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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


(Health noob here so excuse the lack of knowledge please :))
So after glancing through the thread a little bit, I've found that a diet centered around chicken/fish/veggies/meat would produce better benefits than one that included fruit and sandwiches (bread). My question is how big of a difference does it make if I include a couple of sandwiches a week in my diet along with some fruit? Or were my initial findings completely off? Either way any point in the right direction would be appreciated. :lol
That sounds about right. You will see better results if you stay off of bread and fruit, but then again breaking your diet in a planned and occasional fashion isn't going to ruin things.
Look for high fibre fruits and don't drink fruit juice. For bread try to find high fibre bread with no corn syrup in it.


No One Remembers
metamonk said:
july 30, 2010 = 197.5

keeps me motivated. probably will update every friday :p

God damn, impressive.

I apparently lack any discipline to actually stick with healthy eating habits. :lol

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
sumo390 said:
(Health noob here so excuse the lack of knowledge please :))
So after glancing through the thread a little bit, I've found that a diet centered around chicken/fish/veggies/meat would produce better benefits than one that included fruit and sandwiches (bread). My question is how big of a difference does it make if I include a couple of sandwiches a week in my diet along with some fruit? Or were my initial findings completely off? Either way any point in the right direction would be appreciated. :lol

If you have that sandwich once a week then it shouldn't be a problem.

I've been on a low-carb diet for almost 4 weeks and every Thursday, I buy frozen yogurt topped with some Peanut Butter Cups and Butterfingers, but that hasn't affected my success at all (8 pounds lost in 3 weeks!).

Everyone on a diet or new eating lifestyle deserves a cheat day once a week. :)


Started in Januaryish at 265

Currently at around 215. The weight came off really quickly at first but now I cannot get rid of these final 20 or so pounds. It's been brutal.


sumo390 said:
(Health noob here so excuse the lack of knowledge please :))
So after glancing through the thread a little bit, I've found that a diet centered around chicken/fish/veggies/meat would produce better benefits than one that included fruit and sandwiches (bread). My question is how big of a difference does it make if I include a couple of sandwiches a week in my diet along with some fruit? Or were my initial findings completely off? Either way any point in the right direction would be appreciated. :lol
Low carb is not for everyone. A sandwich for lunch on 100% whole wheat bread is fine. Just make sure to use mustard or avocado instead of mayo.


Sallokin said:
Started in Januaryish at 265

Currently at around 215. The weight came off really quickly at first but now I cannot get rid of these final 20 or so pounds. It's been brutal.

Tell me about it, dude.

Ive been stuck at 190ish for months.


Entropia said:
God damn, impressive.

I apparently lack any discipline to actually stick with healthy eating habits. :lol

thanks! first thing i did was quit soda completely. then, i found a combination of healthy foods that i love to eat. after that, i bought a mountain bike and started riding 5-7 miles a day, five or six days a week. hopefully i'll continue losing weight doing this. oh, and i've drastically cut carbs out of my diet. friday nights are my cheat night! i'll usually get something from taco bell or a couple slices of pizza. then back to my routine. :D


Sallokin said:
Started in Januaryish at 265

Currently at around 215. The weight came off really quickly at first but now I cannot get rid of these final 20 or so pounds. It's been ubrutal.
I just hit the fifty pound mark too. Definitely slowed down towards the end.

Its really pretty amazing how much sucess has come out of this thread. Good job everyone.


nomster said:
I just hit the fifty pound mark too. Definitely slowed down towards the end.

Its really pretty amazing how much sucess has come out of this thread. Good job everyone.

I did a lot of the initial weight loss with mostly dietary changes and biking. I'm thinking now it's about time to step back into lifting weights. Should at least help with the last few pounds and make me look like less of a pear :lol
Schlep said:
Low carb is not for everyone. A sandwich for lunch on 100% whole wheat bread is fine. Just make sure to use mustard or avocado instead of mayo.
What is wrong with Mayo? The bread is the problem. Put avocado, mayo, and mustard on it. Just no bread.


No One Remembers
metamonk said:
thanks! first thing i did was quit soda completely. then, i found a combination of healthy foods that i love to eat. after that, i bought a mountain bike and started riding 5-7 miles a day, five or six days a week. hopefully i'll continue losing weight doing this. oh, and i've drastically cut carbs out of my diet. friday nights are my cheat night! i'll usually get something from taco bell or a couple slices of pizza. then back to my routine. :D

Yeah I'm gonna have to try this low carb thing... any recommended foods/meals?

Eggs for breakfast

____ for lunch?

Chicken and greens for dinner?
Entropia said:
Yeah I'm gonna have to try this low carb thing... any recommended foods/meals?

Eggs for breakfast

____ for lunch?

Chicken and greens for dinner?
Fish (tuna, or filets, or sardines in water)
almonds, peanuts
greens, various vegetables (just stay away from potatoes)
I eat lots of pickles (make my own, but if you buy, get ones without added sugar)


Entropia said:
Yeah I'm gonna have to try this low carb thing... any recommended foods/meals?

Eggs for breakfast

____ for lunch?

Chicken and greens for dinner?

rataven suggested this for breakfast:

1/4 cup egg beaters (30 calories, 6 grams protein, no fat)
2 or 3 slices canadian bacon (35-50 calories, 6-7 grams protein, negligible fat, watch the sodium though)
1 cup Kashi Go Lean (140 calories, 13 grams protein, 1 gram fat)
1 cup light Silk. This is soy milk. Swap for low-fat or skim milk if you perfer. (70 calories, 6 grams protein, 2 grams fat)

Total: 290 calories, 32 grams protein, 3 grams fat
Throw some berries on your cereal or grab an apple for some fruit. There's even room for cream in your coffee!

pretty much what i eat for breakfast now at least 4 days a week or more. for lunch, everything elrechazao listed is great. usually, i alternate chicken, turkey and beef for my meats. veggies, i've been doing squash, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, green beans, carrots and occasionally i'll eat half a sweet potato, plain. no butter or anything. oh, and sprinkling a little parmesan cheese on top of the vegetables adds a good bit of flavor.
metamonk said:
rataven suggested this for breakfast:

1/4 cup egg beaters (30 calories, 6 grams protein, no fat)
2 or 3 slices canadian bacon (35-50 calories, 6-7 grams protein, negligible fat, watch the sodium though)
1 cup Kashi Go Lean (140 calories, 13 grams protein, 1 gram fat)
1 cup light Silk. This is soy milk. Swap for low-fat or skim milk if you perfer. (70 calories, 6 grams protein, 2 grams fat)

Total: 290 calories, 32 grams protein, 3 grams fat
Throw some berries on your cereal or grab an apple for some fruit. There's even room for cream in your coffee!

pretty much what i eat for breakfast now at least 4 days a week or more. for lunch, everything elrechazao listed is great. usually, i alternate chicken, turkey and beef for my meats. veggies, i've been doing squash, broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, green beans, carrots and occasionally i'll eat half a sweet potato, plain. no butter or anything. oh, and sprinkling a little parmesan cheese on top of the vegetables adds a good bit of flavor.
Why so much concern over low fat when he's asking about low carb? Low carb should be replaced by fat. Protein above all is the wrong way to do it.


elrechazao said:
What is wrong with Mayo? The bread is the problem. Put avocado, mayo, and mustard on it. Just no bread.
Mayo has more calories, more saturated fat, less fiber, and less vitamins/minerals. Also avocado tastes better. :lol

For bread, I don't see it as a problem so long as it doesn't contain HFCS. As I said, not everyone can do low carb. Also, I think anyone looking to make a lifestyle change permanently will have a rough time cutting out bread. For a temporary low carb diet, I don't see any issue with cutting out bread so long as you're meeting fiber and carb requirements.


elrechazao said:
Why so much concern over low fat when he's asking about low carb? Low carb should be replaced by fat. Protein above all is the wrong way to do it.

he said eggs for breakfast. i was just showing him what all i've been eating for breakfast, including eggs, and still losing weight.

what would you suggest? i'm genuinely interested. i love to add variety to what i'm eating as long as i keep losing weight.

sorry my post wasn't really helpful :( i'm still learning!


elrechazao said:
What is wrong with Mayo? The bread is the problem. Put avocado, mayo, and mustard on it. Just no bread.

What? The calories are the problem, not the bread.

Low-carb diets when calories are kept the same perform the same as standard diets. There are other issues that muddy things up, such as people tending to eat fewer calories on low-carb diets as there are fewer convenient food options and low-carb diets tending to be higher in protein which is highly satiating (kills hunger), but you don't need to eliminate carbs to lose weight unless you have an unusual metabolism.

I can and have lost fat eating 150+ grams of sugar a day, though I obviously don't recommend it for health reasons. I just ate less than I used.

I highly recommend Lyle MacDonald's work, or Alan Aragon's. Both people are really good science-based nutrition experts, and both have amazing books.


May 23rd i was 210, now i am 184, but i am fucking staying at 184. This is bullshit. If i cheat even once and have a dinner that doesnt consist of just steak or something, i shoot up to like 187. I work out for 35 mins about 4-5 days a week. This week i hit 183 but then next day i was 185. Im still at around 184-185. The difficulty in keeping my weight from simply going up is about ready to have me not bother busting my ass to begin with. So stupid. Give me fucking pills.


Got to stop looking at the weight and focus on the fat loss. You made not see the scale move, but I'm pretty sure you're burning your fat.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
grumble said:
What? The calories are the problem, not the bread.

Low-carb diets when calories are kept the same perform the same as standard diets. There are other issues that muddy things up, such as people tending to eat fewer calories on low-carb diets as there are fewer convenient food options and low-carb diets tending to be higher in protein which is highly satiating (kills hunger), but you don't need to eliminate carbs to lose weight unless you have an unusual metabolism.

I can and have lost fat eating 150+ grams of sugar a day, though I obviously don't recommend it for health reasons. I just ate less than I used.

I highly recommend Lyle MacDonald's work, or Alan Aragon's. Both people are really good science-based nutrition experts, and both have amazing books.

I think the idea of removing the bread is to reduce appetite, whether it be due to poor insulin sensitivity or gluten sensitivity or leptin sensitivity. You may not agree with it, but that's the reasoning.


don't worry about your weight from day to day kinggi bro

you fluctuate like 2-3 kgs every day just from... existing really. water weight, undigested food and unexcreted poop all add to your weight at various points of the day so you can't really get an accurate read like that
elrechazao said:
What is wrong with Mayo? The bread is the problem. Put avocado, mayo, and mustard on it. Just no bread.
Mayo is usually made with rancid vegetable oil high in Omega-6 fats, so I always avoid it. Alton Brown has a good homemade mayo recipe, though. Use bacon grease, olive oil, or MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil instead of whatever he recommends.


teh_pwn said:
I think the idea of removing the bread is to reduce appetite, whether it be due to poor insulin sensitivity or gluten sensitivity or leptin sensitivity. You may not agree with it, but that's the reasoning.

I understand the concept, though I don't agree with it, as in protein and calorie matched high-fat and low-fat diets there was no difference in self-reported satiety. Almost all of these studies do not match protein, and the low-carb one almost always has more. Protein seems to be the key satiator to me, not fat. This of course differs for individuals who may have unusual metabolisms.

I may be splitting hairs, as in reality many people on low-carb diets have higher protein anyway and hence would experience this benefit, but I think it's important to understand the cause of why they are doing so so they take the path of least resistance to their fat loss goals.

For example, say someone comes up to me and says that the only drink I can have is water or else I won't lose weight. I switch to only water, and voila! I lose weight. The reason behind it is not that I am drinking weight-loss juice but that I am not drinking anything with calories in it. I have denied myself coffee, tea, and a wide variety of other drinks that I didn't need to since they also contain no calories, and I could have had calorie-containing beverages in moderation provided that I compensate with other aspects of my diet. I have taken a harder-then-needed route to lose weight.


~Kinggi~ said:
May 23rd i was 210, now i am 184, but i am fucking staying at 184. This is bullshit. If i cheat even once and have a dinner that doesnt consist of just steak or something, i shoot up to like 187. I work out for 35 mins about 4-5 days a week. This week i hit 183 but then next day i was 185. Im still at around 184-185. The difficulty in keeping my weight from simply going up is about ready to have me not bother busting my ass to begin with. So stupid. Give me fucking pills.
Something tells me you're near your resting weight and are putting on muscle that's slowly replacing said fat. Also what the folks said above: your weight fluctuates a lot on a daily basis just by existing.

I dropped 50 like it was nothing then dropped 10 very slowly after that, but those 10 made a huge difference visually as well, as I was building muscle and toning up.
Schlep said:
Mayo has more calories, more saturated fat, less fiber, and less vitamins/minerals. Also avocado tastes better. :lol

For bread, I don't see it as a problem so long as it doesn't contain HFCS. As I said, not everyone can do low carb. Also, I think anyone looking to make a lifestyle change permanently will have a rough time cutting out bread. For a temporary low carb diet, I don't see any issue with cutting out bread so long as you're meeting fiber and carb requirements.
Well not everyone does low carb is true, but responding to someone specifically asking about low carb and suggesting bread is a bit odd :)
grumble said:
What? The calories are the problem, not the bread.

Low-carb diets when calories are kept the same perform the same as standard diets. There are other issues that muddy things up, such as people tending to eat fewer calories on low-carb diets as there are fewer convenient food options and low-carb diets tending to be higher in protein which is highly satiating (kills hunger), but you don't need to eliminate carbs to lose weight unless you have an unusual metabolism.

I can and have lost fat eating 150+ grams of sugar a day, though I obviously don't recommend it for health reasons. I just ate less than I used.

I highly recommend Lyle MacDonald's work, or Alan Aragon's. Both people are really good science-based nutrition experts, and both have amazing books.
This is terrible advice for weight loss. Caloric restriction is not a real solution.

grumble said:
I understand the concept, though I don't agree with it, as in protein and calorie matched high-fat and low-fat diets there was no difference in self-reported satiety. Almost all of these studies do not match protein, and the low-carb one almost always has more. Protein seems to be the key satiator to me, not fat. This of course differs for individuals who may have unusual metabolisms.

I may be splitting hairs, as in reality many people on low-carb diets have higher protein anyway and hence would experience this benefit, but I think it's important to understand the cause of why they are doing so so they take the path of least resistance to their fat loss goals.

For example, say someone comes up to me and says that the only drink I can have is water or else I won't lose weight. I switch to only water, and voila! I lose weight. The reason behind it is not that I am drinking weight-loss juice but that I am not drinking anything with calories in it. I have denied myself coffee, tea, and a wide variety of other drinks that I didn't need to since they also contain no calories, and I could have had calorie-containing beverages in moderation provided that I compensate with other aspects of my diet. I have taken a harder-then-needed route to lose weight.
I think it's pretty clear you don't understand the role of hormones and body chemistry in weight loss. The simple calories in and out model is complete garbage.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I was on the p90x stuff a while back, stopped when schooled started and ended up with 15 extra pounds. I've been on the p90x again for about a month and a half and can't seem to shake these added pounds for the life of me.

Somewhat annoying, but what can ya do

I'm 5'6" at 151 pounds currently. I've been slacking all week due to SCII!


elrechazao said:
This is terrible advice for weight loss. Caloric restriction is not a real solution.

I think it's pretty clear you don't understand the role of hormones and body chemistry in weight loss. The simple calories in and out model is complete garbage.

It is atypical for you to not give detail about why X is bunk. Can you explain the harm in simple in/out thinking? As an outsider to this particular argument, I'm curious.
I am 6'2". 18 months ago I was ~400 lbs. I changed my diet and cut out sweetened drinks and started eating fruits and veggies. In May I was down to 313. I started counting my calories and working out.

I run 5 miles 4 days a week. And lift weights the other 3. I eat between 1800-2300 calories a day. I try to eat 4-6 meals a day.

I now weigh 276lbs. I have another 50-60 lbs to lose. This pic is me from couple weeks ago next to me in January.


This is me yesterday

elrechazao said:
This is terrible advice for weight loss. Caloric restriction is not a real solution.

I think it's pretty clear you don't understand the role of hormones and body chemistry in weight loss. The simple calories in and out model is complete garbage.

Actually its science. Our bodies are designed to either burn or store fat based on abundance of food. It is what has lead us to survive famines.

You want to lose weight eat less and move. Burn more than you take in.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
elrechazao said:
This is terrible advice for weight fat loss. Caloric restriction is not a real solution.

Fixed. You'll always lose weight consuming less calories than you burn, it just won't be fat if you're doing it wrong.


Ettenra said:
It is atypical for you to not give detail about why X is bunk. Can you explain the harm in simple in/out thinking? As an outsider to this particular argument, I'm curious.
Thats because all that info has been posted over and over and over again in the previous however many pages of this thread. Look at the_Pwn's posts.
xelios said:
Fixed. You'll always lose weight consuming less calories than you burn, it just won't be fat if you're doing it wrong.

This refers to starvation. We are talking about people who burn 500-1000 more calories a day than they would normally do. Thats 3500-7000 calories a week or 1-2 pounds.

At that rate you will lose very little if any lean tissue(muscle) and will be burning fat reserves. Add exercise to help build cardio and lean tissue.

Thats why they say "Eat less Move more" Part of the deficit should come from diet and the rest from exercise.
thewhiterabbit said:
Actually its science. Our bodies are designed to either burn or store fat based on abundance of food. It is what has lead us to survive famines.

You want to lose weight eat less and move. Burn more than you take in.
This is the thrifty gene theory, and it's been refuted for years, including by the original propagator of this theory.

"In 1989, Neel published a review of his further research based on the "thrifty genotype" hypothesis and in the Introduction noted the following: "The data on which that (rather soft) hypothesis was based has now largely collapsed."

Junk science.
Ettenra said:
It is atypical for you to not give detail about why X is bunk. Can you explain the harm in simple in/out thinking? As an outsider to this particular argument, I'm curious.
It's been posted in this thread quite a bit, but the bottom line is that fat accumulation is a product of our diet to the extent that the diet stimulates your body's hormones to do things with that diet. What you eat is much more important than how much you eat. TLDR version, watch this:


and if you want the lowdown on why the law of thermodynamics is crap in terms of your diet, (crap in the sense that it doesn't work the way Jillian michaels and other morons tell you it works), and that first vid didn't convince you, start here.


And just because it's relevant to the thread...go drew carey!



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
thewhiterabbit said:
Actually its science. Our bodies are designed to either burn or store fat based on abundance of food. It is what has lead us to survive famines.

You want to lose weight eat less and move. Burn more than you take in.

Playing starcraft 2 soon, so my post is going to be brief (in fact, I'd argue starcraft 2 is a weight loss tool as I eat less while playing it - just like crack!).

What you're saying sort of is true on a traditional diet that we evolved to eat. But that's not the case anymore. We've got mass production of the germ of grains and we mass product high fructose corn syrup and inject it in everything. We treat our food with antibiotics, treat ourselves with antibiotics, and don't eat fermented foods anymore - destroying a tradition of symbiotic bacteria in our intestines.

Insulin is the primary fat storage hormone. The body makes insulin in response to high glycemic load/index carbohydrates. It also makes a lot if the liver is overloaded with fructose. When insulin is high due to poor sensitivity, body fat cannot be used. The body prefers more food as it's source of fuel instead.

Leptin is the hormone that is produced by body fat that goes to the hypothalamus and tells it to stop eating and burn more calories. When leptin doesn't reach the hypothalamus because the hypothalamus doesn't respond (inflammation - probably due to grains, lack of good bacteria, & fructose), our body increases appetite and reduces metabolism. So your calories in - calories out equation is sort of correct, but it's the hypothalamus that's controlling it.

Grumble posted some information on ASP, a fat storage hormone from dietary fat, but the information didn't seem complete. It suggested that people with poor intestinal health & poor insulin sensitivity over produced ASP, so the causality is unclear.

References? There's at least 50 of them in my previous posts in the last 15 pages.

Also I'd recommend reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" & Whole Health Source on some migration studies. Time and time again, native cultures eating their traditional diets were documented by the British Empire as being devoid of cancer, heart disease, & diabetes, but as soon as they were given western food, the diseases exploded.

Basically the problem is that western food breaks the metabolism - both implicitly in controlling calories out & hunger for calories in. Does using willpower, counting calories, and doing cardio work? A lot of times yes, but it sucks. It's not fun, and long term you're probably going to fail, unless you're using it to prevent a broken metabolism. Getting out of the ditch is another story.


Everyone needs to ignore elrechazao immediately. Calories in/out is the principle factor of weight loss. He is gravely misinformed.

Are types of food a factor? Yes.
Are hormones a factor? Yes.

Ultimately though, as long as you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. End of discussion. I'd personally like to see him peddle his ideas on the bodybuilding.com forum, only to be laughed at incessantly.

Edit - If you're more interested in scientific studies, they have PLENTY of it over there as well.
elrechazao said:
This is the thrifty gene theory, and it's been refuted for years, including by the original propagator of this theory.

"In 1989, Neel published a review of his further research based on the "thrifty genotype" hypothesis and in the Introduction noted the following: "The data on which that (rather soft) hypothesis was based has now largely collapsed."

Junk science.

My 135lbs lost says otherwise. And I did this on the advice on my "Junk" General Practitioner.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Everyone needs to ignore elrechazao immediately. Calories in/out is the principle factor of weight loss. He is gravely misinformed.

Are types of food a factor? Yes.
Are hormones a factor? Yes.

Ultimately though, as long as you burn more calories than you consume, you lose weight. End of discussion. I'd personally like to see him peddle his ideas on the bodybuilding.com forum, only to be laughed at incessantly.

I disagree. Insulin & leptin/hypothalamus have total control. They are what drive calories in - calories out. They don't refute the equation. They control it.

thewhiterabbit said:

My 135lbs lost says otherwise. And I did this on the advice on my "Junk" General Practitioner.

Appeals to authority & anecdotal evidence is science? Whatever.
teh_pwn said:
Playing starcraft 2 soon, so my post is going to be brief (in fact, I'd argue starcraft 2 is a weight loss tool as I eat less while playing it - just like crack!).

What you're saying sort of is true on a traditional diet that we evolved to eat. But that's not the case anymore. We've got mass production of the germ of grains and we mass product high fructose corn syrup and inject it in everything. We treat our food with antibiotics, treat ourselves with antibiotics, and don't eat fermented foods anymore - destroying a tradition of symbiotic bacteria in our intestines.

Insulin is the primary fat storage hormone. The body makes insulin in response to high glycemic load/index carbohydrates. It also makes a lot if the liver is overloaded with fructose. When insulin is high due to poor sensitivity, body fat cannot be used. The body prefers more food as it's source of fuel instead.

Leptin is the hormone that is produced by body fat that goes to the hypothalamus and tells it to stop eating and burn more calories. When leptin doesn't reach the hypothalamus because the hypothalamus doesn't respond (inflammation - probably due to grains, lack of good bacteria, & fructose), our body increases appetite and reduces metabolism. So your calories in - calories out equation is sort of correct, but it's the hypothalamus that's controlling it.

Grumble posted some information on ASP, a fat storage hormone from dietary fat, but the information didn't seem complete. It suggested that people with poor intestinal health & poor insulin sensitivity over produced ASP, so the causality is unclear.

References? There's at least 50 of them in my previous posts in the last 15 pages.

Also I'd recommend reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" & Whole Health Source on some migration studies. Time and time again, native cultures eating their traditional diets were documented by the British Empire as being devoid of cancer, heart disease, & diabetes, but as soon as they were given western food, the diseases exploded.

Basically the problem is that western food breaks the metabolism - both implicitly in controlling calories out & hunger for calories in. Does using willpower, counting calories, and doing cardio work? A lot of times yes, but it sucks. It's not fun, and long term you're probably going to fail, unless you're using it to prevent a broken metabolism. Getting out of the ditch is another story.

I have been doing this 18 months. It is a lifestyle change. It takes work. It is also very easy.I do not eat bad food, but I do not go with out. I will be eating tons of smoked ribs this Sunday. I will stay with in my calorie goals. I measure every piece of food that enters my body.

I work out every morning. That is my new life. I feel like shit if I don't get my run in. I eat 4-6 meals a day so I I am never more than 3 hrs from another meal. I prepare food ahead of time.

People fail cause they don't change. They lie about how much they eat and how much they work out. And they lie to themselves.

I have never been on a diet in my life. This is not a diet. This is my life now.
teh_pwn said:
I disagree. Insulin & leptin/hypothalamus have total control. They are what drive calories in - calories out. They don't refute the equation. They control it.

Appeals to authority & anecdotal evidence is science? Whatever.

So I should beleive you or my doctor? How bout the results I have seen myself? Are you even a doctor? :lol
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