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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


not tag worthy
Hey GAF, during the last month or so I have kinda eased off exercising (been swimming a few times a week) have been feeling crap, got a Cold,run down, was losing my voice for a bit I need to kick myself into gear, motivate me, I dont want to slip back: my problem is I love my food.

I dont want to go back up the scale, :(

what say GAF?



my contribution.

too lazy to write about it right now, will edit later if needed.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I've been on the paleo diet for 2 months now. Eating very clean. No bread, no processed sugar/sweets, no alcohol, minimal use of processed food and minimal salt use. Been eating a tonne of vegetables, lean meats and fruits. Regularly doing swimming cardio 3 times a week. I also quit smoking, to avoid the risk of confusing my body.

This is how much I've lost over that period. I bought these pants 2 months ago, before I could barely fit them - now they're hanging loosely around my thighs. I've lost fat around my waist, glutes and stomach. I used to barely be able to close my belt at the first notch, now I've gone beyond 5 notches - I haven't done that in a LONG time.

I feel My digestive system is cleansed, and overall my body signals that it really loves the nutrutions I'm feeding it.

Very excited about next month when I start weight lifting :)

my contribution.

too lazy to write about it right now, will edit later if needed.

Hey guys, great job!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Luck's kind of a rude way to describe it, since it's all hard work, education, and dedication. ;b

Agree, going from 265 lbs to almost 145 lbs didn't happen overnight for me nor was it out of pure luck, I must've tried 99 different diets, regimen, exercise routines etc etc and it wasn't until that final 100th try where everything 'just worked' for me, since then I've been shedding pounds continuously at a slow and steady pace.


Gold Member
Here's my first three months transformation. It's two months old now, I am waiting for some dramatic changes to do the next before/after. My face looks totally different now to 5 months ago.

Routine - 4 x gym inc SS, 3 x spin, 2 x fast day, other days 2000 cal, 200g protein



Will drop pants for Sony.
Here's my first three months transformation. It's two months old now, I am waiting for some dramatic changes to do the next before/after. My face looks totally different now to 5 months ago.

Routine - 4 x gym inc SS, 3 x spin, 2 x fast day, other days 2000 cal, 200g protein


Oh man that's awesome


Holy crap Sean, what's the timescale of that? Routne? Absolutely incredible.

Left is 2001 (going into high school, 220+ pounds of fat)

Middle is like 1.5 years ago, before starting strength training. I wanted to "lose weight" here lol. I think I was 175.

Right is last month. 200 pounds. A year of strong lifts (similar to starting strength) then 2 cycles of Coan's peaking cycle.

I was actually 155 at my smallest in college. Tons of cardio and not eating a lot did that. I hit 175 in grad school. A combo of terrible city food/ no exercise...and probably stress.

Now I lift 4x a week. All barbell training. No cardio but some conditioning work (farmers walks). Diet is 80/20 paleo. 200g of protein a day, higher fat on rest days, higher carb on lifting days.

And don't sell yourself short. Your transformation is awesome!


Gold Member
Thanks! It's early days still but it's been important to realize that this is not a few months project but needs to be a lifestyle and seeing big gains can take years rather than months. Your last 1.5 years have positively moved you towards beast mode, really good work, definitely will inspire me to keep lifting.


Thanks! It's early days still but it's been important to realize that this is not a few months project but needs to be a lifestyle and seeing big gains can take years rather than months. Your last 1.5 years have positively moved you towards beast mode, really good work, definitely will inspire me to keep lifting.

Yeah these things take time. That's why it's funny to see guys complain their biceps aren't bigger in a couple months.

I can't wait to see what I look like at 30 (2.5 years from now)


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Here's my first three months transformation. It's two months old now, I am waiting for some dramatic changes to do the next before/after. My face looks totally different now to 5 months ago.

Routine - 4 x gym inc SS, 3 x spin, 2 x fast day, other days 2000 cal, 200g protein


Awesome, I like how your phone had a body change too! haha.

And it's definitely true that it's a slow, lifestyle/lifelong process. If everyone could have the perfect body quickly and easily, everyone would.

You have to fight through the initial hate and pain, see the gradual changes in yourself and your health, then use that as motivation to push harder. Eventually, at least with me anyway, you end up being addicted to the gym and what you can pull off next.

This is from the P90X thread. It's kind of old and I don't really do P90X anymore, but it got me started off on the right path.

I'm waiting until about a year and a half before my next update, but you can see what's possible if you just keep pushing yourself.


Awesome, I like how your phone had a body change too! haha.

And it's definitely true that it's a slow, lifestyle/lifelong process. If everyone could have the perfect body quickly and easily, everyone would.

You have to fight through the initial hate and pain, see the gradual changes in yourself and your health, then use that as motivation to push harder. Eventually, at least with me anyway, you end up being addicted to the gym and what you can pull off next.

This is from the P90X thread. It's kind of old and I don't really do P90X anymore, but it got me started off on the right path.

I'm waiting until about a year and a half before my next update, but you can see what's possible if you just keep pushing yourself.

Your comparison shot has always been one of my favorites. I know what kind of dedication and persistence it takes to achieve results like that, both dietary and in terms of working out. So kudos to you man! I look forward to your next update.

Mobius 1

Awesome, I like how your phone had a body change too! haha.

And it's definitely true that it's a slow, lifestyle/lifelong process. If everyone could have the perfect body quickly and easily, everyone would.

You have to fight through the initial hate and pain, see the gradual changes in yourself and your health, then use that as motivation to push harder. Eventually, at least with me anyway, you end up being addicted to the gym and what you can pull off next.

This is from the P90X thread. It's kind of old and I don't really do P90X anymore, but it got me started off on the right path.

I'm waiting until about a year and a half before my next update, but you can see what's possible if you just keep pushing yourself.

That's the most impressive transformation I've ever seen. Makes me feel bad that my P90X box is sitting untouched here at arms reach.

Can you detail your diet then?


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Your comparison shot has always been one of my favorites. I know what kind of dedication and persistence it takes to achieve results like that, both dietary and in terms of working out. So kudos to you man! I look forward to your next update.

Much appreciated!

That's the most impressive transformation I've ever seen. Makes me feel bad that my P90X box is sitting untouched here at arms reach.

Can you detail your diet then?

Don't feel bad, it's never too late to start. The hardest part is the first time, both physically and mentally. It's gets easier especially if you document it and compare yourself to your past self.

My diet is constantly changing though, always tweaking the macros, surplus/deficit depending on days and goals. Everyone's body is different and reacts differently to amounts, types, etc.

I use http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ to keep track of what I eat.

Don't use the auto tools though, tailor the settings to your needs.

Good things to know are your BMR and your TDEE, then you can gauge how much more/less calories you need based on your goals. Your macros are really personal preference, you just need to experiment to see what works best for you.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Luck's kind of a rude way to describe it, since it's all hard work, education, and dedication. ;b

Yeah you are right it is disingenuous to call it luck when it is hard work and dedication.

Feel free to use ones I've previously contributed. These are probably the two best:

Harson you look so damn sexy now.

Side note, cleaning out my closet today, I tried on a few things that could not fit me before and now they fit. I'm going to keep going and continue working out, watching what i eat and writing down what I eat.


Side note, cleaning out my closet today, I tried on a few things that could not fit me before and now they fit. I'm going to keep going and continue working out, watching what i eat and writing down what I eat.

That's good, you need discipline.

Guys, what is a decent way to say no to some things, I think I've been rude at rejecting food lately, people might be getting annoyed by me.


Gold Member
That's good, you need discipline.

Guys, what is a decent way to say no to some things, I think I've been rude at rejecting food lately, people might be getting annoyed by me.

I just say I'm good thanks. Never explain my diet or nutritional beliefs. That's the best way.
So basically I started lifting in the Navy 5 years ago and got up to 185lbs, and was very strong maxed my bench at 315. However, since getting out i've been on a decline barely going to the gym eating shitty now that i'm back home, and I'm up to 250lbs. I found it super hard to put on weight when i was working out all the time, but now that i stopped working out i put on wayyyyyyy tooooo much weight. I'm looking to shed 60lbs but i need advice on ways to really lose weight and keep it off.

I've gone to the gym and hit it hard running and lifting and can lose 5-9 lbs a week however after that i taper off and it blows. My problem mainly is eating and getting that motivation to go to the gym, but if you guys have any advice or strict rules i should follow on this journey would be great. I've had nutrition classes and i'm not going to supplements those things are bullshit for the most part, and i've been told hundreds of times the best permanent way to lose weight is to have a good diet, not crazy diet pills or starvation tactics. My only problem is finding a method to stay on track, because in 2 weeks i can counteract 2 months of working out it seems every time haha.

I'm not fat because my lifting days gave me a good frame to hide all this excess but i'm sick of my current condition and would like advice from those possibly that have been in my same position. Thanks guys and hope all of your weight lose endeavors are going great.

*edit* also i wont take anything that messes with the heart because i already have PVCs and I'd prefer not to possibly increase any irregular heart rhythms.
lose 5-9 lbs a week
uh...OK. Whether you can and whether you should are different things. Losing 2 pounds a week is a much healthier goal and gives your skin time to adjust. The weight loss slows down after a few weeks because youre losing water weight too which skews the results.

Its a long term thing. It sounds like you don't last/stay motivated because you burn yourself out. You can't just jump back in and be back to your old Navy self. You're starting all over, it sucks but you need to take it slow and know your limits. Lower your daily caloric intake, that's the key. Working out is great but a clean diet and lowering the number of calories is the bigger factor in terms of just losing weight. I try to keep my carb intake to 50-80 g a day, I've had decent success. Most of my calories come from protein (65%). I eat a lot of Greek yogurt and eggs, but if youre ok with meat then chicken breast is awesome.


Full werewolf off the buckle
All this talk about body transformations, I realize it's been awhile since I've posted comparison shots. I don't usually look at older pics because they're depressing but I had this dude at work come up to me saying he'd seen old pics of me when I was fatter and he was shocked.

It's kinda creepy because either he's stalking my facebook, or he's stalking this thread and just recognized me from pics :/ The only other way he could see fat pics of me is finding my MFP profile randomly, so I'm guessing I'll be dead by his hands before very long!

Anyways, the unusual event made me go ahead and dig up some pics and, while I definitely want to work on getting rid of the "skinny fat" as I get closer to my goal of 155, I'm happy to have come so far. I used to have such a hard time walking in the mornings, which I figured was from Plantar Fasciitis , that I slept in a special boot and still couldn't walk for quite a while when I woke up. It occurred to me a few days ago that it's been months since I've had any pain with my foot and I guess that's thanks to my decent new orthotics and losing the weight :)

From the bottom of my heart thanks for all the support this past year or so, guys.
These are really inspiring, guys! Keep posting, and keep it up! I yo-yo'd quite a bit in the past year due to stress-related eating and hopefully I'll have a before and after I can be proud of. :D

One thing I noticed is that some of you guys keep dressing like the person you used to be: i.e. baggy clothes. If you have the money, I say treat yourself! Shed the last vestiges of the old image!


Fuck running when it's humid.

It's like 80% humidity right now. I just went for a run and it felt like I lost half my lung capacity. Legs felt great, but definitely hit with the heaves towards the end sprint.


Gold Member
Had three different co-workers on three separate occasions over the last 10 minutes comment on me having lost lots of weight. My metabolism must have been really fired up last night :D


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Walked 70 km in three days with 20 kg on my back. Lost a kilo (2.2 pound) in the process. Probably quite some water weight but still curious to see what'll happen when I'm going hiking to Norway for two weeks this summer.
Walked 70 km in three days with 20 kg on my back. Lost a kilo (2.2 pound) in the process. Probably quite some water weight but still curious to see what'll happen when I'm going hiking to Norway for two weeks this summer.
I've started doing walks (with some interspersed jogs/sprints).

I've sort of gotten the skinny fat belly so I need to step it up.

Of course I'm having to budget for student loans, so I'll probably start losing weight just due to lower grocery bills.


If 10 people each browsed 30 pages collecting the pics/testimonials (ugh I hate that word, sorry for using it) we would knock out most of the thread. This way we'd be less likely to miss posts from people who are no longer active.

Not the best solution maybe... but doesn't seem impossible either. I'd do part of it.
This thread needs a full blown OP on similar terms to that of the fitness thread. It wouldn't need to be nearly as detailed or large as that, but just offer up resources on weight loss with before/after pics.

I wouldn't have much to offer outside of some motivational words and my story, but I'd be willing to contribute however I could
We have enough material for a specific neogaf body transformation showcase thread, yeah? Could be a nice motivator. Was always awesome seeing the SA Forum transformation compilations.
So who's up for doing this?

I'm currently working on creating a new 'Race Your PC' thread, and would do it after if no one is interested.

Would just need someone to throw together some banner/art stuff to do it up right. My photoshop skills are still at 'Stick Figures in MS Paint' levels.
Sounds like I have a lot of man meat waiting in our closet then :D
21st Centruy man. Sexuality is a lot more fluid now. :p



First was from HS (2003 ish) the second is more recent. So 10 years. I struggled with my weight most my early life then finally changed when I started Uni. I have pictures where I was heavier but they are at home so I don't have them on me.

I think it was about 240lbs at my heaviest. Now I am 185 and currently cutting and trying to hit my strength/physique goals.


Very nice physique Darren, amazing transformation. how tall are you? Do you lift (how much in the key lifts)?


Yea I lift, but I don't do SS or anything like that. Back in 2007 I was really into it and was 375+lbs like it was my job. Now I just work out to enjoy myself.

Don't know my 1RM but I would say I do 6-8 reps around the following:

BP - 100Kg
DL - 120Kg
Squat - 100 Kg
OHP - 70Kg

Least thats around the numbers I did last week. I am focussing more on stability, endurance and conditioning really. So I do HIIT more now. I also started kettlebells which is a killer workout.


Blah, had next to no energy to workout at the gym today. I guess dieticians weren't joking when the said 8 hours of sleep. I only had 6, no protein shake, and felt sluggish the whole workout. =/


No pics, but this weekend marks the two year anniversary of my weight loss journey! Down 137 pounds, just 23 more to my goal weight. Feels great!


Joined back up with LA Fitness yesterday after building the habit back up of going 3 on/1 off the past month and a half at the apartment gym. I don't know if it was the ghetto sugar-free Redbull preworkout, or feeling like a kid in a candy store with so many different pieces of equipment at my disposal...either way, best workout I've had.

Best part of it is there was some sort of special, so I got in for $30 a month and paid $25 down to open up multi-state access. Essential since I live in Texas and work in LA. So excited.


My mom's friend grows apples and she has a ton to give away. Can I have an apple a day or so on low-carb? I love apples and it would be hard to give them up.
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