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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Jesus, I was just going through some old photos with a friend the other day and it really kinda hit me on how much of a change I did make in my life. I already did a 'transformation story' type post a long while ago in this thread, but I just wanted to show that making the effort is really fucking worth it and it in fact does transform your life. And also to show that I didn't lapse or anything (though there have been some struggles along the way, of course). Its almost been four years since I was at my worst and I thank the heavens everyday that I made the effort to change because my life is genuinely amazing right now.

Photo from Christmas day 09 and in Feb 10 when I was probably at my worst.


and a year later in feb 11

And a few photos from earlier this month


(Just for the record, I went from around 240/50 to about 135-140, took a good year to lose)

Needless to say, this thread is always consistently amazing and it never fails to cheer me up or give me a kick in the ass when I need it. Keep up the great work everyone on your own personal roads to success. =)


So this is my result 12 weeks into my "lifestyle change" from inactive to pretty damn active; I went from 124 to 114 kilograms for a -10 kg. I'm 191 cm.

I basically started eating a bit less, and exercising much much more (hell I was basically living a completely sedentary life for about a year until 12 weeks ago). Exercise is strictly 30~40 minutes of indoor rowing (bought a Concept2 machine) 5~6 days a week + some cycling every now and then when the weather allows for it.

I went from taking 50 minutes for a 10 km row down to just over 40 now, still ain't getting bored :) just put some energizing music on really loud

In terms of diet I really just eat whatever I want, just less of most stuff. Still plenty of pizza/burgers/whatever (only homemade though), just more healthy stuff for breakfast/lunch to compensate when needed. Exercise takes care of the rest so far. Never really feel hungry, else I just grab a banana or some cashew nuts. I drink a lot of water as well obviously, always got a bottle with/near me. Finally I try to get close to 8 hours of sleep every day when possible.

Still got quite some fat to lose (want to get down to around 100 kg at least), but I'm already shaping up nicely muscle-wise (legs, upper body, arms). Plenty of clothes that are getting too big already ... And besides strength I've added a fuckton worth of endurance of course, which is very nice.

Best thing though is that I've just got much more energy somehow, even after exercising. In the past I used to be absolutely destroyed all day, both physically and mentally, after exercising (even when working out early morning!). Nowadays I get up, have breakfast, row for an hour, read some stuff, then cycle to my uni for 40 mins and back again later in the day without any issues.

For the indoor rowing I only used a heart rate monitor the first four weeks to stick to ~60% of my max heart rate in order to build up some base level fitness. After that I just went all out for pretty much every session, which might not burn the optimal level of fat but definitely gets you very fit :)

Plan for now is to continue until New Year, around which I should be close to 100 kg. By then I might look into doing some more stuff like P90X, to get a bit more flexible (still relative stiff currently).

Oh and the great thing about indoor rowing (Concept2) and cycling is that injuries are quite rare. The only thing I have is lots of blisters on my hands, but no other issues whatsoever. Pretty certain my knees would be destroyed by now if I had started running instead 12 weeks ago ...


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I use Excel to weigh myself and measure my waist circumference basically daily. When you see a long term linear trend as above, you know you're doing it right. The saw tooth edge noise is mostly digestion and variation in water weight. Often you'll see your weight stay the same or trend upward for a few days and then plummet 3-4 lbs.

I continue to weigh myself every time I work out. My dietary habits at home don't require it, but after trips and eating out, my "setpoint" increases temporarily so I use a little observation and brute force to reset to ~150 lbs.

The data doesn't lie. Measure weight and waist circumference daily and adjust based on outcome. If you don't see a change in 2 weeks, it isn't happening. Fix it.
Jesus, I was just going through some old photos with a friend the other day and it really kinda hit me on how much of a change I did make in my life. I already did a 'transformation story' type post a long while ago in this thread, but I just wanted to show that making the effort is really fucking worth it and it in fact does transform your life. And also to show that I didn't lapse or anything (though there have been some struggles along the way, of course). Its almost been four years since I was at my worst and I thank the heavens everyday that I made the effort to change because my life is genuinely amazing right now.

Photo from Christmas day 09 and in Feb 10 when I was probably at my worst.


and a year later in feb 11

And a few photos from earlier this month


(Just for the record, I went from around 240/50 to about 135-140, took a good year to lose)

Needless to say, this thread is always consistently amazing and it never fails to cheer me up or give me a kick in the ass when I need it. Keep up the great work everyone on your own personal roads to success. =)

Amazing results, congratulations!


Gold Member
I have been a bit discouraged because after losing quite a lot on the scale in the first half of this year, during Q3 I haven't lost a single pound (not one!) even though I have been even more rigorous with my program and eating than earlier.

On 1 July I was 210lbs and 1 October I am exactly 210lbs. I think I have tightened up and put on a bit of muscle though. Pics exactly 3 months apart:

hopefully the scales will move more on Q4...!

Brinbe and Praiseworthy, absolutely spectacular job!


Hi Weight Loss GAF

I've been looking through this tread and seen some amazing results. I'd Thought I'll add my story too.

About 5 years ago i was about 18st+..(114kg)bearing in mind i am only 5ft7. In a year i had lost 4 st and then lost a further 1 1/2st the following year just by training at the gym and dieting. I started doing 10k Runs such as the London 10k and completed a half marathon in 2hrs. Then i damaged my ankle ligaments playing football which took me out for 6 months. In that time i went back to my old habits and got lazy, i tried hard to get back into training but it just wasn't the same. A combination of illness and more injuries over the next year and i had undone a lot of hard work and the weight was creeping up. Since last October i started to try train hard again. I lost about 12kg in 6 Months. After 6 months i didn't really push myself and been the same. However I'm gonna push myself again leading up to Christmas when I'm due to be a daddy!

here is what i looked like a few years ago

Here is the latest. October 2012 / April 2013



How do you guys find the patience to keep at it? Like.. I'm in need of some serious help. It's probably all just in my head, but I can't seem to do anything to actually lose weight. I was stuck at ~310 for the longest time (like 5-6 years) until around this summer when I really started to watch what I ate. Lost 10lbs. Things were going good. I went from eating fast food once or twice a day to once a week tops. Switched to diet soda
. But then I just quit. I don't know why. I've been trying to get back on the wagon since, but every time I tell myself I'll start dieting and working out, nothing comes of it. I'm back to chugging soda and eating every other meal at McDonalds. I think I have some kind of serious addiction to fast food, as silly as that sounds. I go home for my lunch break and on my way, I start thinking about what I'm going to have and I tell myself I won't get fast food, but then I find myself in line. I always feel sick to my stomach afterwards, but I still do it. I'm still right around 300lbs, somehow. It amazes me that I haven't put the weight back on yet.


I'm managing by concentrating on intense exercise, and continually trying to improve my times/performance.

I'm not really counting calories or logging my food, but in general 30 to 60 minutes of rowing at high intensity burns probably around 500 to 1000 calories (pseudo science but it seems OK so far), which means that by eating normally or slightly less than normal I'm creating quite a calorie deficit, without really having to think about what I can or can't eat.

I've adjusted the amount of food, not so much the content. After three weeks I pretty much stopped feeling hungry between meals, and if I do a banana or a handful (not more!) of cashew nuts is enough.

I'm lucky enough to never really have cared that much about soda, so I'm used to drinking lots of water already.

Basically the best thing is that, given the fact that I try to eat only as much as needed, I only want to eat things that taste really good, plus I like cooking too so that works out well for me. Furthermore if I want to cheat every once in a while I can, it just gives me extra motivation to work out even more...

But yeah, the issue for most is probably time. I'm spending quite a bit of time on stuff like exercising and cooking. I have that time right now, but I'll probably won't be so lucky in the future so that's why I'm going at it full force at the moment... the only days I haven't been exercising/eating like I wanted to in the past months was when I got too busy with *life* :(

In fact, personally I can say that the reason why I'm succeeding now whereas I've failed in the past is because this time I dealt with all other issues I had in my life first. With most other things out of the way for the next months I don't have to worry about them, and I can spend lots of time/money/effort/concentration on accomplishing my goal to get properly fit.

still losing ~0.11kg ever day, for a -11 overall now w00t

About 5 years ago i was about 18st+..(114kg)bearing in mind i am only 5ft7. In a year i had lost 4 st and then lost a further 1 1/2st the following year just by training at the gym and dieting. I started doing 10k Runs such as the London 10k and completed a half marathon in 2hrs. Then i damaged my ankle ligaments playing football which took me out for 6 months. In that time i went back to my old habits and got lazy, i tried hard to get back into training but it just wasn't the same. A combination of illness and more injuries over the next year and i had undone a lot of hard work and the weight was creeping up. Since last October i started to try train hard again. I lost about 12kg in 6 Months. After 6 months i didn't really push myself and been the same. However I'm gonna push myself again leading up to Christmas when I'm due to be a daddy!

go for it man, your previous results are great ! but if you're injury prone, take care and choose something that doesn't stress your body too much. Cycling and indoor-rowing are doing wonders for me, and I haven't had a single injury in the past 3 months despite working out 5 to 6 days a week :)

I have been a bit discouraged because after losing quite a lot on the scale in the first half of this year, during Q3 I haven't lost a single pound (not one!) even though I have been even more rigorous with my program and eating than earlier.

On 1 July I was 210lbs and 1 October I am exactly 210lbs. I think I have tightened up and put on a bit of muscle though. Pics exactly 3 months apart:

hopefully the scales will move more on Q4...!

you definitely look fitter! surely your strength/athletic performance must have increased ?


Formerly Gizmowned
So guys I don't know how active this topic is anymore but I've been working out and dieting. I'm a little over weight mainly due to working at a PC and gaming. I don't really eat junk food apart from the odd special occasion. I never drink or smoke.

Age 26:
Height: 5'8
Weight: 165 pounds
Cutting down to 140 pounds

I don't know my usual calories for the day but from last week I've been on 1200 calories.

Now today I've calculated that I've had about 1000 calories thanks to MyFitnessPal app and bar scanning on the food lol.

I've read that if you don't eat enough if you slow down your metabolism and such.

Should I eat something as a snack to bump it up to 1200? I don't really want to but if its going to make it harder in the long run to lose the weight then I'll do it.


So guys I don't know how active this topic is anymore but I've been working out and dieting. I'm a little over weight mainly due to working at a PC and gaming. I don't really eat junk food apart from the odd special occasion. I never drink or smoke.

Age 26:
Height: 5'8
Weight: 165 pounds
Cutting down to 140 pounds

I don't know my usual calories for the day but from last week I've been on 1200 calories.

Now today I've calculated that I've had about 1000 calories thanks to MyFitnessPal app and bar scanning on the food lol.

I've read that if you don't eat enough if you slow down your metabolism and such.

Should I eat something as a snack to bump it up to 1200? I don't really want to but if its going to make it harder in the long run to lose the weight then I'll do it.

I'm not an expert on this and am also going through a diet right now, but I would recommend staying at at least 1200 calories.


I'm about to start an intense low carb diet accompanied by P90x. I remember how much it sucks in the beginning, and how tired you feel, but after that it's smooth sailing.

It's gonna be a tough first week.


I'm pissed off.
Two years ago I was skinny at 57kgs coming down from 75, I was 18, it wasn't a healthy loss but whatever, it worked.
Kinda one year ago I was told at the gym I was toó skinny so I started eating... then left the gym, and got to an alarming 74kg earlier this gym. I wasn't as fat as last time I had that weight (probably because of muscle) but I was getting fat. So I put myself to a change and entered the gym.
4 months later I feel better, I'm taking a nice shape and I clearly lost some fat. But I went to the scale yesterday and got...79kgs omfg fuck me!!
I'm eating less than ever (in The healty range) and excercising myself at the gym yet... i'm heavier than ever. I just... don't know.

Help me weight gaf :(


Sounds like it's just a case of your muscles weighing more than fat by volume. As long as you don't look overweight, why spend too much time thinking about the actual weight?


congrats, keep it up!
feels good , right? Helps keeping up the motivation to the the huge differences each period of time

Totally, best I've felt since high school. Lots of water, salad, chicken breast, steak. Waaaaay less bread. Stuff like pizza and fast food went from every other day to once a month. Couple glasses of vodka or whisky and diet soda instead of crushing 1200 calories of Pabst. Want to get some weights for the gym I've got set up in the second bedroom. Will post an update pic at the end of the year, think I can drop another 20+ by then.
So, I've been doing an almost no carb diet since this past July 4. In addition, I do a lot of walking (I'd say 3 miles on even a slow day) but I don't weight lift yet. I have lost some good amount of weight and I'm happy that everything is working. My question to my fellow men in this thread, however, is: WHEN DO MY MOOBS START TO GO AWAY? Like what the hell, every other part of my body is looking better and no, I don't have gynecomastia (I went to doc and was tested :I)

Totally, best I've felt since high school. Lots of water, salad, chicken breast, steak. Waaaaay less bread. Stuff like pizza and fast food went from every other day to once a month. Couple glasses of vodka or whisky and diet soda instead of crushing 1200 calories of Pabst. Want to get some weights for the gym I've got set up in the second bedroom. Will post an update pic at the end of the year, think I can drop another 20+ by then.
Sounds like my diet. I eat sugar free ice cream though and some Atkins stuff but I eat no bread at all.


Why does he wear the mask!?

Cheekbones look as if they could cut glass here, aint usually like that. Drunk in the after picture too.

I'm still about 2 stone away from my goal which is 15-10 percent bodyfat.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So, I've been doing an almost no carb diet since this past July 4. In addition, I do a lot of walking (I'd say 3 miles on even a slow day) but I don't weight lift yet. I have lost some good amount of weight and I'm happy that everything is working. My question to my fellow men in this thread, however, is: WHEN DO MY MOOBS START TO GO AWAY?! Like what the hell, every other part of my body is looking better and no, I don't have gynecomastia (I went to doc and was

Sounds like my diet. I eat sugar free ice cream though and some Atkins stuff but I eat no bread at all.

I hear you about the moobs! All I can tell you is that one day I woke up and, while weighing myself in the morning, I noticed in the mirror that they were gone. I'm sure they'd been shrinking for awhile and I hadn't noticed until it was undeniable. My skin is just a tad loose up there but I reckon that's to be expected after what I've put myself through.

Just keep it up, it'll happen!

On another topic, I've been plugging along. Still 20 pounds from my goal and not sure if it's actually "Losable" or just excess skin weight. I get a lot of folks telling me I'm too skinny now but I've seen myself naked and I just don't think I'm where I want to be yet.

I've been being way active lately. Started jogging quite often, walking more for fun, started using Runtastic Push-up app to try to build my physique. It's killing me but I'm really starting to see differences in my triceps, shoulders, and chest. I need to start doing some shit for my biceps.

Here's a recent pic at 171, down from 350+ in March of 2012:


Formerly Gizmowned
Just over 6 pounds lost in 3 weeks already. I'm not even strictly dieting just working out and calorie counting to 1200. Might seem a little low to most but it's doing me fine.

I don't have as much to lose compared to some but I'm just attempting to drop my BF to 12-15%.

170.8 pounds down to 164 pounds.

30 Minutes of quick pace cardio followed by 15-20 minutes strength.

I have a pic from when I started but I'm not showing it until I've completed 100%. I'm aiming to be done within 5-6 weeks.


lowcarbGAF I need some suggestions for afternoon snacks. I used to eat strawberries and nectarines but I'm getting tired of them. And I don't want anything with cheese because I already eat lots of cheese based meals during lunch. Breakfast is tea+eggs and dinner is sausage, so no probs there.


Full werewolf off the buckle
lowcarbGAF I need some suggestions for afternoon snacks. I used to eat strawberries and nectarines but I'm getting tired of them. And I don't want anything with cheese because I already eat lots of cheese based meals during lunch. Breakfast is tea+eggs and dinner is sausage, so no probs there.

I'm not particularly low carb, but I have been sticking to a 40/30/30 split and have taken to eating low-sodium sliced Turkey from Jennie-O as a snack. 4 ounces is only 100 calories, too. It's pretty damned satisfying.

Just roll it up like you did when you were a kid and you're good to go!


Why does he wear the mask!?
Would you guys recommend intermittent fasting? 1, 1,500 calorie meal at the same time each day, water or tea the rest of the time? Or 2, 750 calorie meals?

For some reason I feel like this would be easier for me, as a routine, than a traditional diet. Anything less than a large meal doesn't fill me up.


I do 8/6 hours eating 16/18 hours fasted


So today I finally decided to do something and I'm trying to get rid of my last 20 pounds left to have my ideal weight. I had 4 months of being stabilized but I need to get to my goal ASAP. I started trying today but I failed inmediatl, but tomorrow I'll try again and I'll try everyday until I get the rhythm again and finalize this ride. Wish me luck guys!


lowcarbGAF I need some suggestions for afternoon snacks. I used to eat strawberries and nectarines but I'm getting tired of them. And I don't want anything with cheese because I already eat lots of cheese based meals during lunch. Breakfast is tea+eggs and dinner is sausage, so no probs there.

mhh..black coffee , a handful of almonds and other faty nuts, how about joghurt?
maybe a bit of dark chocolate. I often eat a banana, but my lowcarb times are history. i really need to get back in the carbbusiness, as i am @ 75kg and do look to skinny. weird problems. But my job is 9 hours of fast walking, and hard physical work nowadays.
100 lbs down since April 1, 2013

Time elapsed: 7 months (214 days/ 5,136 hrs/ 308,160 min/ 18,489,600 sec)

April 1, 2013
Weight: 342 lbs
Pant size: 48/50
Shirts: XXXL
Blazer/chest: 54

November 1, 2013
Weight: 242 lbs
Pant size: 38
Shirts: XL
Blazer/chest: 48

Before Photos:





After Photos:





100 lbs down since April 1, 2013

Time elapsed: 7 months (214 days/ 5,136 hrs/ 308,160 min/ 18,489,600 sec)

April 1, 2013
Weight: 342 lbs
Pant size: 48/50
Shirts: XXXL
Blazer/chest: 54

November 1, 2013
Weight: 242 lbs
Pant size: 38
Shirts: XL
Blazer/chest: 48

Wow, congrats Bombasador! You look phenomenal now :D


100 lbs down since April 1, 2013

Time elapsed: 7 months (214 days/ 5,136 hrs/ 308,160 min/ 18,489,600 sec)

April 1, 2013
Weight: 342 lbs
Pant size: 48/50
Shirts: XXXL
Blazer/chest: 54

November 1, 2013
Weight: 242 lbs
Pant size: 38
Shirts: XL
Blazer/chest: 48

Before Photos:





After Photos:




Awesome! I bet you feel great and I'm sure your wife is thrilled. You're kids will really appreciate it someday too
Awesome! I bet you feel great and I'm sure your wife is thrilled. You're kids will really appreciate it someday too

Thanks, guys. The wife is happy, but she's getting a bit nervous. Lol. I was around 200-230 while we were dating.. She didnt sign up for a 340 lb husband. My goal is 220. 22 lbs to go!


Thanks, guys. The wife is happy, but she's getting a bit nervous. Lol. I was around 200-230 while we were dating.. She didnt sign up for a 340 lb husband. My goal is 220. 22 lbs to go!

You look like you have a good frame for some heavy lifting. Head over to the fitness thread if you're ever interested.


I've been half-assing a diet for the past 3 weeks or so, mostly brought on by the introduction of a girl into my life, but that's all gone to shit rather quickly, and I've decided to buckle down and do it right for the first time in a while. I've lost about 10 pounds in the last few weeks, but starting Monday I'm going strict Paleo until December (minus Thanksgiving).

I'm looking forward to it as I've always tried to make excuses for weekends and outings and things like that, but my goal is to lose 25 pounds by the end of the month and with working out 3 times a week and soccer on weekends, it shouldn't be an issue for me. I'll try to keep posting in here as much as possible as talking about weight loss with other people always seems to help me out.
(ill cross post my story here, since I posted it in the "How to stay motivated to keep working out" thread. I don't have any before pics, besides my license pic, I might scan it just to have something to remind me of where I was, but at that point in time I avoided cameras like the plague.....)


I don't believe most people are shallow on purpose. But once being 5'9 and 180 lbs. at 20 (worked out all the time and still had a 31 inch waist), and then over the course of 10 years getting up to 430. I can tell you people in general treat you differently (both sexes, imo), at those respective weights.

So my reason for getting back into shape was twofold, I obviously wasn't happy, and used food as a cheap high as something to look forward to etc. So I finally broke the cycle and said, I wanted to be happy with what I saw in the mirror again. I learned a long time ago I can't be happy with someone else, if I am not happy myself. I just got sick of being the big fat guy in the room. And that someday, if/when I meet that special woman; she will see me for me, not a huge slob. I'm not saying she would be shallow, I am just saying as an initial first impression being 430, is usually a negative. I'd rather not have an uphill battle from date 1.

So after about 13 months I am down to 275, I go to the gym 6 days a week, eat 2000 calories a day (mostly protein, dairy, veggies, some carbs / fruits here and there). And allow myself 2 days a month to not count, and eat what I want. I still have ~100 lbs. I want to lose, and so far I haven't noticed loose/saggy skin. I am sure I will have a little, but I'd rather go under the knife for a trim here or there in a few years, than be 430, miserable, and die in my 30s or 40s. I have been lucky though, blood-work shows no diabetes, I had high cholesterol, it dropped 80 points and is normal now, I had border line high blood pressure they had to keep increasing the dosage on, now it’s under control and dosage is halved. I was on a heart rate reducing medication due to 106 at rest when I was 430lbs. Off the medication now and its 70-80 at rest at 275lbs.

One thing I will say though, being a gigantic slob, made me greatly increase my social skills; I couldn't rely on looks anymore, and had to actually talk to people. So hopefully I can return to the old appearance (albeit a bit older, with some stretch marks, and a surgery scar here or there), but with a better personality, and outlook on life.



When I started to lose weight in october I was at 125 kilos, now i am at 114. I am a natural big guy at 1.91 cm , so people never thought I was this fat. But it's so nice to lose the fat.

I started going in the gym, drinking a lot water, between 4 and 5 litres a day, also changed my meals. I do not eat fat with carbohydrates mixxed up. At least i try. On some days I still do, but mainly because I am with others. works very well.

In the gym I started to work on the muscles and it worked, bit after five weeks I said fuck it, go for a weight reduction. When I'm at 95 kilos i start to lift and stuff.

When I am home i look up some pictures that shows the difference, I think i made some when I started. Would be nice.
I hear you about the moobs! All I can tell you is that one day I woke up and, while weighing myself in the morning, I noticed in the mirror that they were gone. I'm sure they'd been shrinking for awhile and I hadn't noticed until it was undeniable. My skin is just a tad loose up there but I reckon that's to be expected after what I've put myself through.

Just keep it up, it'll happen!

On another topic, I've been plugging along. Still 20 pounds from my goal and not sure if it's actually "Losable" or just excess skin weight. I get a lot of folks telling me I'm too skinny now but I've seen myself naked and I just don't think I'm where I want to be yet.

I've been being way active lately. Started jogging quite often, walking more for fun, started using Runtastic Push-up app to try to build my physique. It's killing me but I'm really starting to see differences in my triceps, shoulders, and chest. I need to start doing some shit for my biceps.

Here's a recent pic at 171, down from 350+ in March of 2012:

Well, its great to know that the moobs will just eventually be gone. The only current problem I'm having is that all my clothes are much too big on me now. I kinda feel like a jackass with my super baggy looking shirts on, but whatever :l I also really should get a scale...I know I've lost a lot but I don't know how much.

I was always a big guy and it sucked sometimes but I was just kinda dealing with it, but then I had a huge rapid weight gain a couple years back due to some medication side effects and never dropped the extra weight. I gained like 40+ lbs over a couple months and this just made everything worse. Hopefully, if I just keep it up I'll finally be in the shape I want and no more will I have moobs haunting me 24/7! lol I actually hated my appearance so much that I don't think I even have a "before" picture to compare to.


I've been half-assing a diet for the past 3 weeks or so, mostly brought on by the introduction of a girl into my life, but that's all gone to shit rather quickly, and I've decided to buckle down and do it right for the first time in a while. I've lost about 10 pounds in the last few weeks, but starting Monday I'm going strict Paleo until December (minus Thanksgiving).

I'm looking forward to it as I've always tried to make excuses for weekends and outings and things like that, but my goal is to lose 25 pounds by the end of the month and with working out 3 times a week and soccer on weekends, it shouldn't be an issue for me. I'll try to keep posting in here as much as possible as talking about weight loss with other people always seems to help me out.

Kinda didn't truly start this until this Monday, but everything is going good so far. I was feeling depressed in the last few weeks, and I finally realized that hating yourself isn't really a very good motivator. Sure, disliking things about yourself and wanting to do better helps, but I think I've realized the best way to succeed is to be positive about yourself and what you're doing.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I figured I'd post a bit of an update.

I decided to start deducting calories burned from exercise in Myfitnesspal about a month back but I started gaining weight again, so I stopped and went back to just keeping my intake below 1750 calories total daily. When deducting calories burned I was taking in sometimes 2400 calories a day but I was exercising a lot so it would balance out to around 1590 calories net per day. It was so nice to not be hungry any more, to know that I could just work out more if I needed to eat more.

Like I said, though, I started gaining weight and got so scared that I went back to the old way where no matter if I played video games all day or spent all day exercising I stuck at 1750. I did this for about two weeks and was getting so obsessed with wanting to eat more that I went back to subtracting exercise calories last week.

I'm sort of at a loss, guys. I'm floating between 175-170. I would just LOVE to hit 150-155 since I'm only 5' 7" but I've been at this ol' weight loss shit for almost two years at this point and lost almost 200 pounds but I'm just not fucking moving despite making fitness and nutrition huge parts of my life. I'm not sure what to do here.

I split my ratios between 40% carb/ 30% fat/ 30% protein just about every day. I've had a bit of an issue with a sweet tooth of late but I've at least been logging when I screw up and taking responsibility (Those damned fresh-baked Chocolate Chip cookies are so soft and gooey!). I haven't hit the "1g protein of protein per 1lb of body weight" most days but I get at least 130g daily and, while all I do is push ups about 3 days a week, I've seen some awesome definition on my arms since I started. It's so amazing and novel for me to have some measure of upper-body strength. To pick myself up without it being a thing, to drop and do 20 pushups at the drop of a hat, that shit's a miracle when you've been where I was.

Bought a bike a few weeks ago and, once I put a nice comfortable seat on it, I've really been enjoying it. The original seat hurt so bad I was finding excuses to not use it so I had to have a "Come to Jesus" with myself and just throw down for a seat that worked right.

Man, what a difference! I've rode about 17 miles today and I'm gonna go back out later tonight after sundown and I'm in no pain whatsoever. If you're in a similar situation and looking for a decent seat replacement, I suggest this bad boy right here: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Schwinn-Quilted-Spring-Bike-Seat/16652482 .

Of course pick it up wherever you like, I haven't seen any wild deviations in price anywhere else. Very comfy, though. I'm simply amazed at the difference.

So I'm sort of stagnating in the weight loss front, but I feel I'm definitely getting more fit which is nice. I've started biking to a fitness course at a local park where they've got a bunch of balance beams and Ninja-Warrior for old people type shit and trying to do a chin-up. That's a goal of mine, silly as that may sound. It isn't easy but I'm almost there! I can get the bar to eye-level now. I know I need to start working my biceps if I want to reach this.

The park I've started using is just beautiful. Nice big lake, huge bike trail going all through my county, lovely woods and friendly people. I'm really lucky to live in such a bike-friendly town.

Side note:

Damn, those dudes on the Vergecast are right. Nexus 4 DOES have a shitty camera :[ Been listening to a ton of Retronauts and Nintendo Voice Chat during these long rides. Great 'casts.


I totally slipped this week guys. I ate three 100g chocolate bars, loads of marzipan, two pizzas, burger, lots of bread and pretzels. Feeling shit :/


I totally slipped this week guys. I ate three 100g chocolate bars, loads of marzipan, two pizzas, burger, lots of bread and pretzels. Feeling shit :/

If you're anything like me, you've probably done the same or worse in the past, but you've still managed move on from that. Today is an opportunity to move forward again and work even harder. Slipping once and a while isn't the problem, its when you blame yourself too much and let it become the norm that is detrimental.


Gold Member
So now I have lost a lot of weight and am pretty much at my goal. Noticed today that I have some loose skin on my belly, it shows if I lean forwards on all fours.

Will it dissappear or do I need to go under the knife?


the piano man
So now I have lost a lot of weight and am pretty much at my goal. Noticed today that I have some loose skin on my belly, it shows if I lean forwards on all fours.

Will it dissappear or do I need to go under the knife?

don't lean forward on all fours.

and done! :D


Haven't posted in this thread, but I wanted to share that I've lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks with strict keto, intermittent fasting and p90x.

I love this diet.


come in my shame circle
I've lurked this thread for a while but today posting.

I am tired of how fat I've become and I'm going to do something about it. I'm currently at 243lbs and am determined to get back down.

Between myself and my doctor the ideal weight we feel I should aim for is about 185lbs. Not sure if I'll get there but I will try my best to get as close as possible.

I'm not brand new with the whole weight loss though, I have ballooned up to 255lbs a few years ago and brought it down to 211 before I hurt my ankle in a basketball game then fell back into old habits again.

I play a lot of baseball in the summer and if not for being so athletic growing up I'd wonder how I could survive. I've just come to the point I am tired of being called "Kirby Puckett" or "Pablo Sandoval" because I am a fat guy who moves pretty well.

Just thank you for this awesome thread, it definitely gives me inspiration. I know I can do this and I just felt posting here would just help give me that last push.


Gold Member
I was thinking of waiting until January for posting the latest progress pic but figured that what the hell, might post one now.

This is me


Jan 2013 / May 2013 / Sept 2013 / Nov 2013

I have been mixing priorities between strength and cutting. Now I decided I will need to just focus on getting lean and then go on a bulk and strength phase after that. Getting lean was always my goal so that comes first.

It's funny how by after almost every step in my journey I have thought that 'ok, this is it, I am cut in a couple of kilos now'. Looking back I know better now, we carry much more fat than we perceive. Amazingly, the weight difference on the scale between the two left pictures is about 20kg, whereas between the three right pictures is just about 7kg. I have no idea when I will be ripped with all the lose skin, but when I get there I will start my bulk and strength.

Love this stuff. And love GAF for helping me do it.
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