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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Jokergrin said:
Can anyone comment on this Warrior Diet thing?

They are saying that you should not eat all day and then eat as much food as you want (healthy food obviously) at the end of the day

Bad idea?
pretty sure it's already been covered here just fine. Essentially it's a calorie restriction diet based on intermittent fasting. You eat practically nothing all day long, then for four hours eat as much as you want. The calorie restriction comes into play because it will be unlikely for you to eat reasonably nutritional food to satiety in gross quantities during that four hours, especially with the "shrunken stomach" of a 20 hour fasted period.

In theory as long as you aren't eating whole pizzas, donuts, bags of fritos, etc during that four hours and eating reasonably nutritious foods, it should be fine (i.e. not really bad for you) and you should see some sort of results.

Price Dalton said:
Just be careful with Crossfit, too. There's a potential for overtraining (which sounds similar to your earlier cycling habit), especially if you just follow the main site WODs. Are you doing Crossfit at an affiliate location, with groups and trainers and everything, or just according to Crossfit.com?
I've actually been following the main site and haven't noticed overtraining at all IMHO. They're pretty good at trading off areas from day to day, have two rest days per week, and definitely have a good variation between power days and strength days. On top of that I practically never do anything outside the WODs unless I'm just feeling it on a particularly light day (or actually get outside and do some cardio for fun on a rest day).

The plan is to ultimately end up at one of the two gyms in the area, but they are both around $100/month for 2 group sessions a week, and up to $150/month for unlimited group sessions.. so it'll probably be a couple of months yet.. but compared to where I was at on my previous routine I am definitely feeling progress again. Granted a portion of that is changing things up from the old routine, but again, the plan is to get with an actual affiliate soon, hopefully before overtraining sets in if I actually am doing it wrong (though doing a lot of reading around it seems like I'm doing alright right now).

I also do the WOD, but look to the Brand X forums for scaling to where I am actually at (somewhere between puppies and pack).


FINALLY got below 250 pounds on the scale today. I actually had to move the weight from the 250 mark to the 200 mark...it felt so good. I haven't weighed this little in at least 8 years.

Inspirational thread, thanks guys. I wanted to weigh 240 by October 31st, and I'm very much on my way. 310 lbs last summer, 290 this January, 249 today.


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Einbroch said:
...310 lbs last summer, 290 this January, 249 today.

Amazing weight loss. Kudos to you. What's your target weight?


cyberheater said:
Amazing weight loss. Kudos to you. What's your target weight?
Honestly? My target weight when I first started was 300. I've tried losing weight in the past and failed because my goals were simply impossible.

I don't have a target weight. I made the 240lb goal for 10/31 in May, but afterward, I have no idea. Maybe 225 by years end? Haven't thought that far yet.
I'm gonna start back gym tomorrow after my little summer vacation and wondering what I should do about diet.
So far I've been doing ~low carb. I lost like 10 kg while doing sub 20-30 but then bumped carbs up to like 100 a day and its steady 75kg.

Should I just continue with that kind of diet or change something? I know there's few keto diets on bb forums, you have carb up day where you eat carbs etc.



PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Einbroch said:
Honestly? My target weight when I first started was 300. I've tried losing weight in the past and failed because my goals were simply impossible.

I don't have a target weight. I made the 240lb goal for 10/31 in May, but afterward, I have no idea. Maybe 225 by years end? Haven't thought that far yet.

Well good luck to you. To be honest. My goal is just to finally have a flat stomach. I don't care what weight I'll be when I get there.


Nolimit_SS said:
I'm gonna start back gym tomorrow after my little summer vacation and wondering what I should do about diet.
So far I've been doing ~low carb. I lost like 10 kg while doing sub 20-30 but then bumped carbs up to like 100 a day and its steady 75kg.

Should I just continue with that kind of diet or change something? I know there's few keto diets on bb forums, you have carb up day where you eat carbs etc.


So you are a steady 75kg right now? What is your height? You may not need to lose any additional weight, and may benefit from some weight training to improve the kind of weight you're carrying (ie muscle instead of fat).
Ok, I've got to get back to losing some weight.

Current stats:
5'9" - 213.5 lbs (a bit inflated, after lunch, all clothes on, weighed at work, so maybe 3-5 lb over the real number is my guess)

I'm doing my best to maintain muscle mass as much as possible. I currently do crossfit 2 days a week though I haven't done it the last two weeks. I'm thinking of starting Paleo as it's given me the best results in the past (I hate counting calories, want to be able to eat fruit, and I just find it much easier than Atkins, etc. Only problem is eggs every day for breakfast gets old REAL fast). The only thing I'm kind of curious about is recovery after Crossfit. I'm thinking of just doing plain low-fat milk instead of something with more carbs to help build muscle. I know dairy is a no-no on Paleo but I'm thinking doing it after Crossfit will be allright.


cyberheater said:
Well good luck to you. To be honest. My goal is just to finally have a flat stomach. I don't care what weight I'll be when I get there.
Good luck to you, too. Weight is just a number. When I'm comfortable and healthy with where I'm at, I'll stop.
grumble said:
So you are a steady 75kg right now? What is your height? You may not need to lose any additional weight, and may benefit from some weight training to improve the kind of weight you're carrying (ie muscle instead of fat).
~182 cm.
I don't need to lose weight but I want to get rid of as much of fat as I can, and that's the plan, in with the muscle out with fat so need diet that will help me do that.
need some advice, i started at 280 now i am at 261 and for the past few days i have not seen any changes. I walk at a fast pace on campus, use the stairs and walk 2.30 Miles Mon,Tues, Thurs and Friday average speed is 3.24 MPH 13-18 Min/Mile Pace from September 13th-20th i have walked 14.65 Miles.

I eat
Special K (Original,Blue and Strawberries) with Skim Plus
2 PM - Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, light mayo and again at 6:30PM - I instantly know some of the responses would be directed towards THIS but i do feel full and my stomach doesn't complain

another problem i have is the scale that i use at home, for everyone here it displays the correct weight but for me the numbers are different, i have gotten 258,259,260 and 261 randomly..

any recommendations? i also need to mention that im on temporary 25 MCG TSH dosage


mercenar1e said:
need some advice, i started at 280 now i am at 261 and for the past few days i have not seen any changes. I walk at a fast pace on campus, use the stairs and walk 2.30 Miles Mon,Tues, Thurs and Friday average speed is 3.24 MPH 13-18 Min/Mile Pace from September 13th-20th i have walked 14.65 Miles.

Note sure about the other parts of your post, but try changing up your exercise routine. Put in some weight/resistance training, or High Intensity Interval Training, and see if your results change.

Also, some people begin to obsess over daily weigh-ins, you may want to switch to a weekly or every other day weighin, so you don't stress about it as much.
IronFistedChampion said:
Trying to lose a good 40-60 pounds here. Currently weigh around 220 or so. I joined the gym back in Feb and while it helped alot with muscle on my arms and shoulders, I didn't lose any weight since all I did was lift weights for the most part. I've stopped going to the gym for a good 3 months now. What should I do?
weight loss is usually 90% diet 10% exercise. Stop eating crap (I read your subsequent post)


mercenar1e said:
need some advice, i started at 280 now i am at 261 and for the past few days i have not seen any changes.

I started back in July at 320 and was losing around 5lbs almost each week. A few weeks ago I was stuck at 285 for 2 weeks - started getting worried - and then I'm down to 280 out of nowhere.

Don't expect linear progress on a daily basis.


borghe said:
pretty sure it's already been covered here just fine. Essentially it's a calorie restriction diet based on intermittent fasting. You eat practically nothing all day long, then for four hours eat as much as you want. The calorie restriction comes into play because it will be unlikely for you to eat reasonably nutritional food to satiety in gross quantities during that four hours, especially with the "shrunken stomach" of a 20 hour fasted period.

In theory as long as you aren't eating whole pizzas, donuts, bags of fritos, etc during that four hours and eating reasonably nutritious foods, it should be fine (i.e. not really bad for you) and you should see some sort of results.

Ok, I see.

So do you think that doing this would result in a total energy crash during the day?

Or would that "shrunken stomach" effect still leave you fairly capable?

I guess i'd have to try it to really know.


mercenar1e said:
another problem i have is the scale that i use at home, for everyone here it displays the correct weight but for me the numbers are different, i have gotten 258,259,260 and 261 randomly..

Is this on different days or all on the same day taken around the same time?

It's completely normal to see fluctuations of a pound or so from day to day.
Jokergrin said:
Ok, I see.

So do you think that doing this would result in a total energy crash during the day?

Or would that "shrunken stomach" effect still leave you fairly capable?

I guess i'd have to try it to really know.

I fast a couple days a week, usually before workouts. I'll go 16-24 hours in between meals on those days, and I've had good results. Energy is fine as long as you eat enough calories. I find that a lower-carb, higher-fat intake is more conducive to fasting - that is, now that I eat more carbs I get hungrier earlier - but as long as you're eating good quality, whole foods, you should do fine. Try fasting before working out. There's a good amount of evidence that this makes for better fat loss. An entire "leaning out" regimen, called Lean Gains, is built around fasting. You might find it more agreeable than the Warrior diet.

It's certainly a good way to lean out, and there are many demonstrable health benefits (lipid number improvements; life extension, albeit in animal models, but it could hold true for people, too; neuronal autophagy), so I think it's worth a shot.


Price Dalton said:
I fast a couple days a week, usually before workouts. I'll go 16-24 hours in between meals on those days, and I've had good results. Energy is fine as long as you eat enough calories. I find that a lower-carb, higher-fat intake is more conducive to fasting - that is, now that I eat more carbs I get hungrier earlier - but as long as you're eating good quality, whole foods, you should do fine. Try fasting before working out. There's a good amount of evidence that this makes for better fat loss. An entire "leaning out" regimen, called Lean Gains, is built around fasting. You might find it more agreeable than the Warrior diet.

It's certainly a good way to lean out, and there are many demonstrable health benefits (lipid number improvements; life extension, albeit in animal models, but it could hold true for people, too; neuronal autophagy), so I think it's worth a shot.

Thanks for the feedback.

It seems kind of intuitive that we would be suited to fasting for periods of time because that is how our ancestors would have eaten. I can't imagine hunters waking up and having a big breakfast, they would have to go out and catch the meal first.

And in my limited experience, without even meaning to, I will often wake up and not eat for several hours and then do a workout still not having eaten, and feel just fine.
Jokergrin said:
Thanks for the feedback.

It seems kind of intuitive that we would be suited to fasting for periods of time because that is how our ancestors would have eaten. I can't imagine hunters waking up and having a big breakfast, they would have to go out and catch the meal first.

And in my limited experience, without even meaning to, I will often wake up and not eat for several hours and then do a workout still not having eaten, and feel just fine.

You sound like the perfect candidate for it then. Give it a shot and let us know how it works!
A little update:

August 30: 226 lbs.
September 20: 221 lbs.

Total weight lost: 49 lbs.

Goal weight: 170, which is still classified as overweight on my BMI, but it would be my 100th pound lost. If I'm not happy at 170, I'll go lower, but I'll stick to 160-150.

I'm glad I lost weight in these three weeks, since due to a busy schedule I didn't work out as much as usual but I did manage to keep to my diet. I'd probably have lost a bit more, but I'm still glad. :lol Now I am the size of my freshman year of college three years ago.

It's great seeing all my clothes that I avoided for being too small fit me -- and I just realized that my boxers and pants are getting too big for me, so I'm an easy target to be pants'd. :lol

Keep up the good work guys, you inspire me!


Just went clothes shopping today. Got size 34 and 33 waist jeans and some medium shirts. Damn they make me look so much better! Lost 42 pounds in about 4 1/2 months down to 168.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
OMGGGGGGG I found low-carb ice cream fudge bars! The box says 3g net carbs per bar, but if you're really picky and want to count sugar alcohols, then it's 5g net carbs per bar. It's sweetened using Splenda. :D

So good, too! It's called "Watch'n Carbs!". Make sure to get the Fudge Bar and not the Ice Cream Bar because the Ice Cream bar contains Maltitol; the Fudge Bar doesn't.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Plateaued at 169 for about 3 weeks now. Right when football season started. I drank virtually no alcohol from March until then. Hard to ignore cultural cues while tailgating and watching games but it seems it is necessary if I'm going to lose the final 10 lbs I want to drop. I wish I had started in January instead of March.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
~Kinggi~ said:
Just went clothes shopping today. Got size 34 and 33 waist jeans and some medium shirts. Damn they make me look so much better! Lost 42 pounds in about 4 1/2 months down to 168.
I am "barely" into 30 waist pants right now at 156-158 or so. But they still fit me better than 34 waist pants fit me before the weight lost. My official measurement at my naval right now is 32.5" (final goal is <31". I don't care about weight anymore). I also do medium shirts, though be careful.. grabbed a REALLY nice new fitted jacket this weekend and I am actually a small at 5'9".

The biggest thing for pants to me was that they fit EVERYWHERE. Admit it.. when you were at 36" or larger on pants (assuming based on your post), you know that shit didn't fit you right in the crotch and the ass. at 34" (and 210 pounds) I would literally jump into these balloon pants on me (typical non-obese fat white guy.. big god damn gut and skinny stick legs and no ass) and then struggle to button them at my waist.

now with 30 waist pants, they actually fit everywhere. and when I get ready in the morning and have them unbuttoned while still getting dressed, I'm not sitting here fighting them falling off of me anymore.. they actually stay up reasonably well on there own even without being buttoned or zipped.

in the US, I really believe that all of the "loose fit" styles came about by clothing manufacturers looking to assuage the embarrassment of overweight guys having to buy shirts and pants in sizes that actually fit their guts as weight and obesity levels rose in the country, by making a style out of it..

enjoy man... seriously, enjoy it. There is nothing in this world better than a former fatty (and this is a compliment, even to you guys still working towards your goals) looking at themselves in the mirrors with clothes on just marveling at how much better everything hangs on them, fits them, and makes them look nice.

I've NEVER taken pride in my appearance before. When I was a kid I was into the whole 80s greaser lifestyle, not to mention about 125lbs by 18 years old (aka pretty underweight). There was probably about a total of 3-4 years in there while I was working out where I was a good nice weight and should have cared about how I dressed/looked etc. Instead I just kept status quo, and when my weight started raising I had to dress for work, but in sizes that actually fit my waist.

Now I can dress in sizes that fit ALL of me, and it makes me look better than I've ever looked in my life before (at 35 years old no less). That alone is making my current lifestyle (eating habits, fitness, etc) almost an addiction. I'm not vain or conceited... but man.. it feels so good to feel "normal".

Only down side is that most of the shops I go to, especially during great sales....... yeah, kiss goodbye to finding medium shirts and 30 or 32 size pants.................... almost always totally cleaned out. Guess I just need to shop more online.

Guileless said:
Plateaued at 169 for about 3 weeks now. Right when football season started. I drank virtually no alcohol from March until then. Hard to ignore cultural cues while tailgating and watching games but it seems it is necessary if I'm going to lose the final 10 lbs I want to drop. I wish I had started in January instead of March.
big thing for drinking for me right now is that I actually enjoy it more now that I am only having maybe one or two beers when going out. instead of drinking 3 or 4 (or 6 or 12) beers going out, I am instead asking for one or two nicer imports or local brews, or going places that are a little more but with a better selection and grabbing one or two there. For me it's really been win/win. You are keeping your senses about you better, your being healthier about it, it's still costing you less, but you still get to enjoy the taste of a good drink.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I agree with that advice borghe. I decided to quit drinking light beer all together. It only exists so people can drink a lot of it. It really makes no sense otherwise. Sure you can acquire a taste for it if you drink it long enough. Lord knows I did in college. But after not drinking it for 6 months, it's easy to just quit drinking it.

Since I started drinking again, I've had several Dos Equis pints with meals, a six pack of Sam Adams Octoberfest that I drank over a week, and bourbon on ice. So I haven't been pounding Bud Light or putting away sugary margaritas. I must just be sensitive to alcohol.
Domino Theory said:
OMGGGGGGG I found low-carb ice cream fudge bars! The box says 3g net carbs per bar, but if you're really picky and want to count sugar alcohols, then it's 5g net carbs per bar. It's sweetened using Splenda. :D

So good, too! It's called "Watch'n Carbs!". Make sure to get the Fudge Bar and not the Ice Cream Bar because the Ice Cream bar contains Maltitol; the Fudge Bar doesn't.

Kroger has some good "CarbCrunchers" stuff.
The Yogurt is awesome.
borghe said:
Only down side is that most of the shops I go to, especially during great sales....... yeah, kiss goodbye to finding medium shirts and 30 or 32 size pants.................... almost always totally cleaned out. Guess I just need to shop more online.

Yeah... I'm just now in the range and good lord. They are just gone. All I see left is small, and large and xxl. Damnit... its going to be tougher getting clothes being this low of weight.
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Yeah... I'm just now in the range and good lord. They are just gone. All I see left is small, and large and xxl. Damnit... its going to be tougher getting close being this low of weight.

Yep. That's my exact problem. American Eagle sells good fitting plain small shirts. They had 20 percent off a few weeks ago and I stacked another 20 percent coupon. Got some shirts for 6.50.


so i've been on my low carb diet around 4 months now. weight is coming off and all is good. but, i'm starting to lose interest in eating my vegetables. maybe i'm just getting burned out on eating the same thing all the time. i've ate so much broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and green beans. at this point i'm forcing myself to eat them. anyone experience this? what other veggies would you recommend that i can eat on a regular basis?


Hey, just wanted to drop by and let you all know I am still on the wagon, even though I have not been posting on here I have continued with the excercise and the diet. its become more of a lifestyle now and I am really enjoying life. so how much have I lost now you ask?

Starting weight: 13th march : 378 pounds
Todays weight: 273 pounds

So that would be a loss of: 105 pounds

So my friends lets break out the party baloons...this is a pretty major milestone for me

EDIT: Also thanks for the inspiration to keep going every day. I am reading this even if I dont post. I am real proud of all of you :)
metamonk said:
so i've been on my low carb diet around 4 months now. weight is coming off and all is good. but, i'm starting to lose interest in eating my vegetables. maybe i'm just getting burned out on eating the same thing all the time. i've ate so much broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, and green beans. at this point i'm forcing myself to eat them. anyone experience this? what other veggies would you recommend that i can eat on a regular basis?

I'm the same way. I'd recommend looking for new recipies that mix the veggies with meats and such.


Sweet, my workplace has a Health Screening, where they pay me $50 to get all the normal physical stuff done. HDL/LDL/Triglycerides, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, etc. I'll have to dig up my last physical results and compare, fun!


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
~Kinggi~ said:
Just went clothes shopping today. Got size 34 and 33 waist jeans and some medium shirts. Damn they make me look so much better! Lost 42 pounds in about 4 1/2 months down to 168.

Even though you've lost your weight, a message for others is that "pre-emptive" clothes shopping is a really good motivation tool for losing weight. Buy a pair of jeans or something at your target size, attempt to fit in them every few weeks. Eventually you do, and it's a feeling of pure awesome.

Fireye said:
Sweet, my workplace has a Health Screening, where they pay me $50 to get all the normal physical stuff done. HDL/LDL/Triglycerides, Blood Glucose, Blood Pressure, etc. I'll have to dig up my last physical results and compare, fun!

My work is doing the same. All sorts of stuff for free. I'll enquire about it (since, technically, I don't have insurance yet) just basically for them to weigh me. I'm really curious about my weight. My estimate: 82-84Kg.


Messi said:
Hey, just wanted to drop by and let you all know I am still on the wagon, even though I have not been posting on here I have continued with the excercise and the diet. its become more of a lifestyle now and I am really enjoying life. so how much have I lost now you ask?

Starting weight: 13th march : 378 pounds
Todays weight: 273 pounds

So that would be a loss of: 105 pounds

So my friends lets break out the party baloons...this is a pretty major milestone for me

EDIT: Also thanks for the inspiration to keep going every day. I am reading this even if I dont post. I am real proud of all of you :)

That is really great ,, gratz. keep it up.

edit: for me I lost a few more pounds have been 184 for a few days now no upward bounce. Today I wore a shirt I didnt fit in anymore for years..until now. Tommorow I haev my bloodtest and a week from that on the 30th ( my bday) appt with the doc to discuss the results. lets hope they notice me beign 30lbs lighter as well ;)
Messi said:
Hey, just wanted to drop by and let you all know I am still on the wagon, even though I have not been posting on here I have continued with the excercise and the diet. its become more of a lifestyle now and I am really enjoying life. so how much have I lost now you ask?

Starting weight: 13th march : 378 pounds
Todays weight: 273 pounds

So that would be a loss of: 105 pounds

So my friends lets break out the party baloons...this is a pretty major milestone for me

EDIT: Also thanks for the inspiration to keep going every day. I am reading this even if I dont post. I am real proud of all of you :)

That's a small person!
Bet everyone says something about it.
Good job guys... keep up the good work.

As for me... I would like to get down to 160 pounds. Currently I'm sitting at about 172. I've started walking/jogging during my lunch hour and also right after work for about another hour. Just doing sit ups and push ups for right now. Taking a break on the heavy lifting I was doing for a couple of months.

I feel like the weight I'm at now is going to be hard to get lower (like I have reached a stopping point). I'm eating fairly well. Mostly chicken, tuna, granola, water, when I eat bread its 100% whole wheat and turkey. The only thing I've been lacking lately is some veggies. Really thats mostly what my diet has been consisting off.

Any other tips to try and get these last 10-12 pounds off?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Good job guys... keep up the good work.

As for me... I would like to get down to 160 pounds. Currently I'm sitting at about 172. I've started walking/jogging during my lunch hour and also right after work for about another hour. Just doing sit ups and push ups for right now. Taking a break on the heavy lifting I was doing for a couple of months.

I feel like the weight I'm at now is going to be hard to get lower (like I have reached a stopping point). I'm eating fairly well. Mostly chicken, tuna, granola, water, when I eat bread its 100% whole wheat and turkey. The only thing I've been lacking lately is some veggies. Really thats mostly what my diet has been consisting off.

Any other tips to try and get these last 10-12 pounds off?
I've said it a number of times these past dozen pages or so.. at 10-12 pounds left on where you want to be, IMHO stop concentrating on weight and start thinking about actual fat. do a quick naval method fat percentage test just to get a general ballpark figure, keep doing what you're doing, and it will come off. if you aren't doing low carb in particular, maybe do a slight (very slight) like 200-400 calorie restriction on your diet (coming from carbs and fat). You still should be doing probably somewhere like 1600-2000 calories at that rate (check your weight, age, activity level, etc first) which won't leave any normal fit person hungry.

the problem with concerning yourself with weight at that close of a goal is this.. would you really care about losing weight if you were 172 and 9% body fat? I know I wouldn't. I'd be pretty ripped at that size actually. As close as you are, now more than ever you have to be making sure that what you're taking off is actual fat.. if some of that fat is being replaced by lean body mass... who cares?


Messi said:
Hey, just wanted to drop by and let you all know I am still on the wagon, even though I have not been posting on here I have continued with the excercise and the diet. its become more of a lifestyle now and I am really enjoying life. so how much have I lost now you ask?

Starting weight: 13th march : 378 pounds
Todays weight: 273 pounds

So that would be a loss of: 105 pounds

So my friends lets break out the party baloons...this is a pretty major milestone for me

EDIT: Also thanks for the inspiration to keep going every day. I am reading this even if I dont post. I am real proud of all of you :)
Congrats! That's amazing!



I dropped twenty pounds over the summer, but after school started, I gained ten of it back. Not making lunch at home meant I was buying junk to eat on campus, and school+work meant I had no time at all to exercise.

FML. I think I'll start waking up an hour early to find time for exercise.
borghe said:
I've said it a number of times these past dozen pages or so.. at 10-12 pounds left on where you want to be, IMHO stop concentrating on weight and start thinking about actual fat. do a quick naval method fat percentage test just to get a general ballpark figure, keep doing what you're doing, and it will come off. if you aren't doing low carb in particular, maybe do a slight (very slight) like 200-400 calorie restriction on your diet (coming from carbs and fat). You still should be doing probably somewhere like 1600-2000 calories at that rate (check your weight, age, activity level, etc first) which won't leave any normal fit person hungry.

the problem with concerning yourself with weight at that close of a goal is this.. would you really care about losing weight if you were 172 and 9% body fat? I know I wouldn't. I'd be pretty ripped at that size actually. As close as you are, now more than ever you have to be making sure that what you're taking off is actual fat.. if some of that fat is being replaced by lean body mass... who cares?

Which is all very good information but last I checked If I recall right I was at ... wait hold on.... lemme use this here machine... ok currently I'm still at 17.5% body fat. So then in that case, I'd like to get to about 10- 12 % body fat.

So granted if I can keep my weight and just get my body fat lower, thats fine and dandy. As for limiting my intake of food, etc I'm trying to stay around the range you suggested. Also I mostly eat lean meat, fish. I actually am not that big on breads in general anymore. So what percent of fat should I even be taking in at this point, or just simple as little as possible?

Thanks for the advice though.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Just wanted to congratulate all of you for taking the challenge of losing weight. Fortunately Ive never had the need to do so, but I still realize how much of a sacrifice it is. Keep it up!
First time posting in this thread, I think its time I make a change:

9/21/2010: 5'10 - 250 pounds - 27 years old

my goal is around 170, wish me luck guys


thewhiterabbit said:
Checking in with a weight update.

Starting weight ~ 400lbs
7/31 276lbs
8/25 268lbs
9/21 251lbs :D

Wow, congrats...thats a big change..I should know. hahaha. great job.
Btw what height are you?


I reached my goal this weekend. Went from 5'11" 190lbs down to 159lbs.

I started on June first. Changed my snacking to only healthy food, ate more fiber, cut down on portions of unhealthy stuff. I think it helped by having a day everynow and then when I would eat some delicious crap to keep my craving for it in check.
Stuck with my exercise no matter what and didn't make any excuses.
Also, only weighing myself at the end of the week so I could see the progress.
Feels good man. Stay motivated and it will happen for you.


JetBlackPanda said:
First time posting in this thread, I think its time I make a change:

9/21/2010: 5'10 - 250 pounds - 27 years old

my goal is around 170, wish me luck guys

welcome to the thread! good luck with your goal! just remember, it isn't going to happen over night. stay motivated. cheat occasionally or you'll go insane :lol
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