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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
When you're at a constant caloric deficit, the body will start to hold on to them for dear life. Depriving the body of the energy it needs is not good. Also important to note, the bigger you are, the more calories you need.

I see. Well, I usually have a cheat day or cheat meal once a week, usually in the weekend, where I'll eat more carbs then usual or have a couple of drinks, but it's also usually the day/days after that I've gained weight again :).


I see. Well, I usually have a cheat day or cheat meal once a week, usually in the weekend, where I'll eat more carbs then usual or have a couple of drinks, but it's also usually the day/days after that I've gained weight again :).

People tend to retain water after cheat days.


Anyone from Germany know of any scales that actually work? My scale at home differs by about 1 to 3kg every time and reviews on Amazon.de suggest that many other scales have the same problem.


Anyone from Germany know of any scales that actually work? My scale at home differs by about 1 to 3kg every time and reviews on Amazon.de suggest that many other scales have the same problem.

Are you measuring the same time every day at the same point in your daily routine on a hard surface?


Sept 2011 - Today, total lost 137lbs, went from 312 to 175


I've been at my current weight since July of 2012 so I'm pretty happy that I've been able to do that.

That is awesome!


Are you measuring the same time every day at the same point in your daily routine on a hard surface?

I mean when I step on the scale and measure my weight and then do the same just a few seconds later it always differs by a few kg. The scale just plain doesn't work as intended.


FWIW, no way I would have been able to keep up that pace for another half mile. I was dying at the end there. My dog actually looked up worried at me.

I was in great shape in middle school and high school, but never ever a runner. Did football, wrestling, and then football training during spring/summer. I think my best mile was like 8:40 or something like that.

12 years later I'm in better shape. Funny how things turn out.


FWIW, no way I would have been able to keep up that pace for another half mile. I was dying at the end there. My dog actually looked up worried at me.

I was in great shape in middle school and high school, but never ever a runner. Did football, wrestling, and then football training during spring/summer. I think my best mile was like 8:40 or something like that.

12 years later I'm in better shape. Funny how things turn out.

I couldn't even run a mile in under 12 minutes in high school even though I weighed about the same then as I do now.

Now I can run a mile in 7 minutes or so. It's quite the revelation.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
3 miles in just over 21 minutes today. Personal best.

Solid work! Last summer my personal best was 5K in 19 min 30 sec, which is comparable to your time. I'm getting back into running as we speak, but I want to take it very slowly with lots of breaks because I get shin splints very easily and they suck.
I'm getting worried that something is wrong, because I seem to be rapidly losing weight the past week.

The couple weeks before that I was only losing about 1lb a week (190->189->188), but all of sudden this week it has started to go down rapidly (I'm now down to 184 before eating breakfast). I've been doing a decent amount of weight training and found that the only muscle that has suddenly seemed weaker is abs (suddenly can't do as many crunches), but I assumed that I'm only having trouble because I've been doing a lot more running lately and that seems to be a core intensive activity. I've also had a couple of night where I binge a little on high-fat foods like almond butter, but I always make sure that I don't eat the day after those binges until after my workout of the day.

Should I just assume that I somehow lost 2-3 lbs worth of abdominal muscle or is something else going on here?

EDIT: I guess I should add that I drink a decent amount of water everyday (at least 3L a day).


I'm getting worried that something is wrong, because I seem to be rapidly losing weight the past week.

The couple weeks before that I was only losing about 1lb a week (190->189->188), but all of sudden this week it has started to go down rapidly (I'm now down to 184 before eating breakfast). I've been doing a decent amount of weight training and found that the only muscle that has suddenly seemed weaker is abs (suddenly can't do as many crunches), but I assumed that I'm only having trouble because I've been doing a lot more running lately and that seems to be a core intensive activity. I've also had a couple of night where I binge a little on high-fat foods like almond butter, but I always make sure that I don't eat the day after those binges until after my workout of the day.

Should I just assume that I somehow lost 2-3 lbs worth of abdominal muscle or is something else going on here?

EDIT: I guess I should add that I drink a decent amount of water everyday (at least 3L a day).

No. you won't lose muscle in a specific area.

How many calories do you eat per day on average? How tall are you?
I don't measure calories much but if I were to estimate I'd say around 2500 calories. I tend to just make sure I get a lot of protein and some fiber and fat (which usually means liquid egg whites, spinach, and olive oil).

I'm 5' 10'' (my goal is to get to around 175-180 while having some muscle mass).
For what it's worth, have tried lettuce wraps in place of bread?

Dude, thanks so much for the tip! This is tonight's dinner

Iceberg leaves filled with tuna, red onions, rocket, watercress and baby chard and topped with grated mozarella. SO GOOD and really, surprisingly filling!

Next time I'm going to throw in some sweetcorn and red peppers, just didn't have any to hand. Guys, try this!


Full werewolf off the buckle
Dude, thanks so much for the tip! This is tonight's dinner

Iceberg leaves filled wit tuna, red onions, rocket, watercress and baby chard and topped with grated mozarella. SO GOOD and really, surprisingly filling!

Next time I'm going to throw in some sweetcorn and red peppers, just didn't have any to hand. Guys, try this!
Glad to hear you like it. Usually I will just fold over one slice of bread if I want a sandwich, but depending on my stats for the day I might use lettuce.

Works awesome with my veggie baloney . I love the stuff but I gotta be vigilant against the ol' demon sodium.


Gold Member
Not sure if it counts as a stall, but my weight has been the same for the last few weeks although my bf is ever so slightly decreasing. Not going to let it get to me though, this is my lifestyle now and my body can't hold out forever on the fat.
Not sure if it counts as a stall, but my weight has been the same for the last few weeks although my bf is ever so slightly decreasing. Not going to let it get to me though, this is my lifestyle now and my body can't hold out forever on the fat.

I know that feel. I have that last bit of bf that just refuses to go away. I look mostly fine when wearing a shirt because it makes this "w" shape at the bottom that almost looks like fake abs but without a shirt it just looks like a flat slab of fat. At this point my strategy might just be to keep building chest muscles to make the belly not look as bad.
My 24 min 5K time feels about as good as I'm ever going to get but, whatevs, I was never fast even as a skinny kid. At 33, I'm in better cardiovascular shape than I've probably ever been.


I just make myself a 2-3 egg cheese omelet with red onions, muschrooms, and a shredded piece of chicken breast or drumstick with 2 low carb, protein bread buns. Shit fills you up like crazy and is only around 500-750 calories total!

Chris R

My 24 min 5K time feels about as good as I'm ever going to get but, whatevs, I was never fast even as a skinny kid. At 33, I'm in better cardiovascular shape than I've probably ever been.

When I get under 30 min for my 5k time I'll feel good :(

Granted I was never very big on running, I just can't go out and bike in the winter so running it is if I want to exercise outside.


Gold Member
Thinking of my plateau, wondering how am I supposed to take sports into account in my daily energy balance.

I know I need to shoot for 1750-2000 kcal a day. I'm doing a 45 min spin in the morning and a 1h gym in the afternoon typically. I don't want to risk overcompensating, but also don't want to be dangerously under either.

Should I just stick with my daily calorie goal and forget trying to offset the sports in any way?



Thanks man. This is gonna be one long ass journey. Doing this now makes me so angry that I gained this much weight in only one year, to the point I am(was) back where I was when I first decided to start losing weight 4 years ago. Only thing I can say that's good now is that I workout consistently 4-5 times a week, which is what I didn't do when I first began losing weight. When I lost it the first time I was just a skinny fuck with no muscle whatsoever.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm going to jump back on this fitness bandwagon and hopefully i can stay on. sigh. I want to get down to a size 32 in pants.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Its because of Sony, isn't it?

Nope just tired of being so big. There are tons of clothes I want to wear but they are not in my size like unbranded jeans and naked and famous jeans. I need a change a new look and hopefully i can lose weight to help push this change.


This thread is motivational. I went from being 213lbs June 2012 to 180lbs today. Going to keep working my ass off until I'm about 160lbs or so. I'm about 5'8. Gonna go hard at the gym tonight.


Nope just tired of being so big. There are tons of clothes I want to wear but they are not in my size like unbranded jeans and naked and famous jeans. I need a change a new look and hopefully i can lose weight to help push this change.

I remember when I could fit into my size 32 Naked and Famous jeans ;(


I want to buy a pair. I love their style but my ass is just too large. ugh.

It's a big reason why I need to lose weight pronto. None of my clothes fit as I threw away all my bigger jeans shirts when I lost weight the first time. Now Im forced to wear sweatpants and a generic black tee everyday while my clothes sit in my dresser unable to be worn because Im too much of a fatass to fit in them. Im lucky I can semi get away with it right now because it's technically still winter, but summer is approaching fast....


Thinking of my plateau, wondering how am I supposed to take sports into account in my daily energy balance.

I know I need to shoot for 1750-2000 kcal a day. I'm doing a 45 min spin in the morning and a 1h gym in the afternoon typically. I don't want to risk overcompensating, but also don't want to be dangerously under either.

Should I just stick with my daily calorie goal and forget trying to offset the sports in any way?
Listen to your body. If you are hungry as fuck and low on energy, increase it a bit. If you feel good, then you're probably at a good level.
I'm going to jump back on this fitness bandwagon and hopefully i can stay on. sigh. I want to get down to a size 32 in pants.
The clothes have been the #2 benefit after improved sex life.


Will drop pants for Sony.
It's a big reason why I need to lose weight pronto. None of my clothes fit as I threw away all my bigger jeans shirts when I lost weight the first time. Now Im forced to wear sweatpants and a generic black tee everyday while my clothes sit in my dresser unable to be worn because Im too much of a fatass to fit in them. Im lucky I can semi get away with it right now because it's technically still winter, but summer is approaching fast....

Summer....that's the worst time for me. I'm going to start counting calories and stuff. Maybe make an appointment to see a nutritionist.

Listen to your body. If you are hungry as fuck and low on energy, increase it a bit. If you feel good, then you're probably at a good level.

The clothes have been the #2 benefit after improved sex life.

Wish i had a sex life.


Prepare for a long one because I have a lot to say.

Weight Loss GAF, I have a problem. I've really wanted to talk to someone for the past couple of days, but I wanted to talk to someone who might know how I feel or what I'm going through, and I figured that someone on here would probably know and be able to help.

As some of you may remember from a post I made a few weeks ago, I made a bet with my Dad to see who could lose the most weight in 3 months. It all started off fairly well, and I lost about 15 pounds rather quickly, and then I hit a sort of wall that lasted about 3 weeks. At some point in that time, I fell off the track. At the time, I was having stomach issues, and was going to the doctor for it. I was afraid there was something really wrong with me, so I decided to just eat what I wanted because I figured if something was wrong, then I would really have to buckle down and get my shit together. Luckily, I went to the doctor, only to find nothing wrong with me.

It was great that I didn't have any major issues, but that didn't stop me from eating badly. I just kept eating what I wanted to because I knew I wasn't hurting myself (figuratively speaking). Well that was almost a month ago now, and I've still just been eating terribly. Last week, I thought I had a glimmer of hope and thought I got everything going well again for a few days when someone brought donuts in to work, and I proceeded to eat 5 of them.

Since then, I've been struggling. Every day I wake up with the intention of starting back, and by the time I get to work, I've already given up. The whole day is an absolute battle with my willpower, and I just end up failing miserably. The worst part is that I've been low on money for the past few days due to some car repairs, and I don't really have any extra money to spend at all, and I keep buying fast food. Every single meal. I just can't help myself.

I just don't know what to do. It's never been this hard before for me. I've lost a lot of weight in the past, but unfortunately gain it all back when I eventually change my diet habits. The worst part is that I made this bet with my Dad to finally motivate myself to get back on the right path, and even that can't sway my resolve. There's $300 on the line and I can't even bring myself to care. For some reason, I think I can still win. I don't even know how much weight he's lost. All I know is I'm still sitting at 15 pounds lost.

I'm lost in a bad way guys. I'm not expecting someone to tell me this huge secret and it all be better. I know it's not that easy. I just need something. Maybe just me putting this out there will help. Who knows? I feel like such an absolute piece of shit every day. I can't even control myself. How am I supposed to get along in life if I can't even do that?


Prepare for a long one because I have a lot to say.

Weight Loss GAF, I have a problem. I've really wanted to talk to someone for the past couple of days, but I wanted to talk to someone who might know how I feel or what I'm going through, and I figured that someone on here would probably know and be able to help.

As some of you may remember from a post I made a few weeks ago, I made a bet with my Dad to see who could lose the most weight in 3 months. It all started off fairly well, and I lost about 15 pounds rather quickly, and then I hit a sort of wall that lasted about 3 weeks. At some point in that time, I fell off the track. At the time, I was having stomach issues, and was going to the doctor for it. I was afraid there was something really wrong with me, so I decided to just eat what I wanted because I figured if something was wrong, then I would really have to buckle down and get my shit together. Luckily, I went to the doctor, only to find nothing wrong with me.

It was great that I didn't have any major issues, but that didn't stop me from eating badly. I just kept eating what I wanted to because I knew I wasn't hurting myself (figuratively speaking). Well that was almost a month ago now, and I've still just been eating terribly. Last week, I thought I had a glimmer of hope and thought I got everything going well again for a few days when someone brought donuts in to work, and I proceeded to eat 5 of them.

Since then, I've been struggling. Every day I wake up with the intention of starting back, and by the time I get to work, I've already given up. The whole day is an absolute battle with my willpower, and I just end up failing miserably. The worst part is that I've been low on money for the past few days due to some car repairs, and I don't really have any extra money to spend at all, and I keep buying fast food. Every single meal. I just can't help myself.

I just don't know what to do. It's never been this hard before for me. I've lost a lot of weight in the past, but unfortunately gain it all back when I eventually change my diet habits. The worst part is that I made this bet with my Dad to finally motivate myself to get back on the right path, and even that can't sway my resolve. There's $300 on the line and I can't even bring myself to care. For some reason, I think I can still win. I don't even know how much weight he's lost. All I know is I'm still sitting at 15 pounds lost.

I'm lost in a bad way guys. I'm not expecting someone to tell me this huge secret and it all be better. I know it's not that easy. I just need something. Maybe just me putting this out there will help. Who knows? I feel like such an absolute piece of shit every day. I can't even control myself. How am I supposed to get along in life if I can't even do that?

I'm no one to give advice, but do you exercise at all? Losing weight is mostly diet, but I feel like exercising and seeing results in strength really begin to galvanize my resolve and I think to myself...do I really need to eat that? I'm on the same road, nowhere near my goals, but I'm eating way better and I'm not giving up until my eating habits are straight up good.


Nope just tired of being so big. There are tons of clothes I want to wear but they are not in my size like unbranded jeans and naked and famous jeans. I need a change a new look and hopefully i can lose weight to help push this change.

I miss being bigger in that regard. I used to hate clothing not being in my size when I was at my biggest, but now that I'm at a healthy size, clothing is hard to find since I'm wearing sizes that everyone else is wearing. Now I'll struggle to find whatever clothing I'm looking for in my size since its sold out, and see plenty of clothing for the previous sizes I wore. It's almost like a sick joke.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Prepare for a long one because I have a lot to say.

Weight Loss GAF, I have a problem. I've really wanted to talk to someone for the past couple of days, but I wanted to talk to someone who might know how I feel or what I'm going through, and I figured that someone on here would probably know and be able to help.

As some of you may remember from a post I made a few weeks ago, I made a bet with my Dad to see who could lose the most weight in 3 months. It all started off fairly well, and I lost about 15 pounds rather quickly, and then I hit a sort of wall that lasted about 3 weeks. At some point in that time, I fell off the track. At the time, I was having stomach issues, and was going to the doctor for it. I was afraid there was something really wrong with me, so I decided to just eat what I wanted because I figured if something was wrong, then I would really have to buckle down and get my shit together. Luckily, I went to the doctor, only to find nothing wrong with me.

It was great that I didn't have any major issues, but that didn't stop me from eating badly. I just kept eating what I wanted to because I knew I wasn't hurting myself (figuratively speaking). Well that was almost a month ago now, and I've still just been eating terribly. Last week, I thought I had a glimmer of hope and thought I got everything going well again for a few days when someone brought donuts in to work, and I proceeded to eat 5 of them.

Since then, I've been struggling. Every day I wake up with the intention of starting back, and by the time I get to work, I've already given up. The whole day is an absolute battle with my willpower, and I just end up failing miserably. The worst part is that I've been low on money for the past few days due to some car repairs, and I don't really have any extra money to spend at all, and I keep buying fast food. Every single meal. I just can't help myself.

I just don't know what to do. It's never been this hard before for me. I've lost a lot of weight in the past, but unfortunately gain it all back when I eventually change my diet habits. The worst part is that I made this bet with my Dad to finally motivate myself to get back on the right path, and even that can't sway my resolve. There's $300 on the line and I can't even bring myself to care. For some reason, I think I can still win. I don't even know how much weight he's lost. All I know is I'm still sitting at 15 pounds lost.

I'm lost in a bad way guys. I'm not expecting someone to tell me this huge secret and it all be better. I know it's not that easy. I just need something. Maybe just me putting this out there will help. Who knows? I feel like such an absolute piece of shit every day. I can't even control myself. How am I supposed to get along in life if I can't even do that?

You know what's the best thing about things that you screwed up before? It's in the past.

Your weight loss starts now. Everyday is a day you get ever so closer to your goal. Fucked up? Who cares, just keep grinding away. No one looses weight overnight but every single person that has made it their goal did so by not giving up and not using mistakes as an excuse to chuck in the towel.

There's a martial arts saying that goes "A black belt is a white belt who never gave up".

Replace "Black belt" and "white belt" with "thin" and "fat", stick the statement on your wall and refuse to accept failure as an option.

You can do it.


I'm no one to give advice, but do you exercise at all? Losing weight is mostly diet, but I feel like exercising and seeing results in strength really begin to galvanize my resolve and I think to myself...do I really need to eat that? I'm on the same road, nowhere near my goals, but I'm eating way better and I'm not giving up until my eating habits are straight up good.

Part of what got me to start last week was I decided to come home and work out and it made me feel better until I fucked up again. I couldn't bring myself to work out last night when I came home and mostly just thought about eating. Besides that, I do play soccer twice a week.


As said above, don't dwell on mistakes. Start doing the right thing now.

As soon as you drop a good amount of weight, the benefits of doing so will become so apparent that it will be a lot harder to fall off the wagon.

Beyond $300, think of the extra *years* of life you will be able to enjoy. That's been a big motivator for me, though it could be that 30 is fast approaching :p


Prepare for a long one because I have a lot to say.

Weight Loss GAF, I have a problem. I've really wanted to talk to someone for the past couple of days, but I wanted to talk to someone who might know how I feel or what I'm going through, and I figured that someone on here would probably know and be able to help.

As some of you may remember from a post I made a few weeks ago, I made a bet with my Dad to see who could lose the most weight in 3 months. It all started off fairly well, and I lost about 15 pounds rather quickly, and then I hit a sort of wall that lasted about 3 weeks. At some point in that time, I fell off the track. At the time, I was having stomach issues, and was going to the doctor for it. I was afraid there was something really wrong with me, so I decided to just eat what I wanted because I figured if something was wrong, then I would really have to buckle down and get my shit together. Luckily, I went to the doctor, only to find nothing wrong with me.

It was great that I didn't have any major issues, but that didn't stop me from eating badly. I just kept eating what I wanted to because I knew I wasn't hurting myself (figuratively speaking). Well that was almost a month ago now, and I've still just been eating terribly. Last week, I thought I had a glimmer of hope and thought I got everything going well again for a few days when someone brought donuts in to work, and I proceeded to eat 5 of them.

Since then, I've been struggling. Every day I wake up with the intention of starting back, and by the time I get to work, I've already given up. The whole day is an absolute battle with my willpower, and I just end up failing miserably. The worst part is that I've been low on money for the past few days due to some car repairs, and I don't really have any extra money to spend at all, and I keep buying fast food. Every single meal. I just can't help myself.

I just don't know what to do. It's never been this hard before for me. I've lost a lot of weight in the past, but unfortunately gain it all back when I eventually change my diet habits. The worst part is that I made this bet with my Dad to finally motivate myself to get back on the right path, and even that can't sway my resolve. There's $300 on the line and I can't even bring myself to care. For some reason, I think I can still win. I don't even know how much weight he's lost. All I know is I'm still sitting at 15 pounds lost.

I'm lost in a bad way guys. I'm not expecting someone to tell me this huge secret and it all be better. I know it's not that easy. I just need something. Maybe just me putting this out there will help. Who knows? I feel like such an absolute piece of shit every day. I can't even control myself. How am I supposed to get along in life if I can't even do that?

Well, not surprisingly, I think your problem is your negative attitude. You feel like shit, think youre going to fail, so you do fail. With the frequency of your fast food eating, it honestly sounds like self-sabotage. I havent really gone through this with my diet, but I have gone through it in other aspects of my life

You just gotta tell yourself that its going to be hard and difficult for the first couple of weeks, but you can do it, and even if you eat more shit than you want, youre going to stick with it since its not just a diet, but a lifestyle and health change as well.

When you plateau, and most people do, you just need to tell yourself that is natural and stay the course. That weight will go down either by sticking with it, lifting weights, or fasting.

As for fast food, if you don't trust yourself still, eliminate the option by leaving your money and credit cards at home and make a bag lunch. Eventually you will get into that habit instead of your fast food habit


Prepare for a long one because I have a lot to say.

Weight Loss GAF, I have a problem. I've really wanted to talk to someone for the past couple of days, but I wanted to talk to someone who might know how I feel or what I'm going through, and I figured that someone on here would probably know and be able to help.

As some of you may remember from a post I made a few weeks ago, I made a bet with my Dad to see who could lose the most weight in 3 months. It all started off fairly well, and I lost about 15 pounds rather quickly, and then I hit a sort of wall that lasted about 3 weeks. At some point in that time, I fell off the track. At the time, I was having stomach issues, and was going to the doctor for it. I was afraid there was something really wrong with me, so I decided to just eat what I wanted because I figured if something was wrong, then I would really have to buckle down and get my shit together. Luckily, I went to the doctor, only to find nothing wrong with me.

It was great that I didn't have any major issues, but that didn't stop me from eating badly. I just kept eating what I wanted to because I knew I wasn't hurting myself (figuratively speaking). Well that was almost a month ago now, and I've still just been eating terribly. Last week, I thought I had a glimmer of hope and thought I got everything going well again for a few days when someone brought donuts in to work, and I proceeded to eat 5 of them.

Since then, I've been struggling. Every day I wake up with the intention of starting back, and by the time I get to work, I've already given up. The whole day is an absolute battle with my willpower, and I just end up failing miserably. The worst part is that I've been low on money for the past few days due to some car repairs, and I don't really have any extra money to spend at all, and I keep buying fast food. Every single meal. I just can't help myself.

I just don't know what to do. It's never been this hard before for me. I've lost a lot of weight in the past, but unfortunately gain it all back when I eventually change my diet habits. The worst part is that I made this bet with my Dad to finally motivate myself to get back on the right path, and even that can't sway my resolve. There's $300 on the line and I can't even bring myself to care. For some reason, I think I can still win. I don't even know how much weight he's lost. All I know is I'm still sitting at 15 pounds lost.

I'm lost in a bad way guys. I'm not expecting someone to tell me this huge secret and it all be better. I know it's not that easy. I just need something. Maybe just me putting this out there will help. Who knows? I feel like such an absolute piece of shit every day. I can't even control myself. How am I supposed to get along in life if I can't even do that?

Well here's some competition for you :p

I know that feel bro. This post is literally a reflection of myself in every conceivable way a few months back when I was still stuffing myself full of food. Shit is fucking hard, and I totally know the feel of having your willpower tested everyday and ultimately failing. I would do the same thing you did. Would wake up with the intention of eating right, then maybe 4 hours later I'd be off to McDonalds because an idea popped in my head saying that large fries and two McDouble sandwiches would be mighty tasty and take a lot less time to make then cooking up some food at home. Or the absolute worst scenario that became a staple of my weight gain; I would wake up and say I would eat right and my weight in order. I would go through the entire day only eating essentials: oatmeal for breakfast, 2 eggs or a patty for lunch, and a scoop of rice with lettuce and chicken for dinner. Everything would be going perfect until it hit 11pm. Then I'd start to feel hungry. Since it was so late, what better way to stop your hunger than calling up Dominos and getting 3 small pizzas for a measly 12 bucks? I'd tell this to myself and my willpower would be so weak that I'd just do it after maybe 5 minutes of debating even though I'm a student and really don't have the money to be spending on fast food when there's plenty of free food in my house. The worst part about that is the fact that it would happen at the end of the day, where all I had to do was say no for about another hour and then the day would be complete with me having completed a successful healthy eating routine for that given day. Instead I would eat all 3 small pizzas in one sitting(sometimes mediums depending on how much I was craving it) and gain a good few pounds the next day since I just ingested 4.5k plus calories in one meal, not including the other food I ate earlier in the day. Sometimes I would only eat half of it and save the other half for the next day where I would eat it for breakfast and then feel a bit hungry for lunch and go to McDonalds, making that day even worse than the day I even ordered the damn pizza. Of course this became an ongoing thing with it either being Dominos(the worst), McDonalds, or even Cinnabon(where I'd buy a 4 pack of rolls and finish all 4 in a day). This eventually led me to going from 185lb(I'm 6'0 btw) to 272 in only a year. Back to where I started 4 years ago(As I had gone down from 280 to 185 3 years ago) Everyday I would ask myself why I didn't have the fire I did back then to keep eating healthy and why my willpower was so low. It got to the point where internally I just really didn't give a fuck anymore even though I tried telling myself and others that I did.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that the decision to lose weight is really up to you. When I finally decided to stop eating shit in the beginning of January, it wasn't some epiphany that came to me, it was just a cold hard decision to say no and live with the uncomfortable feeling of not being filled up with food. I got tired of every time I bought McDonalds, I would tell myself after eating "what I did was so bad and not even worth it, I'm never gonna do this again" and proceed to buy fast food the next day, or hell, even the same day. I noticed that this was the same mentality that I had when I first decided to lose weight 4 years back. The first day was fucking killer, I can tell you that much. My stupid conscience/chatterbox was telling me to eat fast food or chips and shit because I wasn't completely full and I'll tell you I fucking hated it. The second day was rough as hell too. After the third day though? That chatterbox became more and more distant to the point that those thoughts of not being full just stopped coming altogether. And guess what? I started to feel better about myself too, even though I still look like a fat fuck in the mirror to me, I at least know that I'm on the path to healthy lifestyle where I'll eventually be the sexy man beast I know I can be. Be that guy dude. Tell yourself you can do it and you are the shit. It does wonders for your motivation.

All in all it's a process that will have its ups and downs. If you were watching this thread just 2 weeks ago I was complaining about the fact that one of my friends somehow convinced me to go to all you can eat wings with them, even though I knew it was just asking for trouble and what do you know? After that day I started going back to my fast food eating habits that week, eating fast food a good 5 or 6 days out of the week. In that small span of a week I gained a good 4lb.(you can see that little weight update I post up every week here now) During that moment I had that feeling of being back at square one with my thoughts getting the better of me and my willpower. Then I just said fuck it and told myself that Im better than that, that I am in control of my own body and I'll take that uncomfortable feeling of not eating shit food because at the end of the day I don't want to end up being that fat guy that can't take off his shirt in public and thinks terribly of their body image. Come back to now and I've lost an additional pound and a half after that little over eating resurgence.

There's nothing I can really tell you to make you want to take responsibility for yourself. Only you have that power and you need to look inside yourself to harness it. At the end of the day what do you want to be? That dude that's too fat to truly be comfortable in his own skin or a sexy man beast? When you decide what you want and are prepared to face the challenges -- the cravings, the uncomfortable feeling of not eating more food to fill yourself up head on, then you will begin to make progress. The solution isn't to look at those challenges and think of how hard it will be; that's just setting yourself up for failure and it's what I did everyday when I was gorging myself gaining weight and getting a fat man-ass. It's seeing through those challenges and telling yourself "I want to see how high I can get". No limitations.

Damn, I haven't rambled this much on Gaf in a long ass time! My bad for any incoherent sentences or spelling mistakes, I'm too lazy to reread the whole thing.

Oh, and working out is a definite recommendation. Not only will it make you look sexy and not just a skinny piece bones and twigs after you lose your weight, those days where you do cheat and give in the working out portion will at least slow down your weight gain a little bit. And at the very least you'll be gaining muscle on top of it!


Part of what got me to start last week was I decided to come home and work out and it made me feel better until I fucked up again. I couldn't bring myself to work out last night when I came home and mostly just thought about eating. Besides that, I do play soccer twice a week.

Gets some cheap dumbells (the kind you can change plates) and work out from home. Also, work on your willpower. Don't go all willy nilly cutting back on everything. Start by eating whatever you want...but every time you start to eat, drink two big glasses of water. Try to leave food on the plate. Start from there, as time goes on and you see gains in strength and see that you are eating less, you can work a little more on eating better. Give yourself a long-term goal, don't juts expect everything to fall into place right away and lose tons of weight...its a great way to get de-motivated.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I miss being bigger in that regard. I used to hate clothing not being in my size when I was at my biggest, but now that I'm at a healthy size, clothing is hard to find since I'm wearing sizes that everyone else is wearing. Now I'll struggle to find whatever clothing I'm looking for in my size since its sold out, and see plenty of clothing for the previous sizes I wore. It's almost like a sick joke.

I would love to be in that situation. In clothing stores when I pick up jeans i hid the size. I also hate having to go either at the very bottom or back to get the huge size jeans. sigh. There are stores like Lucky Brand and GAP I feel self conscious going into. I know i am the only one that can change this which makes it so frustrating. I am going to try again.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Man, when you can finally just go and buy clothes like it ain't a thing it's the most amazing and strange sensation. I know you feel like you'll never get there, but when you do it'll have all been worth it. It's so amazing to be able to buy something for its style rather than its size.

At my worst I was wearing 3x shirts and size 54 pants. The only place I could buy clothes in my town was an outlet store and the selection was as abysmal and embarrassing as you might imagine. I couldn't even fit into the clothes at Walmart because the biggest pants they carried were 48 which was an impossible dream for me at that point. Now I'm wearing 34 pants and a large shirt and I just love going clothes shopping and just trying to look cool in the dressing room mirror like I'm one of my daughter's Ken dolls or some shit.

You can totally do this, man. Just keep heart. I didn't have a scale for the first 6 months of trying to change and it blew my fucking mind when I finally learned that I'd lost 80 pounds in 6 months. I don't know if going without a scale when you are just starting out is recommended, but it worked for me. Maybe try not weighing yourself but really give changing your best fucking shot, then weigh yourself in 6 months or something.
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