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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


What types of calories you are consuming probably has an effect as well, but it is unproven as to how much of an effect there is.

Plenty of it is proven. At least on the most basic level. We know that converting protein into calories take up to 30% of those calories, which is 2-3 times more than with carbs.
You still chose to write that "they may be suspect," kind of implying that you can imagine certain scenarios where my intention would, in fact, be suspect. I was asking you what those scenarios might be.

....because most of the questions you asked do not have real definitive answers (or at least not universal answers that apply equally to everyone). So asking them is essentially running a conversation in pointless circles intentionally.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
To be honest, I don't think teenagers have faster metabolism because of their diet.

Quite possibly not, especially in cases where they are still growing. But then it might be a good idea to see what dictates growth. It's certainly not an energy balance issue. Otherwise we'd never stop growing tall.

....because most of the questions you asked do not have real definitive answers (or at least not universal answers that apply equally to everyone). So asking them is essentially running a conversation in pointless circles intentionally.

I disagree there. There are real definitive answers to how most, if not all, people's bodies react to certain things.


Okay. Before this gets way off track, let me bring this back to square one. We all want people to lose weight and be healthy. We're all on the same team here.

My argument began as a counterpoint to these:

Low carb is healthy, especially when compared to what 99% of the western population is eating. And often it is the only way for most of us to lose fat.

I don't think that willpower is the problem for most people. It's what they are eating. Obviously the amount of what they are eating is a factor, too, but most importantly it's the "what" part.

Zefah, after rereading the source post, I think I may have misunderstood a portion of your argument, but the bolded I still take issue with.

My only point is that the amount of food one eats will have a tremendous effect, moreso than anything on BODY MASS. If you have 50 calories of crap, or 10,000 calories of really healthy food, you will put on mass with the 10,000 calories of really healthy food.

Now, if the discussion were something like:

"What should one eat while on a calorie restriction of 1700 calories?"

Our answers will be really similar. So lets take solace in that and see that we are on the same page for the most part.
Plenty of it is proven. At least on the most basic level. We know that converting protein into calories take up to 30% of those calories, which is 2-3 times more than with carbs.

The "up to" 30% is where it gets hairy. Does it work that way with ALL proteins? For all people? Does the amount of carbs being eaten effect that?

Lets say you are on low carb and consuming a ton of protein.... does your body become more efficient at processing it making that number go down?

I have found that the more we know, the more we realize how little we know.


Okay. Before this gets way off track, let me bring this back to square one. We all want people to lose weight and be healthy. We're all on the same team here.

My argument began as a counterpoint to these:

Zefah, after rereading the source post, I think I may have misunderstood a portion of your argument, but the bolded I still take issue with.

My only point is that the amount of food one eats will have a tremendous effect, moreso than anything on BODY MASS. If you have 50 calories of crap, or 10,000 calories of really healthy food, you will put on mass with the 10,000 calories of really healthy food.

Now, if the discussion were something like:

"What should one eat while on a calorie restriction of 1700 calories?"

Our answers will be really similar. So lets take solace in that and see that we are on the same page for the most part.

I think the main thing people are not discussing or realizing about low-carb diets, and how effective they are, is not because they break the calories in/out equation. What makes low-carb diets effective is the ease of which people can eat less calories and still feel fulfilled.

Protein and fat are more filling than carbs. It is also harder to eat mass quantities of either in the same excess that you can with carbs. Mind you I can only speak of my personal experience so take it as you will. Eating low-carb for myself allows me to eat what my body needs and lose weight, and not have to constantly feel hungry or deprived by eating a standard high-carb but supposedly healthy diet.

No one can claim that eating less calories, regardless of the content of those calories, will not lead to potential weight loss. The effectiveness and ability of the person to stick to the dietary change, short and long term, is probably the most important thing in choosing a diet. If you can't stick to your diet change after you lose the weight, you will gain it back. I choose to eat healthy low-carb food and it makes life easier in general.

I've lost 100lbs since January, by eating low-carb foods until I was not hungry and in general being more active but nothing too rigorous. I am not normal, I have a lot of weight to lose, but low-carb diets are easier to stick to, which makes them more effective.


I have found that the more we know, the more we realize how little we know.
Wise words, my friend. I can appreciate wanting to understand things and would never suggest simply taking things on faith, but it's also important to be cognizant of how many other factors (both knowable and unknowable) play into and help differentiate our experiences. It's why I never try to speak from a position of authority on a lot of subjects and merely offer what I've encountered in hopes that it can inspire.

Just had an Apple Pie Quest Bar; can't remember if I've had it before but damn that was good.
Update time

Feb 24-209 lbs
March 22-196 lbs
April 17-188 lbs
May 17-183 lbs

I ended up plateauing a bit in late April but I'm back on track. My activity level has gone up five fold since school ended 2 weeks ago and it finally started to get warm. I need to eat a bit more now per day but the weight is still coming off. I'll probably miss my goal of being 180 by May 26th but I'm OK with that. Feels good, man


Full werewolf off the buckle
Update time

Feb 24-209 lbs
March 22-196 lbs
April 17-188 lbs
May 17-183 lbs

I ended up plateauing a bit in late April but I'm back on track. My activity level has gone up five fold since school ended 2 weeks ago and it finally started to get warm. I need to eat a bit more now per day but the weight is still coming off. I'll probably miss my goal of being 180 by May 26th but I'm OK with that. Feels good, man

Dude, that's totally awesome! Great work. Goals are cool, but I'm glad you aren't stressing about missing it by a little bit. The important thing is you are trending positively!

I'm roughly 187-ish right now. I'd LOVE to hit my goal of 155 by Halloween and if I keep my shit straight maybe I'll hit it or at least be close. That'll be some dope-ass weather for exercise again. It's been like an oven here in FL. I was running some errands today early on and it was like 85 degrees by 9:30 am :/

Anyways, keep up the great stuff, guys!

A little update, I had to get a tetanus shot earlier this week, so they had to weigh me. This was the first time I've been weighed since I started losing weight, and I now weigh 180 lbs (81 kg)! I want to eventually make it down to around 170~150, but I feel really great! :D

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Hey, that's really awesome about the loss. I hope the shot wasn't anything too serious. I remember getting one in 4'th grade and my arm hurt like hell for weeks.


A little update, I had to get a tetanus shot earlier this week, so they had to weigh me. This was the first time I've been weighed since I started losing weight, and I now weigh 180 lbs (81 kg)! I want to eventually make it down to around 170~150, but I feel really great! :D


So Quest does low-carb pasta now. They were giving away free samples to people who ordered protein bars recently, so I had a chance to try it out this past week (specifically, the spaghetti version). I haven't had actual pasta in a while, so coming from that angle it wasn't that bad! It's definitely a different mouthfeel and taste from normal pasta, but if you're not expecting a 1:1 copy I'd say give it a shot. If you work it into a recipe with other ingredients, it'll help mask the differences a little better. Personally, I just had mine with salsa as sauce and Parmesan cheese in addition to my normal dinner, since the whole package is only 20 calories. Looking forward to trying out the spinach fettuccine next.


Anyone tried Intermittent Fasting? Been doing it for about a week and a half and am really liking it. Keeping carbs under control still but I wouldn't really say I am doing low carb anymore since I eat white pasta/breads.


Anyone tried Intermittent Fasting? Been doing it for about a week and a half and am really liking it. Keeping carbs under control still but I wouldn't really say I am doing low carb anymore since I eat white pasta/breads.
I've been doing 16/8 IF (fast for sixteen hours, eat for eight) for almost a year now and love it. I eat two meals a day and they're both nicely filling. As a bonus, once you've stuck with your hours for long enough, you feel like a terrible asshole for eating outside of them which prevents a lot of diet breaking.


I've been doing 16/8 IF (fast for sixteen hours, eat for eight) for almost a year now and love it. I eat two meals a day and they're both nicely filling. As a bonus, once you've stuck with your hours for long enough, you feel like a terrible asshole for eating outside of them which prevents a lot of diet breaking.

That's great, I actually had to force myself to eat today on time today because I wasn't hungry. How much did you lose in a year? And did it slow down in the last few months compared to when you started?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
We have enough material for a specific neogaf body transformation showcase thread, yeah? Could be a nice motivator. Was always awesome seeing the SA Forum transformation compilations.


We have enough material for a specific neogaf body transformation showcase thread, yeah? Could be a nice motivator. Was always awesome seeing the SA Forum transformation compilations.

I'd be all for that.

Would it replace the weight loss thread or run at the same time?

Chris R

Update time

Feb 24-209 lbs
March 22-196 lbs
April 17-188 lbs
May 17-183 lbs

I ended up plateauing a bit in late April but I'm back on track. My activity level has gone up five fold since school ended 2 weeks ago and it finally started to get warm. I need to eat a bit more now per day but the weight is still coming off. I'll probably miss my goal of being 180 by May 26th but I'm OK with that. Feels good, man

Just reduced calorie and exercise? Very impressive results, hoping I can do the same as I've slipped up to 220 again and hate myself, no idea how I lived with myself at 270+ when I feel this bad after just gaining 15 lb.


We have enough material for a specific neogaf body transformation showcase thread, yeah? Could be a nice motivator. Was always awesome seeing the SA Forum transformation compilations.
I actually thought about this a long while ago and agree that it would be a good idea. As someone who read through the entire thread when it was half its current length and has kept up with it since, it'd be a nice "tl;dr," particularly if it also summarized some of the common methods used by people in the thread.
Just reduced calorie and exercise? Very impressive results, hoping I can do the same as I've slipped up to 220 again and hate myself, no idea how I lived with myself at 270+ when I feel this bad after just gaining 15 lb.
85% of that is due to reducing calories and trying to stay under 50g carbs per day.

I broke my leg in December so I'm still limited in some aspects (running). Most of my exercise now is just walking. I try to do at least 5 miles a day with 8-10 2 times per week.
We have enough material for a specific neogaf body transformation showcase thread, yeah? Could be a nice motivator. Was always awesome seeing the SA Forum transformation compilations.
that would be boss. I should try go to my parents house this summer and get some pics of me at 275.

This thread needs an update and a legit OP

Chris R

85% is reducing calories and trying to stay under 50g carbs per day.

I broke my leg in December so I'm still limited in some aspects (running). Most of my exercise now is just walking. I try to do at least 5 miles a day with 8-10 2 times per week.that would be boss. I should try go to my parents house this summer and get some pics of me at 275.

Awesome, I've slid back in the winter but now I'm back on it full time. Trying to walk/jog every day during my lunch at work instead of just sitting in front of a computer and biking back and forth to work when the weather is nice. Never found the exercise to be the problem, just keeping my consumed calories on target.


Update time

Feb 24-209 lbs
March 22-196 lbs
April 17-188 lbs
May 17-183 lbs

I ended up plateauing a bit in late April but I'm back on track. My activity level has gone up five fold since school ended 2 weeks ago and it finally started to get warm. I need to eat a bit more now per day but the weight is still coming off. I'll probably miss my goal of being 180 by May 26th but I'm OK with that. Feels good, man

Good shit man - keep it up. I'm pretty much stuck around 185ish at the moment during my cut. I need to ramp up moar cardio, but I sprained by knee playing ball after my lifts a week or so ago. Never attempting that shit again after working legs. feelsbadman.
Awesome, I've slid back in the winter but now I'm back on it full time. Trying to walk/jog every day during my lunch at work instead of just sitting in front of a computer and biking back and forth to work when the weather is nice. Never found the exercise to be the problem, just keeping my consumed calories on target.
Walking is underrated for weightloss. keep it up man, it's all about nurturing good habits long term. This is a marathon, not a sprint (cliche but true).

Putting on weight happens to the best of use. I was down under 170 before but fell into old habits and it caught up with me and bounced back up to 210. I've been as heavy as 275 (I don't know the exact number because I avoided the scale like the plague) but I'm going to get back to my 170 days eventually.


Full werewolf off the buckle
It's a really cool idea for a thread, EviLore. This thread is getting pretty huge as is, it might be intimidating for new people who have an interest. Maybe a new thread /reboot would bring in some fresh blood!


Gold Member
We have enough material for a specific neogaf body transformation showcase thread, yeah? Could be a nice motivator. Was always awesome seeing the SA Forum transformation compilations.

That would be great, there are some really awesome transformations here. I am less than half a year into my transformation but have already really good before/after pics I could post.

It's GAF that motivated me to get on the journey so the more people we can inspire the better.


oh wow, reading this page i just noticed that we are @ 19k++ posts..
yeah, just tell us were to send to the before/after pics, and i would like to participate. Cause this thread was my impulse and steady motivator. read it whole around christmas ´11


Can only find one before pic, not full body though.

I was at just over 250, now down to 182. Nothing special in what I did, just eat less and actually do some exercise. Most weight was lost on elliptical and cycling machines. Although sometimes quite intense, I love cycling so sometimes would go on for 50KM at quite high speed.

The before pic if from August 2012.


My arms look tiny and head look giant in this pic :/

Kinda scary posting!

Excuse the poor quality selfies.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Yeah, totally willing to contribute too. I never would have gotten off my dead ass without you guys, so maybe other people can be helped too.
This thread needs a full blown OP on similar terms to that of the fitness thread. It wouldn't need to be nearly as detailed or large as that, but just offer up resources on weight loss with before/after pics.

I wouldn't have much to offer outside of some motivational words and my story, but I'd be willing to contribute however I could


How would we go about making the thread? Assign a chunk of pages to multiple people for them to rummage through and find Before/After posts, and then contact those members for permission? And then ask for new volunteer before/after submissions thereafter?


Anyone tried Intermittent Fasting? Been doing it for about a week and a half and am really liking it. Keeping carbs under control still but I wouldn't really say I am doing low carb anymore since I eat white pasta/breads.

I've been doing 16/8 IF (fast for sixteen hours, eat for eight) for almost a year now and love it. I eat two meals a day and they're both nicely filling. As a bonus, once you've stuck with your hours for long enough, you feel like a terrible asshole for eating outside of them which prevents a lot of diet breaking.

So how exactly does that work? You eat what you want but only on specific times a day?


How would we go about making the thread? Assign a chunk of pages to multiple people for them to rummage through and find Before/After posts, and then contact those members for permission? And then ask for new volunteer before/after submissions thereafter?

I think of people just start showing off their pictures now they can be consolidated into an OP. then it can always be edited with new pics.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I think of people just start showing off their pictures now they can be consolidated into an OP. then it can always be edited with new pics.

If 10 people each browsed 30 pages collecting the pics/testimonials (ugh I hate that word, sorry for using it) we would knock out most of the thread. This way we'd be less likely to miss posts from people who are no longer active.

Not the best solution maybe... but doesn't seem impossible either. I'd do part of it.
I've been on the paleo diet for 2 months now. Eating very clean. No bread, no processed sugar/sweets, no alcohol, minimal use of processed food and minimal salt use. Been eating a tonne of vegetables, lean meats and fruits. Regularly doing swimming cardio 3 times a week. I also quit smoking, to avoid the risk of confusing my body.

This is how much I've lost over that period. I bought these pants 2 months ago, before I could barely fit them - now they're hanging loosely around my thighs. I've lost fat around my waist, glutes and stomach. I used to barely be able to close my belt at the first notch, now I've gone beyond 5 notches - I haven't done that in a LONG time.

I feel My digestive system is cleansed, and overall my body signals that it really loves the nutrutions I'm feeding it.

Very excited about next month when I start weight lifting :)
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