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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LaneDS said:
Hm, tomatoes are ok? I figured they'd be on the list of vegetables to avoid while on this diet. The ones I've mainly used for snacking on have been raw broccoli florets and snow peas. Not sure how great they are but I know I can eat a ton and find it was about, oh, 5-10g of carbs. Good way for me to fill up.

If you're going for a ketogenic diet, then keep the tomatoes out. My carb intake varies between 20g-80g per day. I'm not focusing on ketosis so much as eliminating sugar, grains, limiting omega 6, and adding omega 3/probiotics.

I think fruits & vegetables are fine in their whole form. However, for people that are obese due to insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, you probably want to stay ketogenic.

chicko1983 said:
when people say they are on a low carb diet, is that like the atkins diet which, I to my knowledge, has close to 0 carbs, or does a "low carb" have like 40-50g of carb a day?

I looked up that 70g is considered the recommended daily intake for carbs but how much is "low carbs"?

I have decided to give the "low carb" diet a try but there are couple of things which I couldnt go without - like a latte in the morning and a piece of toast!

Atkins goes in phases. The first phase is ketogenic (< 20 grams) also known as the induction phase. Then I think it's ongoing fat loss, then pre-maintenance, then maintenance. Basically each phase adds more and more carbs in whole food forms as your fat decreases.


The idea is to address obesity solely at a causality level of insulin and then figure out what your body can tolerate. Certainly better than caloric restriction in my opinion, but I think paying attention to other possible causes, like gut bacteria, fructose, and dietary mineral intake/absorption is worth noting.

Beans have carbs right? But...aren't they good for you?

This crap is so confusing. I'm tempted just to toss it all out the window and try to eat "healthier". No/very little pasta, no soda, no candy. Lots of veggies, beans, fruit, and meat.

Ketogenic = low carb < 20 grams per day.
Low carb can generally be < 100 grams per day. Some people get better results with less carbs.

But I think we should recognize that the carbohydrate content of beans, whole vegetables, etc has a very different effect on the body that the same # of grams of sugar or processed grain. Furthermore grains have phytates and in some people can cause intestinal health issues.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
borghe said:
Meh, sugar is fine in modest quantities and an active lifestyle.

I actually agree with you here. Especially if you're active. If you're doing cardio, fructose will be used for energy and won't overload the liver. But that's not to say that inactive kids should be drinking gatorade to be like their favorite athlete.


If I'm trying to cut fat but gain muscle, how does that impact my diet? Do I still have to worry about the "calorie deficit"? I ask because I keep hearing that you have to eat to gain muscle (though that may be more for extreme cases or something).

I'm recovering from back problems and have become pudgy and relatively weak overall (practically bed-ridden for 7 months and I've been slowly recovering this year).


Junior Member
Decado said:
If I'm trying to cut fat but gain muscle, how does that impact my diet? Do I still have to worry about the "calorie deficit"? I ask because I keep hearing that you have to eat to gain muscle (though that may be more for extreme cases or something).

I'm recovering from back problems and have become pudgy and relatively weak overall (practically bed-ridden for 7 months and I've been slowly recovering this year).

You need excess calories to supplement those growing muscles. I say take care of the pudginess first, then focusing start building that muscle. However, you should still lift weights in order to maintain your current level of strength.


Xelinis said:
You need excess calories to supplement those growing muscles. I say take care of the pudginess first, then focusing start building that muscle. However, you should still lift weights in order to maintain your current level of strength.

Building muscle while losing fat is entirely possible. If anything, I would say to start building muscle first to increase his metabolism and make fat loss easier. Plus, it's easier to build muscle when it can use fat for extra calories.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks (again) teh_pwn. I feel like you should get some of NeoGAF's ad revenue for this thread.

I've been doing low carb, sub-50g easily every day and I think sub 30g most days. I didn't realize you had to go so low for ketosis to kick in, and don't think I've been hitting sub-20g any day since I started it (going successfully for over a week now, and down from around 193 to 188 on a 5'8" frame, quite pleased with the results). Goal for me is pretty much just slimming down, I'm pretty muscular but still some flab surrounds it which is of course what I'm aiming to get rid of. Probably won't ever be able to do sub-20g as a lot of my diet includes handfuls of almonds and mixed nuts throughout the day and I'll give myself one to two pieces (squares) of dark chocolate as sugar cravings kick in, for about 6-12g of sugar.

Most importantly, what I'm doing now feels sustainable and supplementing it with occasional weight lifting trips and a few runs seems like it'll get me closer to where I want to be (around 160 I think).

One last question for any runners in here, might be better suited for the fitness thread but here goes anyway: the last couple times I've gone running I can feel what seems like acid building up in my throat by the end of it. Not to the point it keeps me from running but it certainly isn't pleasant. I thought it might be a function of the carbonation or caffeine from diet sodas (which I've actually cut down on considerably this week), but I don't really know. I'm hoping just getting better at running (doing about three miles at 9 minutes per, not great but not terrible. Lots of hills where I am too) will start to have that effect subside. Any feedback here is appreciated!
What veggies would you guys suggest for snacking? I had a coworker tell me that carrots weren't a great choice due to having more sugar than some other options.


Down 75 pounds since the beginning of the year. Got another 30 or so to go. I did it by using loseit app for the iphone to lose 2 pounds a week and did exercise (not as much lately). I don't eat a ton during the week (down to around 1100-1200 on Sun-Thurs, but that's so I can drink on the weekend and have something I really want. It was hard at first, but I drank a lot of water to curb the appetite and my stomach shrunk. I started out eating 3 meals and a snack, but i'm not really even hungry for the snack often anymore.

When I get to my goal I should be able to eat 2200 or so a day to hold my weight, which seems like plenty now. I'll post pics when I get there.

I've tried low carb multiple times and they worked each time, but then I either hit my goal weight with no exit plan or got really sick of the food I was eating and stopped. Each time I gained it all back over time and a little more. I don't eat a ton of fruit, but the flavor range was so limited on low carb, I would find myself dying for some sort of fruit and all the stuff I used to like eating on the diet just seemed so bland. To each their own, but after multiple tries I knew it wasn't for me since it seemed like something I would have to stick with to keep off the weight.

I've enjoyed this calorie watching a lot more because my options are not limited. I just need to budget my calories like I would my money. I eat some burgers and fries when out at a restaurant, but I make sure I keep within my weekly limits.

I'm not trying to knock low carb, I just wanted to present my viewpoint and let people know if they get sick of low carb, try calorie tracking instead of slowly getting back into old habits. I would have loved to stick with low carb, but I just knew I could not do it forever.
Decado said:
If I'm trying to cut fat but gain muscle, how does that impact my diet? Do I still have to worry about the "calorie deficit"? I ask because I keep hearing that you have to eat to gain muscle (though that may be more for extreme cases or something).

I'm recovering from back problems and have become pudgy and relatively weak overall (practically bed-ridden for 7 months and I've been slowly recovering this year).
Check out the plan at http://www.leangains.com/

it essentially consists of weight training three times weekly - all compound lifts (squat, deadlift, presses, etc).

Work out in a 12-18 hour fasted state (take 10g of Branch chain amino acids prior to lifting); eat high protein, high carb (yams, potatoes, squash, fruit; limit wheat/grains/legumes if possible), lower fat on training days. Eight hour eating window on training days; stuff yourself.

on off days, eat high (saturated, monounsaturated) fat, moderate/high protein, lower carbs, and eat below maintenance (low carb promotes satiety for most, so this should be easy).

People are consistently able to lose fat and gain muscle following this basic strategy.


Canadians burned my passport
So uhm, cream cheese, yay or nay for no-carb diet? Says its got 0.3g per serving of trans fats tho.

I've just been eating tomato slices with a bit of cream cheese and slice of pepperoni for snacks.
Divvy said:
So uhm, cream cheese, yay or nay for no-carb diet? Says its got 0.3g per serving of trans fats tho.

I've just been eating tomato slices with a bit of cream cheese and slice of pepperoni for snacks.
Dairy has a naturally ocurring trans fat called conjugated linoleic acid that's actually quite beneficial to one's health. Seems to be good for cancer suppression, anti-inflammation, and heart disease.

What are the ingredients in your cream cheese?


cubanb said:
Down 75 pounds since the beginning of the year. Got another 30 or so to go. I did it by using loseit app for the iphone to lose 2 pounds a week and did exercise (not as much lately). I don't eat a ton during the week (down to around 1100-1200 on Sun-Thurs, but that's so I can drink on the weekend and have something I really want. It was hard at first, but I drank a lot of water to curb the appetite and my stomach shrunk. I started out eating 3 meals and a snack, but i'm not really even hungry for the snack often anymore.

When I get to my goal I should be able to eat 2200 or so a day to hold my weight, which seems like plenty now. I'll post pics when I get there.

I've tried low carb multiple times and they worked each time, but then I either hit my goal weight with no exit plan or got really sick of the food I was eating and stopped. Each time I gained it all back over time and a little more. I don't eat a ton of fruit, but the flavor range was so limited on low carb, I would find myself dying for some sort of fruit and all the stuff I used to like eating on the diet just seemed so bland. To each their own, but after multiple tries I knew it wasn't for me since it seemed like something I would have to stick with to keep off the weight.

I've enjoyed this calorie watching a lot more because my options are not limited. I just need to budget my calories like I would my money. I eat some burgers and fries when out at a restaurant, but I make sure I keep within my weekly limits.

I'm not trying to knock low carb, I just wanted to present my viewpoint and let people know if they get sick of low carb, try calorie tracking instead of slowly getting back into old habits. I would have loved to stick with low carb, but I just knew I could not do it forever.

I am curious to know what happens when you go back to 2200. Keep us informed.
cubanb said:
Down 75 pounds since the beginning of the year. Got another 30 or so to go. I did it by using loseit app for the iphone to lose 2 pounds a week and did exercise (not as much lately). I don't eat a ton during the week (down to around 1100-1200 on Sun-Thurs, but that's so I can drink on the weekend and have something I really want. It was hard at first, but I drank a lot of water to curb the appetite and my stomach shrunk. I started out eating 3 meals and a snack, but i'm not really even hungry for the snack often anymore.

When I get to my goal I should be able to eat 2200 or so a day to hold my weight, which seems like plenty now. I'll post pics when I get there.

I've tried low carb multiple times and they worked each time, but then I either hit my goal weight with no exit plan or got really sick of the food I was eating and stopped. Each time I gained it all back over time and a little more. I don't eat a ton of fruit, but the flavor range was so limited on low carb, I would find myself dying for some sort of fruit and all the stuff I used to like eating on the diet just seemed so bland. To each their own, but after multiple tries I knew it wasn't for me since it seemed like something I would have to stick with to keep off the weight.

I've enjoyed this calorie watching a lot more because my options are not limited. I just need to budget my calories like I would my money. I eat some burgers and fries when out at a restaurant, but I make sure I keep within my weekly limits.

I'm not trying to knock low carb, I just wanted to present my viewpoint and let people know if they get sick of low carb, try calorie tracking instead of slowly getting back into old habits. I would have loved to stick with low carb, but I just knew I could not do it forever.

Congrats. I lost mad weight using Myfitnesspal app. Iphones(smartphones) are life changers :lol . I lost 80-100lbs before I found the app but was tracking my calories. I have lost another 37lbs since I started using the app. I have another 50-75 to go myself.

And your right, this life style of budget and track is very sustainable. Especially if you exercise like I do. I ran 5.50 miles this morning and swam laps this afternoon. That was an extra 1200-1500 calories I got to eat today. Though I was unable to eat all my calories today. Too full. :lol


funkmastergeneral said:
What veggies would you guys suggest for snacking? I had a coworker tell me that carrots weren't a great choice due to having more sugar than some other options.

I like broccoli and celery personally, but everyone has different taste. Don't be afraid to try new things.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
LaneDS said:
Ah, gotcha. Thanks (again) teh_pwn. I feel like you should get some of NeoGAF's ad revenue for this thread.

I've been doing low carb, sub-50g easily every day and I think sub 30g most days. I didn't realize you had to go so low for ketosis to kick in, and don't think I've been hitting sub-20g any day since I started it (going successfully for over a week now, and down from around 193 to 188 on a 5'8" frame, quite pleased with the results). Goal for me is pretty much just slimming down, I'm pretty muscular but still some flab surrounds it which is of course what I'm aiming to get rid of. Probably won't ever be able to do sub-20g as a lot of my diet includes handfuls of almonds and mixed nuts throughout the day and I'll give myself one to two pieces (squares) of dark chocolate as sugar cravings kick in, for about 6-12g of sugar.

Eh, I don't eat anymore than 45g of carbs a day (except for my cheat day when I have ~100g of carbs) and I'm in Ketosis everyday, even on my cheat day.

It's different for everybody. For me, 45-50g is REALLY low considering I averaged 450g of carbs every day before this new low-carb life-style, so going down to 45g a day really affected me the right way, but for someone who naturally eats around 150-200g, going down to 20g of carbs will put you in Ketosis, I imagine.


Canadians burned my passport
Price Dalton said:
Dairy has a naturally ocurring trans fat called conjugated linoleic acid that's actually quite beneficial to one's health. Seems to be good for cancer suppression, anti-inflammation, and heart disease.

What are the ingredients in your cream cheese?

Just milk, bacteria cultures, salt and carob bean gum


Domino Theory said:
Eh, I don't eat anymore than 45g of carbs a day (except for my cheat day when I have ~100g of carbs) and I'm in Ketosis everyday, even on my cheat day.

It's different for everybody. For me, 45-50g is REALLY low considering I averaged 450g of carbs every day before this new low-carb life-style, so going down to 45g a day really affected me the right way, but for someone who naturally eats around 150-200g, going down to 20g of carbs will put you in Ketosis, I imagine.
you used the piss sticks then?


Ketosis isn't an on/off switch. For most people, if you're <~100kb (or something like that) your body will start producing ketone bodies. The less carbs you have, the more ketone bodies will be produced. It's a sliding scale.

It won't necessarily show up on ketosticks either. If your body is adapted to ketosis, your body might produce the "right" amount of ketone bodies, and there won't be any need to expel excess ones trough urine.


I hit my target weight on my morning weigh-in (less than 170), but I know I can lose a good 5~10 pounds doing what I'm doing now.

I'm in the process of moving, sadly, and I won't be able to bike to work or go to the campus pool during the middle of the day anymore. I'll have to try to be a bit more active, but it should be offset by eating out less.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Yaweee said:
I hit my target weight on my morning weigh-in (less than 170), but I know I can lose a good 5~10 pounds doing what I'm doing now.

I'm in the process of moving, sadly, and I won't be able to bike to work or go to the campus pool during the middle of the day anymore. I'll have to try to be a bit more active, but it should be offset by eating out less.
like I've said to others... at this point live your permanent lifestyle, and let your body settle into where it needs to be. I've been doing this for about two months now (one month not on purpose but just plateauing, one month of just living my normal lifestyle) and I've lost two pounds over those two months. I still have some fat on my stomach that is slowly going away, so two pounds lost makes sense.

Everyone needs to set a goal that they are happy at, and most importantly STOP when you get to that goal. Seriously, just stop. At that point, either continue or come up with a healthy permanent lifestyle, and your body will take care of the rest on your own... but at that point I would recommend so far as to not even step on a scale more than once or twice a month. you aren't doing yourself any favors concerning yourself with 5-10 pounds, especially after you've made the huge effort and change to lose 30, 50, 100, etc pounds.

At some point everyone losing weight needs to be able to say "I'm done and I'm happy."


First tragedy, then farce.
So, I've gone on an ultra low carb (<20g) diet to try and drop this pesky last 5-10 pounds that I've been at for over a month. I figure I can drop the 5-10 pounds by switching up the diet just before I get tired of eating so much meat.

Question before I head off to happy hour regarding beer. I know wine is technically zero carb (or very close) and hard liquor is carb free. Miller Lite (which is not my preferred beer, but doable) has ~3g carbs per glass.

However, I've always been told alchohol increases insulin production.

Can I drink while I'm on this or will it kill ketosis? I'm not giving up drinking for good, but I can skip a week or two if need be to hit my goal. I was thinking of budgeting for 3-4 beers after work.


borghe said:
like I've said to others... at this point live your permanent lifestyle, and let your body settle into where it needs to be. I've been doing this for about two months now (one month not on purpose but just plateauing, one month of just living my normal lifestyle) and I've lost two pounds over those two months. I still have some fat on my stomach that is slowly going away, so two pounds lost makes sense.

Everyone needs to set a goal that they are happy at, and most importantly STOP when you get to that goal. Seriously, just stop. At that point, either continue or come up with a healthy permanent lifestyle, and your body will take care of the rest on your own... but at that point I would recommend so far as to not even step on a scale more than once or twice a month. you aren't doing yourself any favors concerning yourself with 5-10 pounds, especially after you've made the huge effort and change to lose 30, 50, 100, etc pounds.

At some point everyone losing weight needs to be able to say "I'm done and I'm happy."

But at this point, I realize that my goal was unreasonably high. I thought "170? How the fuck is that even possible?" from the perspective of a 5'9" 195 pound dude. But as I see people post pictures, people with similar body types to me, I realized that if I keep eating what I'm eating (pretty much what I want to eat, minus some baked goods), I'll naturally drop to less than 165, and probably even lower.

I've gotta buy new belts. I'm at the tightest notch on every single one I own, and they're still kinda loose.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I was 95Kg (210lbs) when I left Korea for Japan on the 15 May, 90Kg (198lbs) when I left Japan to come to Taiwan on the 5 July, and I'm curious about how much I weigh.

My belt is almost at the last hole now (once it hits that I'm a 34" waist.) It was comfortably fitting into the second last hole when I left Japan. If my weight loss from the time between Korea-Taiwan carries over then by the end of this month I should weigh 85Kg (187lbs).

Right now I'm waiting for a work permit application. If it succeeds then I'll need to undergo a medical to get my Resident Visa. I should find out then how much weight I've lost.


First tragedy, then farce.
Yaweee said:
But at this point, I realize that my goal was unreasonably high. I thought "170? How the fuck is that even possible?" from the perspective of a 5'9" 195 pound dude. But as I see people post pictures, people with similar body types to me, I realized that if I keep eating what I'm eating (pretty much what I want to eat, minus some baked goods), I'll naturally drop to less than 165, and probably even lower.

Doubtful. I thought the same thing because of how quickly I was losing weight. When I got about 13-14% body fat the weight loss stopped even though I was working out harder and eating the same.


StoOgE said:
Doubtful. I thought the same thing because of how quickly I was losing weight. When I got about 13-14% body fat the weight loss stopped even though I was working out harder and eating the same.

Well, it still hasn't slowed down yet. 1~2 lbs per week, just as it has been for the last two months.

I weight myself a lot, so I have a pretty good sense of what my weight is going to be when I step on the scale, just based on what I've eaten and processed over the last 48 hours. This morning's weigh-in was 2lbs less than yesterday's weigh-in, thanks to how much I had to eat two days ago (Fatty's is so, so good), and how little I had to eat yesterday.


weigh in time! progress:

june 8, 2010 = 215lbs

july 22, 2010 = 200lbs
july 30, 2010 = 197.5lbs

aug 6, 2010 = 194.5lbs :D

finally starting to notice some subtle changes. my shirts don't feel as tight around my gut. i need to try on some jeans and see how they fit. i usually wear 36" but they were starting to get very tight.


Just reached my high school weight.


Goal = 200.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
cress2000 said:
Just reached my high school weight.


Goal = 200.
lol. I was actually pretty underweight in high school (one of THOSE frames). 125-130lbs for most of it. Don't even WANT to go back there. :lol


elrechazao said:
since we're doing progress

January 2010 start: 260
Yesterday: 178


Aiming for 170, though it has slowed down quite a bit.
holy crap.. 82lb since the beginning of the year? You have to feel considerably different now, especially in that "short" of a time.


So on July 11th 2010 I randomly decided that I wanted to live more healthy. I didn't want to be one of those people who gets a heart attack in their late 20's early 30's with a bunch of other diseases associated with being really fat and I was headed on that path. I've been having problems with my eyes, and it made me realize how much I take my body for granted without taking care of myself. So that was a wake up call to me. Although, I would be lying if losing weight wasn't a big part of my decision. I mean, who doesn't want to lose weight? =P

height: 5'7"

Weight on July 11th 2010: 235lb
Weight on August 4th 2010: 225lb

I've been transitioning slowly because I want this to be a lifestyle change and not just a temporary way to lose weight. Ive cut out all the unnecessary snacks I would normally eat during the day. I've also cut down to 1 or 2 cans of sprite a week. I've also cut down on food proportions i would normally over do, such as cereal. I started counting calories for the first 2 weeks or so, but since i've mainly been eating the same things I figured it would be okay to just ballpark it, and that seems to have been working.

With my morning bowl of cereal ive been eating a banana with it. Although I've been reading this thread(which has been a lot of help btw, not to mention inspiration) and realized that might not be such a good idea, so I think I will cut out bananas due to getting enough carbs from cereal and a sandwich later in the day. I would still like to eat a fruit with my cereal though, I was thinking maybe strawberries instead. Not to mention banana's making hard for me to do a certain bathroom function =P

I keep re-evaluating what I'm eating every week or so and think of ways I could improve what i'm eating. So far so good. I haven't been exercising all that much, just a little bit, but I plan to step up my physical activity soon.

Someone who didn't know that was I was trying to lose weight asked me if I got thinner and i was like umm.. and then told them about what I am trying to achieve. They said I defiantly looked a little thinner and that I'm on the right path and should stick with it. So that was nice to hear and makes me want to continue.

Thanks for this awesome thread, gaf!


ShadiWulf said:
height: 5'7"

Weight on July 11th 2010: 235lb
Weight on August 4th 2010: 225lb

congrats on your decision and progress so far! i'm actually having fun losing my weight. posting my results here and reading what everyone has to say about weight loss is a big motivator to me. keep it up!


ShadiWulf said:
With my morning bowl of cereal ive been eating a banana with it. Although I've been reading this thread(which has been a lot of help btw, not to mention inspiration) and realized that might not be such a good idea, so I think I will cut out bananas due to getting enough carbs from cereal and a sandwich later in the day. I would still like to eat a fruit with my cereal though, I was thinking maybe strawberries instead.
Does this actually keep you full for several hours? My problem with cereal, even fiber/protein heavy like Kashi, is that it rarely keeps me full for longer than about a couple hours. For fruit, I would try all the berries and most of them are very fresh in stores right now: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc. Not sure about raspberries; they must be out of season as I don't see them on the shelves.

My breakfast alternates between:
2 eggs, 1/3 cup oats (150 cal), couple ounces of berries, and a cup of milk.
3 whole grain pancakes (Bob's Red Mill 10 grain), 1 egg (pancakes have 1 egg in them), berries in/on the pancakes, and a cup of milk.

Both keep me full for hours. Just a thought.


Schlep said:
Does this actually keep you full for several hours? My problem with cereal, even fiber/protein heavy like Kashi, is that it rarely keeps me full for longer than about a couple hours. For fruit, I would try all the berries and most of them are very fresh in stores right now: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc. Not sure about raspberries; they must be out of season as I don't see them on the shelves.

My breakfast alternates between:
2 eggs, 1/3 cup oats (150 cal), couple ounces of berries, and a cup of milk.
3 whole grain pancakes (Bob's Red Mill 10 grain), 1 egg (pancakes have 1 egg in them), berries in/on the pancakes, and a cup of milk.

Both keep me full for hours. Just a thought.
yeah, the cereal only keeps me full for like a few hours lol

It's easy for me to ignore the hunger feelings if I'm busy with something. I don't always have cereal though, just most of the time. I have cereal when I gotta get out in the morning and go catch a bus. Basically, when i don't have much time. I suppose I could try cooking eggs or something the night before but.. with my luck someone in else in the house would eat them =P

and yeah, I guess ill try more berries. Thanks for the advice.
borghe said:

holy crap.. 82lb since the beginning of the year? You have to feel considerably different now, especially in that "short" of a time.
Yeah, it's crazy to look at pics of myself. I might post some, I'm a bit leery of pics of myself out there though (kudos to all of the people braver than me posting theirs here, very inspiring :)).

I picked up some bags of fertilizer the other day, a 40 pounder over each shoulder, and realized i used to have that weight hanging on me all the time. It was mind blowing


thewhiterabbit said:
Congrats. I lost mad weight using Myfitnesspal app. Iphones(smartphones) are life changers :lol . I lost 80-100lbs before I found the app but was tracking my calories. I have lost another 37lbs since I started using the app. I have another 50-75 to go myself.

And your right, this life style of budget and track is very sustainable. Especially if you exercise like I do. I ran 5.50 miles this morning and swam laps this afternoon. That was an extra 1200-1500 calories I got to eat today. Though I was unable to eat all my calories today. Too full. :lol
Damn, no smart phone here. Any recommendations for free websites that serve the same purpose? I've seen a lot but if anyone has been using one I'd like to know if they prefer one over the other.
sumo390 said:
Damn, no smart phone here. Any recommendations for free websites that serve the same purpose? I've seen a lot but if anyone has been using one I'd like to know if they prefer one over the other.

Why not make a simple excel?


sumo390 said:
Damn, no smart phone here. Any recommendations for free websites that serve the same purpose? I've seen a lot but if anyone has been using one I'd like to know if they prefer one over the other.
I use an iPad app (MyNetDiary), but back in the day I used to use fitday.com and remember it being pretty good.

ShadiWulf said:
yeah, the cereal only keeps me full for like a few hours lol

It's easy for me to ignore the hunger feelings if I'm busy with something. I don't always have cereal though, just most of the time. I have cereal when I gotta get out in the morning and go catch a bus. Basically, when i don't have much time. I suppose I could try cooking eggs or something the night before but.. with my luck someone in else in the house would eat them =P

and yeah, I guess ill try more berries. Thanks for the advice.
Keep in mind, it doesn't have to be eggs; that's just what I eat. You could do cottage cheese, yogurt, leftover meat, etc. Anything that gives some protein. Cereal itself isn't necessarily bad unless it's your whole breakfast and/or it has corn syrup or a lot of sugar. And really the only reason it being your whole breakfast is bad is because of how quickly it digests, leaving you hungry. If you do the six meal a day thing and eat something mid-morning, then don't even worry about it. Unfortunately for me, once I get going at work it's hard to get away until lunch time, so I have to fill up.


The_Inquisitor said:
Why not make a simple excel?
I made an excel, but I never bothered finding the calories for all the foods I ate that didn't have the labels on them. :lol
Schlep said:
I use an iPad app (MyNetDiary), but back in the day I used to use fitday.com and remember it being pretty good.
Thanks I'll try that one out.
sumo390 said:
Damn, no smart phone here. Any recommendations for free websites that serve the same purpose? I've seen a lot but if anyone has been using one I'd like to know if they prefer one over the other.
Myfitnesspal has a free website as well.


Schlep said:
Does this actually keep you full for several hours? My problem with cereal, even fiber/protein heavy like Kashi, is that it rarely keeps me full for longer than about a couple hours. For fruit, I would try all the berries and most of them are very fresh in stores right now: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc. Not sure about raspberries; they must be out of season as I don't see them on the shelves.

My breakfast alternates between:
2 eggs, 1/3 cup oats (150 cal), couple ounces of berries, and a cup of milk.
3 whole grain pancakes (Bob's Red Mill 10 grain), 1 egg (pancakes have 1 egg in them), berries in/on the pancakes, and a cup of milk.

Both keep me full for hours. Just a thought.

I like my plan better. I eat every 2-3 hrs. I eat 4-6 meals a day. 300-500 calories a meal. I am always eating :lol


thewhiterabbit said:
I like my plan better. I eat every 2-3 hrs. I eat 4-6 meals a day. 300-500 calories a meal. I am always eating :lol
It's not a matter of what's better; different things work for different people. My meal with pancakes is 529 calories, and my meal with oats is 416 calories. It works for me and my schedule and keeps me full for quite a while.
Schlep said:
It's not a matter of what's better; different things work for different people. My meal with pancakes is 529 calories, and my meal with oats is 416 calories. Both keep me full for quite a while.

Dude I was being facetious :lol.
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