I just hit that last week and I don't feel like partyingThe day I am under 200lbs I am going to party
I just hit that last week and I don't feel like partyingThe day I am under 200lbs I am going to party
Congrats. I have a long way to goI just hit that last week and I don't feel like partyingFeeling more like let's get this shit down!
Congrats. I have a long way to go
Congrats! That is a really good timing, don't be down to yourself or doing a great jobProbably pathetic for a fit person, but I just hit a new record for myself! I walked/jogged the 4.32 miles home in just 65 minutes. When I first moved here about 10 and a half months ago it was taking me nearly an hour and a half to get to or from work![]()
Probably pathetic for a fit person, but I just hit a new record for myself! I walked/jogged the 4.32 miles home in just 65 minutes. When I first moved here about 10 and a half months ago it was taking me nearly an hour and a half to get to or from work![]()
Getting ripped is something that takes months to years depending on your genetics and whether or not you know what you're doing. You don't work out for a couple months and become Thor.I have already lost over 100 lbs, and I am getting to the point where I am looking to get "fit" rather than just skinny. I am not looking to get ripped, and I really have a hard time motivating myself to go to the gym.
Crosspost from fitness thread:
Pic of where I run every day. This trail was nearly barren a month ago. Maybe some green sprouts here and there, but mostly just winter branches. Gotta love springtime in the NW:
I can't imagine having to run in the city or even suburbia after this.
Finally reached 100 lbs lost! I can't believe how much better I feel than I used to. I've gone from wearing tight size 44 pants to a comfortable size 32 and from wearing stretched out XXL shirts to larges and some mediums.
I still have about 20 lbs more to go before I reach my goal but I'm starting to get worried looks from the family who think that I've already lost enough weight. According to the BMI chart I'm still considered overweight with a BMI of 26.9. My goal is to get below a BMI of 25. I'd be fine with a BMI of 22.0. I'll see how I feel after another 10 lbs. I may have to adjust my goal.
Any tips on meal replacement shakes/bars to buy?
Very similar situation to myself, right down to the sizes and concerns from family! I understand that bmi isn't a hard and fast thing necessarily, but I've been severely morbidly obese most of my life and want to see how the other half lives now.Finally reached 100 lbs lost! I can't believe how much better I feel than I used to. I've gone from wearing tight size 44 pants to a comfortable size 32 and from wearing stretched out XXL shirts to larges and some mediums.
I still have about 20 lbs more to go before I reach my goal but I'm starting to get worried looks from the family who think that I've already lost enough weight. According to the BMI chart I'm still considered overweight with a BMI of 26.9. My goal is to get below a BMI of 25. I'd be fine with a BMI of 22.0. I'll see how I feel after another 10 lbs. I may have to adjust my goal.
If you haven't looked into Quest bars, I'd definitely start with those. Lots of different flavors, very low on carbs and packed with protein. I had one yesterday for breakfast before heading out to my classes and didn't eat again till evening time.
Very similar situation to myself, right down to the sizes and concerns from family! I understand that bmi isn't a hard and fast thing necessarily, but I've been severely morbidly obese most of my life and want to see how the other half lives now.
My original goal was 160,but seeing where I am at 185 I want to shoot for 150 or 155.
I understand you are frustrated, but please don't be discouraged. Are you able to serve yourself? At the very least you can choose a healthy portion size, to minimize the damage their cooking can cause. Good luck, family can be a frustrating and wonderful thingI really try to get betterat this but my family is not helping me. They always bring tasty and unhealthy food at home and they even sometimes make me buy them their unhealthy dinner. I can't stand seeing all the food that I can't eat and sometimes I just can't hold the temptation and have to eat it.
I wish there was a way to get them started, but the time I tried, they didn't like any of the rules that I gave them to lose weight.
My sister is the only one who helps me (she is very healthy) but my father and his wife won't help and my sister and I have to eat what they have for our strongest dish. Breakfast and dinner are not a problem because we have time to cook them, but everything just falls apart in the afternoon.
Sorry for this guys, I just needed to vent. I hate this.
It can be very difficult when you don't have a support system in place. It's even worse when your loved ones are actively trying to sabotage your efforts. Do they realize how important this is to you? The first step is to sit them down, have a serious conversation and stress that youre working really damn hard at changing your life, improving yourself and becoming healthier. They need to be in your corner. Let them know you that even if they don't understand your reasoning, its critical they don't treat this as a joke and don't try to sabotage it. If they still don't get it and you don't quite have the will power, it might be best to separate yourself when everyone else is eating.
Your family may resent the fact youre trying to eat better while they're still eating fast food and shit.
You're on a motherfucking mission, here. Sacrifices need to be made sometimes and distractions should be put aside. Small set backs (like falling off the wagon during dinner time with your family) are OK so long as you keep pushing forward.
Finally went jogging on the treadmill yesterday. From someone who hasn't jogged an inch since PE in high school, to jogging @ 4.2 mph for a solid 3 minutes on the treadmill is a MAJOR win for me.
Wow! Quite a feat, man! Keep up the great work.Finally went jogging on the treadmill yesterday. From someone who hasn't jogged an inch since PE in high school, to jogging @ 4.2 mph for a solid 3 minutes on the treadmill is a MAJOR win for me.
Keep it up man. In the beginning of April 2012, I could barely jog a quarter mile before having to take a good long walking break. Last weekend I jogged 9 miles.Finally went jogging on the treadmill yesterday. From someone who hasn't jogged an inch since PE in high school, to jogging @ 4.2 mph for a solid 3 minutes on the treadmill is a MAJOR win for me.
Finally went jogging on the treadmill yesterday. From someone who hasn't jogged an inch since PE in high school, to jogging @ 4.2 mph for a solid 3 minutes on the treadmill is a MAJOR win for me.
Then I saw this video.
So I havent jogged for about 12 weeks because of the winter here in Chicago(I was doing other cardio tho).
Now the past three times I try jogging I don't feel tired and cardiovascularly I feel great, but around 1 mile in I get the worst cramps on my ribs.
Anyone know of some remedies for this? Or does my body just need to get used to jogging outside again?
Suggestion. Try the Couch to 5K podcast. I hate running and did that about 2 years ago and it took me from barely being able to run a mile, to running 2.5-3 miles each time, multiple times per week. It starts off super slow for someone in your position too (like 30 sec jog, 2 min walk, on and off for 20 min or something). It's a podcast here:
So I havent jogged for about 12 weeks because of the winter here in Chicago(I was doing other cardio tho).
Now the past three times I try jogging I don't feel tired and cardiovascularly I feel great, but around 1 mile in I get the worst cramps on my ribs.
Anyone know of some remedies for this? Or does my body just need to get used to jogging outside again?
* http://magazine.ucla.edu/exclusives/dieting_no-go/
Very much echoes my feelings.
Cognitive dissonance - mirror vs identity - This was a really weird and scary sensation to me a while ago. I saw this increasingly slim guy in the mirror who I didn't identify with, because I had learned that my identity = chubby. I felt the guy looking back at me was scary. I didn't know whether he would be a nice and humble guy, or an arrogant and shallow prick. I felt that the growing muscles were 'not me'. This feeling has settled gradually now, but I expect it to come back for one more round as I am starting to approach vascularity.
Long term identity - I was on a Boot Camp and this was one of the most important takeaways, that my identity guides who I became, I home towards it with every choice I make in life. I can think that I am a slim guy in a fat guy suit, or a fat guy who got temporarily slim. To genuinely stay slim I have to believe at my heart that I am actually slim guy, and my life will home towards it.
Diet sustainability - My principle for long term weight loss (I have lost some 50lbs so far) has been that while I am dropping weight I must keep a satisfying amount of indulgences and vices in my weekly diet. For example, I love crisps and beer, and I need to be able to drop weight even though I enjoy some occasionally. The reason for this is that once I ease up a bit my overall diet or reduce cardio I will just stop losing and maintain my weight. If, on the other hand, I would limit indulgences and then ease up diet, reduce cardio and introduce indulgences my weight would rebound. If the indulgences are in when I drop weight I will just return to maintenance.
My health principles for life - Another thing I learned on Boot Camp is that I must have really simple, realistic rules of health I follow in my life. Here are mine:
- 2000 kcal / day max
- 200g protein / day minimum
- 2 days in the week are always IF days
- 3 weight and 3 cardio sessions a week minimum
- 1 day full rest a week minimum
- 2 days alcohol / week max. Only one of them can have beer
I have found these are sustainable for me and I stick to them pretty religiously. Currently I do a bit more to speed the process but this is my life baseline.
So I feel like I do ok in the exercise department but my diet is killing me.
Im 28 married, have a 11 month old baby, and have an office desk job. My commute is also about an hour and a half each day. For some reason my wife likes to keep tons of food on hand in our house every day. Our pantry and fridge are completely stacked with foods on a regular basis. This includes some unhealthy foods like cookies, cakes, chips, etc. Im not the kind of person who can have these foods on hand without eating them. I think I have a disorder because if the food is there I have to eat it. Ive pleaded with my wife not to buy so much food and/or unhealthy food and she will comply for a while but sooner or later our fridge and pantry are back to normal. Im not trying to balme her but she has the self-control not to over indulge on all these foods while I dont..
Another part of my diet that is killing me is at the office. I usually get hungry between meals and inevitably much on the crap laying around in other peoples office (doughnuts, M&Ms, cookies, etc.). Again its a self-control thing going on in my mind. For some reason I cant program my mind to stop eating these things. Any tips for some one trying to exercise self-control re-program their mind?