestive system; the amount of which can change quite a bit from day to day based on what you eat. Some foods retain more water, some may run right through you, etc. (At least this has been my experience)
I know right where you are coming from when you talk about being nervous on switching from a weight loss plan to a maintenance one. I still have a ways to go before I have to cross that bridge but I know it will be difficult for me to switch gears. I plan on continuing my daily weighing as a way to monitor my maintenance. I'll most likely set high and low watermarks around my goal weight for when I need to take action and switch back in to weight loss or gain mode.
If you haven't done so, read the Hacker's Diet as it gives a fairly good description of this thermostat-like way of monitoring your weight and achieving some semblance of equilibrium.
Again, you want to look at loss/gain trend over time even though you are taking daily measurements. I actually track my progress using a free Android app call Libra. It calculates the trend over a period of time.
I'm getting annoyed with calorie counting.
First of all, every site out there with a calculator gives me a completely difference number for my maintenance. I've ranged anywhere from 2400 to 2800, what the fuck?
Second, I weigh myself every morning after using the bathroom and the weight flucuates in the weirdest way. I could have what I consider to be a slight bulk day if I cheated or just had a tad extra than I plan for and my weight will go down. The following day I'll have what I KNOW is a low-calorie/cut day and check my weight the next morning and it says my weight went up or stayed the same.
That second one is what brought me to the conclusion that my sodium intake is definitely higher on non-training days than it is on training days which, I guess, causes water retention which throws my weight off. That, in turn, doesn't allow me to get accurate viewing of what my maintenance is.
This shit is too frustrating.
Well guys, I was quite pleasently surprised today while in a fitting room to see that I can now comfortably get into a large shirt.
Does it look ok? Not too tight?
Aren't these bad boys a decent snack option?
Hmm, I guess, I was just naive enough to see they were 0g of carbs.
Well guys, I was quite pleasently surprised today while in a fitting room to see that I can now comfortably get into a large shirt.
Does it look ok? Not too tight?
BMI now in the normal range, just barely. 184lbs, a hair over 6'. This is from a max weight of ~300lbs. I was about 225 in high school, but spent a crap ton of free time, and school time, in the weight room from age 13-18. I had a *lot* more upper body weight back then in muscle.
My new workout regime is all running, stretching, and crunches. No weightlifting.
I'd imagine my body fat % is probably below 10% though. About the only fat left on me is in my gut area. Arms, chest, and legs are all muscle and skin.
gonna post this, super embarrassed:
thats me at my fattest
im about 15 lbs lighter now, but i got a lot of work to go
Wow dude, good work. I don't think anybody ever sees themselves as big as they are. The only pictures I have really have of me from before I started losing weight are pieces of ID. Even then, seeing how swollen my head looked is night and day. I kind of wished I had taken a picture before I started losing weight so I could compare, but I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of a 280lbs me without a shirt on.
Isn't that the truth. It really took me loosing a ton of weight for me to realize just how overweight and unhealthy I really was at my worst.
Isn't that the truth. It really took me loosing a ton of weight for me to realize just how overweight and unhealthy I really was at my worst.
As of this morning I've lost 50 pounds. On a related note, thanks to whoever recommended those quest bars, they are one of the few protein bars I've had that actually taste good.
I have to try those, I am getting tired of the pure protein bars which taste almost as good as a regular chocolate but screws up the stomach at times.
I have to try those, I am getting tired of the pure protein bars which taste almost as good as a regular chocolate but screws up the stomach at times.
As of this morning I've lost 50 pounds. On a related note, thanks to whoever recommended those quest bars, they are one of the few protein bars I've had that actually taste good.
So. I have been posting here and never been brave enough to post pics.
I am nearing my goal so here they go. I never really took "before" pics, but this one was from a family gathering around the time I started dieting.
May 1, 2012: 330 lbs at 6'5"
Today: 225 lbs
I would still like to get a bit more in shape and lose another 10 lbs of fat, but in general I am very happy with my progress over the last 9 months or so.
Wow. Congrats. I wish I could achieve thatholy fucking shit guys, I was going through some old draws and found an old pic of me when I was at my heaviest, I'd never seen this pic before and it was shocking to me, I really had no idea I was so big.
fuck fuck fuck, this is tough for me to post, I only did the shirtless mirror thing for comparison
Wow. Congrats. I wish I could achieve that