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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


ch0mp said:
I am curious to know what happens when you go back to 2200. Keep us informed.
Will do. I plan on continuing to use the app to maintain. Maybe after time feeling comfortable being able to gauge calories over the whole week I will phase it out until I sense a change in weight. I feel like I have a good idea on what kind of calories are in what. I may use it as a resource for meals I am not sure about down the road. I feel like I have a much better exit plan than I did with low carb. My plan with that was when I reached my goal weight, id eat well, but I didn't really have a grasp of what that meant.

thewhiterabbit said:
Congrats. I lost mad weight using Myfitnesspal app. Iphones(smartphones) are life changers :lol . I lost 80-100lbs before I found the app but was tracking my calories. I have lost another 37lbs since I started using the app. I have another 50-75 to go myself.

And your right, this life style of budget and track is very sustainable. Especially if you exercise like I do. I ran 5.50 miles this morning and swam laps this afternoon. That was an extra 1200-1500 calories I got to eat today. Though I was unable to eat all my calories today. Too full. :lol

Seriously. I couldn't track this if I didn't do it via Iphone. Pen and paper wouldnt work for me. However the phone is always on me and once I eat something, it's in there for easy entry the next time.

As far as exercise, thats awesome you are doing that much. I have been walking a lot, but I want to start jogging soon. I have flat feet, so I am trying to find shoes that don't hurt my feet and legs.


Thanks for the people who mention the Myfitnesspal app, seem really useful.

But kinda weird it want information about location (the app itself) and postal code (creating account).


What about the skin? This thread has been inspirational and motivating, but I keep thinking about it for the ones that have lost a lot of weight. Just wondering how that works out?

I need to lose about 50-60lbs and am motivated to do so, but I am concerned about having excess skin flopping around.

Anyways props to you guys!


So I converted to a no-carb diet after being a carb lover and I've lost ~25lbs in about 8 weeks and can fit into some of my older clothes. So good. I have another 25-30lbs to go for the next 4 months. A few issues:

(1) Can we edit the thread OP to be more informative and to include important gems? I feel like new posters won't get the benefit of all the gems of knowledge we've unearthed and discussed like the post from the SomethingAwful forums.

(2) I'm going to integrate an exercise schedule with diet. Anyone have great advice on that?

UrokeJoe said:
What about the skin? This thread has been inspirational and motivating, but I keep thinking about it for the ones that have lost a lot of weight. Just wondering how that works out?

I need to lose about 50-60lbs and am motivated to do so, but I am concerned about having excess skin flopping around.

Everyone has different skin elasticity.

My guess is you'll have to see how yours works out, and if it doesn't you can go to a plastic surgeon to sort it out.
cubanb said:
Will do. I plan on continuing to use the app to maintain. Maybe after time feeling comfortable being able to gauge calories over the whole week I will phase it out until I sense a change in weight. I feel like I have a good idea on what kind of calories are in what. I may use it as a resource for meals I am not sure about down the road. I feel like I have a much better exit plan than I did with low carb. My plan with that was when I reached my goal weight, id eat well, but I didn't really have a grasp of what that meant.

Seriously. I couldn't track this if I didn't do it via Iphone. Pen and paper wouldnt work for me. However the phone is always on me and once I eat something, it's in there for easy entry the next time.

As far as exercise, thats awesome you are doing that much. I have been walking a lot, but I want to start jogging soon. I have flat feet, so I am trying to find shoes that don't hurt my feet and legs.

I would try a running shoe store. They can fit you for your foot type. Also as you do more your feet and ankles get stronger. And eventually you will be able to run pain free.

My legs and feet used to hurt so bad when I first started. I would run in the grass in peoples yards instead of the road to try and gain relief. :lol After awhile my runs became pain free. I also pop a couple advil before every run to stay loose.

And stretch. I stretch before I run, right after I run, after my shower and at least 2 more times through out the day. And if I feel any tightness , bam, I stretch. Stretching is your best friend :D

Todays run was 6 miles in 1 hr and 8 minutes. I run around our subdivision. It's half uphill. And kicks my ass. I think I am going to do a run at the high school track to see how I do on a flat run :D


...hate me...
Hi guys! Just joining in the fun. Started off 3 weeks ago or so, with 214lbs.

I'm now at 205lbs give or take.

Low carb diet, running everyday that I can, a couple of free weight routines (pec fly and bicep curl), 8 minute abs.

Feeling much better now, and lost the fat face already. Goal is 160/170lbs.


Neo Member
Hey guys finally decided to post in the thread. In febuary I started with my fitness pal app on my iPhone. I weighed 380 lbs and wore a size 48 pants. I'm down to 293 Lbs so far and a size 38-40 pants I'll post some pics when I find some old ones. I'm also training for a 180 mile bike ride in Apri of 2011l the ms 150 it's from Houston to Austin over two days. Wish me luck.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
John Goodman has lost 100 pounds (and counting) by quitting drinking, exercising and cutting sugar from his diet: http://www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/cel...man.weight.loss/index.html?section=cnn_latest

teh_pwn is his accomplice? :p

John Yudkin, Robert Lustig, and many others have been blaming sugar for ages.

Eliminating sugar is no simple feat in today's grocery. It's insidious. Pretty much have to buy produce, meat, dairy selectively and cook yourself to do away with it.
MrPing1000 said:
Carey was a marine though, he was fit as fuck at one time.

And tbh he looks like shit.
I think he just looks not like drew carey anymore. He looks amazing imo, just not what I expect him to look like so it's offputting.

Also, lol @ jared.


Thx to this thread, I am now more aware of the problems with sugar and carbs. That caused me to rethink my lifestyle and approach to diet/exercise. I am now eating low-carb and regular exercise (a mix of cardio and weight lifting.) I also dropped all diet soda/unsweetened iced tea/black coffee for plain old water. I was a huge diet coke drinker.

7/1: 320 (my all-time peak was 325 in March)
8/7: 295

The best thing is that I am in my "zone" - which hasn't happened since I was in college. By that I mean, I am really focused - no cheating, no lapses, going to the gym, etc.

For example - when I tried to lose weight by calorie restriction, I would have some potato chips and end up binging. Or need to down a frozen fruit bar late at night thinking it was a healthy snack. Knowing what all those sugar/carb rich foods do to your body, I don't even crave them. I even went with the family to an ice cream shop and I was not tempted to join in.

No more 16" subs or fast food - I am now preparing my own food (mostly grilling) and sticking to meat, fish, chicken, eggs, veggies and some cheese or almonds. I even went blueberry picking.

My energy level is up and the initial progress has helped me with the motivation. I'll post updates as time goes on.


corporate swill
Can someone post a good link to a layout of a low carb diet, or just copy/paste the general information here? I know there's a ton of information posted here in this thread but it's pretty spread out through 23 pages and I'd like to get it all compiled for easier reading. Also, how bad is ketosis? Pretty much the only thing that worries be about low carb dieting is the bad breath. Thanks!

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
vitaminwateryum said:
Can someone post a good link to a layout of a low carb diet, or just copy/paste the general information here? I know there's a ton of information posted here in this thread but it's pretty spread out through 23 pages and I'd like to get it all compiled for easier reading. Also, how bad is ketosis? Pretty much the only thing that worries be about low carb dieting is the bad breath. Thanks!

This thread will tell you everything you need to know (thanks to Chinner):



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
vitaminwateryum said:
Can someone post a good link to a layout of a low carb diet, or just copy/paste the general information here? I know there's a ton of information posted here in this thread but it's pretty spread out through 23 pages and I'd like to get it all compiled for easier reading. Also, how bad is ketosis? Pretty much the only thing that worries be about low carb dieting is the bad breath. Thanks!

SA forum link is good. Also a brief on general rules (#s 11-12 are optional - cheese/yogurt is awesome). The rules are in descending importance (#1 is the most important):

Things to look at beyond simply low carb:


corporate swill
teh_pwn said:
SA forum link is good. Also a brief on general rules (#s 11-12 are optional - cheese/yogurt is awesome). The rules are in descending importance (#1 is the most important):

Things to look at beyond simply low carb:

Domino Theory said:
This thread will tell you everything you need to know (thanks to Chinner):


Thanks! Much appreciated.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
CaptainABAB said:
Thx to this thread, I am now more aware of the problems with sugar and carbs. That caused me to rethink my lifestyle and approach to diet/exercise. I am now eating low-carb and regular exercise (a mix of cardio and weight lifting.) I also dropped all diet soda/unsweetened iced tea/black coffee for plain old water. I was a huge diet coke drinker.

7/1: 320 (my all-time peak was 325 in March)
8/7: 295

The best thing is that I am in my "zone" - which hasn't happened since I was in college. By that I mean, I am really focused - no cheating, no lapses, going to the gym, etc.

For example - when I tried to lose weight by calorie restriction, I would have some potato chips and end up binging. Or need to down a frozen fruit bar late at night thinking it was a healthy snack. Knowing what all those sugar/carb rich foods do to your body, I don't even crave them. I even went with the family to an ice cream shop and I was not tempted to join in.

No more 16" subs or fast food - I am now preparing my own food (mostly grilling) and sticking to meat, fish, chicken, eggs, veggies and some cheese or almonds. I even went blueberry picking.

My energy level is up and the initial progress has helped me with the motivation. I'll post updates as time goes on.

Congrats. I remember being 320 pounds at age 17 when I was a Senior in high school. That shit sucked. That summer, I just decided to cut all fast food and soda; that was it. I ended up losing 60 pounds in 3.5 months, but then I slacked off and gained 35 pounds back.

Then I did my calorie-restricted diet last year and lost 30 pounds in one year, but that didn't really end up working for me as I felt I was starving myself. Now I'm on this low-carb diet where I eat almost anything I want, when I want and as much as I want and the weight is consistenly flying off. The same will happen to you. :)

Sitting at 253 pounds and counting [down]!

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Can anyone suggest a quick breakfast that's low-carb that I can either grab or make quickly. My current breakfast is a little over a cup of Almond Milk mixed with half a serving of Ovaltine. The carb count comes to about 20g, although that's the biggest bulk of my daily carb intake. I don't exceed 45g a day.

I was looking at stuff like the Slim Fast Low-Carb shakes and all that, but they're hard to find and expensive. :(
Domino Theory said:
Can anyone suggest a quick breakfast that's low-carb that I can either grab or make quickly. My current breakfast is a little over a cup of Almond Milk mixed with half a serving of Ovaltine. The carb count comes to about 20g, although that's the biggest bulk of my daily carb intake. I don't exceed 45g a day.

I was looking at stuff like the Slim Fast Low-Carb shakes and all that, but they're hard to find and expensive. :(
I often microwave eggs when in a hurry, or even better, boil them the night before and peel them, then store in the fridge in a ziploc.

Handful of almonds is always a nice quick snack that you can carry with you.


Domino Theory said:
Can anyone suggest a quick breakfast that's low-carb that I can either grab or make quickly. My current breakfast is a little over a cup of Almond Milk mixed with half a serving of Ovaltine. The carb count comes to about 20g, although that's the biggest bulk of my daily carb intake. I don't exceed 45g a day.

I was looking at stuff like the Slim Fast Low-Carb shakes and all that, but they're hard to find and expensive. :(

Well, you can just make eggs. Grab two eggs, crack them in a bowl, microwave for a minute. Eat. No carbs there, and it's pretty tasty. I usually throw a little hot sauce on it.


I usually eat half a cucumber with 1 good tablespoon of peanut butter after I wake up. If you can find replacement nut butter (peanuts aren't really nuts) it will probably be even better.


Domino Theory said:
Can anyone suggest a quick breakfast that's low-carb that I can either grab or make quickly. My current breakfast is a little over a cup of Almond Milk mixed with half a serving of Ovaltine. The carb count comes to about 20g, although that's the biggest bulk of my daily carb intake. I don't exceed 45g a day.

I was looking at stuff like the Slim Fast Low-Carb shakes and all that, but they're hard to find and expensive. :(
eggs are your friend. and bacon. sometimes for breakfest i'll scramble some eggs with cut up sausages added in, other times i just have a english fry up but without the beans :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
I'm on day 5 of ketosis now and have dropped about 4 pounds. My gut has lost about half an inch, so I'm going to assume a chunk of that weight was water weight stored in my muscles.

I hadn't officially set an end date to my diet, but I'm going to be in NYC the weekend after next, and there is no way I'm going to NY and not eating pizza.. and a lot of it. so I guess that will be the end of my low carb diet. Hopefully by then (~2 weeks) I can drop most of the last 10 pounds I have to go.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Stooge, we even convinced you to go low carb?

I'm also big on yogurt/probiotics & omega3:eek:mega6 ratio. Two easy ways to do this:
-Buy lemon flavored fish oil & mix about 10 grams daily with yogurt.
-Make your own salad dressing with cream/olive oil to avoid excessive omega6.

Keeps the hypothalamus more sensitive to leptin so hunger is down and caloriesOut is up.
elrechazao said:
Make them differently...poached, scrambled, boiled, soft boiled, fried, and so on. Eggs are the uberfood.

scrambled egg win
I try to but I don't really like eggs, not that I hate them it's just I'm fine with like 2 a week, but since I'm trying to do low carb hard I try to eat them every few days but its hard QQ
Forcing myself to eat many foods, not fun.
Himuro said:
Man this thread has been really informational but I don't know where to start.

This morning I ate Fiber 1 Honey Clusters because some guy suggested it in a thread for people who have trouble doing the number two. I'm hoping it'll help. I downed some of that in a bowl along with an apple and drank a glass of water.

For lunch I plan on eating a salad.

For dinner, I'm making mixed vegetables (packaged btw, good or bad?), yams, and baked chicken. I'm considering skipping on the yams because that's sweet potatoes and the general sentiment in this thread is to drop starches.

I've been diagnosed with high blood pressure and I'm taking some medicines so I'm trying my best to get my weight down (preferably 50-60 pounds for now) by exercising and eating healthy.
Packaged greens are fine. Watch that fiber 1 cereal, it's packed with sugar.


First tragedy, then farce.
teh_pwn said:
Stooge, we even convinced you to go low carb?

I'm also big on yogurt/probiotics & omega3:eek:mega6 ratio. Two easy ways to do this:
-Buy lemon flavored fish oil & mix about 10 grams daily with yogurt.
-Make your own salad dressing with cream/olive oil to avoid excessive omega6.

Keeps the hypothalamus more sensitive to leptin so hunger is down and caloriesOut is up.

I hit a wall and am just switching my diet up to try and drop these last 10 pounds. I don't doubt that you can lose weight on low carb. I just don't think it's all that great as a long term solution. I also know that I can't give up carbs. I like them too much.

I'm planning on kicking it in a little less than 2 weeks time. Hopefully by then I'll have hit my goal or very close to it. Also, 2-3 weeks is about the perfect amount of time before I don't want to look at meat or eggs for a while. :lol

I will say, I ran 12 miles today and it was a slog the entire time. I had only done shorter stints since going on this.. but without any glycogen stores it was much harder getting through the run.


First tragedy, then farce.
Himuro said:
Fucking hell I still can't drop a deuce.

If you are on a low carb diet you need to eat lots of leafy greens. Spinach, Lettuce, broccoli. You need to get fiber. Eating a lot of protein and fat is going to gum up the works.

I would also suggest metamucil once a day. It technically has carbs, but they are completely insoluble so your body won't process any of them. Atkins even recommends taking it.

That and the Fiber one cereal probably had more carbs than you should be eating on a low carb diet.


First tragedy, then farce.
Himuro said:
I bought some mixed veggies, broccoli and green beans last night. I'm going to fix them all tonight. We'll see if I can drop one. I've gone recently, but they were small and not exactly fulfilling. Weren't watery either, so it wasn't diarrhea.

Diarrhea is going to be the least of your worries.. your problem is going to be the opposite. There was a King of the Hill episode where Hank had this because he ate too much meat :lol
I'm on day 3 of my low-carb (less than 20g/day) and its been very enjoyable so far. This thread has been a great source of inspiration for me, since i've had many critics around me saying "it's impossible to maintain"...

Question is, after I reach my goal weight and transition into my lifestyle of weight maintenance, how many carbs are average to keep the weight off?


betweenthewheels said:
I'm on day 3 of my low-carb (less than 20g/day) and its been very enjoyable so far. This thread has been a great source of inspiration for me, since i've had many critics around me saying "it's impossible to maintain"...

Question is, after I reach my goal weight and transition into my lifestyle of weight maintenance, how many carbs are average to keep the weight off?

It's not the carbs: it's the calories. For most people, low-carb diets are a method of eating fewer calories as you deny yourself a major source of calories (carbohydrates). There may be satiety benefits, and in certain cases it can make sense (super insulin resistant, though protein makes this complicated).

Once you have lost all that excess fat, you just need to figure out how many calories you need to keep it off. You can get those calories from where you wish.
grumble said:
It's not the carbs: it's the calories. For most people, low-carb diets are a method of eating fewer calories as you deny yourself a major source of calories (carbohydrates). There may be satiety benefits, and in certain cases it can make sense (super insulin resistant, though protein makes this complicated).

Once you have lost all that excess fat, you just need to figure out how many calories you need to keep it off. You can get those calories from where you wish.

Ok, cool. So then making smart food choices should help keep the calories low enough maintain the current weight

Thus far I've been on a sub 50g low carb diet. And it has done me well. but I will turn it up (or down rather) to sub 20g. Just need to plan out some meals. yeah!


Well I figure it's about time I posted in this thread.

I lost 130lbs (down from 280) about 5 years ago, only took me about 9 months to drop all the weight (I'm guessing it's because I was young, and also a male).

I didnt pay attention to carbs or fat or anything, I just picked things that I enjoyed eating that were healthy and cut down on the amount I ate. I think I tried to stick to about 1400-1600 calories a day.

I also coupled this with exercised, I started out walking at first because the pain, cramps and headaches were pretty unbearable, I eventually worked my way up to doing stairs, I found a set of about 80-90 stairs by my house and started out by jogging up them, and eventually moved to full out running up them for about 90 minutes a day.

The weight just melted off. All my pain, cramps, headaches dissapeared and I felt great when I woke up in the morning as opposed to feeling like shit. Its really impossible to describe unless you experience it for yourself.

Since then Ive gained almost 30lbs of muscle and Ive managed to keep the weight off fairly easily, even when I cut down on my cardio in favor of weights (30 mins of stairs) I still managed to keep my weight the same despite the fact I was now eating whatever I wanted. Im guessing my metabolism shot through the roof or something because I can push 3500 calories a day now and not gain any body fat. Im now 6 feet, 178lbs with a body fat % that hovers around 8%.

If I could only share one thing I learned from this experience its that before you start your weight loss adventure, make a list of every single healthy thing you already ENJOY eating, and then make a meal plan based aorund that list.

That was the only reason I was able to stick with it and succeed, I simply could not have done it if I had to eat something like that repulsive cardboard fibre cereal.


grumble said:
It's not the carbs: it's the calories. For most people, low-carb diets are a method of eating fewer calories as you deny yourself a major source of calories (carbohydrates). There may be satiety benefits, and in certain cases it can make sense (super insulin resistant, though protein makes this complicated).

Once you have lost all that excess fat, you just need to figure out how many calories you need to keep it off. You can get those calories from where you wish.
urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fart fart fart
Once you start adding carbs back in, stay away from wheat (and other gluten grains) and Omega-6 vegetable oils, and minimize fructose intake. All these foods have negative metabolic effects on many (perhaps most) people that go beyond the macronutrient counts.

Go wild with fruit, potatoes, yams, squash, rice, and whatever other starch you like.


Well, Science disagrees. Also consider that low carb diets are high fat diets, and fat has twice the amount of calories than protein or carbs.


Chinner said:
Well, Science disagrees. Also consider that low carb diets are high fat diets, and fat has twice the amount of calories than protein or carbs.

Science does not disagree. I understand that low-carb diets have a higher fat content, but they still tend to be calorie-restricted due to carb elimination without full caloric replacement from other sources.

A couple of studies:

Interestingly enough, adults in the US who eat a high carbohydrate diet are more likely have a BMI of under 25.


Also, while in special populations (extremely obese, insulin resistant, diabetic) low-carb dieting tends to result in a better outcome over a six month period:


See, it turns out that over the long term, the restriction of carbohydrates isn't what makes people lose the weight, it's the calories. For the first six months though again, the low-carb tends to have you lose a little more (personally, I'd guess water weight).


Seriously, there isn't really a metabolic advantage here. Some people think that there are negative side effects to the low-carb thing, but that's really up in the air (personally, I think that there may be benefits, though this study doesn't agree.)


I mean, low-carb diets work, and they work well, but the reason behind it often ambiguous. Poor study control! Tell us more about ze caloriez!


The issue is that in most of these studies, calories aren't monitored on the low-carb front. I get the impression from the studies where calories ARE kept constant that weight loss is largely calorie-dependent after an initial drop in weight apparently due to water loss. The trend in these studies however is that it is easier to lose weight on low-carb diets. Protein is higher, and so is satiety. The elimination of a major calorie source seems to make eating less simpler. Adherence tends to be a little higher. The insulin stuff is kind of hogwash unless people are scarfing sugar, as protein spikes insulin hard (beef and brown rice for example deliver a similar insulin spike), but it works.

The comment I was replying to was saying that 'how low do my carbs have to be for me to keep the weight off' and my response was that they don't have to be low; you just have to keep your calories low. If people find it easier to go low-carb while doing so, more power to them, but I'm not going to tell someone that they have to follow something more restrictive than necessary.

In a general sense, I think the type of diet depends on the individual. For extremely obese people with low adherence, low-carb might be just right for them, as it might be for certain types of metabolisms. In a general sense though, it just doesn't matter which one you choose.
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