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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
So how are peanuts? I eat 1 can (200g) every day.
I know they are pretty high on carbs (25g per can) but it's pretty much my only source of carbs and I think it keeps me sane.
Any there any good snacks for low-carb?

200 gram amounts to around 1250 kilocalories/5240 kJ. I don't think it's really healthy to get all your carbs from one source like a can of peanuts. Also quite a lot of salt if you're eating salted nuts. It's not a bad snack per se, just quite a lot of one type of nut.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
First job went well...got a blister which sucks

I think i did about 6K an it took me....quite a while..

Man my lungs are fucked from smoking... Hopefully this will get better because at the start I couldnt catch my breath for shit!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Nuts are a good snack nutrition-wise but are so easy to overeat because they are so calorie dense.

The reason why I seldomly eat them. I know they are considered a good addition to your diet but I tend to eat too many of them. And most (if not all) of the nutrients they offer I can get from other sources which I'm less likely to eat too much off.

The exception I make to this is (god-tier) haselnut-raisin paste. Eat this every now and then on bread.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Hey guys, can I pick your brains for a minute? I get that this isn't fitness gaf but to me it sort of is.

I've got tons of loose skin. Total flying squirrel shit on my arms and thighs. I'm not done losing weight and won't even consider surgery to remove the excess. I'd like to fill it in with muscle.

Herein lies my issue. 3 days ago I did 100 modified push ups and my arms are still useless noodles. Now, I've never been a muscle dude who has tried to get huge or seriously tried to gain muscle before.

I'm considering joining a gym to use their weights but what's the point if 3 days after some simple little kid push ups my arms are still sore as hell?

How can I possibly get anything out of lifting if I can barely do not even real push ups?

I'm not trying to be defeatist or wuss out. Is this much soreness normal at the start?


Hey guys, can I pick your brains for a minute? I get that this isn't fitness gaf but to me it sort of is.

I've got tons of loose skin. Total flying squirrel shit on my arms and thighs. I'm not done losing weight and won't even consider surgery to remove the excess. I'd like to fill it in with muscle.

Herein lies my issue. 3 days ago I did 100 modified push ups and my arms are still useless noodles. Now, I've never been a muscle dude who has tried to get huge or seriously tried to gain muscle before.

I'm considering joining a gym to use their weights but what's the point if 3 days after some simple little kid push ups my arms are still sore as hell?

How can I possibly get anything out of lifting if I can barely do not even real push ups?

I'm not trying to be defeatist or wuss out. Is this much soreness normal at the start?



Hey guys, can I pick your brains for a minute? I get that this isn't fitness gaf but to me it sort of is.

I've got tons of loose skin. Total flying squirrel shit on my arms and thighs. I'm not done losing weight and won't even consider surgery to remove the excess. I'd like to fill it in with muscle.

Herein lies my issue. 3 days ago I did 100 modified push ups and my arms are still useless noodles. Now, I've never been a muscle dude who has tried to get huge or seriously tried to gain muscle before.

I'm considering joining a gym to use their weights but what's the point if 3 days after some simple little kid push ups my arms are still sore as hell?

How can I possibly get anything out of lifting if I can barely do not even real push ups?

I'm not trying to be defeatist or wuss out. Is this much soreness normal at the start?

It's normal to be sore, yes.

I'd recommend heading over to fitness gaf and getting a real program if you want to put on muscle instead of just doing pushups.



Gold Member
How can I possibly get anything out of lifting if I can barely do not even real push ups?

I'm not trying to be defeatist or wuss out. Is this much soreness normal at the start?

Real push ups are really f'ing hard once you start, no reason to be discouraged. I think I couldn't do a single one with knees up and hips down when I started training last year's Jan. Then after gradually increasing my strength my PT once asked me to give it a go, and to my great surprise I can now do them. My next goal is to be able to do a pull-up - for a 105kg guy it's really, really hard.

The key is to get a good routine (check out Fitness GAF, especially Starting Strength), and do the movements fully and with good form. This is much more important than the weights you use, it will make your progress faster. Form is really important, not the weights. Also, did I mention good form?

Regarding soreness. Totally normal. Happens when you start for the first times, and any time you take a break longer than 2-3 weeks. It's called DOMS, you'll come to embrace the feel :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks a ton for the good advice, fellas. I'm not going to lie, fitness gaf is pretty intimidating for me. Seems like I need to check 'em out if I want to fix my skin issue, though.

Thanks again, gaf.


Is eating a pizza for lunch and dinner too much for a cheat day? I was considering it but looking at general nutritional information shows that pizza is pretty bad. Maybe just Chinese food for dinner would be a less horrible alternative? I'm not really in weight loss mode any more.

Just make homemade pizzas and you won't even have to consider it a cheat meal. Grab some 100% whole wheat pizza crust by Boboli...Tastes great. Eating a whole pie is a great way to get 1000 quick calories in your body.


After 14 consecutive months of losing weight, going from 265 lbs to 197 lbs, the bottom fell out on me in January and February is looking bad also. I have gained 8 lbs. and I am in panic mode.

I think I have went into a depression. Got the winter blues badly. I can't get outside and work up a good sweat. Weather has been awful here in southern Indiana between the cold, snow, and rain. I can't get back on track. I've got a treadmill collecting dust. I used to use it all the time, but now I'm scared of it. My wife thinks I've got some kind of seasonal mood disorder.

I'm not sure what to do, everything feels like its spinning out if control, all this hard work I put in. I've probably got another month before it gets decent enough to resume some type of outdoor activity, but as of right now I have completely lost my motivation.

You know I was having the same feelings(about running in cold) until I took the treadmill I used last winter, removed all the excess bullshit(the side bars mostly) and made it into a portable treadmill. It now looks like one of those work desk treadmills people use...and I just started running inclines on it. Once you get started again dude, you should be good to go. Wish I could tell you how to find your motivation again, but for me personally(with running again) it was all due to tearing down my treadmill for an hour and being able to move it back in front of a TV, then slide under my bed. It can be that simple, honestly.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Hey guys, can I pick your brains for a minute? I get that this isn't fitness gaf but to me it sort of is.

I've got tons of loose skin. Total flying squirrel shit on my arms and thighs. I'm not done losing weight and won't even consider surgery to remove the excess. I'd like to fill it in with muscle.

Herein lies my issue. 3 days ago I did 100 modified push ups and my arms are still useless noodles. Now, I've never been a muscle dude who has tried to get huge or seriously tried to gain muscle before.

I'm considering joining a gym to use their weights but what's the point if 3 days after some simple little kid push ups my arms are still sore as hell?

How can I possibly get anything out of lifting if I can barely do not even real push ups?

I'm not trying to be defeatist or wuss out. Is this much soreness normal at the start?

You're supposed to be sore when starting out training, that's how your body reacts to a new stimulus. Keep doing it and you'll stop being sore because your body adapted to the stressor. That's when adding weight and more reps over time come into play to continuously have your body adapt to your stressor which eventually leads to all the muscle growth you could ask for.

As for your excess skin; that indicates you still have fat to lose. Your skin is the largest organ and it adjusts itself to your internal structure accordingly. Saying you have loose skin is to imply that your skin is a dead organ that just stretches itself out when you get big then dies (and thus hangs loose) when you get small.

Drink lots of water every day as hydration revitalizes skin and increases skin elasticity which'll cause your skin to 'bounce back' towards your new form, and gain muscle mass to 'fill out'.


Full werewolf off the buckle
You're supposed to be sore when starting out training, that's how your body reacts to a new stimulus. Keep doing it and you'll stop being sore because your body adapted to the stressor. That's when adding weight and more reps over time come into play to continuously have your body adapt to your stressor which eventually leads to all the muscle growth you could ask for.

As for your excess skin; that indicates you still have fat to lose. Your skin is the largest organ and it adjusts itself to your internal structure accordingly. Saying you have loose skin is to imply that your skin is a dead organ that just stretches itself out when you get big then dies (and thus hangs loose) when you get small.

Drink lots of water every day as hydration revitalizes skin and increases skin elasticity which'll cause your skin to 'bounce back' towards your new form, and gain muscle mass to 'fill out'.
Thanks for the heads - up. For reasons unrelated to my skin I've recently been cutting out diet soda and focusing only on water, black coffee, and tea. I'm glad to see that may be a step in revitalizing my skin as well.

I certainly do have another 45 lbs or so to lose before I'm at my ideal weight. I just assumed that since I have stretch marks that my skin would never completely tighten up. I see that I've got a lot of research left to do.

With the soreness I was just surprised how severe it was. Maybe it's due to my age that I felt it so keenly as a newbie. I'll take any further soreness as a sign that my muscles are working as intended.

Thanks again for all the great advice, Gaf.


Sept 2011 - Today, total lost 137lbs, went from 312 to 175


I've been at my current weight since July of 2012 so I'm pretty happy that I've been able to do that.


Gold Member
Sept 2011 - Today, total lost 137lbs, went from 312 to 175


I've been at my current weight since July of 2012 so I'm pretty happy that I've been able to do that.

Super well done man.

What does your eating and training routine look like, out of interest?
Just walk on the treadmill. Just walk. It's still good for you, and not as much of a mental burden to get on it, if you know it won't be "hard". Walking is easy.

listen to this man.

You have to play mental games with yourself or else you lose.

Too tired to work out? The best way is to convince your brain "ok I'll just walk 3 miles on the treadmill at a moderate pace."

Convince yourself you're not doing anything else other than walking.

Once you get on that treadmill it's up to you what you want to do.

You can't make exercise a burden or else you'll eventually lose. You have to convince yourself it's easy.


For those in this thread that are also considering a dog, get a Border Collie. They won't let you not work out. As I type this, my dog has placed my running shoes next to my feet and is sitting on the couch staring at me, with glances down towards my shoes every now and then.


I had
too much
pizza last night, and went for a guilt run today. Ended up doing 7 miles in just over 70 minutes. Felt pretty good, and my dog is still sleeping, which is a rarity.
For those in this thread that are also considering a dog, get a Border Collie. They won't let you not work out. As I type this, my dog has placed my running shoes next to my feet and is sitting on the couch staring at me, with glances down towards my shoes every now and then.

Seconded. Border Collies are such smart, active animals.

They are athletes themselves if you let them be.


I had
too much
pizza last night, and went for a guilt run today. Ended up doing 7 miles in just over 70 minutes. Felt pretty good, and my dog is still sleeping, which is a rarity.

I ate a small pizza, half a calzone and a ice cream cookie sandwich. Uhh...guess I'm pregaming for squats tomorrow :-D

Haven't had a big cheat in a while.

Chris R

I ate a small pizza, half a calzone and a ice cream cookie sandwich. Uhh...guess I'm pregaming for squats tomorrow :-D

Haven't had a big cheat in a while.

It isn't a cheat! I had pizza/beer/ice cream last night too, just trying to break my plateau. Back on it today even though I feel like shit. Not seeing results despite doing "everything" right sucks!
'sup GAF. Long-time lurker here, only just been approved today. Was always a big fan of this thread. Thought I'd chime in with some of my own pictures.

This is me at the end of high school, age 16. Overweight, stupid haircut and terrible acne. I would have been about 6ft and 16 stone (224lbs)


Similar time - seriously, dat hair


I hovered around this weight 'til I was about 18 and decided to do something about it. I also got a hair cut. These were all taken last summer. I'm now 19, 6ft4", and weigh around 12.5 stone (175lbs)






Full werewolf off the buckle
'sup GAF. Long-time lurker here, only just been approved today. Was always a big fan of this thread. Thought I'd chime in with some of my own pictures.

This is me at the end of high school, age 16. Overweight, stupid haircut and terrible acne. I would have been about 6ft and 16 stone (224lbs)


Similar time - seriously, dat hair


I hovered around this weight 'til I was about 18 and decided to do something about it. I also got a hair cut. These were all taken last summer. I'm now 19, 6ft4", and weigh around 12.5 stone (175lbs)





Hey man, I just wanted to take the chance to say welcome to Gaf! Awesome pics. You've obviously put in a lot of effort.

Glad to have you on board.

On another note Gaf, I cut out foods with added sugar a while back though I still drank diet soda and put artificial sweetener in my coffee and tea, as well as my oatmeal.

This week I've started the arduous journey of removing unnaturally sweetened foods from my diet altogether. Only sweetness in my diet from now on is that found naturally in fruits and veggies.

I found myself leaning on diet soda as my main source of hydration and I was really craving other sweet stuff. Many days my diet log would have 4 oatmeal raisin cookies and 2 sugar free puddings in it.

It was just a slippery slope and I'm trying hard to get back on solid ground. Has anyone else tried removing sweet foods from their diet, even ones with artificial sweetening? I understand many foods contain natural sugars and am accounting for that.

It just seemed to me like I was getting too comfortable with sweets. I'll tell you, coffee and tea will take some adjustment!


Gold Member
Hey man, I just wanted to take the chance to say welcome to Gaf! Awesome pics. You've obviously put in a lot of effort.
It was just a slippery slope and I'm trying hard to get back on solid ground. Has anyone else tried removing sweet foods from their diet, even ones with artificial sweetening? I understand many foods contain natural sugars and am accounting for that.

It just seemed to me like I was getting too comfortable with sweets. I'll tell you, coffee and tea will take some adjustment!

I cut diet sodas and everything else aspartame 1 Jan and haven't gone back since. My sweet cravings are mostly gone. The sweet things I eat occasionally are raspberries, strawberries, clementines and apples.

Also what really helped me is that due to lot of sports I am drinking three Gold Standard Whey Protein shakes a day to get enough protein. They are pretty sweet (although regrettably artificially sweetened). Works so well that I turned down a row of dark chocolate today, just didn't feel like sweet things.

So yeah, boot aspartame, including diet sodas. San Pellegrino is my new addiction. That and a slice of lime and ice is really fantastic.
Hey man, I just wanted to take the chance to say welcome to Gaf! Awesome pics. You've obviously put in a lot of effort.

Glad to have you on board.

On another note Gaf, I cut out foods with added sugar a while back though I still drank diet soda and put artificial sweetener in my coffee and tea, as well as my oatmeal.

This week I've started the arduous journey of removing unnaturally sweetened foods from my diet altogether. Only sweetness in my diet from now on is that found naturally in fruits and veggies.

I found myself leaning on diet soda as my main source of hydration and I was really craving other sweet stuff. Many days my diet log would have 4 oatmeal raisin cookies and 2 sugar free puddings in it.

It was just a slippery slope and I'm trying hard to get back on solid ground. Has anyone else tried removing sweet foods from their diet, even ones with artificial sweetening? I understand many foods contain natural sugars and am accounting for that.

It just seemed to me like I was getting too comfortable with sweets. I'll tell you, coffee and tea will take some adjustment!

Try only eating sweets/desserts that you make/bake yourself. You're able to see how much fat and sugar go into what you're eating and because it takes a lot of time, you're able to make through those cravings where you eat a whole bag of cookies.
Had some decent weight loss over the past year and a half. Me around december 2011 at around 280

This is me over the past summer at around 180

Had some weight gain over the past winter so now I am around 190 I'm hpoing to get back down to 180ish by April.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Had some decent weight loss over the past year and a half. Me around december 2011 at around 280

This is me over the past summer at around 180

Had some weight gain over the past winter so now I am around 190 I'm hpoing to get back down to 180ish by April.
You still look great man, and I'm sure with just a bit of effort you can hit 180 again by April.
Good luck.


Had some decent weight loss over the past year and a half. Me around december 2011 at around 280

This is me over the past summer at around 180

Had some weight gain over the past winter so now I am around 190 I'm hpoing to get back down to 180ish by April.

Nice work man. You've pretty much gone from where I was and gotten to where I want to be. I'm hoping to be at around 180 by the time summer rolls around.
Ok, I don't mean to be a jerk here, but does anyone have any good weigh gaining tips? I'm actually underweight, and it wouldn't hurt to gain a few pounds. I'm only around 100 lbs at around 5'4".


Wouldn't the best way to gain weight be a fitness shake with lot of calories? I mean, if you just eat food for the sake of calories, you also take in the fat, sugars and the bad stuff. No?

Please feel free to correct me.


Wouldn't the best way to gain weight be a fitness shake with lot of calories? I mean, if you just eat food for the sake of calories, you also take in the fat, sugars and the bad stuff. No?

Please feel free to correct me.

Yeah I think there is probably a good way to gain weight and bad way to do it. Gorging yourself on a bunch of shit with no nutritional value and lots of additives seems like the wrong way to go about it.
Hey Weight Loss GAF, want to get back into healthy eating again and have some questions. Any help is appreciated:

1. Could I use protein powder shakes as a meal replacement? I'm usually pretty rushed in the mornings and having a quick shake for breakfast would be great until lunchtime. I'd also like to start up weight lifting again so I'd love some recommendations for the best ones to buy.

2. What's a good low carb replacement for hot dog buns? Also, what are some good condiments to put on hot dogs and hamburgers? Usually I use lettuce as a wrap for burgers, but it doesn't taste good for hot dogs/sausages.

3. How bad is white or wild rice for weight loss?
Yeah I think there is probably a good way to gain weight and bad way to do it. Gorging yourself on a bunch of shit with no nutritional value and lots of additives seems like the wrong way to go about it.

Yeah, I want to do it the good way, not the bad way. Hmm, maybe I should have asked fitness GAF.


Yeah I think there is probably a good way to gain weight and bad way to do it. Gorging yourself on a bunch of shit with no nutritional value and lots of additives seems like the wrong way to go about it.
Apologies, I figured this much would be common sense.

It's not good for you to eat hamburgers all day. Eat nutritional food, just a lot of calories.
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