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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

metamonk said:
i am worried i may be getting too many carbs from the vegetables. i've been eating about 5-6 servings a day, half with lunch and the rest with dinner. been mostly eating squash, broccoli, spinach, green beans, cauliflower.
Squash is a starchy vegetable, so you may want to limit your intake (if you're eating lots of it)


betweenthewheels said:
Squash is a starchy vegetable, so you may want to limit your intake (if you're eating lots of it)

ah, didn't think of that. too bad i love it =( oh well, i'll definitely cut back.


First tragedy, then farce.
metamonk said:
ah, didn't think of that. too bad i love it =( oh well, i'll definitely cut back.

google the nutritional value of every veggie you eat. Don't just assume it is low carb. Squash is as bad as potatoes or a lot of fruit when it comes to carbs. Basically you can't have it if you are on an extremely low carb diet.

Speaking of, what is the feeling on aspartame?

I ate some sugar free jello last night and was still in ketosis this AM... and would like to continue eating it, but have heard it can kick some people out of ketosis.


StoOgE said:
google the nutritional value of every veggie you eat. Don't just assume it is low carb. Squash is as bad as potatoes or a lot of fruit when it comes to carbs. Basically you can't have it if you are on an extremely low carb diet.

Speaking of, what is the feeling on aspartame?

I ate some sugar free jello last night and was still in ketosis this AM... and would like to continue eating it, but have heard it can kick some people out of ketosis.

i've been buying frozen bags of sliced yellow squash. and just been going by the label for carb counting. the container says 2/3 cup = 1 serving. that 1 serving, according to the nutrition facts on the bag lists it as total carbs 3g. dietary fiber less than 1g. and sugars 2g. going by that i thought 3g of carbs wasn't that bad for a serving. am i misinterpreting this? i need to figure out what i'm doing when looking at nutrition facts so that i'm being accurate as possible with my intake. do i add the sugars to carbs? i'm confused now >< help! :D
metamonk said:
i've been buying frozen bags of sliced yellow squash. and just been going by the label for carb counting. the container says 2/3 cup = 1 serving. that 1 serving, according to the nutrition facts on the bag lists it as total carbs 3g. dietary fiber less than 1g. and sugars 2g. going by that i thought 3g of carbs wasn't that bad for a serving. am i misinterpreting this? i need to figure out what i'm doing when looking at nutrition facts so that i'm being accurate as possible with my intake. do i add the sugars to carbs? i'm confused now >< help! :D

You just need the net carbs I believe: Carbs-Fiber=Net Carbs


Someone explain this crazy voodoo to me...

May 23rd i weight 210. I start a strict diet and work out about 30-40 minutes 4-6 days a week. Last 2 weeks i hit a brick wall at 184. No matter what i ate or how long i worked out i was coming in at a solid 184 on the average. On Friday or Saturday, i decide to skip working out for 2 days and i even have a pretty loaded dinner that breaks my diet. I wake up next day and weigh 2 pounds less at 182. It is Wednesday now and i weigh 178. I am losing weight every day, and keep a very strict diet so i am aware of the fluctuation areas. Hell, i even cheated again last night with some alcohol and a burger of all things. Its like when i decide to NOT have steak and stick to the strict diet, i lose even more. Its so glorious. And to think i was so close to giving up.

There is one thing i did change though, and that is for breakfast i now have this really shitty tasting plain organic yogurt and this really horrible pro-biotic drink. I used to have Dannon yogurt and some Juice.


Dabookerman said:
Whats the consensus on the Zero range of Coke products?

taste like crap, but eh it's pop without all the funk calories

only 0 cal pop's I think taste alright and are somewhat close to the original are 7up and sprite


betweenthewheels said:
You just need the net carbs I believe: Carbs-Fiber=Net Carbs

alrighty. so i guess what i'm trying to ask is if 3g carbs is too much for 1 serving of a veggie?
metamonk said:
alrighty. so i guess what i'm trying to ask is if 3g carbs is too much for 1 serving of a veggie?
It depends. What are your overall goals for carb intake during a day? I personally try to stay under 25g most days, and get any carbs from nuts or vegetables. Some people are fine with 100g. Depends on what works for you.


First tragedy, then farce.
elrechazao said:
On the question of artificial sweeteners and insulin response, check out this post that has links to some of the known studies on the issue:


well, I haven't been kicked out of Ketosis yet, and some of my own research googleing says it may come down to individual biology how your body responds to the fake sweetness. Some people may start to produce insulin, others may not have any response.. and it may even change in some individuals.

I'll cut back on it, but not kick it completely.

I honestly went into ketosis really easily. Took 2 days, and even 3 beers at happy hour last week never kicked me out of it.


StoOgE said:
well, I haven't been kicked out of Ketosis yet, and some of my own research googleing says it may come down to individual biology how your body responds to the fake sweetness. Some people may start to produce insulin, others may not have any response.. and it may even change in some individuals.

I'll cut back on it, but not kick it completely.

I honestly went into ketosis really easily. Took 2 days, and even 3 beers at happy hour last week never kicked me out of it.
Beer won't kick you out, but it uses Alcohol as a main fuel source first instead of fat.


elrechazao said:
It depends. What are your overall goals for carb intake during a day? I personally try to stay under 25g most days, and get any carbs from nuts or vegetables. Some people are fine with 100g. Depends on what works for you.

according to my calculations i've been in the 40g-50g range each day. so far my i've been pleased with my results. gives me plenty of room to work with when i hit a wall.


metamonk said:
so i'm eating too many vegetables? how much meat are you consuming for lunch / dinner? a couple of chicken breasts per meal or what?
I'm not sure how good or bad my diet is, but I'll just share with you what I'm doing. I always eat some sort of meat for lunch and dinner. Hamburgers, seafood, chicken, steak, eggs. 1 or 2 per meal. Sometimes I add 1 crop (max a day) of broccoli or cauliflower. Most other veggies have more carbs ratio-wise, but I do occasionally treat myself with a cherry tomato or two (1 carb per cherry, how cute). Sometimes snacking on whole cucumbers (10 carbs). I'm trying to make sure almost everything is 0 or 2 carbs and the exceptions being less than 20 grams total. So I'm not really trying to hover around the 20 number, but I'm making sure I stay under it. If I had a day with only 5 carbs I'm not supplementing it.


First tragedy, then farce.
metamonk said:
according to my calculations i've been in the 40g-50g range each day. so far my i've been pleased with my results. gives me plenty of room to work with when i hit a wall.

That is fine, you aren't going to hit ketosis at those levels, but you should still see some weight loss.

I've got one week left on my ketosis diet and I've made good progress.. down to about 12.5% body fat. Hopefully I can get it well under 12 before I got to NYC. At which point I plan on Shake Shack, Papaya King and Grimaldi's putting on a few pounds. :lol
StoOgE said:
That is fine, you aren't going to hit ketosis at those levels, but you should still see some weight loss.
This isn't necessarily true - too many people think of ketosis as a yes or no process. Your body will produce ketones at various levels in response to varying carbohydrate inputs, it's not a magic number where you either have some ketones or none.


StoOgE said:
Yeah.. um, that sounds like starving yourself.

Day 2 you might feel great. You are going to not feel great pretty quickly and those vitamins are not doing any good.

I figured out how many calories I am eating everyday and it's in the lower 1000 range, which is roughly the same as when I was on weight watchers, which didn't work for me. My only concern is that I'm losing weight rather quickly this first week and I don't want to gain it back... I know that losing more than 2-3 pounds per week is not good.

Here's what I have been eating... maybe you can help me out.

1 Protein Shake or Bar

1 Protein Shake or Bar, 2 cups of non-starchy vegetables, unlimited lettuce

1 Protein Shake or Bar

5 oz of lean meat or 7 oz of fish
2 cups of non-starchy vegetables
unlimited lettuce

Compulsory Additions -- 1 Multivitamin, 1 Cal-Mag Supplement, 1 Potassium Supplement, 2 teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of oil

At least 64 oz of water daily --

I had a lot of cravings the first few days but they haven't been as bad. After I lose 90% of my weight loss goal, I am supposed to add 5 oz of meat of 7 oz of fish to lunch. After a few weeks of that, the diet works you back into your everyday diet and adds carbs in slowly.

Really, I'm not looking for people to complain and start the low carb argument again. I would just like some suggestions from those with experience.

I do not have a lot of time to work out as I teach full time, work a part-time job, and am in grad school... but most of my day is spent on my feet at least.

I have been overweight my entire life and am now 24. I need to lose a little over 100 pounds to be at my ideal weight. I had many failed attempts to lose weight in my younger years... they failed mostly because I didn't know what I was doing and had no one to teach me. In college, I lost almost 20 pounds my junior year just by spending all of my down time at the rec. Now I'm at the point in my life where I know that someday excess weight could cause health problems and I do not want to allow that to happen.


StoOgE said:
That is fine, you aren't going to hit ketosis at those levels, but you should still see some weight loss.

I've got one week left on my ketosis diet and I've made good progress.. down to about 12.5% body fat. Hopefully I can get it well under 12 before I got to NYC. At which point I plan on Shake Shack, Papaya King and Grimaldi's putting on a few pounds. :lol

i've been doing this for a little over two months now and have dropped 22lbs so far. i don't know if i hit ketosis or not, but just cutting out a ton of carbs i was eating and riding my bike has really been working for me.

congratulations on your progress! have fun in nyc! :D


Soneet said:
Hell yeah *high five* those noodles are awesome. Makes everything a lot less boring.

My experience so far with veggies is that broccoli and cauliflower are the best, but they're such a pain to store (size), prepare (cutting stems, mess everywhere) and cook (always needing the biggest pan filled with water). So in the beginning I ate veggies about every day but now I eat it about 1 or 2 times a week. I use lettuce for my hamburgers and I take vitamin supplements everyday, so I hope that's enough.
Do you have a microwave? Just cook them in that or eat them raw w/ low calorie dip. Fast/easy.


Junior Member
Day 5 of Keto: 161.5lb

I've been doing low-intensity cardio, drinking a lot of water, and keeping my calories at around 500 below maintenance. According to my ketostix, I'm in fairly deep ketosis as they're starting to turn up dark purple. I'm sure that most of this is still just water weight but I'm still fairly happy with my progress in the first week alone.

Net Loss: 5.5lb

EDIT: Also, here is a great site for low-carbers: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/recipes.html

In particular, this is a great recipe that staved off some of my cravings: http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/protein_cookie.html. It tastes more like a biscuit than a cookie, but still, SO GOOD.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Why god? WHYYYYYY?! Why do you torment me?

It's no longer annoying, it's downright fucking scary. I feel like I've no longer hit a wall, rather it's that I've hit motherfucking mount everest...

80kgs//176 lbs, I can't lose more. I haven't changed me diet, still excercise so what's problem? I've been here for two weeks, TWO bloody weeks withouth losing a single pound.

Sigh...I was on schedule and everything, it was looking soo good for me but now this? Fuck the physical toll it takes on my body, the mental rape is a million times worse. Thinking about quitting and just go back to normal.



Corky said:
Sigh...I was on schedule and everything, it was looking soo good for me but now this? Fuck the physical toll it takes on my body, the mental rape is a million times worse. Thinking about quitting and just go back to normal.


Just calm down and tweak your diet. Persist.

I am really very surprised at how some posters have meltdowns over this. I don't know whether I'm out of touch with how people are nowadays but it's very manbaby.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
hsukardi said:
Just calm down and tweak your diet. Persist.

I am really very surprised at how some posters have meltdowns over this. I don't know whether I'm out of touch with how people are nowadays but it's very manbaby.

tweak my diet in what way?

I am a manbaby...

hold me


I've been losing weight for two months now, and my weight has gone from 83kg to 77kg, with not that much of physical exercise. Just some cycling every now and then.

What I've done is, I've changed my eating habits completely, and not just for now but for good.

- Smaller meals, more frequently during the day.
- No microwave dinners, I make my own food.
- Dark bread, instead of white bread.
- No midnight snacks, or eating just for pleasure.
- No fast food, snacks or candy. For the first month I was completely without them, now I allow myself to eat a small quantity once a week.
- Replace snacks and candy with fruits and vegetables.
- Alcohol is allowed. =) I haven't noticed any changes in weight, whether I've drinked once or twice a week, or not at all.
- Keeping a diary of weight and everything I eat, or drink.

Still 7 kilograms to go.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
hsukardi said:
Let's start by listing down everything you've eaten for the past 7 days, including snacks between meals. And how much.

"meal" no 1 : 100g eggwhites, 10g salami
no 2 : 50g of cheese, 29% fat
no 3 : 60g mixture of ; sunflower,sesame, flax-seeds and walnuts
no 4 : 150g of tuna
no 5 : 1 protein shake
no 6 : 200g of chicken, "some" parmesan
no 7 : 1 protein shake

I keep the meals roughly 2 hours apart. No snacks, no nothin'.

all in all ; 1465kcal, 170g of protein ( I aim to keep it at that nice level of 1g/1lbs ), 64,5g of fat, 7g of carbs ( this is undoubtebly not correct since here in sweden fibres aren't "accounted" for or something so the number is higher most likely 20g or so)

I never steer away from my diet, if anything I try to mix it up by sometimes eating salmon instead of chicken and sometimes red meat instead of salmon.


First tragedy, then farce.
Welp, my last 5 pounds should go really easily. I seem to have picked up a stomach bug.

Hooray. :(

Either that or my beer tolerance is near zero. I had 3 beers last night and puked my guts out 2 hours later. Considering two weeks ago I through down about 12 of them in the same time frame I doubt that was the cause.

Unless this low-carb diet is making me a lightweight.


First tragedy, then farce.
Corky said:
Why god? WHYYYYYY?! Why do you torment me?

It's no longer annoying, it's downright fucking scary. I feel like I've no longer hit a wall, rather it's that I've hit motherfucking mount everest...

80kgs//176 lbs, I can't lose more. I haven't changed me diet, still excercise so what's problem? I've been here for two weeks, TWO bloody weeks withouth losing a single pound.

Sigh...I was on schedule and everything, it was looking soo good for me but now this? Fuck the physical toll it takes on my body, the mental rape is a million times worse. Thinking about quitting and just go back to normal.


That is what a wall is. Keep it up and it will start coming off again soonish.

Your body doesn't want to lose it's fat stores. It thinks you will not have access to food at some point in the future and wants to keep the fat on as a backup plan. On occasion your body adapts to it's current intake levels and maintains parity. It won't be able to do so forever if you are at a deficit.


my weekly weigh-in:

june 8, 2010 = 215lbs

today = 192.5lbs

last weekend i was out of town and ended up eating out for all my meals. had kfc buffet + desert, frosty from wendy's, 4 slices of pizza, philly cheese steak omelet + hashbrowns smothered in kethcup, 2 mcdoubles and two small bags of beef jerky. drank water with all my meals. needless to say, i felt terrible sunday night. it was like i committed the biggest sin in my life. went back onto my regular diet monday morning + biking and still managed to lose 2lbs for the week. i won't be doing that again anytime soon, but it was a big relief to me that i was still able to make progress.


I'm going to be very happy to post in this thread in about a month. I've lost about 30 pounds since coming to Asia and I figure another month will be good enough progress to post before and after pics. Not finished and where I want to be, but I'm on my way!


Wads said:
I'm going to be very happy to post in this thread in about a month. I've lost about 30 pounds since coming to Asia and I figure another month will be good enough progress to post before and after pics. Not finished and where I want to be, but I'm on my way!

i avoided photos like the plague when i gained my weight. but i managed to have a few taken for holidays and such. i should hit my goal october-november if i keep progressing at my current rate. i'll have to post a before/after comparison as well. i probably shouldn't post a weekly update, but it helps keep me motivated and i look forward to noting my progress.


Junior Member
Corky said:
"meal" no 1 : 100g eggwhites, 10g salami
no 2 : 50g of cheese, 29% fat
no 3 : 60g mixture of ; sunflower,sesame, flax-seeds and walnuts
no 4 : 150g of tuna
no 5 : 1 protein shake
no 6 : 200g of chicken, "some" parmesan
no 7 : 1 protein shake

I keep the meals roughly 2 hours apart. No snacks, no nothin'.

all in all ; 1465kcal, 170g of protein ( I aim to keep it at that nice level of 1g/1lbs ), 64,5g of fat, 7g of carbs ( this is undoubtebly not correct since here in sweden fibres aren't "accounted" for or something so the number is higher most likely 20g or so)

I never steer away from my diet, if anything I try to mix it up by sometimes eating salmon instead of chicken and sometimes red meat instead of salmon.

Try increasing those calories by just a bit, but eat less cheese and add some more sources of good fats (adding some flaxseed oil to your protein shake will do the trick). The proper calorie target should be 10-12x your body weight in pounds; any less, and your body will begin to slow down its metabolism and hoard fat. Keep in mind that at least 65% of your calories should be coming from fat, or else the body will actually break the protein down into glucose and take you out of ketosis. Buy some ketostix to make sure that you're still in that state. Remember, on a low carb diet, fat is your energy!

EDIT: Also, how are you exercising? If you're lifting weights, you need that 12-18 hour per week cheat window to eat as many carbs as you can to replenish your muscles' glycogen stores. It's actually recommended to go over your calorie limit on this day as it'll rev up your metabolism.


I've never bothered with counting the galories. I've just changed my own eating habits. From my point of view, if there's a problem it's all because you've accustomed to eating what you do. And if you haven't got the will power to change it, you're weak. Simple as that.


First tragedy, then farce.
I almost broke down and ordered a pizza tonight. I held off at the last second and ate some eggs :(

Fuck I want carbs so bad right now :(
Melchiah said:
I've never bothered with counting the galories. I've just changed my own eating habits. From my point of view, if there's a problem it's all because you've accustomed to eating what you do. And if you haven't got the will power to change it, you're weak. Simple as that.

I can see what you are saying but I don't think changing your diet is a simple thing to do.

Whether you are trying to lose or gain a lot of weight, making a massive change to your diet is a massive change to your lifestyle which, in many cases, requires a massive change to your self esteem and way you think about yourself.

What people are doing in this thread is far from simple.


chicko1983 said:
Whether you are trying to lose or gain a lot of weight, making a massive change to your diet is a massive change to your lifestyle which, in many cases, requires a massive change to your self esteem and way you think about yourself.

What people are doing in this thread is far from simple.

I know from experience. It was very hard for me to be without midnight snacks or sandwiches, and to change snacks to fruits when watching movies. Not to mention watching my girlfriend eating all the good things while I'm eating something else. If you can resist the urge it will make you stronger.


Decado said:
Do you have a microwave? Just cook them in that or eat them raw w/ low calorie dip. Fast/easy.
I just nuked some broccoli and it's amazing! I have this huge glass bowl with a cover so it was extremely easy. Thanks a lot for the tip, now I can easily have some delicious greens :)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
elrechazao said:
I couldn't find the nutritional info on there, I'd beware sugar alcohols though.

edit: from the comments 15g of sugar alcohol per serving. I'd steer clear.

Will do.

Any good reccomendations for sugar-free candy that's in line with low-carb eating? I've been craving sweets lately. :(


Just finished weighing myself today... total weight loss in the past 16 months is now at 48 lbs. I've been pretty hard on myself lately because, even though my ideal body weight is supposedly around 180 (I'm 195 now) I still have a really big gut and moobs. Oh well though, I just gotta focus on the fact that I'm at least not 240 lbs anymore

Really wish I could have gotten my body into better shape though before college, which starts later this week. Mainly because of the chicks. Also one of my biggest concerns is not being able to resist all of the food in front of me that is already paid for and just pigging out and ruining my low carb diet. On the flip side though it might make my diet easier because I can just order meat everyday without having to do any shopping or preparing on my own

And while I really do love how I'm losing a bunch of weight while only occasionally exercising, I should really get into some sort of regular workout routine. I think my college has a pretty good rec center so I'll try to get onto a good schedule once I get settled in


EzLink said:
Just finished weighing myself today... total weight loss in the past 16 months is now at 48 lbs. I've been pretty hard on myself lately because, even though my ideal body weight is supposedly around 180 (I'm 195 now) I still have a really big gut and moobs. Oh well though, I just gotta focus on the fact that I'm at least not 240 lbs anymore

Really wish I could have gotten my body into better shape though before college, which starts later this week. Mainly because of the chicks. Also one of my biggest concerns is not being able to resist all of the food in front of me that is already paid for and just pigging out and ruining my low carb diet. On the flip side though it might make my diet easier because I can just order meat everyday without having to do any shopping or preparing on my own

And while I really do love how I'm losing a bunch of weight while only occasionally exercising, I should really get into some sort of regular workout routine. I think my college has a pretty good rec center so I'll try to get onto a good schedule once I get settled in
Summer sucks for routine, at least for me. Between fluctuating work schedules and family obligations getting a routine has been a challenge.

When school starts I already see my routine. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings before my 11:00AM class. I can't wait for this, being so irregular has been weighing on my mind for a while.
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