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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


elrechazao said:
The results I have seen with my body personally make me avoid them.

Also, my reasons really have nothing to do with an aversion to artificial sweeteners per se (ie: omg they give you cancer!), because I think there's nothing wrong with them, I just avoid lots of them mostly because fake sugar gives me personally real sugar cravings.

Same here. I was a big Diet Coke drinker - I actually liked the taste compared to regular Coke.

Anyway, I've changed over to good ol' plain water. Why introduce a variable that can screw things up?

Back to my other question, anyone know why you'll notice packaging where Total Carbs > Fiber + Sugar? Besides sugar alcohol, is there something else? Just wondering.
CaptainABAB said:
Same here. I was a big Diet Coke drinker - I actually liked the taste compared to regular Coke.

Anyway, I've changed over to good ol' plain water. Why introduce a variable that can screw things up?

Back to my other question, anyone know why you'll notice packaging where Total Carbs > Fiber + Sugar? Besides sugar alcohol, is there something else? Just wondering.
I'm guessing maybe insoluble fiber, not sure though


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Just wanted to redundantly iterate how much I hate how fake the food industry is.

After having no luck finding Buttermilk Ranch dressing made out of buttermilk for the fat, I decided to make my own. Turns out you need buttermilk and mayonnaise. Jesus titty f*cking christ there are 10 different brands of "Real Mayonnaise" that is composed of soybean oil instead of eggs. And half of the buttermilk had sugar in it.
Alright. Looking at some older pictures of myself I realize I've gained a bit and would like to reduce. Still, I don't really cook and would need a lot of help shopping for the right things and recipes if that's what I need to do. Is there a website or program that can kind of ween me into the right habits?

Any suggestions?

The exercise thing is a non-issue as I can take care of that unless there are certain exercises I should and shouldn't do.
The Shadow said:
Alright. Looking at some older pictures of myself I realize I've gained a bit and would like to reduce. Still, I don't really cook and would need a lot of help shopping for the right things and recipes if that's what I need to do. Is there a website or program that can kind of ween me into the right habits?

Any suggestions?

The exercise thing is a non-issue as I can take care of that unless there are certain exercises I should and shouldn't do.

meat, eggs, broccoli, tomatoes. Steer clear of carbs - including the sweet fruit and veggies.

that is pretty much all I have eaten in the last couple of days and it is definitely working for me. Although, I am catergorised as obese so it would be easier for me to lose using the low carb diet.

I am loving the low carb diet as well. Last night after heading out for a birthday celebration, instead of getting a yiros at the end of the night I asked for a tub of meat - it was awesome!
teh_pwn said:
Just wanted to redundantly iterate how much I hate how fake the food industry is.

After having no luck finding Buttermilk Ranch dressing made out of buttermilk for the fat, I decided to make my own. Turns out you need buttermilk and mayonnaise. Jesus titty f*cking christ there are 10 different brands of "Real Mayonnaise" that is composed of soybean oil instead of eggs. And half of the buttermilk had sugar in it.
Mayo is ridiculously hard to find that's real. Making your own rocks. Another annoying thing to try to find - lard. All the places around here have is vegetable shortening.
Duke's mayonnaise has no added sugar. Mayo is oil and eggs, no? I've seen lard packaged under a different name so as to trick the customer (e.g. dried plums=prunes), but I can't remember it. It's usually in the "ethnic" part of the refrigerated dairy aisle and I've also seen it in a frozen package.


Speaking of oils, guys I'll be starting my diet fro. Tomorrow. Low carb, low calorie. Is it okay to cook in normal oil you can buy from the market or do I need some special oil?

Weight gain has gotten cut of hand and I need to cut back. Specially need to lose weight from my gut, love handles and face. Currently 30 years old and I'm going off the junk foods, sodas, white bread, pasta rice and all carbs including potatoes, sugar, and anything with grain. It's going to be really difficult but I don't have a choice. The alternative isn't so good.
Also cutting sweet fruits and veggies.

Another question I have is that if I take all of that out what should I eat. I have to vary the diet otherwise it will get repetitive and knowing myself I'll lose interest and drop the diet and I can't do that this time.

I've started drinking green tea in the morning and taken the advice ofveating slowly and smaller portions but more frequently. Sometimes for breakfast I have eggs, for lunch soup and a low fat hunter beef or hunter chicken low fat sandwich on brown bread with some onions and tomatoes and ketchup and homecooket minced meat stew, no rice or bread, just with a spoon. Sometimes I'll eat the hunter meat sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner and maybe have fruits like a banana when I feel hungry. Another problem is that if I starve myself I start gettingbavid reflux and I'm sick of running to the restroom frequently.

Any alternating ideas? I 6 feet tall and currently weigh 240 pounds. My ideal body weight should be around 170 pounds. Thanks for reading the damn long story!

Edit: I should add that il be starting regular exercise as well. Some running/cardio on the treadmill and light workout with weights, bench presses etc.
fixuis said:
Speaking of oils, guys I'll be starting my diet fro. Tomorrow. Low carb, low calorie. Is it okay to cook in normal oil you can buy from the market or do I need some special oil?

Weight gain has gotten cut of hand and I need to cut back. Specially need to lose weight from my gut, love handles and face. Currently 30 years old and I'm going off the junk foods, sodas, white bread, pasta rice and all carbs including potatoes, sugar, and anything with grain. It's going to be really difficult but I don't have a choice. The alternative isn't so good.
Also cutting sweet fruits and veggies.

Another question I have is that if I take all of that out what should I eat. I have to vary the diet otherwise it will get repetitive and knowing myself I'll lose interest and drop the diet and I can't do that this time.

I've started drinking green tea in the morning and taken the advice ofveating slowly and smaller portions but more frequently. Sometimes for breakfast I have eggs, for lunch soup and a low fat hunter beef or hunter chicken low fat sandwich on brown bread with some onions and tomatoes and ketchup and homecooket minced meat stew, no rice or bread, just with a spoon. Sometimes I'll eat the hunter meat sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner and maybe have fruits like a banana when I feel hungry. Another problem is that if I starve myself I start gettingbavid reflux and I'm sick of running to the restroom frequently.

Any alternating ideas? I 6 feet tall and currently weigh 240 pounds. My ideal body weight should be around 170 pounds. Thanks for reading the damn long story!

Edit: I should add that il be starting regular exercise as well. Some running/cardio on the treadmill and light workout with weights, bench presses etc.

1. Oils - cook in butter or lard. Grass fed butter preferably, regular is fine though. Olive oil is good too. Don't use hydrogenated vegetable oils.
2. Don't starve yourself. If you want to do low carb, do that, and don't worry as much about low calorie. Just doing low carb will eiliminate 95% of the crap you shouldn't eat, like added sugar foods, refined flours, soda, etc. In place of those, eat lots of eggs (tuna, sardines, etc), leafy greens, chicken, beef, lamb, sausage, pork, bacon, etc.
List of foods you can and should eat if on low carb:http://www.atkins.com/Program/Phase1/WhatYouCanEatinthisPhase.aspx

3. Watch things like ketchup, they are mostly sugar.
4. You can do it. I started out heavier than you just 8 months ago.
5. Exercise: try interval training. Read this for more info:


elrechazao said:
1. Oils - cook in butter or lard. Grass fed butter preferably, regular is fine though. Olive oil is good too. Don't use hydrogenated vegetable oils.
2. Don't starve yourself. If you want to do low carb, do that, and don't worry as much about low calorie. Just doing low carb will eiliminate 95% of the crap you shouldn't eat, like added sugar foods, refined flours, soda, etc. In place of those, eat lots of eggs (tuna, sardines, etc), leafy greens, chicken, beef, lamb, sausage, pork, bacon, etc.
List of foods you can and should eat if on low carb:http://www.atkins.com/Program/Phase1/WhatYouCanEatinthisPhase.aspx

3. Watch things like ketchup, they are mostly sugar.
4. You can do it. I started out heavier than you just 8 months ago.
5. Exercise: try interval training. Read this for more info:

Thank you so much!


Canadians burned my passport
So I've been on this diet for a about 3 weeks. I've been having random chest pains during the day. From my left armpit to the centre of my chest. They're not really intense or anything, just soreness. Anyone know what's up?


Crap I just remembered ive had gout before as well so going to have to mix up the diet. Can't go all meat. Will include eggs, some fruits and occasional rice. Talk about a chicken and egg situation :lol I'm trying to lose weight so things like gout don't bother me but I can't go on a complete low fat low carb diet because of it :lol
fixuis said:
Crap I just remembered ive had gout before as well so going to have to mix up the diet. Can't go all meat. Will include eggs, some fruits and occasional rice. Talk about a chicken and egg situation :lol I'm trying to lose weight so things like gout don't bother me but I can't go on a complete low fat low carb diet because of it :lol
You don't want to go low fat while doing low carb. Low carb in this day and age really means high fat. Don't fear the fat, it's not what makes you fat. A high protein low fat low carb diet is not what you should be shooting for.


scroll down (although you should read the whole thing) to the part on fat.

chicko1983 said:
meat, eggs, broccoli, tomatoes. Steer clear of carbs - including the sweet fruit and veggies.

Huh? I thought veggies were okay for a low carb diet?

Also, what are people's thoughts on nuts? I was thinking of eating some in order to meet some fiber requirements, but they seem to contain a good amount of carbs as well.
Masta_Killah said:
Huh? I thought veggies were okay for a low carb diet?

Also, what are people's thoughts on nuts? I was thinking of eating some in order to meet some fiber requirements, but they seem to contain a good amount of carbs as well.
Nuts are great. Most of the carbs in them are fiber, so the net carbs are low. The ones to stay away from are probably cashews and peanuts (which are not nuts). Veggies are ok, just that some aren't - the starchy ones aren't great if you're really low carbing.
elrechazao said:
Nuts are great. Most of the carbs in them are fiber, so the net carbs are low. The ones to stay away from are probably cashews and peanuts (which are not nuts). Veggies are ok, just that some aren't - the starchy ones aren't great if you're really low carbing.

Ah ok. Gonna do some shopping and get a big bag.


Masta_Killah said:
Ah ok. Gonna do some shopping and get a big bag.

Almonds are generally accepted as the healthiest, but they're all good for you (except, as has been mentioned, peanuts and soynuts aren't actually nuts). Just a warning though, there is enough sugar in them that if you're low-carbing it you may wind up scarfing down a lot; because they're so solid you might wind up with some interesting shits the next day.:lol


elrechazao said:
Mayo is ridiculously hard to find that's real. Making your own rocks. Another annoying thing to try to find - lard. All the places around here have is vegetable shortening.

Just noticed that the Mayo I usually use (Hellman's) has sugar. It says it has zero carbs - how is that possible? Are they rounding down?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
adamsappel said:
Duke's mayonnaise has no added sugar. Mayo is oil and eggs, no? I've seen lard packaged under a different name so as to trick the customer (e.g. dried plums=prunes), but I can't remember it. It's usually in the "ethnic" part of the refrigerated dairy aisle and I've also seen it in a frozen package.

The problem is the type of oil they use. Soybean is commonly used, and is one of the unhealthiest fats aside from transfats for two reasons:

1. It's loaded with omega 6. While omega6 is an essential fat, we get so damn much from our food that our cell membranes are innately inflammatory. I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but I discussed this with Prince Dalton and others in the last few pages.

2. It's rancid from the beginning. Imagine the process it takes to get oil from soybeans. It's not like scrapping the cream off milk, cutting the fat from meat/fish, pressing olives. It's a pretty damn harsh processing involving acids and heat.

What I ended up using:
1. Some low fat Mayo. Not because it's low fat, but because the primary oil used was olive, with canola being second, then soybean. Canola isn't much better than soy.
2. Half & Half. Couldn't find true buttermilk at my HEB. Not even in the real butter section that they seem to hide in their store.
3. Pastured butter to make up for the fat content lost.

Results: Meh. About as good as most generic dressing, but ingredients need working.

Just noticed that the Mayo I usually use (Hellman's) has sugar. It says it has zero carbs - how is that possible? Are they rounding down?

Yes. They can round down from a certain fraction of a gram. So what they do is they'll divide up the portion size so that it is so small that you won't realize it's significantly composed of sugar.

Pretty fucking sick isn't it? This industry has lobbied to change the definition of real and zero, all the while telling us that it's good for us.

The M.O.B

Height= 5'6

Last year at this time = 190lbs mostly fat

Now = 165 mostly muscle

:D I have been in the gym constantly, I didn't change my diet too much, but I got rid of soda and instead went for plain ol' water.

Seth C

elrechazao said:
I'm not really up for posting pics of me on the internet, sorry. Maybe a legacy of my uncomfortableness with my fatassnes.

For reference = 6 feet tall, started at 44-46 waist. Currently at 32.

I must carry my weight very evenly or something. I'm also 6 ft. tall. Years ago when I was 257lbs. the biggest pants I ever wore were size 36/38. Even now, at 157lbs. I wear a 30/32.
Height: 6ft
Starting: 240
Current: 196


16 to goal :D
I love how people are dieting realistically here. I'm on a 800 calorie diet myself, let me tell you this is not the way to diet. I'll probably form a eating disorder down the line, but I have to lower my blood pressure some how. DO NOT follow a less than 1200 calorie diet.


Congrats lunaclover! You look fantastic! Can i ask how long it took you? And what kind of diet plan/exercise plan did you follow?


Tears For Fears said:
I love how people are dieting realistically here. I'm on a 800 calorie diet myself, let me tell you this is not the way to diet. I'll probably form a eating disorder down the line, but I have to lower my blood pressure some how. DO NOT follow a less than 1200 calorie diet.
This is horrible.
Just make your own mayo. It's a great workout for the forearms, but it's well worth the effort. I use Alton Brown's recipe.

Instead of vegetable oil, I use MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides, extracted from coconut oil, i believe), leftover bacon lard, or high oleic sunflower oil (yeah, a vegetable oil, but it's very low in PUFA and high in MUFA, and mayo for me is a rare thing). Pretty tasty stuff.


Tears For Fears said:
I love how people are dieting realistically here. I'm on a 800 calorie diet myself, let me tell you this is not the way to diet. I'll probably form a eating disorder down the line, but I have to lower my blood pressure some how. DO NOT follow a less than 1200 calorie diet.
please stop for your health.

Seth C

Tears For Fears said:
I love how people are dieting realistically here. I'm on a 800 calorie diet myself, let me tell you this is not the way to diet. I'll probably form a eating disorder down the line, but I have to lower my blood pressure some how. DO NOT follow a less than 1200 calorie diet.

That's terrible. Eat around 1500, still let yourself enjoy food, exercise, and lose weight in a healthy fashion.


While I'm around the same weight I was when I first started working out. I dropped from a 36" waist to a 32". Also my shirts are tighter, so I must be doing something right.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Tears For Fears said:
I love how people are dieting realistically here. I'm on a 800 calorie diet myself, let me tell you this is not the way to diet. I'll probably form a eating disorder down the line, but I have to lower my blood pressure some how. DO NOT follow a less than 1200 calorie diet.

The reason why 800 calories tends to be bad is because you're approaching the number of calories needed from the amount of protein/fat needed to repair lean tissue. You're going to start wasting away lean tissue, reduce metabolism. I think intermittent fasting is good, but you've got to get protein & essential fats every once in a while or your metabolism goes into conservation mode.
It's always fun to drop into this thread to see what people are up to. Congrats to everyone making progress and meeting their goals and people getting frustrated - don't give up or give in; you've done a lot of hard work and there's no use wasting it.

I've seen a handful of posts where you guys are feeling like you're going to give in to "problem" foods like pizza. I would say the worst thing to do is deprive yourself of anything - the weight you lose is ideal, perfect world without "problem" food land weight and it's not realistic. You're going to have pizza again in your life sometime. You're going to have pasta and you're going to have cake. It's ok.

Allow yourself a slice - or half, whatever - of pizza once in a while. Eat a small portion or whole grain pasta with your favorite sauce here and there. Have a small piece of cake. A small serving isn't going to make much of a difference but it will help prevent a moment of weakness where you scream "FUCK IT!" and eat a whole pie or every cookie you can find. Deprivation lays the foundation for binging and after you've eaten a whole gallon of ice cream in anger and weakness you'll wish you allowed yourself a scoop every once in a while.

Low calorie foods (like Smart Ones pizza or 100 Calorie cookie packs) are a good option as well.

Happy dieting.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I make ranch dressing with sour cream, buttermilk, and the Hidden Valley seasoning packets. Not bad. Another good salad dressing consists of lemon juice, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Read off the ingredients of a bottle of salad dressing. It's like a chemistry set in there.

I have been avoiding bad oils like the plague since April. But I finally cheated and ate some chicken wings and commercially produced ranch dressing at a fantasy football draft at Buffalo Wild Wings. Throw in some Bud Light for good measure. My god what a cliche. (at least I was not wearing an NFL jersey and backwards hat.) Anyway, I felt weird at the time and it was not a pleasant experience when I woke up the next morning. I won't be doing that again.


teh_pwn said:
The reason why 800 calories tends to be bad is because you're approaching the number of calories needed from the amount of protein/fat needed to repair lean tissue. You're going to start wasting away lean tissue, reduce metabolism. I think intermittent fasting is good, but you've got to get protein & essential fats every once in a while or your metabolism goes into conservation mode.

Question. When a person is fasting, their body prioritizes the fat before muscle, entering ketosis 2-3 days after the absorption of the last meal. The body continues to burn fat for brain food until there is no more fat, after which it will cannibalize the muscle.

If you eat very little, isn't the net effect the same? Caloric intake doesn't match demand -> body burns no. 1 priority fuel, fat, after ingested calories are expended?

If an extreme dieter doesn't work out, (they won't have the energy) aren't muscle repair functions unnecessary? If the previous is true, will they still lose lean tissue? If so, why?

There must be a problem in this reasoning, I'm sorry I can't be better constructed. The root of my question isn't low carb vs. low calorie, but more, is anything in the body always prioritized first for fuel consumption when losing weight?


One month ago I started working out again and switched up my eating habits. I'm 6'2 and started out at 285... I'm now 264. I eat six times a day(smaller portions/healthy) and go to the gym six days a weak doing four miles on an elliptical and some weight training. I know the weight loss is kind of freakish, but this isn't my first time losing weight. In my early twenties I lost 60lbs in three months going from 240 to 180.


Neo Member
I know this is a weight loss thread but with all the dietary advice in here i guess its worth a shot.

So im underweight. Im 5"10 and weigh around 125lbs. Im skinny and really always have been. I want to fill out as I have no arms or shoulders and clothes kinda hang off me. Im 23 and i've been active all my life. I play football (soccer) and run / gym a few times a week. I lift some weights while i'm there but i'm not very strong. I want to get stronger and be a little more muscular without being bulky. I don't want to alter my appearance drastically, just not be skinny and weak with my clothes hanging off.

I don't feel like my diet is doing me any favours. I don't follow much of a diet and really just eat what I fancy. I don't eat much bread, potatoes or chocolate/sweets but I eat most other things. I suppose I eat a lot of vegetables and meat and quite a bit of fruit as I prefer it to candies/chocolate to snack on.

So what types of food should I be eating GAF?


Ettenra said:
Question. When a person is fasting, their body prioritizes the fat before muscle, entering ketosis 2-3 days after the absorption of the last meal. The body continues to burn fat for brain food until there is no more fat, after which it will cannibalize the muscle.

If you eat very little, isn't the net effect the same? Caloric intake doesn't match demand -> body burns no. 1 priority fuel, fat, after ingested calories are expended?

If an extreme dieter doesn't work out, (they won't have the energy) aren't muscle repair functions unnecessary? If the previous is true, will they still lose lean tissue? If so, why?

There must be a problem in this reasoning, I'm sorry I can't be better constructed. The root of my question isn't low carb vs. low calorie, but more, is anything in the body always prioritized first for fuel consumption when losing weight?

You are incorrect about your body burning all fat first.


At this point, the body also uses small amounts of protein to supplement this fuel. This fuel will last for up to 12 hours before the body needs to turn to glycogen stored in muscles, lasting for a few more days. If glucose is still denied at this point, muscle wasting is prevented by temporarily switching to fat as the fuel source, meaning fat is converted into ketone through catabolism.​
LukeT said:
I know this is a weight loss thread but with all the dietary advice in here i guess its worth a shot.

So im underweight. Im 5"10 and weigh around 125lbs. Im skinny and really always have been. I want to fill out as I have no arms or shoulders and clothes kinda hang off me. Im 23 and i've been active all my life. I play football (soccer) and run / gym a few times a week. I lift some weights while i'm there but i'm not very strong. I want to get stronger and be a little more muscular without being bulky. I don't want to alter my appearance drastically, just not be skinny and weak with my clothes hanging off.

I don't feel like my diet is doing me any favours. I don't follow much of a diet and really just eat what I fancy. I don't eat much bread, potatoes or chocolate/sweets but I eat most other things. I suppose I eat a lot of vegetables and meat and quite a bit of fruit as I prefer it to candies/chocolate to snack on.

So what types of food should I be eating GAF?
The fitness thread has lots of great info and people to answer this type of stuff.
fixuis said:
Congrats lunaclover! You look fantastic! Can i ask how long it took you? And what kind of diet plan/exercise plan did you follow?

Thanks! :) I've been at this since Jan 11th. Diet: WAY smaller portions (I use small plates/cups/etc) LOTS of water, and I make sure I burn at least 2500 cal a day. Im not a gym person, so I do things that I would naturally do in the long run. I go up 5 flights of stairs 2-3 times a day....I walk out in the heat 2 times a day...I chase a 2 year old around. Its not much, but obviously it works for me. Oh and I try my best to eat as organic as I can.
Checking in with a weight update.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs :D

Yesterday I ran 5 miles with a avg mile pace of 10:48. My fastest run mile is now down to 10:29.

Starting weight (July 1st): 242.5 lbs
Current weight: 213.5 lbs.

I'm gaining a new wardrobe, as clothes that didn't fit, now do.

I'm winning the weight loss competition I'm in.

I just ran 7 miles yesterday at the fastest pace I ever have.

I'm eating 1800 calories per day.

I feel good. :)


I'm running a 5K on Saturday.

I've been jogging on a regular basis since July. This morning, I really felt like I had no energy after 2 miles.

I've been doing low-carb since July - trying to keep under 20g. Most of it comes from leafy greens, salad dressing, some nuts and cheese.

Has anyone else on low-carb run into the same situation? Did you consume additional carbs before any extensive exercise?


So the end of August..
After two months I went from 212/215 to 192/193
It is going a little slower now.. but after about a week and a half of no change things are moving again so that is good.
Due to horrible bad knees , I have to limit my runs to about 3 times a week and getting now close to 3 miles (in about 30 minutes) It is my knees that give out at that point , not exhaustion or out of breath so that is great.
My wife joined me in better food choices so that is a great help as well.
I want to be at least 190lb by the end of sept, when I go see the docter again for my recheck ( bad cholesterol) under that would be cool too.
All my pants are falling down , I added two nothces to my belt and it is still not enough..
But I dont want to by new stuff yet because I am not done yet.
soon I have no choice though :p
THough my "ideal weight" is supposedly 148lbs.. I will be very happy with 175lbs.
Moving on forward.

I wills till withhold pics for now .. perhaps in another month or two.. to help me keep on trak durign the holiday eatign months.. yikes.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
If you have bad knees you should try cycling or swimming. Running on pavement when you're overweight is asking for trouble.


Guileless said:
If you have bad knees you should try cycling or swimming. Running on pavement when you're overweight is asking for trouble.

I am doing this with involvement of my doc. My knees hurt not because of physical damage , but due to some form of arthritis called spondylo.
I do bike riding ,as well as stepper also ... but as much as I hate I also love running.. shrug
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