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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


So it's been a while since I've been in here. Mostly jumping in my P90X thread and the weight loss challenge. I got up to about 208 over the holidays bu am back to 199 now. In the last year and a half I've lost 40 pounds, I posted the pics a while back.

Only issue now is finishing off the small tire around my midsection and toning. Issue is I seem to have hit a plateau and cannot get below about 198. My weight will fluctuate between 203 and 198 on a weekly basis and I can't get any lower. I'm doing Insanity Asylum 5 times a week at least, eating low carb (less than 35 grams or so) during the week, and have limited my bad weekend habits to eating out twice on the weekend (usually not too unhealthy, sushi, sandwiches, etc.) and having some beer.

The only thing left I think i can do is completely cut out everything I like to eat that's bad, and I'm not willing to do that because it's what kills healthy eating the quickest. Once it's nice out I'm going to start running on my off days, but I have no idea what to do now. I feel like I have about 10 lbs left to lose, but I'm stuck.

I'm extremely happy where I am compared to a year ago though.

Might be a big part of the problem

How many calories do you consume on average? and how many do you consume during the weekend? My guess is that since you go out to eat twice a week and consume beer on top of that your calorie consumption on those days are probably really high.

I have not updated here in a while. Anyone trying fasting or Intermittent fasting? Its what I live by now. Even when school starts and I lag behind in training and my diet goes to shit, Intermittent fasting saves the day.

Recently I tried doing a long term fast, from 12/10/2012 - 1/8/2013. Lost about 32lbs. Didn't lose too much muscle, my lifts took about two weeks to get back to how they were prefast. I did cardio on my long term water only fast, but near the end I did some weight training with some success.

But since then I just have been doing intermittent fasting and trying to stay away from red meat. Food taste so much better after a long term fast!

Older Photo of me @ 190-185 LBS

After Fasting @ 171LBS

I'm pretty sure that's not healthy, like at all. When you do go back to eating you'll balloon in weight, since your metabolism will go down.
I'm pretty sure that's not healthy, like at all. When you do go back to eating you'll balloon in weight, since your metabolism will go down.

Do a little research on water only fasting.

I stopped fasting 1/8/2013, so I have been eating for over a month how I normally do. Which is IF (intermittent fasting) during the day and I eat lean at night... no health problems what so ever. In fact the only health complications anyone would have doing a water fast is if their body fat percentages is under 5-6%, then you are technically starving.

Since Im around 18% now I did perfectly fine. I also mentioned my lifts are back to normal and went back to being so around two weeks after my fast. Your metabolism is bult on your lean mass, not how much fat you lose or gain...

Funny thing ill add is... I did REE test for each week that I fasted. My metabolism only went down about 200 calories from the day that I started.

I love fasting and sort of live by this book... (except im not dropping meat)



I'm kind of considering giving up meat for lent and just going vegetarian to lose about 15lbs or so . I feel like I'd end up not getting enough protein though. How do vegetarians usually get their protein? I don't really want to resort to just protein bars and drinks.

Tofu if you're a fan. Also, as long as you allow yourself dairy, you shouldn't have any issues with protein specifically. Milk (and Soy milk actually) has a decent amount per serving. Greek Yogurt is a really great source as well as cottage cheese, and as has already been said, nuts/beans/legumes etc are good, but some are really carby.

Also almond butter, quinoa, tempeh, any vegetarian meat substitute (usually soy or seitan based), and eggs or egg whites.

If you're going completely vegetarian you should be more concerned with getting enough essential minerals like iron. I can't say this enough. If you aren't getting the proper nutrients you're going to feel like garbage.

Also, I can't tell you how many friends of mine who are also vegetarian also have weight issues lol. Brown rice, nuts, beans and all that fare are still high in calories relative to the amounts you eat, so portion control becomes an issue when you're feeling full like you're used to. I definitely remember it being challenging at the beginning.

Good luck!


I'm pretty sure that's not healthy, like at all. When you do go back to eating you'll balloon in weight, since your metabolism will go down.

I remember reading about this guy:
A 27-year-old male patient fasted under supervision
for 382 days and has subsequently maintained his
normal weight. Blood glucose concentrations around
30 mg/100 ml were recorded consistently during the
last 8 months, although the patient was ambulant and
attending as an out-patient. Responses to glucose and
tolbutamide tolerance tests remained normal. The
hyperglycaemic response to glucagon was reduced and
latterly absent, but promptly returned to normal during
carbohydrate refeeding. After an initial decrease was
corrected, plasma potassium levels remained normal
without supplementation. A temporary period of
hypercalcaemia occurred towards the end of the fast.
Decreased plasma magnesium concentrations were a
consistent feature from the first month onwards. After
100 days of fasting there was a marked and persistent
increase in the excretion of urinary cations and
inorganic phosphate, which until then had been minimal.
These increases may be due to dissolution of excessive
soft tissue and skeletal mass. Prolonged fasting in this
patient had no ill-effects.
It can be done safely and effectively, but it's important to note that his vitals were checked often. More here.
I remember reading about this guy:

It can be done safely and effectively, but it's important to note that his vitals were checked often. More here.

Thanks for this post!

I had up and down days, but the main issue for me was that I couldn't weight lift like I usually do. I assume its because I'm not taking in ANY carbs. Unlike a lowcarb or keto diet...

But I still went to work everyday and functioned fine. I did cardo and light running in the morning and evening everyday, and I drank a TON of water. I did the REE and BMR test weekly. I didnt have a physical before, but I did have a physical recently ( I didn't mention fasting ) my doctor said I was better than last visit.

Fasting isn't something that is popular, but people have been doing it hundreds of years. And no your weight won't balloon back up.


Thanks for this post!

I had up and down days, but the main issue for me was that I couldn't weight lift like I usually do. I assume its because I'm not taking in ANY carbs. Unlike a lowcarb or keto diet...

But I still went to work everyday and functioned fine. I did cardo and light running in the morning and evening everyday, and I drank a TON of water. I did the REE and BMR test weekly. I didnt have a physical before, but I did have a physical recently ( I didn't mention fasting ) my doctor said I was better than last visit.

Fasting isn't something that is popular, but people have been doing it hundreds of years. And no your weight won't balloon back up.

When I fasted for 2 weeks pre-op, I did no exercising at all, fearing that I would over-exert myself.


All of you folks make me want to work harder and harder so I have something to show off. A lot of the advice in this thread has helped me turn my life around. Thanks


Thanks for this post!

I had up and down days, but the main issue for me was that I couldn't weight lift like I usually do. I assume its because I'm not taking in ANY carbs. Unlike a lowcarb or keto diet...

But I still went to work everyday and functioned fine. I did cardo and light running in the morning and evening everyday, and I drank a TON of water. I did the REE and BMR test weekly. I didnt have a physical before, but I did have a physical recently ( I didn't mention fasting ) my doctor said I was better than last visit.

Fasting isn't something that is popular, but people have been doing it hundreds of years. And no your weight won't balloon back up.

Whatever works for you man, at the end of the day that's what matters.

To me personally though, I don't like the idea of fasting because as you said, you can't lift like you normally would. Plus you lose a lot of muscle in the process, when your taget should be fat loss instead of just weight loss. I say this because I have done water fasting before and at the end of the day it never helped me get a lifestyle change as once the fasting is done you just go back to how you used to eat. I dunno about IMF though.
Whatever works for you man, at the end of the day that's what matters.

To me personally though, I don't like the idea of fasting because as you said, you can't lift like you normally would. Plus you lose a lot of muscle in the process, when your taget should be fat loss instead of just weight loss. I say this because I have done water fasting before and at the end of the day it never helped me get a lifestyle change as once the fasting is done you just go back to how you used to eat. I dunno about IMF though.

True, except the reason I am posting this is to show you don't lose muscle. I couldn't lift with the same rep and set range as usual because I had no glycogen stores. Similar to the first stages of Ketosis. Only difference is when you are on keto you eat still, meaning you do have some glycogen in your system... specially if you eat lots of protein cause the extra protein is converted into either fat or glycogen.

If you don't lift for a 2 weeks or longer trust me, you don't just hop back on your routine as easy as if you missed a few days. My post isn't really to push long term fasting, but its defiantly to show that the whole muscle loss and weight bounce back argument is BS regarding most healthy individuals.

You only really lose muscle when you don't use it... I focused on cardio and I did lift weights a few times during my fast to see how I would fair and I would say my performance is based on lack of glycogen in my system, not muscle loss... (specially since my rep range went down in the first 5 days)

Look up bradpilon he has a lot of information about fasting and how that whole idea of muscle loss is nonsense.... You don't use it, you lose it. Has less to do with diet than you may think. I'm hoping for those who are interested in losing fat ( because that's what I lost, that and water weight in the first 2-3 days entering ketosis ) might try fasting more often, doesn't have to be 30 days... but trust me it helps with the cut.


This is definitely superior to the scale method of measuring progress. Grats Haz!

There is almost no bigger feeling of accomplishment for me than putting on a pair of pants I remember being tight and noticing and inch or two of slack in the waist.


So I have a slightly off-topic question, but I'm hoping someone here might have experienced this before. Part of the reason I went on a diet is because I was not only having some stomach issues (a slight case of IBS), but I was also suffering from a case of light headedness. I went on my diet and some of this seemed to disappear, but whenever I would go out with friends and cheat a little bit, the shitty feelings would return.

I went to the doctor and had tests run, with me thinking it could be diabetes. All the tests came back negative, but after that I started to notice having some pain in the upper right part of my abdomen. I went back the other day and the doctor seemed to think I might have gallstones and ordered more blood tests and an ultrasound. Today I got the results back with them saying everything was clear and they didn't see anything wrong.

Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Could it just be that my stomach can't really handle me switching up my diets so frequently? I've never had an issue before when I would diet and have cheat days (or even cheat weekends) but I seem to have had a lot more issues as of late. I'm young (23) and feel like I'm having issues that someone my age really shouldn't have. The only other possible explanation I can give for the light headedness is the fact that I mostly stare at screens all day, usually for work. The only issue with that is that if I eat something bad is when it usually comes up. This goes for anything that involves sugar or caffeine or is fried and greasy.

Again, I don't expect miracles here. I'm sure if I stuck strictly to my diet for a few months, all of these issues would probably go away, I just wanted to see if anyone here had experienced something like this before.


So I have a slightly off-topic question, but I'm hoping someone here might have experienced this before. Part of the reason I went on a diet is because I was not only having some stomach issues (a slight case of IBS), but I was also suffering from a case of light headedness. I went on my diet and some of this seemed to disappear, but whenever I would go out with friends and cheat a little bit, the shitty feelings would return.

I went to the doctor and had tests run, with me thinking it could be diabetes. All the tests came back negative, but after that I started to notice having some pain in the upper right part of my abdomen. I went back the other day and the doctor seemed to think I might have gallstones and ordered more blood tests and an ultrasound. Today I got the results back with them saying everything was clear and they didn't see anything wrong.

Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Could it just be that my stomach can't really handle me switching up my diets so frequently? I've never had an issue before when I would diet and have cheat days (or even cheat weekends) but I seem to have had a lot more issues as of late. I'm young (23) and feel like I'm having issues that someone my age really shouldn't have. The only other possible explanation I can give for the light headedness is the fact that I mostly stare at screens all day, usually for work. The only issue with that is that if I eat something bad is when it usually comes up. This goes for anything that involves sugar or caffeine or is fried and greasy.

Again, I don't expect miracles here. I'm sure if I stuck strictly to my diet for a few months, all of these issues would probably go away, I just wanted to see if anyone here had experienced something like this before.

I don't think that would be the result of a diet change...but you never know. How's your water intake?


I drink a lot of water. At least 120 oz a day.

A friend of mine (another GAFer here) would get similar pains to you (but on his left upper side)...kind of a dull internal pain. Doctor's couldn't find anything either, but he claims it goes away if he watches what he eats, drinks less, and ceases smoking.

Personally I think it's some sort of inflammation triggered by these things.


A friend of mine (another GAFer here) would get similar pains to you (but on his left upper side)...kind of a dull internal pain. Doctor's couldn't find anything either, but he claims it goes away if he watches what he eats, drinks less, and ceases smoking.

Personally I think it's some sort of inflammation triggered by these things.

Yeah I also get it there too. The worst part is that once I started feeling bad again I also started to not give a fuck and have been eating like crap for the last several days. It's amazing how I let myself do that. I really need to hop back on and hopefully get this all sorted out. It really sucks just feeling like shit all day, every day.


Post Count: 9999
A friend of mine (another GAFer here) would get similar pains to you (but on his left upper side)...kind of a dull internal pain. Doctor's couldn't find anything either, but he claims it goes away if he watches what he eats, drinks less, and ceases smoking.

Personally I think it's some sort of inflammation triggered by these things.
That sounds familiar ... oh wait ... it's me :D

Thus far things have improved, but the pain is still intermittantly there (though much less intense). If I'm still having problems once I'm nearing my weight target, I'm going to have to take the next step and see a specialist. At least I don't normally feel like Kane in Aliens anymore.


Now that I'm dieting consistently I'm beginning to remember how low my metabolism is. If I eat anything above 2000 calories I tend to gain weight. And I'm 260 right now.
Now that I'm dieting consistently I'm beginning to remember how low my metabolism is. If I eat anything above 2000 calories I tend to gain weight. And I'm 260 right now.

lol that sucks.

When I started to diet I realized just how HIGH mine is.

It was to the point where even if I had a bad couple weeks where I pigged out (relatively) I lost weight. I got to my 330 lbs peak by eating sickeningly high amounts of food. I think I would need to eat more than 3k calories a day to gain weight.


lol that sucks.

When I started to diet I realized just how HIGH mine is.

It was to the point where even if I had a bad couple weeks where I pigged out (relatively) I lost weight. I got to my 330 lbs peak by eating sickeningly high amounts of food. I think I would need to eat more than 3k calories a day to gain weight.

lucky mofo.

If I eat a lot (say 4000 calories in a day) I gain a fuckton of weight the next day, I'm talking 2-5 lb. I got my low metabolism from my mom, as she has the same problem. She's a health nut and mostly eats just vegetables, beans and lean chicken, yet she's still overweight.


Don't forget that a lot of the day to day increases/losses are water weight. Bad food typically makes you retain water.


That sounds familiar ... oh wait ... it's me :D

Thus far things have improved, but the pain is still intermittantly there (though much less intense). If I'm still having problems once I'm nearing my weight target, I'm going to have to take the next step and see a specialist. At least I don't normally feel like Kane in Aliens anymore.

I figured I would let you out yourself. =)


lucky mofo.

If I eat a lot (say 4000 calories in a day) I gain a fuckton of weight the next day, I'm talking 2-5 lb. I got my low metabolism from my mom, as she has the same problem. She's a health nut and mostly eats just vegetables, beans and lean chicken, yet she's still overweight.

Sorry, but how is this possible? If you eat 4000 calories in a day, not even taking into account what your body burns at rest, that is just over 1.1 lbs (even if it was all converted to fat).

I believe what you are seeing is the food and water weight that you are carrying around and not any real weight gain. Now, keep eating 4000 calories a day and in no time you will have gained a good bit of weight but I don't think a single "bad day" is enough to really cause you to gain much weight.

I've been dieting since last August and weighing myself daily. I record my daily weight but try to remember to not put too much stock on differences in weight from day-to-day. I know how hard it can be to take what the scale is telling me with a grain-of-salt. It's enough to make one manic-depressive! Instead, I calculate my weight-loss (or gain) trend over time and use that information to make adjustments to my diet. Hopefully that trend line has a negative slope to indicate that I'm still losing weight.

If I encounter a plateau with my weight loss, I'll go off my diet for a weekend and not only eat whatever I want but force myself to eat very high calorie items. I don't know if there is any science to it but I thought if I shocked my system with a bunch of fuel it might get off the plateau. I end up not feeling very well during that weekend and it is a good incentive to get back on track. Afterwards, I see my daily weight spike. But as soon as I go back on my diet, within a couple of days I'm usually below where I was plateauing (sp?) and back on a weight loss trend.

Btw, I was feeling pretty good about my progress until someone created a "Post your BMI" thread...


Sorry, but how is this possible? If you eat 4000 calories in a day, not even taking into account what your body burns at rest, that is just over 1.1 lbs (even if it was all converted to fat).

I believe what you are seeing is the food and water weight that you are carrying around and not any real weight gain. Now, keep eating 4000 calories a day and in no time you will have gained a good bit of weight but I don't think a single "bad day" is enough to really cause you to gain much weight.

I've been dieting since last August and weighing myself daily. I record my daily weight but try to remember to not put too much stock on differences in weight from day-to-day. I know how hard it can be to take what the scale is telling me with a grain-of-salt. It's enough to make one manic-depressive! Instead, I calculate my weight-loss (or gain) trend over time and use that information to make adjustments to my diet. Hopefully that trend line has a negative slope to indicate that I'm still losing weight.

If I encounter a plateau with my weight loss, I'll go off my diet for a weekend and not only eat whatever I want but force myself to eat very high calorie items. I don't know if there is any science to it but I thought if I shocked my system with a bunch of fuel it might get off the plateau. I end up not feeling very well during that weekend and it is a good incentive to get back on track. Afterwards, I see my daily weight spike. But as soon as I go back on my diet, within a couple of days I'm usually below where I was plateauing (sp?) and back on a weight loss trend.

Btw, I was feeling pretty good about my progress until someone created a "Post your BMI" thread...

Its happened before. Maybe I put too much stock in checking my weight daily, but it happens. Like for instance I ate about 2100 calories or so 2 days ago and gained 1.5lb the next day. I thought maybe it was because the last thing I ate was pretty late at night, so I assumed it would just go away the next day, but the next day after eating maybe around 1800 calories I went back down slightly but the net gain was still around 0.7lb's or so.

There have been instances where I would eat maybe 6500 calories and gain 5lb the next day and the weight would not come off and would stay that way(this is before I was dieting btw, and I'm talking 2+weeks after the fact) it tends to happen a lot, and I don't know if it's just me looking too much into things or I just truly have one of the lowest male metabolisms in existence.

And never look at BMI, that whole thing is bs because it never takes into account muscle mass.


Its happened before. Maybe I put too much stock in checking my weight daily, but it happens. Like for instance I ate about 2100 calories or so 2 days ago and gained 1.5lb the next day. I thought maybe it was because the last thing I ate was pretty late at night, so I assumed it would just go away the next day, but the next day after eating maybe around 1800 calories I went back down slightly but the net gain was still around 0.7lb's or so.

There have been instances where I would eat maybe 6500 calories and gain 5lb the next day and the weight would not come off and would stay that way(this is before I was dieting btw, and I'm talking 2+weeks after the fact) it tends to happen a lot, and I don't know if it's just me looking too much into things or I just truly have one of the lowest male metabolisms in existence.

And never look at BMI, that whole thing is bs because it never takes into account muscle mass.

Well I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you stick with it if you want to lose the weight.

I don't know if it is any kind of encouragement but I've included my weight loss chart since last August. I didn't include the weight values as I'm not comfortable with showing that....but I can tell you that the total weight loss is just over 70 lbs. I thought it may be interesting to see how much weight can jump around from day to day.

As you can see from the chart, there are many ups and downs. Remember each dot on the chart is another day. I've agonized over some of those upward ticks. Many times I can't even explain why there are occasional increases but there are. The main thing is to keep at it. Any substantial progress will only happen over a period of weeks and months....not days.

quoted so it isn't so large....click on the chart to enlarge.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
166 at my last weigh in, my man boobs are finally disappearing after 74 pounds. Think I'm going to switch gyms, the new one will be cheaper, closer, and have a sauna, which my current one lacks. Going in to check it out tomorrow though before I decide.


Its happened before. Maybe I put too much stock in checking my weight daily,
You are. There are so many factors you have to consider with weighing daily: time of day, water intake, bowel movements, fat %, water %, activity prior to weighing, etc. Daily measurements need to be taken under strict control, and even then you should be looking at trends rather than individual data points.


Well I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you stick with it if you want to lose the weight.

I don't know if it is any kind of encouragement but I've included my weight loss chart since last August. I didn't include the weight values as I'm not comfortable with showing that....but I can tell you that the total weight loss is just over 70 lbs. I thought it may be interesting to see how much weight can jump around from day to day.

As you can see from the chart, there are many ups and downs. Remember each dot on the chart is another day. I've agonized over some of those upward ticks. Many times I can't even explain why there are occasional increases but there are. The main thing is to keep at it. Any substantial progress will only happen over a period of weeks and months....not days.

yup, I have no intention of not stopping now, especially when I've lost over 10lb in the last 2 weeks. I just like airing my grievances about my metabolism.


I'm 4 days into my no meat until Easter diet and man, it's kind of hard to get my protein intake up with no meat. I feel like it's hard to even get like 20g of protein a day now.


I'm 4 days into my no meat until Easter diet and man, it's kind of hard to get my protein intake up with no meat. I feel like it's hard to even get like 20g of protein a day now.

Eggs? Cheap, healthy, easy to make. Nuts and seeds. High quality dairy if you tolerate it.


I posted this in the intermittent fasting thread, thought I would mention it here too.

I started doing the fasting thing two months ago. I weighted exactly 153 pounds. Work and other things didn't allow workouts to fit into my schedule, thought I would give this a try. Always heard great things about it.

I did a 16/7 program.

Ate between 4 pm and 12 midnight .

No workouts at all. I also 'cheated' once a week. Not breaking my fast, but eating whatever the hell I wanted in that one day. Cheesecake, fish n chips etc...just greasy shit.

I weighted myself last night and I'm 140 pounds. I went from wearing size 33 jeans to 29. Never felt better and I do not feel hungry at all.

I do not have to rush to have food at 4. Many days I eat at 5-6.

Highly , highly recommended / it is simply incredible how much I used to eat just for the sake of eating because it was "time to eat ".


Sorry, but how is this possible? If you eat 4000 calories in a day, not even taking into account what your body burns at rest, that is just over 1.1 lbs (even if it was all converted to fat)..

AFAIR it's water. I don't remember exact numbers, but each gram of carbs is associeated with some grams of water retention. It all comes off naturally, but it's what explains the huge weight gains the day after cheat days.


I'm down 7 pounds since the new year. Currently at 187 today. Trying to get to 175 by PAX East.

Playing soccer once a week and longer dog walks have surprising helped. Also eating far more protein these days, lots of eggs, steak, and lean turkey.


Today was a weak day for me.

I started out well with a 4 mile run with my Border Collie, she even found a loose cow to work. Got home and had some fresh juice made from greens, bananas, and berries.

Then I went to the store and bought some junk food since my wife was gone for the day. Figured I'd reward myself for hitting the 180 mark. Then my wife got back from Portland with some Voodoo Doughnuts.

A Memphis Mafia and Old Dirty Bastard later, I'm afraid to go to sleep for the inevitable digestive repercussions.
Is eating a pizza for lunch and dinner too much for a cheat day? I was considering it but looking at general nutritional information shows that pizza is pretty bad. Maybe just Chinese food for dinner would be a less horrible alternative? I'm not really in weight loss mode any more.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Today was a weak day for me.

I started out well with a 4 mile run with my Border Collie, she even found a loose cow to work. Got home and had some fresh juice made from greens, bananas, and berries.

Then I went to the store and bought some junk food since my wife was gone for the day. Figured I'd reward myself for hitting the 180 mark. Then my wife got back from Portland with some Voodoo Doughnuts.

A Memphis Mafia and Old Dirty Bastard later, I'm afraid to go to sleep for the inevitable digestive repercussions.
Don't feel bad, man. I took my first real cheat day yesterday, too and I felt like King Asshole for it too.

It was tax return day and the kids and I had a great trip to the park and the store and I've hit a wall at 207 and was also hoping that a day off might "shock my system", though I don't know if there's any real science behind that.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Tomorrow I'm moving out of my parents house and am embarking on a journey... a fitness journey..kinda, wanna start jogging in the mornings, can anybody suggest a good plan for distance and duration for a total noob at running, im not particularly slow, im a smoker and got a bit of a beer belly on me
I say just do what you can and don't be discouraged if you need to walk a good portion. I started jogging on a 5K path and early on I walked more than jogged and it took me 45+ min. Over months, I ran more and walked less and it was a big accomplishment for me when I was able to jog nonstop around the entire path. I'm able to do it in 25 min now, which isn't anything amazing but for a 33 year old that was never fast, it's better than I could have done in highschool.


So how are peanuts? I eat 1 can (200g) every day.
I know they are pretty high on carbs (25g per can) but it's pretty much my only source of carbs and I think it keeps me sane.
Any there any good snacks for low-carb?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I say just do what you can and don't be discouraged if you need to walk a good portion. I started jogging on a 5K path and early on I walked more than jogged and it took me 45+ min. Over months, I ran more and walked less and it was a big accomplishment for me when I was able to jog nonstop around the entire path. I'm able to do it in 25 min now, which isn't anything amazing but for a 33 year old that was never fast, it's better than I could have done in highschool.

cool, sounds like a good idea.... ^_^

Also are running shoes really important or can i just use old crappy trainers?


cool, sounds like a good idea.... ^_^

Also are running shoes really important or can i just use old crappy trainers?

Invest on a good pair. I use Lunar Eclipse 2 and Adidas V23306 (Stability). If your sports shop offers a video analysis on how you run, feel free to try it out so they can help you decide which pair to get. Adidas, Nike, are good for starters. If you the dough, you may try Asics, Newton or other brands.

All the best on your running journey!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Might be a big part of the problem

How many calories do you consume on average? and how many do you consume during the weekend? My guess is that since you go out to eat twice a week and consume beer on top of that your calorie consumption on those days are probably really high.

Thing is I don't drink every weekend and I usually miss breakfast those days so my calories don't spike that much. During the week I'm most likely around 1700-1800 calories and under 40 grams of carbs, on the weekend I may hit 2500 calories on a bad day, but it usually isn't too bad.

Might just be my genetics. I don't look fat or anything, so maybe my normal weight is around 200. I do still have a small tire I'm trying to get rid of though, so that makes me think I need to be around 190 or so. I think my body type is just such that I have to go to crazy measures to get down that final stretch. You'd think 5 days of heavy cardio with some lifting (Insanity Asylum) would make anyone eating half-way decent lose weight, and it has, I just can't finish out.
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