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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


elrechazao said:
Ugh, that sounds terrible.

Personally I agree, but some people really like it. They say things like increased energy, quickly dwindling hunger, clarity of thought and a large, satisfying meal at the end of the day make it great to stick with. If it works for them, then that's great.


Tread softly, and always carry fruit.

I no longer take the lift, and eat nothing between meals apart from apples. It means I climb the stairs up and then down seven storeys at least once a day during the week and I am never starving enough to eat junk on impulse.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
metamonk said:
awesome job man! doesn't it feel much better? :D i've been fairly strict with my eating habits, cheating only for one meal a week. thanksgiving will probably be a cheat day. all that good food, i can't help it, i'll give in for one day :lol

I certainly feel much better now. I haven't had a cheat meal yet. I have had a little HFCS here and there via ketchup and barbecue sauce. I have recently been cheating a bit via beer, although I didn't drink that at all from March-August. I eat a ton of sunflower seeds, more than I should, but it's really the only way to achieve satiety on some days when I'm busy.
The warrior diet is pretty legit. It's essentially intermittent fasting, which has a ton of growing clinical support - mostly in animals, but also in people.

Read this today, thought it kind of echoes the other things I've read about how omega3 fats, autoimmune, inflammation, and obesity are sometimes related.


It's funny how it keeps coming back to the same simple principles, eh?
Any advice for staying away from fast food???

I love to cook but I am to lazy, the lowest I have been with my weight is 179 or so...

but it went up, and now its going up and down... Basically I do great and train everyday and diet correctly, and I slip up having some fast food say... the other night I waited and got Halo Reach at Midnight, so I pigged out on some del taco...

Normally I get stuck with a streak of eating junk food (not packaged things like chips or cookies) like fast food (burgers, pizza, burritos) and I eat like that for about a week.

I know the food has a lot of sodium and salt so Ill gain about 5lbs of water weight (this has happend so much I know how much the water retention is) then I drink lemon and tea for about three days and lose the water weight... then get back on track... lose about 3lbs of fat... and the cycle continues..........

What causes me to eat out is either, no food to cook at the house, or I'm out with friends who do... I have gotten better at denying my friends, but when there is no food readily available I freaking go nuts.... So my answer is Whey ... I have tons of it!

Second question is, Is it ok to use shakes as a main source of protein? I kind of want to do the vegan thing and eat meat rarely, but mostly veggies and shakes....


SnakeSlashRO said:
Any advice for staying away from fast food???

I love to cook but I am to lazy, the lowest I have been with my weight is 179 or so...

but it went up, and now its going up and down... Basically I do great and train everyday and diet correctly, and I slip up having some fast food say... the other night I waited and got Halo Reach at Midnight, so I pigged out on some del taco...

Normally I get stuck with a streak of eating junk food (not packaged things like chips or cookies) like fast food (burgers, pizza, burritos) and I eat like that for about a week.

I know the food has a lot of sodium and salt so Ill gain about 5lbs of water weight (this has happend so much I know how much the water retention is) then I drink lemon and tea for about three days and lose the water weight... then get back on track... lose about 3lbs of fat... and the cycle continues..........

What causes me to eat out is either, no food to cook at the house, or I'm out with friends who do... I have gotten better at denying my friends, but when there is no food readily available I freaking go nuts.... So my answer is Whey ... I have tons of it!

Second question is, Is it ok to use shakes as a main source of protein? I kind of want to do the vegan thing and eat meat rarely, but mostly veggies and shakes....

I'd avoid using shakes as the main source of protein, as it tends to not have a lot of the micronutrients that promote good health. You also won't be able to have whey or casein on a vegan diet, as they are milk proteins.

Frankly, while it's possible to go vegan and be muscular and fit, it's very tough. You have to be very strict with your diet to ensure you get enough calories and protein in. It's doable, but annoying. Lots of beans, probably some soy, peanut butter for calories, etc.
grumble said:
I'd avoid using shakes as the main source of protein, as it tends to not have a lot of the micronutrients that promote good health. You also won't be able to have whey or casein on a vegan diet, as they are milk proteins.

Frankly, while it's possible to go vegan and be muscular and fit, it's very tough. You have to be very strict with your diet to ensure you get enough calories and protein in. It's doable, but annoying. Lots of beans, probably some soy, peanut butter for calories, etc.

Ah ok thanks, Im not going vegan, but I am trying to steer away from meat as much as I have been having it. Mostly beef, and pork.

Is there a limit on how much whey I should have in a day?


Well I weighed myself today.

I started July 13th at 284 pounds. Between then and now I spent 1 month in Germany, off of my diet. Today I weight 253. It's a slow progress, but it's progress nonetheless.
My weekly weigh in-
September 16: 173 (hell yeah, all time low)
Starting weight - January 2010 - 260.

After a few cheat weekends the last few weeks, I have been very good about eating the correct things. It's amazing how much volume of food you can eat on low carb and still lose weight. No sugar for two weeks or so now.


Akim said:
Well I weighed myself today.

I started July 13th at 284 pounds. Between then and now I spent 1 month in Germany, off of my diet. Today I weight 253. It's a slow progress, but it's progress nonetheless.

30 lbs in 2 months is not slow progress. Keep up the good work!

What type of diet are you doing? And I can't imagine you were that much "off your diet" for one month and still make that kind of progress.

Eteric Rice

I slept 11 hours yesterday.

I think that may be part of the carb flu. >_>

My legs (which felt like lead the day before) felt awesome afterwards, though. :D

Seth C

I suppose I did something similar to the warrior diet way back when I lost weight. Basically, I gave up all drinks but water, fasted all day, and then sat down for one nice big dinner. I usually took it early, around 4pm. I had a ton of energy and knowing I could have a big, satisfying meal kept me going. I wasn't really depriving myself of anything full-time, I could still enjoy some pizza if I wanted or whatever else. I just had to wait for dinner.

Anyway, I dropped from 260 lbs. down to 157 lbs. that way. My weight has fluctuated since then (it's been at least 5 years now I guess) but never to anything unhealthy. The most I've weighed since then is 185 lbs. or so, and I'm about 6'1". Right now I'm at 155 lbs. or so.


Weighed myself in yesterday at 163.5 pounds :D

3.5 pounds from my weightloss goal and then I'm going to start bulking!

-24.5 pounds :)
Dipindots said:
Weighed myself in yesterday at 163.5 pounds :D

3.5 pounds from my weightloss goal and then I'm going to start bulking!

-24.5 pounds :)

Lol, I weighed myself this morning and am the exact same weight 163.5. I want to get to 162 by Fri next week, vegas, come back and get down to 155 before I think of bulking, might even go lower to ~150 depending on how much definition I have.

TBH, I am not really tied down to a weight as much as I am BF%, those are just numbers which I think I will reach to get my BF% goals.


I've lost about 10lbs during my brief stint with low/reduced carb dieting... and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to stop there. After reading stories about how Canadian soldiers in WWII were unintentionally going into ketosis and were completely ineffectual, along with the toxicity of the byproducts of burning fat vs carbs, it runs counter to my ideal of "losing weight while maintaining health".
http://www.atkinsexposed.org/atkins/27/More_to_Lose_Than_Weight.htm - the atkins exposed website has swayed my view of carbohydrates pretty quickly. The piece on insulin levels of people on the Atkins Diet vs a high-carb diet blew my mind.

I think I'm going to reintroduce beans and legumes back in to my diet, along with other limited starches (the more unrefined the better, of course). It's probably been discussed previously in this thread, but what's peoples take on Atkins/restricted carbohydrate diets? AtkinsExposed makes Atkins & Taubes sound like the picked and chose their "research", while ignoring other indicators/results.
I have lost about 55 pounds since being on a low carb diet. When I started I was about 332 lbs, now I am around 277. Still fat but I'm about 6'1 so I look a lot slimmer. I never experienced headaches. I felt a boost in energy. My blood pressure is way lower, and I no longer have to take medicine for type 2 diabetes. I am currently maintaining my current weight, and have not been on the diet since the end of May, but I plan on starting back in a week or two. My goal is somewhere between 200-220 lbs.

I do lots of cardio at the gym. I run around the track a couple of times, and I play basketball at least 1 or 2 hours. Also do about 30-45 minutes of lifting.
Fireye said:
I've lost about 10lbs during my brief stint with low/reduced carb dieting... and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to stop there. After reading stories about how Canadian soldiers in WWII were unintentionally going into ketosis and were completely ineffectual, along with the toxicity of the byproducts of burning fat vs carbs, it runs counter to my ideal of "losing weight while maintaining health".
http://www.atkinsexposed.org/atkins/27/More_to_Lose_Than_Weight.htm - the atkins exposed website has swayed my view of carbohydrates pretty quickly. The piece on insulin levels of people on the Atkins Diet vs a high-carb diet blew my mind.

I think I'm going to reintroduce beans and legumes back in to my diet, along with other limited starches (the more unrefined the better, of course). It's probably been discussed previously in this thread, but what's peoples take on Atkins/restricted carbohydrate diets? AtkinsExposed makes Atkins & Taubes sound like the picked and chose their "research", while ignoring other indicators/results.
Haven't read that site, but the actual science of how your body uses carbohydrates is really undisputed. If you like high triglicerides and high LDL, keep eating them.

If you personally don't feel right without some carbs in your diet, then by all means eat them, just eat low GI ones. Many atkins haters are really attacking strawmen at this point, since they attack the man and the research that he did 30 years ago, rather than address updated science.

I know of ketogenic triathletes, so the ketosis = no energy thing is just not true. Also, low carb does not have to be no carb. You derive i'd say 80% of the benefit just from cutting out the worst carbs - refined white flour, sugar, and fructose in any form.

edit: after seeing the claim on that site that "it just doesn't work", there's no real need to keep reading. Even the critics who think it's bad recognize that it works for weight loss. The entire site is based on appeal to authority and personal attacks. What a pantload.
Akim said:
Well I weighed myself today.

I started July 13th at 284 pounds. Between then and now I spent 1 month in Germany, off of my diet. Today I weight 253. It's a slow progress, but it's progress nonetheless.

Wtf? 30 lbs is not slow progress. Keep it up.


Fireye said:
I've lost about 10lbs during my brief stint with low/reduced carb dieting... and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to stop there. After reading stories about how Canadian soldiers in WWII were unintentionally going into ketosis and were completely ineffectual, along with the toxicity of the byproducts of burning fat vs carbs, it runs counter to my ideal of "losing weight while maintaining health".
http://www.atkinsexposed.org/atkins/27/More_to_Lose_Than_Weight.htm - the atkins exposed website has swayed my view of carbohydrates pretty quickly. The piece on insulin levels of people on the Atkins Diet vs a high-carb diet blew my mind.

I think I'm going to reintroduce beans and legumes back in to my diet, along with other limited starches (the more unrefined the better, of course). It's probably been discussed previously in this thread, but what's peoples take on Atkins/restricted carbohydrate diets? AtkinsExposed makes Atkins & Taubes sound like the picked and chose their "research", while ignoring other indicators/results.

I reeeeally woudn't take anything a vegan activist site says about diets seriously. (Especially when it's about a diet high in animal soruce food.)


elrechazao said:
edit: after seeing the claim on that site that "it just doesn't work", there's no real need to keep reading. Even the critics who think it's bad recognize that it works for weight loss. The entire site is based on appeal to authority and personal attacks. What a pantload.

You mean, other than the 1160 documented references? They put forward that one of the reasons (not only) that people find it easy to lose weight on Atkins diets is due to the limited selection of calorie dense foods, when compared to an unrestricted carb-friendly diet. I'm not convinced either way yet, there's a ton of information out there, and it's hard to tell which source is biased which way.

http://www.atkinsexposed.org/atkins/13/Phony_Baloney.htm said:
A study done at Tufts, for example, presented at the 2003 American Heart Association convention, compared four popular diets for a year. They compared Weight Watchers, The Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet (almost no carbs), and the Ornish Diet (almost all carbs) for a year. The insulin levels of those instructed to go on the Ornish diet dropped 27%. Out of the four diets that were compared that year, Ornish's vegetarian diet was the only one to significantly lower the "Monster" "Hormone That Makes You Fat," even though that's supposedly what Atkins and The Zone diets were designed to do.

I'm trying to find that study, to see how large the group was, and what their methods were.


Big Baybee said:
I have lost about 55 pounds since being on a low carb diet. When I started I was about 332 lbs, now I am around 277. Still fat but I'm about 6'1 so I look a lot slimmer. I never experienced headaches. I felt a boost in energy. My blood pressure is way lower, and I no longer have to take medicine for type 2 diabetes. I am currently maintaining my current weight, and have not been on the diet since the end of May, but I plan on starting back in a week or two. My goal is somewhere between 200-220 lbs.

I do lots of cardio at the gym. I run around the track a couple of times, and I play basketball at least 1 or 2 hours. Also do about 30-45 minutes of lifting.

Have you noticed your mental facilities being impaired in any way? If so, did it go away? I, myself, have noticed that I feel "foggy" after starting the diet. I haven't really had any energy loss, but I'm not as active as you, so I don't know if I'd really notice anyway. (Trying to be more active, taking walks daily, weight lifting 2-3x a week).


Fireye said:
You mean, other than the 1160 documented references? They put forward that one of the reasons (not only) that people find it easy to lose weight on Atkins diets is due to the limited selection of calorie dense foods, when compared to an unrestricted carb-friendly diet. I'm not convinced either way yet, there's a ton of information out there, and it's hard to tell which source is biased which way.

I'm trying to find that study, to see how large the group was, and what their methods were.

1160 documented references to mostly newspaper articles and things like that. The number of useful, peer reviewed research studies on that list is small (if any).

Edit: And again, it's a vegan activist site. That should sound the alarm bells.
Fireye said:
You mean, other than the 1160 documented references? They put forward that one of the reasons (not only) that people find it easy to lose weight on Atkins diets is due to the limited selection of calorie dense foods, when compared to an unrestricted carb-friendly diet. I'm not convinced either way yet, there's a ton of information out there, and it's hard to tell which source is biased which way.
But that's just nonsense, when people on high fat diets, which are the definition of calorie dense foods (more calorie per gram than carbs or protein), lose weight in proven studies...

moniker said:
1160 documented references to mostly newspaper articles and things like that. The number of useful, peer reviewed research studies on that list is small (if any).

Edit: And again, it's a vegan activist site. That should sound the alarm bells.

aaaaaaaaaaaand it make sense.

Fireye said:
Have you noticed your mental facilities being impaired in any way? If so, did it go away? I, myself, have noticed that I feel "foggy" after starting the diet. I haven't really had any energy loss, but I'm not as active as you, so I don't know if I'd really notice anyway. (Trying to be more active, taking walks daily, weight lifting 2-3x a week).

I've never heard of anyone who didn't experience something of the fatigue and general shitty feeling when starting on low carb. It's almost a feature. You can read back in the thread and see me having the same experience.
elrechazao said:
But that's just nonsense, when people on high fat diets, which are the definition of calorie dense foods (more calorie per gram than carbs or protein), lose weight in proven studies...

aaaaaaaaaaaand it make sense.

I've never heard of anyone who didn't experience something of the fatigue and general shitty feeling when starting on low carb. It's almost a feature. You can read back in the thread and see me having the same experience.

Yea, it happened to me for a week or two. Afterwards, I felt normal again, if not better. My mind was clearer, I don't feel sluggish after meals, etc. My workouts got back to being consistent, etc.


Hmm, if it's an expected side effect, I'll try and deal with it for a month. If it keeps up after that, then I don't think low carb is best for me.

One week down, three to go!


CaptainABAB said:
30 lbs in 2 months is not slow progress. Keep up the good work!

What type of diet are you doing? And I can't imagine you were that much "off your diet" for one month and still make that kind of progress.

Up until the 15th of September (Not counting the month of August), I was just eating cleaner, drinking water, and counting calories. While I was off of my diet, I was eating mostly fast food like doners, or sandwiches at home, but I was also walking maybe 10 miles a day.

Starting today I'm trying a low carb diet and I'm going to see how that works.
Fireye said:
Have you noticed your mental facilities being impaired in any way? If so, did it go away? I, myself, have noticed that I feel "foggy" after starting the diet. I haven't really had any energy loss, but I'm not as active as you, so I don't know if I'd really notice anyway. (Trying to be more active, taking walks daily, weight lifting 2-3x a week).

elrechazao said:
I've never heard of anyone who didn't experience something of the fatigue and general shitty feeling when starting on low carb. It's almost a feature. You can read back in the thread and see me having the same experience.

I mean, not really feeling bad, just hungry. The only shitty part of the diet was feeling strong cravings. That went away in less than a week. I would often have to force myself to eat because I lost my appetite during the diet.


Fireye said:
Hmm, if it's an expected side effect, I'll try and deal with it for a month. If it keeps up after that, then I don't think low carb is best for me.

One week down, three to go!

I felt fatigued for just over a week when I switched to (relatively) low carb (PāNu style paleo), now I feel better than before and I've been on it for one and half years now.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm 141.1 pounds right now, aiming at 132. Never managed to come closes then 138. I'll probably have to cut alcohol completely to reach it, not sure if I'm able to do that :lol


Dipindots said:
Weighed myself in yesterday at 163.5 pounds :D

3.5 pounds from my weightloss goal and then I'm going to start bulking!

-24.5 pounds :)
Nice! Is it getting harder the closer you get to your weight-loss goal?

Just weighed myself this morning.

187.0 lbs

Down from 209 in July.

Goal is around 170-175.

elrechazao said:
I've never heard of anyone who didn't experience something of the fatigue and general shitty feeling when starting on low carb. It's almost a feature. You can read back in the thread and see me having the same experience.
I didn't. :/
Start: 305lbs
Current 248lbs

Been a fatty for so long, I don't have much chance to have my skin shrink much at all. So, once it's all said and done, I'll be saving up about 10grand to visit a doctor to remove the final 10-20lbs of skin that won't go away. So, yeah, I'll technically be 170lbs, but in reality be 190 because of all the excess skin.
how many grams of carbs is a good start per day on this ketogenic/low carb diet?

I'm thinking of doing phases starting very low, like 20grams for the 1st month, then 40 grams for the next few months then upto 80.

Is this too little?


DiatribeEQ said:
Start: 305lbs
Current 248lbs

Been a fatty for so long, I don't have much chance to have my skin shrink much at all. So, once it's all said and done, I'll be saving up about 10grand to visit a doctor to remove the final 10-20lbs of skin that won't go away. So, yeah, I'll technically be 170lbs, but in reality be 190 because of all the excess skin.
Google "Excess Skin Myth" to read some interesting stories. The reason why I'm on Atkins + weight training now. Don't be discouraged.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Fireye said:
They put forward that one of the reasons (not only) that people find it easy to lose weight on Atkins diets is due to the limited selection of calorie dense foods, when compared to an unrestricted carb-friendly diet.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'calorie-dense.' But limiting selection of food is essential to success. Worthless calories that taste good are literally everywhere in our society. Unless you painstakingly count calories in an 'unrestricted carb-friendly diet,' I would argue that you have to cross 80% of the supermarket and restaurant menu items off your list to have a good chance to lose weight. Some people don't want to believe that, but it's true.

Eteric Rice

DiatribeEQ said:
Start: 305lbs
Current 248lbs

Been a fatty for so long, I don't have much chance to have my skin shrink much at all. So, once it's all said and done, I'll be saving up about 10grand to visit a doctor to remove the final 10-20lbs of skin that won't go away. So, yeah, I'll technically be 170lbs, but in reality be 190 because of all the excess skin.

Give your body about two years before you do that. When you take a shower, scrub well. There are also some lotions that tighten skin.

The reason I say two years, is because I've read that your body constantly sheds skin, so it takes a while, but it'll eventually tighten up and fit you again.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Weight loss tips requested, moreso motivational tips.

I'm really in need of getting together a regular exercise routine and keep my mind on not doing stupid shit. I'm not a fatty fat fat, but I am overweight and my gut has grown far more than I'd like over the past 12 months.

I always do the whole "Hur durp gonna exercise now!" thing, and start by going for long walks and getting my arse up off the couch/computer, but my intentions to make it a regular thing always fail. Not because I put it off or anything, but I literally just forget. I'll be sitting on the couch, thinking about my weight, and suddenly remember that I haven't done my 'regular' exercise for four or five days. Literally just forgot to keep up the routine.

Same goes for a lot of stuff like eating shitty food. I wouldn't say I eat badly, but every so often I'll hit it hard and end up consuming a tone of junk and then feel bad about it. I managed to ween myself off drinking coke and other carbonated drinks reguarly, but then I again forget my routine and will remember it when I'm halfway through a goddamn bottle.

So basically I have this borderline retarded problem with remembering a routine and lifestyle habit, which prevents me from regularly doing the things that I should be doing.

Lately it's gotten me down moreso than usual. I'm unemployed at the moment, and I've just put on way too much weight (as said) over the last twelve months. My general fitness and health levels have dropped, and I need to get myself back into shape. I'm not interested in becoming a super duper fitness dudebro who only ever eats the most healthy food, and spends 90% of his time running laps and pumping iron, but I do need to do need to change the body I have.

So, basically, I want some tips on;
- Staying motivated, but not over-doing it.
- Easy, cheap exercise that is good for getting rid of stomach fat.
- Keeping bad eating habits and laziness in check.


EatChildren said:
Weight loss tips requested, moreso motivational tips.

I'm really in need of getting together a regular exercise routine and keep my mind on not doing stupid shit. I'm not a fatty fat fat, but I am overweight and my gut has grown far more than I'd like over the past 12 months.

I always do the whole "Hur durp gonna exercise now!" thing, and start by going for long walks and getting my arse up off the couch/computer, but my intentions to make it a regular thing always fail. Not because I put it off or anything, but I literally just forget. I'll be sitting on the couch, thinking about my weight, and suddenly remember that I haven't done my 'regular' exercise for four or five days. Literally just forgot to keep up the routine.

Same goes for a lot of stuff like eating shitty food. I wouldn't say I eat badly, but every so often I'll hit it hard and end up consuming a tone of junk and then feel bad about it. I managed to ween myself off drinking coke and other carbonated drinks reguarly, but then I again forget my routine and will remember it when I'm halfway through a goddamn bottle.

So basically I have this borderline retarded problem with remembering a routine and lifestyle habit, which prevents me from regularly doing the things that I should be doing.

Lately it's gotten me down moreso than usual. I'm unemployed at the moment, and I've just put on way too much weight (as said) over the last twelve months. My general fitness and health levels have dropped, and I need to get myself back into shape. I'm not interested in becoming a super duper fitness dudebro who only ever eats the most healthy food, and spends 90% of his time running laps and pumping iron, but I do need to do need to change the body I have.

So, basically, I want some tips on;
- Staying motivated, but not over-doing it.
- Easy, cheap exercise that is good for getting rid of stomach fat.
- Keeping bad eating habits and laziness in check.
Part of the issue is that you don't seem to have a schedule period. Not putting you down or anything, but without a normal schedule in your life it's very difficult to get a workout routine going. I have class from 9AM to 1PM everyday, then workout 2PM to 4PM, then homework at 5PM followed by dinner. Having a "life" schedule can really help.

Do you have something to do during the day? Try doing that at the same time everyday. Whether it's eating a meal, running an errand, visiting a friend, something. Have a routine with your life before you ever think about starting a workout routine. Working out sucks for most people, and having a strict schedule around such an unpleasant experience just doesn't work.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Couple things I need help with:

1) Should I trust the net carb count that's on the front of the Atkins Advantage bars? I read the back and it says this bar can be used in all phases of the Atkins diet so I assume the net carb count is correct? It shows 22g of carbs with 10g of Fiber, but the front of the bar says it's only 2g net carbs (no sugar alcohol). I've heard that Atkins actually test their shakes and bars at a lab to make sure it's having the blood sugar impact it says it will or something.

2) What's the reccomended daily amount to take of Omega 3 per day for someone looking to lose weight? I take 900mg of Omega 3 every day, btw.


Hooray! Mentioned it a few days ago, but I was beginning to inch close to the BMI threshold of normal weight (basically under 169 for someone my height 5'9"), and after a few hours of b-ball this morning, I finally surpassed it! Still have a ways to go, but I'm confident in my progress. Holy shit, just such a difference from only the beginning of June when I was at 230. Much props again to this thread.


Excuse the really crummy phone pic :lol


Well, I certainly haven't had the amazing transformation that some of you have had in here, but it has always been a goal of mine to look more ripped.

This is how I've looked most of my adult life:


And this is me one day before running my first marathon (tomorrow). A lot of running plus a low-carb diet for a while helped me get here:


I'm a firm believer on the low-carb stuff; I could run forever and not gain any definition before attempting this. This is a way of life I would likely stick with forever.
Rubenov said:
Well, I certainly haven't had the amazing transformation that some of you have had in here, but it has always been a goal of mine to look more ripped.

This is how I've looked most of my adult life:


And this is me one day before running my first marathon (tomorrow). A lot of running plus a low-carb diet for a while helped me get here:


I'm a firm believer on the low-carb stuff; I could run forever and not gain any definition before attempting this. This is a way of life I would likely stick with forever.
nice job!


Alright, I think I got my meal plan all figured out. I am eating bacon, eggs, almonds, steak/fish/chicken/pork, peanut butter, butter, celery, lettuce, string cheese and whey protein. Are these numbers right for a keto diet?

~2140 calories
~170g protein
~140g fat
15g carbs

I am 5'11 and around 168 pounds for reference.


Rubenov said:
Well, I certainly haven't had the amazing transformation that some of you have had in here, but it has always been a goal of mine to look more ripped.

This is how I've looked most of my adult life:


And this is me one day before running my first marathon (tomorrow). A lot of running plus a low-carb diet for a while helped me get here:


I'm a firm believer on the low-carb stuff; I could run forever and not gain any definition before attempting this. This is a way of life I would likely stick with forever.

Your transformation is equally as amazing as it's hard to show abs. I must say though, that you looked normal in the first picture. I almost thought that was your after picture until I scrolled down.
Rubenov said:
Well, I certainly haven't had the amazing transformation that some of you have had in here, but it has always been a goal of mine to look more ripped.

This is how I've looked most of my adult life:


And this is me one day before running my first marathon (tomorrow). A lot of running plus a low-carb diet for a while helped me get here:


I'm a firm believer on the low-carb stuff; I could run forever and not gain any definition before attempting this. This is a way of life I would likely stick with forever.

you look cuter in the first picture =/


talisayNon said:
you look cuter in the first picture =/

Einbroch said:
Not gay, but I agree. But it doesn't matter, it's how YOU feel, not some internet folks.

LOL. I thought some people may say that. There are other things involved in "looking cute", like smiling, lighting, etc... On that one, I had just woken up. Anyway, here's a pic from yesterday.

Fina1e said:
Alright, I think I got my meal plan all figured out. I am eating bacon, eggs, almonds, steak/fish/chicken/pork, peanut butter, butter, celery, lettuce, string cheese and whey protein. Are these numbers right for a keto diet?

~2140 calories
~170g protein
~140g fat
15g carbs

I am 5'11 and around 168 pounds for reference.

Usually keto is closer to 60% of calories from fat / 35% from protein, 5% carbs.

So maybe reverse the fat and protein.

I also eat lots of PB, string cheese, various nuts. I eat a ton of raw unsalted walnuts and pecans.
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