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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


It's not kiddish to have a physical aversion to certain foods. There's an actual medical condition for it. See that ramen girl thread from last week.

While there may be a condition for it, I'd be surprised if most people have a real disorder about it. They simply need to expand their tastes by forcing themselves to eat different kinds of foods. Eat something 20 times without getting ill, and your brain will associate it with 'food'.
Just an update since the last time I've posted in this thread I've lost 7 pounds and I now weigh 281 pounds, it's been at least six weeks since I've finally decided to lose weight around my birthday my starting weight was 304.



Smooth soups are also a brilliant way to introduce yourself to the taste of veg without having to deal with the texture (this was the problem for me, I think). Once the taste hurdle had been overcome, I found it much easier to deal with.

Trust me, I understand your reservations but if you persist and force yourself through little by little, you will even begin to love and enjoy foods you previously hated.

That's actually a good idea. Unfortunately I'm a very picky eater and that prevents me from sticking to any kind of diet. I need to find ways to overcome this.



Heh, I can kind of see it around the chin.

That's actually a good idea. Unfortunately I'm a very picky eater and that prevents me from sticking to any kind of diet. I need to find ways to overcome this.

It worked for me, it might work for others. I found it best to start with soups that had other ingredients I did like, such as chicken, before diving straight in to purely veggie soups.

It really is all about persistence, imo. When I cleaned up my diet I found that things tasted better too, so that may have affected the way I perceived tastes.


Thanks. Jumping in, I had a massive problem with fruit and vegetables, and I still do to a certain extent though it is nowhere near as severe as it used to be. Trying to eat them used to make me heave and just made every meal unbearable if it had a focus on veg.

Trust me, I understand your reservations but if you persist and force yourself through little by little, you will even begin to love and enjoy foods you previously hated.

As a side note, I had my first strawberry ever last Friday dipped in a little bit of 80% dark chocolate. It was glorious.

Sound advice man.

Anyways I finished first low carb day and I had carb withdrawal all day, but I gutted it out. I am hoping I'll get used to the eating style by continuing it over the next week.
I had this morning an omelette with tomatoes/onions and some mozzeralla cheese.
Keep on it. Your taste buds will adapt. Almost my entire diet now consists of foods I used to hate but now love. You can change your preferences, they aren't set in stone.

I used to hate mushrooms, they would make me gag. If one found its way on to a piece of pizza I was eating I'd spit out the whole thing and rub my tongue with paper towels to get the taste off (dramatic, I know). They're now one of my favorite foods. Being a picky eater was terrible. The pickier you are the more limited you become and the more you're missing out.


Neo Member
Here we go. First time posting here, but I've lurked for quite a while. Many of you have been a huge inspiration, although I'm only like half way through this thread.

I have always been overweight my entire life, not obese, but definitely fat. Two years ago I got a good office job, but one side effect from not moving all day is the HUGE potential for weight gain (which of course happened). I decided to change. I recently got married (my wife is in my before shot), and I think it's funny that I'm doing it backwards (getting married THEN getting in shape).

All I did was change my eating habits. I made common sense choices, like eating things I could identify, made by me. My diet ended up looking very similar to the Paleo type diet. Just natural foods, in only the amounts that my body needs. THE BIGGEST change for me personally was CUTTING OUT SUGAR! It is simply amazing how much weight I lost just from that alone.

Anyway... BEFORE: ~230lbs at 6'0''

AFTER: 168lbs

I took this whole process as an opportunity to improve on myself. I pay more attention to how I look now and it feels so amazing to actually have some confidence in myself for a change.

See you guys in P90X thread! Just did day one yesterday! Here's to phase two!! I won't stop until my wife gets an underwear model hahaha


Okay, nearing the end of a starter box, and then a box of Peanut Supreme, PB&J, and Banana Nut Muffin.

Still not sick of PB&J or Peanut Supreme, but will definitely take a break from Banana Nut Muffin. I can't believe how full I feel after eating one, it's total witchcraft.


Here we go. First time posting here, but I've lurked for quite a while. Many of you have been a huge inspiration, although I'm only like half way through this thread.

I have always been overweight my entire life, not obese, but definitely fat. Two years ago I got a good office job, but one side effect from not moving all day is the HUGE potential for weight gain (which of course happened). I decided to change. I recently got married (my wife is in my before shot), and I think it's funny that I'm doing it backwards (getting married THEN getting in shape).

All I did was change my eating habits. I made common sense choices, like eating things I could identify, made by me. My diet ended up looking very similar to the Paleo type diet. Just natural foods, in only the amounts that my body needs. THE BIGGEST change for me personally was CUTTING OUT SUGAR! It is simply amazing how much weight I lost just from that alone.

Anyway... BEFORE: ~230lbs at 6'0''

AFTER: 168lbs

I took this whole process as an opportunity to improve on myself. I pay more attention to how I look now and it feels so amazing to actually have some confidence in myself for a change.

See you guys in P90X thread! Just did day one yesterday! Here's to phase two!! I won't stop until my wife gets an underwear model hahaha



Neo Member
Thanks guys! Yes my wife is very happy lol.

Man p90x is taking everything to the next level! Changing my diet was the easy part!
You transformed yourself from a 45 year old man who looks like he has a part-time job as Santa Claus to a good looking guy in his early 20s (not sure how old you are but you look much younger now).

Well done, sir


good credit (by proxy)
I've tried to get this information before, but I think if I ask it in a different way people might be better equipped to respond:

For those who are currently doing, have have done a ketogenic diet with cheat days, after a cheat day/s, how long does it take you to become ketoadapted again, so you aren't feeling the "low carb flu"?

Usually at the beginning of the diet it take 2 to 4 weeks of feeling like crap before the body gets used to using ketones for energy and you feel good again(or even great). Once your body is used to using ketones, does the "low carb flu" last only a day or two after a cheat day? It seems like it must or else the people who do cheat days once a week would be in a constant state of "low carb flu", since they are not giving themselves 2-4 weeks between cheat days.

I doubt there has been a study done on this so any anecdoctal evidence I can find from people with experience is helpful.
The day of cheating I'm SUPER sluggish. I can definitely tell the difference. Usually by the next day I'm better, 2 days after I feel back to normal. The "low-carb flu" didn't hit me too hard starting out. I was feeling a lot better maybe 9 or 10 days into my diet change.

Its an interesting question, I've been reconsidering what I should and shouldn't eat on cheat days. I went a little crazy this past weekend at a Mongolian grill, I felt like shit afterwards.


Here we go. First time posting here, but I've lurked for quite a while. Many of you have been a huge inspiration, although I'm only like half way through this thread.

I have always been overweight my entire life, not obese, but definitely fat. Two years ago I got a good office job, but one side effect from not moving all day is the HUGE potential for weight gain (which of course happened). I decided to change. I recently got married (my wife is in my before shot), and I think it's funny that I'm doing it backwards (getting married THEN getting in shape).

All I did was change my eating habits. I made common sense choices, like eating things I could identify, made by me. My diet ended up looking very similar to the Paleo type diet. Just natural foods, in only the amounts that my body needs. THE BIGGEST change for me personally was CUTTING OUT SUGAR! It is simply amazing how much weight I lost just from that alone.

Anyway... BEFORE: ~230lbs at 6'0''

AFTER: 168lbs

I took this whole process as an opportunity to improve on myself. I pay more attention to how I look now and it feels so amazing to actually have some confidence in myself for a change.

See you guys in P90X thread! Just did day one yesterday! Here's to phase two!! I won't stop until my wife gets an underwear model hahaha
This is awesome. Very inspirational. You should have kept that epic beard though dude!


Here we go. First time posting here, but I've lurked for quite a while. Many of you have been a huge inspiration, although I'm only like half way through this thread.

I have always been overweight my entire life, not obese, but definitely fat. Two years ago I got a good office job, but one side effect from not moving all day is the HUGE potential for weight gain (which of course happened). I decided to change. I recently got married (my wife is in my before shot), and I think it's funny that I'm doing it backwards (getting married THEN getting in shape).

All I did was change my eating habits. I made common sense choices, like eating things I could identify, made by me. My diet ended up looking very similar to the Paleo type diet. Just natural foods, in only the amounts that my body needs. THE BIGGEST change for me personally was CUTTING OUT SUGAR! It is simply amazing how much weight I lost just from that alone.

Anyway... BEFORE: ~230lbs at 6'0''

AFTER: 168lbs

I took this whole process as an opportunity to improve on myself. I pay more attention to how I look now and it feels so amazing to actually have some confidence in myself for a change.

See you guys in P90X thread! Just did day one yesterday! Here's to phase two!! I won't stop until my wife gets an underwear model hahaha

Holy shit fuck balls. You're a different person.


Neo Member
Thank you so much everyone! Seriously, it's such an inspiration for me to keep pushing.

Haha oh ya I'm 27 btw, and thank you for the beard compliment. But as you may have guessed, it was mostly to hide the double chin lol.


Okay, nearing the end of a starter box, and then a box of Peanut Supreme, PB&J, and Banana Nut Muffin.

Still not sick of PB&J or Peanut Supreme, but will definitely take a break from Banana Nut Muffin. I can't believe how full I feel after eating one, it's total witchcraft.
Need to order up a box of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough! :)


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Added 2.5 kg. after a long weekend of debauchery with friends. Probably a lot of water but still... Getting back into my regular diet I'm curious how long it will take to return to my weight before 3-4 days of boozing and too much food. Probably about two weeks.
GAF, I am so ready to kick my ass this summer with some weight loss. My problem that I usually encounter is that I bite off more than I can chew (BOOM!). I need something simple and easy to follow, yet structured. My cooking abilities are minimal. No, I'm not going to learn how to cook while focusing on weight loss because then I'll get overwhelmed and fail at both.

I'm thinking of doing two Intermittent Fasting days each week... does anybody have recommendations for what I should do in addition to that? Low carb? Calorie counting? I would love to do the Paleo diet but that wouldn't be realistic, unless I could have something like two cheat days a week. But maybe that's an okay thing to do with Paleo?

<3 you all in this thread. We all of course now how goddam awful it is being overweight for years (or a lifetime), but it's very encouraging to see all of the support and well wishes in here.

OG Kush

GAF, I am so ready to kick my ass this summer with some weight loss. My problem that I usually encounter is that I bite off more than I can chew (BOOM!). I need something simple and easy to follow, yet structured. My cooking abilities are minimal. No, I'm not going to learn how to cook while focusing on weight loss because then I'll get overwhelmed and fail at both.

I'm thinking of doing two Intermittent Fasting days each week... does anybody have recommendations for what I should do in addition to that? Low carb? Calorie counting? I would love to do the Paleo diet but that wouldn't be realistic, unless I could have something like two cheat days a week. But maybe that's an okay thing to do with Paleo?

<3 you all in this thread. We all of course now how goddam awful it is being overweight for years (or a lifetime), but it's very encouraging to see all of the support and well wishes in here.

If you were to do regular intermittant fasting (16 hours fast, 8 hour eating period. If you can handle it, you can increase the fasting hours for better results aswell!) I would say do that every day, not only 2 days a week. Or you can try doing 24 hour fasts once a week initally, while also just cleaning your diet up. Once you get used to this you could even up the 24 hours fast to 2-3 times a week. That means your in a calorie deficit just from not eating a whole days worth of a food, and if you just stop eating sugar, stop juices/soft drinks, fried food etcs and eat in moderation you will lose weight. Eat friuts, veggies, lean meats. Don't have to stay away from carbs but eat them in moderation. Maybe keep one of your meals a day low carb. Start exercising a bit more.
You don't have to go extreme low carb and paleo to do weight loss, but they do work as well. In essence everything is about moderation. And its also down to your own preference, if you can enjoy doing low carb and paleo, then do it. But there's not only 1 way.
heck if you do 2-3 24 hour fasts a week weight loss will go FAST, and allows you to be a bit more lenient with your diet the rest of the days.


Neo Member
GAF, I am so ready to kick my ass this summer with some weight loss. My problem that I usually encounter is that I bite off more than I can chew (BOOM!). I need something simple and easy to follow, yet structured. My cooking abilities are minimal. No, I'm not going to learn how to cook while focusing on weight loss because then I'll get overwhelmed and fail at both.

I'm thinking of doing two Intermittent Fasting days each week... does anybody have recommendations for what I should do in addition to that? Low carb? Calorie counting? I would love to do the Paleo diet but that wouldn't be realistic, unless I could have something like two cheat days a week. But maybe that's an okay thing to do with Paleo?

<3 you all in this thread. We all of course now how goddam awful it is being overweight for years (or a lifetime), but it's very encouraging to see all of the support and well wishes in here.

Hell, to start simple, just watch portion control and do your very best to eat as little sugar as you can get in your food.

That alone is simple and will have an impact. Don't go extreme of course or even listen to me if you are diabetic or something.


I've tried to get this information before, but I think if I ask it in a different way people might be better equipped to respond:

For those who are currently doing, have have done a ketogenic diet with cheat days, after a cheat day/s, how long does it take you to become ketoadapted again, so you aren't feeling the "low carb flu"?

Usually at the beginning of the diet it take 2 to 4 weeks of feeling like crap before the body gets used to using ketones for energy and you feel good again(or even great). Once your body is used to using ketones, does the "low carb flu" last only a day or two after a cheat day? It seems like it must or else the people who do cheat days once a week would be in a constant state of "low carb flu", since they are not giving themselves 2-4 weeks between cheat days.

I doubt there has been a study done on this so any anecdoctal evidence I can find from people with experience is helpful.

For me I only had the carb flu for about a week when I first started a keto diet. Then I had a cheat day once every two weeks or so and was back in keto within 48 hours with no signs of carb flu after those cheat days. Not sure I would have added cheat days to my plan if I had to deal with the sluggishness of the flu after each one.


Added 2.5 kg. after a long weekend of debauchery with friends. Probably a lot of water but still... Getting back into my regular diet I'm curious how long it will take to return to my weight before 3-4 days of boozing and too much food. Probably about two weeks.

It used to be when I had more to lose, that I'd recover from a cheat weekend faster. In 3-4 days I'd either be back to where I was before the cheat or at a lower weight. However, the last time I did a cheat, it took me twice as long to recover 6-7 days. I can see that things are slowing down as far as weight loss goes, but I'm going to stick with the diet that has worked so far. I have been becoming much more active as I've been losing weight. When I got down to where I thought I wouldn't tear my knees up, I started running again and recently I joined a men's softball league. I'm in no super hurry to get to my goal weight since I'm already feeling and looking much better than I have in a long time. I've pretty much come to the realization that this diet is not something that I'm going to be ending anytime soon (if ever). I'll just modify it when I get down to where I'm happy with my weight but I won't ever be able to go back to the life style I lead before I started dieting.

Sorry Rei_Toei....probably not much of an answer for you, but I thought I'd share my experience with cheat weekends (which I have a love/hate relationship with). The worst thing is when I think my weight has stalled and I decide that if it doesn't change in the morning I'll have a cheat weekend to shock my system; then to find out the next day that I've lost a significant amount of weight and I won't do my cheat. (has happened more than once) Oh, by the way, I'm just doing a low calorie diet. I'm not restricting any foods as long as I don't exceed my daily caloric budget.

Edit: Oh @blugbox. Great job!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
It used to be when I had more to lose, that I'd recover from a cheat weekend faster. In 3-4 days I'd either be back to where I was before the cheat or at a lower weight. However, the last time I did a cheat, it took me twice as long to recover 6-7 days. I can see that things are slowing down as far as weight loss goes, but I'm going to stick with the diet that has worked so far. I have been becoming much more active as I've been losing weight. When I got down to where I thought I wouldn't tear my knees up, I started running again and recently I joined a men's softball league. I'm in no super hurry since I'm already feeling and looking much better than I have in a long time. I've pretty much come to the realization that this diet is not something that I'm going to be ending anytime soon (if ever). I'll just modify it when I get down to where I'm happy with my weight but I won't ever be able to go back to the life style I lead before I started dieting.

Sorry Rei_Toei....probably not much of an answer for you, but I thought I'd share my experience with cheat weekends (which I have a love/hate relationship with). The worst thing is when I think my weight has stalled and I decide that if it doesn't change in the morning I'll have a cheat weekend to shock my system; then to find out the next day that I've lost a significant amount of weight and I won't do my cheat. (has happened more than once)

Edit: Oh @blugbox. Great job!

It was in this thread that I read about how sometimes a cheat day could actually help losing weight, 'shocking' the system as you call it. I gotta admit though, I'm afraid eating junk food and drink loads of Belgian beer is probably not really the right 'shock' :). But this was a rare and special occasion - short holiday with friends. Usually I stick to my diet and exercise regime 7 days a week and I don't really do cheat days, maybe a cheat meal once a week, which wouldn't be junk food but more carbs then usual, for example.

Anyway, we'll see. I'm going to weigh myself every morning and see what happens over the next two weeks.


Well, might as well contribute since this thread has been mega helpful to me these past few years...

320 ==> 240.

Still a ways to go, but thanks for all the info. Thread may have literally been a lifesaver for me.
Fantastic job man, you've dropped quite a bit. That takes the a lot dedication over a long period of time. Keep fighting the good fight! You look a lot like a friend of mine. He was over 300 pounds before changing his diet. 14 months later at 215 he ran a half marathon. Amazing changes can take place if you're dedicated like you have been.

Update after my weight-in disappointment last week:

Ive done 4 weight-ins this week to get a better reading. I could see the fluctuations and differences, even in whether I ate or not. I skipped breakfast before my weight-in this morning to get an accurate number: 188! Its fluctuated between 191 and 189 before that. The 194 last Thursday seems like an anomaly. I'm glad I took gaf's advice. My weight loss is still happening, it just good to know I'm on the right path. So anyway, I'll ignore last week haha. My progress so far...

Feb 24-209 lbs
March 22-196 lbs
April 17-188 lbs


Finally got what I would consider before and after pics, finally:


Myself in all black in the background to the left at EVO circa July 2011


On the bottom was the initial consultation with my Lapband surgeon, and the top was taken today.

PROGRESS! I'm looking to lose another 60-70 pounds, then I will be satisfied. I got too much muscle as it is now to get down to 155, which the BMI for my height suggests.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Finally got what I would consider before and after pics, finally:


Myself in all black in the background to the left at EVO circa July 2011


On the bottom was the initial consultation with my Lapband surgeon, and the top was taken today.

PROGRESS! I'm looking to lose another 60-70 pounds, then I will be satisfied. I got too much muscle as it is now to get down to 155, which the BMI for my height suggests.

Lookin' good, man. That's some tremendous progress! I've got to ask, though. One of the reasons I never considered a lapband was the recovery being scary/painful. If you wouldn't mind I'd love to read about your experience more in-depth or, if you've discussed it elsewhere in the thread perhaps I've missed it. I deal with patients on occasion who've recently had the surgery but I don't ever really get to sit and chat with them about it. It's a really interesting subject.

Also I'm wondering how tall you are because my BMI is supposed to be around 155-160 and I'm 5' 7" and I always just figured you as a taller dude.

Again, great job on the loss and keep up the great work!


I always comment in this thread and then remember that I wanted to talk about something but don't want to make a whole other post, which often leads to me adding in to my previous one.

Was there a point, gentleman, when you felt it was "okay" to tuck in your shirt? Or, alternately, did you feel that it made you look bad and wouldn't do it? I recently hit 194 after being up near 400 for my entire adult life. I haven't been this thin since I was like 12. I'm wearing a 34/36 in pants and a Large in shirts. I've started, for the first time ever, tucking my shirts in and I'm afraid it isn't a good look for me yet.

I recently got a very, very small promotion and want to look at least like I'm pretending to be a functional adult, so I don't want to be so blinded by the allure of not being 350 lbs that I make poor choices and look like a slob. So, does this look ok in your estimation? I still have quite a gut and due to loose skin I think it may well stay that way even when I'm eventually at my goal weight (35 more lbs!).

I don't want to look like some kind of asshole at work, but I've quite literally NEVER tucked in my shirt before in my life. Should I wait until my gut is further diminished before it's cool to do so? As you can tell I've been sort of "flaring" it out at the waist so as not to make the shirt appear too tight. The shirt fits fine, but I think it looks better if I pull it loose a bit at the waist. Is this what I'm supposed to do?

Pretend I'm an alien, or a child, or some sort of friendly robot who chose to stay instead of returning to my home planet. I seriously don't know how to NOT dress like a total slob so is this how I'm supposed to tuck my shirt in to not look like some kinda jackass stuffed sausage?

As an example of me not knowing how to NOT be a slob the first pic I took for this totally had my fly open. Glad I caught THAT!
Here we go. First time posting here, but I've lurked for quite a while. Many of you have been a huge inspiration, although I'm only like half way through this thread.

I have always been overweight my entire life, not obese, but definitely fat. Two years ago I got a good office job, but one side effect from not moving all day is the HUGE potential for weight gain (which of course happened). I decided to change. I recently got married (my wife is in my before shot), and I think it's funny that I'm doing it backwards (getting married THEN getting in shape).

All I did was change my eating habits. I made common sense choices, like eating things I could identify, made by me. My diet ended up looking very similar to the Paleo type diet. Just natural foods, in only the amounts that my body needs. THE BIGGEST change for me personally was CUTTING OUT SUGAR! It is simply amazing how much weight I lost just from that alone.

Anyway... BEFORE: ~230lbs at 6'0''

AFTER: 168lbs

I took this whole process as an opportunity to improve on myself. I pay more attention to how I look now and it feels so amazing to actually have some confidence in myself for a change.

See you guys in P90X thread! Just did day one yesterday! Here's to phase two!! I won't stop until my wife gets an underwear model hahaha

Wow, hats off to you, you also lost years there, and don't look emaciated, because it's an unfortunate side effect of losing weight on some people.

Kudos you look much better.


Lookin' good, man. That's some tremendous progress! I've got to ask, though. One of the reasons I never considered a lapband was the recovery being scary/painful. If you wouldn't mind I'd love to read about your experience more in-depth or, if you've discussed it elsewhere in the thread perhaps I've missed it. I deal with patients on occasion who've recently had the surgery but I don't ever really get to sit and chat with them about it. It's a really interesting subject.

Also I'm wondering how tall you are because my BMI is supposed to be around 155-160 and I'm 5' 7" and I always just figured you as a taller dude.

Again, great job on the loss and keep up the great work!

I never really talked about it online on an open forum, but I don't mind. Before I go into that, I'm just a smidge taller than you, standing at 5' 7 1/2", so the BMI scale wants me to look at ~155-160 in the end, which I've already said isn't going to happen, lol. The BMI is just a guide, as with most things pertaining to weight loss/general health, anyways, and isn't something rock-solid.

Back on track; the Lapband. The recovery isn't so much scary as it was painful. I'm not going to sugar-coat it--post-op recovery blew 5 kinds of ass, if there was such a distinction between asses, lol. As an example, you know how you use internal pressure to sit down or stand up? You could use absolutely NONE of that. I needed assistance just to use the bathroom, and had to have my wife assist with that for about 4-5 days. I was essentially bed-ridden for that whole time, with minimal walking.

On top of the inability to use internal pressure, the pain from the gas the surgeon uses to inflate your abdominal area was not fun, either. Have plenty of Bean-O or Gas X strips on hand, which will only relieve some of that pain. You'll either be cringing in pain from the internal pressure or the dispersion of gas throughout your body as it tries to break it down. Of course your surgeon prescribes pain meds and antibiotics for the procedure.

I also had to deal with a post-op complication call seroma, which is post-op leaking from incision sites. I leaked from my main incision site pretty good for about 6 days. Seroma itself isn't a big deal as long as you keep it clean with Neosporin or the like, and keep covered with gauze. I ended up taking off of work for 3.5 weeks for the recovery.


Gold Member

I always comment in this thread and then remember that I wanted to talk about something but don't want to make a whole other post, which often leads to me adding in to my previous one.

Was there a point, gentleman, when you felt it was "okay" to tuck in your shirt? Or, alternately, did you feel that it made you look bad and wouldn't do it? I recently hit 194 after being up near 400 for my entire adult life. I haven't been this thin since I was like 12. I'm wearing a 34/36 in pants and a Large in shirts. I've started, for the first time ever, tucking my shirts in and I'm afraid it isn't a good look for me yet.

I recently got a very, very small promotion and want to look at least like I'm pretending to be a functional adult, so I don't want to be so blinded by the allure of not being 350 lbs that I make poor choices and look like a slob. So, does this look ok in your estimation? I still have quite a gut and due to loose skin I think it may well stay that way even when I'm eventually at my goal weight (35 more lbs!).

I don't want to look like some kind of asshole at work, but I've quite literally NEVER tucked in my shirt before in my life. Should I wait until my gut is further diminished before it's cool to do so? As you can tell I've been sort of "flaring" it out at the waist so as not to make the shirt appear too tight. The shirt fits fine, but I think it looks better if I pull it loose a bit at the waist. Is this what I'm supposed to do?

Pretend I'm an alien, or a child, or some sort of friendly robot who chose to stay instead of returning to my home planet. I seriously don't know how to NOT dress like a total slob so is this how I'm supposed to tuck my shirt in to not look like some kinda jackass stuffed sausage?

As an example of me not knowing how to NOT be a slob the first pic I took for this totally had my fly open. Glad I caught THAT!

With regards to the pic you posted, I would tuck in tighter, it's hard to tell because the bottom of the shirt is kind of hanging in there. Here's how it should be tucked in according to Polo style guide:


I have been thinking about the tucked in shirt for a while too. The point where I think it looks good is when all the belly is gone, so no love handles and no sack below the belly button, you have to be pretty damn slim to tuck in a polo shirt especially.

For that reason Polo shirts are the most merciless piece of kit a man can tuck in. I am still maybe 10 kg away from that. The wait will be worth it thought!

Also, you'll want a shirt MUCH smaller than the one in the pic, time to get a new wardrobe when you slim down man :D


Just completed 3rd day of low carb, I am down a bunch of weight on the scale but I think its mostly water weight because I peed like 2 gallons on the first day. In total after 3 days 7 pounds off the scale. I had alot of headaches and light headedness the first day but that is mostly gone now. Hoping to keep this train rolling!


I would love to do low carb, but since I ride my bicycle everywhere; it just doesn't work for me. I have reached my weight loss goal, I just don't like eating grains/bread too much.

I mainly have some oatmeal and berries for breakfast or toast and almond/peanut butter and then ride to work. I tried low carb and I got really exhausted on my regular commute. Maybe it's just not for me :(

I haven't gained any weight from eating oatmeal though, so I guess it is harmless. I have heard that if you do cardio right after it is O.K.

I am also disappointed that I can't do intermittent fasting anymore when I ride to work. I also tried that and failed. I fasted through most of winter, and I felt amazing. But fasting while cycling and commuting is somethingmy body cannot handle.

My new plan is to eat as healthy as possible on the days that I ride my bike, and do 24 hour fast on the days that I'm off. I just love fasting. Makes me feel really god for some reason.


So, while not being terribly overweight (84.6kg at 175cm, bmi at 27.6) I got tired of looking the way I did and tried out lightly a VLCD (very low calorie diet) method.

I started out in February and began replacing 2 meals each day (Breakfast and dinner) with a VLCD-shake, containing roughly 170 calories per meal. I lost 2kg in the first week, which I suppose was water weight. I kept going until about late March, then switched to only replacing one meal, while eating healthier food and staying away from carbs. I also began working out. Starting out with lifting weights and am now combining it with a morning run of about 30 minutes before going to work.

My current diet contains the following:
Breakfast: VLCD-Shake followed by a jar of quark (For those who don't know what that is, it's a dairy product containing alot of protein (10-13g per 100g quark)) mixed with sugarfree squash, which in turn makes it taste like a thicker yoghurt.

Lunch: Healthy food of sorts. Often based on chicken.

Dinner: Like lunch except not the same.

Supper: A jar of Quark mixed with sugarfree squash and a low-carb sandwich.

My current weight is 75.8kg, unfortunately I don't have any pictures to share with you guys.


I would love to do low carb, but since I ride my bicycle everywhere; it just doesn't work for me. I have reached my weight loss goal, I just don't like eating grains/bread too much.

I mainly have some oatmeal and berries for breakfast or toast and almond/peanut butter and then ride to work. I tried low carb and I got really exhausted on my regular commute. Maybe it's just not for me :(

I haven't gained any weight from eating oatmeal though, so I guess it is harmless. I have heard that if you do cardio right after it is O.K.

I am also disappointed that I can't do intermittent fasting anymore when I ride to work. I also tried that and failed. I fasted through most of winter, and I felt amazing. But fasting while cycling and commuting is somethingmy body cannot handle. Why not start the day with a little heavier and filling meal like bacon and eggs or hard cooked eggs + chicken salad.

My new plan is to eat as healthy as possible on the days that I ride my bike, and do 24 hour fast on the days that I'm off. I just love fasting. Makes me feel really god for some reason.

sounds familiar in some ways. i started low carb + walking daily. but when i started to go to the gym .. oh man, i felt the first times totally lightheaded and dizzy. Maybe i drank not enough, but i think my body was not expecting things hehe. but i would say hang in there, after a while your body gets used to it. Maybe drive a bit slower on your comute? (who am i kiddind, i can only bike fast also..) but something along that. keep at it. good luck.

I can not imagine to fast. i need my daily meals. props to that.
It's been almost exactly one year since I decided to do something about my weight and I feel really good about where I'm at now. I started at 205 and I'm down to 140 lbs and maintaining. I still run about 5 days a week and I've stuck to basically the same diet the whole time which I'm still satisfied with. At this point, I need to do a better job of replacing my wardrobe because I still find myself wearing old things that are way too big for me. This thread definitely helped.

That shirt is way too big for you. The sleeves should not come anywhere near your elbow. One of the things that is going to be hard for you is to reorient your body around clothes that "fit." Most professional clothes are meant to be worn a little snug. I used to carry about 30-40 lbs more than I do now and I preferred baggier/looser/relaxed clothes because subconsciously I thought they could hide my size. Looking back, this kind of thinking was insane as I was big and wearing big drapes didn't hide that.


Full werewolf off the buckle
You guys have certainly given me some things to think about this morning! I had no idea there was a "style guide" for polo shirts.

All things considered perhaps it's best if I wait to tuck in and see how I look at 160. Maybe my stomach and skin will play ball and behave.

Worm, your story is really inspiring, man. We've all made sacrifices here but hearing what you went through is quite trying. That sounds positively AWFUL, man. It seems like it's worked out for you very well but that's so much to deal with!

Good luck with your efforts in the future! After that surgery I can only imagine everything else must seem like child's play.


Neo Member
@Horseticuffs- Have you considered wearing a sweater with a dress shirt underneath? You can find ones that don't have elastic at the waist so it will hang looser. You could even do a v-neck sweater and wear a shirt and tie under it.

Even something like a vest with a dress shirt would be more casual and still hang looser at the waist. I'm trying to think of professional looking clothing that also helps hide whats left.

Also, yes that polo is simply way too large for you now. Ideally, you want the seam of the shoulder and sleeve to sit right at the corner of your shoulder (Use polo pic for reference.), and from there adjust a little for your waist size. Congrats! you are melting out of your clothing!
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