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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


So guys i'm 89kg/196lbs now. Goal is to be 65kg/143lbs by february. I have high work schedule of 56 hours per week. My job requires me to use my brains a lot, so being a walking a zombie is not what i need.I am signing up monday for the gym.

Is my goal realistic in a healty way? What kind of diet should i follow? What kind of equipment should i use?


So guys i'm 89kg/196lbs now. Goal is to be 65kg/143lbs by february. I have high work schedule of 56 hours per week. My job requires me to use my brains a lot, so being a walking a zombie is not what i need.I am signing up monday for the gym.

Is my goal realistic in a healty way? What kind of diet should i follow? What kind of equipment should i use?

Ehhhh two pounds a week is about the most you want to lose a week. You don't want to crash diet and lose quickly. This is a life style change not a quick sprint, you know?

Stick to a diet that you can actually follow through with. If someone suggest ketosis and you can't imagine eating that low carb, I wouldn't do it.

As for the gym, you need to have a goal in mind. Please don't just go in there and try out different weights in hopes to just get "toned". I'd recommend the fitness thread if you want more info there



Gold Member
Would you guys recommend intermittent fasting? 1, 1,500 calorie meal at the same time each day, water or tea the rest of the time? Or 2, 750 calorie meals?

For some reason I feel like this would be easier for me, as a routine, than a traditional diet. Anything less than a large meal doesn't fill me up.

2 fast days a week, 24h straight without eating e.g. 8pm to 8pm and then after fast a 600-700kcal meal. Non-fast days 2000-2500kcal.

Best way.


I've always wondered what kind of schedule people were going on for the intermittent fasting. I'll maybe give that a shot one day.

A little update on myself: I'm down to 280 pounds, losing 22 pounds in the past 12 weeks alone, losing a total of ~140-145 pounds since May 2011. At first, I was disappointed with the weight loss, but now I'm glad I'm losing the way at the rate I am--I'm not trying to look anemic like some coworkers who have lapband/bypass and don't lose the weight properly.

Officially, 3X shirts do not fit me anymore. I'm down from a 56 waist in pants to a 44-46 waist. I probably would've lost more weight, but I've only went to the gym 2 times in the past month, due to some life challenges I'm going through at the moment. Anyway, go me, lmao! Now that I think about it, I wrote a piece about my weight loss experience on Reddit thus far, though this was two months ago:

This is my first post after a long time lurking, so bear with me.

I've lost close to 125 pounds, from the start of my weight-loss journey, which began on my birthday, May 26th, in 2011. I work a physically demanding job, in which I'm a security officer for a major hospital. I was only a per diem when I was hired on. When my department manager bumped me up to a full time employee, he had commented on how physically demanding it can be to be a security officer at a hospital. I read between the lines: I was overweight, and extremely, at that.

I was so overweight that finding pants, or even looking in a mainstream clothing store, was not happening. I was ashamed to go to the mall for any other reason than going to the food court, and even then, I stopped going for that. I didn't want to show my face/body in public; I didn't want to smile in self-disgust.

Working at a major hospital has its benefits: excellent insurance. I asked my primary physician if I should look into any kind of gastric procedures. My mother (RIP) had the gastric bypass in its infancy, and I wanted to look into that. My physician referred me out to a local surgeon who does the gastric lapband surgery. I decided to go through the lapband route.

Through my hospital's insurance, the process for the lapband is pretty long-winded:

Primary refers out to surgeon
Surgeon refers out a weight loss clinic
3 months nutritional evaluation (monitored diet)
Receive letter of completion, referred back to surgeon
Wait for initial consultation with surgeon
Gastric Lapband seminar
Procedures ordered from surgeon (Chest Xray, US, EKG)
Psych eval
Authorization from insurance
2 weeks fasting (no solid foods)

During my 3 months nutritional evaluation, I maintained a diet of ~2200 daily, with 100-150g of carbs depending on if I went for a walk or not. When I walked, I walked roughly 3 miles a day around my neighborhood with 16 ankle weights. Needless to say, initial weight loss was astronomical. I was losing a consistent 5 pounds a week, which of course was water weight. The weight loss quickly became a pipe dream, slowing up quickly to little or no weight loss. I even jumped up a few times during my weekly weigh-ins.

It was time to step it up; I joined a gym. The weight started to drop again, but with my gym regiment, I was starting to plateau with fat loss/muscle gain, which was bumming me out. I had no one to blame but myself for the plateau, but I felt hopeless, and fell out of the gym after being plateau'd for about 4-5 months.

Soon after quitting the gym, after all the waiting for initial consultation post-weight loss clinic (~4 months), had my procedures done, and psych eval done, which went swimmingly. After that, a short wait for authorization. My surgeon had experiences with patients who waited months for authorization, some even being denied, and them having to appeal to get authorization. Thankfully, mine took a short 2 weeks, and I was good to go. Then my surgeon told me about the 2 week fasting...

Number 10 was a bit of tough one. From a binge eater, to cold turkey...no easing into it...no "half of intake" day...nothing. I would take a protein replacement called OptiFast for 14 days, with day 14 being the day before surgery. The only "food" I could was just chicken broth, and Jello, which I hate. I could drink anything that didn't have calories, but I had already stopped drinking soda at that point, so I was pretty much stuck with water and the OptiFast. This was the point in my life when I fell in love with Propel water. This stuff is so good, but expensive unless you buy in bulk.

Hunger pangs for the first 5 days made me irritable and to the brink of wanting to rip everyone's head off. Thankfully, ketosis kicked in, and the hunger pangs stopped. After the 14th day, my surgeon said I could have something light: salad it is! That was best-tasting salad I ever had in my life.

Surgery happens. Yay, it's done. No, recovery is painful! The ability to stand up and sit down unassisted, the internal pressure and muscles we used to stand up and sit down: my body was having none of that. I couldn't stand up or sit down unassisted for 4 days after the surgery. On top of that, after the first week, I had a post-op complication called seroma, which is body fluid leaking for the incision site. I had 5 incision sites for my surgery, and it was the main incision site that was leaking. I ended up going to the ER twice and seeing my physician in panic, thinking I was going to die or something, lol.

Post-op, I was still plateauing into a stretch of time banders call Lapband Hell. In short, it's the span of time between the surgery and first post-op consultation for a saline fill. Initial weight-loss post-op was slow, but after more saline fills (and really, recently), the weight-loss is phenomenal. Out of a 14cc capacity, my band is filled to 8.6cc. My surgeon says the median is around 9cc.

Anyway, I have a couple before and after pics:


On the left, myself in July, 2011 in Las Vegas. That pic was already around 15 pounds lost. Bottom right is December, 2011 at my initial consultation, at 367 pounds. Top right is April this year, at 310 pounds.


I didn't believe people when they said my face looks so much different, but they're right!

I've started back up at the gym December last year. At first, I was going 6 days a week and hitting it hard, but I was starting to get burned out on the gym, and scaled back to 4 days a week, every other day. I still maintain a healthy diet, but the lapband hinders what I can eat and how fast I can eat it. Eating a salad takes no less than 20-25 minutes.

Anyways, that's where I'm at right now. Still dropping weight, and smiling now more than ever. =D

Sorry if the formatting is off; that's a quick and dirty copy pasta. =P


The Light of El Cantare
Scales started moving again and I'm down to 186. I had originally set my target at 170 to go on maintenance (I'm 6'2, so that's the average healthy weight), but I'm not so sure now. I look great in my clothes, but when I take them off I've still got a pretty severe gut/spare tire/whatever and I have a hard time believing that it's only ~16 pounds worth of fat. I've clearly slimmed down a lot and my arms and legs are almost all muscle now, but I just don't feel healthy yet because of this. Is this stuff the last to go? Am I doing something wrong?
Cross-post from the Beachbody thread. The pics you guys have posted have always inspired me in the last so I figured that I'd do my best to return the favour. Backstory: I injured my leg four weeks into Insanity and had to take two weeks off. Today, ten days from finishing, I've finally accepted that it hasn't recovered yet and I'll need to stop. This means I won't have time to complete Insanity before going back to Uni so I'm done for good until I can go back and my cardio workouts will be sports instead of Insanity videos.

I'm done. I quit. DNF. Today would have been day 53.

My leg is just screwed, and I'm worried that if I carry on I'll do permanent damage to it. I've known it's been coming. Ever since starting again, I could feel my muscles straining whenever I do switch kicks or a move which involves extending my leg. For the past few nights, I've been waking up in the middle of the night because my leg's been aching and, trust me, it's difficult to get back to sleep in that situation.

I start Uni sports in about 3 weeks, so hopefully if I rest up till then I'll recover in time to join in. It's obviously frustrating, but in a way I'm pretty proud of myself for doing it for this long - especially for jumping back in as soon as I could after my injury first appeared and I was out for 2 weeks.

I'd like to thank the people in this thread for their encouragement and their willingness to answer my dumb questions. It really helped! To all those who are still going: good luck.

I was going to wait till day 63 for this, but I guess now is as good a time as ever to post some before and after photos. I'm so glad I started Insanity instead of just lounging around all summer, even if it's injured me. For the first time, I can go swimming without feeling self-conscious about my figure. In the right lighting it actually looks pretty good now!







The big test now will be avoiding putting the weight back over the next ten or so months at Uni! I'll try to eat a bit better than I did last year and I'll go to the gym a lot more consistently. I'll also be doing more sport, so I should be fine.

Thanks again, guys :)
I'm trying to lose weight again. I tried it last year and got from 270 to 243, but then I either hit a plateau or stopped watching what I ate or how much I worked out. I ended up getting twenty pounds back, and now want to shoot for at least 200. I've already lost a couple pounds in a week, but it may just be water weight. I'm cutting out fast food when I can, not doing soda, etc. I want to try and doing some aerobics and weight lifting at a nearby gym for an hour before work, and during my lunch, using the work gym to walk about a mile or so.

Now, one thing I'm considering is maybe doing some protein shakes, but I don't really know how helpful they are. I know they can provide a lot of protein and they've always been recommended to me by other people at the gym, but I've also heard a couple things about how drinking too many could have adverse health effects. I already know you shouldn't consume too much protein in a single day (I've heard the max is 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of lean muscle in the body, or half your body weight as a rule-of-thumb). I'm aiming for weight loss, but I hear gaining muscle could help with that, so I'm trying to build some muscle as well.

I've also heard of "supergreen" shakes where instead of protein, they aim to give you several servings of fruit/vegetable vitamins. This sounds attractive to me, because whenever I do buy some fruits and veggies from a store, I end up never eating half of them, and they go bad. Still, not 100% which brand I should use, or if I should even use them to begin with.

So, if it's a good idea to add these protein and "green" shakes to my diet, do you guys have any brand recommendations?


So this is kind of cool. I found old pics of my fridge over the past couple of years, you can see my change in eating habits.


This has to be 4 years old. Needless to say, I was quite big, this was when I was at my heaviest. I would drink with my friends about 4 nights a week.


Middle of my weight loss. I used to work at a local nursery and we sold local apples. As you can see, I used to take a bunch home with me. Those ThinkThin bars are decent tasting, but they're filled with garbage, Maltitol mostly. 1 bar and a big apple would be breakfast a lot of the time. The cramps from the maltitol plus the apple would sometimes give me some bad stomach aches. I gave the bars up after a while, I must've went though 8-10 boxes if I had to guess.


This was near the end of my weight loss. and maintenance. It's a lot better than how I was eating before. No more garbage-filled protein bars. The Sobe is sweetened with stevia/erythritol. Water is always my main drink but I'd have the Sobe with lunch everyday. Those salads were my lunch. I miss my feta cheese :( I've become intolerant to cheese so I had to give it up.


This is what it's like now. I'm on a very tight budget so it's kind of empty. Nothing too special of note. Still snacking on the Granny Smiths. Dark chocolate has also become a regular in my diet, don't keep in in the fridge though, same with bananas.

I'm trying to lose weight again. I tried it last year and got from 270 to 243, but then I either hit a plateau or stopped watching what I ate or how much I worked out. I ended up getting twenty pounds back, and now want to shoot for at least 200. I've already lost a couple pounds in a week, but it may just be water weight. I'm cutting out fast food when I can, not doing soda, etc. I want to try and doing some aerobics and weight lifting at a nearby gym for an hour before work, and during my lunch, using the work gym to walk about a mile or so.

Now, one thing I'm considering is maybe doing some protein shakes, but I don't really know how helpful they are. I know they can provide a lot of protein and they've always been recommended to me by other people at the gym, but I've also heard a couple things about how drinking too many could have adverse health effects. I already know you shouldn't consume too much protein in a single day (I've heard the max is 1 gram of protein per 1 lb of lean muscle in the body, or half your body weight as a rule-of-thumb). I'm aiming for weight loss, but I hear gaining muscle could help with that, so I'm trying to build some muscle as well.

I've also heard of "supergreen" shakes where instead of protein, they aim to give you several servings of fruit/vegetable vitamins. This sounds attractive to me, because whenever I do buy some fruits and veggies from a store, I end up never eating half of them, and they go bad. Still, not 100% which brand I should use, or if I should even use them to begin with.

So, if it's a good idea to add these protein and "green" shakes to my diet, do you guys have any brand recommendations?

Depends on what you're putting in the shakes.They can be really convenient in the morning if you're tight on time. As long as you stick to good ingredients, there's no reason not to try them. I don't make them myself so I can't really recommend a good protein powder, but coconut milk would make a great base for a shake. The majority of fats in coconut are ketogenic, which essentially means they promote fat burning and it will give you a nice boost of energy. There are tons of different variations on 'green' shakes, again, it's about mixing and matching and finding what you like. If you're talking about recommendations for food processors, Vitamix are the top of the line, but very pricey.


Ok, lost a few pounds :D Gave my mom a bunch of money so she could buy me meat, marinate it and hand it to me when they were all delicious and ready to cook. Had these amazing burgers she prepared. FUCK they were good.

But sadly I went to the supermarket and lo and behold sushi. My weakness. Had two rolls :( Well, it'll take me a day or two to get back into keto but fuck it, was worth it. Damn when did Publix start making such tasty sushi.


So, for people following low carb diets or diets that happen to be low carb, how do you feel about a sugary meal/snack post workout? I've been doing low carb for over a month and started p90x just last week.

At first I was thinking about going with a whey protein shake but costs are too high in here for that, then I read that Chocolate Milk (with a ratio of 4:1 carbs/protein) can be pretty beneficial because you still need carbs to replenish the glycogen stores in your muscles, and post workout is when the body is more likely to use the carbs for that effect and not to help store fat in your body.

Actually I'm not sure if this post fits more in here, in the fitness thread or in the beachbody thread >_> so I might end up reposting over there too.


Sorry its been so long since I posted but I just made this progress pic. Not sure any of you even remember me to be honest lol.


Struggled a bit after my month off for holidays but back on track now looking to put some points on the board. I have lost 110 pounds since I started. that is removing the weight I put on.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Sorry its been so long since I posted but I just made this progress pic. Not sure any of you even remember me to be honest lol.


Struggled a bit after my month off for holidays but back on track now looking to put some points on the board. I have lost 110 pounds since I started. that is removing the weight I put on.
Awesome work, man. Looking really great!


Sorry its been so long since I posted but I just made this progress pic. Not sure any of you even remember me to be honest lol.


Struggled a bit after my month off for holidays but back on track now looking to put some points on the board. I have lost 110 pounds since I started. that is removing the weight I put on.

You look amazing now. Congrats!


Gold Member
Progress pic time! Left - Feb 2013 / Right - Sep 2013. Not quite the definition I was expecting come September so I will need to tighten up my diet.


Routine: 5/2 IF, SS, 3 x Spin, 2000kcal, 150P + 200C


the piano man
Chittagong, IT'S HAPPENING! :D

the belly and the excess of fat is going away for good!! keep at it, you will make it!



Gold Member
Chittagong, IT'S HAPPENING! :D

the belly and the excess of fat is going away for good!! keep at it, you will make it!


Thanks man! Needed to do a comparison because the further this gets to slower the fat goes it seems. Looking at the Feb pic, the thing I am most happy to have lost is the wrinkly, dead looking skin.

Will keep on grinding, the definition will come one day. I want to see a bicep vein and abs.


So far I have lost 70lbs down to 215, my freaking college weight 11 years ago! I feel amazing and have lost 3 pants and 2 shirt sizes, but this isn't my goal as I want to lose another 20-30 pounds and then stabilize. My problem is I already have a bunch of loose stomach skin, while my wife doesn't mind, I do. I can only imagine what it'll look like with another 20lbs gone. My dad advised me to do crunches.

Anyone able to get rid of their extra belly skin after weight loss?


Full werewolf off the buckle
So far I have lost 70lbs down to 215, my freaking college weight 11 years ago! I feel amazing and have lost 3 pants and 2 shirt sizes, but this isn't my goal as I want to lose another 20-30 pounds and then stabilize. My problem is I already have a bunch of loose stomach skin, while my wife doesn't mind, I do. I can only imagine what it'll look like with another 20lbs gone. My dad advised me to do crunches.

Anyone able to get rid of their extra belly skin after weight loss?

I've gone from about 360 to 170 in about 17 months and have tons of loose skin on my stomach, thighs, and a bit on my arms.

About a month and a half ago I started doing push-ups and some light lifting. When I first started I could do less than 10 push-ups and now I do 10 sets of 10 with a minute or two cooldown every other day along with the light lifting in the days in between. In addition to that I'm still eating super clean. I recently started eating poultry and fish and try to keep a 40% carb/30% protein/30% fat ratio diet. I also just walk at least 4 miles a day.

I've noticed a real improvement in the way my skin fitting in even this small amount of time. My moobs are completely gone, except for some loose skin there of course. I find that the loose part of my belly that "hangs" is getting smaller and smaller, which I can only assume to mean that if I continue to reduce my body fat percentage that my skin issues will improve even more. When I'm wearing clothes I look damned near like a normal person now.

So, I'd say do what you can to change your body composition and reduce overall fat percentage and that's your best bet. Bear in mind that this doesn't mean remove fat from your diet, since we need that, Just stay active and don't give up. Try to build strength and I think you'll see some results as long as you are patient.

Good luck!


Hey, just wanted to leave this here even though it's kind of old:

I'm not sure of the efficiency and safety of crunches.There's some good alternatives out there, though. I've occasionally tried the leg lifts and they will fucking KILL you. I need to get into those fo' real fo' real though.


Gold Member
I've gone from about 360 to 170 in about 17 months and have tons of loose skin on my stomach, thighs, and a bit on my arms.

Whoa. I didn't realize it has been that much already. That's an insane amount, respect.

I agree that working out helps, I haven't had any problems with loose skin and have done weights all the time... and had quite the belly before!


ahahahaaaaa, turns out i was never 180, got checked at the doctor and i'm 230, was 238ish last checkup, sister (who was reading the scale) lied to make me feel better. it did the opposite.

i honestly feel like puking, but i'm just gonna stricten up my diet even more. i have 50 pounds to lose before the end of the year now.


ahahahaaaaa, turns out i was never 180, got checked at the doctor and i'm 230, was 238ish last checkup, sister (who was reading the scale) lied to make me feel better. it did the opposite.

i honestly feel like puking, but i'm just gonna stricten up my diet even more. i have 50 pounds to lose before the end of the year now.

I'm sorrry for that. I hope that you can get back on track. Did you feel more light while losing that weight? It means that you at least did something and you can do more. Go for it and don't give up

In other news, I am in a very terrible plateu. I have exactly 2 months of no losing nor gaining weight. I haven't had much time to do excersice and when I'm able to do it, it is raining outside, like today. But that is not what makes me fail muchh, it is my family. They make some desserts and dishes that I just can't skip because I like it. I can't control myself. I do a good breakfast and a good luch, but then on dinner it all goes to waste I don't feel too bad about it, but I would like to continue to see if I can get into working out next year.

I have a question: Is pork very bad? My stepmother hates chicken and there has been a lot of food with pork at home because of that. I don't know how bad it is. Should I stay away from it?


So I know it's been a while since I posted, but I wanted to post an update. I've been doing really well in the last month. I've dropped 13 lbs, and made a lot of changes in my eating habits. So far what has been really helping is a lot of fruit, (I've rediscovered my love for Oranges, Bananas and Grapes,) and diet soda or Mio flavored water instead of regular soda. My wife and I made a deal that if we can both lose at least 5% of our total weight before we head to Disneyland in October, that instead of buying regular tickets we'll buy annual passes. I'm feeling way better, too.
Is BMI pretty much pointless? I've been exercising more and losing weight and I'm about 6' - 6'1" and I'm now down to 189lbs and it says I'm overweight? I don't have tons of muscles, what I do have is lean, I don't have huge biceps or anything but I have a 11" difference between my chest and my waist right now so it seems kind of bullshit that I'm considered overweight... I want to lose another 10-15lbs to be back where I was in high school but at that point I look skinny and my veins show and I'm still in the high end of "normal".


I'm sorrry for that. I hope that you can get back on track. Did you feel more light while losing that weight? It means that you at least did something and you can do more. Go for it and don't give up

I'm not really sure, I've kinda felt same-y for a bit, probably since I got off track. I have a feeling my water weight may of fluctuated a bit but other than that, nothing.
I started back up my strict diet today, and I've been doing well so far. Only had 330~calories the whole entire day, and went for a walk around my street (as much as i can, because I'm currently ill). If I can get even 10 pounds off by October that'd be amazing, since I'll be able to fit better in my cosplays for the convention that month.

As for your question, though, pork is comparable to chicken in terms of calories. a 4oz piece of pork loin has 135~calories in it while a 4oz piece of chicken has around 120~calories.
Is BMI pretty much pointless? I've been exercising more and losing weight and I'm about 6' - 6'1" and I'm now down to 189lbs and it says I'm overweight? I don't have tons of muscles, what I do have is lean, I don't have huge biceps or anything but I have a 11" difference between my chest and my waist right now so it seems kind of bullshit that I'm considered overweight... I want to lose another 10-15lbs to be back where I was in high school but at that point I look skinny and my veins show and I'm still in the high end of "normal".

BMI is a good tool for viewing weight trends among large social groups across time. It's a terrible tool for individuals because it does not differentiate between lean body mass and fat. Weight is a better measure but can still be misleading.

Your Body fat percentage will be the best measure but it's the toughest to measure. The most accurate weigh to measure it involves getting dipped into a pool using a special machine. Cheaper methods involve having a doctor measure using calipers or buying some on Amazon. The least accurate but easiest way is to Google body fat calculator and put in your height, weight, waist, neck, etc. measurements.


I'm not really sure, I've kinda felt same-y for a bit, probably since I got off track. I have a feeling my water weight may of fluctuated a bit but other than that, nothing.
I started back up my strict diet today, and I've been doing well so far. Only had 330~calories the whole entire day, and went for a walk around my street (as much as i can, because I'm currently ill). If I can get even 10 pounds off by October that'd be amazing, since I'll be able to fit better in my cosplays for the convention that month.

As for your question, though, pork is comparable to chicken in terms of calories. a 4oz piece of pork loin has 135~calories in it while a 4oz piece of chicken has around 120~calories.

Well, at least you started and you are aware of what you have to do. Go at your own peace, but it is going to be worth it in the end.

And thanks, that means I will eat the pork but trying not to overeat it.
Sorry its been so long since I posted but I just made this progress pic. Not sure any of you even remember me to be honest lol.


Struggled a bit after my month off for holidays but back on track now looking to put some points on the board. I have lost 110 pounds since I started. that is removing the weight I put on.

You look amazing dude. You've gone from fat nerd to masculine man.


Weight Loss GAF, please help.

I'm 6"2 and weigh a ridiculous 133 kgs.
Aside from low self esteem, I have like 0 confidence when it comes to approaching women and I get tired very easily. I've been reading this thread for a while now and I've finally decided to turn things around in my life.
My diet was mostly made up of junk food, sodas, and had the habit of eating late in the evenings. From what I've read here, low carb diet seems to be the way to go. My goal is to be 90 kgs and maintain that weight (no particular timeframe, but the sooner, the better).
I did grocery shopping today, bought plenty of eggs, tuna, olives, sausages, frozen steaks and chicken. I'm cutting off pizza, rice, bread, pastas, juices and soda. I will try my best to stick to drinking water and eating mostly the things I mentioned. Now is there anything else in particular you would recommend? From the things i bought, diversity in my diet will be very limited. Could you please recommend other low carb foods and recipes? Or maybe does anyone have a link to a list of low carb recipes and diet?
Wish me luck GAF, it's my first day and I'm already craving for junk food.

Thx for the help guys.

PS: thank god for this thread. Some of the before/after pics in here are nothing short of fantastic. Congrats to everyone who successfully took on this journey.


Hopefully you bought some vegetables too. Peace, Love, and Low Carb has some decent ideas for people who aren't quite ready to give up their comfort foods. Mark's Daily Apple is a good jumping off point for recipes and a lot more. The option I use most is just typing paleo recipes or primal recipes into Google.

If you just look at it in the way of tossing out sugar and grain, it's a bit less scary. I don't think you'll have to be too strict at first, because any change that you make for the better is going to start dropping your weight. I'd honestly suggest reading through as much of the thread as possible, because there are a lot of good facts and recipe ideas in here.

Maybe soon we can move to a new thread with an informative OP that condenses the best posts/ideas in here...


So in terms of actual weight loss, rather than improved fitness, I've been more or less in maintenance mode for about 8 months. Going from this:

to this:

left me with a lot of loose skin. I was hovering between 260-300lbs for about 7 years too. You can see it a bit in that bottom pic. Whelp, things are starting to tighten up a bit which is quite nice. I wasn't expecting that. I'm still too self conscious to post pics though. :p

Recently bought 5 acres and a house, and a lot of my exercise has switched to endless yard work. I'm totally beat most evenings, and working 8-10 hours on the weekends clearing trees, debris, and building tons of fencing. I can't even imagine what this would be like if I were still out of shape and obese.

Side benefit to all this yard/building work, my arms are starting to get buff. The best part is since there's very little fat compared to previous years, bumps are forming after only a couple weeks!


Hopefully you bought some vegetables too. Peace, Love, and Low Carb has some decent ideas for people who aren't quite ready to give up their comfort foods. Mark's Daily Apple is a good jumping off point for recipes and a lot more. The option I use most is just typing paleo recipes or primal recipes into Google.

If you just look at it in the way of tossing out sugar and grain, it's a bit less scary. I don't think you'll have to be too strict at first, because any change that you make for the better is going to start dropping your weight. I'd honestly suggest reading through as much of the thread as possible, because there are a lot of good facts and recipe ideas in here.

Maybe soon we can move to a new thread with an informative OP that condenses the best posts/ideas in here...
Thx for the reply man. I haven't bought many vegetables, will go back to the store tomorrow to pick up some green beans and broccoli. And I agree, a new thread with a comprehensive OP would be awesome.


Even though I think there are others much more qualified than myself to do so, I'm thinking of starting the new OT. I'm putting together an outline, and I'm looking for some ideas on sections or specific notes.

Also I know a year or two ago there was some contention over how the thread had started dismissing anything that wasn't low carb/paleo. Would it make sense to include different sections for different methods?

To the last two posters...amazing job on the weight loss!


Would make more sense to just give a brief overview on the different diet types. All of it is clouded in pseudoscience and contention. Leave it out and just acknowledge they exist.


Yeah if someone new is coming in to the thread looking for advice the OP should give them as much information as possible. It should be up to the individual to decide what method works best for them. Plus there is a separate paleo thread they could go to if they are solely looking for low carb advice. It might not hurt to throw in links to threads like that, the fitness thread, ironGAF,(for recipes/cooking advice) etc.


Would make more sense to just give a brief overview on the different diet types. All of it is clouded in pseudoscience and contention. Leave it out and just acknowledge they exist.
Agree with this.

Quest released a new protein bar flavor, Double Chocolate Chunk, via their Facebook page yesterday, and since I'm two hours away from them it basically teleported here so I had a chance to try it already. It is the double chocolate chip to their already existing chocolate chip flavor, and being a huge chocolate fanatic that makes it very good for me. It clocks in at 160 calories/20g protein /3g net carbs.

Edit: The new flavor is being released for realsies next Wednesday.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
How well do meal replacements work? I was thinking of trying it and finding one that replaced breakfast and lunch. Any good suggestions? I'd rather not spend a fortune, and bars would be the easiest.

I've been sitting around 206 lbs for a good 7/8 months now, even with doing P90X and T-25 recently. I have a spare tire that needs to go, but no matter hoe I change my eating I don't see many results (tried a bit of low carb, tried fasting, etc). I'm reigning in my weekend eating now because I know it didn't help, but have really no idea how to lose the last 10-15 lbs I want to lose. I'm stuck on a plateau.


I'd wait a bit to see how reigning in your weekend eating affects you. That seems to have been the one constant throughout this whole process for you, so I'm curious what, if anything changes as a result.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
How well do meal replacements work? I was thinking of trying it and finding one that replaced breakfast and lunch. Any good suggestions? I'd rather not spend a fortune, and bars would be the easiest.

I've been sitting around 206 lbs for a good 7/8 months now, even with doing P90X and T-25 recently. I have a spare tire that needs to go, but no matter hoe I change my eating I don't see many results (tried a bit of low carb, tried fasting, etc). I'm reigning in my weekend eating now because I know it didn't help, but have really no idea how to lose the last 10-15 lbs I want to lose. I'm stuck on a plateau.

Meal replacement = fancy way of calorie restricting. Eat real food but in less portions.
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