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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


then 215lbs (june)
now 179.5lbs (yesterday)

feeling good. i'm happy with the results so far. hopefully the next twenty pounds will come off my stomach and love handles.


I think I will be joining this thread very shortly, I need to shed some weight by the end of November and then some more so I can enter the dating circle again.

Looking at Rubenov's progress is both depressing and motivating.
2001 Prom:


2009 Comic Com:


2010 September:


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Domino Theory said:
Couple things I need help with:

1) Should I trust the net carb count that's on the front of the Atkins Advantage bars? I read the back and it says this bar can be used in all phases of the Atkins diet so I assume the net carb count is correct? It shows 22g of carbs with 10g of Fiber, but the front of the bar says it's only 2g net carbs (no sugar alcohol). I've heard that Atkins actually test their shakes and bars at a lab to make sure it's having the blood sugar impact it says it will or something.

2) What's the reccomended daily amount to take of Omega 3 per day for someone looking to lose weight? I take 900mg of Omega 3 every day, btw.

Reposted for new page.


Domino Theory said:
Reposted for new page.

For #2, there are no hard and fast rules. It depends on which philosophy you ascribe to.

Paleo: http://whole9life.com/fish-oil/

As far as weight loss goes, the difference that you get from eating lots of fish oil seems to be there but small, on the order of a pound of so over a few months. Taking it specifically for weight loss might not be the best way of looking at it; think of it as making you feel better.

Personally, I take five tabs a day, for about 2.5g of DHA/EPA.


Here's how I see this:

slasher_thrasher21 said:
2009 Comic Com:

Slasher meets Tim Schaffer. Is TOTALLY excited about Brutal Legend.

slasher_thrasher21 said:
2010 September:

Slasher plays Brutal Legend.




But yea, man, wow. You've gotta feel good! Fantastic. The more I see of you guys, the more motivation I get. Kudos.


went and bought some new pants today. 2 pair of slim straight fit (not skinny jeans). they fit nicely at 34x30. been wearing a 36x30 relaxed forever. these new pairs make a world of difference. also, i've been wearing xl shirts for as long as i can remember. tried on a large and a medium today. large is a good fit. medium is a little tight in the stomach. i think my last 20lbs to lose will make a medium a good fit for me.

yea, not really weight loss material... just noticing results and thought i'd share!


metamonk said:
went and bought some new pants today. 2 pair of slim straight fit (not skinny jeans). they fit nicely at 34x30. been wearing a 36x30 relaxed forever. these new pairs make a world of difference. also, i've been wearing xl shirts for as long as i can remember. tried on a large and a medium today. large is a good fit. medium is a little tight in the stomach. i think my last 20lbs to lose will make a medium a good fit for me.

yea, not really weight loss material... just noticing results and thought i'd share!
You WILL get comments, trust me. I used to wear 40x30 relaxed jeans, but I put on a pair of 38x30 straight jeans yesterday and my roommate who NEVER says anything to me that would come off as a compliment says "holy shit, those jeans make you look thin!".

It was awesome.


Welp, i started May 23rd to lose weight. I weighed 210 at 5'11 and wanted to get slim before i expanded too much to cause skin issues.

Anyway today im 168 after changing my diet and doing about 50 min of high intensity elliptical type workouts 4-5 days a week. Last week I started weight lifting. I was sore as all hell and really weak for about 4 days after i did that, and i finally resumed doing weights again today. Im hoping tomorrow i wont be in excruciating pain. I plan to maintain at my current weight for the most part, maybe gaining some pounds with the muscle, but i just want to get toned, not build a lot of muscle.

Im pretty slim at 168 right now, cant imagining losing any more weight without looking really awkward, so i figure if im gonna keep burning fat i need to weight train.

Anyone got any food tips for weight training? I dont want to gain all the weight back to help keep me motivated, but after my workouts im really weak, so im sensing i need to eat more. Maybe some chicken before a workout? I pretty much have yogurt/pro-biotic shake in the morning. Lunch i have a subway sub with low -fat contents, and dinner i have a steak. I drink a lot of water throughout the day.


I have a question! You know those drinks that have 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 sodium etc, but contain aspartame and acids. Will they negatively affect weight loss? Should I stay away from it? I like to have one of those flavored waters every once in a while.


Akim said:
I have a question! You know those drinks that have 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 sodium etc, but contain aspartame and acids. Will they negatively affect weight loss? Should I stay away from it? I like to have one of those flavored waters every once in a while.

Some people say it can affect your desire for sweet things (ie; trigger a sugar craving). I personally haven't had that problem.


RoodyPooUS said:
Usually keto is closer to 60% of calories from fat / 35% from protein, 5% carbs.

So maybe reverse the fat and protein.

I also eat lots of PB, string cheese, various nuts. I eat a ton of raw unsalted walnuts and pecans.

Just curious, what types of food would you eat to get that type of ratio?


CaptainABAB said:
Just curious, what types of food would you eat to get that type of ratio?

I use olive oil to cook and eat butter, green olives, steak, almonds, pepperoni, bacon, peanut butter, eggs etc.


get some go again
Teh Hamburglar said:
i just bought some of those sugar cookies from the grocery store with the buttload of icing on top. Uuuuungh. So good...
i prefer eating oatmeal raisin cookies when i cheat on my diet.
Trying to lose a good 40-60 pounds here. Currently weigh around 220 or so. I joined the gym back in Feb and while it helped alot with muscle on my arms and shoulders, I didn't lose any weight since all I did was lift weights for the most part. I've stopped going to the gym for a good 3 months now. What should I do?


IronFistedChampion said:
Trying to lose a good 40-60 pounds here. Currently weigh around 220 or so. I joined the gym back in Feb and while it helped alot with muscle on my arms and shoulders, I didn't lose any weight since all I did was lift weights for the most part. I've stopped going to the gym for a good 3 months now. What should I do?
I'm in the same boat in that I haven't been to the gym for ages either. But if you want to lose weight, you'd be better off concentrating on cardio (I think).


IronFistedChampion said:
Trying to lose a good 40-60 pounds here. Currently weigh around 220 or so. I joined the gym back in Feb and while it helped alot with muscle on my arms and shoulders, I didn't lose any weight since all I did was lift weights for the most part. I've stopped going to the gym for a good 3 months now. What should I do?
Its your diet.


IronFistedChampion said:
Trying to lose a good 40-60 pounds here. Currently weigh around 220 or so. I joined the gym back in Feb and while it helped alot with muscle on my arms and shoulders, I didn't lose any weight since all I did was lift weights for the most part. I've stopped going to the gym for a good 3 months now. What should I do?

You should go back to the gym, lift weights in a manner that works out your entire body (ie get on a solid beginner weightlifting program), eat lots of protein and cut calories. This will

-Make you lose weight
-Make the weight loss be not muscle (ie will be fat), as you are giving your body a reason to keep muscle on

The weightlifting also burns calories while you're doing it, though primary fat loss should usually come from the diet.

Cardio is great, but not as important as lifting weights if you are interested in fat loss because it doesn't result in the same 'keep muscle' stimulus.
grumble said:
You should go back to the gym, lift weights in a manner that works out your entire body (ie get on a solid beginner weightlifting program), eat lots of protein and cut calories. This will

-Make you lose weight
-Make the weight loss be not muscle (ie will be fat), as you are giving your body a reason to keep muscle on

The weightlifting also burns calories while you're doing it, though primary fat loss should usually come from the diet.

Cardio is great, but not as important as lifting weights if you are interested in fat loss because it doesn't result in the same 'keep muscle' stimulus.
Yeah I think my main problem has always been my diet. I eat alot and not only that, but it's usually a lot of fast food, sodas, or fried stuff. I tried the treadmill in the gym at first, but I either got tired real fast or my legs started to hurt and couldn't feel my feet after I was done running. That's the reason why I concentrated on weightlifting only. I want to go back to the gym, but now that I go to college and the fact that I'm looking for a job, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time or energy to do so :/
smurfx said:
i prefer eating oatmeal raisin cookies when i cheat on my diet.

I usually eat graham crackers but I was at the store and I was hungry (whoops) and it was an impulse buy.

Oh well, its not an every time thing so you gotta live life sometimes :D


IronFistedChampion said:
Yeah I think my main problem has always been my diet. I eat alot and not only that, but it's usually a lot of fast food, sodas, or fried stuff. I tried the treadmill in the gym at first, but I either got tired real fast or my legs started to hurt and couldn't feel my feet after I was done running. That's the reason why I concentrated on weightlifting only. I want to go back to the gym, but now that I go to college and the fact that I'm looking for a job, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time or energy to do so :/

Yeah, that stuff isn't gonna cut it. You can work out/cardio all you want, but if your diet is poor you're not gonna get good results. That's the very first thing you gotta change and commit to if you want long-term change, believe me.
IronFistedChampion said:
Yeah I think my main problem has always been my diet. I eat alot and not only that, but it's usually a lot of fast food, sodas, or fried stuff. I tried the treadmill in the gym at first, but I either got tired real fast or my legs started to hurt and couldn't feel my feet after I was done running. That's the reason why I concentrated on weightlifting only. I want to go back to the gym, but now that I go to college and the fact that I'm looking for a job, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time or energy to do so :/

Have you tried biking? Its a lot less impact on your joints and you can slow down and speed up depending on your condition.

I want to sign up for a spin class but I am poor :(
Brinbe said:
Yeah, that stuff isn't gonna cut it. You can work out/cardio all you want, but if your diet is poor you're not gonna get good results. That's the very first thing you gotta change and commit to if you want long-term change, believe me.
I know but it's really hard considering one of my parents works at a fast food place :/

I guess I could start by completely cutting fast food, snacks, sodas, etc and only eating home-made food.
Teh Hamburglar said:
Have you tried biking? Its a lot less impact on your joints and you can slow down and speed up depending on your condition.

I want to sign up for a spin class but I am poor :(
I used to ride my bike as a kid like crazy. But it got stolen about a year or two ago, so even if I wanted to I can't. Plus I always tend to just drive everywhere I go, even if it's only a block away.
IronFistedChampion said:
I used to ride my bike as a kid like crazy. But it got stolen about a year or two ago, so even if I wanted to I can't. Plus I always tend to just drive everywhere I go, even if it's only a block away.

No, I mean on the stationary bike. Theres two different ones. The one where you ride like a normal bike and another where your legs are in front of you and you're pedaling as if you were in a paddle boat.

I guess you don't have a gym membership?


IronFistedChampion said:
I know but it's really hard considering one of my parents works at a fast food place :/

I guess I could start by completely cutting fast food, snacks, sodas, etc and only eating home-made food.
That works, and some fast food like once a week isn't the end of the world, as long as it's not a constant thing. At the very least cut out the Soda completely, and grow to love Water, that will definitely help.
Teh Hamburglar said:
No, I mean on the stationary bike. Theres two different ones. The one where you ride like a normal bike and another where your legs are in front of you and you're pedaling as if you were in a paddle boat.

I guess you don't have a gym membership?
Oh my bad lol. Yeah I tried it a couple of times and it wasn't too bad. And yea I do as a matter of fact have a membership still. It lasts until Jan. or so I just haven't gone in the last couple of months eventhough I'm still paying since it's a contract.
Brinbe said:
That works, and some fast food like once a week isn't the end of the world, as long as it's not a constant thing. At the very least cut out the Soda completely, and grow to love Water, that will definitely help.
I've started drinking water a lot, I drink about 2-3 bottles a day. Maybe now that I will stop eating so much fat will it actually do me some good haha.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
you guys talking about losing weight AND THEN bulking up.. I would recommend checking on your current lean body mass weight first. Don't even do the quick naval method I posted before. Actually go to a doctor. If you are serious about wanting to be "ripped", "beefy", whatever.. aka somewhat built, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT. Seriously, if you are at a weight with LBM right now that you would be happy with at <10% body fat, you need to get the hell off of a diet of any sort and get on to working out and reducing your fat only (which isn't going to happen by diet only). This was my only disappointing mistake with my weight loss. I lost 20lbs of lean body mass along the way.. if I were at my weight right now with the LBM I started with, I would be at under 5% body fat and would be massively ripped.

the "lose weight down to my goal then put bulk back on for muscle" is a HORRIBLE way to approach fitness. the only reason to bulk up is if you are under weight. If you are overweight, worry about converting fat weight to muscle. If you have 10pounds or less to lose but would be happy at that weight with lower body fat percentage, then get the hell out of this thread, go to the workout thread, and start reading about programs that encompass overall fitness (power, strength, endurance) like Crossfit or P90X, or something similar at least if those two scare you off.

Brinbe said:
Yeah, that stuff isn't gonna cut it. You can work out/cardio all you want, but if your diet is poor you're not gonna get good results. That's the very first thing you gotta change and commit to if you want long-term change, believe me.
just wanted to chime in on this statement also.. 100% fact. A few years ago I biked to work (30 mile roundtrip) almost every day. Rough guesstimation of calories puts that at some around 1200-1400 calories of exercise. Every. Single. Day. Doing this for most of the summer, how much weight did I lose? At least somewhere around 35-40 pounds overweight, I lost not even 5 pounds. almost two months of burning 1200-1400 calories a day and I lost not even 5 pounds. Now I don't want to make it out to be that it's only about diet. Being healthy is more than just being at a normal weight. But like Brinbe is saying, if you have a shitty diet, you can bike 150 miles a week (literally) and not even lose a pound a week. Eat a healthy diet day to day (meal to meal actually) and get your fitness in when you can work it. But hell, with a healthy diet, even forgoing elevators, parking far away from the building, or just spending 20 minutes on lunch walking around is still IMHO better than running your ass off for 40 minutes every day while still eating a horrible diet.

edit - and if you look back in this thread, I used to be all about cardio and running. still have my marathon coming up in three weeks just for the milestone of it. But having been doing crossfit for almost a month now... uggghhh.. so much wasted time on cardio. like I said.. get a good diet, increase your level of activity, and if you have the time, get on an all encompassing full fitness workout program, not just single group standard periodization weight lifting (i.e. arms and chest today for 3x10 on each exercise, etc)


Can anyone comment on this Warrior Diet thing?

They are saying that you should not eat all day and then eat as much food as you want (healthy food obviously) at the end of the day

Bad idea?


Jokergrin said:
Can anyone comment on this Warrior Diet thing?

They are saying that you should not eat all day and then eat as much food as you want (healthy food obviously) at the end of the day

Bad idea?

Read post 3001 on


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cartoon_soldier said:
Just 0.6 pounds last week, need to do better this week.

It's 0.6 pounds in the right direction.

Inspirational thread. I keep coming back to it when I start to weaken.

I've gone from around 225lb to 200lb in about 6 weeks. It's been tough. I want to get to around 196lb. I'm 6ft 5inches so that should be reasonable for me.
Just be careful with Crossfit, too. There's a potential for overtraining (which sounds similar to your earlier cycling habit), especially if you just follow the main site WODs. Are you doing Crossfit at an affiliate location, with groups and trainers and everything, or just according to Crossfit.com?
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