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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


How did this happen? If you explain what went on we can give you advice on how to avoid slips like this.

Started by my friend somehow convincing me to go to all you can eat wings after our gym session. Worst decision ever as it was this that made everything spiral out of control. It's also the day I gained the bulk of that weight back. Before that day I didn't have any desire to eat out, the thought never crossed my mind and if it did I just ignored it. After the wings, my willpower to say no to eating shit dropped and I just started giving in again.I'm still working out, or else I probably would have gained a lot more than 4lb back(down to around 3lb now) heh.


I recently took up a blue collar job (instead waiting for a white collar one) just so that I can live a more active life for a few months. I have stand/move around 8 hours a day and for a guy who has been out of practice, is 4'11 (on a good day) and 210lbs, it's pure agony by the end of the day. Perhaps in time, I will post a few pictures of mine, if I do lose weight.
I've seen people do it though. Even harSon on this page, he was bigger than me and he looks pretty good around the stomach in those after photos.

Listen to onemic on this one, you (noone) cannot target lose fat on your body. Fat doesnt work like muscle that you workout your specific muscles and they grow big and rest of muscles in body stays the same. You lose it all over the body, the way body wants to lose it, end of story, unless you go under knife ofcourse. :)


Listen to onemic on this one, you (noone) cannot target lose fat on your body. Fat doesnt work like muscle that you workout your specific muscles and they grow big and rest of muscles in body stays the same. You lose it all over the body, the way body wants to lose it, end of story, unless you go under knife ofcourse. :)

It's not really the fat but more about wanting to tighten the skin though. I've lost the fat it's just everything is a bit loose.


It's not really the fat but more about wanting to tighten the skin though. I've lost the fat it's just everything is a bit loose.

oh, a loose skin problem? How bad is it? Only thing you can do in that case is to bulk up while keeping your fat % the same/lower and hopefully the skin will spread itself out. If it's really bad(and I've seen some) the only option is to go under the kinfe and cut it out.

What's your fat% btw? It would make things a lot clearer, because it might just be that you really do need to lose more weight.


Not sure if this is the right thread, but I seriously need to lose some weight.

According to BMI calculations I am only a few pounds overweight (around 10), but sadly my body thinks it's a cool idea to put seemingly 90% of the excess fat in my upper thighs. The result is that, I (as a male), can only wear a small percentage of my pants due to the other ones being so tight in the crotch that my balls hurt after an hour or two of sitting...

There is no way to get my body to work on the fat in my thighs, right? Could there be some small benefit in focusing on leg exercises?


Not sure if this is the right thread, but I seriously need to lose some weight.

According to BMI calculations I am only a few pounds overweight (around 10), but sadly my body thinks it's a cool idea to put seemingly 90% of the excess fat in my upper thighs. The result is that, I (as a male), can only wear a small percentage of my pants due to the other ones being so tight in the crotch that my balls hurt after an hour or two of sitting...

There is no way to get my body to work on the fat in my thighs, right? Could there be some small benefit in focusing on leg exercises?

Nope, only option is just to lose weight.

Chris R

205 last night, so close to being under 200 for the first time since last millenium... Just wish my gut would go away :( My legs and arms are looking terrific but I don't seem to lose any of my belly fat.


Nope, only option is just to lose weight.

Well, I'm down 35 pounds (185 now). I guess I'll have to go on then. The irritating thing is that I think the legs have gotten even thicker, as no fat was lost, but I built some muscle from all the running...


Well, I'm down 35 pounds (185 now). I guess I'll have to go on then. The irritating thing is that I think the legs have gotten even thicker, as no fat was lost, but I built some muscle from all the running...

That sucks man, I have the exact same problem so I feel you on that one. Only thing you could do is try to keep losing fat and eventually it will come off your thighs.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Really, if you're a guy, there's no reason to go under 2,000 kcals. It seems that a lot of people with tanked metabolisms have spent a lot of time at ~1,500 kcals. This is pretty close to starvation. I believe the famous Minnesota semi-starvation study put men on 1,400 kcals/day and at the end some of them wanted to eat their own flesh. If you're a guy starting at over 200 lbs it should be easy to cut on between 2,200 and 2,500 kcals if you keep protein high and do some activity. I dropped fat like a rock at 250 lbs on 2,500 kcals, ~200g protein (lots of cottage cheese) and starting strength when I first started losing weight.

I think tossing around numbers like that is simplifying it a bit. So much depends on your length and build. I'm less then 1m70 and currently under 60 kgs and there's no way I need over 2000 kcals with a desk job.


oh, a loose skin problem? How bad is it? Only thing you can do in that case is to bulk up while keeping your fat % the same/lower and hopefully the skin will spread itself out. If it's really bad(and I've seen some) the only option is to go under the kinfe and cut it out.

What's your fat% btw? It would make things a lot clearer, because it might just be that you really do need to lose more weight.

I'm not sure what my body fat percent is honestly. How do you get it checked? It's not dreadful loose skin that's having off but say medium.


Sept 2011 - Today, total lost 137lbs, went from 312 to 175


I've been at my current weight since July of 2012 so I'm pretty happy that I've been able to do that.

Where I am and where I want to be.

You look just like me. Creepy. And depressing. for me. But CONGRATS! For you.


In my personal experience I've found that losing weight is 10% exercise and 90% diet. I'm sure many will disagree but after 2 years of researching and trying just about everything, my success is only when I focus on what I eat.

BTW - get a big cookie sheet, spray it with Pam, chop up some broccoli, tomatoes, carrots (sliced up) and mushrooms. Toss them in olive oil and your fave seasoning (I use Chef Prudhommes Vegetable Magic) and pop it all in the oven at 380 degrees for 40 minutes. Wow...


I'm not sure what my body fat percent is honestly. How do you get it checked? It's not dreadful loose skin that's having off but say medium.
Get an electronic scale that measures it, get calipers, or get it measured at a sports facility.


In my personal experience I've found that losing weight is 10% exercise and 90% diet. I'm sure many will disagree but after 2 years of researching and trying just about everything, my success is only when I focus on what I eat.

BTW - get a big cookie sheet, spray it with Pam, chop up some broccoli, tomatoes, carrots (sliced up) and mushrooms. Toss them in olive oil and your fave seasoning (I use Chef Prudhommes Vegetable Magic) and pop it all in the oven at 380 degrees for 40 minutes. Wow...

Don't know how anyone can dispute that. It's pretty much a fact.


In my personal experience I've found that losing weight is 10% exercise and 90% diet. I'm sure many will disagree but after 2 years of researching and trying just about everything, my success is only when I focus on what I eat.

BTW - get a big cookie sheet, spray it with Pam, chop up some broccoli, tomatoes, carrots (sliced up) and mushrooms. Toss them in olive oil and your fave seasoning (I use Chef Prudhommes Vegetable Magic) and pop it all in the oven at 380 degrees for 40 minutes. Wow...

I did this last night with cauliflower, onions and a large sweet potato. Then I blended it up and made an amazing soup with just a touch of thyme and cayenne pepper.
Did another 10km at the gym today. Got a week off work too, so gonna be hitting it pretty much every day. Everyone's gonna hate me for this, but I seem to lose weight fairly quickly. Three days of eating better and two sessions at the gym, and I can notice a huge difference in my face, particularly my cheeks and jawline.


Another summary and weight loss check in:

As weird as it feels saying, I'm pretty much done trying to lose weight. I'll continue to put on muscle and cut down on remaining body fat, but my mission a few years ago to transform from obese to fit is pretty much complete at this point. I started out at 351 pounds, and as of this morning, I weigh 186 pounds (6'2") for a total of 165 pounds lost. I went from a 3XL shirt to a medium, and a 48inch waist to a 32inch waist.

My next update probably won't be until Summer once I've finished my bulk and cut!

Congratulations dude. Its been amazing seeing your updates since you started posting them and I am incredibly happy that you hit your goal. You seriously look like a different person.


Cross post from Fitness-thread:

So my friend is going to attempt a 7 day juice fast. Already told him it's not a good idea but I don't think he believes me. Any good links for debunking this?
This thread is inspiring, great job guys.

I've been as heavy as 280, this was back in 2007. A more active job helped me slowly drop some pounds and in summer of 2009 at around 240 I decided to get serious about weight loss. Completely changed my diet, started a walking program. I walked EVERYWHERE, was doing an average of 7-8 a day with some longer 12 mile walks 2 times a week. That slowly transitioned into a running addiction. By September I was down to 190. Went down to the gym to run on the treadmill all winter, 3 times a week. My miles slowly increased, was doing 7 miles at a time by February. I couldn't run a 12 minute mile in highschool but by April 2010 I was doing 40 miles a week at 7:30 min per mile. At my lowest I was around 168 by summer 2010. This was probably way too skinny for my frame (6'4)

An injury stopped me from running but I bought a bicycle and started lifting weights. After 6 months I had put on a bit of weight, but was building muscle too. Back up to 185, mostly good weight. Mostly stuck around that weight for around a year and a half. This past December I got hit by a car and broke my leg. My diet turned to SHIT. I ordered pizza 3 times a week, ate out constantly, lots of sugar and carbs. My weight is around 205-210.

I'm back on the horse, this is day 9 of my diet. Looking forward to it warming up finally. I'm going to approach this the same way I did 2009, starting all over. Lots of walking, hope to start running once I get the OK from my doctor. Its definitely possible, this thread is proof of that. ANYONE is capable of the kind of amazing change you see in this thread.


Full werewolf off the buckle
This thread is inspiring, great job guys.

I've been as heavy as 280, this was back in 2007. A more active job helped me slowly drop some pounds and in summer of 2009 at around 240 I decided to get serious about weight loss. Completely changed my diet, started a walking program. I walked EVERYWHERE, was doing an average of 7-8 a day with some longer 12 mile walks 2 times a week. That slowly transitioned into a running addiction. By September I was down to 190. Went down to the gym to run on the treadmill all winter, 3 times a week. My miles slowly increased, was doing 7 miles at a time by February. I couldn't run a 12 minute mile in highschool but by April 2010 I was doing 40 miles a week at 7:30 min per mile. At my lowest I was around 168 by summer 2010. This was probably way too skinny for my frame (6'4)

An injury stopped me from running but I bought a bicycle and started lifting weights. After 6 months I had put on a bit of weight, but was building muscle too. Back up to 185, mostly good weight. Mostly stuck around that weight for around a year and a half. This past December I got hit by a car and broke my leg. My diet turned to SHIT. I ordered pizza 3 times a week, ate out constantly, lots of sugar and carbs. My weight is around 205-210.

I'm back on the horse, this is day 9 of my diet. Looking forward to it warming up finally. I'm going to approach this the same way I did 2009, starting all over. Lots of walking, hope to start running once I get the OK from my doctor. Its definitely possible, this thread is proof of that. ANYONE is capable of the kind of amazing change you see in this thread.
Holy crap, man. That's some kind of story! I admire your perseverance in the face of all that. I hope you don't mind my asking, but were you hit while running?

I wish you a speedy recovery and hope the Doc clears you to run again soon. Keep up the indomitable spirit!
Thanks man. I was hit by a car while riding my bike to class. Its been a pretty snowy February which hasn't helped me walking on a hobbled leg haha.

The stories of guys losing 150+ are very motivating for me. That takes consistency over an extended time of months and years, I find that extremely admirable. its important to remember that its not a game breaker when you fall off the wagon, its not even a big deal so long as you pick yourself back up. Stick to the path and continue walking it regardless of the obstacles. Trust and believe it will work out in the end (especially when the scale isn't showing your progress even though you're working your ass off)

Holy shit, that's one impressive story dude. 280 down to 170?! You've done the hard bit. This will be piss easy for you, go for it! Keep us updated, as well. I think about 180 is a healthy weight for 6'4". I'm the same height.

Only managed 7.5km today before my legs started aching a bit. Didn't wanna overdo it. That's nearly 30km in 3 days, and eating much less now.

Tomorrow is weights and crunches day. Will get back on the Cardio on Wednesday.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks man. I was hit by a car while riding my bike to class. Its been a pretty snowy February which hasn't helped me walking on a hobbled leg haha.

The stories of guys losing 150+ are very motivating for me. That takes consistency over an extended time of months and years, I find that extremely admirable. its important to remember that its not a game breaker when you fall off the wagon, its not even a big deal so long as you pick yourself back up. Stick to the path and continue walking it regardless of the obstacles. Trust and believe it will work out in the end (especially when the scale isn't showing your progress even though you're working your ass off)
That's badass that you are sticking with it and staying positive, and you make a powerful point about trusting and believing in your process.

My scale has barely moved at all in a month and a half, but I'm finding my clothes looser and my body different. Sometimes I'll feel discouraged but then I'll remember where I was when I started all this and I know I have to stick to the advice I always give people when they ask, "Just keep it up, even when you don't see any results.".

It's sorta funny. I've never really had faith in anything in my life, but I definitely do have faith in the fact that if I just keep on doing the right thing that I'll get to normal.

It's just a matter of keeping at it.
Holy shit, that's one impressive story dude. 280 down to 170?! You've done the hard bit. This will be piss easy for you, go for it! Keep us updated, as well. I think about 180 is a healthy weight for 6'4". I'm the same height.
I will! Good luck to you as well. 180-185 is my goal.

I've been following this thread a long time. Lurked long before I was ever a member, its good to actually interact with you guys now.
My scale has barely moved at all in a month and a half, but I'm finding my clothes looser and my body different. Sometimes I'll feel discouraged but then I'll remember where I was when I started all this and I know I have to stick to the advice I always give people when they ask, "Just keep it up, even when you don't see any results.".

It's sorta funny. I've never really had faith in anything in my life, but I definitely do have faith in the fact that if I just keep on doing the right thing that I'll get to normal.
yup, I'm the same way. I've never understood "belief" in the religious sense. Once I started losing weight, increasing my confidence and seeing progress I started to trust in the system and habits I had developed. It becomes a I positive upward spiral, it feeds energy into itself.

I call the weight loss journey "The Path" in my head. When I wake up in the morning and I'm steaming broccoli, I'm on The Path. When I go for a long walk, I'm on The Path. When I'm buying vegetables at the grocery store and manage to stay away from the chip or cookie isle, I'm on The Path. It almost feels spiritual in a way, the feeling of constant self-improvement. Regardless of where you start, be it 200 pounds or 700 pounds, every second you're on The Path you have succeeded.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I will! Good luck to you as well. 180-185 is my goal.

I've been following this thread a long time. Lurked long before I was ever a member, its good to actually interact with you guys now.yup, I'm the same way. I've never understood "belief" in the religious sense. Once I started losing weight, increasing my confidence and seeing progress I started to trust in the system and habits I had developed. It becomes a I positive upward spiral, it feeds energy into itself.

I call the weight loss journey "The Path" in my head. When I wake up in the morning and I'm steaming broccoli, I'm on The Path. When I go for a long walk, I'm on The Path. When I'm buying vegetables at the grocery store and manage to stay away from the chip or cookie isle, I'm on The Path. It almost feels spiritual in a way, the feeling of constant self-improvement. Regardless of where you start, be it 200 pounds or 700 pounds, every second you're on The Path you have succeeded.

Awesome way to look at it, man. I've definitely had an epic-poem style story going on in my head this whole time, as silly as that may seem to people.


I call the weight loss journey "The Path" in my head. When I wake up in the morning and I'm steaming broccoli, I'm on The Path. When I go for a long walk, I'm on The Path. When I'm buying vegetables at the grocery store and manage to stay away from the chip or cookie isle, I'm on The Path. It almost feels spiritual in a way, the feeling of constant self-improvement. Regardless of where you start, be it 200 pounds or 700 pounds, every second you're on The Path you have succeeded.
Quoting because this needs to be read. Maybe an intro paragraph to a weight loss essay/book.
So, I did a 7.5km run today. The treadmill said that burned around 600 calories. My job also involves about 3 hours of walking and a fair bit of heavy lifting.

Only had one proper meal today. I had ham and two fried eggs with a slice of wholemeal bread for lunch. Apart from that, I've had a snack-a-jack, two apples, a banana, some grapes and 250g of low fat raspberry yoghurt. If I keep that kind of deficit up, I should lose weight, right?

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
So, I did a 7.5km run today. The treadmill said that burned around 600 calories. My job also involves about 3 hours of walking and a fair bit of heavy lifting.

Only had one proper meal today. I had ham and two fried eggs with a slice of wholemeal bread for lunch. Apart from that, I've had a snack-a-jack, two apples, a banana, some grapes and 250g of low fat raspberry yoghurt. If I keep that kind of deficit up, I should lose weight, right?

Yes, but equally it can be damaging by eating TOO little food. I found my weight loss stalled the most when I was eating a very low (1400 calories or less) amount per day. You don't have to starve yourself.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So, I did a 7.5km run today. The treadmill said that burned around 600 calories. My job also involves about 3 hours of walking and a fair bit of heavy lifting.

Only had one proper meal today. I had ham and two fried eggs with a slice of wholemeal bread for lunch. Apart from that, I've had a snack-a-jack, two apples, a banana, some grapes and 250g of low fat raspberry yoghurt. If I keep that kind of deficit up, I should lose weight, right?
I, too, stalled on a very low calorie diet of 1500 daily. I bumped up to 1680-1730 and it helped immensely.

Sometimes less isn't best.
OK, will bear that in mind if I don't see results. Cheers guys.

Also, best thing to eat if I get peckish in the evening? Any healthy and filling snack ideas that aren't full of carbs? Would peanut butter on toast be OK?

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
OK, will bear that in mind if I don't see results. Cheers guys.

Also, best thing to eat if I get peckish in the evening? Any healthy and filling snack ideas that aren't full of carbs? Would peanut butter on toast be OK?

I've been partial to slices of cheese and/or nuts like cashews or pistachios. Crammed with protein and good fats. Keep in mind they are calorie dense so don't over do it.


Full werewolf off the buckle
OK, will bear that in mind if I don't see results. Cheers guys.

Also, best thing to eat if I get peckish in the evening? Any healthy and filling snack ideas that aren't full of carbs? Would peanut butter on toast be OK?
Often I'll go for hard boiled eggs or carrot sticks. Humus goes great with both, but I basically eat like a nutrition conscious hobo.
Right now I'm eating oatmeal with 2 ounces of peanuts in it for dinner.
Thanks again, guys.

The hardest thing for me is cutting down on bread. Ham, bacon, chicken, soup, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, tuna...all enhanced by bread/toast. I used to eat bread with pretty much every meal with the exception of breakfast.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Thanks again, guys.

The hardest thing for me is cutting down on bread. Ham, bacon, chicken, soup, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, tuna...all enhanced by bread/toast. I used to eat bread with pretty much every meal with the exception of breakfast.
Don't feel bad, man. I used to throw like 4 pieces of bread on top of a potpie and be in heaven. I would just make spaghetti sauce sandwiches. All kinds of dumb shit.

Let go of it, man. I personally still occasionally have bread. Sometimes I'll have 1 slice with a serving of vegetarian bologna. If you have an unhealthy relationship with a food, you can prove to yourself that you don't need that crutch.

This thread is full of people who fucked up time and time again until eventually it was just the right time for them.

Don't be discouraged by mistakes, quitting is how people fail.

For what it's worth, have tried lettuce wraps in place of bread?


Last year when I was unemployed I'd regularly make two PB+J sandwiches in the middle of the night and never thought anything of it. When I started actually paying attention to nutrition I felt like a bag of shit for it.


Last year when I was unemployed I'd regularly make two PB+J sandwiches in the middle of the night and never thought anything of it. When I started actually paying attention to nutrition I felt like a bag of shit for it.

Don't dwell on the past, just learn from it. :)
Good chest session at the gym today. Still not managed to have a proper meal yet. Had a banana and an apple.

For dinner, I'm knocking up chicken fillets with prosciutto ham, asparagus and carrots.

It sounds weird, but I think exercise definitely lessens your appetite. It's probably something to do with metabolism. I used to be constantly hungry. Now, even though I'm eating much less, I actually feel fuller.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I, too, stalled on a very low calorie diet of 1500 daily. I bumped up to 1680-1730 and it helped immensely.

Sometimes less isn't best.

Out of curiosity, how does this work/what's the 'science' behind it? I'm curious, because I wonder if it applies to me. I went very easily from 66 kg early january to <60 kg currently. But since then I've been stalling a bit. I have no idea how many calories I get exactly every day, but it probably fluctuates a bit between 1200 and 1500. Usually 200 for breakfast, 500 for lunch and 500-800 for dinner - guestimate for the dinner, I only eat vegetables with either meat/poultry/fish/eggs and aim to have around 300 gr veggies and 100-150 gr. of meat/poultry etc, but it fluctuates a bit depending on what's in my fridge/veggie bowl.


When you're at a constant caloric deficit, the body will start to hold on to them for dear life. Depriving the body of the energy it needs is not good. Also important to note, the bigger you are, the more calories you need.

Chris R

Maybe I need to eat more then too. I've been on a pretty strict diet of ~1600 calories...

Is there a good source to know what I should be targeting? I checked one calculator and it said I should get nearly 3000 calories... no way that can be right.


Out of curiosity, how does this work/what's the 'science' behind it? I'm curious, because I wonder if it applies to me. I went very easily from 66 kg early january to <60 kg currently. But since then I've been stalling a bit. I have no idea how many calories I get exactly every day, but it probably fluctuates a bit between 1200 and 1500. Usually 200 for breakfast, 500 for lunch and 500-800 for dinner - guestimate for the dinner, I only eat vegetables with either meat/poultry/fish/eggs and aim to have around 300 gr veggies and 100-150 gr. of meat/poultry etc, but it fluctuates a bit depending on what's in my fridge/veggie bowl.

My understanding of it is that your body wants to hold on to it's fat reserves. As you keep putting in a caloric deficit, over time your body responds by lowering metabolism. Refeeds will relatively quickly reverse those negatives. Lyle McDonald for example equates this to leptin:


Several years ago, when I first started making some of the connections with leptin and everything else, this really pointed out the need to do periodic refeeds (or cheat days or whatever you want to call them) on a diet. If nothing else, it pointed to another reason why the Bodyopus diet worked as well as it did: by forcefeeding carbs and calories for 2 days, not only did you refill muscle glycogen and hopefully generate an anabolic response, you probably reversed some of the adapatations inhernet to dieting.
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