Weight loss tips requested, moreso motivational tips.
I'm really in need of getting together a regular exercise routine and keep my mind on not doing stupid shit. I'm not a fatty fat fat, but I am overweight and my gut has grown far more than I'd like over the past 12 months.
I always do the whole "Hur durp gonna exercise now!" thing, and start by going for long walks and getting my arse up off the couch/computer, but my intentions to make it a regular thing always fail. Not because I put it off or anything, but I literally just forget. I'll be sitting on the couch, thinking about my weight, and suddenly remember that I haven't done my 'regular' exercise for four or five days. Literally just forgot to keep up the routine.
Same goes for a lot of stuff like eating shitty food. I wouldn't say I eat badly, but every so often I'll hit it hard and end up consuming a tone of junk and then feel bad about it. I managed to ween myself off drinking coke and other carbonated drinks reguarly, but then I again forget my routine and will remember it when I'm halfway through a goddamn bottle.
So basically I have this borderline retarded problem with remembering a routine and lifestyle habit, which prevents me from regularly doing the things that I should be doing.
Lately it's gotten me down moreso than usual. I'm unemployed at the moment, and I've just put on way too much weight (as said) over the last twelve months. My general fitness and health levels have dropped, and I need to get myself back into shape. I'm not interested in becoming a super duper fitness dudebro who only ever eats the most healthy food, and spends 90% of his time running laps and pumping iron, but I do need to do need to change the body I have.
So, basically, I want some tips on;
- Staying motivated, but not over-doing it.
- Easy, cheap exercise that is good for getting rid of stomach fat.
- Keeping bad eating habits and laziness in check.