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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


thewhiterabbit said:
This study does not show you can eat unlimited calories of low carb as you are suggesting.

I have never said anything close to that. In fact, I've said the opposite just a few posts up.

thewhiterabbit said:
And Atkins tends to work cause the foods are filling. Like protein. And your ignoring all the studies I posted that show calories matter.

Wait what? Are you even reading my posts? I've said on several occasions that calorie restrictions works as long as you stick with it.
cubicle47b said:
How long did you eat 6000-8000 calories a day? Because you should have gained 206 lbs of fat per year on 6000 calories a day at 400 lbs with a moderate activity level.

I used to work where I was active. I was always standing and moving. Its when I started working for home it caught up to me. I went from 300lbs to 400lbs in less than a year.

I used to always be big but I was active big.

My usual meal included

Breakfast : 3 blts with 4 pieces of thick sliced bacon on each. Tons of mayo. Half a bag of French fries deep fried. Soda or tea. My cup was always full of something sweet

Lunch I would eat some times scrambled eggs, 8 of them with 1/3rd a stick of butter. or I would have 4 ocscar myer hot dogs on buns with a pile of dorritos. More coke or tea

Dinner I would order out. I could eat a whole medium dominoes pizza myself. Sometimes I would get mcdonalds. If my wife was home it was def mcdonalds.

My mcdonalds order was Double 1/4lber large size with a coke. 3 4 pc nuggets.

And later at night I would eat either more hotdogs or some buffalo cheese dip and chips. The cheeze dip is made with tons of cream cheese. Like 4 blocks of it :lol

I would also have cakes and candy. I could eat a whole box of twinkies while watching tv with out thinking about it.

And alot of times my wife would stop at Wendy's on her way home from work.

And the 400 was a estimate. I do not know cause I got to heavy for the scale. My wife had to help me with my seatbelt the day I realized i had a problem.

moniker said:
I have never said anything close to that. In fact, I've said the opposite just a few posts up.

Wait what? Are you even reading my posts? I've said on several occasions that calorie restrictions works as long as you stick with it.

Than what are you fucking arguing? You always said it with a but or if. We are in agreement than. Calories matter.


thewhiterabbit said:
I used to work where I was active. I was always standing and moving. Its when I started working for home it caught up to me. I went from 300lbs to 400lbs in less than a year.

I used to always be big but I was active big.

My usual meal included

Breakfast : 3 blts with 4 pieces of thick sliced bacon on each. Tons of mayo. Half a bag of French fries deep fried. Soda or tea. My cup was always full of something sweet

Lunch I would eat some times scrambled eggs, 8 of them with 1/3rd a stick of butter. or I would have 4 ocscar myer hot dogs on buns with a pile of burritos. More coke or tea

Dinner I would order out. I could eat a whole medium dominoes pizza myself. Sometimes I would get mcdonalds. If my wife was home it was def mcdonalds.

My mcdonalds order was Double 1/4lber large size with a coke. 3 4 pc nuggets.

And later at night I would eat either more hotdogs or some buffalo cheese dip and chips. The cheeze dip is made with tons of cream cheese. Like 4 blocks of it :lol

I would also have cakes and candy. I could eat a whole box of twinkies while watching tv with out thinking about it.

And the 400 was a estimate. I do not know cause I got to heavy for the scale. My wife had to help me with my seatbelt the day I realized i had a problem.

Than what are you fucking arguing? You always said it with a but or if. We are in agreement than. Calories matter.

So you cut out the coke and sweet tea and now it's easy for you to maintain your diet?

Some points that you seem to be missing:
-Lustig agrees that calories in/out do play a role, undoubtedly, but the main thing that controls hunger is fructose consumption.
-In fruits, the amount of fructose is relatively low and it comes with fiber which slows down the digestion process and increases satiety. REFINED SOURCES OF SUGAR ARE THE REAL PROBLEM.
thewhiterabbit said:
I used to work where I was active. I was always standing and moving. Its when I started working for home it caught up to me. I went from 300lbs to 400lbs in less than a year.

I used to always be big but I was active big.

My usual meal included

Breakfast : 3 blts with 4 pieces of thick sliced bacon on each. Tons of mayo. Half a bag of French fries deep fried. Soda or tea. My cup was always full of something sweet

Lunch I would eat some times scrambled eggs, 8 of them with 1/3rd a stick of butter. or I would have 4 ocscar myer hot dogs on buns with a pile of dorritos. More coke or tea

Dinner I would order out. I could eat a whole medium dominoes pizza myself. Sometimes I would get mcdonalds. If my wife was home it was def mcdonalds.

My mcdonalds order was Double 1/4lber large size with a coke. 3 4 pc nuggets.

And later at night I would eat either more hotdogs or some buffalo cheese dip and chips. The cheeze dip is made with tons of cream cheese. Like 4 blocks of it :lol

I would also have cakes and candy. I could eat a whole box of twinkies while watching tv with out thinking about it.

And alot of times my wife would stop at Wendy's on her way home from work.

And the 400 was a estimate. I do not know cause I got to heavy for the scale. My wife had to help me with my seatbelt the day I realized i had a problem.

Than what are you fucking arguing? You always said it with a but or if. We are in agreement than. Calories matter.
Calories matter, sure, but that doesn't solve the problem.

Why are people eating so many more calories these days? Why, despite the barrage of "calories in/calories out" advice, are we getting fatter and sicker? We've never been so conscious of what and how much we eat, and yet it isn't working.

Do you think people consciously decide to eat more and get fat, or is it that fighting against one's hormonal compulsions is a losing battle?some people win through sheer willpower, but most fail, and those who succeed are often miserable.
Srsly said:
So you cut out the coke and sweet tea and now it's easy for you to maintain your diet?

Some points that you seem to be missing:
-Lustig agrees that calories in/out do play a role, undoubtedly, but the main thing that controls hunger is fructose consumption.
-In fruits, the amount of fructose is relatively low and it comes with fiber which slows down the digestion process and increases satiety. REFINED SOURCES OF SUGAR ARE THE REAL PROBLEM.

I was never hungry. When I first started I cut out my sweet drinks and left them only for meals. It was one of the last things I quit. I was losing weight way before that. I cut out the coke first and than few moths ago finally the sweet tea.

I eat still eat sugars. I eat cakes and cookies and candy now still. I had pudding lil while ago. Love some snack pack. I am not on a diet. I track what I eat and try to maintain my calorie goal. Tomm I will likely have more sweets and some smoked ribs. I cut out soda and tea cause it was a waste of my calories and only made me more thirsty. I also just cut out alcohol.

Moderation is key. Tracking your food helps big time with that. Now I have 1 or 2 twinkies instead of 12 and it fits into my calorie goals for the day.


thewhiterabbit said:
Now I have 1 or 2 twinkies instead of 12 and it fits into my calorie goals for the day.

How were you having 12 twinkies and still wolfing down pizza and McDonald's at the end of the day?
thewhiterabbit said:
I was never hungry. When I first started I cut out my sweet drinks and left them only for meals. It was one of the last things I quit. I was losing weight way before that. I cut out the coke first and than few moths ago finally the sweet tea.

I eat still eat sugars. I eat cakes and cookies and candy now still. I had pudding lil while ago. Love some snack pack. I am not on a diet. I track what I eat and try to maintain my calorie goal. Tomm I will likely have more sweets and some smoked ribs. I cut out soda and tea cause it was a waste of my calories and only made me more thirsty. I also just cut out alcohol.

Moderation is key. Tracking your food helps big time with that. Now I have 1 or 2 twinkies instead of 12 and it fits into my calorie goals for the day.

Well you were also incredibly overweight. When you're obese little changes like that can give big benefits, when you start to get just a little chubby a large amount of refined sugar intake will slow down your weight loss. That's indisputable.

There's very little down side to you cutting out sugar.
Price Dalton said:
Calories matter, sure, but that doesn't solve the problem.

Why are people eating so many more calories these days? Why, despite the barrage of "calories in/calories out" advice, are we getting fatter and sicker? We've never been so conscious of what and how much we eat, and yet it isn't working.

Do you think people consciously decide to eat more and get fat, or is it that fighting against one's hormonal compulsions is a losing battle?some people win through sheer willpower, but most fail, and those who succeed are often miserable.

We are fat and get lazier. When I grew up there was no internet, video games. We ate at the table as a family. Mcdonalds was a luxury we had once in awhile.

Now mcodnalds is the dinner. Its cheaper to eat bad. Its more than some "hormonal" excuse. It still comes down to calories in vs calories out.

And we are not conscious about what we eat. Do you know how much a serving of steak weighs? Do you have a food scale in your home?

Look at food you buy. Some have 3 or 4 servings in a small bag. if you have no scale how do you know how much is 1 serving?

The avg fat person doesn't even understand calories let alone how to track them. This is a education and food subsidy issue. Why are the bad foods cheaper? They are subsidized by the govt.


Almost 75% of U.S. government subsidies go into meat and dairy production, but less than half a per cent goes into fruit and vegetable production. Talk about an upside down world!
funkmastergeneral said:
Well you were also incredibly overweight. When you're obese little changes like that can give big benefits, when you start to get just a little chubby a large amount of refined sugar intake will slow down your weight loss. That's indisputable.

There's very little down side to you cutting out sugar.

I still eat sugar. I just don't go crazy. 1 snack pack. 1 Twinkie. That is one area I need to try to get under control next for long term health. I am worried bout diabetes. It runs in my family. Salt is another I need to control. Sodium be high in everything good :-( lol

Srsly said:
How were you having 12 twinkies and still wolfing down pizza and McDonald's at the end of the day?
Thats through out the day. Every time I would play xbox. I would be eating. Hand to mouth is a killer lol. That and I smoke weed. Munchies are a bitch.


thewhiterabbit said:
Than what are you fucking arguing? We are in agreement than. Calories matter.

I think you should go back and read all my posts on the last page, because you're clearly not getting what I'm saying.

Short version:
Calorie counting/restriction isn't a viable alternative for most people in the long run - they will fail. Changing to a diet where you don't have to count calories but eat real food until you feel full is a viable alternative.

I have never claimed that calories doesn't matter. I have never claimed that you can't get/stay fat on a low carb diet.

But to simplify the whole thing by saying that calories is the only thing that matters is doing the people who try to loose weight a huge disservice. How many calories you take in each day is always going to be pretty closely tied to how often you feel hungry for most people (and insulin is the most important hormone for fat storage). To choose food that makes you feel full longer, and have an even blood sugar level, is an important tool. Not to mention all the other health benefits that dropping food with high glycemic load has.
moniker said:
I think you should go back and read all my posts on the last page, because you're clearly not getting what I'm saying.

Short version:
Calorie counting/restriction isn't a viable alternative for most people in the long run - they will fail. Changing to a diet where you don't have to count calories but eat real food until you feel full is a viable alternative.

I have never claimed that calories doesn't matter. I have never claimed that you can't get/stay fat on a low carb diet.

But to simplify the whole thing by saying that calories is the only thing that matters is doing the people who try to loose weight a huge disservice. How many calories you take in each day is always going to be pretty closely tied to how often you feel hungry for most people (and insulin is the most important hormone for fat storage). To choose food that makes you feel full longer, and have an even blood sugar level, is an important tool. Not to mention all the other health benefits that dropping food with high glycemic load has.

If calories matter than they matter. You can't have it both ways. Stop making excuses for lazy fat fucks who can''t take responsibility for what they put in their mouths.

I was once one of them and no one should make excuses for me. I was fat and I overate. Eat less Move more. Live longer


Price Dalton said:
We've never been so conscious of what and how much we eat, and yet it isn't working.
The constant traffic jams around here at Taco Bell, McDonald's, Taco Bueno, Popeye's, Jack in the Box, Whataburger, KFC, Wendy's, and Taco Cabana disagree.


Schlep said:
The constant traffic jams around here at Taco Bell, McDonald's, Taco Bueno, Popeye's, Jack in the Box, Whataburger, KFC, Wendy's, and Taco Cabana disagree.

No they don't. We know what we're eating is bad, but we can't control it.


Calories are easily the most important aspect of weight loss or weight gain. Pounds of human being don't materialize out of nowhere.


thewhiterabbit said:
If calories matter than they matter. You can't have it both ways. Stop making excuses for lazy fat fucks who can''t take responsibility for what they put in their mouths.

I was once one of them and no one should make excuses for me. I was fat and I overate. Eat less Move more. Live longer

I'm not making excuses. There are very real, biological reasons why they're overeating in the first place.

Anyway, I'm done with this. It's clear we have different views on why people are getting fatter and fatter. You think they are lazy, I think they're eating food which the human body can't really handle. But it really is quite telling that people all of the sudden magically stop being lazy and start taking responsibility (read: losing weight) when they switch to a paleo diet.


moniker said:
I'm not making excuses. There are very real, biological reasons why they're overeating in the first place.

Anyway, I'm done with this. It's clear we have different views on why people are getting fatter and fatter. You think they are lazy, I think they're eating food which the human body can't really handle. But it really is quite telling that people all of the sudden magically stop being lazy and start taking responsibility (read: losing weight) when they switch to a paleo diet.
Have you ever considered that it is hard to get caloric excess on paleo? And that there are plenty of fat people on paleo who think it means they can eat a can of mixed nuts every day?
moniker said:
Yeah, that's kind of the point.


Excuses for fat people. Something new every day. Thats why there are all these fat loss supplemetns and crap. People don't want to do the work.

Its ok its not their fault. The food made them do it:lol I will take a pill and shit fat. :lol


thewhiterabbit said:

Excuses for fat people. Something new every day. Thats why there are all these fat loss supplemetns and crap. People don't want to do the work.

Its ok its not their fault. The food made them do it:lol I will take a pill and shit fat. :lol

What excuses?

And are you actually comparing eating food that our bodies are "designed" for (through millions and millions of years of evolution) with diet pills?
Couple pics. I stayed away from cameras when I was at my fattest. This pic was taken maybe 6 months before I started changing my diet. So I was not at my fattest.


Next pics are me in the same pants trying to show how much I lost


moniker said:
What excuses?

And are you actually comparing eating food that our bodies are "designed" for (through millions and millions of years of evolution) with diet pills?

Excuse saying they can't control the food they eat. Millions of years ago yes binge famine is coming. Now days people binge with no famine.

Oh the hormones made them do it :lol How bout a mcd's on every corner. How bout supersize? How bout self fucking control?

I don't make any excuses cause I have been there and know I decided to eat all that crap. And I know how ashamed I felt and wanted different for myself.

Lazy fat people :lol




Srsly said:
No they don't. We know what we're eating is bad, but we can't control it.
How is that relevant at all? It's not that people can't control it, it's that they don't want to. Everyone knows by this point that fast food is poison, but they continue to line up for it. Knowledge only matters if it's applied. And yes, some of us do apply it.


thewhiterabbit said:
Excuse saying they can't control the food they eat. Millions of years ago yes binge famine is coming. Now days people binge with no famine.

Oh the hormones made them do it :lol How bout a mcd's on every corner. How bout supersize? How bout self fucking control?

I don't make any excuses cause I have been there and know I decided to eat all that crap. And I know how ashamed I felt and wanted different for myself.

Lazy fat people :lol

I'm not saying they can't, I'm saying they won't. :)

And I'm not talking about the morbidly obese (they have a real unhealthy relationship to food) though... and talking about people who are carrying 10-30 kg overweight who eat fairly normal.
Schlep said:
How is that relevant at all? It's not that people can't control it, it's that they don't want to. Everyone knows by this point that fast food is poison, but they continue to line up for it. Knowledge only matters if it's applied. And yes, some of us do apply it.

Exactly. And when you have commercials for fat loss supplements telling people its not their fault they are fat, I see one saying women are destined to pack on fat no matter what, it just adds to the problem.
moniker said:
I'm not saying they can't, I'm saying they won't. :)

And I'm not talking about the morbidly obese (they have a real unhealthy relationship to food) though... and talking about people who are carrying 10-30 kg overweight who eat fairly normal.

They don't eat normal. If they are overweight they are over eating. This is the biggest myth, that there are these people who do everything right and still overweight. Its a lie. They over eat and are just some change in life away from getting really fat. They should eat less and move more. And stop making excuses.

I should know cause I was one of them. I was big but not fat till I changed jobs. No excuses my eating habits were poor and it caught up to me. When my daughter was born I was 250. After my back surgery I was 313. After I change jobs I was 400+.

I wish I knew what I know now when I was 250 :lol


thewhiterabbit said:
They don't eat normal. If they are overweight they are over eating. This is the biggest myth, that there are these people who do everything right and still overweight. Its a lie. They over eat and are just some change in life away from getting really fat. They should eat less and move more. And stop making excuses.

i should know cause I was one of them. I was big but not fat till I changed jobs. No excuses my eating habits were poor and it caught up to me.

And yet, they lose those kilos without thinking about eating less or moving more when they switch to low carb.

But now I really am done. :)

There are lots of ways to a more healthy body. All ways that work for a specific individual are good as far as I'm concerned.
moniker said:
And yet, they lose those kilos without thinking about eating less or moving more when they switch to low carb.

But now I really am done. :)

There are lots of ways to a more healthy body. All ways that work for a specific individual are good as far as I'm concerned.

:lol You make a bullshit statement than say well I am done.

It all comes down to calories and most low carb diets tend to be low calories as well.

That was already proven in a study I linked too.


"There's nothing magical about carbohydrates," said Dena Bravata, a Stanford University social science researcher and lead author of the study. "Low-carb diets are effective in the short run, but it's because people on them are consuming less calories."

Keep making excuses for the fat lazy people. I love it :lol


Schlep said:
How is that relevant at all? It's not that people can't control it, it's that they don't want to. Everyone knows by this point that fast food is poison, but they continue to line up for it. Knowledge only matters if it's applied. And yes, some of us do apply it.



thewhiterabbit said:
:lol You make a bullshit statement than say well I am done.

It all comes down to calories and most low carb diets tend to be low calories as well.

That was already proven in a study I linked too.


Keep making excuses for the fat lazy people. I love it :lol

Making excuses? How is trying to address a problem making excuses? How is research and scientific evidence making excuses? How is coming up with a solution to a problem making excuses?

It sounds to me like you're afraid of falling off the wagon. The obesity epidemic is entirely the fault of lazy, fat people! People become addicted to cigarettes because they're weak! Alcoholics are simply weak-willed people!

Obese infants are lazy!
Srsly said:
Making excuses? How is trying to address a problem making excuses? How is research and scientific evidence making excuses? How is coming up with a solution to a problem making excuses?

It sounds to me like you're afraid of falling off the wagon. The obesity epidemic is entirely the fault of lazy, fat people! People become addicted to cigarettes because they're weak! Alcoholics are simply weak-willed people!

Obese infants are lazy!

Yeah thats it. I am so scared I might stop running every morning and eating good food that fills me up

NO!!!!!!!!! :lol Btw I run 5 miles every morning. Thats how I start my day. :D

Yes its fat and lazy peoples fault. We all know we should exercise every day how many people do it?

Next who is talking bout obese infants. I am talking bout people who are fat cause they overeat. Not people with medical reasons, like tumors or thyroid issues, for being fat. This may come as a shock but 90+% of fat people are that way casue of lifestyle and nothing else.

Fat and lazy


thewhiterabbit said:
:lol You make a bullshit statement than say well I am done.

It all comes down to calories and most low carb diets tend to be low calories as well.

That was already proven in a study I linked to like 2 pages ago.

Keep making excuses for the fat lazy people. I love it :lol

Goddamnit, did you read the study I linked to? It's not a bullshit statement - they lost weight without restricting calories on low carb. It's in clear text, and with a nice chart. It was published in NEJM, one of highest regarded medical journals.

How the hell is that making excuses for fat people?

Low carb diets tend to be low calorie because the body functions properly on them. You body doesn't crave more food than it needs so you don't have to count calories.

It's clear you don't want to listen to reason though so I'll just stop here.
thewhiterabbit said:
They don't eat normal. If they are overweight they are over eating. This is the biggest myth, that there are these people who do everything right and still overweight. Its a lie. They over eat and are just some change in life away from getting really fat. They should eat less and move more. And stop making excuses.

I should know cause I was one of them. I was big but not fat till I changed jobs. No excuses my eating habits were poor and it caught up to me. When my daughter was born I was 250. After my back surgery I was 313. After I change jobs I was 400+.

I wish I knew what I know now when I was 250 :lol

jesus christ, please stop saying this
moniker said:
Goddamnit, did you read the study I linked to? It's not a bullshit statement - they lost weight without restricting calories on low carb. It's in clear text, and with a nice chart. It was published in NEJM, one of highest regarded medical journals.

How the hell is that making excuses for fat people?

Low carb diets tend to be low calorie becuase the body functions properly on them. You body doesn't crave more food than it needs so you don't have to count calories.

It's clear you don't want to listen to reason though so I'll just stop here.

The study I linked to shows you why your study does not matter. Low carb diets by their nature are fucking low calorie.

"There's nothing magical about carbohydrates," said Dena Bravata, a Stanford University social science researcher and lead author of the study. "Low-carb diets are effective in the short run, but it's because people on them are consuming less calories."

And from your study

Low-Carbohydrate Diet
The low-carbohydrate, non–restricted-calorie diet aimed to provide 20 g of carbohydrates per day for the 2-month induction phase and immediately after religious holidays, with a gradual increase to a maximum of 120 g per day to maintain the weight loss. The intakes of total calories, protein, and fat were not limited. However, the participants were counseled to choose vegetarian sources of fat and protein and to avoid trans fat.

They were encouraged to eat veggies instead of meat. Veggies have very low calories. So they ate a low calories diet and lost weight. Who would have guessed.

Please show me a study showing lower hunger on a low carb diet. You can't cause one does not exist.


thewhiterabbit said:
Next who is talking bout obese infants. I am talking bout people who are fat cause they overeat. Not people with medical reasons, like tumors or thyroid issues, for being fat. This may come as a shock but 90+% of fat people are that way casue of lifestyle and nothing else.

Fat and lazy

I mentioned infants because there is an obesity epidemic among infants that correlates to increased sugar consumption by infants/toddlers. They clearly chose to be fat -- If only they were like you and ran 5 miles a day!
Srsly said:
I mentioned infants because there is an obesity epidemic among infants that correlates to increased sugar consumption by infants/toddlers. They clearly chose to be fat -- If only they were like you and ran 5 miles a day!

You very well know I am not talking bout insulin resistant infants so stop be a fucking prick.

And please show me this study showing this link in adults who we are talking about.


thewhiterabbit said:
You very well know I am not talking bout insulin resistant infants so stop be a fucking prick.

And please show me this study showing this link in adults who we are talking about.

Insulin resistance is acquired by being overloaded by, you guessed it, sugar!


low carb diets have no restrictions in terms of calories. also take into consideration that low carb diets usually pimp up fat as well, and if i remember fat has more calories per whatever than carbs.

And this is the most fascinating thing: if Nyström's small group are representative, then it would seem that our bodies are more adaptable than we give them credit for. In other words, metabolism may play a much more important role in the problem of obesity than many people think. Indeed, Nyström claims that for some people, eating 10% more will lead to their metabolism increasing at the same level. The extra energy will be burned off as body heat during sleep. "If that was not the case we would all have to keep track of every last calorie," he says. "And you have to realise that some overeaters consume such grotesque amounts that they would be even heavier - much heavier! - were it not for this safety mechanism."

(detailed and interesting article)
The pop belief that if all of us ate the same moderate diets and did the same intense exercise, we’d all have the same bodies (namely, slender) is something obesity researchers know is a myth. The pop belief that people can simply eat less and exercise more and control their weight defies the first Law of Thermodynamics. And it’s “at odds with substantial scientific evidence illuminating a precise and powerful biological system that maintains body weight within a relatively narrow range,” said Dr. Friedman. There is not more to “calories in = calories out” than the first Law of Thermodynamics — there is more to the first Law of Thermodynamics than "diet and exercise," popularly referred to as “calories in = calories out.”

Yet, the scientific evidence from long-standing obesity research, just like the first Law of Thermodynamics, has yet to find its way to the public..

But as I discussed in Nutrient Intake, Nutrient Storage and Nutrient Oxidation as well as in How We Get Fat, the burning (oxidation) of fat isn’t really related to fat intake per se. Rather, it’s related to carbohydrate intake. That is, the act of eating dietary fat doesn’t usually have a major impact on how much fat you burn. I say ‘not usually’ as some studies find that very high fat intakes (like 80 grams all at once) have a small effect on fat oxidation by the body. But for the most part, how much fat the body burns during the day is related primarily to carbohydrate intake, secondarily to protein intake, and almost not at all to dietary fat intake itself.
Also consider that the following three conditions:
Complete fasting (no food intake at all)
A high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (e.g. 30% protein, 65% fat, 5% carbohydrate)
A protein sparing modified fast (PSMF, such as my own Rapid Fat Loss Handbook)l
(also take into consideration that protein is harder to digest - it burns more fat than fat or carbs)

As an investigative journalist working in science and health, I’ve spent the last decade assessing the conventional wisdom on diet, weight control and disease. My conclusion is that much of what we’ve been taught since the early 1970s — most of which we’ve all come to accept — is simply wrong. This might explain why those same years have seen unprecedented increases in obesity and diabetes worldwide. When I started my research, I had no idea that I would come to such contrarian views. But now I think that certain conclusions are virtually inescapable:

Obesity and being overweight are not caused by eating too much and certainly not by eating food with “too much” fat.
Carbohydrates, not fat, are the cause of excess weight, just as our grandparents’ generation always knew. Eating carbohydrates triggers a hormonal response — insulin secretion — that signals our bodies to accumulate fat. This is why the fewer carbohydrates we consume, the leaner we will be. Sugar, flour and other refined carbohydrates produce an exaggerated version of this response, and so are particularly fattening.
Exercise doesn’t make us lose weight, it just makes us hungry.
Dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of heart disease. Rather the same foods that make us fat — easily-digestible carbohydrates and sugars — will eventually cause the diseases that are likely to kill us: heart disease, diabetes and even most cancers. As the late Tim Russert’s physician explained in The New York Times shortly after Russert’s death, “if there’s one number that’s a predictor of mortality, it’s waist circumference.” Because carbohydrate-rich foods increase our waist circumference, then it must be these same foods that shorten our lives.

The Battle of the Diets: Is Anyone Winning (At Losing?)

I recommend watching the entire video, but I’ll give you the scoop: low carb diets were the best at losing weight, keeping the weight off, were the easiest to follow (least hardest would probably be more accurate), and was the only one that yielded an improvement in blood lipids. (Sadly, Dr. Gardener was surprised at the outcome.)

also take into consideration that since the eighties the public has been to told to count their calories and eat low fat foods, and despite this obesity has still increased. i'd say their approach is not working.
Chinner said:
low carb diets have no restrictions in terms of calories. also take into consideration that low carb diets usually pimp up fat as well, and if i remember fat has more calories per whatever than carbs.


(detailed and interesting article)


(also take into consideration that protein is harder to digest - it burns more fat than fat or carbs)


The Battle of the Diets: Is Anyone Winning (At Losing?)

also take into consideration that since the eighties the public has been to told to count their calories and eat low fat foods, and despite this obesity has still increased. i'd say their approach is not working.

Do you have a food scale? Do you think the avg person actually counts their calories and tracks their food?

More excuses I see. We are fat and lazy. People stuff they face with mcdonalds and never give it a second thought. Most people don't even know 4oz is the serving size for meat. Think about that next time you have a 12-16oz steak!!!!

And on Low carbs.

"There's nothing magical about carbohydrates," said Dena Bravata, a Stanford University social science researcher and lead author of the study. "Low-carb diets are effective in the short run, but it's because people on them are consuming less calories."
Chinner said:
yeah you didn't click the link did you?

Yes I did. And I have seen it already

Please show me the corresponding scientific studies to back up his claims? I am going to go make my dinner why you look it up :lol


well if you watch the video then you would say that he backs up his claims with studies:lol . you would know that, but your trolling skills are not quite up to scratch; your material has got to stay fresh mang. a


thewhiterabbit said:
They were encouraged to eat veggies instead of meat. Veggies have very low calories. So the ate a low calories diet and lost weight. Who would have guessed.

Please show me a study showing lower hunger on a low carb diet. You can't cause one does not exist.

Are you suggesting these people we're hungry (they must have had less calories than the calorie restricted groups since they lost more weight, right?) all of the time but didn't eat more even though they weren't calorie restricted? Because that's nuts. The other alternative is of course that they weren't as hungry as they were before they started the study.

The fact is that we're on the brink of a metabolic syndrome epidemic. It's in all our interest to get to the bottom of this problem since it costs a lot of money, and it will only get worse. Saying "fat people are lazy lol" isn't going to cut it.
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