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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Shameless plug here, I submitted my weight loss story to Atkins because thats what I followed, and I'm on their website and FB page.


That pretty awesome you got on their site. Did you really lose 20 pounds in a month?

I always considered e-mailing Subway about how I lost most of my (initial) weight while eating their subs 4 times a week. They already have Jared though. Subway spokesman is like the highlander...there can be only one.

OG Kush

People always say thigns like it isn't healthy to lose more than 2lbs a week etc etc but in reality the more fat you are, the easier it is to lose fat and completely fine doing more than 2lbs a week.


It was probably his first month and given that he was likely eating a lot of carbs before then, most of that loss was probably water weight. Also what OG Kush said. Not trying to detract from the accomplishment or anything. :)


That pretty awesome you got on their site. Did you really lose 20 pounds in a month?

I always considered e-mailing Subway about how I lost most of my (initial) weight while eating their subs 4 times a week. They already have Jared though. Subway spokesman is like the highlander...there can be only one.

Yeah I did lose 20lbs in a month. You should contact them, maybe they'll post you on their website or something. There can always be a new Jared


It was probably his first month and given that he was likely eating a lot of carbs before then, most of that loss was probably water weight. Also what OG Kush said. Not trying to detract from the accomplishment or anything. :)

It wasn't the only month I lost 20lbs that just happened to be the first month I was on it and it instilled confidence. And I agree it's easier for a heavy person to lost weight.


People always say thigns like it isn't healthy to lose more than 2lbs a week etc etc but in reality the more fat you are, the easier it is to lose fat and completely fine doing more than 2lbs a week.

For very overweight people, losing more than a couple pounds a week will make it harder for your skin to recover properly.

It's when people are closer to a normal weight that losing several pounds a week would be troubling.


Will drop pants for Sony.
People always say thigns like it isn't healthy to lose more than 2lbs a week etc etc but in reality the more fat you are, the easier it is to lose fat and completely fine doing more than 2lbs a week.
Wow I cannot even lose that much in a month.


Gold Member
Thoughts on frozen yogurt?

So delicious ;____;

I think it's amazing, low calorie and superbly fullfilling, throw in some berries and it's heaven. It's got a bit of carbs and a bit of protein, certainly one of the better indulgements. Had an Itsu fruit fix frozen yogurt today myself.


Neo Member
blugbox is inspiring the fuck out of me, goddamn

This is the fuel that keeps me burning. Thank you very much. It is amazing what we can do when we decide to actually make a change in our lives.

Wow I cannot even lose that much in a month.

You can, you just haven't buckled down and done it. I haven't been here long, but even back to the beginning of this thread, I've seen you destroy your own chances before you even start. Nobody else is going to do it for you, and no amount of advice can stop YOU from putting too much of the wrong stuff in your mouth. The only reason I'm being a little harsh is because there is nothing more to it than simply making it happen.

I'm a gamer, so I tend to look at things in that sort of light to make things like this easier. The way I see it, I am a mech suit pilot. The "real" me is my consciousness, my brain. This body is nothing more than a series of inputs and outputs for "me" to interact with the outside world.

Now that I have this mindset established, which is actually pretty accurate, I make life a video game from there. If I have been given this biomechanical mech suit, and it's the only one I will ever have, then I want it to be as badass as possible. I want to tune it and mod it until it is a fine honed machine.

I look at diet and exercise the same way. You don't become a high level character in a game without the grind. You just put in the time and work, and the rest will happen in turn.


Thoughts on frozen yogurt?

So delicious ;____;
I love ice cream, gelato, milkshakes and every derivative thereof. #1 favorite dessert type, no question. This stuff right chea' is my favorite pint of anything in that category, and it happens to be frozen yogurt.


I like pretty much all of the flavors except for the raspberry fudge chunk, it's just a bit too boring.


So update for today: I plateau'd at 175 (was hovering it quite often this weekend) and now I'm sitting at 173 after the middle of the week - feeling awesome and feeling like I finally have broken through the barrier to get down to 170 soon. I keep trying on shorts I bought back when I lost weight again, and they're getting closer and closer to being worn. :)


Neo Member
So update for today: I plateau'd at 175 (was hovering it quite often this weekend) and now I'm sitting at 173 after the middle of the week - feeling awesome and feeling like I finally have broken through the barrier to get down to 170 soon. I keep trying on shorts I bought back when I lost weight again, and they're getting closer and closer to being worn. :)

Awesome! In times like this, where you have just about leveled off, pay less attention to the number, and more on the fit of the clothes themselves. Sometimes that dumb number can fluctuate and kill off motivation. Keep it up!

OG Kush

Ok low calorie snack recomondations. Currently all I've got is cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers and nuts (in moderation), need some more to spice things up. Its also finals season right now and snacks are must while revising haha.

edit: after some googling, gonna get frozen berries and celery sticks (if I can develop a taste for them!) anymore?


For low-carb:

Cottage cheese
Hard-boiled eggs
Beef jerky
String cheese

If thats not a concern:

Veggie straws
Fudge pop
And those Spikkidy cheese fries mkenyon posted look good


They are. If you have trouble stopping, they're not a good idea.

Also, I'll second the cottage cheese/string cheese. Most of the time I do a small bit of Fage yogurt with granola. Those three things hit my hunger harder than anything. I'm a dairy guy though.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, my light snack is popcorn. I still oil pop (I know, I know) and eat about 6 cups most days. It's about 330 calories and I usually don't even count most of it in my calorie log (I don't log my exercise either though so I figure it evens out).

I just ordered a 3ds so I delayed my plans to order an air popper, which would allow me to pop all I want with no oil. This will reduce my 6 cups to 183 calories! I'm really pretty excited to cut 150 easy calories from my day but the free game for 3ds promo was going to end so I had to strike while the iron was hot.

So if carbs aren't the bane of your existence, try plain popcorn. No butter, no salt. It's simple, satisfying, and not too big a hit.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm going to start walking to the train station rather than taking the bus unless its super hot. I don't want to sweat in my work clothes


Full werewolf off the buckle
I'm going to start walking to the train station rather than taking the bus unless its super hot. I don't want to sweat in my work clothes

Great idea! Really the only exercise I get is walking to and from work 4.35 miles each way. It's pretty low-impact. I make the trip in about an hour and 23 minutes at about 3-3.2 mph. When I first started last July I was rollin' along at 2.6 mph! I live in Florida so during the spring and summer I sweat like a pig BUT I carry my work clothes in a backpack and just change and freshen up in the bathroom.

Walking is pretty great, and I hope you stick with it. I'd suggest finding a way to not let the weather be an obstacle to improve consistency. The human brain will always try to find an excuse to be lazy, and you've got to fight it.

It rains tons in Florida this time of year. Here and there for ten minutes or 15 minutes at a time most days. I carry an umbrella with me in my backpack year round and keep extra socks and shoes in my locker at work so that, if it does start raining, my feet will be nice and dry for my workday.

Just some suggestions. Any increase in activity is a great decision, buddy!


GAF, like 2 months ago I asked what kind of exercises I could do in my room in a rainy day. Someone said that I should get a ripe and jump it in order to do cardio.
I was jogging yesterday when it started raining a lot, and I finally could use my rope. Good god, it was fun and It definitely felt worth it for the cardio. Thanks GAF, really. Someday I'll finally get to my goal, but I have to keep going.
For all of you that haven't started yet with losing weight, I can tell you that it feels so good. Even somedays I just wish to finish school to get home and start with my routine.


Neo Member
Ya it's true. I started p90x this week, and I am already excited to get home and push play! Our bodies are remarkable at adapting to new situations, but it still amazes me how easy it is to get into habit of doing extreme excerize.
I wish I was one of those people that got a runner's high but unfortunately, I have to force myself to jog almost everytime. On the bright side, guilt from not running is another powerful motivator for me, so I have been very diligent over the last year.
I don't think I ever got a runners high before (at least from the way I've heard it described), but running allowed me to escape and free myself from everyday anxiety and problems. When I read about people who go to the gym, do 30 mins of "cardio" on the treadmill and how bad it sucks but you just need to push through...I shake my head.

I just imagine the way a bird feels mid-flight or a dolphin as it effortlessly zips through the ocean. Those animals have evolved especially for those specific tasks and gotten so good at it, it looks effortless. I think human beings special and natural trait is excelling in the area of endurance running. We can run distances no other animal on this planet is capable of. Our bodies evolved with the intent to run. Its a skill that needs to be practiced just like anything else, but eventually it should be a silky smooth and appear effortless (even though its not). The first time I ran 10 miles in one go was a revelation. Just 10 months before that moment, I was a lazy couch potato whose only real skill was eating doritos. Running for me almost became a spiritual experience and to see the changes happening in me in such a short amount of time filled me with hope. Eventually, my body ended up breaking down because I pushed too hard and didn't give myself time to rest and heal. Lesson learned. But I can't wait for the day I can run 5 or 6 miles again.

OG Kush

I wish I was one of those people that got a runner's high but unfortunately, I have to force myself to jog almost everytime. On the bright side, guilt from not running is another powerful motivator for me, so I have been very diligent over the last year.

You ever done an Insanity workout? Granted I had no fitness whatsoever when I did, but the first first few times I actually got a high after doing it and also puked lol. If you're a bit more experienced then you probably won't.


I wish I was one of those people that got a runner's high but unfortunately, I have to force myself to jog almost everytime. On the bright side, guilt from not running is another powerful motivator for me, so I have been very diligent over the last year.
I'm the same. Guilt keeps me in the gym rather than any post workout effect.
You ever done an Insanity workout? Granted I had no fitness whatsoever when I did, but the first first few times I actually got a high after doing it and also puked lol. If you're a bit more experienced then you probably won't.

I've tried insanity and its definitely a good workout but one thing I do like about jogging is getting outside on the 5k trail we have here.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Did a little bit of winter clothes shopping at an outlet store. Feels good to be buying size small shirts and jumpers.

I hear ya'! The only issue is if you aren't done losing yet.

I knew our rainy season was starting so I bought a nice raincoat that was on sale but now it looks ridiculous as hell on me :/


I wish I was one of those people that got a runner's high but unfortunately, I have to force myself to jog almost everytime. On the bright side, guilt from not running is another powerful motivator for me, so I have been very diligent over the last year.

I'm the same. Guilt keeps me in the gym rather than any post workout effect.

Damn that stinks. I have to force myself NOT to go because I need the rest days.


Gold Member
Do you feel that way about running and jogging? For me, that's the worst. Weightlifting is fun and challenging I am a good way. Running is just painful and torturous.

I bet you are running too fast. Measure your HR and if it's much above 150bmp that is indeed the case. I found running painful before I realized how slow I have to go.


Officially one week since I started low carb, and I am down 9 pounds. I think about half of that is water weight that came off in the first 2/3 days. So I think can expect 2/3 pounds per week. Man feels good to be without random hunger pangs and I feel alot more energetic.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Had some guy and his friend call me "skinny-fat" when I was walking into the fitness center today.

I usually blow that shit off but it ended up cutting kinda deep

Did they just stop in the middle of everything and like point and laugh, or like whisper to each other and you overheard it? That's kind of fucked either way, man.

Regardless, the very fact that you were stepping foot into a fitness center means you are on the right track to not hearing this kind of horseshit again from some random dick. Hopefully you can find some solace in that :)

I know what you mean, though. You never know what the one thing that really stings is going to be, and it's always out of nowhere.Take heart and brush that shit off asap, man.
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