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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Lot of times people skip over the post weight loss plan. So I thought I'd share mine:

1. Workout 3x per week:
A. P90X2 Base & Back + 30 minutes moderate cardio
B. P90X2 Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper + 30 minutes cardio
C. P90X2 Chest + Back + Balance + 30 minutes cardio

I may do half P90X2 workouts if I find it too much of a time commitment. Sustainability is a key factor for me. That's why I do the workout from home because commuting to a workout place is a complete waste of time in my opinion.

2. Post workout, measure weight & waist circumference. Plot in chart with Excel with trend-line so you can filter out 3 lb weight fluctuations.

3. Diet:
A. ~5 days of moderate reward, high quality food. I favor faster to cook meals because I get busy sometimes.
B. ~1 cheat day, followed by it's companion:
C. ~1 day of lower calorie, pseudo fasting day (get protein)
D. Never store more than 1 cheat meals worth of food in your living space under any circumstance.
E. Reject all food offerings from coworkers and neighbors unless it's a meal replacement. Seriously, this is important. Food culture in America is totally fucked up.
F. If you have a work cafeteria, check the calorie content/macros/etc. If it's not available, don't eat it. Bring your own food.

4. Adapt based on long term trend-lines in Excel.


I'm kind of considering giving up meat for lent and just going vegetarian to lose about 15lbs or so . I feel like I'd end up not getting enough protein though. How do vegetarians usually get their protein? I don't really want to resort to just protein bars and drinks.


relies on auto-aim
Down 4lbs this week (not sure it's actually 4, so I'll say 2.5 in case of water weight or something).

Feelin a bit down on energy, but one of the days I felt amazing. Not sure what's up. Been craving some carby food though :(
Lot of times people skip over the post weight loss plan. So I thought I'd share mine:

1. Workout 3x per week:
A. P90X2 Base & Back + 30 minutes moderate cardio
B. P90X2 Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper + 30 minutes cardio
C. P90X2 Chest + Back + Balance + 30 minutes cardio

I may do half P90X2 workouts if I find it too much of a time commitment. Sustainability is a key factor for me. That's why I do the workout from home because commuting to a workout place is a complete waste of time in my opinion.

2. Post workout, measure weight & waist circumference. Plot in chart with Excel with trend-line so you can filter out 3 lb weight fluctuations.

3. Diet:
A. ~5 days of moderate reward, high quality food. I favor faster to cook meals because I get busy sometimes.
B. ~1 cheat day, followed by it's companion:
C. ~1 day of lower calorie, pseudo fasting day (get protein)
D. Never store more than 1 cheat meals worth of food in your living space under any circumstance.
E. Reject all food offerings from coworkers and neighbors unless it's a meal replacement. Seriously, this is important. Food culture in America is totally fucked up.
F. If you have a work cafeteria, check the calorie content/macros/etc. If it's not available, don't eat it. Bring your own food.

4. Adapt based on long term trend-lines in Excel.
That's pretty solid.
I know why I gained back my weight after losing though. Ate ice cream and chips late at night and went to bed at like 4am. Gonna avoid that.
I'm kind of considering giving up meat for lent and just going vegetarian to lose about 15lbs or so . I feel like I'd end up not getting enough protein though. How do vegetarians usually get their protein? I don't really want to resort to just protein bars and drinks.
Beans/Legumes at the very least.
Cheese depending on what level you are going.
So. I have been posting here and never been brave enough to post pics.

I am nearing my goal so here they go. I never really took "before" pics, but this one was from a family gathering around the time I started dieting.

May 1, 2012: 330 lbs at 6'5"

Today: 225 lbs

I would still like to get a bit more in shape and lose another 10 lbs of fat, but in general I am very happy with my progress over the last 9 months or so.

YOU HAD EVERYTHING I WAS REFUSED AT BIRTH!!! You had the physique of pure genetic luck! 6 foot 5 and 300 pounds! That's monstrous. You had the makings of nose tackle! Just get your 40 yard dash down low start bulking up and you could've been in the NFL!

But hey, I'm glad your happier! Hard work always pays off.
YOU HAD EVERYTHING I WAS REFUSED AT BIRTH!!! You had the physique of pure genetic luck! 6 foot 5 and 300 pounds! That's monstrous. You had the makings of nose tackle! Just get your 40 yard dash down low start bulking up and you could've been in the NFL!

But hey, I'm glad your happier! Hard work always pays off.
Lol yeah. I wish I had played football in high school.

My family was never into sports so the idea didn't occur to me until too late.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I'm kind of considering giving up meat for lent and just going vegetarian to lose about 15lbs or so . I feel like I'd end up not getting enough protein though. How do vegetarians usually get their protein? I don't really want to resort to just protein bars and drinks.

I've been a vegetarian for a long time and, like was said, beans, legumes, and nuts for protein. I think cheese is gross so I don't eat that but there's also always milk, yogurt, etc...

I was born Catholic but am not religious any more so I may be mistaken but don't most people who give "meat" for lent still eat fish?

If that's the case than bingo! Problem solved.


You guys, I had some Chinese food today. I feel like crap about it, but it was so so good. I think it was the highlight of my week. I got a little teary eyed when I took the first bite.


I've been a vegetarian for a long time and, like was said, beans, legumes, and nuts for protein. I think cheese is gross so I don't eat that but there's also always milk, yogurt, etc...

I was born Catholic but am not religious any more so I may be mistaken but don't most people who give "meat" for lent still eat fish?

If that's the case than bingo! Problem solved.

I'm Christian so I really don't have to participate in lent, but I just figured this would be a good time to test changing my diet a little. I was originally 225-230ish and now down to 165 or so, but I got that way by eating a lot of meat and pretty much cutting out most carbs so this seems like it could be counter productive. I've pretty much maintained my weight for a year now and I'd just really like to lose another 15 or so.

I don't know if I'll eventually give up fish too, since that's probably the easy answer, but I'm tempted to at least try to give it up since I want to be able to test my willpower for it. Fish is more expensive than other meats too so that kind of sucks.

You guys, I had some Chinese food today. I feel like crap about it, but it was so so good. I think it was the highlight of my week. I got a little teary eyed when I took the first bite.
I had dim sum today for Chinese New Year. Basically ordered all the steamed meat and dumplings on the menu lol
So. I have been posting here and never been brave enough to post pics.

I am nearing my goal so here they go. I never really took "before" pics, but this one was from a family gathering around the time I started dieting.

May 1, 2012: 330 lbs at 6'5"

Today: 225 lbs

I would still like to get a bit more in shape and lose another 10 lbs of fat, but in general I am very happy with my progress over the last 9 months or so.

Holy crap, it's like we're clones. 6'5" (says 6'6" on my license, but at 41 I've shrunk some) and at my heaviest 336. I even wear almost exactly the same shirts, looks like a 3XLT Izod.

Down around 310 now, just started with the new year. I also have the same weight goal that you had -- can't wait to reach it! Out of curiosity (and if you don't want to respond, or want to respond only in PMs that's cool) -- was excess skin an issue at all? Given that you were pretty much at the same start and are now where I want to be I figure it'll be a good indicator.

Regardless, great job man!
Holy crap, it's like we're clones. 6'5" (says 6'6" on my license, but at 41 I've shrunk some) and at my heaviest 336. I even wear almost exactly the same shirts, looks like a 3XLT Izod.

Down around 310 now, just started with the new year. I also have the same weight goal that you had -- can't wait to reach it! Out of curiosity (and if you don't want to respond, or want to respond only in PMs that's cool) -- was excess skin an issue at all? Given that you were pretty much at the same start and are now where I want to be I figure it'll be a good indicator.

Regardless, great job man!

Hrm. So far I have a little.... Once I lose my last few pounds I think it will be noticeable shirtless, but not bad.

Though I had only been at my peak weight for a relatively short time (maybe 6 months) so my skin has responded well to my weight loss. A lot depends on how long you have been heavy and how well your skin has held up.
Hrm. So far I have a little.... Once I lose my last few pounds I think it will be noticeable shirtless, but not bad.

Though I had only been at my peak weight for a relatively short time (maybe 6 months) so my skin has responded well to my weight loss. A lot depends on how long you have been heavy and how well you skin has held up.

Was a gradual ramp-up from 212 (my college weight, in the early 90s) to 336 in 2012, though I did go from about 330 down to 290 in 2009 or so before ballooning back up. So I imagine I may have more difficulty than you with respect to loose skin. Still, great to hear that you didn't have much -- gives me hope!

If I may ask, how did you approach your weight loss (in general terms, I don't want you to feel like you need to write a book-sized post -- unless you want to, of course)?
Was a gradual ramp-up from 212 (my college weight, in the early 90s) to 336 in 2012, though I did go from about 330 down to 290 in 2009 or so before ballooning back up. So I imagine I may have more difficulty than you with respect to loose skin. Still, great to hear that you didn't have much -- gives me hope!

If I may ask, how did you approach your weight loss (in general terms, I don't want you to feel like you need to write a book-sized post -- unless you want to, of course)?

In general I didn't worry about minutia. Essentially I ate low carbs and tried to stay at 2k-2.5k calories a day. I didn't stress over specific exercise, avoiding artificial sweeteners, fasting (or any other "when to eat" plan), supplements, whole foods (though I did eat more whole foods than I had before), or any of the other voodoo people tried to sell me. I probably would have quit long ago without diet soda keeping me sane.

I was VERY low carb for a long time though. Under 30g a day. I also only kept a limited amount of food around so if I was tempted to overeat it meant another trip to the grocery store.

I didn't really have "cheat days" though cheats will inevitably happen.

One thing I did do was weigh myself ridiculously often. Sometimes daily. Thats a personal preference and only works if you are able to ignore the daily shifts in weight to look at the big picture. For me it was a constant reminder that I was on a diet.

I did light exercise now and again.


Battled depression for 7 years. Still have some serious problems. You can do it, you just need to find the motivation.

Gosh that's the hardest part. I'll share what's motivating me at the moment if I lose 50 lbs. I'm really looking at my diet this time around.
In general I didn't worry about minutia. Essentially I ate low carbs and tried to stay at 2k-2.5k calories a day. I didn't stress over specific exercise, avoiding artificial sweeteners, fasting (or any other "when to eat" plan), supplements, whole foods (though I did eat more whole foods than I had before), or any of the other voodoo people tried to sell me. I probably would have quit long ago without diet soda keeping me sane.

I was VERY low carb for a long time though. Under 30g a day. I also only kept a limited amount of food around so if I was tempted to overeat it meant another trip to the grocery store.

I didn't really have "cheat days" though cheats will inevitably happen.

One thing I did do was weigh myself ridiculously often. Sometimes daily. Thats a personal preference and only works if you are able to ignore the daily shifts in weight to look at the big picture. For me it was a constant reminder that I was on a diet.

I did light exercise now and again.

Thanks a ton for the info... Sounds a bit like me, every time in the past I found that tracking calories, measuring everything, etc. just was too much. When I dropped 40 pounds three or four years ago it was by starving myself and did a ton of exercise -- neither of which was sustainable. I needed to try something new.

The approach I'm taking now is pretty simple:
  • Apart from one glass of milk a day drink only water and unsweetened tea
  • Avoid breads, cereals, pastas, and other obvious carbs as much as possible
  • Eggs and bacon in the morning instead of cereal
  • Avoid fried foods, sauces, etc.
  • Eat lots of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, beans, etc.)
  • Eat in moderation, and slowly, and listen to when my body has had enough
  • Fruits and the rare single piece of 60% dark chocolate when craving sweets
  • Walk whenever possible
  • Snack on a couple of almonds when needing to take the edge off of any hunger

I've had a couple of cheats but I'm finding I actually regret it afterwards. Not because of guilt, but because honestly I'd rather be eating fresh strawberries than a sundae, that sort of thing.
Thanks a ton for the info... Sounds a bit like me, every time in the past I found that tracking calories, measuring everything, etc. just was too much. When I dropped 40 pounds three or four years ago it was by starving myself and did a ton of exercise -- neither of which was sustainable. I needed to try something new.

The approach I'm taking now is pretty simple:
  • Apart from one glass of milk a day drink only water and unsweetened tea
  • Avoid breads, cereals, pastas, and other obvious carbs as much as possible
  • Eggs and bacon in the morning instead of cereal
  • Avoid fried foods, sauces, etc.
  • Eat lots of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, beans, etc.)
  • Eat in moderation, and slowly, and listen to when my body has had enough
  • Fruits and the rare single piece of 60% dark chocolate when craving sweets
  • Walk whenever possible
  • Snack on a couple of almonds when needing to take the edge off of any hunger

I've had a couple of cheats but I'm finding I actually regret it afterwards. Not because of guilt, but because honestly I'd rather be eating fresh strawberries than a sundae, that sort of thing.
Well good luck!

Its kind of funny, but this was my first time trying to lose weight and my dedication surprised even me. The weight just seemed to fly off.

I think your plan will work. If I recommend ONE thing..... its to START with as insanely strict of a diet as possible. Mine was brutal early on. I see a lot of people starting out with a more moderate diet then adding on top of that without ever really learning what they can really do diet wise.

At the start I was essentially doing Atkins induction. Meat, green veggies, and water. Then I tried new things and experimented with options until I had a system that worked. Now I have 0 problems with my diet.
Well good luck!

Its kind of funny, but this was my first time trying to lose weight and my dedication surprised even me. The weight just seemed to fly off.

I think your plan will work. If I recommend ONE thing..... its to START with as insanely strict of a diet as possible. Mine was brutal early on. I see a lot of people starting out with a more moderate diet then adding on top of that without ever really learning what they can really do diet wise.

At the start I was essentially doing Atkins induction. Meat, green veggies, and water. Then I tried new things and experimented with options until I had a system that worked. Now I have 0 problems with my diet.

Though I'm a bit over a month in I will try scaling back and see what I can do with a strict diet. With meat, green veggies, and water (though I assume unsweetened tea is fine here -- essentially water with flavor) what did you do for breakfast?
Though I'm a bit over a month in I will try scaling back and see what I can do with a strict diet. With meat, green veggies, and water (though I assume unsweetened tea is fine here -- essentially water with flavor) what did you do for breakfast?

Eggs. Lots and lots of eggs lol.

(Should have mentioned those as well....and I am sure tea is fine.)

Also, make sure you are eating what you like. I am not one for leafy veggies so I never really eat them, instead I substituted green beans which I love. I honestly enjoy everything I eat.
Eggs. Lots and lots of eggs lol.

(Should have mentioned those as well....and I am sure tea is fine.)

Also, make sure you are eating what you like. I am not one for leafy veggies so I never really eat them, instead I substituted green beans which I love. I honestly enjoy everything I eat.

Yup, been loving eggs for breakfast. I'm finding that I'm really enjoying -- and preferring -- my new diet as well. I never realized how much the sauces, gravy, breading, and super-sweet drinks masked more subtle, and excellent, flavors. I was eating turkey breast meat the other day and never noticed how sweet it was before. The sensation isn't unlike when I finally got glasses in high school after years of needing them.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I've been making some good progress lately. Last year at this time I was wearing size 52 pants, and just a few minutes ago I squeezed into a pair of size 32 jeans. Honestly, I couldn't tuck in my shirt in pants this size quite yet, but I'm quite proud nonetheless.

Here's a pic from 10 years ago, aged 23, at damned near 400lbs (52 pants, 3x shirt)-

I carry it in my wallet to remind me of why I've got to keep trying.

Here's one I just took a moment ago, aged 33 (Normally sized 38 pants though baggy now, large shirt), 208 lbs-

Keep up the great work, guys. You're all inspirations!


I've been making some good progress lately. Last year at this time I was wearing size 52 pants, and just a few minutes ago I squeezed into a pair of size 32 jeans. Honestly, I couldn't tuck in my shirt in pants this size quite yet, but I'm quite proud nonetheless.

Here's a pic from 10 years ago, aged 23, at damned near 400lbs (52 pants, 3x shirt)-

I carry it in my wallet to remind me of why I've got to keep trying.

Here's one I just took a moment ago, aged 33 (Normally sized 38 pants though baggy now, large shirt), 208 lbs-

Keep up the great work, guys. You're all inspirations!

Amazing. In the first pic that baby looked like it was going to be your snack. You have come so far :D


After 14 consecutive months of losing weight, going from 265 lbs to 197 lbs, the bottom fell out on me in January and February is looking bad also. I have gained 8 lbs. and I am in panic mode.

I think I have went into a depression. Got the winter blues badly. I can't get outside and work up a good sweat. Weather has been awful here in southern Indiana between the cold, snow, and rain. I can't get back on track. I've got a treadmill collecting dust. I used to use it all the time, but now I'm scared of it. My wife thinks I've got some kind of seasonal mood disorder.

I'm not sure what to do, everything feels like its spinning out if control, all this hard work I put in. I've probably got another month before it gets decent enough to resume some type of outdoor activity, but as of right now I have completely lost my motivation.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
After 14 consecutive months of losing weight, going from 265 lbs to 197 lbs, the bottom fell out on me in January and February is looking bad also. I have gained 8 lbs. and I am in panic mode.

I think I have went into a depression. Got the winter blues badly. I can't get outside and work up a good sweat. Weather has been awful here in southern Indiana between the cold, snow, and rain. I can't get back on track. I've got a treadmill collecting dust. I used to use it all the time, but now I'm scared of it. My wife thinks I've got some kind of seasonal mood disorder.

I'm not sure what to do, everything feels like its spinning out if control, all this hard work I put in. I've probably got another month before it gets decent enough to resume some type of outdoor activity, but as of right now I have completely lost my motivation.

Just walk on the treadmill. Just walk. It's still good for you, and not as much of a mental burden to get on it, if you know it won't be "hard". Walking is easy. Listen to some music or watch a show while you're on there.

Exercise is one of the body's natural ways of dealing with stress/depression... and it breeds motivation. Walk for a while, a little more each day. You'll get over the hump. And if you're anything like me your body will crave more resistance. And before you know it, it'll be warm outside again. But, walk, at least... you can do it.


After 14 consecutive months of losing weight, going from 265 lbs to 197 lbs, the bottom fell out on me in January and February is looking bad also. I have gained 8 lbs. and I am in panic mode.

I think I have went into a depression. Got the winter blues badly. I can't get outside and work up a good sweat. Weather has been awful here in southern Indiana between the cold, snow, and rain. I can't get back on track. I've got a treadmill collecting dust. I used to use it all the time, but now I'm scared of it. My wife thinks I've got some kind of seasonal mood disorder.

I'm not sure what to do, everything feels like its spinning out if control, all this hard work I put in. I've probably got another month before it gets decent enough to resume some type of outdoor activity, but as of right now I have completely lost my motivation.

Exercise isn't really that important for weight loss. Don't get me wrong, it's great for health reasons, but don't beat yourself up over not being able to do it. Eat well and the weight will still come off. What kinds of food have you been eating during weight loss? What about now? Is there anything specific that's thrown you off the rails?


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks, guys! I started trying to change in early March of 2012 so about 11 months. I'm hoping to be under 200 in time for my oldest daughter's 10th birthday party (she's the baby in the picture).

I'm certainly hoping this gut and these moobs start shrinking more soon. I'm going to look silly as hell when I can regularly wear sized 32 pants and still have all this upper-body fat.
After 14 consecutive months of losing weight, going from 265 lbs to 197 lbs, the bottom fell out on me in January and February is looking bad also. I have gained 8 lbs. and I am in panic mode.

I think I have went into a depression. Got the winter blues badly. I can't get outside and work up a good sweat. Weather has been awful here in southern Indiana between the cold, snow, and rain. I can't get back on track. I've got a treadmill collecting dust. I used to use it all the time, but now I'm scared of it. My wife thinks I've got some kind of seasonal mood disorder.

I'm not sure what to do, everything feels like its spinning out if control, all this hard work I put in. I've probably got another month before it gets decent enough to resume some type of outdoor activity, but as of right now I have completely lost my motivation.
I don't know if science supports the statement but someone here said that weight loss is 80% diet and I'm inclined to agree.

While I do work on my feet and enjoy a rousing walk to and from work most days (8.6 miles total) that's literally the only exercise I get and it's been working awesome.

I could totally see someone losing tons of weight with no exercise whatsoever as long as they pay close attention to their input.

Don't forget that your body is constantly burning calories just being alive.


Exercise isn't really that important for weight loss. Don't get me wrong, it's great for health reasons, but don't beat yourself up over not being able to do it. Eat well and the weight will still come off. What kinds of food have you been eating during weight loss? What about now? Is there anything specific that's thrown you off the rails?
So much this. It's about the diet.

I went from 300 to 210 without exercising outside of daily walks. Getting from 210 to 180, I did start exercising, but not specifically to lose weight. There was a month period where I actually went from 194 to 202, but also went from a 36" waist to 34". Added muscle mass can make you feel like you aren't making any progress.


After 14 consecutive months of losing weight, going from 265 lbs to 197 lbs, the bottom fell out on me in January and February is looking bad also. I have gained 8 lbs. and I am in panic mode.

I think I have went into a depression. Got the winter blues badly. I can't get outside and work up a good sweat. Weather has been awful here in southern Indiana between the cold, snow, and rain. I can't get back on track. I've got a treadmill collecting dust. I used to use it all the time, but now I'm scared of it. My wife thinks I've got some kind of seasonal mood disorder.

I'm not sure what to do, everything feels like its spinning out if control, all this hard work I put in. I've probably got another month before it gets decent enough to resume some type of outdoor activity, but as of right now I have completely lost my motivation.

I don't chime in here much anymore, but I've heard it said that there's no such thing as bad weather preventing you from working out, just inadequate clothing/gear. I've seen people running outside in 15 degree temps here in Ohio (though it's warmed up this week). Sunlight definitely does help your mood, maybe try walking your dog outside if you have one. Or use the treadmill. I love to find a great show on Netflix and then marathon it. I like to walk on the treadmill while I watch it on my tablet, that way I can be entertained and might as well exercise while I'm doing that.


Throw some dank flavored almonds/nuts in a small ziplock bag.

I'm partial to Blue Diamond Sea Salt and Vinegar Almonds. The Wasabi ones are super good too.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So it's been a while since I've been in here. Mostly jumping in my P90X thread and the weight loss challenge. I got up to about 208 over the holidays bu am back to 199 now. In the last year and a half I've lost 40 pounds, I posted the pics a while back.

Only issue now is finishing off the small tire around my midsection and toning. Issue is I seem to have hit a plateau and cannot get below about 198. My weight will fluctuate between 203 and 198 on a weekly basis and I can't get any lower. I'm doing Insanity Asylum 5 times a week at least, eating low carb (less than 35 grams or so) during the week, and have limited my bad weekend habits to eating out twice on the weekend (usually not too unhealthy, sushi, sandwiches, etc.) and having some beer.

The only thing left I think i can do is completely cut out everything I like to eat that's bad, and I'm not willing to do that because it's what kills healthy eating the quickest. Once it's nice out I'm going to start running on my off days, but I have no idea what to do now. I feel like I have about 10 lbs left to lose, but I'm stuck.

I'm extremely happy where I am compared to a year ago though.

OG Kush

Maybe up the carbs a bit? You're doing insanity asylum mate u might as well get some carbs in post workout. Are you sure you're getting enough calories? You burn a hell of a lot during insanity.
I have not updated here in a while. Anyone trying fasting or Intermittent fasting? Its what I live by now. Even when school starts and I lag behind in training and my diet goes to shit, Intermittent fasting saves the day.

Recently I tried doing a long term fast, from 12/10/2012 - 1/8/2013. Lost about 32lbs. Didn't lose too much muscle, my lifts took about two weeks to get back to how they were prefast. I did cardio on my long term water only fast, but near the end I did some weight training with some success.

But since then I just have been doing intermittent fasting and trying to stay away from red meat. Food taste so much better after a long term fast!

Older Photo of me @ 190-185 LBS

After Fasting @ 171LBS
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