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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Not sure if I've posted in this thread before, but I just wanted to say that I'm (hopefully) on the road to losing some weight. I cut out soda, fast food, alcohol, and cigarettes...all I drink is water, OJ, and V8 Fusion (only one of these a day to help with the vitamins received from fruit and vegetables). I went to the doctor and I have a fairly basic chart of food that I should be eating, as well as the amount of portions a day. I'm hitting up the grocery store this weekend. In addition, I have p90x and I'm going to design an augmented workout for myself since I don't think I'm in anywhere near good enough shape to follow the workout exactly.

Hopefully I'll see some results before too long.


Do any of you get stretch marks after weight loss? I lost a lot of lb back in the days and the stretch marks have been all over my body ever since :(
I don't know and don't think I can ever get rid of it. :.(


seady said:
Do any of you get stretch marks after weight loss? I lost a lot of lb back in the days and the stretch marks have been all over my body ever since :(
I don't know and don't think I can ever get rid of it. :.(

I've never heard of it happening during weight loss. I got a lot when I got fat because I got fat so quickly during college. They've turned white now so they're not too noticible. If it makes you feel better my super in shape roommate has them from lifting weights. Like anything in life, you just have to learn to deal. I'm not sure there's a non snake oil way of getting rid of them.
rSpooky said:
So the end of August..
After two months I went from 212/215 to 192/193
It is going a little slower now.. but after about a week and a half of no change things are moving again so that is good.
Due to horrible bad knees , I have to limit my runs to about 3 times a week and getting now close to 3 miles (in about 30 minutes) It is my knees that give out at that point , not exhaustion or out of breath so that is great.
My wife joined me in better food choices so that is a great help as well.
I want to be at least 190lb by the end of sept, when I go see the docter again for my recheck ( bad cholesterol) under that would be cool too.
All my pants are falling down , I added two nothces to my belt and it is still not enough..
But I dont want to by new stuff yet because I am not done yet.
soon I have no choice though :p
THough my "ideal weight" is supposedly 148lbs.. I will be very happy with 175lbs.
Moving on forward.

I wills till withhold pics for now .. perhaps in another month or two.. to help me keep on trak durign the holiday eatign months.. yikes.
If running is hurting your knees, try interval training. The long sessions of pavement pounding took a toll on my knees as well. Intervals are a better workout, despite being a tenth of the distance, and it's less of a physical pounding.
So, as promised last week, my blood test results. It's a bit annoying that I don't have a "before" from 8 months ago, but I think it's safe to say that dropping 85 pounds and cutting out basically all shitty sugars and other bad crap from my diet, that these numbers used to be much worse ;)

Blood Glucose: 85 mg/dl
Cholesterol total: 212
HDL: 51
LDL: 144
Triglycerides: 95

Since I eat like 2 dozen eggs a week, I'm kind of shocked my cholesterol isn't higher.


I'm going to do a follow-up weigh-in this weekend, to see how many pounds I've dropped in two months. It should at least be in the 10+ pounds range. I'm pretty excited, since I've been feeling a lot better and have consciously been trying to be more active.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
elwes said:
OJ, and V8 Fusion (only one of these a day to help with the vitamins received from fruit and vegetables)

What vitamins? OJ and V8 Fusion are sugar water. OJ might have some vitamin C, but that's because they supplemented.

I'd recommend instead getting some green vegetables and some good salad dressing.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ettenra said:
Question. When a person is fasting, their body prioritizes the fat before muscle, entering ketosis 2-3 days after the absorption of the last meal. The body continues to burn fat for brain food until there is no more fat, after which it will cannibalize the muscle.

If you eat very little, isn't the net effect the same? Caloric intake doesn't match demand -> body burns no. 1 priority fuel, fat, after ingested calories are expended?

If an extreme dieter doesn't work out, (they won't have the energy) aren't muscle repair functions unnecessary? If the previous is true, will they still lose lean tissue? If so, why?

There must be a problem in this reasoning, I'm sorry I can't be better constructed. The root of my question isn't low carb vs. low calorie, but more, is anything in the body always prioritized first for fuel consumption when losing weight?

I'm not going to try to pretend that I understand exactly how to body words, but I would think that every day your body needs amino acids to repair tissue. Even if you don't work out, your heart and organs are running. And if you're not in starvation, the bulk of your energy is burned by resting metabolism.

Only carbohydrate can be considered just calories. Dietary fat can be used to create cell membranes, skin, etc. Protein can be used to repair lean tissue. Protein/fat can be used to make ketones if needed.

I don't think the body will burn muscle for energy unless it needs to repair, but honestly I'm not familiar with this level of detail in metabolism.


Hey guys. What do you all think about this site? Basically, I wanted to know if I could eat some food that tasted great but didn't mess with my diet so I found this site.


Got some good tips from it such as eating crazy cat organic candy bars and baked lays chips. I wanted to know if I could add a handful of pringles chips and some tacos to my diet but looks like that might be a nono if i want to stick to my low cal 1200-1500 cal diet. What do you guys think. Anyone been to this site before?

Also, is cooking with soyabean oil okay! Or should I just stick with olive or canola oil?
fixuis said:
Hey guys. What do you all think about this site? Basically, I wanted to know if I could eat some food that tasted great but didn't mess with my diet so I found this site.


Got some good tips from it such as eating crazy cat organic candy bars and baked lays chips. I wanted to know if I could add a handful of pringles chips and some tacos to my diet but looks like that might be a nono if i want to stick to my low cal 1200-1500 cal diet. What do you guys think. Anyone been to this site before?
It depends on what you're trying to do. The best thing you can do is learn about the effects different foods have on your body. A low calorie diet is almost by definition unsustainable. True weight loss comes with a lifestyle change, and if you think you're going to be able to continue your life on a 1200 calorie a day diet, I'd suggest you might want to rethink that. Study after study shows that when you don't alter the hormonal aspect of why your body is retaining fat, you will go straight back to the previous weight.

So long story short, learn about your food and the affect it has on you, don't go by labels of "low calorie!" "lite!" and so on.
I found the easiest thing to do was cut out all the junk and stuff.
I know everyone's different, but once I stopped drinking sodas (I was at like 3 a day), all the fast food and most sweet, I just melted the weight away.
Went from about 185 to 135.
I also try to incorporate a lot more fruits and veggies into my diet, but overall, I've been able to maintain this weight for nearly a year now.


CaptainABAB said:
I'm running a 5K on Saturday.

I've been jogging on a regular basis since July. This morning, I really felt like I had no energy after 2 miles.

I've been doing low-carb since July - trying to keep under 20g. Most of it comes from leafy greens, salad dressing, some nuts and cheese.

Has anyone else on low-carb run into the same situation? Did you consume additional carbs before any extensive exercise?

Thinking about it more - since I run in the morning, I didn't have any food yet. I'm going to try to have a light low-carb meal 30-45 minutes before my run.


elrechazao said:
It depends on what you're trying to do. The best thing you can do is learn about the effects different foods have on your body. A low calorie diet is almost by definition unsustainable. True weight loss comes with a lifestyle change, and if you think you're going to be able to continue your life on a 1200 calorie a day diet, I'd suggest you might want to rethink that. Study after study shows that when you don't alter the hormonal aspect of why your body is retaining fat, you will go straight back to the previous weight.

So long story short, learn about your food and the affect it has on you, don't go by labels of "low calorie!" "lite!" and so on.

rSpooky said:
So the end of August..
After two months I went from 212/215 to 192/193
It is going a little slower now.. but after about a week and a half of no change things are moving again so that is good.
Due to horrible bad knees , I have to limit my runs to about 3 times a week and getting now close to 3 miles (in about 30 minutes) It is my knees that give out at that point , not exhaustion or out of breath so that is great.
My wife joined me in better food choices so that is a great help as well.
I want to be at least 190lb by the end of sept, when I go see the docter again for my recheck ( bad cholesterol) under that would be cool too.
All my pants are falling down , I added two nothces to my belt and it is still not enough..
But I dont want to by new stuff yet because I am not done yet.
soon I have no choice though :p
THough my "ideal weight" is supposedly 148lbs.. I will be very happy with 175lbs.
Moving on forward.

I wills till withhold pics for now .. perhaps in another month or two.. to help me keep on trak durign the holiday eatign months.. yikes.

Def. do some cross training. I haven't been consistent with my running as of late. So instead of butchering my legs by running long distances, I run about 2 miles, then play soccer in the indoor court for 30 minutes. That way I get intensity and distance running in. I also supplement with some machines.


I seem to have hit a wall with 76/77kg. It was relatively easy to get there from 83kg, but now I don't seem to be getting forward towards my goal, which is 70kg. Oh well, I guess the only way to do that, is to start a proper exercise routine. Anyone got any suggestions of what I could do in my own apartment, after it gets too cold for cycling? I prefer to stay away from the gyms.
elrechazao said:
It depends on what you're trying to do. The best thing you can do is learn about the effects different foods have on your body. A low calorie diet is almost by definition unsustainable. True weight loss comes with a lifestyle change, and if you think you're going to be able to continue your life on a 1200 calorie a day diet, I'd suggest you might want to rethink that. Study after study shows that when you don't alter the hormonal aspect of why your body is retaining fat, you will go straight back to the previous weight.

So long story short, learn about your food and the affect it has on you, don't go by labels of "low calorie!" "lite!" and so on.

You keep saying this and its not correct. This is a explanation of calorie tracking/ restriction. For those who are looking to lose weight no matter the "diet plan".

First the facts. 3500 calories = 1 pound of body fat. So to lose 1-2lbs a week you need to create a deficit of 500 - 1,000 calories a day. if you are losing weight you are in a calorie deficit. No matter the "diet plan"

Now you need to calculate your daily caloric need. You can find calculators for this all over the net. I use myfitnesspal.com. My daily caloric goal to maintain my weight is around 2800 calories. So to lose 2 pounds a week I need to eat 1800 calories.

Now this is the important info people keep missing. No matter what "diet plan" you are the science says if I eat over 2800 calories I will gain weight. If I eat less than that I will lose weight. This does not include exercise. This is just based on my sit on my but most of the day lifestyle.

So I have a 1800 a day calorie goal. So now when I exercise those are all free calories I get to eat. Today I ran 5 miles. Burned around 1,000 calories. So today I get to eat not 1800 but 2800 calories. If I was trying to maintain my weight I would get to eat 3800 calories!!!!!

Some people don't figure out the math and just say I will eat 1,000-1200 calories. Way to low for their bodies needs and they are miserable and feel like crap and fail. When you figure out your needs and do it right it works beautifully. I get to eat. I am not hungry and I am losing weight.

And when you get to your desired weight you eat your maintenance level. So you are not eating 1,000 -1200 calories for life. At my ideal weight my caloric needs will be ~2500 calories. Thats before exercise.

Sustainable. And with the tools available almost too easy.

So please stop saying its not sustainable. You starved yourself. Thats why it didn't work for you. This is not starvation. This is tracking what you eat and creating a deficit. Some people will be able to achieve this by just removing 1 or 2 unhealthy items from their diets. Like sugary drinks. This is why people should talk to their doctors. So they don't do something stupid like starve themselves.

I will track what I eat and exercise till I die. Thats the lifestyle change. I will make sure I am accountable for what I do to my body.

Updated comparison pic of me. Not sure how big I was in the first pic. Max weight was ~400lbs. Today the scale said 266.6 Jan 2010, July 2010, End of August 2010

Zoe said:
Is this accurate? Treadmills and ellipticals seem to approximate 100 calories/mile.

It might be more than 1,000. I run outside.

I am 6'2" and 266lbs

Ran 5.01 miles at 5.71 miles per hour. 52:40 time. 60 percent uphill.

My runkeeper gps app says it was more like 1166. My calories tracking app says its 966 but thats for a 5.2 mph run.

One of these days I will get a polar heart rate monitor. :D


1,019 calories in 53 min (5 miles at 05.7 mph)
thewhiterabbit said:
You keep saying this and its not correct. This is a explanation of calorie tracking/ restriction. For those who are looking to lose weight no matter the "diet plan".

First the facts. 3500 calories = 1 pound of body fat. So to lose 1-2lbs a week you need to create a deficit of 500 - 1,000 calories a day. if you are losing weight you are in a calorie deficit. No matter the "diet plan"

Now you need to calculate your daily caloric need. You can find calculators for this all over the net. I use myfitnesspal.com. My daily caloric goal to maintain my weight is around 2800 calories. So to lose 2 pounds a week I need to eat 1800 calories.

Now this is the important info people keep missing. No matter what "diet plan" you are the science says if I eat over 2800 calories I will gain weight. If I eat less than that I will lose weight. This does not include exercise. This is just based on my sit on my but most of the day lifestyle.

So I have a 1800 a day calorie goal. So now when I exercise those are all free calories I get to eat. Today I ran 5 miles. Burned around 1,000 calories. So today I get to eat not 1800 but 2800 calories. If I was trying to maintain my weight I would get to eat 3800 calories!!!!!

Some people don't figure out the math and just say I will eat 1,000-1200 calories. Way to low for their bodies needs and they are miserable and feel like crap and fail. When you figure out your needs and do it right it works beautifully. I get to eat. I am not hungry and I am losing weight.

And when you get to your desired weight you eat your maintenance level. So you are not eating 1,000 -1200 calories for life. At my ideal weight my caloric needs will be ~2500 calories. Thats before exercise.

Sustainable. And with the tools available almost too easy.

So please stop saying its not sustainable. You starved yourself. Thats why it didn't work for you. This is not starvation. This is tracking what you eat and creating a deficit. Some people will be able to achieve this by just removing 1 or 2 unhealthy items from their diets. Like sugary drinks. This is why people should talk to their doctors. So they don't do something stupid like starve themselves.

I will track what I eat and exercise till I die. Thats the lifestyle change. I will make sure I am accountable for what I do to my body.

Updated comparison pic of me. Not sure how big I was in the first pic. Max weight was ~400lbs. Today the scale said 266.6 Jan 2010, July 2010, End of August 2010

As always, congrats on your progress, not going to discuss details with you though after your ranting the last time we had this discussion. We've already established your firm belief in a straight calories in calories out model that discounts all of the other metabolic and hormonal processes, so there's no need to really discuss it further.
Zoe said:
Is this accurate? Treadmills and ellipticals seem to approximate 100 calories/mile.
This - over 200 calories burned per mile is just not supported by any data or study. Iphone apps and treadmill guesstimates are not accurate indicators.

Studies cited here indicate about 100-110 per mile. And that's not accounting for pace. 5mph is certainly not a high rate of calorie burning (as running goes). These are of course averages, and weight of the individual factors in, but even with a large person, 200+ calories per mile is simply not real.
elrechazao said:
As always, congrats on your progress, not going to discuss details with you though after your ranting the last time we had this discussion. We've already established your firm belief in a straight calories in calories out model that discounts all of the other metabolic and hormonal processes, so there's no need to really discuss it further.

Stop telling people tracking calories is unsustainable.

We have your own words pages ago that you starved yourself. You have no clue what your talking about. You ate 1,000 calories a day like a idiot. Today I will eat 2500-2700 calories. More carbs than anything as well. So why don';t you just back off and let others educate themselves.

No matter what "diet plan " you choose. Low carb, no carb what ever it still comes down to how many calories you eat.

elrechazao said:
This - over 200 calories burned per mile is just not supported by any data or study. Iphone apps and treadmill guesstimates are not accurate indicators.

Studies cited here indicate about 100-110 per mile. And that's not accounting for pace. 5mph is certainly not a high rate of calorie burning (as running goes). These are of course averages, and weight of the individual factors in, but even with a large person, 200+ calories per mile is simply not real.

I am 6'2" 266lbs. 5 miles at 5.71 mph. Look it up


1,019 calories in 53 min (5 miles at 05.7 mph)

Check any calorie calculator. It's ATLEAST 1,000 calories burned. It would be nice if you stop being a KNOW IT ALL and actually listen. This is how I lost almost 140 lbs
elrechazao said:
This - over 200 calories burned per mile is just not supported by any data or study. Iphone apps and treadmill guesstimates are not accurate indicators.

Studies cited here indicate about 100-110 per mile. And that's not accounting for pace. 5mph is certainly not a high rate of calorie burning (as running goes). These are of course averages, and weight of the individual factors in, but even with a large person, 200+ calories per mile is simply not real.

Even more calorie calculators.

once again.

30 years old
5 miles at 5.71 mph for 53 minutes.

Mayo clinic?

Jogging, 5 mph 872 Thats for a 240 lbs man. I was running faster than 5mph (5.71mph) and I am 26 lbs heavier!!!!

You have very little clue about anything you talk about. :lol


thewhiterabbit, it is unsustainable if you go back to your original diet after you've reached your goal. I don't know what you and elrechazao argued about before, but I feel like you guys are saying the same thing now. Apologies if I misread anything.

What you did was made a lifestyle change. You decided to count calories even while in maintenance mode. This is a change that you've decided to do for as long as you live.

A lot of people rebound because they don't make that change. Most people, would look at a pizza pie and think, when I reach my goal weight, I'll be able to eat 4 slices of pizza. A lifestyle change would be to say, "I can no longer eat 4 slices of pizza at once, but I can indulge once in a while with a slice".

btw, congrats on your weight loss. Right now my focus is on gaining strength. I've come to realize sadly that I'm not young anymore and I can't eat whatever I want. So I decided to combine lifting/cardio with a balanced diet to achieve my goals. I've increased my lift numbers without gaining or losing weight which is a great thing.

I know that one day I will not beable to maintain my fitness level so I need to start eating right before it's too late.

edit: thewhiterabbit, does the calorie burned calculators take into effect resting metabolic rate? Not sure if they do or not but that's something to consider
I quickly plateau'd (for over a month) on a carefully controlled diet where I was eating a minor calorie deficit and exercising 5x a week for about 45 minutes each time. Switching to low-carb, eating as many calories, and exercising far less I lose about 3 lbs a week (not including the dramatic water-weight loss the first week). Hormones do matter (for some more than others), no matter how many bolded sentences you throw at them.
Sarye said:
thewhiterabbit, it is unsustainable if you go back to your original diet after you've reached your goal. I don't know what you and elrechazao argued about before, but I feel like you guys are saying the same thing now. Apologies if I misread anything.

What you did was made a lifestyle change. You decided to count calories even while in maintenance mode. This is a change that you've decided to do for as long as you live.

A lot of people rebound because they don't make that change. Most people, would look at a pizza pie and think, when I reach my goal weight, I'll be able to eat 4 slices of pizza. A lifestyle change would be to say, "I can no longer eat 4 slices of pizza at once, but I can indulge once in a while with a slice".

btw, congrats on your weight loss. Right now my focus is on gaining strength. I've come to realize sadly that I'm not young anymore and I can't eat whatever I want. So I decided to combine lifting/cardio with a balanced diet to achieve my goals. I've increased my lift numbers without gaining or losing weight which is a great thing.

I know that one day I will not beable to maintain my fitness level so I need to start eating right before it's too late.

edit: thewhiterabbit, does the calorie burned calculators take into effect resting metabolic rate? Not sure if they do or not but that's something to consider

He thinks that you have to eat 1200 calories for the rest of your life. He does not understand maintenance mode or anything.

He is a joke. Just like here where he told me, after 140lbs lost, I didn't burn the calories I know I did.
Calorie burning counts are just estimates and can vary based on your body type, metabolism etc. It does give you somewhat an idea but you really need to tweak it yourself.

While I agree somewhat with the notion that a calorie is a calorie, there are other factors such as the nutritional level of the food you eat (which does impact muscle gains, workouts, overall health), the speed at which the calorie gets metabolized (glycemic index) which does impact hunger pangs and energy levels.

Good luck trying to maintaining the same overall health from eating 2000 calories from junk food full of HFCS vs 2000 calories from a balanced diet of veggies, protein, etc.
cubicle47b said:
I quickly plateau'd (for over a month) on a carefully controlled diet where I was eating a minor calorie deficit and exercising 5x a week for about 45 minutes each time. Switching to low-carb, eating as many calories, and exercising far less I lose about 3 lbs a week (not including the dramatic water-weight loss the first week). Hormones do matter (for some more than others), no matter how many bolded sentences you throw at them.

Do what works for you. My issue was with him running around like he is king of weight loss and telling others what they should or should not being doing.

Please tell me where I said hormones don't matter? Did you lower your calories intake every 5-10 lbs? Did you strength train? Not cardio but lift weights? If you don't continue to build lean tissue and your will plateau.

There could be tons of reasons why you stopped losing weight. I can just share with you my experience losing 140 lbs and how it works for me.
BigKaboom2 said:
I don't think there's much of a correlation between dietary cholesterol and cholesterol levels.

Yea there is very little, there are people have have dozens of full eggs and their cholesterol levels are fine.

Lets just say that if you leading an active healthy lifestyle and eating plenty of health foods, you will have a much better chance of having a normal cholesterol level vs a lazy person eating junk food all day but never eating any eggs.
cubicle47b said:
I quickly plateau'd (for over a month) on a carefully controlled diet where I was eating a minor calorie deficit and exercising 5x a week for about 45 minutes each time. Switching to low-carb, eating as many calories, and exercising far less I lose about 3 lbs a week (not including the dramatic water-weight loss the first week). Hormones do matter (for some more than others), no matter how many bolded sentences you throw at them.

Do what works for you. My issue was with him running around like he is king of weight loss and telling others what they should or should not being doing.

Please tell me where I said hormones don't matter? Did you lower your calories intake every 5-10 lbs? Did you strength train? Not cardio but lift weights? If you don't continue to build lean tissue and your will plateau.

There could be tons of reasons why you stopped losing weight. I can just share with you my experience losing 140 lbs and how it works for me.

RoodyPooUS said:
Calorie burning counts are just estimates and can vary based on your body type, metabolism etc. It does give you somewhat an idea but you really need to tweak it yourself.

While I agree somewhat with the notion that a calorie is a calorie, there are other factors such as the nutritional level of the food you eat (which does impact muscle gains, workouts, overall health), the speed at which the calorie gets metabolized (glycemic index) which does impact hunger pangs and energy levels.

Good luck trying to maintaining the same overall health from eating 2000 calories from junk food full of HFCS vs 2000 calories from a balanced diet of veggies, protein, etc.

Thats a whole other topic. Which is why I said it does not matter what your "diet plan" is. This has nothing to do with this topic. I would not say a calorie is a calorie from a health stand point. But for weight loss it is.

elrechazao said:
I also cut calories to around 1000 a day, and did elliptical every day for 20-40 minutes.

elrechazao does not understand a healthy calorie restricted diet. When he did it he starved himself. 1,000 or less calories a day. He does not understand how to do it healthy. His only experience in calories restriction was ass backwards and now he is giving others advice. Just crazy.

Today I will eat 2,700 calories. Pretty good. I was just sharing what I was taught by my doctor and have used to lose my weight and change my life.
thewhiterabbit said:
Do what works for you. My issue was with him running around like he is king of weight loss and telling others what they should or should not being doing.

Please tell me where I said hormones don't matter? Did you lower your calories intake every 5-10 lbs? Did you strength train? Not cardio but lift weights? If you don't continue to build lean tissue and your will plateau.

There could be tons of reasons why you stopped losing weight. I can just share with you my experience losing 140 lbs and how it works for me.

And he's sharing how he lost something like 80 lbs and what works for him. You both sound like assholes but at least he doesn't bold his points which is really annoying.

I didn't lower my calorie intake but the amount of exercise I did went up during that time period. Although, honestly, I lost ~12 pounds in 3 months (all in the first 6 weeks) so it's not like I would have had to adjust much. No, I wasn't lifting weights during this time period. My idea was to build up to being able to (eventually) run a half-marathon at the time.
cubicle47b said:
And he's sharing how he lost something like 80 lbs and what works for him. You both sound like assholes but at least he doesn't bold his points which is really annoying.

I didn't lower my calorie intake but the amount of exercise I did went up during that time period. Although, honestly, I lost ~12 pounds in 3 months (all in the first 6 weeks) so it's not like I would have had to adjust much. No, I wasn't lifting weights during this time period. My idea was to build up to being able to (eventually) run a half-marathon at the time.

He was telling people some thing was unsustainable when he has no clue. When he did it he starved himself. I have to speak up. Others could benefit from some real info on how to calorie restrict. And how to do it right.

Did you weigh your food? Biggest mistake people make is not having a good food scale. So they are actually eating more calories than they think.
Yea, so many people see cardio as the main solution, but they are making it so much harder for themselves.

They think if they start doing resistance training they will get buff and look like a muscle head, especially women. It much harder than you think to build muscle, trust me, I am trying to build muscle but it is slow.

Weight lifting helps so much in losing weight. Building muscle will raise your base metabolic rate, increase test levels, increase energy levels, and also burns tons of calories, it can be a cardio exercise in and of itself. Also, it releases other hormones that help to preserve existing muscle, which means your body will be more likely to seek out fat reserves for its energy stores. (Oh yea by weight lifting, I don't mean the P90x stuff, go do real lifts like squats, deadlifts, dumbell bench, press, and try to use free weights as much as possible. You will see much better results versus machines due to the use of all those smaller stabilizer muscles, etc).

Anyway, starvation / low calorie diets are horrible. You cannibalize your muscle mass and make it so much harder to keep any of the weight off once you go back to normal maintenance mode.
RoodyPooUS said:
Yea, so many people see cardio as the main solution, but they are making it so much harder for themselves.

They think if they start doing resistance training they will get buff and look like a muscle head, especially women. It much harder than you think to build muscle, trust me, I am trying to build muscle but it is slow.

Weight lifting helps so much in losing weight. Building muscle will raise your base metabolic rate, increase test levels, increase energy levels, and also burns tons of calories, it can be a cardio exercise in and of itself. Also, it releases other hormones that help to preserve existing muscle, which means your body will be more likely to seek out fat reserves for its energy stores. (Oh yea by weight lifting, I don't mean the P90x stuff, go do real lifts like squats, deadlifts, dumbell bench, press, and try to use free weights as much as possible. You will see much better results versus machines due to the use of all those smaller stabilizer muscles, etc).

Anyway, starvation / low calorie diets are horrible. You cannibalize your muscle mass and make it so much harder to keep any of the weight off once you go back to normal maintenance mode.

Great post. I do a work out 3 times a week with a 25lb weight plate. Man its a work out :lol . This on top of the 5 miles I run a day.
RoodyPooUS said:
Yea, so many people see cardio as the main solution, but they are making it so much harder for themselves.

They think if they start doing resistance training they will get buff and look like a muscle head, especially women. It much harder than you think to build muscle, trust me, I am trying to build muscle but it is slow.

Weight lifting helps so much in losing weight. Building muscle will raise your base metabolic rate, increase test levels, increase energy levels, and also burns tons of calories, it can be a cardio exercise in and of itself. Also, it releases other hormones that help to preserve existing muscle, which means your body will be more likely to seek out fat reserves for its energy stores. (Oh yea by weight lifting, I don't mean the P90x stuff, go do real lifts like squats, deadlifts, dumbell bench, press, and try to use free weights as much as possible. You will see much better results versus machines due to the use of all those smaller stabilizer muscles, etc).

Anyway, starvation / low calorie diets are horrible. You cannibalize your muscle mass and make it so much harder to keep any of the weight off once you go back to normal maintenance mode.

2nd'ed. Also if you have more muscle after you lose the weight you want you will have less loose skin.
Yea, you would be surprised how much you eat. The serving sizes are really deceptive.

For example, I used to have peanut butter as part of my diet. I was probably getting an extra 200 calories a just from using full rounded spoons as opposed to using a real measuring spoon and flattening the top.

Also, that cup of juice is probably way more than the 8oz serving size listed.
cuevas said:
2nd'ed. Also if you have more muscle after you lose the weight you want you will have less loose skin.

Yea a lot less loose skin, I don't really have any since I only lost 60 lbs and filled most of that with muscle. Genes play a part too I would guess. It also helps with stretch marks some. I still have some but they have faded. I use shea butter which helps with that.

I also have "reverse" stretch marks from my shoulders, biceps getting bigger etc.
RoodyPooUS said:
Yea, you would be surprised how much you eat. The serving sizes are really deceptive.

For example, I used to have peanut butter as part of my diet. I was probably getting an extra 200 calories a just from using full rounded spoons as opposed to using a real measuring spoon and flattening the top.

Also, that cup of juice is probably way more than the 8oz serving size listed.

I remember that first meal with a scale I was like damn lol. I been eating way more than 4ozs lol.
thewhiterabbit said:
Did you weigh your food? Biggest mistake people make is not having a good food scale. So they are actually eating more calories than they think.

I ate a lot of the same meals which were prepared in a methodical way over the 3 months. For example, I'd make chicken and vegetable stir-fry for dinner most of the time which always contained the same amount of brown rice, vegetables, with some variation in the amount of chicken (depending on the package of chicken breasts I bought) but within .1-.2 pounds split over 3 nights. It worked at first (although it was kind of slow), I wasn't hungry and I was losing a small amount of weight each week (1-2 pounds). The amount of calories I was burning exercising went up so I thought that any time now the weight loss will increase a bit. And after a while I started to wonder if my scale was broken.

After 3 months I quit (said 'fuck it'), went back to eating pretty badly, and gained it back but I started to feel like shit. I did more reading, decided a paleo diet makes a lot of sense, and after 4 weeks am 5 lbs under where I was after 3 months.


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rSpooky said:
I am doing this with involvement of my doc. My knees hurt not because of physical damage , but due to some form of arthritis called spondylo.
I do bike riding ,as well as stepper also ... but as much as I hate I also love running.. shrug

I understand, I actually enjoy distance running too but I limit it to twice a week. I sprint on grass twice a week too. If you enjoy distance running, that's great. But if you're having knee problems or just can't get into it, you can easily find more efficient ways to spend your exercise time if weight loss is your goal.

My dad took up jogging during the 70s boom and ran for years. Now one of his knees is torn up. Not that that happens to everyone, but it makes it much more likely. The shock of the repetitive movement on asphalt absorbed over years is too much for most people.
cubicle47b said:
I ate a lot of the same meals which were prepared in a methodical way over the 3 months. For example, I'd make chicken and vegetable stir-fry for dinner most of the time which always contained the same amount of brown rice, vegetables, with some variation in the amount of chicken (depending on the package of chicken breasts I bought) but within .1-.2 pounds split over 3 nights. It worked at first (although it was kind of slow), I wasn't hungry and I was losing a small amount of weight each week (1-2 pounds). The amount of calories I was burning exercising went up so I thought that any time now the weight loss will increase a bit. And after a while I started to wonder if my scale was broken.

After 3 months I quit (said 'fuck it'), went back to eating pretty badly, and gained it back but I started to feel like shit. I did more reading, decided a paleo diet makes a lot of sense, and after 4 weeks am 5 lbs under where I was after 3 months.

With tracking your calories you need to be accurate. You need to know exactly how much your eating. I weigh everything. Now that I have been doing it for months its second nature.

You want to lose 1-2lbs a week. You need to strength train with your cardio. Even if you do a "diet plan" track what you eat. That doesn't mean restrict your calories. Just track to see what your daily intake is. It will help you achieve your goals. It will also help make you accountable to what you put in your mouth.

If you feel like shit you are doing it wrong. I feel great. Run 5 miles a day and get to eat and eat. 140lbs down. I can not believe I used to be 400lbs.


thewhiterabbit said:
If you feel like shit you are doing it wrong. I feel great. Run 5 miles a day and get to eat and eat. 140lbs down. I can not believe I used to be 400lbs.

How did you work up to running 5 miles a day? My biggest issue with running is the fear of hurting my knee (~300lbs here).
Fireye said:
How did you work up to running 5 miles a day? My biggest issue with running is the fear of hurting my knee (~300lbs here).

After lifting and no cardio I could barely run half a mile straight. I went up half a mile a week until I was running for too long.
thewhiterabbit said:
With tracking your calories you need to be accurate. You need to know exactly how much your eating. I weigh everything. Now that I have been doing it for months its second nature.

You want to lose 1-2lbs a week. You need to strength train with your cardio. Even if you do a "diet plan" track what you eat. That doesn't mean restrict your calories. Just track to see what your daily intake is. It will help you achieve your goals. It will also help make you accountable to what you put in your mouth.

If you feel like shit you are doing it wrong. I feel great. Run 5 miles a day and get to eat and eat. 140lbs down. I can not believe I used to be 400lbs.

Do you have reading comprehension problems? Seriously. I felt like shit when I quit eating right and exercising because of the lack of progress after 3 months. My calorie tracking was accurate. I didn't have to weigh everything because of how I made my meals. I didn't starve myself like a fucking idiot.

Maybe I'll bold the important words for you.
Fireye said:
How did you work up to running 5 miles a day? My biggest issue with running is the fear of hurting my knee (~300lbs here).

I started by walking for an hr. So every morning I would walk for an hr. I walked around my subdivision. That would be 2-3 miles at first. Walking. I gradually moved up to running some and walking to recover. After awhile I was doing 4 miles that hour, than 5.

I still walk some up the big hill. I am 70/30 run/walk. Getting stronger quick now though. 2 weeks ago my fastest mile time was 11 minutes. Today it was 10:03. My 5 mile time has come down from 60 minutes to 53 minutes.

Now when you start you will be sore. Muscles you don;t use will hurt. They will be weak but will get stronger. Ankles will probably bother you way more than knees. Get good running/walking shoes. Wear 2 pairs of socks. And stretch. I stretch before my run, after, after my shower and maybe a couple more times through the day. Go slow. 2 or 3 days a week and work your way up.
cubicle47b said:
Do you have reading comprehension problems? Seriously. I felt like shit when I quit eating right and exercising because of the lack of progress after 3 months. My calorie tracking was accurate. I didn't have to weigh everything because of how I made my meals. I didn't starve myself like a fucking idiot.

Maybe I'll bold the important words for you.

Your right I miss read your post. No need to be rude.

Next you were not accurate. If you did not weight it you guessed. Thats what the fuck accurate means. Maybe thats why you didn't lose much weight hmm. I dunno. I weigh everything and I have lost steady for months. 140lbs down. I didn't guess. You have to be accurate.

And when I mean everything I mean everything. I even weigh my dressing, slice of cheese, and butter. Everything.
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